Deliverance from trouble (Quality: Good)

Melbourne - Zion - Part 38

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Feb. 24, 2016


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[0:00] Let us commence our worship this evening with hymn number 509, the tune is Eastport 133. Come, come my soul with boldness, come, come to the throne of grace.

[0:17] There Jesus sits to answer prayer and shows a smiling face. Their shorty stands before the throne and personates their case and sends the blessed spirit down with tokens of his grace.

[0:52] 509. Amen. Amen.

[1:30] ed and still out or where theOur motto that Marg זה далее our Hopkins 생 The hope of the wilderness That thirsts the massudes And sings the rich In spirit of God with the heart and power of His grace.

[2:40] Let not occur, O wish, not sigh, but pain in traces of His grace.

[3:04] He knows our sins, who makes trenches, and goes and doubts and fears.

[3:30] The dear Lord stands with His heart, and will not let us know.

[3:54] When Satan holds, and still revents, we hear to have the harmful hope.

[4:20] The dead earth's great hand of strength and hope, The dead earth's own waters are strong, That world ten thousand words against, The revealed child of God.

[5:08] May let us all unite and sing, The praise is of the grace, The souls who are gone to see, The dead earth shall surely sing in His name.

[6:00] We read this evening from the Book of the Psalms, and Psalm number 91. He that dwelleth in the secret place of the Most High, shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.

[6:18] I will say to the Lord, He is my refuge and my fortress, my God. In Him will I trust. Surely He shall deliver thee from the snare of the fowler, And from the noisome pestilence.

[6:36] He shall cover thee with His feathers, And under His wings shalt thou trust. His truth shall be thy shield, And thy buckler.

[6:50] Thou shalt not be afraid for the terror by night, Nor for the arrow that flyeth by day, Nor for the pestilence that walketh in darkness, Nor for the destruction that wasteth at noonday.

[7:06] A thousand shall fall at thy side, And ten thousand at thy right hand, But it shall not come nigh thee. Only with thine eyes shalt thou behold And see the reward of the wicked.

[7:21] Because thou hast made the Lord, Which is my refuge, Even the Most High thy habitation. There shall no evil before thee, Neither shall any plague come nigh thy dwelling.

[7:37] For He shall give His angels charge over thee, To keep thee in all thy ways. They shall bear thee up in their hands, Lest thou dash thy foot against a stone.

[7:52] Thou shalt tread upon the lion and adder, The young lion, the dragon, Shalt thou trample under feet, Because he has set his love upon me, Therefore will I deliver him.

[8:06] I will set him on high, Because he hath known my name. He shall fall upon me, And I will answer him. I will be with him in trouble.

[8:19] I will deliver him and honour him. With long life will I satisfy him, And show him my salvation. May the Lord bless his word, Help us now in prayer.

[8:36] Gracious God, we come before thee this evening, And ask thee, Lord, to draw us to the throne of grace. We have those things, Lord, That suddenly appear in our daily lives at times.

[8:54] And, O Lord, we do pray that we might know what it is, To pour out our souls before thee. We commit into thy care and keeping and safety.

[9:05] Our dear friend Owen, Suddenly, Lord, brought into a hospital with pain, And awaiting through the day, Lord, And an operation.

[9:19] And Lord, we do pray, Though it truly, Cause him to feel underneath of the everlasting arms. That this is not something in agony, But in thy dear redeeming love, And in thy grace.

[9:36] And in thy grace. And we often, Lord, realise this, That our times are in thy hands. These events, Lord, That stop us in our mad career, Even in our honourable career, Lord.

[9:52] We're brought to feel, To feel that we need thee. Sometimes, Lord, We think we can manage without thee. But then suddenly comes, The true believers, To consider their ways.

[10:09] To consider, Lord, Their latter hand, Even when it means, Lord, Hospital treatment. So we do pray, Lord, That they'll be mindful of him where he is.

[10:22] To bless, Lord, His dear mother, That would look on with anxiety, And sisters, And brothers, And family members, And all of us who attend the church. That, Lord, Our resting prayer, Like wonders do, Bring relief in deepest trades.

[10:39] Prayer to force the passage through, Iron bath and brazen games. Lord, Do remember to, in mercy, To in mercy, We do pray thee, Each of our flock.

[10:52] We do pray, Remember the very aged ones, The firm ones, The who are those that bear the burden Heath of the day. Remember too, Lord, The younger ones here, And also at ride also, As we commit them all to thee.

[11:08] We seek thy blessing upon them there, This evening, With thy servant amongst them, Lord, To preach the everlasting gospel to their souls.

[11:19] May ye not labour in vain. May ye be given strength according to the demands, Lord, Of the work of the ministry. For thou knowest, Lord, The heaviness of it, The burden of it, Of what a mercy thou hast promised, Divine instruction and teaching to those that fear thy name, In pulpit, And also, Lord, In pure, That have not, Lord, Been drawn to the ministry or to preach it, But have been brought there, Lord, to hear it, To hear what by the Lord will speak under their souls.

[11:54] And that they might, Lord, Yet be constrained by the love of Christ, To keep their commandments, As he becomes a first in their lives, The object of their desires, To see Jesus, To receive a knowledge of the truth, The crumbs that fall from the master's table.

[12:16] Or is anything too hard to do? And we do need thee, Lord, To teach us. We do need thee, Lord, To give us a living testimony, Of what thou hast done for our souls.

[12:29] We drift along, Lord, In our pathway, Acknowledge thy goodness in providence, And in so many ways. But oh, we want, Lord, To feel the breathing upon our dry bones, That they might live.

[12:44] And thou put us in remembrance. And thou remember us with the favour thou bearest unto thy people, And visit us with thy salvation. For, Lord, Time is hastening on for all of us.

[12:57] And we do pray, Lord, That we might yet know the truth, Be persuaded of the truth, And of that love of Christ, That can never be separated from thy chosen people.

[13:10] So, Lord, Do bow down thine here, And be with us. Help us then, Lord, For the service, And our friend, In Rhyde as well, This evening. And oh, Lord, We do pray for the churches in England.

[13:25] They will send a measure of prosperity of that month then. And Lord, We do pray, though, That nevertheless, They will build up their own churches here. Oh, How we feel sometimes, Lord, That we wonder where the city is going to be in this land, A few more years, When there seems to be such enmity against the Bible, Against real knowledge of the truth.

[13:52] Plenty, Lord, And worship so cold, Which is fleshly excitable, That all could be brought, Lord, In humility and love, Into thy courts, And to sit down under thy shadow with great delight, And feel, Lord, The sweetness of the streams, That flow out from the river of God's love.

[14:13] Also, Lord, Do be with us each in our pathway. We have many doubts and paths to walk in, To shine upon us, Lord, Shine upon the sacred pictures of the pages of Scripture.

[14:29] And oh, Lord, Do yet while to revive him, Lord, Even in the days that we live in, A true converse to Christ, For is anything too hard to leave?

[14:41] We think of unregenerate family members, Both here in England. Oh, Lord, Where have all these people gone? What are they going to do, Lord, When death spares them in the vase?

[14:54] If they have not Christ formed in their hearts, The hope of glory. So, Lord, Do have mercy upon family members. We've all got to face the judgment seat one day, The righteous judge of the whole earth.

[15:09] Oh, Lord, Wilt thou not turn us again, O Lord, God of hosts, And cause thy face to shine upon the nation, The denomination again. And do remember, Lord, Our leaders that have the authority over us.

[15:26] Yet we trust, Lord, That they'll keep them under thy divine control. Lord, There seem to be a number of people that seem to be babbling about Lockerbrook.

[15:40] But the sense that there doesn't seem to be any end, Lord. In that they're doing something real that will stabilize the nation in their finances.

[15:54] And in, Lord, the jobs for the people. Oh, Lord, what a sad state we're in. They've forsaken thee, Lord, And still not got anywhere in their plans and schemes for the nation.

[16:10] And, Lord, we do commit these matters to thee and seek these greater matters. As to know how the case stands with our own soul. How it will be worked with us more in the swellings of Jordan.

[16:25] Do prepare us each, Lord, to stand before thy face. Thy spirit must work before me. It is all of grace. And now, Lord, what wait before me, our hope is in thee.

[16:38] That thou be met on wisdom to a poor sinner. And that thou would abundantly bless us With a being able to preach the everlasting gospel amongst us.

[16:50] And that thy truth might go home and sink down deep into every soul. And that to take us home in peace and safety afterwards.

[17:01] Hear us in these things and do forgive us in. As we ask it, O Lord, for Christ's sake alone. Amen. Let us further sing hymn 136.

[17:27] The tune is Dalehurst, 124. Dear Refuge of my weary soul. On thee when troubles rise.

[17:39] On thee when waves of trouble grow. My fainting hope relies. To there I tell each rising grief. For thou alone conceal.

[17:51] Thy word can bring a sweet relief For every pain I feel. One, three, six.

[18:16] One, three, six. Loved by great hope. Please, tenha we love How high. for any helpful. You will shine in the earth of your also.

[18:29] gives a pleasure to hope, With a great heart. To Uh, three, six. On thee when waves of your UTцию gerestan, To of your sodium prayer, To the majible tune of a virtue in NARLE, Even when it's of your home, aительно-preal home.

[19:04] Therein' y霊÷, righteous Tracy free, The one who cares for you Like bars do I bring On the stream, Lindsay, illuminating A mere befellijr I use Amen.

[19:47] Amen. Amen.

[20:12] Amen. Amen. only trust, and still my soul will cling to thee, the cross may lead us.

[21:06] And thou not bid me speak thy face, and shall I speak in name, and can the ear of sorrow rest be dead when our aim of pain.

[21:51] And still the ear of sorrow and grace, the gentle voice pray, the way I will ever find her sense to break my soul through the air.

[22:33] My passage, sweet Jesus, open still, Heal it, my soul, return, with humble love, and still my soul, return, with humble love, and grace be ye, the Lord.

[23:15] As the Lord may be pleased to help me, I would direct you prayerfully to Psalm 91, and reading verses 14 and 15.

[23:33] Psalm 91, verse 14, We hear, hear, have it written here by the Psalmist, who feared God and acknowledged God, and who tells us here that he dwelleth in the secret place, or he that dwelleth in the secret place, and the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.

[24:25] We desire that he dwelleth in the Lord, that he might overshadow you and me in all our trials, all our circumstances.

[24:41] We know we're very much of the earth earthy. But blessed be the Lord, the safety and keeping of your body, your soul, your soul, is in the merits of Jesus.

[24:57] He is the same yesterday, today and forever. And he says here, because he has set his love upon me. We do well to examine ourselves, whether we have evidences of loving the Lord.

[25:13] Psalmist says we love the Lord. Psalmist says we love the Lord, He has heard my voice and my supplication. There you and I deny that we have heard his voice.

[25:27] We want to hear it more clearly and more frequently. But on those occasions when you have fell, you've called upon him.

[25:40] You've called upon him. And he's answered you. And he's given you that gift of faith to believe in the Word of God.

[25:51] The Bible has become precious to you over the years. You've been given the hunger and the thirst for the knowledge of it. And he's not forsaken you.

[26:04] He's been better to you and me than all our sins deserved, dear friends, certainly. Better you and me than all our fears.

[26:16] Because we are creatures of fear that drag along and often fear where no fear is. But you see, you love the Lord because he has manifested himself to you in ways that he's made a way for you through life's journey where there seemed to be no way.

[26:38] You've had those occasions when you've called upon his name. You've had those spots and places where you felt that there's none other but the Lord's doing.

[26:50] It's marvellous in your eyes. And so, it's strengthen your weak hands of faith and confirm your feeble needs. And said unto you of a fearful heart, fear not.

[27:04] My God will supply your need. What sweet surprises you and I will have had over life's journey.

[27:16] When he's made a way for you where there seemed to be no way. And you've been brought there where you felt you loved the Lord. Because he has heard your voice.

[27:30] He's seen your struggles. He has heard your cries under him. As you've come with weeping and supplication.

[27:42] That when you've seen to have very little faith, you wanted him to manifest himself to you in certain events in your life. And you can look back and see the way the Lord your God has led you.

[27:58] He has proved you to know what was in your heart toward the Lord God of Israel. You've been unable to set your affection upon things above where Christ dwelleth.

[28:11] And you so long for him to confirm yourselves by granting you a deliverance. By granting you and me a favour to being able to set him on high.

[28:26] He set you on high really. He's put you on the mount. He's favoured you to be building upon that mount, that rock that Christ is.

[28:39] And you've blessed him for those tokens of his love. And because you set your love upon him.

[28:50] Because remember, you love him before, because he first loved you. We cannot be born in the flesh and love the Lord until he quicken us and make us to cry.

[29:06] Because of the burden of our sins. And we read he came not to call the righteous but sinners to repentance. And you began to be in one for a knowledge of the Lord Jesus.

[29:20] And you wanted to know something of this love. And if he set his love upon you, then he'll deliver you. And he'll make you wise unto salvation through faith in him.

[29:34] I will set him on high. And you'll be very humble in the dust. You won't be high and mighty in the flesh, dear friends. But you'll be favoured to feel a little access into the holy ear of God.

[29:50] And you've pleaded with him to bow down in your ear, O God. For I am poor and I am needy. And it's all because he said, He hath known my name.

[30:03] And what a mercy to have this name. And to be pursuing, yet faint after this name. And to prove it to be a little treasure.

[30:16] Those sweet moments when the Lord touched your heart. When he favoured you and me to know the joyful sound of the gospel. And you began to know his name.

[30:30] And his name, this is the name you pleaded. And this is the name the Father loves to hear his children plead. And all you know, he will send deliverances.

[30:42] And he has done. And he will yet send further deliverances. And this will lead you in this exercise of this verse. To call upon me, he said.

[30:54] And I will answer him. We often pray and wonder, Are we going to get an answer? Well, if there's no answer dear friends, It's a negative answer, isn't it?

[31:09] As I see it. But blessed be the Lord. He does answer. He does send you a time when you're brought into trouble.

[31:20] And this is when it proves you in tribulation. He exercises you to work patience. And patience experience. And experience hope because the love of God is shed abroad in your heart by the Holy Ghost.

[31:35] I will answer him. And I will be with him. And I will be with him. He's going to prove you and me in our religion the reality of it.

[31:46] I know you may reflect back from years when the Lord so taught you to trust him for his faithfulness. Well, now it's going to bring you into this trouble.

[31:59] And it won't even necessarily be providential trouble, family trouble. It will be soul trouble.

[32:11] One of the most heavier things that a believer can have is soul trouble. He wants the Lord to confirm him.

[32:22] He wants the Lord to show him a token. And he seems to withhold your petitions. But he cannot hold himself continually because having inspired that love of the truth in your soul because of Jesus and his love there will be a time when he will answer you and he will be with you in trouble.

[32:55] And he will deliver you. What a privilege to have a God to go to. And we go to God through the through the through the pathway of the Lord Jesus.

[33:10] Through his intercessionary power. That he gives to you when we're ready to find. And we bless him for it. And so I will deliver him.

[33:24] He shall call upon me. And I will answer him. We don't get an answer every day, do we, for these trials. But they do give you a little hope that he makes the promise a little sweet.

[33:41] He's given you a promise. He's applied it. You feel, seem to be filled with a cup of blessing. As he enriches your soul. And all the sweetness and the power of it seems to disappear.

[33:56] And you're going to be in darkness. In that darkness, not in the actual heavy darkness that you were when he first called you.

[34:08] But you seem sometimes to doubt. And you seem to fear. And you backslide. And you don't seem to be as diligent as you once were.

[34:22] Because you see you fear sometimes. The Lord withdraws himself from you. And from those sweet moments that you've had before the cross.

[34:34] As you see. As you see. That that in grief, even in grief, there's a beauty in the Lord Jesus Christ. And you bless that he has touched your heart.

[34:48] And you look unto him with the eye of faith. The eye of the self eye. Faith, the eye of the soul. It looks to Jesus. And you no longer pour upon yourself.

[35:00] Lest it sink thee lower. But look to him. And call upon him. And when we call, it won't be just a soft hearted thing.

[35:13] It will be with the effectual fervency of spirit. When the spirit anoints you in prayer, you'll pray without ceasing. You'll give him no rest. Until he grants you a time of deliverance.

[35:27] And you bless him for it. And it's wrestling with him, isn't it? To the break of day. Jacob wrestled with the angel of the Lord. Until the break of day.

[35:41] And so we may have night seasons of prayer. We love our sleep, no doubt. We do, don't we? If we're tired. But on those occasions when you're awake, and when you pour out your soul's desire before him, Lord, just show me now.

[36:00] And I will. Lead me, guide me into all truth and apply it. And make me willing in the day of thy power. To seek that closer walk with thee.

[36:13] God, he said, I will set him on high. As he gives his angels charge over you to keep you in all places, whithersoever you go.

[36:25] You look at the Lord. That he would favour you to be kept. Because that's another matter with believers. We need that keeping power.

[36:38] Yes, keeping our minds stayed upon God. Shall surely see that salvation. One time.

[36:50] At the appointed time. And so, what a mercy to know we have a little love to the Lord Jesus Christ. We want that closer walk with him.

[37:04] We want to see the way that he has trodden this same world. Though he was holy, harmless, undefiled, separate from sinners.

[37:16] He was never, dear friends, plagued with sin. Like you and I are. But he had convinced you of it. Because convinced of your sin, you will find yourself very unholy and very unclean at times.

[37:33] But by the grace of God, he draws you. By the cords of a man, by the bands of his love. And he exercises you and me in wrestling prayer.

[37:46] What wonders do bring relief in deepest faith. Prayer can force a passage through iron bars and brazen gates. I will be with him.

[37:57] I will be with him. I will be with him. These wills and these shells of Jehovah must be effectual in our walk and our conduct. We have to wait for it.

[38:09] To tarry his leisure then wait the appointed hour. Wait up to the bridegroom of our souls. Reveal his love with power. Because there is a time. A time.

[38:20] A time we have set to heal up our woes. The season most fit is love to disclose. So we bless the Lord, don't we?

[38:32] That he grants you access into his holy ear. We have to pray sometimes. Bow down, oh dear God. For I am poor and needy.

[38:46] You see, you won't be set on high as I said, in humanity. But you will when the Lord touches your soul.

[38:58] When he lifts up the light of his peace upon you. And he says, my peace I leave with you. What a precious word. My peace I leave with you.

[39:11] Not as the world giveth, give it unto you. Let not your heart be troubled. Neither let it be afraid. This is the wonder of Jesus, isn't it?

[39:23] As the one mediator between you and the holy God who is a spirit. And so we ask the Lord if he will be us in our troubles.

[39:35] If he will bring us through. If we give a grace to serve him. To seek first the kingdom of God. And his righteousness. And all these other things might be added unto you.

[39:48] Blessed be the Lord. We want a religion of experience. Things handled, tasted and fed of the word of life.

[40:01] And we need him, dear friends, don't we, to unstop our deaf ears. And pour in the oil and the wine, the gospel. The good news.

[40:12] To tell us that he has eternally loved us. It won't set you on high. It will humble you.

[40:24] As to why me, why such a wretch as me must ever lie in hell. And not salvation free. Free and sovereign grace, dear friends.

[40:35] And it's what we need. And what we plead for. That we might truly be delivered from all those things. That that seem to get us hooked up and carried away sometime.

[40:52] But to be brought to his feet. And to know that he is our saviour. And as he read here.

[41:04] He said, because thou hast made the Lord, which is my refuge. Even the most high thy habitation. There shall no evil befall thee. Do we believe these truths?

[41:17] If the Lord takes them and applies them. You'll hold fast to the sum of these portions of God's word. Because he said, he shall give his angels charge over thee, keep it in all thy ways.

[41:32] They shall bear thee up in their hands, lest thou dash thy foot against this stone. What stumbling stones we come upon in our journey.

[41:44] Stumbling stones. We'd rather have the stones of help, wouldn't we? To be enabled to raise an Ebenezer to his praise. And look upon him.

[41:58] Whom we have, dear friends, wounded. With our sins. And blessed be the Lord. You know the Lord will be mindful of you.

[42:12] Preserve and keep you from harm. Be your guardian of God. As you sow in tears, you're yet reaping joy. You have those godly tears.

[42:24] You want the Lord to wipe the tears of muck your faces. Because you have so much to mourn over. Your shortcomings, your failing. Day by day.

[42:36] Led captive by the devil in those... Sometimes it seems to be you're not on your watchtower enough.

[42:48] And Satan catches up with you. Blessed be the Lord. There will always be some matter for you and me to pray about it. Wrestling with the Lord.

[42:59] To confirm his love to me and show me a token. And do Lord confirm my soul. With signs following.

[43:12] Evidence is that I'm born of God and that my treasure is above. So he said, I... Therefore will I deliver him. Because of those evidences of love in your soul.

[43:26] You seek the Lord. You want him to show you now his way. You want him to draw you by the cause of man. By the bands of his love. And that love, those bands of his love.

[43:39] They're irresistible. Grace is irresistible. When he pours it upon you. Gives you a portion for your soul. You hold fast to it.

[43:51] And then he seems to go and he's been gone. He hides his face. He draws his hand from the hot, hot hole of the door. And then you're back to your sad state again.

[44:05] And mourning. You see, the Lord won't leave you to perish. If your heart's might in this language denied. You could not live without praying sometime to the Lord.

[44:22] That he will answer you. You want to know that you're a true disciple. You feel to be a poor disciple as you view yourself. You want to be a living soul.

[44:34] You want to be living to show forth his praise. You want to be living to speak of his wonders. And of his redeeming love. And what he has done for poor sinners.

[44:47] And he keeps you and me from dashing about. Against these stones. These stones that offend. And bring you whereby I said just now.

[45:01] Those stones of hell. Living stones. That they never die. These stones that you've received.

[45:13] In answer to your prayers and mine. I will answer him. I will be with him in trouble. I will deliver him. You see, we need.

[45:25] Ourselves to be drawn out of the pit. Because we want to be in Christ's presence. Out of Christ's almighty power. Can destroy.

[45:38] But. With Christ. We shall live and move. And have a very being. And you bless the Lord. And say bless the Lord over my soul. And all within me join.

[45:49] And aid my tongue to bless his name. Whose favours are divine favours. And we want more of these divine favours. Don't we? Where the Lord has given you a new heart.

[46:02] A broken heart. A contrite spirit. That is waiting upon him. And he will answer you. And be with you. The fulfilling of his word.

[46:14] Or another portion of promise. That he might have given you. He will fulfil his word. And fulfil your desires of it. That you might know the truth.

[46:25] And you be free. From the condemnation. The broken law. That's what we want. Isn't it? Freedom. Freedom. Bring ourselves out of prison.

[46:37] That we can praise him. And bless him. For his great goodness. And so we have to ask the Lord. God. Do help me. Do. Give me to feel that they are my God.

[46:50] As Anne still says. My God. My Father. Blissful name. Oh may I. The humility. With you and me. Oh may I call thee my.

[47:02] You see. May I. For favour. Being able to feel. That the Lord. Is my. Is my.

[47:13] The Lord. Is my shepherd. I shall not want. And sometimes. We've been there. I believe. We have felt. As the shepherd of the people.

[47:25] He's shepherded his above. He's made us. To lie down in green pastures. And let us beside the still waters. To refresh our soul.

[47:37] And what a mercy. When you are refreshed. By the gospel truths. As they come up new and fresh. In your soul and mind. And.

[47:48] Here. In your soul. It's because. He has taught you. To love the truth. And you want a further knowledge of the truth. And he says. You shall know the truth. And the truth.

[47:59] Shall make you free. We do need to deliver him from the condemnation. Of broken law. We need him as a refuge. We need him.

[48:10] To bless us. With thankful hearts. For his daily mercies. And though. We journey on. And we can see his hand. Here and there.

[48:21] Little line upon line. Preset upon position. And then we come unstuck sometimes. For want of a better word. We come and we seem to be.

[48:32] So careful and troubled again. With so many things. In this life. In this life. So many things. We seem to get. Seem to be like the world.

[48:45] They're full of troubles. Aren't they? They cannot resolve their difficulties. But you see. Then the Lord brings you to a hold. He said.

[48:57] I will instruct thee. He sends a word to. As it were. Kill those worldly feelings. He says. I will instruct thee.

[49:09] And we prick up our ears. Or our eyes. And we. And we say. Yes Lord. That's the instruction. That's the instruction.

[49:20] I want. The teaching. In the way. That would have me to go. Though that is to clear. It's a pathway of tribulation. More or less.

[49:32] He goes on to say. Be still. And know that I am God. God. Your maker. Your creator. Your creator of mine. And knows the way.

[49:44] That you are to walk. And knows. Shows you now. Your steps. Your steps through these verses. Through other portions of scripture.

[49:56] Are rewarded by the Lord. And you delight in his way. I ought to feel more. Of that divine control. Over your feelings and mine.

[50:09] I long for it. More control over my feelings. Should do the power of the devil in me. Should do my sinful utterances.

[50:23] And give me to know. And read my title clear. To these heavenly mansions. That I might win Christ. And be found in him. Not having my own righteousness.

[50:34] Which is on the floor. But that righteousness. Which is through the faith of the Son of God. Who gave himself for me. The thing he gave himself. For your soul and mine.

[50:46] If you are in this covenant. Don't you have a hope? I am sure you have. By what he has taught you to do. What he has made that way for you. Whether it is in the men of it.

[50:57] Taught you dear friends. To number your days. To apply your hearts unto wisdom. Or who is a God like unto thee. This God.

[51:09] Shall be your God. He will be your guide. He will not dare. Even unto death. Because. This is the word of God. That we have before us.

[51:21] Divine. Inspiration. Inspire the word of God. Through God the man of the whole. And we bless him for that. Don't we? He shall call upon me.

[51:33] And I will answer him. I will be with him in trouble. I will deliver him and honor him. With long life. Will I satisfy him. And show him my salvation.

[51:45] Blessed mercy if we have a long life. And he shows us salvation at the end. That's the aim isn't it? And the desire. Of the soul of every seeker. Seeking to find a portion for his or her soul.

[51:59] Seeking to know and read their title clear. To these heavenly mansions. Pathway of tribulation. Yes. And Jesus said bear good cheer.

[52:12] I've overcome the world. We can only overcome the world through him. We cannot be. Naturally determined. Not to do this or do that.

[52:24] But all have soon before. But blessed be the Lord. And you know. We do need to be humble. Because he said pride go before the destruction.

[52:36] A haughty spirit before a fall. Oh Lord do give me that grace of humility. To humble myself at the footstool of mercy. To seek a token of thy love.

[52:49] To confirm my soul. With a sign following. As he said he shall call upon thee. And that as we go. The desire.

[53:02] That to still be able to call upon him. To pour out our soul before him. To ask him to answer us. Yes I know sometimes.

[53:17] You seem to be. Against. A brick wall your prayers. Seems to be. There's none to hear. But do remember.

[53:28] There's not a word in your mouth. But know that he knoweth it altogether. And this is our hopes. If it's an. If it's an. Imputed word from God. If he's going to impute that righteousness.

[53:42] To your soul and my. To cover your soul. With a man of his forgiving love. Because he is a God of love. And having loved his own world. In the world.

[53:53] He loves them to the end. And so he says. He shall call upon thee. And sinners can say. And only they. Have precious is the saviour.

[54:05] Because he said. And I will. Answer him. You may have many things. That you request. That you let known unto God. You may be.

[54:17] Getting. Troubled. You don't get the answer. You don't get the answer. But he tarries. After a man. Late. Late. A dog. Tarries. After a man.

[54:28] A pain. And then. He comes. And says. I will be with him. In trouble. I will deliver. Him. And honor him. And we bless the Lord. For these tokens.

[54:39] Of his love. When he does. Deliver you. Brings your soul. Later. To prison. Revives your drooping spirit. Says unto you. Son. Thy sins have forgiven thee. Daughter.

[54:50] Thy faith is saved thee. Go in peace. When he says it. He means it. And it will stick fast. It may be. A brief visit. On one occasion. But he'll bring it. Back. To your remembrance.

[55:01] By his spirit. Oh. Spirit of truth. Come down. Reveal the things of God. And make to us salvation known. And witness with the blood. Of you. And the blood. Of you.

[55:12] And the blood. Of you. And the blood. And the blood. And the blood. And the blood. And the blood. And the blood. And the blood. I will deliver him.

[55:23] And honour him. For the mercy. We'll be given grace. As he says. Them that honour me. I will honour. May it despise me. Shall be like esteem. Look unto me.

[55:35] All the ends of the earth. And be ye saved. For beside me. There is no Saviour. Oh. We bless the Lord. For his word. May he.

[55:46] Bless our few remarks. This evening. And take them. Take them home with us. Or brought to our remembrance. To consider him. And endure such contradiction.

[55:57] It centers against himself. Lest we be faint and wevid. In our minds. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen.

[56:11] I just conclude with him. 397. The tune is providence. 490. In themselves. cells as weak as worms, how can poor believers stand when temptations, foes and storms press them close on every hand weak indeed they feel they are but they know the throne of grace and the God who answers prayer helps them when they see his faith 397 Effort onu lam

[57:19] How can the Lord be the same?

[57:31] When lamentations lead us to all, rest and purses all day.

[57:49] Amen. Weak is sleeping right real.

[58:02] And bless his heart. How are up with the hand of grace, And that all the answers prayer Helps them when they seek His place Though the Lord have one belied Struggle where they have made the day The hurt of us they have to pray

[59:07] Will not let them cry in vain Freshly break and wonders do Bring relief in the rest With their thoughts of passage through I am blessed, blessed, and blessed O the wonders He has brought

[60:14] Let us now embrace His gift And by His way experience the world Call upon Him while we live May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ The love of God the Father The fellowship of the Holy Spirit Rest in the Bible's age Amen