[0:00] May I be pleased to help me? I would direct you prayerfully to the book of Exodus chapter 33 and reading verse 19.
[0:14] Exodus 33 and verse 19. And he said, I will make all my goodness pass before thee, and I will proclaim the name of the Lord before thee.
[0:30] And will be gracious to whom I will be gracious, and will show mercy on whom I will show mercy. Moses, a very favored man of God, humbled in the dust of self-abasement, fought much under the Egyptians, and yet through mercy a chosen vessel.
[0:56] And we will notice here, and what a favor he said. The God of heaven and earth, the triune God that he said.
[1:07] And all these blessed, favored children of this heavenly king, subjects of his eternal love, will hear his voice, I believe.
[1:20] And they will know something of these exceeding great and precious promises, because through mercy they will have found grace in his sight.
[1:30] And that grace which Paul speaks of, and we often may come to quote it, he says, my grace is sufficient today.
[1:41] In other words, the mercy and favor of this covenant-keeping God, who has promised to provide for his dear people down through all the ages of time.
[1:55] What a mercy, in spite of all the sins of the people of Israel, as they made their golden calf, when Moses, who was talking with God in the mouth, gave him those ten commandments written in stone by the finger of God, and now in this day and the Lord, and now in this day and age defied and denied by many men.
[2:22] But you see, through mercy, the Lord will have a remnant according to the election of grace. And the Lord said unto Moses, I will do this thing also that thou hast spoken, for thou hast found grace.
[2:38] Have you and I any evidences that we have found grace in the sight of God? Have we not been unable to set up those waymarks in the journey?
[2:51] Those waymarks, that greatest waymark you trust, was when the Lord calls you to begin to be in one. You are beyond the ability of your own strength and health to deliver yourself from this and that trial.
[3:08] And you are made dependent upon one whom you see not, and yet you trust you have had a measure of love towards. Because he has in his mercy blessed you with this knowledge of his name.
[3:23] And so he says, I will make all my goodness pass before thee. All his goodness, not some of it, dear friends, all his goodness.
[3:35] And some of us, I believe, can speak well of him in the goodness that he has caused to pass before us in the way. And he says, I will be tempted and tried as you and I will be if we are a true child of God.
[3:51] Because the Lord has promised that in the world you shall have tribulation. But be of good cheer, he says, I have overcome the world. And when we enter in the little of the study of God's word and see how the sufferings of Christ are recorded there.
[4:10] And his trial, despised and rejected of men, a man of sorrows and acquainted with grief. And we hid our face from him. In that state of unregeneracy, we hid our face from God's word.
[4:25] And we may have had a formal religion, but we denied the power. And yet through mercy, the Lord has said.
[4:37] And what he has determined to do in your life and mine, he will perform it. And he'll have you and me to give him all the praise and the glory that is due unto his name.
[4:49] And he said, I will. What a mercy, dear friends. O these shells and wills of Jehovah that shall never fail. I will make all my goodness pass before thee in the way before thee.
[5:09] And I will proclaim the name of the Lord before thee. This is the name that you and I will be enforced to plead at the throne of divine grace.
[5:20] This is the name the Father loves to hear his children plead. Have you pleaded the name of Jesus in your trials? Have you sought him with the whole heart?
[5:32] Have you desired to know more of this blessed name? This is the name of Jesus in your life? This is the name of Jesus in your life? This is the name the Father loves then to hear his children plead. All such pleadings he approves and blesses them indeed.
[5:47] All the favours that God favours his dear people in. And sometimes we are so blind to the goodness of God, aren't we? And why is that?
[5:58] Because like with those Emmaus Road disciples, their eyes were holden. Their eyes were holden. They could not know him. And so our eyes are very blind, aren't they?
[6:12] Until the Lord enlightens us and anoints our eyes. With that heavenly eyes, our eyes are very blind. And we begin to see more clearly that way of goodness that the Lord has provided for us.
[6:28] This God that has promised to supply all your need according to his riches in glory. All the love of God in it.
[6:39] We cannot seem to express ourselves as we would concerning the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living.
[6:50] So many countless things in our lives that the Lord has perhaps given us a little glimpse by faith of his great goodness. His great goodness. In favouring us with preserving, sparing, upholding, mercies.
[7:06] In granting us those tokens, if not mistaken, of his everlasting love. Of the favouring you and me to have our deaf ears unstopped and our hearts open to receive the truth.
[7:21] Oh sweet moments that the Lord has favoured you to have a little enlightening grace. To see the wonders that he has done for you and me.
[7:32] And he said it. See how God was wroth with the people. And he says, ye are a stiff neck people.
[7:44] What fools we are. How slow of heart we are to believe of the goodness of the Lord. Our need supplied, temporal and also spiritual. And it's all because of the Lord's fulfilling of that blessed covenant.
[8:00] Those names recorded in the book of life before the foundation of the world. What a great mercy. You see as many as them that were ordained unto eternal life believe.
[8:15] A remnant. What a mercy. What a mercy. If he has ordained you and me unto eternal life. We shall believe. And we shall have to pray, Lord I do believe.
[8:26] But help their mind unbelieving. Because we seem at times so full of it. That what the Lord has promised. So he will fulfil.
[8:37] In your lives and in mine. And in all the people of God. Till the end of time. I will make all my goodness. Pass before thee.
[8:50] Not only goodness in providence. But goodness in grace. Goodness in salvation. And that glorious plan. That was wrought out and finished on Calvary's tree.
[9:03] The goodness of the Lord. And he says thou shalt see. The goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. Eyes to see God's hand.
[9:13] Going before you. Governing all men's hearts. Which are in his hands. And realising that no thought can fly. Nor think and move.
[9:24] Unknown to him that sits above. Or do we not see a little of the love of God. That wards us in providence. Ah but you say I want more than that.
[9:36] I do acknowledge that the Lord is good. A stronghold in the day of trouble. And he goes on to say. He knoweth them that trust in him. So there's that living faith.
[9:49] And exercise in your soul and mine. To cast your burden upon the Lord. Believing. For whosoever he that asketh receiveth.
[10:01] As he believes in the Lord Jesus Christ. And what he is able to do. When we consider too at times. The case of Abraham and Sarah.
[10:12] Well past day. And yet the Lord had promised a child. And you see he says. Is anything too hard for the Lord?
[10:23] Got some hard things I'm sure. If you're a God fearing soul. You've got some hard things. Beyond your ability to resolve your difficulties.
[10:34] But God's way is perfect. And he says. I will make all my goodness pass before thee. And I will proclaim the name of the Lord before thee.
[10:48] You see his name. Shall be as ointment poured forth. To soothe dear friends. Those wounds that sin hath made. And as those. As your sins have been revealed to you.
[11:01] You've been convinced of them. And yet you've seen. You've felt your need of the Lord Jesus Christ. To speak peace and pardon to your soul.
[11:15] Lord grant thy presence. Grant thy presence and thy health. Fulfill thy gracious word. I will make all my goodness pass before thee.
[11:27] And I will proclaim the name of the Lord before thee. And this is the name of the Lord. That God has promised. The Lord Jesus Christ.
[11:39] For him hath God exalted. Him hath God exalted to give repentance to Israel. And remission for sin. What an object of faith is the Lord Jesus Christ.
[11:53] And how vital he is the sum and substance of your hope and mine. In this evil day. So the name of the Lord. His name.
[12:05] And to true believers. His will be precious. This is the name as we said earlier. A poor sinner will plead. His love and his blood and his righteousness.
[12:17] A desire in your soul. To have union and communion with him. Asking him. Asking him to send out his light and his truth. And to apply the truth with power to our hearts.
[12:32] And he said. Oh have we anything that we can lay claim to. That the Lord has spoken to us all. You see this is something that.
[12:43] I believe you and I will be hungering and thirsting for. A knowledge of Christ. To know him. The power of his resurrection.
[12:54] The fellowship of his sufferings. And be made conformable unto his death. It's not in the flesh is it. It's in the spirit. And when the Lord so exercises your new heart.
[13:07] That he gives you. So it will desire. You will desire. That he would manifest to you. Signs and tokens for goodness. Of his goodness.
[13:19] Set thee up way marks. In the life. Yet you leave. Something that redounds. To the honour and glory of God. That he has done for yourself.
[13:32] Done for you. Sanctified some affliction. And some trial. And though you have been cast down at times. And wonder where the scene will end. You've seen a beauty in Christ.
[13:44] You so long for a closer walk with him. And that calm and heavenly frame. That light that shines upon the road. That leads you to the land. Lord do lead me.
[13:57] Guide me. Sanctify. These good things. That thou hast bestowed upon me. In life's journey. These things are my earthly comfort. Don't lead me to rest on those.
[14:08] Lord for salvation. But grant me. That there might be. That secret of the Lord. In my heart. You see the secret of the Lord.
[14:19] Is with them that fear him. And he exercises you with that gracious fear. That filial fear. That desire. To do those things that are pleasing in his sight.
[14:30] Lord teach me you say. Out of the book of thy law. Lord. Lord. Lord. Lord. So. The question will be with you and me. If I have found grace in thy sight.
[14:43] If I have found grace in thy sight. Show me now thy way. You see there may be. There may be crossroads in your life.
[14:55] That you may view. Know not which way to take. Lord do direct me by thy spirit. Show me now thy way.
[15:06] That I may know thee. That I may know thee. That I may know thee. That I may know thee. That I may know thee. That I may know thee. That I may know thee. Wherein thou would have me to walk. And still lead on. Leading me forth.
[15:17] By the right way. That I might go to that city. Which hath foundations. Whose builder. And maker is God. Oh what a mercy.
[15:28] That the Lord God. Omnipotent reigneth. And so through mercy. He knows the way. That you and I are to take. But he will be inquired of.
[15:40] By you and me. By the house of Israel. To do these things for them. So he promises to Moses. And as he was with Moses. So he was with Joshua.
[15:52] So he was. And will be with his people. Down to the end of time. I will make all my goodness. Pass before thee. And I will proclaim. The name of the Lord.
[16:03] Before thee. But thou canst not see my face. You see. You cannot see his face. Can you? It's by faith. The eye of the soul.
[16:16] That living faith. That lives and labors. Under load. Though damned. It never dies. I will. Make all my goodness. Pass before thee.
[16:27] And I will proclaim. The name of the Lord. You'll be brought. Into that fountain. Need of the Lord. When.
[16:38] You're brought. To feel your need. Of him. You wander. Through the wilderness. The world becomes. A wilderness. Do you? We have dealings.
[16:48] In the world. Of course. We will do. To the end of time. Those. Things. Dear friends. Of our temple. Lie. That we should desire. To do.
[16:59] The thing. That is. Right. In the sight of God. In even. These things. And we should be found. I believe. Praying daily. Unto the Lord. That he would.
[17:09] If we're in darkness. And in bondage. If we cannot see. Our signs. Or we cannot. Know him. As we would. There'll be a desire. In the soul. If you have been awakened.
[17:21] From the dead. To call upon his name. And to seek his help. And to seek wisdom. From above. It won't be looking. Into man. Will it? It'll be looking. Unto the Lord. For he says.
[17:32] Look unto me. All the ends of the earth. And be ye saved. For beside me. There is no saviour. Do I have vitally tears. That you and I. Have an exercise of soul.
[17:43] To have a saviour. To know the saviour. And to seek a saving knowledge. Of him. Now he says. I will make all my goodness.
[17:54] Pass before thee. Things revealed. Scales removed from the eye. Deaf ears unstopped. Hearts open. The Lord teaches you out.
[18:07] Of the book of his law. He drops a word into your heart. He comforts you. He encourages you and me. To press on in the journey.
[18:19] And oh. There's down then. That seek of the Lord. Which is with them. That fear him. These secret things. That belong unto God. But unto those. That are revealed. Unto us. Belong unto us.
[18:31] Can we lay claim to anything? Or is there anything in God's word. That is. Been made precious. Made. Suitable.
[18:42] To your never dying soul. Encourage you still. To feel. As for God. His way is perfect. As for God. God. I believe.
[18:52] He is for me. Not against me. Because of these signs. And these wonders. That he's revealed to me. One says. The hymn writer. Could he have taught me.
[19:04] To trust in his name. And thus far. Brought me. To put me to shame. He has. Hasn't he. Don't you acknowledge it. Friends. Thus far.
[19:14] He has brought you. He's taught you. To trust in his name. You couldn't trust. And go down into Egypt. For help. Could you? You've had to trust in his name.
[19:26] Trust in his faithfulness. Trust in his goodness. Trust in his mercy. Trust in his sovereignty. Trust in his wisdom. Or what a mercy.
[19:38] To have a trust. In one that never changes. You can't put a trust. In an arm of flesh. Because the best will of man.
[19:48] Might not be able to fulfill. That promise. That he may give you and me. Changing circumstances. And scenes. Perhaps. Forbidding from doing that.
[20:00] That he would have done. Out of his own heart. But God. You know what he has promised. He will perform. In your life and mine.
[20:10] What a mercy. To have faith in this God. To call upon him. To cast the care. And burden of your soul. Upon him. Like Moses. Had to pray.
[20:20] Didn't he? Moses had to intercede. Didn't he? For the. For the wrath of God. Was against this stiff neck people. That had made the. Golden calf.
[20:32] Even. You see. Even Aaron. Failed and came short. A sinner. You see. Yet God had a favor. Towards him. His strength. Was weakening.
[20:42] In the way. With Moses absence. Well. We have to prove. Don't we? Our. Our need. Of the Lord. Jesus Christ. To sustain us.
[20:53] To hold up. Our goings. In his path. That our footsteps. Slip not. It is only. As we're kept. Only. As we're kept. What a mercy.
[21:04] To be kept. Dear friends. By that unseen hand. That holds the helm. And guides the ship. Kept. By the power of God. Through faith. Under salvation. Ready to be revealed.
[21:15] In the last time. I will. Make all my goodness. Pass before day. All of what God has promised. Dear friends. He will bring it apart.
[21:27] And some things. He will answer. With terrible things. In righteousness. Some things. That have been. Bitter things. To wait for. But my presence.
[21:40] All that's for God. His way is perfect. My presence. Should go with the earth. In the presence of God. Dear friends. Oh. If God before you.
[21:50] Friend. Who can be against you? Who can be against you? God. Is there refuge. And there strength. The very present. Help in trouble.
[22:01] Therefore. Will not we fear? You see. There's the stream. Of God's mercy. Stream of God's mercy.
[22:11] To poor. Unworthy. Sinners. And it is. Of his mercies. That we are not consumed. His compassions. Fail not. They are new every morning.
[22:22] Great is his faithfulness. What a faithful God he is. And oh. How unfaithful we are. By. Knowing my own heart. For him. And how mistrustful I am.
[22:34] Of this God. That has promised. For so many things. And has made his goodness. To pass. Before us in the world. Some things have been bitter. Some things have been sweet.
[22:44] A balancing of the clouds. In your life and life. But he gives you a case. He makes you to feel your need. Of him.
[22:56] As it was with Moses. He couldn't do all that he did. Without going in the strength. Of the Lord. Could he? The Lord had commanded him. And when the Lord.
[23:08] So reveals himself. To you and me. You see no help in self. Now. No help in self. And yet have sorted. Well. Well the nature.
[23:20] Of my. Heart. Is. Sin and death and hell. Native treasure. My heart. But when the Lord. Gives you a little faith. You have a little of this.
[23:31] Treasure. Little faith. That trusts in the living God. Who is faithful to promise. For he says. I will. Make.
[23:41] All my goodness. Pass before thee. And I will proclaim. The name of the Lord. Before thee. Object of faith. The name of the Lord.
[23:51] The power of strength. Look at the proverb. Said. The name of the Lord. Is as a strong tower. The righteous runneth in it.
[24:02] Into it. And is safe. A sovereign. Protector. Protection. From the hand of the enemy. Oh.
[24:13] He said. I will be as a wall. Of far round about thee. And God. The glory. And the men. What a God. Dear friends. And oh. How little. At times.
[24:23] Do we trust him. Oh. And it's a wonder. That he doesn't. Discard us. All together. But he never will. Them. That are his.
[24:34] The foundation of God. Stand is sure. You see. And this is Emma. I say. Having this seal. Sealed in that everlasting covenant.
[24:47] With the blood of Christ. Having this seal. The Lord knoweth. Them. Them. That are his. And though you may feel. To be so insignificant.
[24:58] In your life. The foundation of God. Stand is sure. Having this seal. The Lord knoweth you. He knoweth your heart's desires. This morning. He knows that.
[25:09] If there's a. An inkling of a hope. In your soul. That he will yet save you. Because we cannot live forever. Can we? With desire to. In our natures.
[25:20] Wouldn't we? But there is an appointed time. And what a mercy. If the Lord. Is so exercised. You and me. With a glimmer of hope. In your soul. That you long.
[25:30] For this night. Well I know. It ebbs and flows. And it seems to. Ebbs more than it does flow. Doesn't it? These desires. For Christ. If we know.
[25:42] Our own hearts. Dear friends. And we must speak honestly. As we. As we stand before you. And before God. Too. Especially before God. Now it's often ebbing.
[25:53] Instead of flowing. With this grace of God. Seemingly near heart. But you know. Once in him. In him. Forever. Thus the eternal covenant. Stand. And he says.
[26:04] I will proclaim. The name of the Lord. Before thee. What God has promised. The gospel. The good news. Of salvation. Of Christ's name.
[26:15] Will be exhorted. In the sanctuary. We don't want to fall down. And worship. Any brazen order. Do we? Or any. Effigy. Of Christ.
[26:26] We want to. Worship him. In simplicity. And in truth. And in plainness. And so the Lord. Has promised. Nine names.
[26:39] Not idols. But nine names. Shall have all the glory. And the praise. That is due unto him. Oh how blind leaders.
[26:49] Are leading the blind. In this dark day. Into the dead. And even. The poor Archbishop. Of Canterbury. Noticed in the. Weekly telegraph.
[27:01] Is being led captive. With some of these. Animated Disney things. To attract people. To the church. Oh what. Mockery to God.
[27:11] What a sad state. Dear friends. Is the church of England. And the churches. Dear friends. That deny. This name. It's God alone. Can work. God alone.
[27:23] Can build up. Zion. And he will. Cause the ransom. Of Zion. To return. With songs. Of praise. And blessing.
[27:33] On their head. It's his work. And it's under him. Must be given. All the praise. And the glory. Due unto his name. No he says.
[27:44] I will. I will. In spite of God's wrath. Against the children. Of Israel. And against the children.
[27:54] Of this heavenly king. You see. It's Jesus alone. That has stood in the midst. To appease the wrath of God. Against sinners. Such as you and me. He alone.
[28:05] Can appease it. He alone. Has satisfied. The just demands. Of that. Holy law of God. And it is. Here and there. Alone.
[28:15] Will your hope. And mine rest. For eternal. For eternal. Deliverance. So he says. I will. Proclaim. The name of the Lord.
[28:26] Before thee. And this is what. As a poor. Preacher. Dear friends. As we're so called. This is what we desire. To do. Exalt his name.
[28:37] For him. Of God. Exalted. As we said earlier. To give repentance. To Israel. And remission. For sins. And there's no other hope. Dear friends. There's no other name. Given among men.
[28:47] Under heaven. Whereby. You and I. Can ever hope. To be saved. And if you and I. Never saved. What a solemn. Eternity. Awaits for us. And oh.
[28:58] We would not. Dear friends. Hold back. Any of the solemn. Warnings. In God's word. Except. Our righteousness. Ness exceed. The righteousness. Of the scribes.
[29:08] And the Pharisees. We shall in no case. Enter into heaven. Have you a desire. Have I. A breathing. After the holiness.
[29:18] Of God. A desire. To proclaim. The name of the Lord. And to speak. Well of him. And he says. Will be gracious. To whom I will be gracious.
[29:32] You see. The sovereign will of God. In it. Is not of him. That willeth. Or of him. That runneth. Says Paul. But God. That showeth mercy. And when the Lord.
[29:44] So quickens. Your soul. And mine. Into life. We see his mercy. Don't we. As to why. We were made. To hear his voice. And enter. While there's room.
[29:55] When thousands. Make a wretched choice. And rather starve. Than come. It's his eternal love. He speaks to your heart. He shows you a token. He softens your heart.
[30:06] By dear degrees. Makes your spirit meek. And exercises you. To look to him. As a. As a poor. Guilty. Weak. And helpless. World. That's how you feel.
[30:17] In your soul. Don't you? You feel. That you. Desire to know him. And have some union. And communion with him. Lord. And you say. Show me a token.
[30:28] Come and confirm. My soul. You see. All the fleshly. Excitement of religion. Can never save us. Can it? It's what the Lord. Has spoken to you. And me of. That we can lay claim to.
[30:41] The sheep of Christ. Brought to repentance. Confession. And seeking the blood. Of Jesus Christ. And seeking the merits. Of this man. That receiveth sinners.
[30:52] And supprith with them. And he says. I am the Lord. I changed. God. What a mercy. In a changing world. That this man.
[31:03] Receiveth sinners. And change it not. And this man. Becomes. A hiding place. A refuge.
[31:14] From the. The tempest. The shadow of a great rock. In a weary land. A refuge. A refuge. You know. And I believe. When poor sinners.
[31:24] Get near the end. Of the journey. They will be. Wearied of this world. Wearied of sin. And be looking. Unto the Lord. Jesus Christ. In spite of all their sins.
[31:37] To come. And be gracious. Unto them. And that grace. Alone. That. It is. By the gift. Of God. And it is.
[31:47] By grace. That ye say. Through faith. And that not of yourselves. Is the gift of God. Not of works. Not of works. Lest any man. Should bow. Or to be brought.
[31:59] Here then. As a poor. Needy sinner. Seeking water. And there is none. And your tongue. Faileth a thirst. But the Lord.
[32:09] Says. I will hear them. They cry. And he says. He will be gracious. To whom I will be gracious. And will show mercy. On whom I will show mercy.
[32:23] You know. It is all bound up. In this world. This world. Isn't it. The salvation. Of the soul. Those that he has redeemed. From the curse. Of the broken Lord.
[32:34] He will show mercy. Sometimes. You have to. Eat the bread. Of affliction. The waves.
[32:45] And the billows. Gone over your head. Or you have been brought. Into a very low place. You have been very. Cast down. And you have wondered.
[32:55] Sometimes. Can God. Well here. Are his mercies. Clean God forever. That he has forgotten. Be gracious unto me. This is the infirmity. Of David's heart.
[33:07] And the infirmity. Of your heart. And mind. But God is faithful. That promise. And there are mercy. Is that we plead. The promises.
[33:18] Which are yea and amen. In Christ. And he says. Ye shall. Hear my voice. And ye shall. Follow me. And I shall give unto you.
[33:30] Eternal life. So says the Lord. Jesus Christ. Himself. And what a mercy. He says. He says. That I will put thee.
[33:40] In the cliff. Of a rock. The rock. Of ages. The wounds. That he hath received. In the house. Of his friends. And. That precious.
[33:51] Sinatoning. Blood. That washes. All your sins. And mine away. You know. Had we not. The blood. To plead. Surely. We should sink.
[34:01] In despair. Of any hope. Of salvation. But this is that blood. Of Christ. That cleanseth. From all sin. Or. He says.
[34:12] I will proclaim. The name of the Lord. Before thee. And will be gracious. To whom. I will be gracious. And will show mercy. On whom.
[34:22] I will show mercy. What a favour this is then. That he does reign. And rule. In heaven. Amongst the armies of heaven. And in heaven.
[34:32] Is the earth. And none can stay his hand. Or say. What doest there? But he does condescend. To men. Of low estate. He says.
[34:43] I will send an angel. Before thee. The angel. Of his presence. Saved him. Didn't he? The Lord. Jesus Christ. In great agony. Prayed more earnestly.
[34:55] When he was in the garden. He sweat as it were. Great drops of blood. Falling to the ground. Something beyond. Their comprehension. Something that faith.
[35:06] Has given you and me. We believe in what the word records. What it reveals to us. And we see a little there. Of the sufferings of Christ. That he might be.
[35:19] Gracious unto you and me. And that he might have mercy upon you. And may. Those mercies. The offense. That in you every morning. Now he is a merciful God.
[35:32] And you'll come. I believe at times. With that prayer. Of the publican. And that is this. Not so much lifting up your head.
[35:42] You won't come to God's house. Will you? Full of praise. Of all your good works. Like that poor man. Oh he thought he was a rich man. Didn't he?
[35:53] When he came. The Pharisee. Stood afar off. Almost that attitude. Come not nigh me. I am holy than that. But you come.
[36:05] You'll come. I believe. Like the. Like the poor man. God be merciful to me a sinner. Smiting upon your breast. In reality.
[36:16] Of experience. In your soul. You come. With your head bowed. You come. With the desire. That the Lord. Would grant. His. His grace.
[36:27] To be. Applied. And revealed to you. As a great mystery. Of grace. And the great sufficiency. Of his grace. Dear friends. For who is sufficient. For these things.
[36:39] For. We cannot boast. Of any ability. Can we? In the things of God. Or even in the ministry. It is dependent.
[36:50] Holy upon him. To grant that divine instruction. And teaching. And he has promised. This God. Dear friends. That. Teaches you.
[37:00] To trust in his name. This name. That you're ever pleading. This love. This blood. And the righteousness. Of Christ. That are all.
[37:11] Embraced. In that name. Of Jesus. And all you pray. Lord. Do strengthen. My weak hands. Confirm. My new feeble knees. So to me.
[37:21] Of a fearful heart. Fear not. Thy God. Will come. With vengeance. To drive out. The buyers. And the sellers. To drive out.
[37:32] Satan's agents. In your heart. And mind. God. And for him. To come. And save you. For his mercy. And his name. Sign. Oh what a precious name.
[37:44] It is. And oh how sweet. It is in the believers. He assures his sorrows. Heals his wounds. Drives away each fear. And he says.
[37:55] Comes back to that. Doesn't it? He says. The God of heaven and earth. Are the Son and Holy Spirit. And the blessed. Jesus that says.
[38:06] Because I live. Shall ye live also. Eternally. Eternally. And so poor sinners. Come with that desire. In their soul. That they might know him.
[38:17] And have some sweet evidence. Within their heart. That they are born of God. As he said. To Nicodemus. Didn't he? That.
[38:28] That the man. Well learned. Wasn't he? In the things. Of Israel. A master in Israel. One thing he had to learn.
[38:40] And that we each have to learn. That ye must be born again. Quickened into life. For the Spirit. And he said. My presence.
[38:52] She will go with thee. Certainly I will be with thee. All the certainty. Of God's promises. Dear friends. They'll never fail. We fail.
[39:04] When come so miserably short. In trusting him. That Job was unable to say. And what faith had Job. Though the Lord slay me. Yet will I trust in him.
[39:15] I will trust. And not be afraid. Though you plead to the Lord. Do calm. Do grant me some real token. Some good hope through grace.
[39:27] My eyes fill thy breath. Do calm my troubled breath. Give me grace to be still. And know that thou art my God. I don't know.
[39:38] I've ever told you. I don't like bringing. Personal experiences. But. I remember going once. To Richmond. To preach. On the motorway.
[39:48] And no text. And troubled about. The family at home. And the Lord. Seemed to drop this word. In the motorway. With the roar of the traffic. Be still. And know that I'm God.
[39:59] I believe it had a common influence upon me. It was a text for the day. Know how we have to prove it dear friends. It's walking by faith.
[40:11] And not by sight. We yield obedience. To the law of God. You see. With your flesh. You serve the law of sin. Ever will do. Do or die.
[40:22] But with your mind. You serve the law of God. And so contrary. You see. There's this. Warfare between. Your newborn soul.
[40:33] And the old man of sin. The elder's got to serve the younger. Oh dear friends. What battles go on. Within you at times. But the battle is not yours.
[40:46] But God stands still. And see the salvation of your God. So he says. He says. He's promising. And what he has said.
[40:57] He will perform for you and me. As we said earlier. Some things are hard to be understood. In their little eyes. But God's way is perfect. And he will perfect that.
[41:09] Which concerns you and me. And he will make all his goodness. Pass before you in the way. And not one good thing. Will he withhold from you. As you seek grace. To walk uprightly.
[41:19] And walk in his fear. Lord you say. Do in thy sovereign mercy. Undertake for me. Hold up my goings in thy path.
[41:30] That my footsteps lit not. Teach me to number my days. That I may apply my heart unto wisdom. And so he said. All the condescending love and mercy of God.
[41:44] That he should speak. And Jesus speaks. And speaks to thee. Thy poor sinner. Lovest thou may. And you say Lord in response.
[41:57] Lord I do love thee. I would love thee. I would follow thee. Do confirm my soul with the promise. And tell me.
[42:08] That I will make all thy goodness pass before me. And give me Lord thy name. Form thy name in my heart as the hope of glory.
[42:19] And I will proclaim the name of the Lord before thee. And will be gracious to whom I will be gracious. And will show mercy on whom I will show mercy.
[42:31] What a merciful God he is. Oh and what a just God he is also. And he will not at all acquit the wicked. But he has promised.
[42:44] He has promised to his dear people. And he said unto them. Fear not for I have redeemed. They have called thee by thy name. Thou art mine.
[42:54] When thou passest to the waters I will be with thee. And through the rivers they shall not overflow thee. And through the fires they shall not hurt me. For I will never leave thee nor forsake thee.
[43:08] Because of my promises. Which are yea and amen in Christ. And he said I will make all my goodness pass before thee. And I will proclaim the name of the Lord before thee.
[43:21] And will be gracious to whom I will be gracious. And will show mercy on whom I will show mercy. For may the Lord in his mercy bless our few remarks.
[43:34] And forgive all of them. Amen.