The revelation of Christ (Quality: Good)

Melbourne - Zion - Part 42

Sermon Image
April 10, 2016


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[0:00] Let us commence our afternoon worship with hymn number 820. Tune is Brayden 13. Glory to God on high, our peace is made with heaven.

[0:14] The Son of God came down to die that sin might be forgiven. His precious blood was shed, his body bruised for sin. Remember this in eating bread and that in drinking wine.

[0:30] I eat Rumency.

[0:44] Amen. Amen.

[1:44] Amen. Amen.

[2:44] Amen. Amen.

[3:44] Amen. Amen.

[4:44] Amen. I'll continue reading from the Gospel according to John, chapter 5, verse 32 to the end.

[4:58] There is another that beareth witness of me, and I know that the witness which he witness of me is true. He said unto John, and he bear witness unto the truth, that I receive not testimony from the man.

[5:14] For these things I say, that ye might be saved. He was a burning and a shining light, and ye were willing for a season to rejoice in his life.

[5:26] For I have greater witness than that of John, for the works which the Father hath given me to finish, the same works that I do, bear witness of me that the Father hath sent me.

[5:40] And the Father himself which hath sent me hath borne witness of me. Ye have neither heard his voice at any time, nor seen his shape.

[5:52] And ye have not his word abiding in you, for whom he hath sent him, him ye believe not. Search the Scriptures, for in them ye think ye have eternal life.

[6:06] And they are they which testify me. And ye will not come to me, that ye might have life. I receive not honour from men. But I know ye that ye have not the blood of God in you. I am come in my Father's name, and ye receive me not. If another shall come in his own name, him ye will receive.

[6:18] How can ye believe which receive honour one of another? And seek not the honour that cometh from God only. Do not think I will accuse you to the Father. And ye believe which receive honour one of another. And seek not the honour that cometh from God only. Do not think I will accuse you to the Father. There is one that accuseth you, even Moses, in whom ye trust.

[6:30] It is the in them in us. What in them say? There is one that say that God is behind the wheel. And thus, shall come the beauty and flesh past the side of it. There is juga one, other people. And, the Gem developer, he will do nothing to mine. And so, according to all people, is the seven days a day that aspiring to you to次pe.

[6:41] There is only one that is afraid of God and the subject is who tecneth on King. And then there is also their word in themetros of God. So, behold. And he said of course, and if the persistent battleifully may be something to Jesus to God in the near future. Delaware says, indeed, there will never givekol 놓ines you to the Lord and say too morning Honey.

[6:54] For had ye believed Moses, ye would have believed me, for he wrote of me. If ye believe not his writings, how shall ye believe my words?

[7:11] May the Lord bless his word. Help us now to believe, and help us now to pray. And Lord, we would pray for that faith, to believe in God the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.

[7:33] And how we have just read, that Moses that they believed in, wrote of Jesus. Oh how wonderful are the scriptures, Lord.

[7:45] And we pray for the eyes of our understanding to be enlightened. Behold these wondrous truths, Lord, that we can so easily pass by and read hurriedly, Lord, in haste.

[8:01] Sometimes. But to truly meditate upon what we do read, is something, Lord, that thou can give us that application. Like, Lord, that thou canst.

[8:14] And the school learners, the college learners. And they, Lord, study what they are reading. It may be an example to us, Lord, to study what we read in the word of God.

[8:30] And to take hold of it, Lord, as our eyes are illuminated. To see the scriptures, and to search them. And to know in our own experience.

[8:41] Hopefully, we shall receive that gift of eternal life. When the Lord has set time to depart this world of life, is appointed to be fulfilled by thee.

[8:54] And so, when we look around, Lord, in this dark world of sin and woe, how few, Lord, have any idea that eternity is before them.

[9:08] But we have to ponder in our own hearts, Lord. Why hast thou given us a good heart? For there's been made with trust, without boasting, in the fear of the Lord.

[9:21] And receive, Lord, to know the glorious truth of the gospel. But more than that, Lord, we want to be known to bear witness. That we've been with Jesus.

[9:35] To feel, Lord, the hearing of the truth, the reading of the truth, the singing of the experimental language, Lord, that we sing in our hymn book. Might be our own privilege to receive.

[9:49] But the hand and eye of Almighty God. Lord, do not leave us or forsake us to imaginations that we're right, because we sit under the sound of truth.

[10:02] But to seek to bear witness. To have evidence is, Lord. And to know that we have a new heart that's been created by God, and not alone, for the merits of Jesus.

[10:15] Lord, it would be mindful of a serious afternoon, Lord. We are the pure number, despised and rejected of man, for the most part.

[10:28] Yet we'll be thankful, Lord, for the opportunity to gather together in thy name. For none dare lawfully to make us afraid. And though we have much exercise about the future, Lord, and religion.

[10:41] And yet, Lord, we do believe. That they are still the same yesterday, today, and forever. And will ever be mindful of thy people's needs.

[10:53] And so we do beg of thee to gird up the loins of our minds. That we might be so, but hope for the end, for the grace that is to be given.

[11:05] To all thy chosen people. And we want to know, Lord, that we are Jehovah's choice. And be found here today. And seek, Lord, that we must see upon those, Lord, that we love.

[11:19] And the God is with us and the flesh. And we seek, Lord, that they might be brought to fear thy name. And to search the scriptures. And to seek the Lord, while he may be found.

[11:32] And call upon him while he is near. For is anything too heartable, Lord, in this world of sin and love? And so, Lord, here we are once again, waiting upon thee to be renewed in the spirit.

[11:47] And to be favoured, Lord, to hear thy voice. To be given thee broken heart and conchristian spirit. And the acceptable sacrifice before thy omniscient eyes.

[12:00] That run to a close of the earth. To see whether there be any that do. Fear thee and will acknowledge thee in their way. Only thou, Lord, can lead us.

[12:13] Only thou can guide us. Straightens upon us, the stater. And keep alive, Lord, those desires that are often very feeble. That the devil ever cannot destroy.

[12:26] If thou hast caused us to be born again by the one in the spirit. Who come then, Lord, to our aid this afternoon. To speak a few more things.

[12:38] Of Jesus Christ. The friend of sinners. Who has come into the world. To seek and to save lost sinners. Yes, Lord.

[12:49] At times, no doubt, we shall feel to be the very worst of sinners. That we look to thee. To shine to our hearts. To give us that light of the knowledge of the glory of God.

[13:01] In the face of Christ, he will. Do meet the cases of the friends. Some feel the other man decaying. And Lord, want to feel the inward man renewed day by day.

[13:15] Others, Lord, in the midst of life's journey. And waiting for thee, Lord, to confirm their souls.

[13:26] And younger ones too, Lord, we hope, are seeking an interest. In the love of Christ. And have that real living faith. That lives and love as other loads.

[13:39] Though damp, it may never die. Lord, do come and grant us a spiritual revival. In our churches, Lord. And in the homes where they are listening to the relay.

[13:50] With their beggarly. To keep alive their souls. Waiting, Lord. For thee to confirm their souls with signs following. Who is anything too hard for thee?

[14:04] Do come their ways and their affairs. Some in providential trials. Some in sicknesses and in health. And not in health, Lord. Some have operations before them.

[14:16] Some, Lord, have things before them of the unknown way. Do deliver them from the fear of man that bringeth a smear. And may they feel that their times are in thy hands.

[14:30] And all events that they command. To bless and uphold and maintain them. Restore them from sicknesses. And heal them, Lord. From the malady of sin. Because, Lord, we are sin, sin, sin, sin, sick souls.

[14:45] And we need be, Lord, to heal us. And restore unto us the joy of salvation. And mercy upon our guilt in our nation. Lord.

[14:55] Lord. We look on with anxiety. To see the folly and hear the folly that flows out of their mouths, Lord. And what are they going to do? But they've lost sight, Lord, of their heart, with God.

[15:10] That rules on high and hundreds when he pleases. Do have mercy upon this nation. Reserve unto us our promise and heritage, our religious liberties. Do come and revive us, Lord.

[15:23] We fear thy judgments, Lord. But we do bless thee for thy mercies. And ask thee, Lord, to help us now. To declare the whole cancers of God.

[15:37] And may, Lord, we have a hearing ear and deceptive heart. To hear what God the Lord just speak unto us. And do keep us, Lord, from folly, we pray. And forgive our sins.

[15:49] We ask you, Lord, for Christ's sake alone. Amen. Let us further sing.

[16:05] Hymn 227. The tune is King's College. 716. From whence this fear and unbelief, As thou, O Father, put the grief, My spotless son for me, Nor the righteous judge of men Condemn me for that debt of sin.

[16:26] Which law was charged on thee. Complete atonement thou hast made, And to the utmost far and paid, Whatever thy people owe.

[16:37] And then can rock on thee take place, If sheltered in thy righteousness, And sprinkled with thy love.

[16:47] For Him. And auchis in thy will take place, And that the windows are our atonement thou hast made, Adonement thou ha evil.

[17:01] For him. The enter. An unibi Coffee. I energía. Every other thing is a nature, For God. For God. Just desire to and For God. Maybe thou hast made it. One, tú, tú tu, yo. You should mind, Even through this property.

[17:12] You should find it better. I love the Master, Amen. Amen.

[18:15] Amen. Amen.

[19:15] Amen. Amen.

[20:15] Amen. Amen.

[21:15] Amen. Amen.

[21:47] Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. As the Lord may be pleased to help me, I would again direct you prayerfully to John chapter 5 and verse 24.

[22:06] Verily, verily, I say unto you, he that heareth my word and believeth on him that sent me hath everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation, but is passed from death unto life.

[22:27] How vital then that their ears are unstopped, that their hearts are opened to receive the truth.

[22:39] Oh, he said to these Jews, some of them, I am come in my Father's name, and ye receive him not.

[22:51] If another shall come in his own name, him ye will receive. We get all these so-called hot gospelers, dear friends, that people get enraptured over, because they show unto them a false religion.

[23:13] There is no real religion but what God sends through his dear Son, as revealed by the Spirit. And we're so foolish and slow to learn these things.

[23:28] Men speak of this and that blessing, this and that that they have received, but it's the proving of all these things, holding fast to that that is good.

[23:40] And so he says of the truth. You shall know the truth. We do need to be delivered from condemnation of a broken law, and we're all guilty before God.

[23:55] But blessed be the Lord Jesus Christ. He came into the world to seek out and to save sinners. Yes, you and me at times, I feel to be the very worst of sinners.

[24:09] But you will depend upon him sending out his light and his truth, to search you and try you, see if there may be the wicked way in you, and lead you in the way everlasting.

[24:23] For how little do we know the truth, dear friends. We bless the Lord for his precious Bible. The Lord is being able to have our heart opened to receive it.

[24:36] And to have that living testimony. We don't want the testimony of man as he speaks of here. We want the living testimony of what Christ has done.

[24:51] Personal religion. Things known and felt in your soul and mine. He says ye shall know it. And how much do we know but precious little, that there's so much in your heart and mine that longs for further evidences that we are born of God and that our treasure is above.

[25:14] And he grants you the invitation. Or do we turn a deaf ear for the invitation. Come unto me.

[25:26] For ye that are weary and heavy laden. And I will give you rest. Do we deny his truth. Do we deny his truth. His only ink on paper.

[25:40] Or do we feel the life of every soul is dependent upon it. The application. The entrance of his word.

[25:53] Into your soul. He opens your heart to receive it. And so we bless him for it. I say unto you. It's a personal voice from the Lord Jesus.

[26:06] To your souls and mine today. I say unto you. He that heareth my words. Are we deaf to the words of God?

[26:18] Are we deaf to the Lord's judgments? Are we deaf to all those things, Lord, that are contrary to the teaching of his word?

[26:29] Oh, we turn a deaf ear, don't we? We want to go another way as we're brought up sometimes. And cannot seem to accept the truth. But blessed be the Lord when he unstops your deaf ear, dear friends.

[26:46] When he pours in the oil of the wine of the gospel. You bless him for that. Tokens for good. You feel you'll need of the revelation of the blood of Christ.

[26:59] Of the broken body of Christ. And realize, oh, to have some experience personally. That I am one of these chosen vessels.

[27:12] You see, blessed is the man whom thou choosest. And it's the Lord chosen. The chosen vessels for you and me. I've chosen you in the forms of affliction.

[27:25] It's often an afflictive dispensation. But the Lord reveals himself that he has chosen you. Because those afflictions are not in anger. But in his dear covenant love.

[27:38] And we bless him, don't we? We're brought into fellowship with his sufferings. For not only things that we have eternal life.

[27:49] But they are they which testify of me. Oh, the testifying, dear friends, of the Lord himself. I say unto you.

[28:00] That is, they are they which testify of me. The scriptures. The scriptures are denied for the most part.

[28:11] They gather dust on the shelf. If we've got a Bible. You know things gather dust on the Bible. But your Bible won't be a closed door.

[28:23] It'll be an open door. For the Lord to reveal himself to show you. You say show me now what I have to do.

[28:35] Show me now thy way. Lead and guide me into all truth and apply it. Because so often it seems to go in one ear and out the other. Or into your eye and seem to be passed over.

[28:51] Because things seem to be too hard for you. Toiling and rowing in your lives. But we're exhorted, aren't we? Bring those hard things to me.

[29:03] He says, his word says, bring those hard things to me. And I will hear them. There's nothing impossible for God and his dear son to perform for you and me in these dark days of sin, dear friends.

[29:20] And iniquities running down our streets. Unlawful laws, dear friends. According to God's word. But lawful in the eye of man.

[29:31] Because it's a fleshly life that they want. It's the lust of the flesh, the pride of life that they're satisfied with. But when you come to the end of life's journey, what will it be that the lust of the flesh and the pride of life do for you and me?

[29:48] Why? We shall still come as sinners before God. We are condemned by the broken law. But you see, God has gone to the end of the law and magnified it through his dear son.

[30:01] And made it, dear friends. And brings a blessing to your soul and mine. And so believe in the believers of him that sent him.

[30:13] God. You see, without faith it's impossible to please God. He that cometh to God must believe that he is a your coming sinner to God.

[30:24] Or think upon these things, friends. I want to. I want to think more about them as we journey on in life's journey. What thinkest thou Christ?

[30:36] Is he to you that prophet, priest and that king? Is he able to do far more exceeding abundantly beyond me above all that we can think or ask?

[30:47] Dear a favoured soul, dear friends. If these things dwell in your heart by faith, the word of God. To be able to bear witness of the works that the Father has given to Jesus to complete.

[31:03] And you are complete in him. All the blessing this is that you are complete in him. He has formed himself in your heart as the hope of glory.

[31:16] As he's taken the word. As you've searched the scriptures. And he's shown to you that after death of judgment. And in that judgment, he's the righteous judge.

[31:27] And you plead his righteousness. And you pray for it to be imputed to your soul. Lest the shadow of a spot should on my soul be found. He takes the robe of the Saviour.

[31:38] And casts it all around. Think of that royal robe of Christ righteous. Covers all your sins. Sins. Sins, dear friends, from the very birth.

[31:50] Born in sin and shaped in the neck of the sins. Sins, events as immense is the sea. Hide me, O Gethsemane. What happened there?

[32:01] Why? Jesus, in an agony, prayed more honestly. When he shed his work, drops of blood poured into the ground. He was, souls agonized for all his chosen people.

[32:13] Was he agonized for your souls? Have you felt the guilt? Do you know what it is to come with weeping and supplication and the throne of grace?

[32:24] Praying. Praying in your poor way. And you say, Lord, teach me to pray. To pray without ceasing for the blessing to rest upon me.

[32:36] That I might believe in him. The only becoming son of God, full of grace and full of love. Full of grace and full of truth. And who says to you, come out from among them. And be ye separate and not touch, not the unclean thing.

[32:49] And I be a father unto you. And ye shall be my sons and daughters, saith the Lord Almighty. It saith the Lord. And your religion will consist of what saith the Lord.

[33:01] I say unto you, what saith the Lord. Oh, what a mercy to have the thoughts, dear friends, upon your mind. Lord, he hears and answers your prayer.

[33:15] And no situation is too great or too hard for him to deliver you. The captivity of your sins. Bring my soul out of prison, Lord, that I might praise thee.

[33:28] I seem to be, need those iron bars and those brazen gates to be removed. To be removed. And I might get access into his presence. Through the Spirit.

[33:42] And you might truly be able to be given that grace that you honour him. And honour the Father that sent him. Oh, what a favour to know Christ.

[33:54] Exalted. Form in your heart the hope of glory. What a refuge. A refuge the Gospel makes known is found in the merits of Jesus alone.

[34:07] Oh, we're such poor believers, aren't we? Yet there is something secret. After there might be something secret sweetens all in your trials of mine.

[34:20] As he has truly favoured you and me to bear witness at times that we've been with Jesus. And this is no imagination.

[34:32] This is reality of your religion. A little. A little. A righteous man. A little. A righteous man. A righteous man. A righteous man. Jesus is that righteous one.

[34:43] And he's able to impure to you that robe of Christ's righteousness. To cover all your sins with the mantle of his forgiving love. And he bids you of me to come. Bring those hard things to me. And I will hear them. You see, we seek water. There is none of the tongue finally to first. But I, the Lord, will hear them. You don't know where your prayers go, friends, but I believe if you know what it is to cry. And I will believe if you know what it is to cry.

[34:54] It's not that I will hear them. sins with a matter of his forgiving love and he bids you and me to come. Bring those hard things to me and I will hear them. You see we seek water and there is none in the tongue finally for first but I the Lord will hear them. You don't know where your prayers go friends but I believe if you know what it is to pray. It doesn't seem as if their prayers go beyond the ceiling sometimes. It's the Lord in it. Yes and the devil comes in like a blimey. Blessed be the Lord if we abide by his truth we shall abide in him. We shall abide in him when he come in and suffer you in that appointed time. Not before, not after.

[35:50] Pointed time, I was on the face not to propose but called by grace to change the heart of New Year to return your feet to Zion's here. We brought back from the rings of disaster in our lives. Brought back dear friends when we were paving our way to hell. Oh what a solemn thing. If we never believe the truth. If we never believe the truth and believe on him and that is the father that sent me. Because these are they that shall have everlasting life. Spend the never ending eternity in singing God is love. Oh blessed mercy to be able to feel that. His word abides in you and you in him. You feel union and communion with him from off the mercy sea. Jesus my friend then hung on the tree and opened the channel of mercy for you and for me. And we want to know it. That true religion which is more the notion something known and felt in your soul and mine. And so it's this everlasting life. It's without money and without price. It's invaluable really the gift of eternal life to poor sinners. It's something they crave for for years. And then suddenly he comes into his sanctuary and into the hearts of the hearers. Those sweet moments you've been brought before the cross. And Jesus is a mighty saviour. And you feel he needs to be a mighty saviour in your case. You want to hear the good news of salvation. You want his sayings to sink down deep in your ears. Which you might hear for profit. This is the word then. You know the merits of Jesus. You know what it is. His words were found and did eat them and know unto you. And Jeremiah says the joy and rejoicing in my heart. There's no such a time dear friends as when his words are hand-eaten. His words are hand-eaten. He's determined to save you. And he applies his word. And shows you a real token for good. And you've done the strength of that meat maybe many days. Or in earlier days in the sincere milk of the word that you might grow thereby. There will be growth in grapes. You don't always feel it but there will be. Faith.

[38:55] Faith. Is the substance of things hope or the evidence of those things that are not seen. The things that are seen at the temple. The things that are not seen are eternal. The gift of eternal life to these sinners that have been quickened and heard the word. Convinced of their sins. They are led to the blood of Christ to cleanse it from all sin. Oh what a precious gospel it is. It's the good and welcome news for the heirs and heiresses that are privileged to have their names, which they do not know all to all together at once at once, but they will, I believe in time. Feel that they're heirs and heiresses of God by faith. And they bless him for his life. And they're not they're not. And they bless him for his word that reveals it to them. And they have the love of God shed abroad in their heart by the early days. Not like these Jews. Forever ready to try and undermine the truth. And so you will find it.

[40:04] There will be those who are you. And so you will find it. And you will find it. Oh my God. There will be those who have the love of God. And I will find it. It will be those who try and undermine your witness that you have of these blessed myths. The witness, that his witness is true. So he says, ye shall know the truth and the truth shall free you from that fear of your being everlastingly condemned and banished to hell alive.

[40:30] for the foundation of God stand is sure having this seal the Lord knoweth that it is and let him the name is Christ depart from iniquity and oh what a fight it is what a times you come with true repentance and pray Lord confirm my soul I hope I have an aching void that the world will not fill but do show me a token a token of my special love to tell me that I'm born of God that my treasure is above you see where your treasure is there will your there will your affections be your treasure a little that a righteous man had is better than the many riches of the wicked a little that you and I possess of the work of the spirit you've heard his word you bear the witness and sealing of his word it gives you life and light and liberty at times when Jesus shines into your heart to light in your darkness sons and daughters of God by blessed adoption bought with a price eternally loved don't you pity those poor things dear friends that know nothing of the witness of the truth in their hearts bless the Lord if you are attracted to his word search these scriptures search the gospel search John oh you see it it isn't having a comprehensive knowledge of the whole scriptures it's here here it's what the Lord has applied it's what he's given you to to meditate upon your meditation will be sweetness of him my meditation of him says the psalmist shall be sweet and you see it will be sweet precious sort of go on your way rejoicing you believe you heard the voice of the good shepherd they've sown in tears you've sown in tears you will yet reap in joy and you'll bear this precious seed seeking the Lord would condescend for his doctrine to drop as the rain he speaks and distills the dew we can't always stand more than the dew can we refreshes your soul and heart when he refreshes you with a portion of his word and you go on your way rejoicing you've been refreshed you've been revived he's comforted you a troubled heart he said unto you be still stand still see the salvation of your good in providence there's nothing too hard for the Lord to do for you in providence he often works there in providence in our earlier days and then he brings us to see the greater need be of the part of their sins because he makes us to feel convinced as a sinner you flee for him for refuge and strength and the very present help in your troubles in this in this insane world but the Lord knows he hears and answers their petitions and says casting all your care upon him for he cares not just some cares casting your daily lives upon him all those things that seem as great mountains before you he's able to make them a plain and then you go further on and you say

[44:30] Lord I fear to be so such a sinful wretch I cannot get it on myself I keep the law I'm guilty of breaking all ten commands if I've broken one but see the Lord he'll honour you and you honour him and he'll give you faith and believe in him and believe that he's the the only begotten son of God full of grace and full of truth and God said this is my beloved son and who am I am well pleased and so we realise this God is pleased with his beloved son he knew what it was to have the darts fired at him but through mercy his bow abode in strength like the Jacob of old he shot his arrows up did he not and we need to shoot our arrows in prayer dear friends up to the

[45:34] Lord God that rules and on high governs whom he will and whom he pleases he will grant to be a living witness of the wonders of what he's done and what he's able to do who is anything too hard for the Lord in your life and mine and you will bet this of him and you'll know that this witness is true or when we think of the blind leaders of the blind in the religious field they worship idols they bow before images but such as you and me were away with these images just looking to Jesus by faith and to believe in the Father that has sent him and also has born witness by giving you a need to hear his voice and following him my Father gave a need and they will know that peace of God that passes all knowledge when I stand my peace

[46:46] I leave with you because you take it away but he opens the eyes of your understanding and you begin to understand the scriptures those poor too on the Emmaus road that they were even of all what had come to pass in the crucifixion and the resurrection Jesus he's the one that we were looking to as I said or worse than effect for salvation oh fools oh fools oh fools and ignorant of the truth or not Christ to have suffered and mourn these things and then he opened the eyes and understand it so we need to approach the word of God with prayer we need to approach unto him with our eyes up unto Jesus looking for him to reveal himself to him and to speak to your soul through his word as he breaks down the word of God and reveals to you and me those things that you cannot always understand and so go back to those two and then open the eyes to our understanding and this is what you and I need if we have a real religion honour the son and even honour the father and so you realise that we should honour the son as all men should honour the son even as they honour the father he that honoureth not the son honoureth not the father this is simply there's so much bound up in this dear friends for you and me on the truth of the truth

[48:35] I say unto you he that heareth my word what have we heard today what have we profited today dear friends what would have profit a man if he go in the whole world and lose his own soul all the vital necessity of winning Christ and being found in him not having your own righteousness which is on the Lord that righteousness through the faith of the son of God who gave himself for you why you say Lord I'm not worthy I'm not worthy of you giving your life as a ransom to ransom me and leave me from the grave and make me wise and to sell I'm not worthy of it that I bless thee for a little hope hope built upon nothing less than Jesus blood and righteousness they're not trusted sweetest frame but wholly lean on Jesus name which is the name the father loves to hear his children plead and all such pleadings he approves and blesses them indeed oh what a father what a son what a blessed holy spirit a comforter who he said I will not leave you comfortless

[49:56] I will come to you you can't go to him unless he draw you by the cords of man by the bands of his life and he will draw you you see such a suitability in Christ you want him to come your all in and in all rather refuge have I none hangs my help is sold on me leave I leave me not alone still support and comfort me not worthy is this guess but to whom else can we go because he alone has the words of eternal life to give to you and to me always there room in your heart to receive him I believe there will be pour not on myself too long lest it seemly lower not to Jesus kind and strong mercy joined with power and that power to the pain then though why he increases history great mystery what

[51:05] God can do to hold up your goat in his powers that your footsteps live not what a saviour and he says unto the uttermost all those that come to God by him bless you Jesus when we need him to breathe upon our dry bones that they might live and put us in remembrance of these things that we're not left to stagger in unbelief stagger not at the promises of God as Abraham old stagger not at the promises of God which he yonah many cries or we need to search the scriptures in them we might find rest for our poor tried soul we've got his faith for the promise the time we have set to heal up your woes a season most fit his love disclose tarry his leisure then wait to point it out wait to the bride on your soul reveal his love with power won't forget it you know you won't forget it it gets be clouded with the devils whispering to you and tantalizing your time to things that he knows nothing of the love of Christ but he torments you where is now your

[52:32] God why your God is in the heavens and Jesus has gone there to join him and Jesus ever lived it and that's the benefit of real religion he ever lived to make intercession for you before the father's throne what a what a famous child of God you are that believes this that believes the word you never leave you never say you boldly say the Lord is my helper I not fear what means you don't me that's when you've got confidence to pray but when this enemy comes in my blood he'll lift up a standard against him because you hear his word he that heareth my word and believeth on him that send me hath everlasting life what must it be to be their friends we cannot begin to gather what it must be like to get the victory out of this body of sin and death we shall be more than conquerors through him who has loved us and washed us from our sins and his precious blood they shall not condemn you they shall not be condemned the voice of the

[53:50] Son of God the man that here shall live I like that they that here shall live what a mercy live that life of faith by prayer and get the victory at last all to be blessed with that confirming evidence that you're born of God that you're crucified my sheep hear my voice all beyond your watch tower ever knocking upon the door of mercy that you might hear his voice confirm you with me as a sheep or a lamb in Christ's fold because the Lord will come and he will answer your petitions because he's made intercession for us before the Father's throne blessed Jesus for how we would seek that closer walk with God that calm and be prayed that light that shines upon the road that leads us to the land verily verily of the truth of the truth

[54:58] I show to you he that heareth my word and believeth on him that sent me an everlasting life and shall not come into condemnation but is past one death unto life sometimes we can say we know we're past and death unto life because we love the brethren that can be an evidence but you'll want more than that don't you confirm my soul Lord with signs following may he get to his honour anything acceptable today in our in our services and forgive all the mess for his name say amen let us conclude with him 998 the Judas Hanover 807 ye prisoners of hope overwhelmed with grief to Jesus look up for certain relief there's no condemnation in Jesus the Lord a strong consolation is graced as a born should justice appear a merciless foe yet be a good cheer and soon shall you know that sinners confessing their wickedness pass a pleasant plentiful blessing a pardon shall take name nine nine nine eight on theroad nation they now demand i in hope and repeat mat 효話

[57:12] Melan, ohんだ on the twelf star. O求ろ, forsaken we thee. Glacier your inflection, in Geschehoэ Recrujen.

[57:40] Vraxion. Make praise does not go Good God to see His love Gamerai Kajari On the march of Cyrold apologies Get me a good cheer they sin shall be free but Oh.

[59:04] Thank you.

[59:34] May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God the Father, the fellowship of the Holy Spirit rest in the marvelous age. Amen.