Having our sins covered (Quality: Good)

Melbourne - Zion - Part 28

Sermon Image
Jan. 31, 2016


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[0:00] May the Lord help us to commence our worship today with Psalm 328, the tune is Luton 363.

[0:13] Afflicted Saint, to Christ all near, my Saviour's gracious promise here, his faithful word be fair for thee, that as thy days thy strength shall be, let not thy heart respond and say, how shall I stand the trying day? He has engaged by firm decree, that as thy days thy strength shall be.

[0:54] 3-8 When we sing to Christ, O dear, thy Saviour's gracious, from the dear, thy Saviour's gracious, from the dear, his faithful word him in theaven

[1:56] A angel be. Little dreaming is cold and slang.

[2:14] Hell shall die lay the crying good.

[2:26] He has given me my holy prayer.

[2:39] Then as I may, my strength shall be.

[2:52] Thye brand is the only girl.

[3:05] And if the great trees should be.

[3:18] The Lord will reign, the Savior will reign, for as Thine is, Thy strength shall be.

[3:48] To the best solution, great and lame, till the divine Redeemer's day.

[4:13] In thine retrial, Thou shalt see, Let thy grace, thy strength shall be.

[4:39] When the Lord will reign, the waking of us, O show of the rich and faithfulness, God is grace, for all his glory still there is my grace a strange Excellent When God's living, the virgin new, Christ's presence shall, my peace, the day.

[6:01] He comes to save my spirit, great.

[6:15] In heaven's light, my strength shall be.

[6:31] We read this morning from Paul's epistle to the Romans, chapter 4. Fourth chapter of the Romans.

[7:11] When he was in circumcision or in uncircumcision.

[8:15] Not in circumcision, but in uncircumcision. And he received the sign of circumcision as sealed of the righteousness of the faith, which he had yet been uncircumcised.

[8:29] That he might be the father of all them that believe, though they be not circumcised. That righteousness might be imputed unto them also.

[8:41] And the father of circumcision to them who are not of the circumcision only, but who also walk of the steps of that faith of their father Abraham, which he had been yet uncircumcised.

[8:57] For the promise that he should be the heir of the world was not to Abraham or to his seed through the law, but through the righteousness of faith.

[9:07] For if they which are of the law be heirs, faith is made all void, and the promise made of none effect.

[9:18] Because the law worketh wrath. For where no law is, there is no transgression. Therefore it is of faith that it might be by grace to the end of the promise, and I be sure to all see, not that only which is of the law, but that also which is of the faith of Abraham, who is the father of us all.

[9:45] As it is written, I have made thee a father of many nations, before him whom he believed, even God, who quickeneth the dead, and calleth those things which be not as though they were.

[10:02] Who against hope believe in hope, that he might believe the father of many nations, according to that which was spoken, so shall thy seed be.

[10:14] And being not weak in faith, he considered not his own body now dead, when he was about a hundred years old, nearly at the deadness of Sarah's womb.

[10:27] He staggered not at the promise of God through unbelief, but was strong in faith, giving glory to God, and being fully persuaded that what he had promised, he was able also to perform.

[10:42] And therefore it was imputed to him for righteousness. It was not written for his sake alone, that it was imputed to him, but for us also, to whom it shall be imputed, if we believe on him that raised up Jesus our Lord from the dead, who was delivered for our offences, who was delivered for our offences, and was raised again for our justification.

[11:12] May the Lord bless his word, and help us in prayer. May the mighty and most merciful God, the Father rise in whom there is no virulness, neither shadow of turning.

[11:30] Permit, Lord, poor sinners to approach unto thee, whether audibly or in thought and mind. As we come before thee this morning, thank you, Lord, for safe conduct.

[11:43] For that measure of health and strength, Lord, to enable us to come, and to gather before thee. And the desire, Lord, that the Spirit might anoint us, in pure and in porphyry too, to seek after that righteousness of Christ, to cover all our sins, to deliver us from their iniquities.

[12:07] And though thou knowest, Lord, our calm minds, and mighty to thee, that may we feel the life of the Spirit within us, and may we all truly be humbled in the dust.

[12:19] If so, be there might hope, that we shall get the victory over this body of sin and death, through the merits of Jesus. We do needly, Lord, to confirm our souls.

[12:33] We have been much course for thanksgiving, for spearing, for serving mercy. We do needly, Lord, to grant that we may come and weep in mourning over our sin and after thee, conceiving and seeking and coping of our love.

[12:50] We realise that we are very calm. There is very much within us that rebels against God and the things, Lord, that he causes to come in our lives.

[13:01] But do give us grace to be submissive to thy mind and thy will. And may we believe in, Lord, beyond our lives, with our humble hope, that thou have gone on to prepare a place for us.

[13:15] And, Lord, come and go and receive us unto thyself, that where thou shalt be, we may be privileged to be forevermore at the end of our lives here.

[13:29] We ask the Lord that while we are spared here today, we might truly spend our lives, Lord, waiting upon the Lord, walking in thy fear, and committing our way to thee.

[13:43] Oh, Lord, we do need that faith to believe in God. Young or old, but there are to God. And though thou despise and reject in my millions in the day that we live in, there still shall be a remnant.

[14:00] And as the Lord come to thee with our hard things, that we go into our closets, Lord, and shut the door, and pray for thy blessing to rest upon us.

[14:12] That as poor and needy sinners, that we might hear thy voice. That we might, Lord, commit all our care and all our concerns into thy care and keeping.

[14:23] That we might be given that measure of help and strength to continue. That we might be favoured to be delivered, Lord, from those that we are fearful of. Do be well, especially, Lord, with our young children.

[14:37] Help their Lord at night, and the older ones too. As they get into the greater depths, Lord, of education. Do help them through, and then going on to further education.

[14:49] Do bless them, Lord, with that heavenly wisdom. May they not, Lord, be ashamed to call upon thy name. May they look to me, Lord, and see that God, give them that calmness, that miss their restless motion, persuading that there is a God, persuading that God knows and sees them, knows every step they take, knows those that they try to persecute them, and they can bow and silence them, Lord.

[15:19] And they will help them, O Lord, to consider their ways, that they might follow in the footsteps, all the commandments of God, to remember the Sabbath, to realise the vital might not be, to know thee, the only truth of God, in their lives, and Jesus Christ, and our sins.

[15:38] For we shall all appear before me one day, Lord, that we do need to be clothed with that robe of thy righteousness, to know that their sins are part of them, that blood and hands are thick for her, and they hear thy voice, they return unto thee, for I redeem thee.

[15:57] O have I completed this dark game in the night, for the Spirit of the quicken many souls, to come and hear what God the Lord shall speak under their souls.

[16:08] O don't leave us to despise thee, or rebel against thee, Lord, because we may do those things to the contrary, perhaps to what our flesh wants to do, but then our flesh is so easily tempted by the devil, Lord, in this world we say, what terrible days that we are that we live in, evil men seduce us, worse and worse, deceiving and being deceived.

[16:33] O do keep our young one, we do pray this, do poorly, keep them from the love of sinning, and Lord, that those that tempt us, seem to be on every hand, subdue the power of the devil, and do, Lord, God, they might cry unto thee for mercy, and there might be those right beginnings of them, of those who are called by thy grace, not only young ones, but those that bear the burden of the day, and they're the only ones too.

[17:04] We need thee, Lord, to give us place to walk worthy of thee, in the vocation where we trust we have be called, looking unto thee. Remember family members, so with the desire, Lord, to see a return of them.

[17:19] Is there anything too hard for thee, Lord, to awaken them, to return them, wherever they might be, not only in this country, but in the world? Lord, touch their hearts, and show them, Lord, that they need thee, and they give a desire, to pray unto thee, for thy appearing, my blessing, to touch their hearts, that they might be born again, of water, and the spirit.

[17:46] Remember our guilty land and nation, Lord, we do pray, Lord, give our leaders wisdom, subdue their evil desires, Lord, and bless their flesh,��ame things, Lord, easy for them to, to, may yet return to the schools, Lord, and may all men be raised up to teach the scriptures with the help of thy spirit, divine guidance, Lord.

[18:28] Oh, what a sad state within my nature. Lord, do govern the affairs of this nation and the federal government in particular, Lord, and also of the state governments.

[18:42] But that might be, Lord, and overalding and see thy hand, subduing, Lord, the lust of the flesh and the pride of life amongst those, Lord, who gain marriage such a people, Lord.

[18:56] Lord, for this is surely an abomination in the sight of God. And there are many abominations, Lord, in the sight of God, in the way man lives and walks, but do play thee.

[19:09] And Lord, to keep our young people as their lives, Lord, and be over-servanted with green, Lord, and over-servanted with it, which can only destroy and ultimately remove it.

[19:22] Lord, have mercy upon the nation and the young people. We do beg of thee. And raise us up here to see it to serve thee, a generation to call thee the Redeemer, blessed, for it's anything too hard to do.

[19:36] Be, Lord, then mindful of those under thine afflicted hand. Do, Lord, grant healing touches there, that it is needed. Do guide us each with thy counsel, and bless us each with thy grace.

[19:51] O hear us in these matters, Lord, and preserve us, Lord, from bringing shame and reproach upon that dear head of thine.

[20:02] We do thank you for mercies to another week of time. And now, Lord, we pray for thy presence, to touch a poor sinner's tongue, that we might be given that liberty of the gospel, and set some sinner free from the condemnation that they may feel to be under the broken law.

[20:24] Lord, we do need pardon, we need forgiveness, if it could please. We ask his favours in the name of Jesus, and for his sake alone.

[20:35] Amen. Let us further sing in 352, Pertunius Baker 292.

[20:52] The moon and star shall lose their life, the sun shall sink in endless night, both heaven and earth shall pass away, the rocks of nature all decayed, that they that in the Lord can tide, and shelter in his wounded side, shall see the danger overpass, stand every storm, and live at last.

[21:18] Amen. The moon and star shall Radiant, foot and stint, and living at last.

[21:38] Night with the fire Guest, and the generation of people, be lead at last. The оно from the sea whose holy hand reached his warrant, The moon and star, The moon and star in the army, the army and fortune shall the other best. Amen. Female United have cast back out of the ground, such asc chicos of the earth by far away.

[21:49] And identify and star- Villain, and 몸 and starling who have ar Had again, that the earth with planets crossed through their minds, my death, the dawn and star-billain the world, and a mere problem to过 hurling that led Wyain the world's sake of protection, their来 being of the Word of faith, The Word of God The Word of God

[23:00] The Word of God The Word of God The Word of God The Word of God The Word of God The Word of God The Word of God The Word of God The Word of God The Word of God The Word of God The Word of God The Word of God The Word of God The Word of God The Word of God The Word of God The Word of God The Word of God The Word of God The Word of God The Word of God The Word of God The Word of God The Word of God The Word of God The Word of God The Word of God

[24:02] The Word of God The Word of God The Word of God The Word of God The Word of God The Word of God The Word of God The Word of God The Word of God The Word of God The Word of God The Word of God The Word of God The Word of God The Word of God The Word of God OKKEd, O aggregation of theік are available to the Thственный prostaghouse from the union with the wydaje and the Thou winning David hped by the marquee management think Bathrooms and wash your hands in my blood and wash your hands in my blood.

[25:25] As the Lord may be pleased to help me, I will direct you prayerfully to Paul's epistle to the Romans, chapter 4 and reading verse 7.

[25:49] Romans 4, verse 7. And saying, this is what David described in the psalmist, that the blessedness of the man under whom God imputed righteousness without worth, saying, blessed are they whose iniquities are forgiven and whose sins are covered.

[26:17] This is the direct desire of a quicken self, convinced of his or her sins, they will be looking for forgiveness, looking for pardon, sins covered.

[26:42] And by whom? The precious blood of Christ. As we saw in that last night, sin, cease from your own works, good or bad, but sheltered beneath his precious blood.

[27:00] And this is most vital to you and me with religion. Not justified by works, by faith, in the merits of Jesus.

[27:13] So, our father, our spiritual father on earth, Abraham, was justified by faith, a chosen vessel.

[27:25] And, through his obedience, he staggered not the promise of God through unbelief, but was strong in faith, giving glory to God.

[27:39] And we need the Lord to reveal to us that he's the author of our faith. Your beginnings in mind, in acknowledging God.

[27:50] We reflect back in our minds over many, many years. We know we were brought up in a form of godliness.

[28:04] We know that we've taken to God's house on the Lord's day. And there was more evidence in those days amongst the nations of the earth.

[28:17] Still the devil was so active. And he's allured many away. The lust of the flesh and the pride of life. We knew what it was to be allured by Satan.

[28:33] But Jesus said, I will allure them into the wilderness and speak comfortably unto them. And this is why you and I, that have been allured by him, to come to God's house, that seek the work of the Spirit, of being born again by the work of the Spirit, you have felt guilty.

[28:58] You felt the guilt and the burden that you were simmering in his pure and only eyes. You cannot think one thought of right, such as the state of the fall of the Adam Hall.

[29:12] For blessed be the Lord, the blessedness of the man is under whom God imputed not this, under whom God imputed righteousness without works.

[29:26] Some delight to do their works. They think by doing good works, they're going to get to heaven. But faith without works, dear friends, we know is dead.

[29:41] As work without faith is dead. This is God working through faith. We must have the gift of faith to believe in God, to put our trust in him, to believe in God by what he's left on record in his word.

[30:03] The something secret calls you and me to the throne of grace. He sanctifies your losses and your crosses and your afflictions. He causes you to ponder the path of your faith and some of you have known this.

[30:20] And you've seen the falling away of others. You've seen those in the tides of nature paving their way to hell with the way they're going on. And we're not having to reign over them.

[30:34] But blessed be the Lord for those teachings of yours in early days and even in recent years that made you ponder the path of your faith to consider what they've described as the blessedness of man.

[30:51] Blessed are they whose iniquities are pardoned, are forgiven, and whose sins are covered. This is the great desire of a seeking soul.

[31:03] This is the prime idea of him searching the scriptures, that he might know the truth. And where do we go for instruction but to the Lord Jesus Christ who said to these believers, I will instruct thee and teach thee in the way thou should go.

[31:25] Be not as the horse or the mule who have no understanding. when we look around the world, the world thing has no understanding of the scriptures and what the end shall be.

[31:40] But all how we do need the Lord and his mercy. Because these things don't happen that we've even been singing of this morning as yet, but we know his judgments come upon the earth and we shall know those judgments by way of his punishment for his sins.

[32:00] And wherefore does the living man complain for the punishment of his sins? Though as it's sanctified so, he will hasten to go to the throne of grace and bring his hard things to the Lord that he might hear them and grant him this blessedness.

[32:21] That we might know something of the forgiveness and their sins to be covered. Covered with the map of his forgiving love putting upon you that robe of his imputed righteousness.

[32:35] This then is perhaps against hope at times. Where will your hopes be in mine? With faith and exercise your hopes will be built upon nothing less than Jesus' blood and righteousness.

[32:50] You do not trust the sweetest frame. You are fearful of yourself aren't you? Of creating some faith.

[33:03] But as the Lord comes he gives you faith. You read the word, you search the scriptures and it's your meat and your drink indeed for the welfare of your soul.

[33:15] And yes the welfare of your natural mind. Though there may be hard things that this blessedness is the man. Because you are made by to feel in and of yourself the burden of your sins.

[33:32] And how can you escape the punishment for those sins? And so you look for the Lord to cast your cares and your burden upon the Lord that he might sustain you and uphold and maintain you in the path of the just.

[33:47] You see the just shall live by faith but if any man draw back my soul shall have no pleasure in him. How tempted we are at times to give up and call no more upon his name.

[34:04] What you you might say? Yes me but there mostly is. You see we have to learn the power of Satan the power of darkness when we see no light and wonder where the sins go in.

[34:22] We have to learn painfully don't we? But the Lord know it. Lord put our trust in a living God and his living word.

[34:35] He on occasions takes his word and applies it with power to yourself. You can't escape it. It floats in your brain. It may seem to be dry doctrine but the Lord is working a purpose in this.

[34:50] This portion of scripture that lays heavily upon your soul and you've still gone seeking and you can't give up waiting upon and you can't give up hearing the truth or reading the truth.

[35:05] And so you ask the Lord to give you faith and tell his leisure there and wait your pointed hour. Wait to the bride. him of your soul who yields his love and power to your soul and mine.

[35:21] We show those evidences in our life of the blessedness of the Lord. And so you see though Abraham was weak in faith and he was brought there by his faith to consider not his own body now dead either.

[35:39] Yet the deadness of Sarah's work be staggered by the promise of God. You'll stagger at the promise I believe to think the Lord should cause you to stagger to drink the wine of astonishment to the Lord should come right where you are and apply his voice his word to your son.

[36:06] And as I say he works in you the Lord to bring your hard things to him and he says he will hear them. You see this is where the love of Christ is beginning to be revealed to you to shine into your heart.

[36:26] Oh to bless God for a little hope that you've had a blessing. You sat down under his shadow greatly like his fruit has been sweet to your taste.

[36:36] He's applied the words I said just now there's a doctrine floating in your brain you cannot get away from it. You look it up you meditate upon it and pray that the Lord might yet bring it to fruition in your life and mine.

[36:53] That we might be unable to say as Jesus said ye shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free from the condemnation of the broken of all.

[37:04] Oh blessed Jesus. You see circumcision or non circumcision dear friends which is of the flesh will have no case in this matter of the welfare of your soul so as soon the Lord loved he chastened him and then he chastened him and gave repentance and godly sorrow for sin and he would truly favour them to know the Lord will not impute that sin but iniquities are forgiven.

[37:43] These iniquities are iniquitous thoughts sinful thoughts and what should be not faith is sin a hideous monster all hideous monster sin what occurs as thou brought in all creation groans through thee pregnant cause of misery we hear those things now don't we dreadful things coming upon even little babes and God knows it and God causes it to come for an all wise purpose and we wonder sometimes and tempted sometimes is this the cause those that look on and are believers to ponder the path of their feet the Lord is over the saint if I not all that are born are saved we must get that very clear all that the father give it shall come to me don't let the devil dear friends frighten you away from

[38:56] Christ he's the refuge of the poor seeking soul you don't get what you want but you know you are a sinner you got nothing to bring but sin and everything to receive with the pardon all would have mercy to know this God and David described it the blessedness of man the blessing of the Lord make it rich and adding no sorrow there to we can't present ourselves before God acceptable in his sight unless he covers us with the mantle of his forgiving love some think they're saved before they're lost but you'll know what it is it's lost sinners that come to Jesus praying that he will truly bless you blessing the Lord that maketh rich rich to all intense bliss and so have we did need to be led to this found noble sin and uncleanness yes there was one dying thief saved and another one was lost there's no room for complacency in your religion and mine we must seek and ask and not for a fairly confirmation confirm my soul

[40:24] Lord that I am a chosen vessel do remember God is a sovereign whom he chooses and whom he discards it's his sovereignty that will bring salvation to his chosen people we can't argue with God we might normally comply why this one or that one but as I said God has a sovereign right to do according to his will amongst the armors of heaven and the heavens and the man can say his hand or say what do so all that we had the Lord's power to silence some of the critics of God's religion in this to not die this is not a manufactured religion this is not for those that think that they can convert another it's all the work of the blessed spirit that brings you and me here and brings you and me with a desire

[41:29] I'll trust to know the truth and the truth shall make you free and so the fulfilling of David's description of the blessings of man are these iniquities are forgiven if sin be pardoned I am secure you'll often hear me say and it is so sin's pardoned strive for it plead for it give him no rest until he establish you with a little hope in your soul that he has touched your heart and mine we know that the flesh is concrete to the work of the spirit but when he subdues the enemy within you when he grants you that measure of peace that he's procured for your soul on Calvary's trail you'll bless God for Calvary and you'll say lead me to the garden without his sweat as the world like drops of blood pouring around and lead me dear friends to the cross and lead me to

[42:46] Christ on the cross suffering bleeding dying to deliver your soul from the pit you'll come with a why me why was I made to hear his voice and enter mother's room when thousands make a wretched choice and rather starve them doesn't it worry you your families that's me that's me friends friends abroad in the earth we see their downfall we see their falling away we see their wilderness their carnality paving their way to hell more that there might yet be the Lord reviving Zion building again there might be a hole to the falling away building up their churches in their most holy faith true religion things known things for help I must

[43:47] I must be born again I must have those tokens that I love to confirm my soul I feel sometimes my blood will have got its shade I can't say I long to see it fall because I want evidence is not in the pathway of the just it shall lead ultimately my soul to everlasting bliss those of you following on to realise the one vital thing is to win Christ and be found in him not having your own righteousness which is on the door but righteousness through faith in the son of God who gave himself for you lay down his life for his friends and you are my friends if you do whatsoever I command you the blessing of the Lord the forgiveness of your iniquities and the pardon of your sins their cover his love there's no greater love than this than the love of

[44:57] Christ which is rich and free fixed on his own eternally oh do Lord come and bless me with a token of thy love assure my conscience of its power in the redeemer's blood and be a witness to my heart I am born of God don't believe me to act without reality of that faith let no one work in me make me willing in the day to keep my commandments which are not grievous oh where will you and I have been finished if we not if our iniquities are not forgiven and our sins are not covered it's right to know it it's the blood of Christ that can cleanse them all sin it's the greatest blessing you and I can have knowledge of salvation how shall we escape if we neglect the blessing this man David described it I remember he was a sinner he was guilty of adultery he was guilty of an access after murder excessive of that that he was chosen all the love of

[46:14] Christ Lord hast thou chosen me hast thou bought me with a price hast thou eternally loved me say unto my soul Lord raise up a hope in my soul without my salvation who needs the saviour but a sinner and sinners can say in only they how precious is the saviour I believe dear friends that was on my mind in the vestu saviour of sinners drawn here plead Lord plead the blood of Christ no are able to plead make intercession for me before the father so that my name your name is written in the land book of life vital to know it we drift along we finish the services we come

[47:16] Monday morning where are we what are we what did we receive yesterday we're in the week when we're able to gather some of us all this vital knowledge of Christ we might truly feel that love should have brought in our heart by the Holy Ghost that we know in whom we have believed and commit our way to him this blessedness of knowing the Redeemer is nigh oh to know this and David knew it persuaded of it in spite of his sins that he had confessed and when the man spoke to him the prophet they're like the man David they're like the man and so this is conviction and see here is love this is love dear friends this is that love that we want to feel our bosoms glow with them and you will at times you can do all things through

[48:26] Christ strength you when he tells you he's loved you will never last in love therefore loving kindness draws you his great grace draws you by grace he says through faith and not of yourselves work of God but not of works lest any man should boast all grace excludes boasting in their lives but you bless God for that grace what is grace why it's the evidence of his love faith hope and love in the souls of his redeemed and he magnified the Lord magnified it and made it honorable that your soul might be redeemed from the curse of the law what is grace unmerited mercy favor and love of God to your soul you're not staggered the promises when

[49:27] God applies that he takes it and seals it he that has made your heavens secure will provide our prices rich we can't be we can't be dead dear friends because he has managed our affairs by the way and will do to the end he has managed your affairs or may we truly know something that he made your home secure you know Christ is rich I can't be poor because of what there was provided you will not be poor you will be poor and needing no feelings but when the poor and needing see all and raise none your tongue will fail in the first I the Lord will hear them or may you not forsake the throne of grace dear friends may you be led by the spirit not by my prompting you but by the spirit that teaches you to number your days to apply your heart and mind and wisdom to observe these things and have these words apply to yourself to cover us with the robe of

[50:55] Christ righteousness there won't be any spot on your soul that isn't covered with the mantle of his forgiving love that robe brought out on the powerless tree woven without a seam woven without a seam friends no sins to be uncovered they're all covered with his love everlasting love and it never fails or to be striving to have a token of his love friends as it were to brand you this certain evidence of your iniquities unforgiven we may go against a friend and we make some unkind remarks to what a mercy we've got the courage to go back and confess that we're sorry how much greater mercy to be able to confess your sins at the front of those

[52:08] Lord save me forgive me forgive my sins because we we're rebellious aren't we rebellious that are rebellious that are still yet still in love I brought thee in and my promise I will all fail all this love of Christ how blessed it is may we feel it may we feel a little hope in our souls then their iniquities are cast behind his back in the depths of the seas of that crimson ocean of his blood and sins covered covered dear friends no more to know that your sins are against you and me for if sin be part of mine secure death and no sin beside the Lord of sin is damning but Christ my ransom but what a suffering

[53:11] Christ he is I think sometimes of the sufferings of Christ what he went through to redeem oneself but it's a multitude and no man can number will reach into heaven reach into heaven he's gone to repair place for them and many are there the many shall yet be there multitude and no man can nation kindred and tongue bought with a price what it cost him no human can ever tell but we believe in him trust in him and ask him to favour us with a token of his love and be like Paul of old I am persuaded all this sweet persuasion that nothing shall separate us from the love of God which is in

[54:12] Christ Jesus all that cattle other things things present things to come death and life not any other thing shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus my Lord all to feel that faith of God's elect of Abraham of Paul and other characters in scripture and not to have an active religion but to feel that he has chosen us in the furnace of affliction that he has loved us with a never-lasting love and therefore loving kindness to all us blessed Jesus and he says blessed are they whose iniquities are forgiven and whose sins are covered blessed is the man to whom the Lord will not impute sin so we need the Lord don't we to bless us with that faith that Abraham was possessed with and faith living faith lives and labours under load though damp it never dies but we'll leave it there friends may the

[55:29] Lord pardon all this get himself on the glory for anything that may be accepted in heaven Amen let us conclude with hymn 681 the tune is Mainzer 364 blessed are they whose guilt is gone whose sins are washed away with blood whose hope is fixed on Christ alone and Christ has reconciled to God though travelling through this veil of tears he many a sore temptation meet the Holy Ghost the witness bears he stands in Jesus still complete six eight one

[56:40] Depois notices and His glue is mine to His john whose sins are washed the angry blood who Who served ordained in Christ, the Lamb, When Christ has made our poundsbrar.

[57:26] Thank you.

[57:56] Thank you.

[58:26] Thank you. Thank you.

[59:26] Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

[60:28] Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God the Father, the fellowship of the Holy Spirit, rest in the Bible this week. Amen.