[0:00] as the lord may be pleased to help help me i would again direct you prayerfully from john chapter 12 and reading verse 35 that we read and tried to speak from this morning and will again venture this afternoon verse 35 then jesus said unto them yet a little while is the light with you walk while we have that we have the light less darkness come upon you for he that walketh in darkness knoweth not whither he goeth jesus christ words here then talking to this people jesus said unto them when they spoke to him about the law that christ abideth forever and he said and how sayest thou the son of man must be lifted up who is this son of man then jesus said unto them yet a little while and how vital it is that the lord jesus christ speaks to you and me through his precious word we are dumb and deaf and blind and dark dear friends bless the lord illuminates their soul by reveal his word to us and it is a precious word though men deny it will not have him to reign over them but yet a little while life is very short you know a little while but then will hold on to me come that day but dying for our body to die and after death the solemn judgment we should go before the judgment seat whereby christ reigns and will rule and reign his father has appointed and this may be very mysterious mysterious to you and me about the father son and holy ghost but the blessed trinity in unity and we cannot believe in and of ourselves unless jesus gives us faith a very simple gospel isn't it christ jesus came into the world to save sinners he must needs be died he must be crucified because they would not have reign over him crucify him away with him and in the day and age the man of the world says crucify him he won't have him to reign over them until according to god's sovereign people that he has chosen elect according to the foreknowledge of god remember and without him we can do nothing but what a mercy what a mercy christ came into the world to shed his blood to seal the blood of the father's covenant and he says all that the father given me shall come to me and him that cometh unto me i will in no wise cast out you're a privileged soul if you've got a measure of faith we do find that the world is full of darkness full of bondage because of sin and blessed be the lord christ jesus came in to redeem his sheep from the curse of the broken law and though many will not understand it but we have to prove that without him we can do nothing and he has bid poor sinners such as you and me no matter how small or low or empty we are brought there to plead the blood of christ that cleanseth them all sin yet a little while is the light with you the gospel the good news an open bible freedom for you and me to come and worship in his house and none daring lawfully to make you afraid we often ponder sometimes how long lord how long are they going to let us permit us to have worship together when so many countless thousands we're not having to reign over them but we have to prove that when the lord's people have need his goodness we'll find out a way and we really ought to value more the privilege of gathering together in the house of god you see we didn't grow up wanting the bible we may have had it read in front of us but we didn't like to think that we were different to anybody else in the world and blessed the lord there was a set time that through mercy some of us and i trust ultimately all of us we know what it is to feel in our souls a desire to win jesus and found be found in his affections and to be favored and privileged to know the truth and to be favored to hear his pardoning voice ere we die we know we cannot live forever but we bless god for that life that he gives us for our needs supplied but we need him and we need him to manifest to us that he is satisfied the just demands of the broken law all our all the commandments of god and we stand guilty of breaking one we've broken all but blessed be the lord that he has exercised your soul and mine to seek that grace to walk in the night into the light of the gospel into the light of the knowledge of the truth as it is in jesus and to be looking unto him that he will be our guardian and our guide and that friend that's sticking close to the brother and he says look unto me and even in the ends of the world look unto me all the ends of the earth and be saved and be separate and come out from among them and touch not the unclean thing and i will be a father unto you and you shall be my sons and daughters saith the lord almighty privileged soul then that can receive this message that can receive the gospel and see that you're honoring him by venturing to call upon his name in the day of trouble and he said i will deliver thee and thou should glorify me he lightens your darkness you sow in tears and you will yet reap in joy oh what a blessed gift is the gift of the gospel is the gift of god through his dear son and as revealed by the holy spirit of god to lead you and guide you into all true and so yet a little while is the light with you we don't know when the end of the world is coming men have tried to have some ideas as to when and where it's come god alone knows the father knows the world in righteousness and this may be something that may worry you but what a mercy if you're brought to realize that this god's appointed world he's appointed all things and all people once to die and after death of judgment what a mercy if he has taught you the truth and you bless the lord for a little affection set upon the truth as it is in jesus and even though you walk in darkness sometimes in the midst of this world you have sorrows but jesus said that you now have there you now therefore have sorrow but i will see you again and your heart will rejoice what a mercy to realize he will see you again he's omnipresent is the lord jesus and he comes at the appointed time of his father to judge the world in his imputed righteousness and so walk while you have the light we are constrained by the spirit to walk in this fear to humble yourself before him that you might be exalted in due time casting all your cares upon him and so we bless him that the gospel lightens your your soul up and mine at times when he speaks to you through his word the entrance of his word we're told giveth light and understanding to the simple and he says come unto me and you walk while you have the light so you see there's going to be a termination of the light according to the word here walk while you have it walk while you have the gospel and bless god for his bible and search it for in the thinking have eternal life and these are they that speak of the savior and so denied and defied by many a man and woman throughout the world but blessed be the lord that he foretell us his death but he also has told you that i will see you again and he's going to come again and judge your soul and mine what a mercy if you know repentance godly sorrow for your sin hunger and thirst for the righteousness of christ and what a privilege it is to know the truth and some of us we believe we value the truth because the lord has used it to teach us to number our days and apply our hearts unto wisdom blessed jesus and so walk while you have the light oh we want to benefit by the word of god don't we we want to be given diligence to make our calling and our election sure for if you do these things you should never fall he says lest darkness come upon you and so we have to pray lord we don't want any light frothy religion we want real things we want the lord to use his word to apply it to our souls as a lamp to our feet and a light to our power you see it's all about light a light to our power to honor him to serve him to follow him and not be ashamed to own him as your lord and your savior for your hope can be built upon nothing less than jesus blood and righteousness dare not trust the sweetest frame but wholly lean on jesus name he won't blind your eyes no you may think he does but he does not but he'll exercise you when there seems to be darkness and bondage in your soul to call upon me in the day of trouble and it is trouble soul trouble providential trouble all our times are in his hands all events at his command oh to be more trustworthy of the lord strengthen my weak hands of faith lord and undertake for me and help me by thy spirit to look to thee continually wait upon thee for that renewed strength to mount mount that i might mount up with wings as eagles my runner not be weary walk and not faint you see we walk and not faint in depending upon the lord my whole dependence on me thought and and then thought my worthless means with mine to mix but venture to be no longer so says the lord jesus christ i will come again and receive you unto myself and where i am there shall ye be also oh you won't want to reject him you won't want to reject his words or he said my words are found in one of them and jeremiah my words were found and i did eat them and they were unto me the joy and rejoicing my heart this is better than reading a novel dear friends to read the word of god it's truth it's your god and your and god's dear son jesus this word of god becomes then very suitable to a believer because he wants to know more wisdom and guidance from above to know and do his will and to be lead ultimately to receive the gift of everlasting life to make you wise unto salvation look unto me said all the ends of the earth and be saved be separate for before me there is no other way whereby your soul and mine can be redeemed from the curse of the broken ball and so jesus himself says then walk while you have the light we might might value more and more the glorious truths of the bible of the gospel and to search it and find rest for our souls in this dark world all around us we see those that hate religion that may hate you for your religion but never mind dear friends about hating you and me because we got a little hope we got a little hope that we're looking searching for the truth looking for the law to bless us abundantly with his voice and what a mercy if his voice is made tender and loving to your soul and mine look unto me all the ends of the earth be separate be saved through the merits of jesus yes they may laugh you to scorn but what is that to thee he said follow there me and where the word of a king is there is power and he ordains you and me to walk worthily of the vocation where we have been good looking unto jesus if the joy that was set before him endured the cross despising the shame and is now set down at the right hand of god the father look unto me object of your first desire jesus the son of god suffering and and being punished for his willingness to die for your sins and mine blessed jesus then may we ever walk while we have the light lest darkness come upon you yes in darkness born we went astray and wander from the gospel way but since my savior gave me sight i cannot walk without his light and neither will you and you are plead for it show me lord a token for good a token of thy special love tell me that i'm born of god and that my treasure is about because where your treasure is there will your heart be we know that we need providential blessings in this world but we don't want to be over surfeited with these things we want to be abundantly blessed with tokens of the lord's love toward us and he that says come boldly to the throne of grace that the might obtain mercy and find grace to help in your time of need and he says walk worthy of me and the vocation wherewith you have been called looking unto me and looking unto the lord lord resolve my disputes revolve my difficulties help me in my learning pathway help me in my darksome pathway and do favor me to know the joyful sound of jesus saying this is the way walking in it when you turn to the right or to the left for i am the lord i change not therefore his sons of jacob are not consumed what a privilege then to be in the seat of jacob you never leave you and never forsake you boldly say the lord is my helper i not not fear what man should do unto me we do tend to fear man don't we but we need to keep the commandments of the lord to commit our way to him to bring our hard things to him and he'll hear them and resolve them for you if you want to hear him and this is not an imagination this i believe friend is truth in your life and mine and to be united to christ the true and the living vine and so he says while you have the light he says believe in the light believe in the light that you may be the children of light these things he spoke and departed and did hide himself from them and though he done many miracles he says here before them yet they believe not on him but there is a believing of the report of the gospel some may hear and some may shun to declare to declare the counsel of god but he said i counsel thee to my be gold tried in the fire faith is gold is like an under gold he said i so he said i commit thee into the care and keeping of the lord jesus christ who has suffered great things for poor sinners that they might be amongst those that are redeemed from the curse of the broken law and he says does he not in his word come unto me the invitations in the gospel are rather remarkable than he he says he says he first the kingdom of god and his righteousness and all these other things shall be added unto you other refuge have i none hangs my help me solemnly leave i'll leave me still support me and do and do do comfort me oh lord in my pathway of a believer that i will pour my soul unto thee and favor me to know that we are the children of light in light in your darkness you pray your way along you cast your care and burden upon the lord you look to him to sustain you because he tells you in his word and though men might laugh you and me to scorn what a mercy you hold fast to the form of sound words that bible that the bible speaks of that jesus speaks of and he is the way to god we shall be accepted through the merits of jesus to your soul and mine and so we have to ask the lord and seek the lord and knock upon the door of mercy that he might open to us and show us and show us a way where there seem to be no way providence or grace he's a faithful savior to poor sinners and so we have to pray lord oh help me to walk in the light and not in darkness shine upon the sacred pages of thy word that i might know the truth and be persuaded of it as paul said i am persuaded here he was a rebel was paul saw of tarsus yes he was brought there i am persuaded what a change can be wrought in you and me and my heart if we have been converted to believe in the in the cross of christ to believe in what christ has done in suffering bleeding and dying i if i be lifted up will draw all men unto me and all that the father given me shall come to me and him that cometh unto me i will in no wise cast out all this blessed gospel truths that we try and speak a little today and you and i we want to know that path path of the just this is a shining light that shines more and more unto the the perfect man that perfect work of grace in yourself not old nature that's carnal enmity to god but the spiritual mind as quickened by the spirit the spiritual mind is life and peace for your soul and mine and he says look unto me seek ye first the kingdom of god and his righteousness and all these other things shall be added unto you the word of the lord we had to learn that painfully once when i had my first marriage that was the minister put in the bible i seemed to tremble at the thoughts of the minister next to me at that time and never realized at the time that the lord was going to send me into the work of the ministry feel unfit unworthy but oh how it is you see when the lord gives you a word you'll hold fast to it and you'll bless the lord for it these tokens of his love and so we bless the lord and we want to we want to be the children of light we want to walk in his fear we want to keep his commandments we want to live honestly and uprightly before men not like thieves and robbers dear friends in the day and age that we live in what crime there is about what darkness there is in this world but there will be a people that will know the joyful sound ultimately chosen people whereas the others will be driven away forsaken and they will die in their sins and this makes you and me tremble no doubt at times die in my sins lord i know i'm a sinner and i have to pray lord to deliver me from the captivity of my sins because thou has ascended on high thou has led captivity thou has received gifts of men yea for the rebellious also they might dwell among him and with him and walk with him through this world this world and one day be more than a conqueror through him that has loved them and washed them from their sins in his precious blood you won't want to reject him you won't be able to reject christ if he forms his love in your heart the hope of glory this is a wonderful thing isn't it where the word of a king is there is power to your soul and mine and he says come to me and you obey his voice he says my sheep hear my voice and i know them and they follow me light to your darkness comfort and hope in your soul because he has eternally loved you with an everlasting love and therefore with loving kindness has he drawn you by the cords of man by the bands of his love he says look to me we need clearer views of christ we need him to take his word and seal it upon your soul and mine strengthen the weak hands confirm the feeble knees and say unto you of a fearful fear not thy god thy god will come with vengeance he won't hurt you he will keep you he will make you wise unto salvation because who is a god like unto thee that pardoned the neck of the pasted by the transgression of the remnant of his heritage he retains not his anger because he has loved you eternally and bought you with a price what a savior able to save unto the uttermost all those that come unto god by he will lighten your darkness he will reveal his love to you in due season time you're set to heal up your woes the season most fit his love to close and he says tarry you here in the city of jerusalem until you be endued with power from the high the house of zion is like dear friends unto the lord jesus christ his place of abode whom having not seen we love because his word is recorded in the bible and he takes his word and seals it upon your soul and seals it upon your soul and we have a little hope raised up that we're one of his chosen vessels and what he is determined to do for you and me he will perform it because he is a a god god father god the son god the holy god he is a god god the son god the son god the son god the son god the son god the son god the son god the son god and this is a wonderful thing what a mercy if if god is for you who can be against you and he can do everything that is impossible with you because he's a performing god and we have much to praise and bless him for he has made his goodness to pass before you and he will still make his goodness pass before you as you seek to serve him with reverence and godly fear look unto me blessed jesus and blessed jesus that is ever mindful of you and me calling upon his name casting your birds upon him and looking for him to sustain you and looking for him and looking for him to sustain you because once in him he will never leave you nor forsake you boldly say the lord is my helper i want on i not fear what man should do unto me lighten your darkness walk in the light less darkness come upon you oh mercifully the lord knows the way you take may we ever be honoring him serving him with reverence and seeking that he will show us these tokens for good and hold up your goings in mind that our part footsteps faith steps fail not blessed jesus and so he said he that believeth on me believe it not on me but on him that sent me and he that seeth me and he that seeth me seeth him that sent me and i am come a light into the world well may the lord in his mercy bless our few remarks this day take us each home and peace and safety may we reflect a little upon this poor sinner as addressed you with today and may he ever be preserving and keeping from harm guiding us by his counsel and afterwards receive us into glory amen let us conclude with him number 748 and the tune is merriton 366 in darkness born i went astray and wandered in the gospel way and since the savior gave me sight i cannot see without his light so poor and blind and lame i am my all is bound up in the land and blessed am i when i see my spirits in most poverty in the gospel me 748.
[32:16] Since the Saviour gave me sight, I cannot see without His light.
[32:38] So poor and blinded lay I am, by all His bow up in the land.
[33:01] And blessed am I, when I see my spirit in most poverty.
[33:22] I cannot walk without His light.
[33:36] I cannot see without His light.
[33:48] I have no access to God, but through the memories of His blood.
[34:12] It makes me feel my railway state.
[34:27] It raised my soul at mercy's pain.
[34:38] And Jesus smiles at such a guest.
[34:51] And cheers Him with a heavenly peace.
[35:04] May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God the Father, the fellowship of the Holy Spirit, rest and abide with us each.
[35:21] Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen.
[35:32] Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen.
[35:43] Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen.