God's almighty power in felt sinners (Quality: Good)

Melbourne - Zion - Part 30

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Feb. 3, 2016


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[0:00] Let us commence our worship this evening with hymn number one, the tune is Abridge 86. Great God, how infinite art thou, what worthless worms are we.

[0:18] Let the whole race of creatures bow and pay their praise for thee. Thy throne eternal ages stood, ere seas or stars were made, thou art the ever-living God, where all the nations dead.

[0:53] Hymn number one. Hymn number one. Hymn number one.

[1:30] Hymn number one. Hymn number one.

[1:40] Hymn number one. Hymn number one. CHOIR SINGS CHOIR SINGS


[3:27] o. And I hope will keep will I through the gates of King e'er life's believer-selling life and all theョ parachutics are coming by land

[4:46] By the eternal God made so part By God made so often Hymn Wherethe GTs of Thrones praise to him.

[6:04] We read this evening from the prophecy of Isaiah chapter 40. 40th chapter of the prophecy of Isaiah.

[6:16] Comfort ye, comfort ye my people, saith your God, speak ye comfortably to Jerusalem, and cry unto her that her warfare is accomplished, that her iniquity is pardoned, for she hath received the Lord's hand, double for all her sins. The voice of him that crieth in the wilderness, prepare ye the way of the Lord, make straight in the desert a highway for our God. Every valley shall be exalted, and every mountain and hill shall be made low, and the crooked shall be made straight, and the rough places plain, and the glory of the Lord shall be revealed, and all flesh shall see it together, for the mouth of the Lord has spoken it.

[7:10] The voice said, cry, and he said, what shall I cry? All flesh is grass, and all the goodliness thereof is as the flower of the field.

[7:22] The grass withereth, the flower faded, because the Spirit of the Lord bloweth upon it. Surely the people is grass, the grass withereth, the flower faded, but the word of our God shall stand for ever.

[7:39] O Zion that bringest good tidings, get thee up into the high mountains. O Jerusalem that bringest good tidings, lift up thy voice with strength, lift it up, be not afraid.

[7:55] Say unto the cities of Judah, behold your God, behold the Lord God will come with strong hand, and his arm shall rule for him.

[8:07] Behold his reward is with him, and his work before him. He shall feed his flock like a shepherd. He shall gather the lambs with his arm, and carry them in his bosom, and shall gently lead those that are with young.

[8:24] Who hath measured the waters in the hollowest hand, and meted out heaven with the span, and comprehended the dust of the earth in a measure, and weighed the mountains in scales, and the hills in a balance.

[8:41] Who hath directed the Spirit of the Lord, or being his counsellor, hath taught him. With whom took he counsel, and who instructed him, and taught him in the path of judgment, and taught him knowledge, and showed to him the way of understanding.

[9:00] Behold, the nations are as a drop of a bucket, and are canned as a small dust of the balance. Behold, he taketh up the isle as a very little thing, and Lebanon is not sufficient to burn, nor the beasts thereof sufficient for a burnt offering.

[9:19] All nations before him are as nothing, and they are counted to him less than nothing, and vanity. To whom then will he liken God?

[9:31] Or what likeness will he compare unto him? The workman melted the graven image, and the goldsmith spreaded it over with gold, and cast it still with chains.

[9:44] He that is so impoverished that he had no oblation, chooses a tree that will not rot. He seeketh unto him a cunning workman, to prepare a graven image, that shall not be moved.

[9:59] Have ye not known? Have ye not heard? Hath it not been told you from the beginning? Have ye not understood from the foundations of the earth?

[10:10] It is he that sitteth upon the circle of the earth, and the inhabitants thereof are as grasshoppers, that stretcheth out the heaven as a curtain, and spreadeth them out as a tent to dwell in, that bringeth the princes to nothing.

[10:28] He maketh the judges of the earth as vanity. Yea, they shall not be planted. Yea, they shall not be sown. Yea, their stocks shall not take root in the earth, and he shall also blow upon them, and they shall wither, and the whirlwind shall take them away as stubble.

[10:51] To whom then will ye liken me, or shall I be equal? saith the Holy One. Lift up your eyes on high, and behold, who hath created these things, that bringeth out their host by number?

[11:07] He calleth them all by names, by the greatness of his might, for that he is strong in power, not one faileth. Why sayest thou, O Jacob, and speakest, O Israel, my way is hid from the Lord, and my judgment is passed over from my God?

[11:28] Hast thou not known? Hast thou not heard? That the everlasting God, the Lord, the creator of the ends of the earth, fainteth not, neither is weary.

[11:41] There is no searching of his understanding. He giveth power to the faint, and to them hath no might, he increases strength. Even the youth shall faint and be weary, and the young men shall utterly fall.

[11:58] The day that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength, and they shall mount up with wings as eagles. They shall run, and not be weary, and they shall walk, and not faint.

[12:14] May the Lord bless his word, that word that reveals to you and me his sovereignty, his almighty power, and the sovereign right to do according to his will amongst the armors of heaven and inhabitants of the earth.

[12:30] May he teach us to pray. O Lord, we will truly come humbly before thee, realizing we are the grasshoppers in thy sight.

[12:43] But what a mercy, Lord, that does cause people to be turned around in their thoughts, those that exercise them, Lord, with a new heart, that would honour thy majesty and holiness.

[12:59] And we come before thee this night, Lord, with thy desire, to be brought to the footstool of mercy, and we acknowledge, Lord, thy goodness and mercies that have followed us all the days of our life.

[13:12] Thou art infinite in wisdom, knowledge, and understanding. For who is a godlike unto thee that pardoneth iniquity, and passeth by the transgression of reverent thy heritage?

[13:26] Thou retaineth not thine anger forever, for thou delightest in mercy. We do plead thy mercy, Lord, to us here this evening.

[13:37] We need to be given strength, Lord, and help to have our ears brought to the doorpost at the door, that we might receive, Lord, something that shall profit our souls in our journey on through this world and this world, that we might be weaned more from the world, made wise unto salvation through faith in Christ.

[14:02] Oh, Lord, may we feel to be upon holy ground this night as we come, Lord, and thankful for this sanctuary and may it be a sanctuary to our souls for Jesus to draw near, comfort our hearts, rend the heart a marble of our heart where needful, and bless us, Lord, with a new heart that would seek more and more of thy grace, evidences of thy love, and those tokens for good.

[14:32] Oh, Lord, do bless the Lord our flocks this night, connected with us, Lord, and the relay system and we ourselves here. And do, Lord, be our guard and our guide and don't, Lord, leave us.

[14:47] Don't leave us, Lord, depart from thy ways. We feel to be but poor followers of thee, but we do hope, Lord, we have a desire to see Jesus, to hear his parting voice, for him, to show us those tokens of his love, to strengthen our weak hands, confirm our feeble knees, and set us up unto us with a fearful heart, fear not.

[15:16] My God will come with vengeance. We need him, Lord, to drive out the buyers and the sellers. We need him to keep us unspotted in this present evil world.

[15:28] We need him to protect us, Lord, from harm, from the devil walking about as a lion seeking him he may devour, and as subtle as a serpent that deceived our first parents.

[15:44] Oh, Lord, do them bless us and uphold us. Meet their cases, Lord. Give us a case and meet it, we pray thee. Show us, Lord, those real evidences that we are amongst our children following on to know thee and seek that close award.

[16:03] Seek, Lord, that thou touch our hearts. They'll prick us in the conscience. They'll make us yet willing in the doubt thy power to cast in their lot, Lord, by their churches.

[16:16] We do beg of thee, for is anything too hard for thee? It is thee must work, Lord, and who will let it? Who will hinder it? If it's thy work, it must flourish and bear fruit in the courts of the Lord.

[16:32] We thank thee, Lord, for that measure of health and strength. We often think, Lord, we'd rather be stronger, but, Lord, what is that to thee? Noah said, follow thou me and we must be brought to fill the little fellowship and the sorrowfulness over our sins that have caused thee, Lord, such suffering here upon the earth that thou hast said, all that the Father giveth me shall come to me, and him that cometh unto me and I will no wise pass thou.

[17:05] O Lord, do not cast us out because of our iniquities, but do break down these barriers of sin, Lord, and unite us to fear in thy name, and show us those real tokens, and apply the precious promises that he own how many Christ, that shall encourage us, Lord, to walk in humility and in love toward the Lord Jesus Christ, who has done great things for sinners, and we have to say in their free grace, why not for me?

[17:40] We ask you to have mercy upon our guilty land and nation, so wild, so worldly, so earthbound, so carnally reasoning, in everything they seem to do, and they have the responsibilities, Lord, of the nation upon their shoulders, and what a mercy, Lord, that thou dost reign.

[18:04] Thou art, Lord, the Father of lights, in whom is no wearableness, neither shadow turning. Thou art the God that rules on high, and thunders when he pleases, and we do pray, Lord, that thou art be our guide, and thy guide, and thou art be with us down to old age, and then through mercy may we be gathered, pardoned from all our sin, washed in the blood of Christ, and presented perfect in the merits of Jesus.

[18:37] Oh, do, Lord, encourage us to still follow thee, to wait upon thee, to that renew strength, and thou art what wait we for, our hope is in thee, do appear for a poor sinner, to give him what is speaking the hour, feed the flock of God amongst us, Lord, we do pray thee, through our feeble ministry, and thou shalt all the glory and the praise, as we seek these favours, with the pardon of all our sin, with Christ Jesus, alone.

[19:09] Amen. Amen. Let us further sing Hymn 897, the tune is Remington, 395.

[19:28] Ye poor afflicted souls, do you hear, who seek the Lord that fear his friend, what things ye ask in fervent prayer, believing Christ will send them down, if sinners loath them to thy heart, and show a most ill-favoured smart, if guilt affords thee fearful smart, it flows from Jesus love and grace.

[19:57] 897 997 997 1097 1097 1197 1297 1297 1297 1397 1229 1327 14ước 15 14 15 15 16 16

[21:22] To thy power Entiret of us Neveruchs In victorious The fearful smile It does long to give You to love and grace I am the teaching of every ring Darling, this Michael

[22:26] I am going to give The peace of mercy, Springly free, All sinners, All sinners, Take courage, let us can't believe.

[23:15] Take saving and saving for all the Lord.

[23:29] The promise of us, thus can we receive.

[23:42] And rise his reign unto his word.

[24:00] Whereof he ochela, Lord, may you 그� Had Heal.

[24:11] Thank you. And give my strength and rules of truth.

[24:21] To bring it while thy power all it is said.

[24:37] And wait till the answer shall come.

[24:54] As the Lord may be pleased to help me, I would direct you proudly to Isaiah chapter 40 and reading verses 28 and 29.

[25:11] Hast thou not known? Hast thou not heard? That the everlasting God, the Lord, the creator of the ends of the earth, fainted not, neither is weary.

[25:27] There is no searching of his understanding. He giveth power to the faint, and to them that have no might, he increaseth strength.

[25:42] What a word, dear friends, that we have. A precious word is the 40th line. Isaiah has one portion of God's word that we are favoured to have in their presence.

[25:54] And when it comes down, dear friends, when he suggests here, why sayest thou, Jacob, and speakest thou, Israel?

[26:06] My way is hid from the Lord, and my judgment is passed over from my God. We realise that we should be pricking the conscience, because we're so often in that state of mind.

[26:22] And the devil, dear friends, mocks you and says, where is now your God in the midst of those sorrowful and tried things that you and I have to endure in our lives?

[26:37] But what a mercy when he comes back with this word, hast thou not known? Hast thou not known the pathway of God's providences?

[26:49] Hast thou not known the pathway of God's purposes in sending his dear son to suffer, bleed, and die on coer's tree? Have you not known this mighty Saviour, Jesus?

[27:05] Hast thou wanted to know, or deny to know? Solemn searching, isn't it, of the word of God, as we read it? Hast thou not heard?

[27:17] We have all heard, dear friends, the gospel. We've all heard the Bible read. We've read it ourselves. But hast thou not heard about the everlasting God, the Lord, the creator of the ends of the earth?

[27:34] And he fainted not. Many may think today there's a great falling away. Yes, there is. But there are many, dear friends, will tremble at the majesty of God, at his sovereignty, at his storms of life, even that have been very effectual in the country in causing havoc, God's almighty hand.

[27:59] And we do need to be given broken hearts and contrite spirits to consider our way, to consider God, and not to lose sight of him, but to wait upon him for that renewed strength.

[28:16] And he says here, though he fainteth not, neither is weary. He's an eternal God, an everlasting God.

[28:27] We have sung about it. We have read about it. And he alone can become your refuge in your strength when you and I are in trouble. Where do we go?

[28:39] The nearest we have in the times of nature, or at that time, or in our lives. But how foolish and slow of heart we are to take our concerns to God.

[28:54] We seem often to neglect him, forsake him, and to think that our own wisdom is sufficient to bring us through these trials.

[29:06] But what a mercy. You see, you know that our way is not hid from the Lord. Lord. He knows the way that you and I take.

[29:18] He knows your concerns in your minds this evening. May be matters that may be minute circumstance becomes a mountain. But who art thou, rain mountain, before the rubble, or prince of peace, thou shalt become a plain.

[29:37] All for more faith and trust in this almighty, gracious, sovereign, ruin the skies, ever gracious, ever wise.

[29:48] All our times in his hands, all events at his command. Hast thou not known then, this God? Has he never revealed himself to you?

[30:00] Oh, solemn thing, if we could say he's never been revealed to us, we shouldn't be here, would we? if he never revealed himself to us? If he may, if he not practiced in the conscience about the welfare of our never dying soul?

[30:19] Few acknowledge that they have a soul, don't they? But they will know, dear friends, that the end comes and they're brought before the judgment seat of God. And who can escape what the word of God's truth tells us?

[30:34] So hast thou not heard. We brought there then and asked the Lord to hear our voice. We come before thee with a desire to reverence thy holy name.

[30:48] We come with a desire poor and needy seeking thee and asking thee and asking our waiters on with our faces that have been shown me a token.

[31:03] The Lord then he fainteth not, neither is weary. He's omnipotent. He's omniscient. Where mercy is, he's omnipresent.

[31:18] And we want his omnipresence, so we in the house of God. We cannot see him, but by faith we believe his eyes upon us and his ear open unto our pride as within our homes, as within our circumstances day by day.

[31:35] We seem to be get carried away and we may have to concentrate on those things that we do in our time state. And rightly so, we do it though, we trust in the fear of the Lord and pray that we might realize he's the creator of the ends of the earth.

[31:55] Nothing is going to happen by chance in this world of sin and woe, but he'll come and judge the world in his righteousness and he's going to send those angels, dear friends, with those judgments at last to bring everything back, dear friends, to that sad state, dear friends, when sinners will be left out of heaven because they've never been given repentance and God is so for sin and they will be destroyed and he destroys, dear friends, the present world and those in the covenant, dear friends, they will hear his voice because he's coming to redeem them from the curse of the brotherhood and who can say how nigh.

[32:47] There are times that are in his hand, time to be born, a time to die and a time for all these things. And so, has there not known?

[32:59] Has it not been brought to your notice that God, the Lord God omnipotent reigns? He's been made to tremble at his majesty. You better look on and say in the circumstances in your life that she's the Lord's doing, that she's marvelous in our eyes.

[33:19] You've heard of the everlasting God. You now begin to believe in God. For he says, who believe within me shall not perish but have everlasting life.

[33:31] He's your maker and your creator. And men here below dabble, dear friends, in nature. Dabble, dear friends, in things that are God's God's privilege, aren't they?

[33:50] God's opportunity and God's reverence and godly fear that is the one that creates, dear friends, the babes, creates the ends of the earth, creates also, dear friends, a chosen people.

[34:15] And he also bring to the end those that are not in the covenant. Solemn is the truth then as we read through it and there's much we know so little of but we do know and believe that God reigns.

[34:34] And as we manifested in our lives, he's given us answers to prayer and he brings us into afflictive dispensations and he tries our faith. He's going to prove you and me whether it's a real desire or whether it's some manufactured religion that we have by our own natural wisdom.

[34:58] And so we have to seek the Lord that he would favour us to be given this power. He says there is no searching of his understanding.

[35:11] You see in his infinity he's so too wise to be mistaken. He's too good to be unkind. And yet he'll bring you to be faint-hearted and faint ready to faint.

[35:27] And then he says as he's made to realise his almighty sovereign power his infinite wisdom and grace he has to show us blindly in the midst of the sorrows of the way that he giveth his power.

[35:45] That mysterious work of right in yourself that mysterious power when you're ready to find he strengthens you he supports you and favours you that he might increase your strength strength not necessarily bodily strength of faith that faith which is a substance of things hopeful you cling to these precious promises of God's word you seem to hold fast to the truth as it is in him and brought to wait upon the Lord to renew your strength what a mercy the Lord has that door of mercy that stands open all day to the poor and the needy but not by the way and he will bestow his mercies upon them you sometimes as I say are ready to faint but he strengthens your weak hands he confirms you in your feebleness and weariness and sometimes you can get weary in well doing but he said be not weary in well doing for in due season you shall reap if he faint not we try to reap don't we we sow in tears in the midst of the sorrows of the way we come with weeping and supplication because he's appointed it supplicating the throne of grace that the

[37:23] Lord will manifest to us no matter what time of day it is time of year no one at season you're passing through we read here he fainted not neither is weary this is faint we need to believe in the scriptures that have been left on record for your comfort and your hope and mine neither is weary oh what a mercy it's a wonder we don't wear him dear friends without forsaking him without neglecting him but you see he's not he withholds his power for a purpose and his purposes will ripen fast unfolding every hour the bud may have a bitter taste but sweet will be the flower he has these appointed times of visits to the souls of his people wondering sometimes you feel to be dead wonder where the scene is going to end do I know anything of this real religion of God's elect of course you do because of the exercise in yourself to wait upon the

[38:39] Lord to yet favour you with that renewing of that precious promise that you're holding fast to because you trust he applied it with power to your soul and you bless him for these visits these former visits you think upon and you ask him to come again confirm them you're not left to murmur like Jacob did my way is hid from the Lord you see we're so prone aren't we to wonder and forget what he has done for us already and so we have to wait upon the spirit to be our remembrance to bring to our remembrance whatsoever he has spoken to us whatsoever he has showed us in the pathway in their many mysterious deliverances that he has bestowed upon us and so when you are ready to fight he fight it not and so he that keepeth

[39:51] Israel neither slumber as we are told nor sleepeth why those doubts why those fears Jesus you know remains the same yesterday today from morning noon and night he'll hear your prayers even the countless thousands maybe billions of prayers that are offered up at him day by day but to him what are these things just a time dear friends for him yet to answer your petitions and so we do need the Lord to come over all our shortcomings and favourings with a blessing to enrich our soul power this almighty power arrested you you hope you can say that arrested you almighty power calls you to ponder the path of your feet almighty power calls you to go to the scriptures to seek for a word of deliverance divine instruction teaching you the way he'd have you to go and so you have to realise this

[41:08] God's sovereignty God's sovereignty and even in those many things in providence today men wonder why and cannot understand because they know not God but you know God and you know that he is too wise to be mistaken too good to be unkind to these chosen people the world would never understand God they know him as a just God at the end when he says depart from me I never knew thee and this will be an exercise of a poor believer nor that I might know him the power of his resurrection the fellowship of his sufferings be made conformable unto his death even the death of the cross when we think of those poor things those may be colleagues that we have or people acquaintances who we have we've met them through the school you meet them in business you meet them in your neighbourhood and yet they know nothing of this wonder working

[42:22] God and may never know him until he is their just judge and he will do right because as I said he has a sovereign right to choose whom he will and ultimately make them wise over salvation through faith in Christ and he does give them power he upholds you with the right hand of his righteousness he touches your heart you go on your way rejoicing you believe he better touch he's magnified his name you tremble at the thoughts of what might come upon you if you deny him and defy him and forsake him and so you have to ask your way because it's the safe way and the safety in Christ other refuse have I done hang my helpless soul on thee leave oh leave me not alone still support and comfort me because

[43:22] Lord I'm ready to faint but he won't leave you he won't forsake you if he's begun that good work in yourself he will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ as he reveals himself to them as he comes to take your ransomed soul to heaven such is the wonderful work of God and oh what a mercy when there are those that acknowledge him in their ways he tells us in his world in all thy ways acknowledge him and find him directing your paths do we do we commit all our paths to the Lord all those things that confront us alas alas we leave so many things don't we that we ought to bring to the Lord seek wisdom and guidance from him it's not our own opinion the hymn writer said some men of wise opinions boast and sleep on doctrines sand let not my soul be lost on such enchanting ground there's much enchantment

[44:39] I believe in religion or may not be amongst us enchantment oh we want to be delivered dear friends from fleshly excitable religion but we want realities Lord only thou can thy almighty power can redeem me save me confirm me as a chosen vessel because thou are neither weary there's so much in that verse isn't there the Lord the creator of the ends of the earth fainted neither is weary some say well if there were a God why all these terrible tragedies that take place because dear friends the Lord does permit him that he hates sin he hates sin he hates your sin and mine but he doesn't hate your soul because he has changed your heart renewed your worth and though you're very much a dear earth he will be he gives you from time to time a little spiritual mind which is life and peace he calms your troubled breath and he says stand still not be up and doing in this salvation as many are up and doing good works he says stand still and be safe for beside me there is no saviour all the times we give little thought to the wonders that he has left on record in his world stand still be still know that I am

[46:23] God we tremble you know we might tremble if the thought of dying was upon us without them preparing to stand before his face but our mercy is we should take a little comfort and hope and his exceeding great and precious promises that he will never leave nor forsake his chosen people yes he giveth power and that blessed much he is when he takes his word and seals it upon your soul you have the witness and sealing of the spirit which can never be removed it's the anointing the anointing dear friends we read and especially the anointing for poor preachers that need that anointing and not go in their own spirit but have the spirit of grace and the supplication and to look upon him and wait upon him to grant him that peace of knowledge that pass it all peace of knowledge of understanding as he opened the eyes of understanding even needful to those two on the Emmaus road couldn't understand why Jesus had to die and raise from the dead and had all been told it and we can't be very forgetful hearers can't we of the word of

[47:55] God but the word of Lord he tells us all flesh is as grass the grass withereth the flower of the Lord fadeth but the word of the Lord endureth forever and this is the word which by the gospel is preached unto you and I trust unto one's self and so the grass withereth the flower fadeth because the spirit of the Lord bloweth upon it surely the people is grass the grass withereth the flower fadeth but the word of our God shall stand forever here's a little hope for you then when you and I read it in private in private meditation or in the house of God when we read through it and realise that his word standeth forever never mind the God mockers never mind the atheists the Lord's word standeth forever and he says my sheep hear my voice voice and I follow them and they follow me and I give unto them eternal life and this is the aim

[49:09] I believe of the soul seeking the Lord it's the gift of eternal life it's the life hereafter and how shall we escape the wrath of God except we repent and believe he giveth power he increases faith hope and love to poor sinners that are detried and tempted and all points tempted like us we are he was and so he has gotten the victory and you'll get the victory through the merits of Jesus and what a refuge this is and to them that have no might he increases strength why because you're determined to know nothing among men save Jesus Christ and him crucified and you want to be crucified in the world and the world unto you oh how difficult that is for you to do it yourself you can't he says without me you can do nothing but blessed be the Lord trusting him for his faithfulness trusting for his word reveals and pray that he might reply to you and me hast thou not known hast thou not heard that the creator of the ends of the earth fainted not and he's the everlasting

[50:32] God there's one Lord there's one faith there's one baptism there's not a multi-faith religion dear friends what a lot of eye wash that is it's the faith of God's elect and Jesus is the author of it is the beginning of it and here be maintained it and here be the final one of it that faith is turned into reality faith dear friends into everlasting love with nothing and no further doubts of mine but you and me but we are doubting sinners doubting carcer we drift into but blessed be the Lord and he says I've chosen thee the first of affliction and poor needy sinners that come with an aching void that the world cannot fear and they say Lord do give me power do give me that power and that I might truly be enabled to run and not be weary to walk and not faint because in your down sittings and uprisings in your thoughts he knoweth them afar up but he draws near at the appointed time to touch your heart and give you a real token of his love and oh how sweet it is to wait upon the Lord and he breaks through the gloom breaks through into your soul and says unto you and me yea

[52:09] I love thee with an everlasting love therefore loving kindness have I drawn thee the majesty of heaven and you know what it is then you crown him Lord of all for what he has blessed you will be with a precious promise a promise that is yea in name in Christ blessed Jesus Father Son and Holy Ghost the Lord the creator of the ends of the fainted not neither is weary there is no searching of his understanding but he will open it to you as he did those Emmaus road disciples he opened the eyes of the understanding that they understand the scriptures we may read and read and read but then the Lord opens the eyes of your understanding and that's yours and it's mine and it's forever and you never take it away because you've had your anointing with the anointing of the

[53:16] Holy Spirit and you bless the Lord and you ask him to come again Lord grant that I might feel that power that I might truly go on my way rejoicing believing that thou truly art the only begonnen Son of God full of grace and full of truth and thy grace is sufficient thou hast told them told Paul my grace is sufficient for thee fresh supplies of grace at his hand when he sees fit to comfort your troubled heart as the chapter started as it said comfort ye comfort ye my people saith your Lord speak ye comfortably to Jerusalem and cry unto her that your white warfare is accomplished that her iniquities pardon for she received in the Lord's hand double for all her sins the Lord the voice of him cry in the wilderness and blessed be the

[54:19] Lord that you will cry into the wilderness and he allure you and bring you into the wilderness and speak comfortably and blotted out to declare all your transgressions your iniquities and your sins and he is saying to you follow me and you will obey his voice because he says my sheep hear my voice and they follow me the obedience of a true believer is to see they're close and walk with God they're calm and refrain they shut up that thing that shines upon the road that leads them to the land those signs signs following the preaching the gospel or ever plead for them friends they're calm time he has set to heal up your woes of season most feet his love to disclose and all we need grace to tarry don't we we don't want to be like

[55:24] Jacob my way is hid from the Lord your way is not hid from the Lord he has brought you into his banqueting house his banner over you will yet be loved and you'll bless those sweets and promises that the Lord bestows upon your soul the sweet waters and sweet waters draw from the well of salvation my soul thirsteth after the living God when will come confirm my soul and say to my soul I am thy salvation hast thou not known hast thou not heard that the everlasting God the Lord the creator the fainten neither is weary everlasting ever present held to your soul and mine he is our refuge and our very present help in our trouble therefore

[56:29] I want to say with grace therefore will I not fear he giveth power to the fainten of them that have no mind he increaseth strength may the Lord bless our few remarks forgive anything amiss as we would give him all the honour and glory anything acceptable in heaven Amen I just conclude with hymn 327 the tune is eagerly 132 whence do our mournful thoughts arise and where is our courage fled as restless sin and raging hell struck all our comforts dead have we forgot the almighty name that formed the earth and sea and can all creating harm grow weary or or decline 327 the

[57:32] Christ chorus of нат work 327 Jerusalem Amen.

[58:15] Amen. Amen.

[59:15] Amen. Amen.

[60:15] Amen. Amen.

[61:15] Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen.

[61:27] Amen. Amen. Amen. May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God the Father, the fellowship of the Holy Spirit, rest in the Bible, on this age.

[61:47] Amen.