Sermon commences at 26 minutes.
[0:00] Let us commence our afternoon worship with hymn number 812, June is Dublin 129. And here I make some sudden stop, for many such I make.
[0:17] You cannot see the cloud cleared up, nor know which path to take. I to my Saviour speed my way, to tell my dubious state.
[0:30] Then listen what the Lord will say, and hope to follow that. 812 I will see the world we have.
[1:34] On earth will be shown on today. 912 I will see the world we have.
[1:52] 912 I will see the world we have. 912 I will see the world we have.
[2:06] 912 1012 I will see the world we have.
[2:22] 912 I will see the world we have. 1012 1012 Who are our Man- Esta… 913 architions I It's every sun down.
[3:29] 喘 the The Hail Mary What a reason can the settles be at I hope and hear him say the kind ofesi povo
[5:17] FREEMESA The way I pour cannot be on Hear Jesus' relief and end He is my help and my guide I trust in Thee alone And God of the heavens
[6:25] And I beside Thy venture home unwell And we'll read this afternoon from the Gospel according to Matthew, chapter 7.
[6:52] The seventh chapter of Matthew. Judge not that ye be not judged, for with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged.
[7:04] And with what measure ye meet, it shall be measured to you again. Why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye? But thou saidst not the beam that is in thine own eye?
[7:18] Or how wilt thou say to thy brother, Let me pull out the mote of thine eye? And behold, a beam is in thine own eye. Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam, out of thine own eye.
[7:34] And then shalt thou clearly see, Thou shalt see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother's eye. Give not that which is holy unto the dogs, Neither cast your pearls before swine, Lest they trample them under their feet, And turn again and rend you.
[7:55] Ask, and it shall be given you. Seek, and ye shall find. Knock, and it shall be opened unto you. For everyone that asketh, receiveth.
[8:08] And he that seeketh, findeth. And to him that knocketh, it shall be opened. For what man is there of you, of his son? If his son asks bread, will he give him a stone?
[8:21] For if he asks a fish, will he give him a serpent? If ye then be evil, know how to give good gifts unto your children. How much more shall your Father which is in heaven, Give good things to them that ask him?
[8:38] Therefore all things whatsoever ye would that man should do to you, Do ye even so to them? For this is the law and the prophets.
[8:50] And to ye in the straight gate, For wide is the gate, and broad is the way, That leadeth to destruction, And many there be which go in thereat. Because straight is the gate, and narrow is the way, Which leadeth unto life, And few there be that findeth.
[9:09] Beware of false prophets, Which come to you in sheep's clothing, But inwardly they are ravening wolves. Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do many gather grapes and thorns, Or figs and thistles?
[9:24] Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit. But a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit. A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, Neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit.
[9:39] Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, And cast into the fire. Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them. Not everyone that set up for me, Lord, Lord, Shall enter into the kingdom of heaven.
[9:55] For he that doeth the will of my Father, Which is in heaven. Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, Have we not prophesied in thy name?
[10:06] And in thy name have cast out devils, And in thy name done many wonderful works. Then when I profess unto them, I never knew you, Depart from me, ye that work iniquity.
[10:20] Therefore, Whosoever heareth these sayings of mine, And doeth them, I will liken him unto a wise man, Which built his house upon a rock.
[10:34] And the rain descended, And the floods clame, And the winds blew, And beat upon that house, And it fell not, For it was founded upon a rock.
[10:44] And every one that heareth these sayings of mine, And doeth them not, Shall be likened unto a foolish man, Which built his house upon the sand.
[10:56] And the rain descended, And the floods came, And the winds blew, And beat upon that house, And it fell, And great was the fall of it.
[11:06] And it came to pass, And Jesus, At the end of these sayings, The people were astonished at his doctrine, For he taught them as one, Having authority, And not as the scribes.
[11:20] May the Lord bless his word, And teach us to pray. Our Lord, We do need you to continually teach us, How to pray, And for what to pray.
[11:34] Because Lord, We do need thee, To truly lead and guide us, Into all truth, And to apply the truth.
[11:46] What is it Lord, If we read the Bible, Nothing is left, For us to meditate upon. And so often is the case, We may have good memories, To retain it, But Lord, We need thy spirit, We depend upon thy spirit, For any life, Life and liberty, Of gospel truths, In your soul.
[12:11] And Lord, I know it's been such a dark day, I know it's all about us, Not surprising Lord, If thou just withhold the spirit, Because of their sinfulness, And we look to thee Lord, To give us true repentance, And godly sorrow for their sins, That we may look to thee Lord, To know that we are, Following on to know thee, We may feel very remote from thee, Very dark, And destitute, That we do understand, That thou dost regard, The prayer of the destitute, May it please thee, O Lord, To come unto us this day, And the things, That we might utter forth, And whether secretly, Approaching unto thee Lord, At this time, In prayer, Do hear our prayers, Do grant deliverance Lord,
[13:13] Do grant that peace of God, That passeth all night, To understand, Not to be satisfied, With our gatherings Lord, But to wait upon thee, To renew our streams of faith, To wait upon the Lord, To supply and need, To preserve unto us, Our Protestant heritage, Our religious liberties, And do make us wise, And Lord, Under salvation, What a great blessing it is, To be saved, With an everlasting salvation, Do be our Saviour, Do be Lord, That wonderful lover, That has gone into heaven, Having satisfied, And just demands, Of a broken law, And meet with our cases Lord, Here this afternoon, And now knows the cases of the people, And no doubt Lord, They have many cases, But it passes one, The trouble that leaves, So another,
[14:14] None of us sees, And we wonder sometimes, Can God dwell here, But don't leave us Lord, We do pray thee, To be destitute, To be destitute, To life, And liberty, And love, So we do pray, Lord, God bless, The language, That we might be led to speak, This afternoon, That shall be God honouring, And God providing, To see, Lord, Apply to the hearts, Of the sinners, So they shall comfort them, With a sweet hope, That it shall be well, While, Life shall last, And when I went, Called to die, Because after all, Lord, It is the eternity, It is the solemnity of it, And thou alone, Can give us eternal life, And thou alone, Can make our crooked things, Strange and our rough places, Plain, And darkness, Right before us, For all hasty,
[15:15] And it is not our rest, Here below, But we do pray, Lord, For thy people, To undertake water, And help them, Help them, O Lord, To trust thee, For thy faithfulness, And do, O Lord, That some of thy sayings, Might sink down deep, Into our ears, Into our very heart, That we might be unable, To retain portions, Of thy word, When thou dost apply them, And not by stealing them, Ourselves, So do hear us, Lord, And give us a real religion, A little, Than the righteous man, Had to be better, Than the many riches, Of the wicked, We would realise that, Lord, To know that we have, A little of that treasure, In their open vessel, That the excellent power, May be of God, And not of us, And Lord, Meet our cases, We may go on, Reading and reading, And reading, Over the years, Lord, That how much, Do we know, Of the truth,
[16:18] That thou have said, Ye shall know, So we would have, Faith and patience, To believe, Lord, That as we, Worry our ear, To the doorpost, That we might hear it, Something that prophet us, This afternoon, To take home, And be had, And shall remain, Of these glorious truths, The gospel, Lord, We will be thankful, That we are found here, We feel to be unworthy, Of thy notice, And unworthy, Of those things, That thou hast, Instructed and taught us in, But don't, Lord, Leave us, To get, Glorified in the flesh, Because of it, That the, Glorified God, In the face of Christ Jesus, For the wonderful, Blessed gift, Of the Trinity, That sinners, Shall be redeemed, From the purse, Of the broken door, Lord, Do hear our poor petitions, Lord, To remember, Lord, The ungenerous ones, In our families, The way we do,
[17:18] Pity them, Lord, Not that we have, Anything to glory in, But we will boast of, But we would delight, Lord, To see them, Wrought upon by their spirit, Begin to realise, That this is not their rest, And all their gatherings, Lord, Of earthly pleasures, So full, Cannot buy them, One step to heaven, Oh, We do pray, Then, Lord, Give us grace, To pray for them, To pray for their enemies, To pray for those, That they spitefully use us, And do, God, Lord, The end of the life, Be a turning point, In this, Wicked world, Of those, That begin to be in one, For a saving knowledge, Of the truth, We realise, Lord, That much mockery, Of religion, Don't leave us, To be a garden, But for Lord, But may we truly, Know what it is, To be seeking, To know the truth, As applied by our spirit, And so we have to say, Spirit of truth,
[18:19] Come down, Or may it please thee, Lord, To give us grace, New birth, And feel we must, Invite thee to come, To not be left, To bring further troubles, Upon our head, Although we will realise, Lord, That sin is the cause, Of all our love, And we do need, Much grace, Lord, To separate, From the world, That life, In the community, Though we're in it, But not part of it, O gracious God, Do bear down, On the media, For we are poor, And needy, And do do sin, For our aid, This afternoon, That we might, Lord, Be unable, To address the people, Under the influence, Felt, And known, Of the spirit, To leave, Guide, Into altar, And apply, That we are not, Sent empty away, Lord, And do,
[19:20] Lord, Go before us, In the coming days, We pray thee, Preserve us, Day by day, Year by year, Until that time comes, That, The body expires, And the soul, Lord, Might be freed, To enter into heaven, For is anything, To either leave, Be with the young ones, Lord, In their responsibilities, Of schooling again, To watch over them, Give them the ability, To learn, And understand these things, And may they, Lord, Be help for another year, We do pray thee, Of education, And those who refer, To education, Lord, Help them too, To cast their cares, Upon thee, And prove, Lord, That even to old age, They will carry thy people, And bless them, With tokens that I lay, So we would thank thee, For thy mercies, Hitherto, Lord, In this new year now,
[20:21] To be our guardian, Still in our guide, Our preserver, And keeper, And keep us faithful, To the truth, In porphine, And impure, In our walk, And our condor, And do forgive our sin, As we ask it, For Christ's sake, Alone, Amen, Let us further sing, Hymn number 81, The tune of Blackwell Hall, In heaven, Well, Canst thou read thy heart, And feel the plague of sin, The sign of his thunder, Make thee start, The conscience roar within, Expect to find no balm, On nature's barren ground, All human medicines will do harm, They only skin the wound.
[21:19] The mighty one.
[21:36] The mighty one. The mighty one.
[22:08] The mighty one.
[22:32] On angels where and where For heaven listens Will their heart They only skin in the room To Jesus Christ's free When all our heaven says Live like the earth
[23:32] And watch me there And make thy righteous sweet In sweet and sweet And breathe Theúa unease myopathy brotherhood The world of sin they sin reveals and praise the gospel rest.
[24:32] Sir, call us the peace of God, which cheers the wondrous word, and love share with the crown of the world.
[25:07] O sweet, then we enter, and all in silence will see the King return to the stronghold that of the time the glory see and evermore.
[26:03] As the Lord may be pleased to help me, I would again direct you carefully to Matthew 6, and reading verse 33, that seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you.
[26:28] Oh, how we do need that living faith to believe in God. We are told, whosoever believeth in him shall not perish, but have everlasting life.
[26:44] The thoughts of eternity come closer to us as we get older, where we cannot live, dear friends, to great ages, and yet what is a great age.
[26:59] Three score and ten, or four score years, yet are they labour and sorrow. we then desire then that labour and sorrow would exercise our minds, exercise us to consider our latter end.
[27:23] Some younger ones might think this is heavy things to be talking about, but do consider your ways, because, he says, here, take therefore no thought for the morrow, for the morrow shall take care of the things of itself, sufficient after the day, is the evil thereof.
[27:53] And so we come through life's journey, can look back many, many years, and consider their shortness of calling upon the name of the Lord.
[28:08] Their wasted years, yes. Their wasted time. And yet also, we can acknowledge too, where the Lord has been mindful of us to teach us to number our days, that we might apply our hearts unto wisdom.
[28:29] And to begin, though it may be late in life, with some of us, to still hope that the Lord has begun that good work in our souls.
[28:40] For there will be a performance of the work of grace on all his chosen people. They are adopted by God.
[28:52] They are taught by God, and they know what it is to say, Abba Father. And this gives you and me license, Abba Father, with the spirit of adoption, that you can speak in way of the Lord's prayer.
[29:09] Our Father, which is heaven, art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. It comes a real prayer then. It's not just glibly used, as I touched on this morning, but the spirit of adoption.
[29:25] what a blessed mercy if he's adopted you and called you by his grace. As I've said before, you won't worry or boast about it, but you'll be befalding with grace.
[29:43] your humble hope and mine will be that you're building upon that sure foundation that we've read on about the wise man, how he built his house.
[29:57] Now, his wisdom was given to him by God. The Lord says in his remarks, in his sayings, whoso is wise and will observe these things, even they shall understand the living God, the living Saviour and his blessedness to give you and me pardon of sin, pardon of sin, and open up on you in the living way to your soul and mine.
[30:33] We should daily be thankful for the benefits bestowed upon us for still seeking this first thing first, knowledge of salvation, the knowledge of Jesus, the knowledge, dear friends, that he has bestowed upon your soul and mine, the quickening influence of his spirit who was once dead in sins and transgressions and iniquities.
[30:58] and he says, look unto me and be ye saved. A great matter this, how few in the countless multitudes of people in the earth know anything about repentance, a new heart given and anxious cares and concerns brought to the throne of grace and pray that the Lord would keep your mind and mine stayed upon God.
[31:30] For these are the blessed souls. They shall be called by his grace, they shall follow on the footsteps of the flock and they shall win Christ and be found in him, not having their own righteousness which is of the Lord, that righteousness which is through the faith of the Son of God who gave himself as a ransom, as an acceptable sacrifice for the sins of his people.
[31:59] What a gift, dear friends. Thanks be unto God for his unspeakable gift. In other words, how do words fail us to acknowledge the goodness of the gift of the Lord Jesus Christ as the acceptable sacrifice who has made amends for our broken law.
[32:27] Blessed Jesus. So we are to seek him. We shall commit our way unto him. We shall give him no rest until he establishes us and prays in the earth and to be favoured to know that he will supply all your need according to which is in glory by Christ Jesus and he calls you.
[32:53] There be the hearing of his voice through the word, word made flesh. That's how often the word is. It's made flesh.
[33:05] He calls you, picture in the conscience, you begin to be in one. other refuge have I none. Hangs my help and soul on thee. Leave me not alone.
[33:16] Still support and comfort me. How he makes us dependent upon him, dear friends. I know we think we can manage our own fears well enough, but we have to learn painfully.
[33:30] The know of Christ are all I want. How sweet the name of Jesus can become at times when he favours you and me with a little hope that he's going to cover with his forgiving love, with the mantle of his forgiving love, all your sins and all your transgressions and all your inequities.
[33:53] Blessed Jesus, the object of our soul's desire. And so we trust that we love him because he has manifested to us that he has shown love to us.
[34:07] He's made your bosom to glow with love with some deliverance. You've looked on. Your life's been spared. You've been raised up again. The earthly position has been used to heal your body but it can't heal your soul.
[34:24] And that's what we need to come and realise. He blesses the means that the earthly position gives and provides because he's that real position, that true position who heals the soul.
[34:41] And it's heal us Emmanuel. Here we are waiting to feel thy touch deep wounded souls that they repair the saviour. We are such. We are such, dear friends, if he's touched your heart and healed you and we've got to realise that when the Lord's people have need, his goodness will find that way.
[35:07] You've proved that he has made his goodness to pass before you in the way. And you've got many mercies to recount in your life and mine.
[35:19] And you have reminded the faithfulness of God, the faithfulness of Jesus, the Son of God, and the operation of the holy comforter.
[35:30] It comforts your troubled heart with a word in seeds and apples of gold and pictures of silver, so it appears. And so we bless the Lord for these favours.
[35:42] And so you do want to seek him. And you pray, Lord, don't leave anything to be a stumbling block to me and casting my burdens upon thee.
[35:55] We so think that we can manage our own affairs so well and do it better than somebody else might do. You may look upon somebody else who doesn't seem to manage their affairs very, very well.
[36:09] But you know the Lord will show you that he only is the way, the truth, and the life, and all that the Father gives him will come to him, and no one will cast him out.
[36:23] This is the great secret of grace in your soul and mind. When brought to feel your need of him, we're showing you a token for good, so it's him first in all things.
[36:37] He's the first and the last, dear friends, in our lives, because he knew where your parents were, that you should be born and become a child of God.
[36:50] God. And this is a great mercy to realize that we cannot serve two masters, but to serve the Lord with reverence and godly fear.
[37:01] And we have to raise to our Ebeneezus to his praise and say, hitherto hath the Lord helped me. Help me, for him that fall to believe in the word of God, because he's applied it.
[37:17] Who teach it like him, friends. He'll teach you, he'll teach you his word, and that will properly your souls. Not what you learn by experience of study, it's what the Lord applies.
[37:34] And that will stand in your favour when you come to die, when he has spoken to you beyond, that he has eternally loved you with an everlasting love, and therefore with loving kindness, has drawn you.
[37:50] Blessed be the Lord. And so he grants you to be this right preparation to be unable to part with all and follow him, not ashamed of him, as your Lord and your Saviour.
[38:05] You've sought the Lord. Sometimes you feel he turns a deaf ear to your petitions, but then another time in due season, we shall reap if we faint not, and we are exhorted to be not weary in well doing, for in due season ye shall reap and not faint.
[38:26] Because we are sometimes, we do, we are faint-hearted, we might come across a word that seems to really search us and try us and we wonder, is there any good thing found in my heart toward the Lord God of Israel?
[38:40] Yes, there is. this is the voice of the Lord, this is the voice that speaks to your soul and causes you to consider him that he do in such contradiction of sins against himself, unless you be faint and weary in your minds.
[38:59] And he says, look unto me all the ends of the earth. You know, sometimes you will feel at the ends of the earth. Where am I?
[39:09] What am I? Strange and mysterious is my life. Ends of the earth. And he says, and he's even there, even there at the ends of the earth will you find him at that appointed time.
[39:28] The Lord on the place not to propose but call by grace, change your heart, renew your will and return your feet, desires hell. Because he says, I am the Lord, I change not.
[39:40] Therefore, his sons of Jacob are not forgotten. He is your helper. He is your saviour.
[39:52] He is your redeemer. He has paid a very costly price. You can't put money against it, dear friends.
[40:04] it's what he has done. His life has been taken out of this world. And yet, his deity ever lives.
[40:15] Although we believe, don't we, that even his body was raised again. And he entered into heaven. As he was here upon the earth.
[40:28] And he will come again in full righteousness, to judge the world in righteousness. And so we ask the Lord to grant us that imputed righteousness of Christ to cover with a mantle of forgiving love all his sins of the sinner, all the sins of the sinner.
[40:49] He was sinless perfection, that he came amongst his own, his own received it not, that as many as received it to them gave me the power to be the son of God.
[41:01] It's the power of God, not the power of man that thinks he can do something acceptable in the sight of God. Without him we can do nothing.
[41:12] We need the Lord to strip us of all our pains in meekness to approach the right I am, but to seek, to seek the Lord.
[41:27] To seek that the Lord would garner us a place in his kingdom, the kingdom of immense delight. We sometimes ponder what must it be to exchange earth for heaven.
[41:43] Something, dear friends, that we can't even describe, even though we know that John was in the spirit of the Lord's day, and he viewed such wonderful things of heaven.
[41:58] And if the Lord, dear friends, is preparing you and me for those prepared mansions, he will come again and receive it unto himself. But where he is, shall you and I be privileged to be forever more.
[42:14] What a favour to think that he is preparing mansions in the sky for sinners such as you, such as me.
[42:26] Of all the wonderful, wonderful comprehension, if we could get a glimpse by faith of Jesus in eternity. And there for you and me to go and spend a never ending eternity in the fulfilling of that love of Christ, which is rich and free, fixed on you eternally.
[42:51] What a favour and what a mercy if you had a little touch and a token of his love. It will melt you down. It will make you come weeping and supplicating in the throne of Christ.
[43:05] Lord, don't leave me to be deceived. Don't leave me to bring shame or reproach upon that dear head of thine. But make me willing in the day of thy power to follow thee in that block.
[43:20] To strive to enter, as we read, into the straight gate. Few that be the finder. But blessed be the Lord, if you have been drawn by the cause of this man, by the bonds of his love, because he had never severed those bonds.
[43:42] He had never severed those things that he has bestowed upon you. He will never leave you. He will never forsake you. That's something to feel a little hope for, isn't it?
[43:55] Never leave you, never forsake you, as sinners might leave you or forsake you, friend, but not the Lord. Not the Lord.
[44:07] No severing of those ties from all eternity, before you were born. He eternally loved you, and all we have to say, Lord, do bring to our remembrance anything that you might have spoken to me that has perhaps slipped from my memory.
[44:28] You said the Spirit is our remembrance there, touched you, moved you, made you willing in the day of his power. I must attend the house of God.
[44:40] I must come and pour out my soul before him at the throne of grace. I must plead that I might receive a blessing through the gospel, preached or read, sermons, to do the good.
[44:55] You know your good Lord will do you good. It'll be with a little here and a little there, tokens that you long for to be applied.
[45:06] You be your remembrance, sir. Time is set to heal up your woes and see his love to disclose. And you go on your way rejoicing. And so you see he tells us plainly how the fowls of the air they sow not, neither do they reap nor gather into barns, yet your heavenly father feared them.
[45:32] Are you not much better than die? Yes, chosen vessels, better than these creatures of the earth, and always purposed to be upon the face of the earth.
[45:44] But they have no soul. And all the beasts of the earth have no soul. When they die, they go down to the earth. But the humanity of man will be ultimately will expire his body, but the soul is an immortal soul than it ever live in.
[46:09] And the destination from it is from that destination that immortal soul will be in heaven by the grace of God and in heaven upon God's justification.
[46:26] Because the just alone can live by time, but the unjust shall perish in their sins. sins. This is a solemn thing to think this word of God has been so free to view, free to read since the 1600s.
[46:45] And before that, the word was known and held by many dear friends that were prophesied of these things.
[46:57] What a mercy we have a Bible. And it speaks the truth. There's no other Bible. And we bless God for it, but to you and me. You know, you will seek the Lord to guide you by his counsel.
[47:13] And afterwards receive you in the glory. That even in your pathway of tribulation, you'll pray for that patience.
[47:26] And pray to be delivered from the tempter's power. The time to taste the Saviour's love and to feel the effects of it.
[47:37] For it's his righteousness. His righteousness to cover all your sins and your iniquities from the beginning to the end of your life.
[47:49] sin. For we shall bear sin until the end of our lives. Sins in the sea. Hide me. Oh, yes, 70. The place where Jesus, being in an agony, to think your maker, your creator, was in an agony.
[48:07] Agonized of soul. Agonized of soul as he bore the curse of me of a broken door. God, the blessed be the Lord.
[48:20] He is conquered and through mercy we should be born in the conqueror. Through him that has loved us and washed us from his sins in his blood.
[48:32] And all we bless the Lord. Bless the Lord, oh my soul, let all in me join. I in my tongue to bless his name whose favours are divine.
[48:42] may these sayings, may they not sink down, dear friends, out of your mind and out of your thoughts.
[48:55] But to go home and meditate upon these things, this text that airs today, a simple text, but a very profound one, in seeking an interest in the shed blood of the Lord Jesus.
[49:11] He came and conquered sin, death and hell for all those in the coven. Seek to know you are in the coven and ordered in all things the short. Seek to know that you have an evidence that the Lord has visited your soul.
[49:25] You drift along. Do not glory in the things of the flesh. Do not glory in the gold and the silver. Do not glory in your earthly possessions, but glory God in the fire.
[49:40] fire. Yes, the fiery trial, which is a trial, you have so some strange thing happen to you, but rejoice in being a partaker of his sufferings.
[49:55] We need it. Suffering for his name's sake, all your afflictive dispensation, all your sorrows, all your disappointments, all your dashed hopes.
[50:07] You sometimes despair. What next is going to come upon you? Sin. All thou hideous monster sin. What a curse that thou brought in.
[50:17] All creation grows through thee, pregnant cause of misery. But look at the love. Look at the love that you and I need to plead for.
[50:29] In everlasting love. The redeeming love of Christ that was deemed you from the curse of the broken love. What a message to take home.
[50:41] See he first the kingdom of God, a place in his kingdom. Earthly kingdoms fade away, die. But this is an everlasting kingdom, a kingdom of immense delight, your treasure in an earthen vessel.
[51:00] You're persuaded of it. You're not worthy of it, but he's revealed his love to you. He's spoken to your heart. He's touched your heart.
[51:11] Every thing that you do and I touch is marked with sin. Marked with sin. Sinless perfection is obtained by pleading with Jesus.
[51:26] Impure to me, Lord, that robe of righteousness, covered with the mantle of thy forgiving love. All my sins, all my transgressions, since I was born in sin and shaped in it, conceived in it.
[51:43] We're vile and full of sin. You don't like it, it's the truth, dear friends, if I know a little of it. And we need more conviction, and we need more convincing that Jesus is the way to God, and helpless souls have here, a friend.
[52:02] Lord, may we not be left to be so carried away with the vain treasures of this life, we've got to leave them all. But what a mercy to see Jesus, made a little lower than the angels, for your comfort and your hope and mine, not a single shaft can hit, dear friends, till the God of love sees for you.
[52:29] And so we bless the Lord that there are those things that touch you and break your heart, but she won't destroy you, as we said earlier.
[52:42] As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten, be zealous therefore and repent. I'll give you a new heart made in the tender fear of God, and I'll make you wise unto salvation.
[52:58] in spite of your earthly arrogance and pride and determination not to know the truth, God in his mercy shines through at that appointed time.
[53:13] Time you're set to heal up your woes, to seize the most of it, his love to disclose. And he says, tell you here in the city of Jerusalem until you be endued with power from the heart.
[53:27] You won't have many friends if you're a believer, but you will know them that are graciously called, and you'll realise that the word of the Lord endures forever.
[53:40] This is the word which by the gospel is preached unto your soul and my soul. And may it be applied, and may we be favoured to walk worthily unto vocation when we have been called looking unto Jesus.
[53:59] Here's endured temptation. Here's this word as I said earlier, with great drops of blood falling to ground, agony of sorrow for every chosen vessel in the covenant.
[54:14] What a privileged soul you will be to live and praise him, so that you might enter into that land of pure delight where pure joy that reigns, covered with the robe of his forgiving love, and all these other things.
[54:33] We get fretful, don't we, about things here below? How can I meet the cost of this? How can I do this? How can I do that? Where are the means coming from?
[54:45] My God shall supply. We have to raise our love and these us, don't we, hitherto? Have the Lord helped us. You're not a multimillionaire.
[54:57] Striving for great things, see them not. See them for us. A place in this kingdom. See that the Lord knows all that you have need of, all these things.
[55:14] Oh, we're so, so fretful at times as to how we're going to pay our way, how we're going to, how we're going to meet this cost and that cost. You know, the Lord knows.
[55:28] Them that honor me, I will honor, they despise me, shall be like esteem. Some of us had to prove that, and I know some of you have. But as your days demand, so is your strength there.
[55:45] You better depend upon the Lord. A knock at the door, may be in darkness and bondage, may be a meal provided in our earlier days we remember, and those things where the Lord has made a way for us, where we knew no way.
[56:03] What a God he is, a God of mercy, a God of power, a God of almighty grace, and that grace is sufficient, that strength made perfect in weakness, you glory in your authority, which is completely opposite to nature, that the power of Christ meets your need.
[56:24] You want to read, don't you, about John Warmerton, what days they had in those days, that he got through, and he got to heaven. Those times may not be as hard today, that there's still things that rise in your pathway, mine, but he knows the way.
[56:42] he's determined, he's planned it before the world's made, for your poor sinful body and your immortal soul.
[56:54] And he had taken not his spirit from you. If he's begun that good work in your soul, he will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ when he comes to take your redeemed soul, to be with Christ, which will be far better.
[57:09] These are high things, these are blessed things, but in all, dear friends, there's a right beginning upon the earth, and he's begun that good work upon your soul, he'll perform it until the day that he comes.
[57:24] So I believe we've witnessed it to you souls now that we believe in glory, and they've conquered sin, death and hell, because Jesus has been their guard, their guide, he's supplied at every need, and they can look on and say, this and that is the Lord's doing, it has been marvellous in your eyes, but seek thee first, all his first things first, he knows what you are in need of, before you ask your thing, although we have more faith to trust him for his faithfulness, and press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling God in Christ Jesus.
[58:11] May pardon all the best this day and get to his self, honour and glory, anything accepted in heaven, and may he be a sovereign protector through another wing, if it could please him, for his name's sake, amen.
[58:32] Let us conclude with hymn 324, the tune is Willingdon, 815. Though troubles assail, and dangers are tried, though friends should all fail, and foes all unite, yet one thing secures us, whatever be tied, the scripture assures us, the Lord will provide.
[58:58] When Satan appears to stop up our path, and fills us with fears, we triumph by faith, he cannot take promise, though oft he has tried, this heart-jearing promise, the Lord will provide.
[59:25] service mail toマ ngày DEнет shall fondlay 324, 324.
[59:37] Amen. Amen.
[60:37] When Satan appears to stop up their cross, and fills us with fears, we triumph by trade.
[61:02] We cannot take promise, though all they can destroy, this heart-shearing promise that Lord will provide.
[61:30] He tells us, will we have a great in vain?
[61:44] The good that we see, we miss him all day.
[61:57] But when some surgeons have spirits have died, this answers so precious the Lord will provide.
[62:24] The trade-off error for goodness we pay.
[62:39] Yes, he's green and earth, the Saviour's great day.
[62:53] Clear this restaurant tower, O say they wait away.
[63:07] The Lord is our power, the Lord will provide.
[63:21] When life saves the place, and the earth is in view, this word of his grace shall come for us.
[63:47] The Lord will provide. The Lord will provide. The Lord will provide. More doubt with the Lord. The Lord will provide.
[63:59] The Lord will provide. The Lord will provide. the Lord will burn May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ the love of God the Father the fellowship of the Holy Spirit rest in the body of the siege Amen