Receiving God's blessing in trouble (Quality: Good)

Melbourne - Zion - Part 34

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Feb. 14, 2016


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[0:00] Let us commence our afternoon service with hymn number 944, the tune is Providence 490. Tell me, Saviour, from above, dearest object of my love, where thy little flocks abide, shout at me at thy bleeding side.

[0:24] Say, thou shepherd all divine, where I may my soul recline, wherefore refuge shall I fly, while the burning sun is nigh.

[0:50] 944. 944. Tell me, Saviour, from above, Here is the whole chain of all my love, When thy little lobs are thine, Sheldon, in my bleeding side.

[1:43] Sing, thou shepherd all divine, Wherefore I may my soul recline, Wherefore I may my soul recline, When all rivers shall only cry, While the burning sun is nigh.

[2:24] Never, when my soul recline, Wherefore I may my soul recline, And I may my desire, And I may my soul recline, In my sustenance of love.

[3:01] Philippians. Z наша sing, we love far not again. Chances and这样. Ultra vu primer in the eighth score of a hands-out.

[3:26] Lecture Phoenix Read us an afternoon and the Gospel according to John, part of chapter 4.

[4:00] That is, reading down to verse 26. John 4. And therefore the Lord knew that how the Pharisees had heard that Jesus made and baptized more disciples than John, though Jesus himself baptized not his disciples, he left Judea and departed again into Galilee.

[4:27] And he must needs go through Samaria. Then cometh he to the city of Samaria, which is called Sychar, near the parcel ground that Jacob gave to his son Joseph.

[4:41] Now Jacob's well was there. Jesus therefore, being weary of his journey, sat thus on the well. And it was about the sixth hour.

[4:53] And cometh the woman of Samaria to draw water. Jesus said unto her, Give me to drink. For his disciples were gone away into the city to buy me.

[5:07] And saith the woman of Samaria unto him, How is it that thou, being a Jew, askest, Drink of me, which am a woman of Samaria?

[5:17] For the Jews have no dealings with the Samaritans. Jesus answered and said unto her, If thou knewest the gift of God, and though it is that saith to thee, Give me to drink, thou wouldest hath asked of him, and he would have given thee living water.

[5:40] The woman saith unto him, Sir, there was nothing to draw with. And the well is deep. And whence then hast thou that living water? Are thou greater than our father Jacob, which gave us the well, and drank thereof himself, and his children, and his cattle?

[5:59] Jesus answered and said unto her, Whosoever drinketh this water, shall thirst again. But whosoever drinketh the water that I shall give him, shall never thirst.

[6:14] But the water that I shall give him, shall be in him well of water, springing up into everlasting life. The woman said unto him, Sir, give me this water that I thirst not, neither come hither to draw.

[6:31] Jesus said unto her, Go, call thy husband, come hither. The woman answered and said, I have no husband. Jesus said unto her, Thou hast well said, I have no husband, for thou hast had five husbands, and he whom thou now hast is not thy husband.

[6:52] And that saidst thou truly. The woman said unto him, Sir, I perceive that thou art a prophet. Our fathers worshipped in this mountain, and ye say that in Jerusalem is the place where men ought to worship.

[7:12] Jesus said unto her woman, Believe me, the hour cometh when ye shall neither in this mountain, nor yet at Jerusalem worship the Father. He worship ye know not.

[7:24] What? We know what we worship, for salvation is of the Jews. For the hour cometh, and now is when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth.

[7:40] For the Father seeketh such to worship him. God is a spirit, and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth.

[7:50] The woman said unto him, I know that the Messiah is coming, which is called Christ. When he is come, he will tell us all things.

[8:03] Jesus said unto her, I that speak unto thee, and he. Here we will leave the reading. May the Lord bless his word, and may he teach us to pray.

[8:17] O gracious God, O Lord, that spirit of truth, we do pray, Lord, that they will come down, and we will leave to ask these things of God, and the begotten man, Jesus Christ, the only begotten Son of God, full of grace and truth.

[8:40] We do need to know, and have a dented Lord, that we have been born of God, and thou hast created in us a clean heart, and you the rights filled in us.

[8:55] And thou might truly be, as we've been singing, the object of thy love, of their love, and of thy love. To feel, Lord, if thou hast first loved us, then we shall surely love thee.

[9:09] And we often find, Lord, that our love is cold, our love is hard. We have stony hearts, and we need broken hearts, and we need a new heart, and it's all thy creation, through grace.

[9:28] So we come here this afternoon, seeking further help of the Spirit, to exalt the Lord, and that we might, by the eye of faith, view thee, as the only begotten Son of God, who are able, to give us grace, call us by grace, and confirm us by grace, following, that we might believe, and trust thee, for thy faithfulness.

[9:56] Give us, Lord, that work of the Spirit, that living water, that flows into our soul, the work of the Spirit alone, that leads us to Christ, that would embrace Christ, as the one thing we thought, in our daily lives, you know, day by day, to realize, that thou alone, compiling sins, that these are the deepest crimes, that we have inherited, as well as those, that we have committed, because we are, born in sin, and shaped, and in iniquity.

[10:32] Lord, what a sad state, we are by nature, and what a privilege, Lord, if we have been born again, because we shall be, looking under thee, in all times, in all places, for thy, revealing love, by revealing mercy, and to, draw water, from those, wells of salvation, which will never dry up.

[10:58] So, Lord, do come and bless us, today, that there might be, something Lord, that there might be, further knowledge of the truth, in our souls. We'll hold fast, Lord, that we're here, and pray for a, fulfilling of those, promises, that there are no many prize.

[11:18] Oh, to whom else can we go, Lord, to ask the words of eternal life, to give. And our life, it is, Lord, we are favoured, to know, when thou just reveal it to us, that we are a chosen vessel.

[11:35] We have no right to that, Lord, we acknowledge that, that thou art the one thing, needful, when we are quickened, in the life of us, for it, and were once dead, in trespasses, and sins.

[11:50] Oh, Lord, do help us, to seek that close, of all God. Help us, Lord, to feel, persuade him then, of those evidences of thy love.

[12:02] Like the soul of Tarsus, after converted, Lord, that he felt he persuaded, that nothing, would separate him, from that love.

[12:13] Oh, Lord, we often are so tempted, and tried, as to whether we know, that love. Such is the work, of the adversary, going about, as a roaring lion, and as subtle, as the serpent.

[12:24] We do pray thee, to allure us, and draw us aside, as he did our first parents. So do hear our prayers, Lord, and come, and confirm ourselves, this afternoon, with a real token, and, that we might be, pressing toward the mark, for the prize, of the high calling, of God, in Christ Jesus.

[12:49] Have mercy upon us each, Lord, in our lives, we do need thee, to govern our ways, and order our footsteps, by thy word. And in spite of all, those other things, that we have to tend to, in life's journey, that we might realize, that thou art mindful of us, to lead and guide us, into all truth, for the knowledge of the truth, shall keep us, from evil, and will ever be looking, unto Jesus, and to save us, for his mercy's sake, from the enemy, of our souls.

[13:27] Dear be with us, guilty land and nation, a little knowledge, of Christ, is spoken of, a little acknowledgement, of the word of God, God, and how many, and how many, want to destroy, the Bible.

[13:40] And what a mercy, we have faith, to believe, that they never can, in spite of their, atheistic views, Lord, in spite of their, ideas of creation, or what, what blind, the leaders, that are the blind, in the day and age, that we live in.

[13:58] We would be thankful, Lord, if we had been given, faith, to believe, in the word of God. Because, all flesh is as grass, and rast with it, and the flower fading, but the word of the Lord, endure it forever.

[14:16] Oh, what a word, to hold fast to the Lord. The word of the Lord, endure it forever. This is the word, which by the gospel, is preached, unto sinners. And though very few know, the preaching of the gospel, and the hearing of the gospel, there shall still be a remnant, according to election of grace.

[14:35] Lord, do confirm their own souls, in this pathway. In spite of the enemies of the truth, in parliaments, in states, in federal law, all do yet, open their blind eyes, that might yet see, Lord, that God reigns.

[14:55] And that might make us, to tremble, Lord, if we see, thine almighty power, in the land. We know, Lord, those dreadful fires, that have been, according to thy word.

[15:08] There is also, Lord, a famine, in certain areas, when the crops, Lord, cannot be sown, and cannot therefore, be reaped. But Lord, thou know us, have mercy upon this country.

[15:23] Preserve us from those enemies, of Christianity. Drive them out, Lord, the buyers and the sellers. And preserve unto us, our Protestant heritage, and their religious liberties, we do beg of thee, O Lord.

[15:36] And do, Lord, keep us, safe, and calm, and our goings, and our comings, in the youngest, or the eldest. I be taught, Lord, to pray, in their, in the little environment, that they live in.

[15:50] And that is, they be taught, to number their days, and apply their hearts, unto wisdom, to observe, through the word of God, that thou art the Lord, God, omnipotent, and the ravening.

[16:03] Do hear us, in these petitions, and do come, and descend, yet once more, for our aid, Lord. Be with our friends, Lord, traveling over us, to Australia, from tomorrow evening, in England.

[16:18] I will grant them, safe, on that, a comfortable journey, Lord. We do beg of thee, in spite of the distance. And do bless them, Lord, in their sojourn, in Sydney, and also, Lord, as they presently, come down to us here.

[16:34] And we do thank thee, Lord, for this opportunity, to have one of thy servants, and his part, the life with him, Lord, and that we do, fast thy blessing, upon them, and their family, where they have troubles, Lord, with even one of the little ones, with affliction.

[16:53] Lord, but we look to be, Lord, in these battles, to make us, to pray, to bear one another's burdens, and so, fulfill the Lord's lives. Be with our own families, in our own family circles, where there's much to be desired, Lord, to see changes, raw.

[17:11] Is anything too hard, for thee? And we would have loved, family members, Lord, in Queensland, at this moment, at the time, to watch over them there, and bring them safely, back amongst us, we pray to you.

[17:25] And do yet, Lord, if it could please thee, bring other souls in, Lord, that will come, with weeping, and supplication, for a revelation, of Christ, because how vital, and needful is it, have Christ revealed to us, and we were worthy, of vocation, wherewith we have been called, looking unto Jesus.

[17:48] Do now, Lord, descend for our aid, and do forgive our sin, and give us thankful hearts, for our daily benefits, and all these mercies, that are new every morning, how favoured we are, Lord, to have faith in thee, the substance, the things hoped for, the evidence of those things, that are not seen.

[18:09] Do forgive them, all of this, and bless us together, for Christ's sake alone. Amen. Let us further sing, hymn 686, the tune is Dion 460.

[18:40] Jesus, cast a look on me, give me sweet simplicity, I believe I've given the wrong hymn out, sorry friends. I can change the tune.

[18:52] 684 please. 684, I'll read it. Newchester Old. Yeah, that'll be alright.

[19:04] Thank you. Newchester Old. Of cistern waters, art thou sick, and loathes the mar they bring, then hither stretch thy thirsty neck, and taste a living spring, a spring with issues from a rock, where purest waters flow, and rocky hearts by Moses struck, may to these waters go.

[19:31] or cistern waters, or if they're Kristi or your Bethesda Houston, or if they're leaving spring play, or if they're near side.

[19:43] Rome, jhid two ramblings of the Lord, six night fast, six night fast. To this park, do your team belong. of ноы с с costs,什么 prayer может гнезд. A measurable loss, over either side of your church, or if they're there for you, may be my being.

[19:57] A guess I'll say, Thank you.

[20:28] The MSW RamirezIZE AND MUSIC He makes the pogsons hour

[21:38] Inspires the heart's great livingness May you be like the storm.

[22:02] May you be like the storm. May you come and take you still.

[22:22] This free, oh sinless, I lay on us.

[22:33] This forever, oh sinless. This forever, oh sinless, I lay on us.

[22:55] And by His reeling gladations, He rose the surface to His spring, Where we can sing His praise.

[23:25] Through glory and thy secret eyes, Through my word I shall start.

[23:47] For sure, I want it really hard, So beautiful is my heart.

[24:08] As the Lord may be pleased to help me, I would again direct you proudly To Psalm 46 And reading verse 4 There is a river, The streams whereof shall make glad the city of God, The holy place of the tabernacles of the Most High.

[24:35] A river that is ever flowing, That never dries up. That used by the Spirit's teaching To reveal the love, the mercy, the comfort and hope Of an everlasting God.

[24:59] God. This God, we pray, will be our God, Our guide, even unto death. We cannot escape the appointment of death, But through mercy, the Lord Jesus will be The everlasting arms underneath, The force to sustain you, In the pathway of a true believer.

[25:28] He says, Who believeth in me shall not perish, But have everlasting life. What a wonderful prospect. If so, the work of grace has begun in your soul and mine.

[25:43] You will know what it is To be seeking to honour this God. Seeking daily, For his divine guidance and help. To be your guardian, To be that friend that sticketh closer than a brother.

[26:01] That your soul shall be as a well-watered garden. The seed of the incorruptible word of life sown In your heart. A new heart will I give you, A heart made tender in my fear.

[26:20] It isn't a slavish fear. It's a reverential sacred all That considers and has revealed to you and me To be the majesty of heaven.

[26:35] The sovereignty of God. And he's able to do far more exceeding abundantly For you and me, Above all that we can ask or think. He's in the midst of that.

[26:48] He's in the midst. He knows what sore temptations mean, For he has felt the same. He knows your down-sitting, Your uprising, Your thoughts afar off.

[27:03] The dear helper. The chosen people of God. He will help them. Help them all their journey through And give them daily calls to raise new Ebeneezers.

[27:17] To his praise. Raising an Ebeneezer to his praise. Don't you know it about some of it? Some of you do. Some of you will yet know it. As you honour him, he'll honour you.

[27:28] He'll honour you. But if you despise you, If you despise him, You'll be lightly esteemed. What a blessed mercy. It's not your choice, It's God's choice.

[27:41] Chosen you in the furthest affliction. I bought you with the price of his eternally love thee. The, Therefore, with loving kindness have I drawn you.

[27:52] This is the great mystery of religion. God works. God changes your heart. You meditate upon the wonders of his redeeming love. You search the scriptures.

[28:05] You pray that he will ever keep you. And nourish and feed you. With the oil and the water. Dear friends, of salvation.

[28:20] And bless the Lord. Yes, he will know all about you. Like that woman. She couldn't, She couldn't deny, dear friends, That she had had these five husbands.

[28:33] And the one that she was presently with at the time, Was not her husband. What an exposure of our sins, dear friends, At times, we get in our lives.

[28:44] Know what the man it was told to David. Know what the man. There he was. Was he not? One that had his sins exposed.

[28:56] And the lust of the flesh and the pride of life. We guard him that woman. And he was brought, dear friends, to repent. He was given a broken heart. And, This is what you and I will tell at times, I believe, In the exercise of conviction of your sin.

[29:16] You know this, That you've got to meet your maker one day. You're persuaded of that, Of what the scripture has revealed to you. And you pray, Oh Lord, Do grant, This ever flowing river, Might be split up in the streams, Which is split up in the streams, But flows into the souls of the poor sinner, That feels unworthy of the notice of the Lord Jesus.

[29:44] He will come, as he said. As he draws you by the cords of man, By the bands of his love. And he's in the midst. He honors them that honor him.

[29:56] And you have to pray, Lord, Do grant that I might walk worthy of thee. You feel sometimes the drift in the by-path meadow. When will the Lord come? The wretched foe Satan is ever like trying to draw you, And lure you away from this narrow way.

[30:14] But how we have to realize, That what God's word reveals, And what is applied to your soul and mine through the promises, Will be used of God, To keep your mind stayed upon God.

[30:30] And especially sometimes more than others, When you're brought into deep affliction, Into grief and into a sorrowful spirit. Because you know this, Because it's only as the spirit of truth comes down, And reveals the things of God, It is made to do me, And known to me.

[30:50] That he is the one thing alone. That can guide you, guard you, keep you, feed you, And provide for you. Yes, you may have trials in providence, You may have difficulties in family circles, You may have things in business that seem to cause you to wonder Where the sins could end.

[31:11] There will be some ballast. We need ballast to keep us from making shipwreck, Don't we? And we need ballast to keep our mind that stayed upon God at the front of the axe.

[31:29] And he says, And he says, And he says, And he says, And I will give thee less. This blessed gift then, To know that the God of Jacob is in refuge, And he is seen.

[31:45] He is a hiding place. To hide you under the shadow of his wings, Until these calamitous situations overpass. There are many calamitous situations in the nation, Through floods and flames, Through wars and rumours of wars.

[32:05] Calamities, situations, That we wonder how we can overcome. There is only one way, Is it right?

[32:17] Rest in prayer, That can wonders do, Bring relief in deepest strays. These streams then, Ever flowing of his mercy. And that peace of God, The past of God knowledge of understanding, That he says, My peace, I leave with you.

[32:37] The peace that I give unto you, Not as the world giveth, Give unto you, Let not your heart be troubled, Neither let it be afraid. Troubles come upon us because, Of their neglect of the throne of grace.

[32:53] Because they were neglected reading the word of God. We get caught up to those willful things, That stand them in good stead in life's journey, That we seek out, The understanding of these things, In the earth.

[33:09] How much do we need, To know the understanding of the scriptures, And see God's hand in it, From Genesis to Revelation. And we ask him, To show us, A token for good.

[33:27] A token of his special love. Tell us that we are born of God, And that our treasure is above. And this will be a treasure dear friends, Men are seeking treasures in this life, The stand of the good stead.

[33:43] They want to increase, dear friends, In the things that surround them, In their so-called earthly treasures, That the parishion they're using. This is that real treasure. Faith, Faith, In the merits of Jesus.

[33:56] Hope, In Jesus, And what he has done for you hitherto. And hope that we, Lead your journey through. And favour you a time of time.

[34:09] To be strengthened, In your weak hands of faith. Confirm your people needs. In faith. In faith. And so do you have a fearful heart. Fear not. My God will come.

[34:20] He has come to some of you, And he will come again. He doesn't come and leave you there, As it were, As it were, In an isolated case.

[34:33] And he comes again. To them that honour him. And so we bless the Lord, For these streams. Mercies.

[34:45] And God, You know, Will bring you to the throne of grace, Like that publican. God be merciful to me, A sinner. This was his great burden.

[34:58] He was vulnerable of sin. He needed the Lord to be merciful to him. He needed the Lord to show him a token. He needed the Lord to give him, A true promise, That it's your name, In Christ Jesus.

[35:12] That he might feel the love of God, Shed abroad in his heart, By the Holy Ghost. You see, Out of Christ, Almighty power, Can do nothing but devour. You might be trembling, At the majesty of God, And what he has done, What you've seen he's done, In providence, In the world, These dreadful wars, And rumours of wars.

[35:37] Little mites, Ushered into eternity, Have hardly begun their lives. And those, dear friends, That would live peaceably. And yet, through the evil intents of wicked men, And maybe women too, Raised up, And want to destroy, And want to destroy, Anything, dear friends, That is anywhere near, Like, And God's word.

[36:03] Oh, what a mercy. They cannot, they will not, Destroy the world, From being revealed, From being revealed, To his chosen people. And, Even though, You and I, Wonder sometimes, Where the sin will end, What he has provided for you, He will, Give unto you.

[36:24] And most of you need his helping hand, His friend is always near, With heaven and earth, His command, He waits, To answer prayer. Blessed be the Lord.

[36:36] As it says here, He shall choose their inheritance, For us. For us. See, blessed is the man whom thou choosest, And causes to approach unto thee.

[36:50] God's purpose is right and fast, Unfolding every hour, The blood may have a bitter taste, But sweet and wither the fire. He chooses the way, For the poor sinner, Who commits himself in the care, And keeping, Of God the Father, Son and Holy Ghost.

[37:10] By sending these streams. Here little, Line upon line, Precept upon precept, Does the Lord deal, With your soul and mind.

[37:22] And even your providences. And all our things work together for good to them, But love God, To those who are the call, The call to his purpose. God, Shall make glad the city of God.

[37:37] There's joy in heaven, Have a one sinner repenting. Rather than 99, Have no need repentance. And oh, what a fearful, Eternity waits for those dear friends, That fear not God.

[37:52] But by the grace of God, You fear him. You fear what he's able to do. But you fear, In that acknowledging God is good, Stronghold in the day of trouble, He knoweth them, But trust in him.

[38:08] Trust in him at all times, He people. Pour out your heart before him. Oh, may these mercies be revealed to me, By these streams, That are ever flowing.

[38:20] Ever flowing. We cannot get off from that, dear friends. Ever flowing. To meet your case. To humble you, In the dust, If so be there might be hope.

[38:34] And your hope and mind, Built upon nothing less than Jesus' blood of righteousness, Dare not trust the sweetest flame, That wholly lean on Jesus' name. Oh, this ever flowing river.

[38:45] These ever flowing streams, That reach right down into your very existence, Into your very soul.

[39:00] Jesus calls you. Calls you by his grace. Exercises you daily, To cast your cares, And your burns upon him.

[39:14] And he'll sustain you. The way we need him continually. Every step of the way of our lives. Not to be ashamed. To call upon me in the day of trouble.

[39:27] And I will deliver thee, And thou shalt glorify me. This is God's purposes. As I said earlier, The bud may have a bitter taste, But sweet will be the flower.

[39:39] When you flourish and bear fruit, In the courts of your Lord, When he takes a word and seals it, Seals it upon your soul.

[39:51] You have a little hope. But he's watched your love and cares over you. Continually, In your goings out and your comings in. And we think of the dreadful murders, Killings, The abuse given to little ones, As they grow up.

[40:10] Oh, what a devilish world it is. And what a mercy. As you and I have given grace to honour him, So we honour you. And you will have trials.

[40:22] But blessed be the Lord, If the Lord has given you a promise, Here, keep it. It's like the bow and the cloud, isn't it? The promise not to flood the world again.

[40:36] And God will keep it. There will be flooding, dear friends, And into the two areas, And people will die in the floods, And in the flames. But the world, Dear friends, Would be waiting.

[40:51] For Christ Jesus, As the just judge of hell, To come into the world. And oh, what a mercy. To mark the perfect man, And behold the upright.

[41:04] And the perfect woman too. Because, They're covered with a mantle of his forgiving love. There, Be blessed with his grace. That grace, Will strengthen them in weakness, And confirm their souls.

[41:22] And so, what a mercy, If you and I are waiting upon the Lord, To have this renewed strength. For these mercies to touch your face. To bless you with faith.

[41:35] To go on, Rejoicing that the Lord, Has touched your heart. Exercise your meek, With this living water, From the wells of salvation.

[41:47] It's for thirsty sinners, And they'll give you the thirst. And they'll give you the hunger. And they'll give you that desire. And they'll fulfill those desires of the righteous, That they might never be moved, Away from their hope, That was built upon nothing less, Than Jesus' blood and righteousness.

[42:08] Because, You see, though the kingdoms we read here, Were moved, He uttered his voice, The earth melted, For the Lord of hosts is with us. He says, He says, My promise, We will go with thee, And I'll give thee rest.

[42:26] And so we rest in the love of Christ, That he has bestowed upon you. Touch your heart. Cause you to come weeping. Cause you to mourn over your shortcomings and bonings.

[42:38] And you realize how guilty is all nature. The calm of mind and enmity to God. But the spiritual mind is with this living water. With this touch, With this blessed token of his love to your soul and mine.

[42:55] And all what rejoicing there is, When he touches your heart. And your eyes and your understanding are alight. And you say, The Lord has shown me this is the way.

[43:06] Walk in it when you turn to the right or to the left. And out of love of him, You'll keep his commandments, Which are not grievous. All the loving kindness of the Lord, To these poor sinners, For the looking, For these streams, For these tokens, For these evidences, That he is mindful of you.

[43:29] And your mind is set upon the Lord, That he might guide you by his counsel, And afterwards receiving the glory. What counseling we can receive in the word of God, As the Lord illuminates a portion, As he takes it and applies it with your soul.

[43:49] And you meditate upon his words. He said, The Lord's words were found, And I did eat them, And they were unto me the joy and rejoicing in my heart. You will have something to rejoice over, When the Lord meets with your face, You'll go in the strength of that meat for many days.

[44:07] And of course in earlier days, It may be the sincere milk of the word. He deals gently with the young. He deals kindly with the young. Understandingly with the young.

[44:20] Sincere milk of the word, That you might grow there by. Then that strong meat that belongeth to those, That are full age. He couldn't stand it as a young one, Following on to know the Lord.

[44:35] Ah, you know what it is, As you grow in grace. And then the knowledge of your Lord and so on. What is this growth in grace? He must increase, I must decrease.

[44:47] Says John the Baptist. And their favourite character was he. So this is the mercy. The growth in grace.

[44:58] Oh, you may see him, it doesn't seem to grow. But yet, hath he made for me an everlasting covenant. Ordered in all things and sure, says David.

[45:11] Oh, he knew his weaknesses, he knew his failings. And so will you and I. We have to beg, don't we? Have mercy upon me. Forgive my sins and my transgressions against me.

[45:25] And all mine iniquities. Wash them away, Lord, Beneath the fountain of that shed blood, Though shed on count is truly. Oh, a refuse for sinners.

[45:36] The gospel makes known. It is found in the merits of Jesus. No, no. And so we look to him, don't we? What a refuse that is. And we look to the Lord to keep us from the love of sinning.

[45:49] And to favour us, to favour he bears under his people and visit us. And he says, I am thy salvation.

[46:00] I have laid there my life for my friends. And if ye love me, keep my commandments. Well, when the Lord commands you, you'll go.

[46:14] And unless he does command you, you'll wait for the fulfilling of these commandments. A time, a set time to favour Zion. But all to have those evidences in your soul and mine, That he has eternally loved you.

[46:32] Lord, say, speak the word only. And I will hear. And I will go in the strength of that need. And I will bless thee for thy favours toward me.

[46:47] Well, this is how we walk by faith, don't we? Not by sight. We yield obedience to his truth. So he says, you should know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.

[47:01] You see, we're under condemnation. Two things. Condemnation, I thought, in the vestry. Condemnation and justification.

[47:15] Condemned by the broken rule, that the just shall live by faith. Justified by faith in the merits of Jesus. The just shall live by faith, but if any man hold back, My soul shall have no pleading.

[47:36] Would you hold back? Would you hold back? Not if the love of Christ constrains you, friends. No. You will love him because he first loved you.

[47:48] Your bosom would glow with love, and you go and you won't rejoice in. Condemnation is solemn. But we're told there's no condemnation then, Christ Jesus, who walked not after the flesh, but after the spirit.

[48:02] It all must be the work of the spirit, not of the flesh. The fleshly excitable religion will fail. Will bring you short at last.

[48:15] But that faith of God's elect, that faith, dear friends, is a substance of things hoped for, and evidence of those things that are not seen. The things that are seen, the temple, the things that are not seen, are eternal.

[48:32] And the eternal God is thy refuge. You see these eternal waters, ever flowing, to reach the souls of his people that are waiting upon him to perform, that might be performers of these things.

[48:49] There will be performers of these things in your soul's experience and mine. How be it we seem to be so lifeless and cold, but do you see there's a desire?

[49:01] A feeble desire of those wishes so weak as Jesus inspires, and bids you still seek. Lord, remove the stones of stumbling and the rocks of the offense in this highway.

[49:19] The highway shall be there. He takes out the stones and the rocks of the thing. He gives you and me a smooth path to heaven. I know he says tribulation, but tribulation will work patience and patience and experience, and experience hope.

[49:35] And hope, make it not a shame, because the love of God is shed abroad in your heart. By the Holy Ghost, there will be no hindrance when the love of God comes into your soul. You will certainly go in the strength of those promises, those blessings that should enrich yourself in loving kindness of the Lord to his poor chosen people.

[49:55] Yes, poor in needy, seeking water, there is none of their tongue, the first, but I, the Lord, will hear them. Because you resort to the throne of grace in prayer, and you bless the Lord, that he gives you the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God.

[50:17] Yes, this is our mercy, the sword of the Spirit, the Word of God. He distributes to you and me the necessity of these precious promises.

[50:33] You live in their little line upon line, precept upon precept, as these streams flow. Praise to you. The blessing of the Lord can make it rich, and addeth no sorrow thereto.

[50:46] Such is this river of God's love. You will never hinder it when the appointed time comes. Time is set to heal up your woes.

[51:00] The season most is love to describe. We shouldn't be here, dear friends, if we didn't have a good idea that the Lord had a good idea of persuasion. The Lord had touched their heart, and illuminated their soul to follow them.

[51:18] We have many things that we've had to pass through that have caused us to tremble sometimes at the way, even the way the world has dealt with us. We've had to realise that our steps are ordered by the Lord, and he gives us grace to be still and know that he is our God, and the humble hope that he has bought us with the price, eternally loved us, and he will establish us in the truth as it is in Jesus.

[51:51] And he says, look, I can read, and be saved, for beside me there is no Saviour. Although they undermine the name of Jesus, but though every time they open their mouth and blasphemy against him, it's all another, dear friends, no other copy of those that are dead, unless they are privileged, like the dying thief, to be brought to repentance at last.

[52:25] They go on in their terrible habits and ways. And even though you and I may be tempted at times, the murmurs complain, yet deep down in the soul of yours and mine, the seed of the incorruptible word of God has been sown.

[52:46] And God will dig it about and dung it and water it, that they might flourish and bear fruit. Yet in the courts of your Lord, O little the righteous man is better than the many riches of the wicked.

[53:02] And so he says, look unto me all the ends of the earth, and be ye saved, for beside me there is no Saviour, there is a river. O ever flowing, may we take a little confidence in this, that we are trying to speak today.

[53:20] The spirit of the streams shall make it, shall make it. The shouts of worlds in Jehovah should inspire us to still trust him for his faithfulness. Make glad the city of God, the holy place of the tabernacles of the Most High.

[53:39] You see, he tabernacles you and me, dear friends, with these precious promises that will be fulfilled in your walk and your conduct.

[53:50] And he waits to be gracious, tarries off till men are faint, but comes deep and gloom. Blessed be the Lord.

[54:02] May you and I be encouraged a little with our text today, if nothing else, to still look to Jesus kind and strong. mercy, John, in power.

[54:14] Amen. Let us conclude with hymn 1044, the tune is Webber 519.

[54:29] Your07, till the day that Adam fell in the first all appealing stream or did Eden's garden swell.

[55:15] 1044. 1044. 1044.

[56:08] 1044. 1044. 104. home that all that shang free till the weak and barbaric the unquestful feeling O Isto deus gathering the peace the name the light of the versatile for the sin of Menschen

[57:12] Thank you.

[57:42] Thank you.

[58:12] Thank you. Thank you.

[58:44] Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

[58:56] Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

[59:08] Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

[59:20] Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.