The Lord knoweth them that are His (Quality: Very good)

Melbourne - Zion - Part 64

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July 17, 2016


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[0:00] As the Lord may be pleased to help me, I will again direct you prayerfully to the second epistle of Timothy in chapter 2 and verse 19.

[0:14] Nevertheless, the foundation of God standeth sure, having this seal. The Lord knoweth them that are his, and let every one that nameth the name of Christ depart from iniquity.

[0:33] Nevertheless, without question of the word of God, the foundation is Jesus Christ and him crucified.

[0:44] And all to be brought to have a faith view of the Lord Jesus on that accursed tree. Hanging on that accursed tree, away with him crucified.

[0:58] How many have said that and still are saying it? But what a privilege if you and I have evidences of being brought back. And others too.

[1:11] Others too, dear friends, as they're laid upon our hearts. Their own offspring. And I don't want to dwell particularly on my own.

[1:22] Because I think of you others that had those families. And where have they all gone? They've been tempted by saying that the resurrection is past already.

[1:39] And try and overthrow the faith of some. Satan, we are very assured, is very active. The attraction of this world and its so-called pleasures.

[1:55] That draw them aside. The desecration of God's day. The opening, dear friends, of the shops.

[2:07] And all those things that should be shut. And the country, as it used to be. Very much mindful of attending the place of worship.

[2:23] And remembering the Sabbath. And where has it all gone? Even so-called, so-called themselves devout Christians.

[2:35] Are only nominal Christians. And have not been called by grace. Solemn, isn't it? To have a name to live. And be dead. And there were you once.

[2:47] And there you were brought up. Trained up in the way. And you were stuck by it. And if you have gone away, you've been brought back. Of which we personally know something in reality.

[2:59] And are very ashamed of our past. But you see, the law permitted. The devil to take control of us. Satan's blind slaves. Sporting with death.

[3:13] Oh, it's a wonder we weren't destroyed in the wilderness. But God had compassion. And was determined to save you. And determined to teach you his fear.

[3:26] Oh, how privileged we are. If only we could feel more thankful to God. Through Jesus Christ. That he raised us from the dead.

[3:40] He quickened us. And caused us to seek to know. And follow in the faith of God's elect. And so the foundation of God.

[3:54] Stand is sure. And he was determined to save us. If we're not mistaken. And we want further evidences in confirming.

[4:06] Signs following. That we're sons and daughters of God. By blessed adoption. And all to feel more. Access. To the throne of grace.

[4:17] To cast our cares upon this sure foundation. Other foundation can no man lay that is laid. In Christ Jesus the Lord.

[4:28] He walked this sin-stained world. He was mocked, despised and rejected of man. A man of sorrows. And a man of grief.

[4:40] And through mercy. He caused us to know what repentance was. A new heart. Stopped us in our mad career.

[4:50] Sanctified afflictions. Sanctified trials. And in the world. He said you shall have tribulation. But be of good cheer. I have overcome the world.

[5:03] And so. There will be this blessing. Ultimately given to you. We have needed patience. That after he done the will of God. We might receive the promise.

[5:15] Nevertheless. Without doubt. Without question. There will be numbered amongst us. A people. That shall know.

[5:25] This joyful sound. And there's joy in heaven. Over one sinner that repented. Rather than ninety-nine. That have no need of repentance. What a sure foundation.

[5:36] This is. You're not building your house. Upon a sandy foundation. Upon the imagination. It's casting down imagination. And bringing every thought.

[5:48] Into the obedience of Christ. And sometimes you'll prove that. The reality of it. The reality. Bringing down your thoughts.

[6:00] Into the obedience of Christ. He makes you willing. To search the scriptures. He makes you willing to pray. And he also. Will not leave you.

[6:12] Nor forsake you. Once in him. And in him forever. Thus the eternal covenant. Stands. The Lord knoweth. Oh what a mercy. There's a book of.

[6:23] There's a book of life. Dear friends. In thy fair book of life. And grace. And may I find my name. Recorded in some humble place.

[6:34] Beneath my Lord the Lamb. Foot of the cross. Lift up your eyes and see. The blood of Christ. The fountain. Open for sin and uncleanness.

[6:45] Even the dying thief. Witnessed it. But all we want to say. And thereof I as well as he. Washed all my sins away. We cannot get away.

[6:56] That we're conceived in sin. Born in sin. Born in sin. Shaped in iniquity. In sins that our mothers conceive us. But see the blessing. Christ Jesus.

[7:08] Formed in the heart. The hope of glory. And the Lord knoweth them. The Lord knoweth you by name. If you're his. And he'll come and call you by his grace.

[7:21] And he'll make you willing in that day of his power. To seek him with the whole heart. And be united to Christ. The true and the living vine.

[7:33] And oh hell. We do need him to continually. To keep alive our soul. To keep alive that faith. Of God's elect. That fights the good fight of faith.

[7:45] That ultimately lay hold. On eternal life. No other refuge. No other help. But in the knowledge of the truth. As it is in Jesus. Oh blessed be the Lord.

[7:59] And what a mercy. If you were from a child. Who'd known the scriptures. You'd come into contact with the scriptures. And they've been a lamb to your feet. And a light to your path and mine.

[8:11] And oh we want more. Illuminated portions of scripture. To be applied to our soul. Because we're in an enemy's land. And oh don't we prove it.

[8:22] As we read the Sardin. Perilous times shall come. Have come. And he even spoke of it by Paul. In his day. And still the same.

[8:33] The same difficulties. The same gin snares and traps. To the Satan lays. For your unwary feet and mine. But he says look unto me.

[8:44] Jesus speaks and speaks to thee. Say poor sinner. Lovest thou me more than these. We are attracted in nature.

[8:55] With a natural eye. To the things of this time's day. Become mine. Enmity to God. Until Jesus arrives and comes.

[9:06] And speaks to your soul and mine. And says come. Follow me. And this is the pathway. That some of you. Have been spending for many years.

[9:20] You've seen some of your offspring leave it. Because there was no light in them. At all they'll have to come back dear friends. With a very. Hard path to walk.

[9:33] But they know this. That the eternal God is their refuge. As well as yours. None of these are the everlasting arms. To hold up your goings and his paths.

[9:44] We know that there's one side of us in the flesh. Very much of the earth earthy. But the spiritual mind will come. And follow. That pathway. And you'll know what it is.

[9:57] It is coming through much tribulation. To enter ultimately. Into the kingdom of heaven. The kingdom of heaven. Suffering violence. The effectual fervent.

[10:09] Spirit dear friends. Of grace. And of supplication. Something you never heard of. In your younger years. But now it's your first desire. To be led by the spirit.

[10:21] And guided. Into the truth. That it is in Jesus. And pray unto him. That you might be one of these. True. Vessels.

[10:32] Of gold and silver. They that have had the truth. Bored into their heart. A new heart will I give you.

[10:42] A heart made tender. In my fear. And you'll come with a humble hope. That the Lord has begun that good work. In your soul. To encourage you to believe.

[10:53] And trust him for his faithfulness. For he's a faithful God. And so. Having this seal. Oh the seal.

[11:04] The word of God. Sealed in your soul. He speaks in. In Revelation. These are they that were sealed. Oh what a. Remarkable sermon.

[11:16] I heard once. In Matthew Chapel. On an anniversary service. These are they that were sealed. Some said. Why. Why. Why did he. Preach from that.

[11:27] That wasn't an anniversary service. It was to some dear friends. These are they that were sealed. To bear the sealing of the spirit.

[11:37] Witness and sealing of the spirit. That's what we need. What seems to be a lack today. Everything seems to be drowned. With the spirit of the world.

[11:49] That brought a mercy. In your heart. There has been those touches. When. You wanted to touch the hem of his garment. That you might be made whole.

[12:01] These are the believers. Dear friends. Having this seal. That sealing of the spirit. Jesus' name. Was made precious.

[12:11] To your soul and mine. And unto you. Therefore. He will be precious. More precious by fire than earth. And all its comforts are. And we do.

[12:22] Hold fast to them. Don't we. If we're. If we're honest. Those sweet moments. That you've been brought. Before the cross. To consider him. That endured such contradiction.

[12:33] Of sinners. Lest you be faint. And weird in your minds. The foundation. It will come to pass. Dear friends. That you'll be. Built upon this solid rock.

[12:46] The solid rock. Jesus. Made. Your flesh. Indeed. As you're real. As he. As the reality.

[12:57] Of the tokens. Of his love. To your soul. He saw you ruined. And the fall. He loved you. Notwithstanding all. His loving kindness. Oh. Great. To such as you and me.

[13:10] And you know. You'll be. Seeking that spirit. To purge you. And yourself. From these things. To be a vessel. Unto honour. Sanctified.

[13:21] And meet to the masters. You. What a mercy. To have a sanctified trial. Jesus has met with you in it. And you. It increased your trust in him.

[13:32] That he will surely appear to you. And for you. Always patiently waiting though. For you and for me. These are they that have come up. They go through great tribulation.

[13:45] And wash their robes. And made them white. In the blood of the lamp. That's the sealing. A great mystery. But a blessed privilege.

[13:56] For your soul and mine. To receive these tokens. Of his love. Because having loved his own. In the world. He loves them to the end.

[14:08] And you not forsake them. And you never leave them. And you'll bless him. For this witness and sealing. The Lord has known me. The Lord has privileged me.

[14:19] To feel his presence. He's been my guardian. My guide. That friend that sticketh. Closer than a brother. To my unworthy soul. And all you say.

[14:30] Lord. It calls me to fix mine eyes upon me. Clear of you. Tokens of his love. To my unworthy soul. To go on your way rejoicing.

[14:42] And to feel that humble hope. That he's bought me with a price. Why? Why did he do this to the unworthy of me? I've been such a vile sinner. And the very crown of my head.

[14:54] That the soles of my feet. Are nothing but wounds. And bruised. And beautifying sores. That cannot be bound up. Or mollified. That Jesus has sealed you.

[15:06] He has paid dearly for you. And he exercises you and me. To walk worthy. Of the vocation. Wherewith we. Hope and persuaded. We have been called.

[15:16] Looking unto Jesus. Jesus. He for the joy that was set before him. Endured the cross. He set the path. He set. He set you. In his vision.

[15:27] You've seen him. The only begotten son. Full of grace. Full of grace. Oh what a mercy. To know something. Of this witness and sealing then.

[15:38] That the Lord has. Saved you. Because he has loved you. With an everlasting love. Therefore loving kindness. Has he drawn you. Secrets of the Lord. He's drawn you.

[15:50] By his sweet. Resistless grace. Oh bless the Lord. For his grace. Is sufficient. Strength made perfectly. Weakness. Glory to your infirmities.

[16:03] Which is not natural. Glory to your infirmities. That the power of Christ. Has rested upon you. And still will rest upon you. Them that honor me. I will honor.

[16:13] And they despise me. Shall be lightly esteemed. What a savior. What a foundation. That precious promise. That he's applied. With power to your soul.

[16:24] The exceeding great. And precious promises. Will be fulfilled. In your life's journey. And afterwards. You see. Be of the glory. See. No.

[16:35] No. Chastening. Is joyous. But grievous. Nevertheless. Afterwards. Yell. You. Yell. The peaceable fruit. Of righteousness. Unto them. That are exercised.

[16:46] Thereby. This is your Jesus. Oh. What a mercy. The afterwards. Does come. You know. He does bring you out. Into wealthy places.

[16:57] At times. And all you rejoice. You weep. To the goodness of the Lord. In the land of the living. He's touched your heart. You've touched his. Garment.

[17:07] And receive that healing virtue. You're not as good as you would be. Of course not. You know. Your very best is staying. And died with sin.

[17:17] You're always nothing worse. But bless the Lord. You say. Oh my soul. And all that you join. And aid my tongue. To bless his name. Whose favours are divine.

[17:28] You're built on this foundation. Jesus Christ. And him crucified. What a refuge then. What a refuge. The sinner. As the gospel makes known.

[17:39] Is found. In the merits of Jesus alone. And so you come again. And. You look to him. Or you need.

[17:50] You need to be delivered. From pouring on yourself. Too long. Lest it sink below. Look to Jesus. Kind and strong. Mercy. Join with power. Built upon the foundation.

[18:03] Never to be removed. No. Once in him. In him forever. Thus the eternal. The eternal covenant stands. Oh what a mercy.

[18:14] Not covenant of works. Covenant of grace. Grace. Sufficient strength. Made perfect in weakness. Glory in your infirmities. That the power. All this.

[18:25] This. This. This. This. Mysterious. Power. That Christ pours upon you. And it's when you most need. When you.

[18:36] When you most need. His friend. He's ever at hand. Blessed Jesus. And so we. Do thank the Lord. For his great goodness.

[18:47] And. He instructs those. That oppose themselves. Jesus. Was not. One. For a great show. Of flesh.

[18:58] But. In his meekness. And in his. Sorrows. He was acquainted. With them all. And with his stripes.

[19:09] We are healed. So we must have. A measure of fellowship. With Christ. In his pathway. We must expect. Sorrow. We must accept.

[19:20] Trials. And we must accept. That. Mysterious pathway. Where few. Seem to understand. The naming. Of Christ.

[19:32] But bless the Lord. You have to say. Oh my soul. Let all within me. Joy. Made my tongue. To bless his name. Whose favours. Are divine. The foundation.

[19:43] Of which you're. Building your hopes upon. For eternal bliss. And though we are. In our younger days. We were more concerned.

[19:54] Maybe about our calling. About. How we might. Be enabled. To be given strength. To labour for the meat. The perisher.

[20:06] But he said. Labour for that meat. That shall be bestowed. Upon your soul. That meat. That ultimately. Gives you and me. The gift.

[20:17] Of eternal life. A place in heaven. And we want to know. That he has. We believe. He has gone. To prepare. A place for his people. And not one.

[20:27] Shall be left. Behind. Not one. Who's left behind. And you. Humbly hope. You're spared to see. These. Following. Generations.

[20:38] Called by grace. Well. I believe the gospel. Will still continue. Till the consummation. Of the work. Of. Of heaven and earth.

[20:50] What a solemn day. That a day. The last time. The last day. But you have to say. That the Lord knoweth them that are his. Let him that name.

[21:02] Christ. Depart. From iniquity. And you have to say. Lord. Deliver my soul from the pit. And do bring back. Lord. The prodigals.

[21:14] Those that we. Have a concern about. In our. In our family circles. Or wouldn't we rejoice. To see. Sons and daughters of God.

[21:24] By blessed adoption. Return to Zion. To be built again. Up in their most holy faith. And. We wouldn't point a finger at them.

[21:36] Over their past offenses. Because we have enough of our own. Without looking at others. And finding fault with them. But looking to Jesus.

[21:47] To keep alive. The gospel in this land. Who so far. Has. Gone away. From that real religion.

[21:58] Which is God's work. And God's glory. And God's goodness. To poor sinners. So what a mercy then. Having this seal.

[22:09] Not all get it. There is a. There is a. Many that have a name. To live and are dead. As we have said before.

[22:20] Today. But the mercy is. To know him. And. Ask the Lord. To purge us. With his. And wash us.

[22:30] That we might be made. Whiter than snow. And. That we might come. And reason with him. At the throne of grace. Not that we have any reasoning power.

[22:42] It's only what. The Lord will. Fill your mouth with arguments with him. Why not me Lord. And if right grace.

[22:53] Why not for you. And why not for me. Because it's all about grace. It's not of the flesh. The flesh. Prophets nothing. But it's the spirit. And when he.

[23:04] The spirit of truth. Is come. He will guide you. Into all truth. And he'll apply the truth. And you'll know the truth. And you'll have. Clear evidence is. That you're born of God.

[23:15] And that your treasure is above. It may follow. With Satan. Trying to undermine. Your religion. But you will look back. At that spot and place. Where the Lord. Visited your soul.

[23:26] Raised you up again. Maybe. Off a bed of affliction. And made. A crooked thing. Straight. A rough place. Plain. And darkness. Light before you. Because he said. I am the Lord.

[23:37] I change not. Therefore. Your sons of Jacob. Are not consumed. The sons of Esau. The sons of Jacob. Are not consumed. What a precious gift.

[23:48] Is the gift. Of that spirit. Then. To you and me. That. He makes you. To be a vessel. Unto honour. Not worthy of his notice.

[23:59] But nevertheless. A visit. A visit. A visit. To him. A vessel unto honour. Sanctified. And meet. For the most.

[24:09] That masters you. You will live that honest. And upright life. Determined to know nothing. Among men. Save Jesus Christ. And him crucified. Crucified to the world.

[24:22] Crucified. With Jesus. As. You take up your cross. And follow Christ. It's not the cross. Oh. That's where so many churches.

[24:34] Have gone. They've got to have a cross. Wooden. Or stone. Or whatever. You will steal. Whatever. But it's what the cross. Signifies. Preaching the cross.

[24:44] Is foolishness. To them that perish. But unto us. The believe. Is the power of God. Unto salvation. It's Christ. Suffered. It's Christ. Bled. It's Christ.

[24:55] Died. Not the cross. Oh. We want to see. The significance. In Christ. Jesus. My friend. That hung on the cross. That opened the channel.

[25:06] Of mercy for me. His blood. Shed. Cleansed. You from all sin. And. Ungodliness. And unholiness. What a saviour.

[25:18] And it's unto the uttermost. Will Jesus save you from death. Destruction. And despair. What a favour this is. To know. That he is.

[25:29] Suffered. Led and died. You will have a loving sympathy. You will have compassion upon Christ. See him suffering. In your room.

[25:40] Place instead. To cleanse you from all unrighteousness. It is the imputed righteousness of Christ. That we need. Lest the shadow of a spot. Should unmyed soul be found.

[25:52] God sends the saviour. To suffer. Bleed and die. In your room. Place instead. Why me? And it will soften your heart. Dear friends.

[26:02] At times. The reality of this religion. That we have in the word of God. And all these. Apostles. Are there to pass. Through this way.

[26:14] They knew what it was. Long suffering. Patience. And. They knew how it was. To preach the gospel. Because he anointed them to preach.

[26:28] And the anointing that you have. Should not. Be taken from you. And he'll give you and me. What to speak in the hour. As we address him at the throne of grace.

[26:40] Living that life of faith. By prayer. To bring your hard things to. Whether they are providential. To begin with. Or whatever. The Lord sees fit.

[26:50] To begin the work. In your soul and mine. You continue it. And you realize. This is more than. Man's. And will. This is God's will.

[27:02] This is God's purposes. Ripening fast. Unfolding every hour. The bud may have a bit of taste. But sweet will be the flower. The word. Brings you out.

[27:12] Into a. A wealthy place. Because you built upon. Nothing less. Than Jesus. Blood and righteousness. Do not trust. The sweetest frame.

[27:22] But wholly lean. On Jesus. And what a name it is. And it becomes. Precious to a believer. O Lord. Make thy word. Precious to my soul.

[27:34] Because unto you. Which believe. He is precious. He's not despised. And rejected. He's not blasphemed. He's not. As it were.

[27:45] Used. In. In a language. Of blasphemy. Trample under his feet. They do. Not having to reign over us. And always such a.

[27:56] Such a word of blasphemy. Used by the ungodly. Terrible. And it makes you cringe. Sometimes. You hear. Some of these people. Go around.

[28:07] Smear. Swearing. And speaking. Ungodly things. About the Lord. Jesus Christ. Or how they need. To be changed. How they need.

[28:18] To be. Wrought upon. By the spirit. If they are. To be saved. It's only the Lord. God. Giving them. That witness. Of the spirit. And all.

[28:29] How we. Ask the Lord. To keep us. Because we're not. Without sin. Ourselves. So we can't. Look at another. We see a dreadful. Perishing world.

[28:40] We see a lot of sin. And the fruits of sin. In the world. And all. We have to look. At home. Don't we? Look at home. And all.

[28:52] We have to say. Do. O Lord. Have mercy. Upon my soul. Don't leave me. To bring shame. Or reproach. Upon that. Dear head of thine. But make me wise.

[29:03] Under salvation. Through faith. In thy meritorious. Sufferings. Now. He's ascended. On high.

[29:14] He's led captive. All our sins. And those sins. Of those yet to come. Into the world. And sin. Till he comes. Till he comes. In the last.

[29:25] To judge the. Judge. The righteous. To judge the righteous. Nor it is judging. By that righteousness.

[29:36] That he imputes to your soul. Nor. If. The righteous barely. We say. Where shall the ungodly appear? See the Lord.

[29:48] Has work to do. Till the end of time. Till the last. Soul born. And then. He had come to judge the world. In righteousness. But all to have these evidences.

[30:00] That you're born of God. By the spirit. And. You have that. Union. And communion. With him. From off the mercy seat. Because it's Jesus.

[30:11] Our friend. That hung on the tree. That opened the channel. As we've said earlier. Channel of mercy. And all. To enter in the straight gate.

[30:23] To strive. To enter in the straight gate. If so. Purged by. By. The. Promises of God.

[30:34] You're purged by it. What doest thou here Elijah? Or you won't be there. Inquiring about. How another one is preaching.

[30:45] You'll want to preach gospel. You'll want to do. You'll want the. The truth. Known and felt. In your soul. Looking. Unto Jesus. And praying for him.

[30:58] To confirm your soul. With real evidences. That he has. Eternally loved you. And he doesn't.

[31:08] Just begin to love. And. Forsake you then. He said. I will never leave thee. Nor forsake thee. Boldly say. The Lord is my helper. I do not fear. What man should do.

[31:19] Unto me. But blessed be the Lord. Purge you. With hison. Cleanse you. Create in you. A clean heart. Renew.

[31:30] A right spirit. A spirit of grace. And of supplication. It won't be without prayer. It will be wrestling. At the throne of grace. And you have to say.

[31:41] Lord do hear my. Desires. And do fulfill those righteous desires. That I might truly. Have answers of peace.

[31:52] And to fear thy voice. Say my peace. I leave with you. Not as the world giveth. Give unto you. Let not your heart be troubled. Neither let it be afraid. It's his word.

[32:03] He takes it. He seals it. And you're encouraged. To press on. To press toward the mark. For the prize. Of the high calling of God. In Christ Jesus.

[32:14] Or may we ever keep our eyes. Fixed upon Christ. Through his word. Or through him. Directly. If he reveals himself. To you.

[32:25] And it will be a prayer. Jesus reveal thy love. Myself to me. Show me a token. For good. A token of thy special love. Tell me. That I'm born of God.

[32:36] And that my treasure. Is above. Because where your treasure is. There will your heart be also. We need to hold the things. Of this time state.

[32:47] With a loose hand. We know there's a necessity. Of providential blessings. In our life. But he'll never leave you. Because.

[32:58] He is determined. That as Satan's blind slaves. You sported with death. But the time came. When.

[33:10] The Lord drew you. By the cords of man. By the power of his love. And that's an irresistible power. His grace. His unmerited mercy. And favor and love.

[33:21] To your soul and mine. He saw you. When a stranger. Wandering from the fold of God. He to save your soul. From danger. Interposed his precious blood.

[33:34] These are real truths. Dear friends. And what a mercy. If you're looking. To be confirmed. Yes. You look to the Lord.

[33:44] And. You need the Lord. To give you patience. And grace. To endure unto the end. That you might hear that voice. Come thou blessed of my father.

[33:56] Inherit the kingdom prepared for you. From before the foundation of the world. To be amongst the Lord. Jesus is Christ. Jesus Christ.

[34:08] Salvation. He saved you. And all. He's given all power. To save. And he's given all power. To lead you. And guide you. Into all truth.

[34:18] And to apply. The entrance of his word. Giveth light. And understanding. To your poor simple Solomon. And he bids you come. Lord.

[34:30] I am oppressed. But do undertake for me. Do teach me. To do thy will. Leave in a plain path. And give me grace of patience.

[34:41] To tarry thy leisure. Then wait the appointed. Our way to the bridegum. Of their souls. Reveal his love with power. What a day of blessing. Never be.

[34:52] Bought with a price. Eternally loved. Never to leave. Never to forsake. But you might spend. Eternity. In heaven's high courts of God.

[35:06] You are Jehovah's choice. May he grant it to us. Each in due time. May he pardon all the midst this day. And get to himself. Honour and glory.

[35:17] Anything accepted in heaven. We ask it. For Christ's sake. And take us each home. In peace and safety. For Christ's sake.

[35:27] Amen. Amen. Let us conclude with hymn 795.

[35:39] The tune is Palestrina 605. Mighty enemies without. Much mightier within. Thoughts we cannot quell or rout.

[35:50] Blasphemous. The tune is Lord. Blasphemously obscene. Coldness. Coldness. Unbelief. And pride. Had on all its murderous train. Threatened death on every side.

[36:02] And have their thousand slain. Thus pursued. And thus distressed. Ah. Whither shall we fly. To obtain the promised rest.

[36:14] On what sure hand rely. Shall the Christian trust his heart. That alas. A foe's the worst. Always takes the tempter's part.

[36:25] Nay. Often tempts him first. Having said pence live.

[36:46] 795. Amen. Amen.

[37:47] Amen. Amen.

[38:47] Amen. Amen.

[39:47] Amen. Amen.

[40:47] Amen. Amen.

[41:47] Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen.

[41:59] Amen. May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God the Father, the fellowship of the Holy Spirit, rest and abide with us each. Amen.