Incomplete (previously copied from tape to cassette) no other details, box says 1969?
[0:00] words that I hope the Lord may be pleased to help me speak from this evening defined in the 13th chapter of Paul's first epistle to the Corinthians verse 12 the 12th verse the 13th chapter the epistle of Paul the Apostle to the Corinthians for now we see through a glass darkly but then pace the base now we know in part but then that I know even as also I am known for now we see through a glass darkly but then pace the face now I know in part but then shall I know even as also I am known and this blessed truth the dear apostle is now enjoying for was he with us near in part while he is below he knows he led also he was now it is very blessed I feel to notice how the Holy Spirit saw fit to lead lead and guide his servants in these epistles and as factually as we are led to any particular part or verse or word of any of these epistles we notice in this particular verse the first part of it is plural for now we see to a glass darkly but then face the face and then the latter part of it is the singular personal experience now
[2:43] I know in part but then shall I know even as also I am know what a wonderful thing it is my friends in the leading and teaching of the Holy Spirit with us we are brought to feel a union to those that have gone before and where there is union you can use that little word we without being afraid of we whether it's Esther or Ruth we or Moses or Joseph or Abraham or Isaac or Jacob or any of those dear men of God that pay to God we as though the days coming when we believe we to sit down with Abraham and Isaac in the kingdom of God what a sweet thought it is sometimes when we sit around the Lord's title although I have not known or he or heard how that hath entered into the heart of man to conceive what is laid off but we see to a last
[4:15] God who is thank you but can you and we together this evening my friends use this language for now we see it's a wonderful testimony to the goodness of God the mercy of God the grace of God the power of God the wisdom of God the glory of God for now we see I pray that it might be true of every one of you here this evening and not that it's true of every one of you here but every one that you represent in your family journal you say well that's impossible don't it it might look impossible but it isn't nothing's impossible with my God I've proved it and I believe my God is your God that which is impossible with man is possible with God and we've lived to prove that what's impossible to us and what at one time looked impossible and we feared never would happen but it's happened however so they often we live to prove also on the other hand when we come maybe to the
[5:52] Lord's God perhaps the day before we had many fears concerning it and yet we live to prove that today is a tomorrow so we dreaded and it didn't happen oh how often we like the old people used to say you know we put our cobs on and go to meet trouble but it's a very good saying my friends if we don't trouble trouble the trouble trouble that which is on the right side of trouble some misunderstand me the Lord has said to it that you and I shall have trouble I said that to someone recently concerning the marriage stage I said you know all there's such trouble in the back you know what it is from the experience but only but sanctify trouble sanctify trial sanctify bereavement sanctify the addiction well you have to bless
[7:14] God because that the blessed praise him for the way that he's brought you and you can say this evening and can he have taught me to trust in his name and thus far have brought me to put me to shame no he won't put me to shame he put your enemies to shame and my nose back now in 50 years when I was in trouble one month I was suffering under what I suppose all of you suffer to some extent or another the ministers of the gospel know it more than any of you and that is the supper of a scourge of a tub and some things are being said to us ministers while I said sometimes you know they hit me with a back it would have hurt me more it would have hurt me but the other hurt my soul damaged my spirit but sent me to the throne of grace and he healed the broken hearted he burned up their wounds that night
[8:38] I was suffering out of a scourge of a tub and I just couldn't speak and they tossed him and turned him on my back now we see the glass dark and these are some of the things that we see until the Lord spoke this is what he said to me he said all my enemies should be found liars under them and they were cut upon their high places and friends some of the high places are tried on and some of their four bits too but then at the first shut advancement I did only yet going into one place to take a field look I did fear to go into that place because I thought I'd never run to that forward I don't think I should go up that forward I just down at the desk but you know what I got there the pastor was there to welcome me
[9:39] I never said anything with him what I felt but just before we got around at the court that he did it was him booking the forfeit that was enough he greens you know, all things.
[10:08] You can listen to things. But all things, don't forget that as a word all, because it's covered everything. It's not an inaccuracy, it's actual.
[10:20] The men say it ought to be an inaccuracy, they don't know. But where can they find actual? Or in one place? That's equal. Now, my doctrine should have gone to the rain, my speech should have been still in the dew.
[10:40] Ah, and in one place, when the rain drops, and the dew falls, or the dew permanents, I will be, he said, as a dew unto his wrath.
[10:53] He shall go forth and grow up as cards of the store, for you, there will be a little going forth and growing up here in this little sanctuary this year.
[11:07] The Lord has removed last year a dear old pillar in the person of their late friend, Benfield. But you know, there's no still working at church.
[11:20] He's still rising up in Niger to stand in the place of the Niger and he will. Not only to fill the focus, but to fill the place of Christ in the church.
[11:36] So the Lord gives you a greater exercise concerning that place in the church that he intends you to fill and give you no rest until you're finished.
[11:47] for now we see. What a wonderful thing.
[11:59] Have you joined with that man who was born blind? You know, the Pharisees and Sadducees, they painted Christ to such an extent. They said, we know this man's a sinner.
[12:13] But why did they misjudge the Lord even as being a sinner? Because he kept company with sinners. He didn't disassociate himself from sinners.
[12:24] He didn't say, well, I'm not going to be in Simon's area, that woman's coming there. And he knew she was coming. There you know that he did.
[12:36] He knew what was going on in Simon's house, didn't he? When that woman was washing his feet with her tears and why could go with the hair in her head?
[12:51] Simon, Simon has somewhat to say I believe, not to say all. Certain man had two debtors.
[13:04] Which kind of debtor are you, my friend? Which kind of debtor am I? I know I'm a five hundred pent debtor. but I don't rejoice in that alone.
[13:16] For I do rejoice in this, that the Lord knows how to and will greateously forgive five hundred pent-devers. When they had nothing to pay, he frankly forgave them both.
[13:32] That's the gospel, my friend, the gospel I love. Are you seeking forgiveness? You've had it. You've got it. As sure as this portion of everything.
[13:45] It wasn't many yards from here where I received it one morning up there in the old mill there. And those three birds dropped into my heart.
[13:57] You know, the devil has cried it up and smashed it at once and made everything to eat of him. But he keeps coming back. Now, have I found the ground there is?
[14:11] My anchor out your firm remains. The wounds of Jesus were my sin before the world sang night and it wasn't only a very desire from that spot where I believe the Lord began the solemn exercise concerning the work of the minister.
[14:32] And that was a verse of the end. And I would very much encourage to read in the gospel standard and also to hear it after David all this to the dear man of God who I believe if he had been spared and it had been the Lord's purpose might have been second to him.
[14:52] So that was not the Lord around. But you know what I said just now don't you? And the Lord takes an united we preparing and we not we cry as in in either's faith when we make an idea went may double fortunes of thy grace to go to shame and shame and if the Lord sends what we mustn't resist it.
[15:32] We mustn't resist it. The Lord keep us from fighting against his will and his purpose but now we see how I'll just tell you the rest of what I was going to make my own exercise that word was given to me and I though man was confirming to me really that it would give me to him then will I tell the sinner found what a dear saviour I have found I'll point to his redeeming blood and save it all the way of for hell we see oh my friends what a wonderful mercy is to see the blood we know the Lord spoke very encouragingly to Israel of old and has done to us and he said when I see the blood
[16:35] I will pass over you but if you're a living soul you won't be satisfied even with that although it is enough to live on and enough to die on but you know the Lord will give the witness of the spirit with air spirit that we are his and how do we become his both with blood not with corruptible things that still revolved but with a precious blood of life once we give him with us in the end of the chapter is Jesus precious blood is anything to you Martin yes but life we shouldn't live naturally without blood we certainly couldn't live spiritually without but they were saved and there was a man who had been redeemed but he would fall blind and the
[17:41] Pharisees and I said just now hated the Lord Jesus Christ and they said he was a sinner because of course he associated with sinners with man he's a friend of sinners ah but he's done not with a friend he's a friend too he's the best friend I've ever known and he's the best friend any of us can ever know because he keeps his love from first to last and Jesus is night they would call his name Jesus the first text that my dear father preached from a number of they would call his name Jesus for he would save people from their sins and these people can save for they will save and we can join this evening with that man who was born brine and we can say we can't go any further we can go as far as he did whether he be a sinner or no
[18:51] I know not but I hope you can see that he is no sinner but that he is a saver of sinners that he was holy harmless undefiled separate from sinners and yet ling with because he came and said I came not to bore the rikers but sinners to repent of oh what a gospel is it when bore up to Timothy he said this is a faithful saying and worthy of all accept that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners of whom I have chief glorious read that text was to be one Sunday morning while I still living in Calma I went to Robert prison to preach from him blessed day it was that time but blessed be God we've had the more blessed day since and we anticipate a few more blessed days in our earth until it's one blessed day forever we're congregators dare break up and sabbater no end there be no mighty morning brethren are laid back to the washer or to the office or to the field now or to the bits and me with the own brother there shall we see his face yes for there we see there who are glass and gas lift and it's amazing to me what the margin rendering to this is and it's true too for there we see in a riddle in a riddle don't very often hear that in some do that's the thing it doesn't fit for singing in public but sit down and read it and see whether it reads you you are lord what a river is my soul alive when wounded dead when low fondly
[21:05] I free from crying at ease have a potential trouble and no prayer please ah how true it is honest work what a river we are yes and yet it is a massive river yes and to the region comes forth meat that's a riddle there is strong comes forth sweetness and what is sweeter than honey and what is stronger than an iron and what a wonderful thing it is for your sight and mine the lion of the tribe of Judah met and out of kind in the words of temptation that lion that roaring lion that still walks about seeking whom he made his hour but he won't be very beautiful as Lord of God now there is a weak in peace you might feel he wasn't very he may go a long way and you'll be ready to give it all up and say
[22:18] I know I'm finished and the devil says as we have it in children progress I'm sure of you have but now the dear man he was able to just enough strength and God gave the strength to reach forth and take the sword which is the word of God and he said rejoice not evade me O my enemy when I fall I could rise of when I said in darkness the Lord shall be a night unto thee and we can say this evening with a feeling of heart with a soundness and one of the things we see without the dark dark innumerable the Lord is my light and my salvation whom can I fear you never mean anyone worship yourself and don't need to fear you go out of the dark what a wonderful verse he says my friends the
[23:36] Lord is on their side and it's God before us who would want and you thank us so now we see for God God inner rhythm that dear man he says whether he be a sinner or no I know God but one thing I know can you join with that then you can say one thing we know the man do it and you know whereas I want not you know I can't describe it you can't describe natural things you can't describe you can't you can't describe hunger you can't describe thirst it's just a mystery life itself is a complete mystery and if natural life and natural things are so mysterious how much more mysterious are expensive things because we never seem to have lost darkness you know what it is no doubt to look with the sun not the only way you can look with the sun to hear the sea that do you through a piece of smoke light through a glass dark in a riddle but you know while the apostles speaks of that was his presence he also goes forward into that was his arm and that was his future that was his come but there there pace to pace to pace well is it wonderful to see the king's back that everyone to