Thursday evening - follows on from same text previous Sunday evening (29-08-2004
[0:00] In dependence upon thee, Lord, for all needed help, I venture once more to draw your prayerful attention to Psalm 118, we read verses 22 to 25, Psalm 118.
[0:42] The stone which the builders refuse is become the headstone of the corner.
[0:56] This is the Lord's doing. It is marvelous in our eyes. This is the day which the Lord hath made.
[1:07] We will rejoice and be glad in it. Save now, I beseech thee, O Lord, O Lord, I beseech thee, send now prosperity.
[1:24] You may possibly remember that last, last day evening, we attempted to speak from verse 24, verse 22.
[1:43] The stone which the builders refuse has become the headstone of the corner. Just to pick up a few thoughts before we proceed further with our meditation, we observe first this expression, the headstone, that is not the top stone of the building.
[2:08] It is the chief cornerstone of that which speaks of our dear Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, the one and only foundation of the church of God, and upon this foundation all believers are built.
[2:30] We observe also that the blessedness, preciousness of this foundation stone, none other than the Lord Jesus Christ, himself, the eternal Son of God, the God-man in all his finished work on the cross, sealed by his resurrection, that sure foundation for the church of God.
[3:06] And we observe how that these lines in this verse 22 are founded, repeated, I think at least four times in the New Testament.
[3:19] Other foundation can no man lay than that which is laid, Christ Jesus the Lord. And we also drew your attention to that time in the Acts of the Apostles, when the Apostles Peter and John had gone up together to the temple to pray, and the lame man was healed, and the people were so perplexed at this great sight, and he then told them, he said, Peter filled with the Holy Ghost, He said, if we this day be examined of a great deed, of good deeds unto the impotent man, by what means he is made whole, be it known unto you all and to the people of Israel, that by the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, whom ye have crucified, whom God raised from the dead, even by him doth this man stand before you whole.
[4:19] this is the stone which the builders, which is set at north of you builders, which has become the head, that is the foundation of the corner.
[4:33] Neither is there salvation in any other. There is none other name unto heaven, given among men, whereby we must be saved. From then, and I'm only just naming this briefly, to make up the links of our meditation, we moved over to the words of the Apostle Paul, writing to the church at Ephesus, now therefore, ye are no more strangers and foreigners, but fellow citizens with the saints of the household of God, and are built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets.
[5:07] not that they are the foundation, it's the truth that God gave them to proclaim, that with Christ is the foundation. They are the strangers and foreigners, we are strangers and foreigners, no more strangers and foreigners, but fellow citizens with the saints, and of the household of God, and are built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus himself, Christ himself, being the chief cornerstone.
[5:37] And then lastly, we turn to the words of the Apostle Peter, as he writes in his letter, ye also, as lively stones, are built up a spiritual house and holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices, acceptable to God by Jesus Christ.
[5:59] Wherefore, also, it is contained in the scripture, Behold, I lay in Zion a chief cornerstone, elect, precious, and he that believeth on him shall not be compounded.
[6:16] And we left you with these words, and unto you which believe, he is precious. This is this head of the corner.
[6:30] This is this one foundation. My hope is built on nothing less than Jesus' blood and righteousness. I dare not trust the sweetest frame, but wholly lean on Jesus' name, on Christ, the solid rock I stand, all other ground is sinking sand.
[6:51] Now this is the Lord doing. It is marvellous in our eyes. And so it is. Poor sinners sunk in sin, deserving hell, dead in festers and sin, caught by divine grace, blind eyes open, and drawn to the precious Christ, seeking salvation, blessed with tokens of his love, resting on this one and only sure foundation, and looking at that foundation, to behold that babe born in the manger at Bethlehem, to build him that hung on the cross, that he is the foundation of the church of God.
[7:31] Oh, wonderful. But how can it be? Because he's God. And here, my friend, is this glorious, unshakable, and this foundation was tested and tried through the, all through the time.
[7:45] Satan has fought against it. Men, evil, men have denied it, and divided it, and so forth. And God, if I may so, put it by him, the Father, as it were, put his son to the test, and he took the fiery test, and we shall stand through him.
[8:02] So here, as the psalmist says, this is the Lord's doing. And oh, friends, is it the Lord's doing in your own heart, personally, before God?
[8:15] Oh, think of it, to be outside. Think of it, to build on the sand. Think of it, to be without Christ. Think of it, to die in all your sins.
[8:26] Oh, and if you have, and I pray God, you have, some sweet assurance of a world begun, that you, by the grace of God, have been coming to the dear Savior, crying for mercy, speaking for the pardon of your sins, that you should be drawn to Christ.
[8:45] It is, as the text declares, it is the Lord's doing, and it is marvelous in our eyes, and it is nothing less than the Lord's doing that will bring us to glory.
[8:58] It's because what he has done on the cross, it is because through that finished work, by the power of the Spirit, and the work of the Holy Ghost, a poor sinner is quickened again, and brought with open eyes, to behold with longing desire, and then in time, have felt interest in that finished work, and in that shed blood of the dear Savior, on Calvary's cross.
[9:23] And he says, this is a Lord's and it is marvelous, you know, it's a wonder of wonders, isn't it? And my friends, oh, with wonder, astonished, now let me just find that, a wonder of wonders, astonished I gave, to view in the manger, the ancient of days, and for me, oh, my friends, for this unworthy sin, because there's no salvation apart from it.
[9:52] He came to save the whole of the redeemed, and blessed be God, he's done it. So I say, here we are, and we say, it is marvelous, in our eyes, it is one of his names, shall be called Wonderful Counselor, the mighty God, the everlasting Father, and the Prince of Peace, and oh, my friend went, my mind went to that hymn, and I just brought it before me, in case I forgot it.
[10:19] Yeah, yes, when you think of the end of time, when you think, oh, the prospect of being in glory, that you, the vilest of all, the most unworthy, should be found in glory, to sing that everlasting song, that the, yes, earth and heaven will wonder, that I, the conquest game, often, so often groaning, half dead among the slain, to be an endless wonder, that I should safe arise, through seas of tribulation, to tame young, and land and I, the saints, will greatly wonder, and shout the victor's song, and I, the greatest wonder, there singing in the throng, a wonder above wonders, to see one black as I, white, without spot or blemish, among the host on high.
[11:12] Oh, my friends, this is the Lord's doing, it is marvellous, and further still, we sung in the closing hymn, last night, very sweet, excusefully too, it was, chosen by our dear friend, and deacon, and the verse, and I have to turn to it, that I might name it rightly, in your hearing, as the prayer, for our saviour, by free grace alone, his building shall complete, with shouting, bringing forth, the headstone, crying, great, great to it, may I be found, a living stone, in same and slain, streets above, and held to sing, before the throne, free grace, and dying, and you may say, what is that headstone, it is, when God, has completed, his great work, and every redeemed soul, is saved, and prepared for glory, when time shall be no more, and the building, will be complete, the headstone, and the whole building, one complete, that is all, resting, on that one, sure, foundation, preserved, in Jesus Christ, and my friends, what a blessed cross, and do think on this, that that, those stones, lively stones, born against sinners, they are, resting, all their weight, on that one foundation, and they are,
[12:39] I may say, cemented together, in the love, and the union, of Christ's love, oh my friends, what a, blessed cross, then, this, is the day, which the Lord, has made, we will rejoice, and be glad in it, this may be viewed, I feel in, one or two, aspects of this word, especially, as we think first, we always love to think, of Jesus, don't we, the day, and I go back, to the birth of Christ, and we read, those simple words, I've often referred to it, and so it was, those simple words, the whole, purpose of heaven, that moment appointed, when, the dear Redeemer, should be born, at Bethlehem, this, is the day, which the Lord, has made, we will rejoice, and be glad, and what a difference, there is, in the, remembrance, I know, we don't have to remember,
[13:42] December the 25th, is very unlikely, that Christ is born, in the winter, is well known, but as it's a day, set apart, particularly, for the church, we, thank God, it's not just, theology, we thank God, for family union, and happiness, and joy, but the whole, center of it, is Christ, and I sometimes think, no room, for them, in the inn, unless they get, caught up, too much, with outward pain, that this is, and then go further, and I only touch, the point briefly, that day, when the dear Lord, Redeemer, cried, it is finished, oh, that great work, that finished work, that triumphant cry, that victorious shout, not of, a dying man, not of hopelessness, helplessness, no, my friends, he, I say, cried, it is, it is with a loud voice, oh, we say here, this is the Lord, doing it, his father, and I, this is the day, which the Lord has made, we will rejoice, and be glad, in, rejoice, and be glad, in, again, the resurrection, of Jesus Christ, the extension, of the Saviour, and my friend, what about, a day, in your life, well now, not that I, nor many, of you, could say, when, that moment, the Lord began, by his grace, but, a sinner, called by grace, a sinner, plucked, as a brand, from the burning, a lost sheep, found, all that day, when, the Lord, raised up, in your heart, for the first time, a little hope, it may have been, ever so faint, but it was very real, and you wouldn't, part with it, the devil tried, to smash it from you, but you won't, let it go, and you can't, and you will not, let it go, and I say, that day, an amazing grace, how sweet the sound, that says, one, taught my soul, to pray, and partying love, to know, oh,
[15:51] I know you may say, well I haven't received, the full blessing here, but it's on the path, but this is the day, and in your experience, you go back, you think of those, particular days, the outstanding days, some of them, when you're in, such trouble, I won't go, I won't go into the details, I won't take too much time, on that, but you well know, your days of trouble, in life, and the Lord, appeared for you, the Lord helped you, the God of all grace, came to your, health, and it was a day, and you had to, thank him, I've had to, thank him, if I can just give, an illustration, and I haven't made it, for quite a long time, it was when my dear wife, had to, undergo, a serious operation, it was, attempts of the breast, and that very day, was the day of the operation, I was due to preach, the Thanksgiving service, at Clapham, and the operation, due in the morning, and, there was a delay,
[16:53] I had to go to preach, with that, operation being, performed that, very afternoon, but the Lord, gave me this word, the word you've heard me, quote from time to time, and, wherein ye greatly rejoice, so now for a season, if thee be, on heaviness, through a manifold temptation, that the trial of your faith, being much more precious, than the gold that perisheth, that the triumphant fire, might be found, unto praise, honour, and glory, at the appearing, of Jesus Christ, and I proved it, friends, the prayers, of the dear people here, and the prayers, of the dear friends, and the dear pastor, Mrs. Jessie Dells, that flapping, oh the support of it, oh the strength of it, oh the reality of it, and oh the blessedness of it, and it was a day, I shall never forget, and I had to praise God, because she brought through, and for the help given, you see, this is the day, that day which you thought, was so full of darkness, and trouble, and trial, and difficulty, and perplexity, and why, the Lord, and I'm not singing, this is the day, some of you, may be right in the middle, of that, yet to wait, the time will come, the door will deliver, and your song of praise, will be unto him, that it heard you, in your trouble, in your child, when trouble, like a gloomy cloud, has gathered thick, and thundered loud, he near my soul, has always took, his loving kindness, oh how, oh God, so this is the Lord's doing, it is marvelous, in our eyes, this is the day, which the Lord hath made, we will rejoice, and be glad in it, and those days, from those special hearing times, when you said, it was all for me, maybe not many, one of our ministers, in writing,
[18:31] I remember says, yes you said that, but you know, it may not have been, all for you, in the sense that, you were the only one, there may have been others as well, but it seemed to you, it was so marked, so clear, and yet, there may well be others too, but all those, set times, those times that, oh when your heart was filled, with the love of Christ, and when, oh my friend, your soul was confirmed, and strengthened in the faith, and when, the Lord drew near to you, and comforted you, bless you, and yes, that day when, that profitable hearing, when you were searched, and sifted, wide and bright, through and through, and yet, you had to go, to the throne of grace, to plead, that mercy, and seek, forgiveness, further, of course, this may also refer, to the Lord's day, and how do we wake, on that day, I know, ministers, perhaps we might just say, the burden of the word, but nevertheless, that does not destroy, this is the day, which the Lord has made, we will rejoice, and be glad in it, and my friends, what a day it is, when, the Lord grants, those blessings, not always, are they, marked days, but I hope, and pray, that hardly, a Lord, they does, go by, without, some, small crumb, from the master's table, more than that,
[19:59] I hope, a feast, from time to time, but helper, or instruction, or blessing, or prophet, I pass on, to the next part, but just before I do it, because I never come, to this world, without thinking, of the dear friend, of mine, that was baptized, when I was baptized, at Cumbergwell's, and I don't remember, exactly the details, but I know this, that when he woke, that morning, he told his dear wife, how sweet, those words had been, this is the Lord, this is the day, which the Lord, has made, we will rejoice, and be glad in him, by the end of the day, he was in heaven, taken to glory, he was in heaven, wonderful, and this is true, for all the redeemed, though you may have, awful fear of death, remember, grace will be given, in a dying hour, not before that, not before that, God confirms the soul, strengthens faith, but particular, dying grace, in a dying hour, and this, is true, this, is the day, which the Lord, has made, we will rejoice, and be glad, in his wonderful way, to die, and my friend, there's no exaggeration, because,
[21:21] O death, where is thy sting, O grave, where is thy victory, but I want to come now, to this 25th verse, it's a prayer, and, it is, say, first of all, I want you to, break it up a little bit, first you will see, words twice repeated, now take those first, and then we come to the petitions, the petitions, I will name straight away, are, two, and, one is, save now, and the other is, send now, prosperity, but the words repeated, are, now, I beseech thee, O Lord, O Lord, I beseech thee, now, so, first, it is I, it's you, and God, and that's prayer, isn't it, you see, when we gather, in the sanctuary, whilst, the minister may pray, or the brethren pray, but it is, we, personally, are praying, to almighty God, but, oh, my friend, this secret prayer, this prayer, life as it is spoken of, this cry from your poor heart, this need of the almighty God, to appear for you, and to help you, and it is now,
[22:46] I do not know, I often said this, when I come to the word now, I don't know what your now is, I know, our now is always the need, of a sense of forgiving, love, acceptance, through Christ, the blessings, but, my friend, you may have a, a most difficult now, you may have a most perplexing now, you may have a most crooked now, you may have something that, weighs you down, you feel you never come through it, but pray, my friend, take it to God in prayer, now, an impossibility, now, I beseech, what does that mean, it means go down on your knees, I don't mean literally, sometimes we do, we feel so burdened, and perhaps alone, we go up to our little room, or wherever we are, and go down on our knees, to beg of the Lord, to appear for us, now, don't misunderstand me, we can't always, I mean, you may be in the office, you may be in the busy seats of London, you may be in the field, or in the hospital, and you feel such a need of God, and there's a beseeching, but you go to God, as a poor beggar, you go imploring, you come with the burden of your spirit, you come urgently, and there's, you want help, and you know there's nobody, but God can help you, he's holy,
[24:07] I'm a sinner, but nevertheless, I should go, I should pray to him, I should ask him to help me, I beseech thee, and it's thee, O Lord, and this always signified to be something, from the very depth of the heart, O Lord, and again, Lord, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, my need is great, I cannot bear the burden, now, it says, the two petitions, he says, now, we take the first one, save now, oh my friend, this was the meaning of Hosanna, when the Lord Jesus came, to Jerusalem, in triumph, Hosanna, save now, now, save now, my friend, do you need it?
[25:03] I wonder what your answer would be, I believe this, a child of God says, Lord, I need saving from everything, everything, first, we may speak of, being saved, with that everlasting salvation, through the precious blood, of Christ, and as that, is sought for, and that, is made known, by the Holy Spirit, in his time, oh my friend, save now, and are you, finished with that prayer?
[25:42] no, no, we need it constantly, and those, that love the Lord Jesus, will, know the intensity, of sorrow, for our sin, and we shall see, our sin, as we've never seen it before, and that is my own, personal experience, not that I, boast of any, but I do say that, and my friend, I need to, and I find, that everything, is going to fight, against me, I'm talking, to a dear friend, I won't say, where, or who, not one of our own people, when I say, own people, one of the Lord's people, and, I'm surprised, what I heard, from her lips, something to the, very same effect, and when she was, to pray, it seems, somebody tells her, oh you should be, doing that, quite lawful perhaps, oh the, things that rise up, to turn us away, from the throne, of grace, and then sometimes, and it's, do I say it,
[26:44] I must say it, I'm ashamed, to say it, but not in, a hunger for the word, I read it, but oh, and that's all, oh shame on me, it's God's word, ah, but my friend, we mourn over it, save now Lord, don't let the devil, get me, don't let my, wicked heart, triumph, don't let my, sins, get on top of me, oh do keep me, keep me, and so, as we have here now, he says here, this, save now, I beseech thee, oh Lord, and this saving, it covers everything, it seems like rescue, you're sinking, save me Lord, I'm going down, the billows, are going over me, oh save me, ah yes, wherefore it is, thou doubt, oh thou little faith, there is thy dear Jesus, underneath are those everlasting arms, but you may be sinking for some time, but you won't sink utterly, because the foundation is there, dear friend, you can't sink beneath that, you can't sink through those everlasting arms, but my friend,
[27:53] God will bring you to a sinking state, to make you value him, and cry unto him, for that mercy, for that help, that you will so, greatly need, and then again, redemption is here, it means then, I need a price to be paid, that my soul shall be saved, a ransom price, and he says, dear Jesus, this good shepherd of the sheep, that he paid the price, he says, I love my sheep, and they're mine, and he's paid the price, in his own heart's precious blood, to cleanse away their sin, and then you may feel, you're tied up, you may feel fettered, I'm only naming this, as the experience of God's people at times, and those seeking the Lord, you feel so tied, and you can't loosen the bonds, you feel that the devil's got you, you feel sin has got you, you feel the world has got you, you feel self has got hold of you, oh my friend, I'm speaking from my personal experience, but I say, oh my friend, when the Lord's, lose him, and let him go, set him free, my friend, it's wonderful, and a word from heaven, will do it, you know, you may go to a door, and it's locked, and you know, you must have the key, and you just think, one, it may be a vast door, and just a key, and it's that little key,
[29:19] I know there may be bolts, but we'll just say the key, and it's that key, that turns it, and you know, it's just a word, that the power, of God, that's saved now, she says, I have besieged thee, and then, you may be, so burdened, and you feel, you'll never lose it, there are some burdens, that crush us, but my friend, come unto me, all you that labor, and are heavy laden, and I will, give you rest, he, takes the Lord, and oh, look what he has taken, taken my sin, all of it, and God the Father, punished him, for me, my friend, it's humbling, amazing, wonderful, save, now, and again, forgive, for I was just come, to the last clause, send, now, prosperity,
[30:39] I use, an illustration, here, well first of all, we go, just to that, word in the psalm, that I read, and I came across, it's just, in my vestry, where we, read that prayer, of the psalmist, and it is, our prayer, it says, pray for the peace, of Jerusalem, ah, perhaps you can, come in there, you say, well, poor prayers they are, but I do pray for that, I want it myself, and I want it for others, pray for the peace, of Jerusalem, and, they shall prosper, that love be, God, God's promise, peace, be within thy walls, and prosperity, within thy palace, and what I was thinking, of particularly, and I have named it before, was that third epistle, of John, to Dias, and he said, I wish above all things, that you may, prosper, in body, as you are, in soul, now,
[31:40] I haven't got it exactly, but that's the substance, of it, did you hear it, what we have to say, sometimes, and I do, the Lord blesses me, with health and strength, I wish that I had, that spiritually, but that dear man, was so blessed, with spiritual health, and prosperity, that, that, John says, if you're like that, in your body, you're very well, alas, I feel sometimes, very sickly, for my friend, to pray, that this, spiritual prosperity, and that is, growth in grace, and the need, of that growth, in grace, sometimes, is the pruning, of the branch, it's sometimes, it's passing, through the fire, it is sometimes, to humble ourselves, and burn up the dross, and sometimes, to stir us up, to prayer, perhaps our prayers, have been very formal, perhaps they've been, and they've been very, right in words, as I pray they are, but perhaps, there's not been, much depth in them, but the Lord, will bring us, to stir us up, and to seek, that growth in grace, and that growth in grace, means, a deeper knowledge, of the Lord, and Savior Jesus Christ, it means, to be brought, emptied in self, humbled, before the Lord,
[32:57] Jesus Christ, it means, Lord, prosper my soul, we read about, that vine, brought forth, out of Egypt, the temple of the, Israelites of old, and how it is, the boars, have broken in, and so it seems, sometimes, oh my friend, the vine, the tender grapes, and the little foxes, that spoil it, those little sins, that mar our, enjoyment, that are hindrance, those things, that clog us, as we run, the race, and we start to carry, all sorts of luggage, don't we, of the things of this world, and no wonder, we get bogged down, I say that, very reverently, but my friend, we need grace, to lay aside, every way, oh Lord, do prosper us, and my friend, I just must come to a close, and my mind is weary, weary now, but you know, I think you must think, I'm ever so simple, but I can't help it, because God speaks to me, sometimes, and there was a simple, little event, in my garden, this afternoon, and that is,
[34:01] I've been working, in the garden, for a while, this morning, and finished, I thought, everything's done, and then I just spotted, oh, one pot, where I've got some, a plant, and I must have missed it out, and the poor thing, was nearly dead, it flopped out, and then I got my water can, quickly, I gave it water, I went back two hours, I couldn't believe my eyes, it was back, revived, my friend, I said to my soul, when the Lord comes to me, like that, it's at once, and it must be from him, it is from him, oh, when the Lord comes, with a word from heaven, oh, when, when you feel so drooping, and ready to give up, and you can't go on, any longer, and then the Lord, drops a word in, and as our dear friend, quoted in prayer, they that wait for the Lord, and shall renew their strength, so they mount up with wings, as eagles, they shall run, and not be weary, and they shall walk, and not faint, and there you were, crawling along, and then, next moment, as it were, you're rising up, as an eagle, oh, blessed be God, well, it is spiritual prosperity, and that's what we want, in this church, is what the church of God, wants it today, whilst we thank God, for the prosperity, providentially, in our needs supplied, and we need care with that, we do, but my friend, it's spiritual prosperity, oh, may God bless this word, to our soul, say, now I beseech thee, oh Lord, oh Lord,
[35:39] I beseech thee, and now, prosperity, and we can add our, amen.