[0:00] As the Lord may be pleased to help me, I would again direct you prayerfully to Isaiah's prophecy, chapter 59, and reading verses 20 and 21.
[0:15] And the Redeemer shall come to Zion and unto them that turn from transgression in Jacob, saith the Lord.
[0:25] As for me, this is my covenant with them, saith the Lord. My spirit that is upon thee, and my words which I have put in thy mouth, shall not depart out of thy mouth, nor out of the mouth of thy seed, nor out of the mouth of thy seed, saith the Lord, from henceforth and forever.
[0:51] And the Redeemer shall come. Oh, what a word to dwell upon. Shall come. And shall come as the Christ shall come.
[1:04] Because he draws by the cords of a man and by the bands of his love. And they are irresistible. Irresistible.
[1:15] You're waiting for his coming if you're a seeking soul. If you already had a touch, you'll want another and another and another through life's journey.
[1:27] Strengthening your weak hands, confirming your feeble knees, and saying unto you of a fearful heart, fear not. Oh, we bless God for his fear nots.
[1:39] We want to feel the application more and more. Well, what the word of God says shall surely come to pass. The Lord will surely hear your sighs and your cries.
[1:55] For the abomination in the land, yes. If you're a God-fearing soul, the abomination in the land, the abomination in the land of yourself, in your very body, a body of sin and death.
[2:14] And how shall we escape the rot of God if we go on as we are, without the Redeemer coming to Zion? And to be one of these inhabitants of Zion, the Lord has chosen for himself.
[2:31] And he chooses his people for himself. And they will come and hear what God the Lord shall speak unto their soul and not turn again to folly. Oh, we're fully full of folly, aren't we, in our unregenerate state?
[2:47] And sometimes afterwards we backslide. Let us be very mindful. There's no perfect man upon the earth. The Lord Jesus Christ is the perfect man and we see his suffering, bleeding and dying because he has to bear the burden of the sins of his people to bring them ultimately to glory.
[3:13] And if he's made your heaven and mine secure, you'll bless the Lord for those tokens of his love to your soul and mine. Blessed Jesus, oh, how we would feel more union and communion with him from off the mercy seat because there's no other refuge but in the blessed, precious blood of the Lord Jesus shed for many.
[3:41] It's not a universal salvation, as many will try and tell you. No. It's all that the Father giveth shall come to me and him that cometh unto me I will in no wise cast out.
[3:54] The Redeemer shall come to Zion and unto them that turn from transgression. Who could turn us, dear friends, but Jesus' gift of almighty grace.
[4:09] Arrest that man, that woman, that child and they'll come and meet up with the Redeemer. He'll reveal his love to you. He'll show you a token for good and you'll not be ashamed to own him as your Lord and your Saviour.
[4:24] Lord, give me to know and read my title clear. Give me to know and learn that I am one of thy chosen vessels. You've not chosen me, he says.
[4:35] I have chosen you. You see, in religion today, there's so many of them say you've only got to believe, you've only got to choose his name and be saved in words to effect.
[4:51] But we have to realise that the impossibility of the changing of the heart of man, but through the Lord Jesus. And he becomes so attractive to your soul and my, and your look to get access to him.
[5:08] And for their light to come, light in your darkness, show you a token for good. Turning again. Turning again your soul.
[5:21] Can not some of our friends reflect upon those moments when you began to be in one? It's not in nature to change, is it?
[5:32] It's almighty grace to rest, change the heart, renew the will, return the feet to Zion's hill, looking unto Jesus. And though men might despise you and laugh you to scorn if you talk anything about how you've spent the Lord's day, oh, never mind, dear friends, what they think, what they say.
[5:54] It is vital that we know the truth. And the truth shall make you free from the condemnation, the broken law. There's therefore now no condemnation in Christ Jesus.
[6:08] We need the Redeemer to come then. We need the Lord to bend the heavens and come down, touch our hearts, touch the door of our lips that we might be able to truly address him in reverence and godly fear.
[6:22] and for him to say unto your soul and mine, I am thy salvation. What a mercy to know something of this great salvation.
[6:33] How shall we escape if we neglect it? Oh, I feel sometimes we do neglect the word. We find ourselves busying ourselves in so many things.
[6:45] We're like Martha, careful and troubled about many things. But Jesus said, one thing is needful and Mary hath chosen that part. Not in and of her own will, no.
[6:58] It's blessed is the man whom thou chooseest and calls us to approach unto thee, Lord. Or may we find rest for our souls in the glorious truth of the gospel, the refuge of your weary soul.
[7:12] and to be of that contrite spirit that we have been singing about what Cowper was able to say. And that really suits some of their souls, does it not?
[7:26] As we look to Jesus and pray that there's no rest without him and we rest in his love, we trust. And bless him for these evidences that we are with a humble hope born of God and that our treasure is above.
[7:45] These are the treasures that you and I need, friends. A little treasure in our earthen vessel that the excellence of power may be of God or not of us. None to them that turn from the Lord.
[7:58] What a mercy. We have this precious Bible from the 1600s when it was so made a benefit to believers from there on after the settling, dear friends, of the freedom of the Catholic, which the Catholic rule, as it were, in this country, in England and of course stemming from Europe.
[8:34] And now we do need the Lord in his mercy to bless his own word that it might have recourse and be glorified and the Redeemer shall come to Zion.
[8:45] Oh, it's a place that was a favorite spot in Jerusalem of Zion, the place where we truly believe that the Lord began this good work of the gospel.
[8:59] And so all those characters and the disciples, they were chosen of God and they were made wise unto salvation and they were there for an example apart from the example of the latter end of Judas Iscariot.
[9:19] What a solemn thing to be in the way so called and without that possession of the new heart that was necessary to be given. He was used of the Lord as an example I believe to us all.
[9:34] And oh, may we know something then of the faithful truth of the Lord Jesus. As for me, he says, this is my covenant with them, saith the Lord.
[9:47] And it will not be broken, the ties, dear friends, of the grace of God upon yourself. He laid down his life for his friends and you are my friends if you do whatsoever I command you.
[10:02] We touched upon that this morning, made willing in the day of his power, not ashamed to own him as your Lord and Savior. He has bought you with a price. What a privilege.
[10:14] And you have this treasure in your earthen vessel, those tokens of his love, those exceedingly great and precious promises that are gained in Christ. No other refuge like it, no other shelter from the almighty power of God that rests in us, that passes by some whom he has not chosen, but ye shall be found a chosen vessel unto me and seek that the Lord has a sovereign right to choose whom he will and to cast out into outer darkness whom he will.
[10:56] This is the sovereignty of God and it's not reflected much today in religion but we are thankful if we take hold of the word of God and seek to know the truth and to have this anointing of the Spirit that makes you may consider your latter end and that makes you to plead that you might know that your name is recorded in the book of life, in the I fear book of life and grace and may I find my name recorded in some humble place beneath my Lord.
[11:34] Remember this, we've got to come into that humility that Jesus Christ experienced. Humbled before Almighty God that we might see Jesus through the lattice of the Gospel and realize what he has done to redeem your soul and mine from the curse of the Lord.
[11:52] What a Saviour. Almighty grace then to arrest your soul and there'll be evidences of it and there'll be instruction by him through the word of God and teach you in the way you are to go seeking first the kingdom of God and his righteousness and all these other things shall be added unto you.
[12:14] Nothing, dear friends, nothing, dear friends, short of the knowledge of Christ and to win Christ and be found in him not having your own righteousness which is of the law that righteousness which is through the faith of the Son of God who gave himself for you what a privileged soul to feel this.
[12:38] He's laid down his life for you as individuals and he did it in one space didn't he of time as on that on that day when they said crucify him away with him what mockery is today of the Lord's day that was record when he was crucified dead in bed away with him away with him they said crucify him but not have him to reign over us oh what a solemn judgment from their lips judging them that they were due to go to hell and how many do go to hell dear friends even to this present day of time and they're often going about desecrating God's holy day and they're ushered into eternity without any warning but oh if they'd search the scriptures they'll see there but the just shall live by faith but the unjust shall be ushered into outer darkness where there'll be continual weeping and gnashing oh can we not say why was I made to hear his voice you think you hope you can say you can try it say it from an honest heart why was I made to hear his voice and enter while there's room while thousands make a wretched choice and rather star we come hell is never full we read never full there's always a space there dear friends for the wicked but the soul that was sincere desires seeks after
[14:21] Jesus love that soul the Holy Ghost inspires with breathing from above the inspiration of the Redeemer as revealed to you by the Spirit of Truth who comes down and reveals the things that God makes to us as salvation known and witness it with the blood or are we living witnesses of the wonders of the precious blood of Christ sacred ground we're on I know that it must be revealed to you Christ the Redeemer must come and speak peace and pardon to your soul for here's the security if sin be pardoned I'm secure who has who has pardoned your sins and my sins what evidence is of you does it concern you does it concern me to have the reality of the truth written in the fleshly tables of your new heart that he's given to give you oh you know it's no light matter to preach these truths but oh we want to know it and we want to take heed of it and realise that that we must be justified by faith in these merits of
[15:36] Jesus when he says it is finished it is finished what the work that he came to do and even for those yet to be born even I say that this time even those yet to be born are known of him such as the infinite wisdom and knowledge and understanding and truth of the blessed trinity and unity ought to know and feel that you fear is nigh this is not a slavish fear this is a sacred solemn all the fear of the Lord so shall they fear the name of the Lord from the west and his glory from the rising of the sun when the enemy comes in like a flood and all true believers know this whatever the Lord has revealed to you all these true sincere believers they know that they know the truth and they tremble at the thoughts if my name should be left out when thou should call me all that calling us hence to the judgment seat oh what a tremendous moment dear friends death is now upon the road we know for some of you may be many years to come yet but oh may you and I know what it is to be given faith faith in what the Lord has spoken and revealed to you the one thing needful and great upon your heart through the blessing of the gospel for as for me this is my covenant with them saith the
[17:15] Lord this is the voice of the Lord sound of many waters and we do need the Lord in his mercy to grant his spirit to be upon you and for you and me to each be given a real testimony my hope and blessed mercy you've got a little hope that make you not ashamed because the love of God is shed abroad in your heart by the Holy Spirit it must be the work of the spirit not the imagination of man or casting down imaginations and bringing every thought into the obedience of Christ Lord show me what I have to do every hour my strength renew I need thee to hold me up in thy goings and thy footsteps slip not I'm a dying sinner in my body but all to know that I have blotted them out as a thick cloud and says return unto me for I have redeemed thee I've called thee by my grace and I called thee by thy name a new name that he's bestowed upon me come thou blessed of my father inherit the kingdom prepared for you from before the foundation of the world chosen vessel what a mercy if we are
[18:36] Jehovah's choice because it's Seth the Lord and your religion and mine must be not Seth man but what Seth the Lord he might use a man as a channel of mercy for your soul through the preaching of the gospel but don't look to him he's nothing he's only a messenger in his message we know we value messages in his message but we remember those affectionately have been used in our pathway and blessed us with tokens of his love and we've been strengthened with all might in the inner man to run with patience and raise it before still looking to Jesus and giving him all the glory and the praise that is due unto his most holy name all blessed gospel and the gentile race too are so favoured and have been favoured and will be favoured to the end of time because they're inhabitants of Zion blessed and washed and cleansed in the water and the blood that cleanses it from all sin my spirit that is upon thee my words which I have put in thy mouth shall not depart that's the testimony one words put in your mouth mysterious words sometimes you may lay upon your bed in the night season and the word comes and it's sweet to your taste and mine and as you know not it comes unexpectedly because Jesus has determined to save you and will save you because he has shed his blood on Calvary's tree and you're accepted in the beloved and the merits of
[20:26] Jesus who's now ascended on high and led captivity he's led the captivity that you were captivated by the sins dear friends of the flesh and he has received gifts from men you see you cannot be bought cannot be bought gifts from men receive gifts from men yes yea for the rebellious also that the Lord God might dwell among them he humbles you in the dust he does this I'm not talking of providence I'm talking about your soul he humbles you before almighty God that you might be exalted in due time casting all your care the most vital care and concern you will have ultimately if you're not already was the care and the welfare of your soul he delights to hear his people cry he delights to send answers of peace because he's appointed it for that set time and blessing upon your soul and yes when this enemy shall come in like a flood and believe me this enemy only comes upon those that have been quickened and called by grace yes this enemy does his utmost to undermine your little faith and your love
[22:04] I hope you can say at times because having loved his own that were in the world he loves them to the end backsliding as we mentioned this morning backsliding you may at times you seem to get weak and in fulfilling what the Lord has instructed you to do but blessed be the Lord those words that he's put in your mouth he brings again to your remembrance because he said the spirit will be your remembrance to remember those times and those sweet moments when he drew near to you and and that and this seed is it goes down dear friends out of the mouth of thy seed seed saith the Lord from henceforth and forever you see they won't stop the gospel being preached they won't they won't stop the spirit of the Lord to speak these things to the following generations we see little evidence of it in the day and age that we live in but oh the Lord still reigns the Lord
[23:19] God and he'll make you and me tremble at times as to why you should hear his voice and why you should be increasingly exercised about knowing and doing the will of the God why you want to be saved you want to go to heaven you want to know that he's gone to prepare a place for you and will come again receive you unto himself that where he is there shall ye be also at the termination of your body's death but the soul lives on and we want to be very conscious of that there we have a never dying soul men liken us sometimes to animals and say almost imply that they've got a soul but no death is the end of the life of the creature but it's not the end of your life and mine because your soul will spend eternity in heaven or in outer darkness in hell where there's weeping and gnashing of teeth or we might be more concerned about the welfare of our soul we have so many distracting cares and thoughts of this wretched foe Satan yes comes in like a flood and what does a flood do washes everything within its path and all flourishes through your mind and mine and you look at the disaster more than who created the disaster as a judgment to this world and what a mercy your maker and your creator ever liveth never liveth to make intercession for you and for me in this sin stained world and so he is the same and that's a mercy it's
[25:15] Jesus Christ the same yesterday today and forever he knows your path he knows your steps he knows your afflictions he knows your sorrows he knows your joys and the joy in heaven over one sin and the repentant rather than ninety nine that have no need of repentance blessings blessed jesus nothing happens by chance but all things are ordered by the lord and what a solemn mercy that he makes his presence known and found to you and there's an attraction in your soul to the word of god and the entrance of it giveth light and life and understanding to your simple seemingly or simplicity of your religion or the more simple it is the more profitable it is it's not your as it were discernment of what the truth means it's what the lord reveals to you and the men are so mistaken and so lack wisdom he says if any man lack wisdom let him ask of god who give it liberally and abradeth not let him ask in faith nothing wavering oh this blessed saviour then my spirit that is upon thee and my words this is looking to the lord casting all your cares and your burdens upon it and here sustain you we have some burdens don't we in our life's journey things that are almost insurmountable problems and they may be insurmountable to you and me but not to god he hears and answers prayer and you'll go on praying without ceasing lord do grant deliverance and thou canst no deliverance see yet still this man thy peace he's procured peace for his seekers but they'll not be lost and may the main of temptation be lost but you see there's only be temptation tossed but you see they're not losers but they'll be more than conquerors through him that has loved them and washed them from their sins in his sin at only blood when I see the blood
[27:43] I will pass over you the signs of the of the of providence to those that were instructed through Moses daub the temper the the the the the door boast daub daub it with with with the blood of beast but that won't save us but what a mercy the blood of Christ cleanseth from all sin what a cleansing precious blood that is and he died to redeem you from the curse of the broken oh what a refuge of the truth in my mind in the pulpit I feel to be so comfortable with that hope that we shall get the victory and you'll get the victory if you know these blessed truths that we have been trying to speak of today the redeemer shall come comes unexpectedly sometimes come in the time when least you expect it and he speaks to your soul and says son thy sins have forgiven thee daughter thy faith has saved thee go in peace my peace
[28:58] I leave you he's left it on record but it's not for your coming as a thief or a robber some other way it's waiting upon the Lord to renew your strength strength of faith strength of hope strength of love love is the golden chain that binds those happy souls above and he or she and heirs or heiresses of that love oh it's worth seeking after friends and what a mercy to know him the redeemer shall come and you turn as a turning around looking unto Jesus you might hear a voice and you look behind and say though it's real though it's real as we've experienced themselves but oh what a mercy when the
[29:59] Lord doesn't speak but by the voice my sheep hear my voice and I know them and they follow me you don't follow a stranger you follow those that speak the same language you're looking unto Jesus who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross despising the shame and is now set down the right hand of the father and he sits at the right hand of the father there to distribute to the necessity of the saints and you ought to be far from feeling yourself a saint but what is a saint he's a sanctified sinner and he fears dreadfully to sin or to express anything that contradicts the word of God so we need that grace to be still to be wait upon the Lord to renew your strength we're not left dear friends to our own wisdom but to observe these things that we see recorded in the word of
[31:08] God God and so he says here a little one shall become a thousand and a small one a strong nation I the Lord will hasten it in his time oh time is set to heal up your woes a season most fit his love to disclose tarry you here he says in the city of Jerusalem until you be anointed from on high blessed Jesus what a one thing needfully is to you to bless his own word that it might have free course and be glorified to yourself and you'll go in the strength of that meat strong meat to belong to them of full age sincere milk of the word that are taking those early steps in the pathway of a believer time is said steps ordered by the
[32:10] Lord and your delight to do his will rather refuge have I none hangs my selfless on thee leave me not alone still support and comfort me because he said I will not leave you comfort less I will come to you may the Lord bless our few remarks this day and take us each home in peace and safety to meditate upon the scriptures oh how sweet to relate to little and what the Lord has revealed to us and what he will yet reveal to you is waiting upon the Lord to renew your strength mount up with wings as eagles you might run and not be weary walk and not faint all these walkers you just tumble sometimes at things that you need the Lord to remove the stones out of your pathway instead of stones of help they may be stones of hindrance that the devil tries to use but blessed be the
[33:18] Lord you will overcome through the merits of Jesus them that honour me I will honour they that despise me shall be lightly esteemed the Lord pardon all amiss and get to himself honour and glory for his mercies towards us again as we ask it with the pardon all our sin for Christ's sake amen let us conclude with hymn number 989 the tune is Richmond 212 ye captive souls in fetters bound who feel your misery the way to liberty is found the son shall make you free hear the redeemer's gracious call poor captives come to me into my arms for freedom fall come and I'll make you free 989 amen me god god are they hold
[34:52] Macron they print Thank you.
[35:29] Thank you.
[35:59] Thank you. Thank you.
[36:31] Thank you. Thank you.
[37:03] Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
[37:15] Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
[37:27] Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
[37:39] Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Oh, May.
[37:59] O make and keep my conscience clean To show that I am free May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God the Father, the fellowship of the Holy Spirit, rest and abide with us each. Amen.