Sermon commences at 21 minutes.
[0:00] We'll read this morning from the Gospel according to John chapter 5 and we will read down to verse 31.
[0:12] John 5 to verse 31. After this there was a feast of the Jews and Jesus went up to Jerusalem.
[0:23] Now there is at Jerusalem by the sheep market a pool which is called in the Hebrew town Bethesda, having five porches.
[0:35] In these lay a great multitude of impotent folk, of blind, holed, withered, waiting for the moving of the water. For an angel went down at a certain season into the pool and troubled the water.
[0:53] Whosoever then first, after the troubling of the water, stepped in was made whole of whatsoever disease he had. And a certain man was there which had an infirmity thirty and eight years.
[1:08] When Jesus saw him live and knew that he had been now a long time in that case, he said unto him, Wilt thou be made whole?
[1:21] The impotent man answered him, Sir, I have no man, when the water is troubled, to put me into the pool. But while I am coming, another stepeth down before me.
[1:35] Jesus said unto him, Behold, the same said unto me, Take up thy bed and walk.
[2:11] Then asked they him, What man is that which said unto thee, Take up thy bed and walk? And he that was healed, wist not who it was?
[2:21] For Jesus had conveyed himself away, a multitude being in that place. Afterward, Jesus finding him in the temple said unto him, Behold, thou art made whole.
[2:37] Sin no more, lest the worst thing come unto thee. The man departed and told the Jews that it was Jesus which had made him whole.
[2:50] And therefore did the Jews persecute Jesus and sought to slay him, because he had done those things on the Sabbath day.
[3:00] But Jesus answered them, My father worketh hitherto, and I work. Therefore the Jews sought the more to kill him, because he had not only had broken the Sabbath, but said also that God was his father, make it himself, making himself equally God.
[3:27] Then answered Jesus and said unto them, Verily, verily I say to you, The son can do nothing of himself, for what he see the father doeth.
[3:40] For what things soever he doeth, these also doeth the son likewise. For the father loveth the son, and showeth him all these things that himself doeth, and he will show him greater works than these, that ye may marvel.
[4:02] For as the father raiseth up the dead, and quickeneth them, even so the son quickeneth whom he will. For the father judgeth no man, but hath committed all judgment, unto the son.
[4:18] And all men should honour the son, even as they honour the father. He that honoureth not the son, honoureth not the father, which hath sent him.
[4:29] Verily, verily, I say unto you, he that heareth my word, and believeth on him that sent me, hath everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation, but is passed from death unto life.
[4:49] Verily, verily, I say unto you, the hour is coming, and now is, when the dead shall hear the voice of the Son of God, and they that hear shall live.
[5:01] For as the father hath life in himself, so hath he given to the son, to have life in himself, and hath given him authority, to execute judgment also, because he is the son of man.
[5:20] Marvel not at this, for the hour is coming, in which all that are in the graves shall hear his voice, and shall come forth.
[5:31] They that have done good unto the resurrection of life, and they that have done evil unto the resurrection of damnation. I cannot my own self do nothing, as I hear I judge, and my judgment is just, because I see not my own will, but the will of the Father, which has sent me.
[5:58] If I bear witness of myself, my witness is not true. Here we will leave the reading. May the Lord bless it, and may he teach us to pray.
[6:13] O gracious God, do bow down in my holy ear, condescending to pour upon us a spirit of grace, and of supplication.
[6:24] We are through mercy, favoured and found, in thy courts, through a measure of health, and strength Lord. And though Lord, have passed another anniversary of our birth, we would be thankful Lord, for those hitherto blessings.
[6:42] And though we want to know the truth, we want to feel Lord, that reviving of our drooping spirits, we want to hear thy voice. May it please thee Lord, to be with us through the day, here in worship, and may we truly Lord, be favoured to be fed, on the crumbs that may be, full and full from thy table, the gospel table, to bear our drooping spirits, and to bear our drooping spirits, up a faithful and unchanging God, to lay the foundation of our hopes, in our promises, and the blood of Christ.
[7:19] O Lord, we would be favoured, and feel privileged to be here, and pray thy blessing, that our souls might be truly favoured, to feel the presence of thyself.
[7:33] Lord, do Lord, manifest thy love to us, teach us to do thy will, teach us to number our days, to apply our hearts unto wisdom.
[7:46] We have been brought safely, through another week of time. We have been brought, Lord, into thy banqueting house. And we do pray, Lord, that we might walk worthy of thee, that in the sanctuary of God, that we might by faith, see a living Saviour, who has condescended, to lay down his life for his friends.
[8:09] And ye are my friends, if ye do whatsoever I command you. We have given, Lord, that measure of health and strength, of which we would acknowledge, thy goodness and mercy toward us.
[8:21] Thou hast helped our brethren, in our absence, Lord, and we would be thankful for that, and for the support, Lord. We trust that the family grace, for them, by the friends, Lord, both here at Ryde, and in the home, Lord, at Adelaide, and also, at Connie, in the home, Lord, in our pathway.
[8:45] We remember us each, Lord, for good. We do pray, we remember our family members. We commit them to thee, Lord. They may not be with us, but they have souls.
[8:57] And we do commit them into like, care and keeping, wherever they are at this time. And awaken, Lord, we do pray thee, many souls yet, to come and feel the place.
[9:09] A reviving of real religion, when there's so much, Lord, opposite to real religion. when there is, when the vanity and flesh of man wants to do what his flesh wants.
[9:24] Whether it, Lord, often so seems to contradict the commandments of God. Lord, Lord, Lord, in those ten commandments, Lord, that seem to be very clear in our minds.
[9:39] But, Lord, we are weak in the flesh. But may the power of Christ rest upon us. May we know what real repentance is, godly sorrow for our sin.
[9:51] May we have a hunger and thirst for the righteousness of Christ. May we, Lord, be given that desire to commit our way unto the Lord. Trust also in him. And finally bring it past.
[10:02] Those hits in our lives. Those things, Lord, those mountains, those valleys, those things, Lord, stones of strumbling and rocks of the fence in the pathway, when we would follow thee.
[10:13] So much, Lord, and many distractions in this sin-stained world. But do keep us, Lord, and do bless us, Lord, with a reviving. In this dark day, we look upon the land, Lord, we look upon those that have the leadership over us, and responsibility, Lord, with government.
[10:34] But, Lord, where are they? What are they? They seem to be so much, Lord, of their own things, that do those things, Lord, that are in their own natural calm mind.
[10:47] And therefore, enmity to God. But do have mercy upon this guilty land nation. Do yet raise us up, those, Lord, that should truly, truly fear thy name, and acknowledge thee.
[10:59] Even those, Lord, that we believe are in parliament, that do, give an appearance, Lord, of acknowledging God, or do give them strength, give them power, as to bring forth, all, Lord, of their opinions, that shall be founded on Scripture, and founded upon the Word of God.
[11:25] For do we do need thee, Lord, to raise us up, those that shall acknowledge God, in their ways, and to seek the Lord, while he may be found, for wisdom and guidance from above, to guide this country, in great debt, Lord, that should be brought to realize, that they need to, owe no man anything, but to acknowledge God, and seek his leadership, and seek his comfort, and seek his hope, that all things might be done, decently, in order in a country, O Lord, we see the nation, falling away, but Lord, in thy mercy, come and revive us, and teach us to do thy will, and lead us, Lord, in the plain path, founded upon the scriptural truth, that we have, to acknowledge God, in our leadership, in our ways, for is anything too hard for thee, help us still,
[12:29] Lord, to bear the nation, up before thee, in our pathway, that O Lord, we do pray, for our churches, that thou with this, Lord, truly come, and confirm our souls, Lord, with signs following, not to glory, in the flesh, of a poor speakerhood, but to glory, in the work of the Spirit, that sinners are brought, to confess their sins, before the Lord, and have been brought, Lord, waiting to be put, into the poor, Lord, that shall truly, cause them to feel, to be washed, in the dear Redeemer's blood, and their sins, all washed away, O Lord, do bless the world, there amongst us, bless us, Lord, in our private lives, teach us, to walk in thy fear, teach us, to search the scriptures, may we find, a little rest, and hope, Lord, in what the word, that God reveals, to us,
[13:31] Lord, so do hear our prayers, and we ask thy blessing, upon, to all those absent, promise, our dear Deacon, we think to acclaim, Lord, and trust, that he is recovering, from his operation, and there be one, Lord, in our family, tomorrow, Lord, as he has this, operation, Lord, you'll grant, that he might be, brought safely, through it, and we might look on, and see the wonders, God alone knows, in answer to prayer, these things, Lord, that come about, in our lives, and maybe, seeming ordinary things, and yet, Lord, we want to know, they're in it, they're in it, they're exercising, our souls, concerning, bearing one another's, burdens, and so, so fulfil, Lord Christ, do be with us, in our afflictions, and those in our family circles, and grant answers, to them, Lord, answers of peace, of restoration, and look on, and see the wonders,
[14:36] God alone has done, how dependent, we would be, more and more, upon the help, of thy spirit, and show us, Lord, tokens for good, so, Lord, do help us, still to wait, upon thee, for that renewed strength, we do beg of thee, and bless today, Lord, and with the help, of the spirit, from porphyse, and impure too, that our souls, might be nourished, and fed, with living bread, and living waters, from the wells, of salvation, or do not leave us, or forsake us, God, because of our sins, but send Jesus, to comfort us, with a revelation, by the spirit, of the truth, to come down, reveal the things, of God, and make to our salvation, known, and witness with the blood, so do come, to our aid, Lord, and do forgive our sin, for we ask, and bless, for Christ's sake, alone, amen, amen, let us further sing, hymn 1085, the Tunis Eshtail, 332, hence vain intruding, world depart, no more allure, nor vex my heart, let every vanity, be gone,
[15:59] I would be peaceful, and alone, you let me search, my inmost mind, and try its real state, to find, the secret springs, of thought, explore, and call my words, and actions, o'er.
[16:15] 1085, all night, and if you were to form, then hope will be to speak, and continue our vag여�ın buddciones, We'll be right back.
[17:19] Thank you.
[17:49] Thank you.
[18:19] Thank you. Thank you.
[19:19] Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
[20:21] Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
[20:33] Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
[20:45] Amen. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
[20:57] Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
[21:09] Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. and shall not come into condemnation but is passed from death unto life how vital to know this truth and believe it in our very souls that it might be burned in he said he will give us a new heart i will give this a heart made tender in the fear of god verily repeats verily of the truth of the truth i say to you the lord jesus christ needs to speak to you and me clearly by his blessed spirit to apply the word to believe on him that is believe on the father that sent me unto you therefore that fear is his name shall the son of righteousness arise remember the great world that jesus came by commandment from his father he was sent into the world to preach this everlasting gospel and he fulfilled dear friends the word of god as he laid down his life for his friends and he says here are my friends if you do whatsoever i command you religion is my way of commandment and it is dear friends not what you and i might say one to another it's what the spirit said and the sins that we live in the day of the spirit but nevertheless it is the work of the spirit to reveal to you and me the work that the father has sent jesus to perform god manifested in the flesh see the angels justified by the spirit preached on among the gentiles the great ones we see and look upon the jews as a famous race they are because of jesus was one of them but this gospel is for the gentiles and we as gentiles need to know this word my sheep hear my voice oh what can we say that we have heard of the voice of the good shepherd what has drawn you and me to seal search the scriptures to come and hear what god the lord shall speak on the lord's day rather than seeking the pathway of the giddy multitude that want to do everything that pleases the flesh what a world of sin and woe it is but what a mercy for the chosen people and he is it their ears will be unstopped their hearts will be open to receive us we shall have a testimony and if you haven't got one you know you realize you need one to hear the voice of the shepherd sometimes we've heard it in judgment and made us tremble but through mercy sometimes we've heard his voice through the preaching of the gospel through the reading of the sermons or even what lord has seen fit to use for the furlough of knowledge in your soul of mine i say unto you this is the voice this is the voice of the good shepherd he won't leave you and me alone dear friends until you he wears you down by nature we won't have him to run over us we look back upon our lives and it's a it's a it's a it's a life of wonderment as to why we were made if we're not mistaken to hear his voice why there's been that exercise in our soul to serve him to follow him feel to be an unworthy dwelling we're not mistaken but through the mercy of god he has determined we do believe but who turns around to change our heart and you and will return our feet as i am still sometimes we may kick against the pricks sometimes we're rebellious sometimes we wonder as to why god ever has any thoughts of peace towards us and not of evil to give us an expected end but it's because he's unstoppable deaf ears he's attracted you and me to the word of god we want to know this glorious gospel the good news of salvation because he said he that believeth not is condemned already in other portions of the world condemned already to what to hell out in darkness weeping gnashing of teeth while having to reign over us but blessed be the lord that he is determined to save determined to quicken your soul and make you cry give me christ or else i die he he he that heareth my word i say to you it's not a dead book it's the bible when the lord so reveals it to you you'll realize your hope alone is in the merits of jesus and the gift of god is your everlasting life saved with an everlasting salvation by grace and what a mercy it's not a works that's an imagine but how many rely upon works dear friends amongst religious bodies good works can never save you but it's god that worketh in you and me both will endure his good pleasure to believe on god the father's very existence and having not seen ye love blessed trinity and unity and having not seen ye love you're attracted to the word you want it applied you want to have some blessed assurance that you won't pass you won't come into condemnation but as he says he is past and death unto life well we're born in sin and shape and iniquity we're dead in trespasses and sins until the light shines into your soul and makes you conscious of your the eye of the lord is upon you ear open unto your cry of mine as you call upon him in the day of trouble he says i will deliver thee and thou should glorify my name not your name or my name but glorify his name the father father the father's love dear friends has written your names in that land book of life and we bless god for it it was a hope and you're looking to him for a hope to confirm yourself you know while you're living in this world of sin and woe there'll be doubts there'll be fears will arise but when jesus comes to confirm yourself you've gone you're going to be rejoicing that you're delivered from this condemnation because there is no condemnation in them in christ jesus whose heart has been bought upon by the spirit who'll be born again by the water in the spirit and who come boldly that's in the liberty of the spirit to the throne of grace to obtain mercy and find grace to help in their time of need of a truth he said of a truth i said to you he that heareth my word we shall desire to have our ears bought at the doorpost only those that experience it know it but you'll bless god for a little experience there's something that's still attracts you and me to the word of god there's something in your soul desires to know him and the only true god is jesus has been sent into the world to seek and save lost in us this is for the lost and ruined in the fall that are brought to feel oh lord i am oppressed undertake thou for me that i should treat seek to honor the son as they honor the father and so see that honor is not the son that honor is not the father which has sent me and so we seem to want to feel that union and communion with him the mother mercy said this is our refuge to hide and the shadow of his wing till these calamities you know these calamities that before you and have fought before the new in life's journey calamitous situations and yet what a mercy to realize that the lord will bring you through as them that honor him he will honor and favors you and me to know that we were dead in trespasses and sins that we've heard his voice he's preached us in the conscious he's made us he's made us to feel that he's the one thing needful he's engraved it upon your heart and we bless god for those sweet moments which we've been had revealed to us through the cross through the blood of christ that cleanseth from all sins verily verily oh what a mercy are they true there's so much erroneous doctrine that is that is brought forth in the day that we live in there's a softening of the word of god and these leaders of the churches they want to please the flesh you'll never cross for the soul dear friends of any it is searching us trying us see if there be any wicked awareness and leaders in the way of everlasting that we might honor him and feel a little hope in your soul and mine that he has unstopped these deaf ears that he has poured in the oil and the wine of gospel for healing for restoring for believing the strength in your weak hands of faith confirm your people these so that you have a fearful heart fear not my god will come with vengeance he needs to come with vengeance to drive out the buyers to create in your clean heart to renew rights within you you know we're so worldly minded at times we can't escape it in our natural mind but the good that you would do that you do not the evil that you would not that you do
[33:15] Paul knew it you study Paul's language difference he knew what he'd been quickened into life line before he still knew what the carnal mind was and what it to go a warfare and who got the war for his own charges he's dependence for sin upon the lord to apply his word the entrance of it that give it light and understanding to your poor simple solemn one believe on him believe on the father whom having not seen he love the dear son who has brought his love down to earth amongst those that he is determined to call by his grace he saw the ruin in the foyer love them notwithstanding all his loving kindness our great everlasting life what a mercy to be enabled to read our title clear to those heavenly magic some of you want to do you want something to live on you want something much more to die on confirm your soul with a voice from heaven that the voice of the master he came not to call the righteous but sinners to repentance like this case of this this certain man who was with had this infirmity these 38 years jesus saw him lie and knew that he was now been a long time in that case you might have a case been a long time you come and go you want some confirmation confirmation that the lord has seen you in that case and he waits to be gracious it's his sovereignty he said that's that time to favor you with the quickening influence of the spirit you might hear these gospels you might hear much as you read the gospels of the blessings upon those that walk in his fear and oh what a mercy you see the impotent man asks him sir i'm no man when the water is troubled to put me in the pool but while i'm coming another step it down before me he says jesus sees him sees the sincerity and desires of that quickened heart and says rise take up my bed and walk an impossible thing with man for you and me to be quickened that's what the lord quickens souls and makes them cry give me christ or else i die rise take up my bed in other words take up your cross follow him preaching of the cross is foolishness to them that perish condemn because they have no faith in what god's able to do i'm preaching to the cross his foolishness to them because unto us to the same it is the power everlasting life the power of god mysterious it is to you but you'll know it when you receive it your sins blot in hand as a big clay has returned unto me i have redeemed thee i've called thee by thy grace you are mine a chosen vessel though he seems to withdraw himself you have these blessed moments which before the cross you knew the lord has blessed you with a token of his love it's a sabbath day blessing and you've gone away rejoicing so you see the jews knew this man was cured and then tries to find Paul because it was the sabbath day when jesus heals you with cure when he truly cures you he might have cured you of weakness in being tempted so long in your life because you realize your affliction you realize you're a sinner in god's side there's a set time before you and that blessed moment will come when the hour is coming he said now is when the dead shall hear the voice of the son of god and they that hear shall live so much in this you know this morning isn't there about hearing his words and that word will sink down deep dear friends in your heart and mine a new heart will i give you a heart made tender in the fear of god doesn't mean you're a doormat to the world dear friends if god blesses you with his grace no but it will cause you with me to realize why was i made to hear his voice and enter mother's room and while thousands make a wretched choice and rather starve and come the blessings of the christian the blessings of the christian love to scorn by many despise and rejected by many for how can two walk together except they be agreed blessed be the lord lord believe and believe on him the father sends the son the son suffers to bleed and die but god raised him from the dead and he's conquered sin and death for hell of hell deliverance from hell through the merits of jesus quicken souls then and then enlighten and liven souls by the spirit when you're born again by the water of the spirit so you feel this may i truly know what it is to be delivered from this condemnation but there's a time when i have been quickened and the lord has truly exercised my soul to know how the case stands and how it will be when i come to die as it's appointed unto all men once to die and after death the judgment the dear and we get some of us to the end according to the years the old man is you see we have to realize this the old mask but the young may die and there's someone to die in your sins without any repentance even to come into old age and not yet be quickened and the blessed be the lord the appointed time i was on a place not to propose but call by grace to change the heart renew the will return the feet of zion said and you'll remember those changes and you'll bless god for that you want to have your ears brought to the doorpost that you might have here something that profits yourself what you'll have in mind finally to do as a god-fearing soul you'll do it in honor to him what do i have mind to do do it as unto the lord and not unto man you'll have to pray for grace to walk worthy of him and the vocation where you with you have been called looking unto jesus who for the joy was set before him and doing the cross despising the shame and is now set down the right hand of god there to intercede for you his work is not done dear friends though he died but he's risen he's ascended on high he's led captivity captive he's received gifts of men yea for the rebellious also that the lord god might dwell among them yes you may feel rebellious because things have been turned he's ordered he's ordered your footsteps by and through his word and you might be forsaken of others i've reflected recently on some of those relatives that i knew and tried to help me in business but as soon as they knew i was in the gossip they tried to avoid me tried to avoid me because they were full up dear friends with freemasonry which is all for business people dear friends and it is also a corrupt dear friends thing a secret organization that tries to benefit one another in the world of business so-called but what a mercy god to supply your need god is able to do far more exceeding abundantly if you admit not all that we can think or ask so we bless the lord if we have a little word from him his word dear friends that does such great matters with you and me and causes you and me much exercise of soul to know and do his word to follow the instructions and teachings of his word and as he has said i will instruct thee and teach thee in the way thou should go it's a good thing if we're able to take our concerns to the throne of grace that you might have an instructive word from the lord you know he will come yes you're waiting like this man to have the troubled water this water dear friends that flows through the glorious gospel living waters and the wells of salvation jesus draws and gives you a drink it's a crumb of mercy it's a sip from the wells of salvation and you go on your way rejoicing he's touched your heart yes you've had these trials and you will have them in your journey but you feel that divine fear of the lord in your soul you reverence his holy name you pray to him in a time when he may be found he is my heart lord take and seal it seal it from thy courts above that i may know something of believing on him that sent me that is god the father son and even holy ghost to give you the gift of everlasting life chosen in christ before the foundation of the world lord that you might live to show forth his praise all we hear in the day of age is man's praise but we want to hear the praise of god and oh with your heart you pray him that he has faith with you to know and hear the voice of the good shepherd and even the dead shall hear the voice of the son of god god and may that hear shall live or may he exercise your soul with prayer you might hear his voice you might follow him you're not ashamed well in him as your lord and savior but to whom else can you go he has the gift of everlasting life and he says my sheep hear my voice and i know them and they follow me and i give unto them eternal life this is heaven dear friends to know he's made your heaven secure will her all good provide while christ is rich i can't be poor what can i want beside your poor and needy sinner you're seeking water and risen up your tongue of hatred for thirst but i the lord will hear them you let your requests be made known unto god to pray without ceasing to lift up your hearts with your hands to god be not silent to me oh god lest if thou be silent to me i be like unto them that go down the pit all to hear thy voice as a sheep as a sheep not a goat but to one that has been born again by the spirit and you come with your cries unto him that you might be favored to know something of this great salvation that he might prepare prepare you for those mansions in the sky you won't dear friends in your humility worry about a mansion but that's what he's determined we shall have mansions in the sky not rooms as some religious people believe rooms no mansions in the sky we shall reach that place which is perfect and he will perfect that that concerns your soul and mine to prepare you for those mansions in the sky and it's all it's a wonder of wonders that you and i should ever hear his voice to this effect everlasting life and no condemnation because you're bound up in the bundle of life jesus has shown you with a chosen you in the furnace of affliction and bless you with a token of his love and he bid you come unto me all ye that are weary and heavy laden i will give thee rest oh there's no smooth passage here below but there are those sweet moments before the cross when when when jesus with his mighty love visits your troubled breath and says be still and know that i am god i have bought even the price i have eternally loved thee and all this wonderful favor of believing in christ for whosoever believe in him shall not perish but have everlasting one god to prepare a place for you and i will come again receive you unto myself that where i am there shall ye be forever a wonderful prospect for an unworthy sinner to be favored to have the knowledge of the truth he should know the truth and the truth should make you free from the condemnation of the broken law oh what a favor then to know him and so he says i say unto you he that heareth my word and believeth on him that sent me hath everlastin life this is a wonderful gift this is something you've longed for you want the lord to take hold of you and say rise rise take up my better walk and what does that mean it's walking the fear of the lord and sometimes all the day long when the lord draws near comforts you and says you are lovely with an everlasting love therefore with loving kindness have i draw thee he perfects that that concerns your soul mine and bids you to follow him and so you bless the lord lord that jesus came upon this mission to call as many as the lord have chosen before the world's made and you bless the lord jesus for what he has suffered and you'll be brought sometimes into the the earth they felt entering into his sufferings sufferings dear friends with such souls as yours and mine because he laid down his life for his friends and he said you are my friends of whosoever believeth in me and followeth me and he bids you to keep his commandments oh how short we seem to come poor sinners and yet blessed mercy what the lord has revealed to you he will bring to pass and it makes you sometimes tremble as to why you were made to hear his voice blessed be the lord he directs his spirit with the word that jesus sends that the fathers brought sent him into the world to achieve this suffering man's blood alone not man's blood jesus's blood the blood dear friends of the lord jesus cleanseth from all sin and god has sent him and god has sent him to reveal to you what the father has caused him to make known in the world and in his word and it'll be ultimately believing him that sent me living in the son of god and has given the everlasting life everlasting life his forever and ever eternally tremendous sound and manifest him to die but with christ in the vessel we are smiling at the storm and so he says verily verily i say to you he that he is my word and believe it on him that sent me he has everlasting life and shall not come into condemnation but his parts and death underlie a remarkable prospect may it be our privilege to obtain it by the gift of grace but i must leave it now for the ordinance to attend to may pardon all of this and bless his own word for christ's sake amen let us conclude with him 349 the tune is corinth 669 jesus shepherd of thy people lead us through this desert land we are weak and poor and feeble yet we trust thy mighty hand great protector by thy power alone we stand all thy sheep shall come to zion with them thou wilt never part beasts of prey nor roaring lion none shall pluck them from thy heart all thy chosen costly wounds and blood and smud 349 he stands to share the land of thy people he stands to share the land of thy people we have strength to his blessed land without we can hold and be bold yet we can hold and be bold yet we can hold and be bold we shall be bold yet we shall know this ś z bullet z z z
[54:52] O thy shape, tell thou to Zion, with them thou wilt never by.
[55:14] Blessed Af cyclone shall be so profound.
[55:28] I live by my heart. O my chosen, O my chosen, Christ be worth and blood and child.
[55:55] In my own saving, O my chosen, I shall rest from nature free.
[56:17] They shall never be judged, O shall our nation see.
[56:37] Blessed Jesus, Blessed Jesus, May he has blessed, Rejoice in him.
[56:58] May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God the Father, the fellowship of the Holy Spirit, rest and abide with us each.
[57:15] Amen.