The strengthening power of the Holy Spirit (Quality: Good)

Lakenheath - Part 45

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June 18, 2000


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[0:00] Depending upon the help of the Lord, dear friends, I invite your prayerful attention to Acts chapter 3 and words which we find in verse 6.

[0:15] I'll read the whole of the 6th verse of chapter 3 of Acts. Then Peter said, Silver and gold have I none, but such as I have give I thee.

[0:31] In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, rise up and walk. The particular words are the last sentence. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, rise up and walk.

[0:45] Amen. We've been considering at home just since Easter morning those things which the Lord in his great mercy has left on record for his living church.

[1:01] Those great encouragements which he has shown to his disciples then. And I believe have a message for disciples now.

[1:13] That is, followers now. And I felt perhaps this morning that I'd like just to remind you of a few key factors which the dear Lord has shown since his resurrection.

[1:28] And one particular thing that struck me very forcibly in studying and reading those portions of the word is this, that we find that dear Lord Jesus revealed himself after his resurrection not to the world.

[1:44] Not to the world, but to his disciples, to his loved ones, those for whom he cared. And dear friends, it's exactly the same today.

[1:57] And that's why the world cannot understand why there's some people gathered together to worship a God that they cannot see. And that is exactly the reason.

[2:07] Because they cannot see with the natural eye, they cannot believe. Because they have not the gift of the Holy Spirit. They have not that work of the Holy Spirit in enlightening their souls.

[2:19] Because they have not the gift of the Holy Spirit in enlightening their souls.

[2:49] Their hearts burn within them as he appeared to them and spoke to them regarding those things concerning himself, beginning at Moses throughout the prophets and the Psalms.

[3:04] He revealed himself to those who were his own people. And they had not the gift of the Holy Spirit in enlightening their souls. And they had not the gift of the Holy Spirit in enlightening their souls. And they had not the gift of the Holy Spirit in enlightening their souls. Where we read that Peter and the disciples said, I go fishing.

[3:20] And they needed natural supplies. Those things had become very puzzling to Peter and the other disciples. And Peter quite rightly said, I go fishing.

[3:32] He went fishing. He went fishing because it was an honourable thing to do to supply the need of the bodies. Of their need for food.

[3:44] He went fishing. And the other said, I go with thee. And they went with him. And they toiled all night and caught nothing. And then you see in the early light of the morning, we assume just about to cease the night's fishing.

[4:04] And perhaps have gathered the nets into the boat. And then there's one standing on the seashore. They didn't recognise him for a start.

[4:16] And he called to them across the wave, didn't he? And he asked them whether they had any fishes. Had they caught anything?

[4:27] Nothing, they said. And he said, cast the net on the right side. And they cast the net on the right side and drew in 153 fishes.

[4:37] A great catch. And John realises, it is the Lord. That revelation, you see, by that which he'd witnessed. It was the Lord.

[4:48] John points out to Peter. Peter soon makes fast speed to come to land. The others come a little slower in a little boat.

[5:01] To be near the Lord. We see there that the Lord has prepared for them already. A coal of fire. And bread and fishes thereon.

[5:13] Now, the lesson I want to bring out of that particular point is this, dear friends. That the Lord Jesus in his ascended state still cares for the providential needs of his people.

[5:27] For their preservation. And some of you can look back over life, I know. And see that the good hand of God has brought you thus far. And it is by his favour. You are what you are.

[5:38] You've been provided for in every way. Preserved and kept in the pathway of life. And so, though the Lord Jesus has ascended now into heaven.

[5:48] He still cares for his people. He hasn't neglected that care to his loved ones. He still loves his people. He still cares for them. Oh, dear friends, and how miraculously he does it at times.

[6:03] In ways which we think not. And I don't wish at this point to go into those things this morning. But, when we think of those things which the Lord has shown us since his resurrection.

[6:18] And then you see, he led them out as far as to Bethany. We read in Luke 24. He led them out. He went before them.

[6:30] He led them out as far as to Bethany. No, he didn't ascend to glory from Jerusalem, did he? The place that killeth the prophets. He went out of Jerusalem to Bethany.

[6:41] What was Bethany? Bethany was a very special place to the Lord, wasn't it? It was where Mary and Martha and Lazarus had entertained him. It had been the nearest he ever had to a natural home on this earth.

[6:56] For he had not where to lay his head. But, you see, that was that place where he had been. He had blessed that family. And he called Lazarus from the tomb.

[7:11] And they made that supper for him. He led them out as far as to Bethany. And then what did he do? He lifted up his hands. I love that scene, dear friends.

[7:22] The Lord of glory. He's just returning to his Father. He's just about to receive the full answer to the prayer in John 17 and verse 5. That he might return to that glory which he had with the Father before he left it to come to this earth.

[7:40] And yet, what is his posture? He's looking on the dear disciples as he's taken up into heaven. He's looking on the disciples. And he's lifted up his hands to bless them.

[7:53] And he's departed from this earth blessing his church, dear friends. And I believe he still blesses his church to this day. And he will until he comes again in like manner as we read in that first part of the Acts of the Apostles.

[8:12] And this same Jesus will come again in like manner. Yes, dear friends. The gift of the Holy Spirit was promised to those disciples in the upper room, wasn't it?

[8:25] The Lord Jesus said, I will not leave you comfortless. What comfort there is in that, my dear friends. We are not today without hope and comfort. Sometimes we cannot see our signs.

[8:37] And sometimes we grovel in the dark. And sometimes we wish we could see our signs much clearer. And why is it? Well, it's our sinful heart that brings us there. But, oh, dear friends, my old pastor used to say this couplet.

[8:52] When prayer is a burden and task, no wonder I little receive. Lord, make me willing to ask, since thou art so ready to give. And so it is that we're slow in prayer, if one might speak for others.

[9:07] And so we deny, we are denied the blessing and the sweetness of it. And oftentimes, because other things, little g-gods, come in the way, come between us and God.

[9:20] But the thing I was coming to was this. The Lord Jesus said to his dear disciples, I will pray the Father that he shall give you another comforter, even the Spirit of truth.

[9:33] And that fulfilled that which we read this morning of the prophet in that promise. And so as we come to this particular portion that we desire to look at for a little this morning, we found that we read that the Holy Spirit was given, and there was that miracle, and it was a miracle, and it was no less a miracle than the raising of Lazarus from the dead, that the disciples were given the gift of languages without studying in university, to put it in today's language.

[10:08] They were given the gift of speaking, so that all those, and that list which we have, the Medes and so on, the Parthians and so on, that long list, all gathered, devout men we read.

[10:21] Interesting that, isn't it? Devout, we believe that they were the dispersed of the Jews, who came to Jerusalem, the devout men from those areas.

[10:32] And so this which was done in the giving of the Holy Spirit, was given at a time of great bringing together of many representatives from many nations, and therefore the witness went out, and the gospel was preached in those places, and soon spread, and you see it was under the blessing of the Holy Spirit that the infant church was formed, in this way, God's own appointed way, by the Holy Spirit.

[11:02] And so the gift of the Holy Spirit is given to the church. In these last days, it doesn't mean necessarily the last days, although it does, as time has gone on, it must be the last day, but it refers to the day of grace, as opposed to the Old Testament dispensation, where we read that in these last days, the Lord Jesus Christ has come, you see.

[11:29] And so, we find, in all these things, that the Lord, the Holy Spirit, has blessed the disciples at Pentecost, and blessed the work, and 3,000 souls have been called by grace, approximately, we read, didn't we, in that portion, called by grace.

[11:57] They were changed round. They were reversed from going away from God, brought to come toward God. They had a new heart given them, and a new spirit put within them.

[12:13] Have you had a new heart, dear friends? A new spirit put within you? Do you have a desire now, that you didn't once have, to seek the Lord, to seek God, to seek the Lord Jesus Christ?

[12:26] Do you come, into the earthly courts, with that aching void, which this world, cannot fill? You can't find satisfaction, in the past intemporary, pleasures of this life.

[12:38] But you find, something secret, that sweetens all, as you come, with your troubles, and your sad heart, from time to time, into the house of God.

[12:50] Well, that brings me, I believe, to this point. Now, Peter and John, went up, to get together, into the temple, at the hour of prayer, being the ninth hour.

[13:05] For the children, that is, three o'clock, in the afternoon. It was an appointed time, of prayer, for the Jews, at Jerusalem. And so, they went up. And so, we see, how, from the, initiation, of the infant church, right from the very beginning, it was right, that the disciples, went to worship, at the temple, at the hour of prayer.

[13:30] Because, that was the appointed means. And so, it's been, a time of meeting together, of full prayer. As time went on, and circumstances changed, and the, the temple eventually, of course, was destroyed, then the meetings, where, Christian churches, scattered throughout Pontus, and so on, Glacier, Cappadocia, and so on.

[13:53] So, that we saw then, the formation of, the smaller, church units, in the gospel day, and, of which we humbly hope, we, descend, from that, scriptural, beginning, of the apostolic, church.

[14:11] Now, they went up, at the hour, of worship, and a certain man, lame, from his mother's womb, was carried. A man, who never walked, a man, who, had never, known, what it was, to do the same, as all his contemporaries, and walk, and run, and, and, be able to be mobile, in his own strength.

[14:38] Lame man. What did they do with him, friends? Well, they did the right thing, with him. They, daily, laid, at the gate, of the temple, the gate, which they called, beautiful.

[14:55] He brought him, his friends, brought him. Friends, there is a point, I wish to bring here. Can you remember, that another occasion, we read, that there was one, who was very sick, unable, to do for himself, and he was born, of four, and they went, upon the rooftop, not, gaining access, for the crowd, to let him down, before the dear, Lord Jesus.

[15:24] They took, the roof apart, and lowered him down, with ropes, before the Lord. And he, said what faith, and healed him there. I believe, dear friends, that we have, if we have one, in our midst, who is causing, great concern, whether it be, for natural health, whether it be, for spiritual concerns, it's right, that we bear them, before the Lord, in prayer.

[15:52] Born of four. I believe, often, when there's a, a seeking, a collective seeking, for the good, of the souls, of the Lord's dear people, and sometimes, particularly, when one is laid, upon the mind, and there's that, coming together, in the unity of spirit, in prayer, you find the prayer, is answered, in the Lord's appointed, time and way.

[16:16] And, again, I'll come back, to what I said earlier, I will be inquired, of, O house of Israel, of you, to do, for you, to do these things. You see, prayer is a vital part, of the Christian's, life.

[16:29] And so it was, that Peter and John, would go up, at the hour of prayer, to pray. Prayer, is that, appointed, way of communion, with God, in the, gospel day.

[16:45] In the day of grace, that's an appointed, way of access. Dear friends, of you, at times, been able, to come up, and you may have been, very heavily bowed down, but you found, some sweet access, in prayer.

[17:00] You couldn't go away, and say, I've had a great blessing. You couldn't say, that it's been a special, day, a red letter day, in your soul's experience, but you've gone away, from the house of prayer, and you felt, strangely strengthened.

[17:14] And you felt, able to go on, in the pathway, of life. Perhaps, you entered in, physically tired, and weary, and jaded. And at the end, of the Lord's day, you feel refreshed, and you see the difference, when you go to work, the next morning, and the others, are dragging about, having a job, with this Monday morning, feeling that they have, and you feel fresh, and renewed, and they don't.

[17:35] And you see, even in the physical side of it, the Lord blesses his people there. But oh, what a better blessing, when we know, something of the soul's rest, in Christ Jesus, in that prayer.

[17:45] He went up, to the house, of prayer. Yes, carried there, oh dear friends, let us bring, and bear in prayer, those who are near and dear, those who are, in the church, those who are, weak in the way, those who perhaps, seem to be running, in the opposite way, which give us, great concern, and I suspect, we all have, some of our acquaintances, which concern us, in these things.

[18:11] Don't give up, praying dear friends, pray on, press on, for it is, the appointed way, whom they laid, daily, at the temple, was not something, he only did occasionally, he'd found there, that those who went, in and out of the temple, at least, were those, who had some compassion, on his affliction, and he'd found it, good to be there, and obviously, been sustained, these many years, we read in chapter 4, he was over 40 years old, and so, you see, these many years, he had, approved, at the providing hand, of God, at the beautiful, gate, of the temple, you know, I believe, quite often, in the dear young people, they find, they have a need, it might be, to pass examinations, it may be, a health problem, it could be, other things, which are great concern, to them, and they pray, and it's the first time, they really pray, and they ask the Lord, to help them, in this or that matter, and they find, the Lord does help them, in that matter, and then, that encourages them, to hope, that he might have mercy, on their soul, because he's heard prayer, for their body, and help them, in providence, and preserve them, in some danger, and so they hope, and they go, tentatively forward, in prayer, and I believe, that's the way, the Lord deals, with his people sometimes, especially, with the dear young people, and their faith, is gradually built, because they try prayer, and they find, he is a prayer hearing, and a prayer answering God, and they are gradually, brought to that point, where they can say, with the hymn writer, in coming years, that Christ is God,

[19:59] I can avouch, and for his people cares, for I have prayed to him, as such, and he has heard my prayers, what a witness, dear friends, what, what a great thing, to be thankful for, answer prayer, do you know anything, about it, you answer before God, if you've had your prayer, answered my dear friend, you have much, to rejoice in, and much, to take courage in, and much reason, to pray on, and press on, yes, and so, they come, and they brought him, to the gate beautiful, and then, seeing Peter and John, about to go into the temple, asked, and arms, he sought of Peter and John, one kind of wondering, whether they, he remembered, seeing them, with the Lord Jesus Christ, on previous occasions, when the Lord himself, performed miracles, in and around the temple, whether he thought, these men,

[21:00] I believe, are disciples, whether he, we're not told that, but he was there, at the gate of the temple, and he saw, Peter, and John, and Peter and John, are found together again, you remember, that, when the, the ladies, brought the news, the women brought the news, to the disciples, it was, Peter and John, that ran to the sepulcher, wasn't it, here they are again, together, going up to the temple, there seems to be, a great unity of spirit, between Peter and John, doesn't it, in these things, as we, read the record, there is, between those, who love and fear the Lord, you know, where, we, we can walk, with those, who love and fear the Lord, and we have, that same hope, and that same faith, there is love, one to another, isn't there, in these things, not perfect, here below, no, because we're all, in the flesh, but who, seeing Peter and John, about to go, into the temple, asked, and arms, and Peter, fastening his eyes, upon him, with John, said, look on us, he gave him a commandment, you see, look on us, you know, if we, will receive a blessing, if we desire, to seek, a blessing, we must look, with the eyes of faith, to Christ Jesus, to this same name, because, you see, what occurred was, this, and he gave heed, now, if he'd have looked, the other way, he wouldn't have received, the blessing, but because he was, obedient, to Peter's command, and, he gave heed, to them, and looked upon them, then they looked, upon him, and he looked, upon them, and there was, a blessing received, a greater blessing, than ever he'd expected, now, my dear friends, so it is, with poor sinners, the Lord Jesus, invites them, to look to him, and if they don't look, they don't receive, the blessing, but then, those, who are brought, by the spirit, to look upon Jesus, by living faith, as Moses, lifted up the serpent, in the wilderness, even so, must the son of man, be lifted up, that's the thought, in my mind, a look, by faith, he looked to them, expecting clearly, perhaps, a silver coin, a gold coin, maybe, to help him, in his natural, needs, but Peter, and John, had no silver, and gold, no, then,

[24:02] Peter said, silver, and gold, have I none, that was not, his purpose, was it, but, another gospel, but, but such as I have, give I thee, that which he had, was more precious, than gold, and silver, dear friends, the knowledge, of Christ, is more precious, than gold, isn't it, yes, in the name, of Jesus, Christ, of Nazareth, rise up, and walk, in that name, that precious name, that name, which, was the name, by which, this miracle, was performed, Peter, further down, speaks to them, as, as to why, they, were amazed, as if, they had done that, in their own strength, John and Peter, it is in the name, of Jesus, of Nazareth, that this power, was given, and this healing, was given, putting it in my language, then Peter said, silver, and gold, have I none, but, such as I have, give I thee, in the name, of Jesus Christ, of Nazareth, rise up, and walk, is your poor soul, this morning, lame, do you feel, too weak, to walk, in the ways of grace, do you feel, lame, before God, in that inability, to do, that which you know, you should do, the good I would,

[25:39] I do not, the apostle said, and the evil I would not, that alas, I do, what can we do, the disciples, the disciples, the disciples, Jews cried, to the disciples, when Peter, preached them the truth, that they by wicked hands, had crucified the Lord, what shall we do, the work of the Holy Spirit, had convicted them, of their sin, friends, there's a summary, this morning, convicted of sin, you know, you're a sinner, you know, you have a need, you seem unable, to walk, in the pathway, of righteousness, of yourself, you need, strength, dear friends, and the only way, you'll be strengthened, in the name, of Jesus Christ, of Nazareth, there is that one way, of strength, in faith, oh, I like that, it's not in our book, it's one we used to sing, from the Stevens book, years ago, my faith, looks up to thee, thou lamb, of Calvary, saviour divine, that is the way, and the place, to look, my dear friends, here, we have, a clear command, in the name, of Jesus Christ, of Nazareth, rise up, and walk, it was a command, given,

[27:17] I wonder, whether Peter, was thinking back, to that word, which the Lord, commanded, Lazarus, well he was, still upon the earth, Lazarus, come forth, it was a firm command, it was not, anything doubtful, I mean by that, no, it was a firm command, and this command, was a firm command, given by Peter, but not, not in Peter's name, when the Lord, being the resurrection, and the life, commanded, Lazarus, to come forth, he commanded him, to come forth, in his own name, because he was, the resurrection, is, the resurrection, eternally, the resurrection, and the life, you see, so he came forth, a bound hand and foot, in grave clothes, and then he gave, that second command, loose him, and let him go, I never thought of that, this morning, but look friends, is there some here, that have been brought forth, from nature's, death, and darkness, but you still feel, bound hand and foot, you still have not been released, into that full joy, and assurance of faith, do you seek it, is it your desire, pray that the Lord, will give you, that command, which he gave, to Lazarus, loose him, loose her, and let him go, but this case,

[28:37] Peter is speaking, not in his own name, and I bring, that brings me, to this point, we can only pray, in the name, of the Lord Jesus Christ, we are, fallen sinners, each one of us, we dare not come to God, and seek mercy, in our name, because we are sinners, and we cannot appear, before a holy God, but when we come, in the name of Jesus, that name, is a perfect name, before the Father, it's the name, the Father, loves to hear, his children plead, and all such pleading, in Jesus name, he approves, and blesses them indeed, this precious name then, Jesus, of Nazareth, and in that name, he commands him, to rise up, and walk, now, what did he, do, then Peter said, silver and gold, have I none, but such as I have, I give thee, in the name, of Jesus Christ, of Nazareth, rise up and walk, and he took him, by the right hand, and lifted him up, and immediately, his feet, and ankle bones, received strength, friends, if you know, what it is, to have the blessing, of the Lord's presence, in your soul, you will find, that strength, spiritually, and what will it do, well it will make you, willing, and strong, to run the race, which Jesus, has set before you, and I often think,

[30:08] I wish I could remember it, myself, more, that, that, that Jesus, has set the race, before us each, each one of you, here, have a different, a different, set of responsibilities, in life, mothers, fathers, businessmen, farm, field, industry, all have a different, need, in the application, of it, but there's still, that one source, of wisdom, grace, pardon, and forgiveness, for your soul, in Christ Jesus, in the name, of Jesus, Christ, of Nazareth, rise up and walk, oh dear friends, I hope that command, comes to you, that you might, by living faith, being able, to rise up, and walk in faith, looking unto Jesus, that's the only place, you'll gain your strength, friends, it's not in ourselves, no, it's in Christ Jesus, looking unto Jesus, the author, and finisher, of our faith, looking unto Jesus,

[31:15] Christ of Nazareth, rise up and walk, and he took him, by the hand, and lifted him up, immediately, his feet, and ankle bones, received strength, now, what was the next thing, that occurred, he, leaping, stood up, just think a minute, there's a man, who, all his life, had had to be carried, suddenly, he can stand, and he can leap, there's no doubt, about this miracle, is there, it's a miracle, indeed, that's been wrought, here, by, Jesus Christ, of Nazareth, in his name, administered, by Peter, and John, in his name, and he took him, by the right hand, lifted him up, and immediately, his feet, and ankle bones, received strength, and he, leaping, stood up, and walked, now what, and entered, into the temple, yes, that was the result, wasn't it, he entered, into the temple, dear friends, if you've known, the spiritual, strength, of your ankle bones, that you've, desired to walk, and been enabled, to walk, in things divine, in the house of God, what a mercy it is, strengthened, in faith, to walk, in the means of grace, do I speak to anyone, here this morning, who knows, what they should do, but they've been putting it off, for a long time, they know, that they should be, obedient to the Lord,

[32:51] Jesus says, to each believer, be baptized, in my name, he himself, in Jordan's river, was immersed, beneath the stream, yes, clearly, we have, those things, at Pentecost, which showed, the right way, three thousand, and as many as received him, were gladly baptized, there was that walking, that following on, now he walked, with them into the temple, he didn't want to be, left outside now, he'd been sitting outside, of the beautiful gate, of the temple, we believe, at least, it would have, probably been, the gate, of the temple, which went into, the holy place, where, not the holiest of all, but from the general, congregation, of the assembly, of the general congregation, into the place, where only the Jews, were allowed to enter, and so, he had been sitting, and laying, outside of the gate, where, only, the Gentiles, were allowed to go, though, we believe, he was of,

[33:58] Jewish descent, so then, he enters with them, into the temple, dear friends, if your soul's, been blessed, with a little of a, knowledge of Christ, which is more precious, than gold, you will want to enter, into the temple, you're here this morning, I take courage in that, oh dear friends, don't forsake, the gathering, of yourselves together, as a manner of some is, there's much blessing, there's much, instruction, there's much comfort, and strength, to be gained, in the worship of God, yes, I really believe, that to be true, and I believe, I can humbly say, I proved it, yes, he took him, by the right hand, and lifted him up, and he, leaping, and praising God, now, entered into the temple, now we come to another point, and all the people saw him, walking, and praising God, now here he was able, to give witness, to all the people, of what, had been done, for him, in the name of Jesus Christ, of Nazareth, and I come back, to that again, have you, have you witnessed, for what the Lord, has done, for you, in the name of Jesus Christ, of Nazareth, it's the only way, that you'll know, anything, of this blessing, and all the people, saw him, walking, and praising God, and they knew, that it was he, which sat, four arms, at the beautiful gate, of the temple, and they were filled, with wonder, and amazement, at that, which had happened, and as the lame man, which was healed, held,

[35:39] Peter, and John, all the people, ran together, you didn't want, to be separated from, you can picture, this scene, can you not, there, is a man, as I said, unable to walk, he's just received, the gift, of strength, into his ankle bones, he can walk now, and leap, and you can just see, he puts his arm, round Peter, and John, he doesn't want, to be separated, from him, because he's never, in all these, 40 years, experienced, such a blessing, to him, it's been, something which he, beyond, as we could say, today, his wildest dreams, that he would ever, be healed, having been, 40 years late, at the gate, of the temple, to gain, his living, and now, he's strengthened, he can walk, he can enter, into the temple, he can praise God, and he can, go forth, as any other, and earn, an honourable living, in the future, and so, he is so impressed, with these men, that he wants, to put his arms, round him, not to worship them, but in gratitude, and thanksgiving, and friends, do you know,

[36:45] I do, I know this, that I had, a great affection, for the one, who was used, by God, in my call, by grace, you look back, to that, one who was, used, in your call, by grace, some of you, and remember, the words, the prayers, the loving care, which was bestowed, upon you, and you had a love, for that one, that one, might be in glory, now, but my dear friends, you look back, and the memory, of the just, is blessed, when you do remember, and you think back, and you thank the Lord, for the privileges, which were yours, in your youth, that you knew, and you had the teaching, of the work, of God, through this one, and that one, yes, but you see, now, there's something, I must not, stop, before I come to, and that is this, this is a very important point, and when Peter saw it, he answered, unto the people, ye men of Israel, why marvel ye, at this, or why look ye, so earnestly, on us, as though, by our own power, or holiness, we made this man, to walk, you see, he says, it's not of us, it's not of us, why are you amazed, he then goes on, the God of Abraham, and of Isaac, and of Jacob, the God of our fathers, you see, the Jews, they knew, the God of their fathers, they were well versed, in the Old Testament, and in the ceremonial law, which had come to an end, at this time, of course, because Christ himself, was the end of the law, for righteousness,

[38:20] Christ himself, was the utter fulfillment, of the ceremonial law, and he completely, obeyed the moral law, to absolute perfection, to the satisfaction, of a holy, holy, holy God, and so, here Peter says, the God of Abraham, and of Isaac, and of Jacob, the God of our fathers, hath glorified his son Jesus, and then he says again, whom ye delivered up, and denied him, in the presence of Pilate, when he was determined, to let him go, but ye denied, the holy one, and the just, and desired a murderer, to be granted, unto you, and killed, the prince of life, whom God hath raised up, from the dead, whereof we are witnesses, now, listen to this verse, and his name, through faith, in his name, hath made this man strong, that is how, through faith, in this name, the name, of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, this man, has been made strong, his ankle bones, have been strengthened, you've witnessed, that miracle, and it's in the name of Jesus, not in our name, we're only servants of God, he says to them in effect, but it's the name of Jesus, in which the power is, and by his spirit given, at Pentecost, dear friends, how do these things, affect your soul, do you feel, a desire, that you might know something, of the blessed comfort, consolation, and teaching, of the holy blessed spirit of truth, we have a privilege, as I say, in these latter days, in the gospel day, of not being, without a comforter, and you know friends,

[40:11] I must say, that I feel, we forget that sometimes, we're so overtaken, and I know what it is, to know what pressures, and problems are, you get up in the morning, and you go flat out all day, and there's these things, and those things do, and you get to the end, of the day, and you think, I've had hardly thought, a word, on better things, sometimes, to our shame, especially, when you're in the midst, of business life, and yet, there's something secret, which brings your soul, to look up, isn't there, before you rest, at night, there's something, in the midst, of all these things, but because, of these things, we don't enjoy, the sweetness, of the spirit, that otherwise, is enjoyed, if we're enabled, to meditate, and to read, the word of God, a little more, than perhaps we do, you know, it's a little bit, like someone, suffering from something, and having a nice, well, or a nasty bottle, of medicine, standing by, it's a cure, and they are too busy, to take the medicine, and go on, struggling on, with the disease, dear friends, there is comfort, in the Holy Spirit, the comforter, the gift of God, the instructor, he is the one, that can instruct us, in things divine, he is the teacher, you know,

[41:41] I had someone, say to me, a deacon, early on, I hadn't been to preach, at this particular place, before, and he told me, that we're old, old fashioned there, and I said, well, I said, I'm a bit old fashioned too, so, he said, oh, he said, what do you mean, I said, well, I said, I like to, ask the Lord's blessing, on the word we read, that it may not remain, a dead letter, to us, I said, the same, as the old Puritans, used to do, and I said, will that be alright, when I come, oh yes, he said, there's no problem there, but you see, I say that, for this reason, that, if we just pick up, the Bible, and read it, with little thought, which, I fear we all do at times, with the pressures of life, we cannot expect, to find the sweetness, that we would otherwise find, if we prayerfully approach, the word of God, seeking the light, of the Holy Spirit, upon the written page, and the opening, of the eyes, of our understanding, and the anointing, of the eyes, of our faith, as we do so, and needful, these are, these things, they're not things, which we can propagate, of our own nature, they're the gift, of the Holy Spirit, dear friends, and likewise, the grace of meditation,

[43:04] I find sometimes, I sit down, I think I must, I've got to preach, on a certain occasion, perhaps a week evening service, I must sit down tonight, and think a little about it, and I want to meditate, and I really, truly do want to meditate, and I sit down, with the Bible, and I find my mind, on something completely different, and I've been thinking, about it for some time, before I suddenly realise, you can't meditate, on your own, dear friends, you have to seek, for the grace, of meditation, and you have to pray, for a spirit of prayer, that we might, come rightly, for the inditing, of the Holy Spirit, of comforter, the instructor, the one who gives, the consolation, and confirmation, if ye, being evil, know how to give, good gifts, unto your children, how much more, shall your heavenly father, give the Holy Spirit, who to, them that ask him, do we ask, or may we be given, that constant desire, to continue in prayer, those disciples, when they returned, having witnessed, the ascension, of the dear Lord Jesus Christ, as he lifted up his hand, as I said earlier, and blessed them, they returned, with joy, we read, and they were, together, in union, in prayer, and supplication, with one accord, that one accord, was in prayer, praise, seeking the Lord, may we be given, the grace, so to do, and may we receive, the blessing, of the sweetness, of the comfort, and consolation, and confirmation, of the Holy Spirit, within our souls, when we need, we need,

[44:48] Isaiah, about himself, as well, he thief, he thief, he thief, and my spirit, and I believe, but maybe, and my husband, how, how they took, and did, and Jesus, how we move like, and let him, and that will help you, we are in prayer, so to you, now, we are in prayer, and so to help you, that will help you with your coe werbeing, so to help you, and Life, if thatBI, and Jesus,