Gospel light and sight (Quality: Good)

Melbourne - Zion - Part 73

Sermon Image
Aug. 14, 2016


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[0:00] as the lord may be pleased to help me i would direct you prayerfully to john's gospel chapter 12 and reading verse 35 then jesus said unto them yet a little while is the light with you walk while ye have the light lest darkness come upon you for he that walketh in darkness knoweth not whither he goeth what remarkable words from the lord jesus christ to say to you to me to the people in his presence at the time of the recording of this word and even here this morning as it seems great indeed for the lord to lighten their darkness we travel much by night we are sinners defiled by sin we need the lord to shine or when we think and consider how a soul of tarsus was being kicked against the pricks he had a wonderful revelation of the lord jesus christ on that amaius wrote in his sins denying the people that were truly desiring to follow jesus and here he was having been pricked in the keep have been pricked dear friends with those thorns and pricks in his pathway things against him and still in his foolishness and ignorance it was not the appointed time until the lord met him on that emmaus road in that on that damascus road and what a mercy if you and i have any evidences of this yourself yet a little while and warnings to you and me careless prayerless determined to do our own thing and yet out of the lord's condescending love and mercy he begins this work of grace in the sinner's heart he makes him to realize the folly of his or her ways and brings him to hear his voice yet a little while a little while is the light with you what of the gospel what of the gospel what of the precious word of god yet a little while time dear friends is certainly hastening on to the coming of the lord jesus christ how will you stand when he comes when he comes either to strike you and me in death or to make you feel the barrenness of your soul having heard the gospel many times many years and yet we need that gracious prepare preparation while the light is with us walk while you have the light less darkness come upon you we get very tempted and tried of the darkness of the path of this sin-stained world and to come right this black eye to the black eye to i come to thee and seeking the lord to save you and me from death destruction and despair we're so careful and troubled about so many things but yet one thing is needful and he says here now is the judgment of the world now shall the prince of this world be cast out and i if i be lifted up from the earth will draw all men unto me signify what death he should die then what are the thoughts and intents of your heart appointed unto all men once to die and after death the judgment or may we yet be favored to know this light of the darkness he shines into your heart to give you that light of the knowledge of the glory of god in the face of christ jesus is it hard for you and me to prick against the kick against the prince it will be and evidence is in our in our faith in our christian faith that jesus is the author of it yet a little while is the light with you jesus is the light of the world he came amongst his own his own received him not look at all those jews came amongst them and they received him not but as many as received him when the lord appointed that time to lighten your darkness to seek the lord while he may be found lord send out thy light and thy truth let them lead me and guide me to thy holy hill and to thy tabernacle all that i might win christ and be found in him not have my own righteousness which is of the lord but that righteousness is through the faith of the son of god who gave himself for such as you and me oh lord do speak the word glorify the name of the father and glorify the name of the son and may the blessed spirit of truth come down reveal the things of god make to us salvation known and witness with the blood what a savior and what a mercy we still have the light dear friends of the gospel in our midst this is not a make-believe religion this is not a make-believe gospel this is not telling you and me you've only got to believe and be saved what mockery to god what mockery to god to jesus and the spirit and blessed be the lord he says doesn't he so yet a little while we spend our years as a time time that is told don't we but all to know more of this interesting truths of the gospel that the light is he sends it as he takes his word illuminates your sins first illuminates the blessed son of god who can pardon your sins i if i be lifted up and we need him to be lifted up in our souls yes jesus crucified suffering bleeding dying on calvary's tree to redeem such sinners as you and me wretched vile sinners he redeem you from the curse of the law blessed jesus and what a mercy as he says i am the light in the world i am come a light in the into the world that whosoever believeth on me should not abide in darkness we're born in darkness darkness born i went astray and wandered from the gospel way but since my savior gave me sight i cannot walk without his light what a precious gift dear friends is sight and some of us at times we wonder how long shall we be spared our sight but oh what a mercy if he's light into your darkness if the truth is burnt into your soul and you look to him the object of your soul's desire jesus crucified for you it is finished all that that he came to do in this world and still he blesses us with the open bible and so we want to he said walk while you have the light walking worthy of him of the vocation where with you have been called looking under jesus oh we get so many distractions in our lives don't we the blessed jesus he knows the way that you and i take and when he has tried you don't expect it to be a smooth path but it'd be a pathway where you're crying unto the lord show me lord the way of salvation show me a token for good and give me to have a sweet hope raised up in my soul that i am bought with a price that i shone into my soul the lord called me by thy grace and teach me to number my days that i might apply my heart unto wisdom yet a little while oh what a mercy that jesus has left such language on records for your name and so he says walk while you have the light lest darkness come upon you you see our old our eyes are hold and that they cannot know him but we will know him we should know him dear friends when we come down to the end of life's journey and we should be looking to him to form himself in our hearts the hope of glory oh what a refuge then does the lord jesus christ who draws you and me by the cords of a man by the bands of his to light and their darkness oh you say lord do condescend then to lift me out of this darks and paths you go in darks and paths you wonder sometimes can god dwell here so very much of the earth earthy so carnally minded and enmity to god but he says look unto me oh the eye of the lord is upon you and favor you and me to be attracted to him and desiring to receive these crumbs of mercy from the master's table and these ships by the way light and darkness and so so he said why do you have light believe in the light believe in the truth of the gospel this is not a manufactured religion this is not for you and me that has a right to say i believe jesus is the author of your faith and my faith the substance of things hoped for the evidence of those things that are not seen no not with the natural eye with the spiritual mind which is life and its peace for our souls so this darkness can come upon you if we deny the truth if we deny god's daily time in meditating upon the scriptures we need to search the scriptures we need light to lighten our darkness we need the lord to drive out the buyers and the sellers that we might be peaceful and alone we cannot command the blessing of the light dear friends that we shall have a desire once being born again of the water and the spirit we should want the lord to give us faith to believe in the merits of jesus what a refuge then hide you under the shadow of his wing till these calamities be overpassed in our lives all to have this light the world is light is his gold and his silver and all those treasures of so-called of this world this is that little refuge for your soul jesus shines upon your soul lightens your darkness favors you to know the tokens of his everlasting love because he is the light of the world men despise him reject him were not having to reign over them and so did you in your unregenerate unregenerate state but through the mercy of god you have been begun to realize that he is the one thing needful that he alone can create in your clean heart renew a right spirit within it that perfect world and he will perfect that that concerns you and me in your darkness this is not artificial light that we we have to use in the dark of the night no this is that true light that lightens the world and so many deny it and defy it but blessed be the lord as he is manifesting you his precious bible his precious truth and you'll know it and you'll seek to have those those morals that are consistent with the right with the light and your lord alone can be your guardian your guide and show you the way whereby we can escape from the rot to come precious jesus my precious to your soul and mine and you want to hear his voice as my sheep hear my voice and i know them and i and i and they he says they follow me and i will give unto them everlasting life what must it be must it be but there to be in the presence of christ one said in thy presence i am happy in thy presence i am secure what a blessed savior then and so we want to walk in the light of the gospel we want to walk in the strength of the lord make mention of his righteousness and his only that's when the lord takes his word and applies it to your soul and mine because he said he shall know the truth and the truth shall free you from the condemnation of the broken law yet a little while is the light with you these are the words of the lord jesus and this is what he will perform for you and me in our lives journey as we honor him so he'll honor you if you despise him you'll be lightly esteemed so we bless the lord walk while you have the light dark less darkness come upon you and we sometimes feel we're very careless and prayerless about how we approach the word of god to pray over it lord do send out thy light my truth to guide me to keep me to preserve me unto thy heavenly kingdom because i so long to have my evidences clear for those mansions in the sky all blessed jesus then that comes and shines takes his word and seals it upon yourself and you've gone the strength of that meat for many days yes the lord's good of trust so hold the drab of trouble and he knoweth them that trust in him for he walk he that walketh in darkness knoweth not whether he goeth or so it is he knoweth the way that you that you goeth and walketh in darkness and you not know whether you goeth how can we know the way unless jesus shines upon our soul reveals to us that he is the one thing alone can speak peace and pardon to our soul that blessed assurance of our sonship or daughtership with god blessed jesus and so he makes you willing in the day of his power to take up his cross and you'll have a cross and it'll be sanctified to your knee and more and more as you journey on the closer what we've got to come let me pray that lightens you that shuts down the world in your eyes and mine for a little season not all the time sadly but it will shut down dear friends shut down the darkness and lighten your lighten that darkness as he shines upon your soul and you walk worthy of him the vocation wherewith you have been good looking unto him what a mercy when he shines when he blesses you with a real token of his love and you have that light and you hold fast to it don't leave me to be carried away with every wind and doctrine but that doctrine of free and sovereign grace which is sufficient for thee you know you'll be very diligent in seeking to know the precious bible to know the way where he will have you and we to walk to lighten your darkness to show you to show you his hands and his feet and side by faith to be led to the to calvary behold a scene of matchless grace jesus in the sinner's place is heaven's brightest glory sunk in shame that rebels might adore his name yet a little while and this light is with you that all the world is full of sin and woe and what a mercy jesus reigns will exercise you and me more to know how the case stands and how it will be with you and me in the swellings of jordan you're fearful to die if we know anything about it we don't want to die do we we want to go on living but you know you'll have to realize that all things come to an end even the light of the gospel but a greater light is in heaven and this is something you and i want to have evidences of whether we're sons and daughters of god by blessed adoption that he's bought with us brought us with a price lay down his life for his friends and you are my friends if you do whatsoever i command you jesus says and what a mercy to hear the voice of the good shepherd that draws you by the cause of a man by the bands of his love and you look to him and you're not left to be rejected you reject all those out of the covenant you reject all those that have denied him and defied him what a mercy these may seem to be harsh things to you and me we're bringing out this morning but it is so and in all our in all our ways this is a mercy those morals dear friends in all thy ways acknowledge him and find him directing your paths all to be leaning more upon the arm of our beloved coming up out of this wilderness world leaning upon the arm of our blood to get the victory over this body of sin and death through the merits of jesus what a refuge what a refuge what love this is that true love dear friends which is more than notion something known and felt in your soul and mine you look to jesus hanging upon that accursed tree opened up on you in the living way into heaven blessed be the lord jesus and to give you faith to believe that the lord has spoken to your soul revealed his love to you object of your first desire jesus crucified for you lightens your darkness and favors you and me to receive the way that we are going not walking in darkness but in light evidence is that the promises are sown in weakness but raised in power in your soul and mine he gives power to the faint that they have had no might increase his strength this blessing jesus that is the one thing needful to you and me in our pathway and so we have he says here we have heard out of the law that christ abideth forever and how say is there the son of man must be lifted up who is this son of man jesus said of them yet a little while is the light with you in his presence i'm happy in his presence i'm secure gracious jesus do bless me with evidences that i am born of god that i have been quickened into life for the spirit who were once dead in trespasses and sins and we look to the lord to keep me humbly following thee whithersoever thou does condescend to lead me and guide me and apply the truth to myself that i might have a living testimony that i am born of god and that my treasure is above oh lord confirm my soul don't leave me to drift away don't leave me to faint maybe faint but pursuing the narrow way ever seeking to see jesus object of my faith desire jesus crucify for me crucify for me or how the lord had to lay down his life for his friends and you are my friends if you do whatsoever i command you and so yet a little while oh the voice of the lord jesus to be concerned more about the welfare of their soul to know that we are his that he has bought us with the price that he has laid down his life for us and we seek him with the whole heart that we might rest in his love in what he has revealed to us in what he has suffered let and die on calvary's tree laid down his life for his friends and you are my friends if you do whatsoever i command you walk while you have the light we don't run with patience exactly do we we walk we follow in the footsteps of the lord jesus he is the one thing needful and he says walk while you have the light darkness darkness come upon you he that walk with in darkness knoweth not whether he goeth it's all to me so clear in this text today that the lord his everlasting love and life to your soul and mine will make you to be a children of light because they have been taught to look to jesus what a difference that we get in our schools today they're walking in darkness they're teaching darkness they're teaching evil they're teaching contrary things to the word of god and they won't have it in the schools at least in the public schools solemn isn't it the atheist dear friends running the governments in the country oh what evil there is that abounds on every hand but christ reigns they walk in darkness and not light and so with you and me we need to pray if we can lord have mercy upon the country the dark state of this world and sin and woe the atheist in the governments the antichrist on every hand oh lord you say do in thy mercy grant me to know the pathway of the just which is as a shining light they shine it more and more unto the perfect man and mark the perfect man and behold the upright but that man is peace my peace i leave with him look what it costs he laid down his life for such sinners as you and me and you have to say well lord and if free grace why not for me i want that grace to lighten my darkness i want to grow in grace and the knowledge of the lord and savior jesus do not leave me or forsake me lord i need preparing for those prepared mansions in the sky if it could please do speak speak to my soul say unto my soul i am thy salvation it's without money without price however one that thirsteth come into the waters he that hath no money come me by wine and milk without money without price all these blessed lights that the lord lightens the darkness of the darkness of the darkness of your soul and walk in it walk in it seek to know more and more the truth apply it lord i am feel so ignorant and foolish and unlearned do bestow upon me this light all send it lord into my soul arrow of conviction the blessedness of the truth of the gospel as jesus himself draws near comforts your your troubled heart and mine and said be still you know all our afflictions in all our afflictions he was afflicted and the angel of his presence save them and we need him to speak to us plainly and grant us some blessed testimony that we are born of god and that we are one of his sons and daughters of god by blessed adoption lord don't leave me to walk in darkness i feel i'm very ignorant and unlearning but do lord apply the word with power to myself give me to read my title clear to that new heaven and new earth wherein dwelleth righteousness we spend our years as a tale that is told but all to to be guided by thy counsel and afterwards received in the glory less darkness come less darkness come we're living in solemn dark days and we wonder how long before the lord does come to judge the world in righteousness lord come and apply thy promises come and grant me to see peace and pursue it that i might overcome through the blood of the lamb and be seen jesus suffered on that accursed tree and has got the victory over this body of sin and death through the merit of jesus a blessed mercy to be given life everlasting life everlasting speak lord of thy servant might hear and an evidence that i'm a humble seeker but will be a finder of rest for my soul at last oh the lightning this wonderful light of the knowledge of the truth as in jesus and we need to know it take thy word and seal it upon thy soul that when i truly know the truth and the truth shall make me free from this condemnation that i'm conceived born under born under lived under until that set time comes to favor such poor sinners as you and me my sheep oh not to be a goat dear dear friends to know to know that we are sheep in christ that he's loved us with an everlasting love and therefore what loving kindness will draw us and lord make us faithful from humble followers of the humble followers of the humble followers of thee to light and my darkness because to whom else can we go he alone has the words of eternal life walk while you have the light lest darkness come upon you we will leave it there for now friends may the lord bless his own word and pardon all of this for christ's sake amen the lord bless his own word and pardon all of this for christ's sake let us conclude with hymn number 1057 the tune is zundal 664 light of those who dreary dwelling borders on the shades of death come and thy bright beams revealing dissipate the clouds beneath the new heavens and earth's creator in our deepest darkness darkness rise scattering all the night of nature pouring day upon our eyes still we wait by for thy appearing life and joy thy beams in our eyes still we wait by for our eyes still we wait by for our eyes chasing all our fears and hearing every poor benighted heart come and manifest the favor thou art for the ransomed race come thou dear exalted savior come and bring thy gospel peace oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh

[33:59] O in many earth of their eyes. Still remain full, I appear in life and joy Thy makes life hundreds Jow M konkret Thank you.

[35:21] Thank you.

[35:51] Thank you. Thank you.

[36:23] Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

[36:35] Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God the Father, the fellowship of the Holy Spirit, rest and abide with us each. Amen.

[37:04] Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.