[0:00] Gospel chapter 24 and reading verse 36. As they thus spake, Jesus himself stood in the midst of them and said unto them, Peace be unto you.
[0:22] We would desire then to be favoured this night by living faith, to feel the presence of Jesus, to hear his voice.
[0:41] As they thus spake, Jesus himself stood in the midst. By faith we believe that he is omnipresent. We shall not see him in the flesh as he went into heaven.
[0:56] We don't believe that. But we by faith believe that he has ascended on high and having satisfied the just demands of the broken law.
[1:08] And as he told them plainly upon this Emmaus road, that as he expanded unto them, ought not Christ to have suffered these things and to enter into his glory?
[1:26] Beginning at Moses and all the prophets, he expanded unto them in all the scriptures the things concerning himself. Things that he alone could perform, satisfying of the just demands of the broken law of Moses.
[1:48] And blessing his dear people with that saving knowledge of himself. They were terrified and affrighted and supposed that they had seen a spirit.
[2:02] And oh how we do need the Lord to reveal to us by his spirit these wonderful truths that we have before us. For him to take them and seal them upon our never dying soul.
[2:16] That as we thus speak, Jesus himself might be the object of faith. That he might be exhorted in our hearts.
[2:28] That his name might be precious. That his name might be the one thing more and more needful for you and me to know and feel.
[2:39] as the one that alone can save your soul from death, destruction and despair. Is it not the desire then of you and me as we hear the gospel?
[2:55] It will be a divine harmonious sound if we blow this trumpet with no uncertain sound and that must be the prompting of the Holy Spirit within us to give us what to speak in the hour.
[3:11] Never mind what man's voice God uses for this blessed preaching of the gospel this exhorting this proclaiming the name of the Lord and to feel him to be the very soul's desires to be fulfilled with you and me.
[3:35] have those sincere desires not a make-relief religion not to be seen of men not to glory in office not to glory in the flesh that may be constrained by the love of Christ to preach the word but to see no man save Jesus only and to have his name as ointment poured forth.
[4:03] We need healing but first of all there's the stripping work first of all there's the emptying there's the conviction there's that regenerating grace like the Ephesians you hath he quickened who were dead in trespasses and sins we should never value Christ and his righteousness until we know more and more of our sinfulness and our vileness and to realise that we are of the earth earthy have a carnal mind as enmity to God but oh when blessed with a spiritual mind you'll be looking to this Jesus to grant you that life and that peace.
[4:50] And we notice here having told these disciples all those things that were done in the way and how they said how as they entered in with these others gathered together how he was known of them in the breaking of bread and this is the desire isn't it of the preaching of the gospel to break the bread of life for the Lord might give you a crumb give you a sip from the master's table these are those precious things that we need to have indelibly inscribed in the fleshly tables of your heart knowing full well that we are sinners in his sight and God hates sin and he'll never he'll never acquit you and me dear friends in the bar of justice unless Jesus imputes to you his robe of righteousness and as he covers with the mantle of his forgiving love all your sins and our sins are terrible sins and we stand often guilty and burdened because of our sins we mourn over our lifelessness and our coldness but if Jesus himself draws near if he comes where you are if he speaks unto you in your troubled conscience and stands in the midst and saith unto you peace be unto you this is that real lasting solid peace that will take your soul ultimately to glory so we would bless God wouldn't we if there's a humble hope would become within your heart that this the blessed
[6:42] Jesus has come into your heart behold I stand at the door and knock if any man open I will come into him and sup with him this is the gospel isn't it for the blessed Jesus to come in and sup with you to show you by faith his hands and his feet and say that as I myself handle me and see for a spirit hath not flesh and bones as ye see may have this is by faith isn't it to receive the word and the entrance of his word will give light and give understanding to your poor simple heart and mine vital then whether we know something that we are sinners in his sight and not head sinners but broken hearted sinners with a contrite spirit giving him no rest until he condescend to grant you his peace salvation isn't it all of his free and sovereign grace it's without money without price what a mercy this is he came not to call the righteous but sinners to repentance as he regenerates a poor sinner they're born again he gives them repentance there's a change wrought in them a marvellous change a miraculous change change that changes the heart renews the will and turns the feet to Zion's hell and you come with an aching void that the world can never fill great mystery a wonder of wonders if ever your soul has been quickened and awakened from the dead and your eyes have been lifted up unto him from whence cometh your hell who made heaven and earth and as they thus spake jesus himself stood in the midst of them and said unto them peace be unto you and appointed time when the lord so favours his dear people with that peace my sheep hear my voice and i know them and they follow me and i give unto them eternal life we find his name precious we find it as we meditate upon him from time to time in our daily lives i trust we know something of this the lord breaks in shines in gives us those right thoughts from time to time in spite of all the busy scenes that surround us some sweet moments when christ becomes so real to us and so meaningful and especially this plan of salvation and their desires to know that their names are recorded in their book of life we're all hastening on to a never ending eternity what a mercy to know and receive these tokens of his love he won't pass you by you see this will be the exercise of a believer you constrain him to abide with you he thought to go further but you see they constrained him that he might abide with them the lord pours upon you that spiritual desire to see jesus to hear his voice you pray for that diligence and that he might be given that diligence to make your calling and your election sure you see nothing else can satisfy a broken hearted sinner lord alone can bind up the broken heart he can heal the wounds that sin has made in a moment he can show you that he is that acceptable sacrifice yes for your sins my sins and what a glorious thought this is jesus visits visits his dear people from time to time and feeds their soul with the bread of life sent down from heaven because he is the bread of life and so here he is that risen christ they said crucify him away with him the jews wanted to destroy him because he was undermining their false religion and oh dare you and i undermine any man's false religion today why he would hate you wouldn't he for exposing him but you see it becomes you and me doesn't it to look to the lord to bless us with that foul favour that he bears under his people and to visit your soul and mine with this salvation because we shall never escape god's wrath evil men in the world evil men who seduce us wax worse and worse deceiving and being deceived these evil wicked men that love destroying life dear friends you see they shall not get beyond the judgment seat of god oh what a mercy if this god is your god and my god because as the god man jesus himself is that one mediator and he is able to speak peace he speaks with authority he says unto the souls of his dear people peace peace be still he makes the storm a calm and doubtless you'll have storms you'll have stormy scenes as a believer in christ you'll have many things that will perpetuate you torment you and try you and oh how it seems to bring out the worst of our nature when there's such toiling and rowing that when the lord draws near he knows your fearful heart he knows your trials he knows the burdens that you carry but he enables you and me as a poor sinner to unbosom your mind to the lord you cast your care upon the lord and look to him to sustain you and so he is able to come right where you are to undertake for you to govern your providential affairs see things seem to be at times so unmanageable don't they things get into such a state you wonder where's the scene going to end but the lord god reigns but oh we do need that grace of patience like a pilgrim yet let me wake contented well in every state till all my war for ends live in a calm and cheerful mood and find that all things work for good which Jesus kindly says you know he is very mindful of his dear people and though you may feel to be so remote from him yet that mercy is that he has given you a desire he has changed your heart he has given you a spiritual hunger and a thirst and that prayer is that you might have that your soul brought out of prison that you might praise him from whom all these blessings flow and the word of the lord that is so suitable to your case and yet you cannot lay claim to it yet but it suits your case you desire to know more of it effectually that you might have been able to lay claim to this and that portion of the world word that is so suitable to your present pathway so the lord says doesn't he commit thy works providential things commit thy works unto the lord and thy thoughts shall be established you see the lord establishes your thoughts he knows the way you take he knows the way that you are to walk in you don't know it yet yourself but you have to pray to him lord do come and grant me that way that might be god honouring to thee that I might obtain this peace that I might be here thy voice say peace be still and true that even the winds and the waves obey him nothing in our lives happening then by chance so this was the appointed time when
[16:15] Jesus should hear them talking and understanding too the meditation of their thoughts and it might be as individuals he knows our thoughts he knew the thoughts of those Jews that were murmuring and complaining in their hearts against him he knew their thoughts he's the same Jesus that knows your thoughts and my thoughts but he says I know the thoughts that I think towards you thoughts of peace not of evil to give an expected end we know there's an expected end of death for us each and after death of judgment we know not the outcome of that death yet but Jesus does what a mercy this is my thoughts are not your thoughts he says his thoughts are as high as heaven is above the earth and so are his ways and his ways are past finding out and these disciples had to prove this he knew their thoughts he knew their talking by the way and he knew the appointed time when he would open the eyes of their understanding when and then he vanished out of their sight this is his sovereign prerogative isn't it to shine into your heart and withdraw that shining but if he's begun that good work in you and you you see a suitability in Christ he will come again he speaks again doesn't he in John's gospel you now therefore have sorrow but I will see you again if you and I have been favoured to have a blessing to felt the presence of the
[18:13] Lord a word from heaven he's calmed your troubled breast in a situation you've been unable to be still and watch and wait you've been calm amidst tempestuous motion knowing sensing that the Lord is nigh and you've had to look on sometimes and say this was the Lord's doing marvellous in your eyes and no he seems to hide his face your eyes are holden you cannot know him you cannot feel the sweetness that you had at that time when there seemed to be such peace in your conscience and then it all went and back to those troublous waters again those stormy scenes but the Lord causes these things to come and nothing happens by chance and so the appointed time came for these disciples to be speaking to their fellow disciples as they gathered together and he came and stood in the midst and said unto them peace be unto you and this is that real peace and those solid joys that shall ultimately bring his disciples to glory what a mercy it is then though your times may be fearful terrified and affrighted fearful of the unknown way yet he that has said my presence shall go with thee and I will give thee rest will be your meat and your drink indeed as sealed upon your soul why we long for it don't we for the lord to come again if he's ever visited you and bless you with that reviving of that work in the midst of the years that in wrath he would remember mercy and speak pardon to your soul which is so needful we need that grace don't we what does he say through the hymn writer thou shalt see my glory soon when the work of grace is done partner of my throne shall be say poor sinner lovest thou may your response will be when he draws near your lord thou knowest that
[20:46] I love thee thou knowest that I love thee and so the lord you know does work mightily in the hearts of his dear people gives them that grace and faith to tarry his leisure there wait the appointed hour wait the bridegroom of their souls reveal his love with power and he said unto them peace be unto you oh I believe we should tremble sometimes when the lord visits why to feel that the lord should condescend to come where you and I are feeling such sinful wretches as we often do or will do if we are amongst the lord's people we are burdened we cannot dwell upon these spiritual things as we would you see the lord withdraws himself these are special treasures aren't they these are those treasures that we have in an earthen vessel the excellence of the power may be of god and not of us how easily we can lay claim perhaps to something that has not been the work of the spirit we need much grace to discern the work of the spirit between the works of the flesh we may read something that is suitable to our case as I said earlier in a sense we cannot lay claim to it we cannot steal it as a thief or a robber because because their sins are find us out in it in due time what a mercy then when he says peace everlasting peace and righteousness that he imputes as such poor beggarly sinners as you and me you come as a poor needy sinner seeking water and there is none on your tongue failure for thirst what do you do then if you're a true seeker you'll be found crying you'll be found crying unto the
[22:57] Lord bring those hard things unto me and I will hear them oh what a faithful God he is he knows then the sincerity and the reality of your heart's desires oh it's no good having a mopped up religion a faked up religion our sins as I said they will find us out imaginations oh what a danger there is in having an imagination because he says there is a way that seemeth right unto a man but at the end thereof are the ways of death and we often think of the religious professor that possesses not this vital work of regeneration hasn't been quickened but as a name to live and dead may these things stir us up to seek this real peace this real pardon this blessed assurance no with his mighty love has visited you.
[25:20] And oh, you've gone on your way rejoicing, believing you've had a visit from the dear Son of God. If you've had conviction, it's a visit.
[25:32] But oh, you want to be set at liberty, don't you? You want the Lord to come and confirm that your sins are pardoned. This is that real peace.
[25:42] These are those solid joys, that lasting peace. When Jesus, with his mighty love, visits your troubled breasts, your doubts subside, your fears removed, you're completely blessed.
[25:58] The blessing of the Lord that maketh rich and addeth no sorrow thereto. What a wonder it is. The wondrous love of Christ.
[26:09] Christ, the thing that it cost him. He laid down his life for his friends, and you are my friends if you do whatsoever. I command you. And if you love me, keep my commandments.
[26:24] Oh, how vital this is then. For the Lord to speak, to give you a living testimony, here little and there little, line upon line and precept upon precept, of the wonders of his redeeming love.
[26:42] If he shows you his hands and his feet, I believe you'll know what it is to have real godly sorrow for your sins. You see, the law and terrors do but harden all the while they work alone.
[26:57] But a sense of blood-bought pardon soon dissolves, the heart of stone. And we are melted down, aren't we? And praise the Lord for his great goodness.
[27:12] That when we have been brought into those needy situations, and we shall have several, I believe, and many, if you've been brought into those needy situations, he's found out a way.
[27:26] There's nothing too hard for the Lord, you know. Look how he has saved his sheep from death, destruction, outer darkness, weeping, a gnashing of teeth in hell.
[27:43] What glorious things these are that we speak of in the word of truth. Oh, this gospel then. That will bear your spirit up.
[27:56] A faithful and unchanging God lay the foundation of your hopes in oaths, in promises, and blood. Have you got a good hope, friends, that the Lord is your mighty Saviour, the good shepherd of the sheep, giveth his life for his sheep.
[28:16] My sheep hear my voice. Is your ear and mine bored to the doorpost? Are we spiritually desiring to hear his voice?
[28:29] Giving him no rest, importunity at times, that you'll give him no rest until he does appear for you in this and that matter, but above all, in this glorious plan of salvation, anxious to know your sins forgiven, and find an open way to heaven.
[28:50] Be a closed door to heaven unless your sins are pardoned. No matter what you and I think, it's what the Lord has revealed to you will stand you and be in good stead.
[29:03] And so it'll ever be the plea of a seeking soul that as we gather together, as we gather around his word, that there might be something profitable for our souls, something that can lay claim to that we have heard from the Lord himself, the voice of the good shepherd as he favours you to lie down these green pastures, leads beside you, beside the still waters, and restoring your soul.
[29:37] Well, we need that soul restoration work. You know, at home I had that soul restoration work to our soul, didn't she, in our elderly years.
[29:52] And so we need the Lord to restore unto us the joy of his salvation. Speak the word only, Lord. Give me some precious promise.
[30:03] Tell me, Lord, that I am born of God and that my treasure is above. Because, as we so often say, where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.
[30:18] Yes, we have natural things. We have things that he gives us richly, all things to enjoy, but not to worship, not to idolise.
[30:30] But oh, we want to worship the King of kings and the Lord of lords. And it's by faith, isn't it? And this is a hard thing sometimes to understand. We walk by faith and not by sight.
[30:43] We yield obedience to his voice, to his word. And we have to pray, Lord, do grant me the reality of hearing thy voice, of being shown a token, and the confirmation of my soul that I am one whom thou hast redeemed, one whom thou hast shed thy precious blood for on Calvary's tree, and one that shall hear the voice, Son, thy sins are forgiven thee.
[31:14] Daughter, thy faith has saved thee. Go in peace. Go in peace. You see, and when the Lord giveth peace, who can make trouble?
[31:29] You know, the Lord gives peace. And he's procured it on Calvary's tree. What a wonder of wonders. Yes, you may be in tribulations, thorny path.
[31:44] You may have many things that perplexed, torment, and try you, as these disciples were, pondering what had happened to their Lord and Saviour.
[31:55] But he revealed himself to them. And he will continually reveal himself to his dear people to the end of time. And what a mercy if you have a good hope through grace that he is your Saviour, your Redeemer.
[32:12] Well, he'll have you and me to humble ourselves before him, the Almighty God. But he'll never fail nor forsake those who have desires, often feeble and faint, because those feeble desires, those wishes, so weak, tis Jesus inspires and bids you still seek.
[32:34] You know, you won't seek him in vain. You will not seek him in vain, because he has promised that he will come again and receive you unto himself, that where he is, there shall ye be forever.
[32:51] All these glorious things then that we speak of, all to have them revealed, to have them confirmed in yourself, to know this Jesus Christ, that I may know him, the power of his resurrection, the fellowship of his sufferings, and be made conformable unto his death, even the death of the cross, crucified of the world, and the world unto us.
[33:17] What a mighty saviour, and what a mercy, that he is ever the same. And he knows what sore temptations mean, he has felt the same, but he has promised, he has promised, that he will save his people from their sins, and in spite of all the sorrows of the way, he becomes, as it were, such a hiding place, such a rock, where you and I will be building our hopes upon.
[33:52] Nothing else can satisfy, give me Christ or else I die, and oh Lord, speak that word, peace. My peace I leave with you, not as the world give it, give I unto you, let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.
[34:10] Their hearts were troubled, and they were afraid. He said, why are you troubled? And if he says, let not your heart be troubled, it is I, be not afraid.
[34:27] Oh, here come, your troubled breast, in spite of all your fears of not being saved, of not getting to heaven at last. Why those fears?
[34:39] Behold is Jesus, holds the helm, guides the ship. Christ in the vessel, Christ making you a vessel of mercy. You could never be perished, you could never perish, dear friends.
[34:54] With Christ in the vessel, formed in your heart, he's the hope of glory. He waits perhaps to say peace. I say, wait thou upon the Lord, for my expectation is from him, and from him only.
[35:11] And that time comes, time of love will come, when thou shalt clearly see, not only that he shed his blood, but he shall say for me.
[35:23] Wonderful truths, aren't they? But you want it made known, don't you? You want it indelibly inscribed in the fleshly tables of your heart. I believe we know what you want, and what a mercy it is, because we desire to gain ourselves, we have a good hope.
[35:43] And that hope is built upon nothing less than Jesus' blood and righteousness. Said the hymn writer, he knew it, I dare not trust the sweetest frame, holy lean on Jesus' name.
[35:55] This is the name to plead. This is the name, the blood and the righteousness for you and me to plead. There's no other refuge, is there, but in Christ Jesus.
[36:08] And oh, you want him to speak, don't you? To stand in the midst, to open the eyes of your understanding, to cause the spirit to take the things of Jesus and seal them upon our soul, to make you a living witness, to be a witness that you have been with Jesus.
[36:29] Moses' face shone, he'd been with Jesus. Oh, what a mercy to feel this, the presence of your Lord and Saviour, melted you down, the blessing of the Lord that enriched you.
[36:44] And you could say, Lord, thou knowest I love thee. You feel your bosom blow with love to the Lord Jesus Christ. Sweet moments, very rare, very precious, invaluable blood has cleansed you from all your sins.
[37:00] All these glorious things that are spoken in Zion. But you say, Lord, seal them upon my soul, confirm my soul with these signs and evidences that I might be delivered from all my fears.
[37:17] And they will say unto me, fear thou not for I am with thee, be not dismayed for I am thy God. Yea, I will help thee, I will strengthen thee, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness.
[37:31] And again, fear not for I have redeemed thee, I have called thee by thy name, thou art mine. And if he's given you such a blessing, oh, it'll surely be tried. But you know you will be more than a conqueror at last through him that has loved you and washed you from your sins in his precious blood.
[37:53] Oh, may the Lord bless it to our souls then, that he might speak unto you, say as he said unto them, peace be unto you.
[38:05] May he bless our few remarks, may he pardon all amiss, may we not let it all slip to the ground, if it be his will. Amen. Amen.