[0:00] For the Lord, for his help, I ask your attention to the Gospel as recorded by John, chapter 10, and verse 16.
[0:21] The tenth chapter of the Gospel is recorded by John, and the sixteenth verse.
[0:34] And other sheep I have, which are not of this fold, them also I must bring, and they shall hear my voice, and there shall be one fold and one shepherd.
[0:56] And other sheep I have, which are not of this fold, them also I must bring, and they shall hear my voice, and there shall be one fold and one shepherd.
[1:15] The verse 16 in itself is not only a promise, but it's a prophecy.
[1:27] Because what the Lord Jesus Christ spoke in the days of his flesh is to be accomplished till the end of time, and down to the end of time.
[1:44] We would understand also, in the first place, what the Lord Jesus Christ is speaking of here when he speaks of other sheep.
[1:58] He is speaking of the Gentile church. The Gospel as it was begun to be preached, was to be preached among the Jews.
[2:14] But it did not, and must not, be among the Jews only. The church of Christ is made up of all nations, kindred and tongue.
[2:27] Both Jew and Gentile fall in the church of Christ. So in that, with that truth, the Lord Jesus Christ had, as you might say, a view of the whole church when he speaks in these words.
[2:44] And other sheep I have, which are not of this fold, them also I must bring. And they shall hear my voice, and there shall be one fold and one shepherd.
[2:56] And then there is one more thing to say before we enter in. That throughout the world and from the days of the Lord Jesus Christ onwards, till this present time, till the end of time, there is one fold, and there is one shepherd.
[3:26] Various denominations, various doctrines, various ways, are everywhere. There is only one fold, and there is only one shepherd.
[3:43] We must never keep that in mind. And we must also keep in mind this truth, that these other sheep are numbered with that one fold.
[3:59] There will not be one less at the judgment day. There will not be one more. Every one of these other sheep, their names are recorded in glory.
[4:11] They are included in that text of the Lord Jesus Christ, when he said, All that the Father giveth me shall come to me, and him that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out.
[4:27] We must also say this, that throughout the scriptures of truth, from Genesis to Revelation, the people of God are described, and the people of the world are described.
[4:47] In the gospel, it is known as the sheep and the goats. In the judgment day, it will be known as the sheep and the goats.
[5:02] And throughout the scriptures, they are called the righteous and the wicked, and so on. And it is very clear, I hope, that there is a purpose in the Lord Jesus Christ, referring to his people as sheep.
[5:22] Because scripture answers, and agrees with scripture, that they shall have a shepherd, they shall also have under-shepherds, but they have one shepherd, and they shall be in one fold.
[5:39] I want to say this also, because it is upon my spirit, as being most important, when you pray for prosperity, and I pray for prosperity every day, in this house of God, and throughout Zion, the prosperity will be made up of these other sheep, and no one else.
[6:09] It cannot be so. If there is one shepherd and one fold, all that is within that fold are sheep. There will be no goats in the church of Christ.
[6:23] There shall be none found that are not the sheep of Christ's fold. Fold. Now, this lovely chapter, it is a beautiful chapter, the Gospel of John, and the tenth chapter, has of course its contrast.
[6:43] The voice of the Lord Jesus Christ, the discourse that he made, on that one certain, and solemn subject, to his people and himself, of course it drew against his opposition.
[7:01] We read sufficient to see the opposition. There was a division, again among the Jews for these saints, and many of them said, he hath the devil in his mouth.
[7:14] Why hear ye him? The truth, and it is a singular truth, I believe, it is a solemn truth, it is a searching truth, what is found in this tenth chapter, will always reap opposition.
[7:30] If you speak, in general terms, of a church that is, Christ's, that there is a people that is Christ's, and there is a people that shall also be lost, then you will find opposition, comes from various ways, and various quarters.
[7:53] The prosperity, then, of a house of God, or the church of God, shall be known, and will be known, by the working of the Holy Spirit, in bringing forth those other sheep, from Satan's kingdom, from the darkness, and from the deadness of unregeneracy.
[8:20] But you will notice, too, a very simple expression of Christ, but yet a very full expression, and a wonderful expression, and other sheep I have.
[8:35] Now, that teaches us this truth, that these other sheep, destitute of spiritual life, now, as yet not even born, as yet not even born.
[8:52] And it must be so, must it? When Christ spoke these words, it was, he was at the age of 33, and here we are, in the closing days, of the 20th century, and still, there is other sheep, and there is not one more, than there is, whose names are recorded, in the book of life.
[9:18] As time has come, and time has gone, as, these have been, brought into the world, born into the world, they, are Christ's.
[9:32] They are Christ's, by possession, they are Christ's, by purchase. They were given to him, and he laid his life, down for them.
[9:42] He bought them, with a price. But Christ, his own heart's blood, other sheep I have, and there may be, if time is spared, and I know not, and I don't believe anyone, really knows, only God, how much time, we have left, but, as, time is spared, so these, other sheep, shall be born, and they shall be, brought into the world, and they shall be, in time, quickened, by divine life, and, they shall be, included in that number, which is, which no man can number, and, ultimately, brought to glory.
[10:28] So, the, gospel, and so, the, blessings of redemption, and salvation, is not, only, to be found, in, in the beginnings of it, in the Jewish, nation, and among the, those, believers, in the days, of the Lord Jesus Christ.
[10:50] It is often said, of, very large denominations, that they are a, worldwide denomination, the Catholic Church, for instance, is a worldwide, denomination, the Anglican Church, is a worldwide, denomination, or you might take, other, prominent, denominations, in the western world, and they are, worldwide, the Church, of Christ, is worldwide, but it is still, one fold, and it still has, one shepherd, and this, word of prophecy, first of all then, and other sheep, I have, and that, speaks of the range, a view of the range, of time, and, it speaks then, in promise, which are not of this fold, them also, I must bring.
[11:51] It is very wonderful, you know, when, there is, there is no maybes, there is no, perhapses, there is no possibility, of hindrance, there is no possibility, of delay, there is no possibility, of overthrowing, the, appointments, and, designs, and, blessings, and, mercies, of, the Lord Jesus Christ, Christ, though, unborn, or, though born, and still dead, in trespasses, and sins, they are as safe, in this covenant, which is ordered, in all things, and sure, as those, that are now, in heaven, these other sheep, I might say, what brought me, to this text, it might be, a purpose, I don't know, I went and listened, on,
[12:52] Friday evening, and a man, preached, from a verse, in the 56th, of Isaiah, and he preached, these words, the Lord God, which gathereth, the outcasts, of Israel, saith, yet, will I gather, others to him, beside those, that are gathered, unto him, it, will, be of no purpose, to say, or try to speak, of what he spoke, from those words, but whilst I was listening, these words, in this 16th verse, seem to apply, themselves, in that 56th, of Isaiah, it speaks of outcasts, it speaks of strangers, it speaks of others, but those, that are gathered, are all sheep, are all sheep, they are gathered, because they are sheep, and everyone, that is gathered, whatever, description you may, form in your mind, of them, whatever the scriptures, of truth, however, they describe, those, that are to be gathered, they are all sheep, my friends, and other sheep,
[14:13] I have, which are not, of this fold, now, there must be, therefore, some, evidence, to be seen, that they are sheep, not, that it may be seen, whilst destitute, of grace, it cannot be seen, whilst you're dead, in trespasses, and sins, they, walked, according to the course, of this world, and, they walked, as, their own, evil heart, dictated, but, as we sang, these hymns, or we'll sing, these hymns, this, this day, you will trace, I hope, you will trace, the, indications, and evidences, of these sheep, first of all, while dead in trespasses, and sins, the first hymn, says this, at peace with hell, with God at war, in sin's dark maze, they wander far, indulge their lust, and still go on, as far from God, as sheep can run, now what do we learn, by that, my friends, there is a place, there is a time, and there is a restriction, that is placed, upon these sheep, they can never, be found, farther than God, allows them to run, there is, thus far, and no further, put on their pathway, they, they, they, they go into, all sorts of things, they may be, involved in the world, in the depths, of the world, it may be, they may be, in the depths, of the religious world, they may be, in false religion, they may be, in no religion, but, the mercy is, they are his, and they can never, never, go beyond, the limits, of his love, glory to God, they ne'er, shall roam, beyond the limits, of, his love, fenced, by,
[16:41] Jehovah's, shells, and wheels, firm, as the everlasting, hills, now, that's a comfort, to pray in souls, you know, because, these, that are sheep, and yet, destitute of life, would, if they were allowed, go to all sorts, of, extremities, in sin, and evil, oh, with no, rain upon them, no, bridal, to direct them, no restraint, upon them, how far, they would go, well, my friends, they'll never go, beyond the limits, of his love, other sheep, and other sheep, I have, and let me say, this again, as I said already, they're as safe, as those, that are in glory, determined, to save, one said, he watched, all my path, when Satan's, blind slave,
[17:44] I, distorted, with death, other sheep, I have, the religious, well, have, in, in the midst of them, those, we hope, and trust, are other sheep, so, that Tarsus, is an example, we often, draw, one's attention, our attention, to, because, though he was a sheep, he's one of Christ, in other words, and, full of religion, full of zeal, full of evil, thought he did God's service, till the day came, when, there was to be a time, known in his life, when he shall be stopped, in his wild career, and that will come to everyone, of these other sheep, and other sheep I have, which are not of this fold, there comes a time, when that, wonderful, sovereign, solemn, sacred work, of divine grace, enters their heart, they are sheep, they always were sheep, they were chosen, to be sheep, and they will be called, and that will be, an effectual call, and none can, withstand that call, none can turn away, from that call, and none can hinder, that call either, and it is something, too, to be, consider, my friends, to say this, or so,
[19:22] God knows, whose his sheep are, it is not for us, to judge, or to, form an opinion, one way, or the other, which and who, are the Lord's people, who are, those who are sheep, God knows, his sheep, sheep, and he knows, where they are, and he knows, the day, and the time, and the place, when they shall be, called out, as nature's, darkness, and other sheep, I have, which are not, of this fold, this Jewish fold, but then, we might say this, if we, I believe, we may be permitted, to say this, that in a certain sense, a cause of truth, is a part, of the fold, of Christ, and such, as a cause, of truth, of truth, it may please, the Lord, to apply, these words,
[20:25] I was going to say, in that simple way, concerning the house, of God, other sheep, I have, which are not, of this fold, we, we do believe, this, you know, that, every child, of grace, has a spiritual home, and we do believe, this also, in the, divine appointments, of a gracious God, will bring them, to their spiritual home, and will feed them, with food convenient, in the Psalms, we read, that, God speaks, of Zion, and, Zion is the city, of God, the church, of Christ, and, one or two things, of Zion, which is, to be noted, first of all, he has placed, his name there, now that denotes, his, authority, over Zion, and his love, for Zion, but he also, says, that in Zion, will I feed, my poor, with bread, other sheep,
[21:32] I have, which are not, of this fold, and it may, please the Lord, that you may trace, in your own pathway, it is right, to say this, you know, that none of us, in this chapel, was born, and brought up, in the place, we've come here, from here, and there, and it's a mercy, if, in considering, these things, that you are led, to trace, the leading, that the Lord, has, towards you, the leading, of, his hand, the appointments, of his, of your pathway, the direction, that he is led, and you are found, in this sense, in this sense, in this part, of, the fold of Christ, other sheep, I have, now, we need to, remind you, and remind myself, how it comes to be, that, there is, one fold, and one shepherd, now, in the beginning, of this tenth chapter, he says this, and when he putteth forth, his own sheep, he goeth before them, and the sheep, follow him, for they know his voice, now, that, my friends, is one way, in which the Lord, leads his people, he goes, before them, and they hear his voice, and they follow him, because they hear his voice, that is, putting things in order, another sheep,
[23:16] I have, which are, not of this fold, them also, I must bring, but then, he may well, also, bring his, sheep, into this one fold, that is, into the church, into the church, of Christ, in a dead state, not in the church, of Christ, in the sense, that, it is only spiritual people, that are found, in the church, of Christ, but they shall be found, under the gospel, though in a dead state, they are sheep, of Christ, he determines, that they shall be, delivered from the, unregenerate state, they were born in, and they shall be found, among the people, of God, in a dead state, but, my friends, it says here, them also, I must bring, and there's such, an emphasis here, in my, upon my spirit, that, the church of Christ, will not be complete, and cannot be complete, when, till these words, are performed, other sheep,
[24:20] I have, which are not of this fold, them also, I must bring, there is a parable, of the Lord Jesus Christ, very, very briefly, it speaks, of the ninety and nine, that are safely, gathered in, but there was one, that wasn't there, there was one, that wasn't there, and the parable goes, as you well know, that, having, put the ninety and nine, into a safe condition, and place, he goes out, after that, one that is lost, and, brings him home, upon his shoulders, rejoicing, the parables, of the Lord Jesus Christ, of course, are, earthly stories, with heavenly meanings, but, it is, a simple illustration, of the security, of this, of this people, that are called sheep, they belong to Christ, they never can be lost, we read, as we closed, the reading, my sheep, hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me, and I give unto them, eternal life, and they shall never perish, neither shall any man, pluck them out of my hand, they may be, tempted, they will be tempted, but they do not belong, to this, fold, this sheep, this, company, this number, that no man can number, they may have, many temptations, like that, but my friends, the sheep of Christ, of all people, are secure, they are secure, they are found, in the covenant, put there, by divine love, their sins, which are many, are all forgiven, because, this good shepherd, the saviour, of sinners, went to Calvary, and died for them, he gave his life, for them, we read,
[26:37] I am the good shepherd, and the good shepherd, giveth his life, for the sheep, but he that is an hireling, and not the shepherd, who is own the sheep, are not, seeth the wolf, coming, and leaveth the sheep, and fleeth, the wolf catches them, and scattereth the sheep, the hireling fleeth, because he is an hireling, and careth not, for the sheep, I am the good shepherd, and know my sheep, and am known of mine, my friends, how safe then are, this blessed people, other sheep I have, and wherever, they are to be found, on the face of the earth, whenever they shall be born, and brought into this world, whatever, lot they may have, whatever pathway, they may walk, whatever path, in providence, they might be found, whatever religion, or denominational, title they may assume, or otherwise, they belong to Christ, and they are, not only safe in time, but are safe eternally, are the sheep I have, they are part of the number, which no man can number, they are his, wonderful mercy, my friends, we often sing in our hymns, those certainties, and those sacred times, my friends, they are to the soul, when they can be identified, and found, and found amongst, the sheep of Christ, and that hymn, that I often look at, if I can find it, it's, it is so, assuring, it's so comforting, and it is so, confirming, to the people of God,
[28:34] Satan, of all, stand off, ye foes, in vain, ye rail, in vain, oppose, your cancelled claim, no more, obtrude, he's mine, I bought him, with my blood, and other sheep, I have, which are not of this fold, them also, I must bring, they are in the church, of Christ, by, eternal choice, they are in the church, of Christ, by the merits, of his son, they are in the church, of Christ, by electing love, and mercy, they didn't get there, and they never will, get there any other, way, or any other direction, but they are his, other sheep, I have, they belong to him, what a blessed people, they are, to have, a shepherd, to have a saviour, they belong to him, because he bought them, and he laid his life, down for them, as he said, in the same chapter, and they are good words, and they are sacred words, and they are comfortable words, to God's people, therefore, doth my father love me, because I lay down my life, that I might take it again, no man taketh it from me, but I lay it down of myself,
[30:10] I have power to lay it down, and I have power to take it again, he bought them with a price, my friends, he paid a very dear price, but every one of them is safe, every one of them is sure, and other sheep I have, which are not of this fold, and though they may, though they may, go into all extremes, extremes of evil, and in depths of sin, they cannot, and never will sin, beyond the reach, of his love, then also I must bring, and every one, will be found, in the church of Christ, at night, everyone will be brought, in time to be, amongst this, blessed people, grace will call them, grace, will bring them, from darkness to light, grace will teach them, to pray, grace will teach them, their need of the Lord,
[31:17] Jesus Christ, grace, grace will teach them, their sinnership, grace will teach them, their need of redemption, them also, I must bring, my friends, there's a power, in the world, there's a mighty, power in the world, it's satanic powers, it grows, greater and greater, but over the world, and in the world, there's an almighty power, and that's the power, of sovereign grace, and none, none can prevent, that wonderful work, them also, I must bring, but, they shall be, living souls, they are dead, and trespasses, in sins, by birth, and by practice, but they shall be, living souls, other sheep, I have, which are not of this fold, them also, I must bring, and they shall hear, my voice, now, it, is not necessary, to,
[32:23] I suppose, ask the question, because at this time, it may not be, maybe a negative answer, whether one has heard, the voice, of God, there are many ways, in which the Lord, speaks to his dear people, he does audibly, he does, into, he speaks, into their soul, and he does, also, by, application, or circumstances, in their lives, the Lord's voice, is to be heard, other sheep, I have, which are not of this fold, that also, I must bring, nothing can prevent, nothing can overrule, or overtake, these, gracious, words, my friends, now, there's a word, in, in the, 54th, of Isaiah, and it says this, all thy children, shall be taught, of the Lord, and great, shall be the peace, of thy children, and there's been, some, parents, who have stood, amazed, at the, lengths, and depths, and heights, of iniquity, that their offspring, going to, and are left, to go into, but on the, other hand, they have had, to see, and say, that divine sovereignty, is watched over, preserved, and kept, and they are found, now, among the sheep, of Christ, there also,
[34:04] I must bring, and they shall, hear my voice, it is, important, my friends, as an indication, of being, amongst his sheep, because they, and they only, hear his voice, as we, read down, this chapter, we came to those words, which we read, just now, or looked at just now, my sheep, hear my voice, my friends, a great mercy, if you hear, the voice of God, great mercy, if you hear, the voice, of the Lord, Jesus Christ, great mercy, you know, there's many voices, in the world, much clamour, and sometimes, it's very amazing, you know, the Lord speaks, in the midst of all, the pressures, and stresses, of life, and all, the noise, and bustle, of life, but when the Lord, speaks, he speaks, to the soul, and he speaks, within, and, this, soul, hears that voice, these sheep, hear his voice, quite remarkable, occasions,
[35:09] I've proved, the Lord speaks, my friends, when, you couldn't even hear, a person speak, by reason of the, noise, that is all around, but he speaks, into the heart, other sheep, I have, which are not, of this fold, them also, I must bring, the church, of Christ, will not be, complete, without them, they'll not, sin beyond, the limits, of his love, they'll not, be found, wanting, in the day, of judgment, because they're, under a covenant, engagement, not, a covenant, engagement, that they have, to do, but a covenant, engagement, which includes, their names, because, the covenant, is sealed, and settled, in glory, that wonderful, word, forgotten, I suppose, now, but, it might be, mentioned, at certain, seasons, of the year, but, there's a, wonderful, simplicity, about the word, of God, you know, when,
[36:13] Joseph, was to, take, Mary, his espoused, wife, he was given, a word, and he, and the word, was this, that he was, to fear not, but to take, Mary, and then, was the promise, the promise, of the birth, of Christ, and the promise, was confirmed, with the name, of Christ, and thou shalt, call his name, Jesus, for he shall, save, his people, from, their sins, my friends, this is the voice, of the Lord, Jesus Christ, then, them also, I must bring, and they shall, hear my voice, and they shall, it is not, they may, it is not, perhaps they will, they shall, they shall, hear the voice, of God, and they shall, hear the voice, of Christ, and the voice, of God, and the voice, that is heard, in the soul, is the voice, of condemnation, you know, what I have said, so often, this is life, eternal, that they might, know thee, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou, have sent, and there is, to be a solemn, and a sacred, distinction, my friends, when God, speaks out, of Christ, he speaks, in justice, and in righteousness, and in condemnation, the word, of God, will condemn you, if you are, a sensible sinner, the word, of God, this word, this book, my friends, it will condemn you, but in that same, blessed book, is the voice, of Christ, you consider, for a moment, going back to, the ninth chapter, of the Acts, of the Apostles, when Saul, of Tarsus, was stopped, on the Damascus road, he heard, the voice, of Christ, we read, there, in the ninth, of Acts, that Jesus, spoke from heaven, and he said,
[38:16] Saul, Saul, why, persecute this, thou me, and he said, who art thou, Lord, and the voice, said, I am Jesus, I am Jesus, no one, can doubt, you know, the resurrection, of the Lord, Jesus Christ, if you've heard, his voice, and that man, Saul, of Tarsus, opposed, the truths, of Christ, and opposed, believers, in Christ, would have, destroyed, the church, of Christ, if it had been, in his, power, so to do, but he could, never destroy, the Christ, of God, and that Christ, of God, spoken, to his soul, and spoken, an audible way, and those, that were around, him said it, they thought it, thundered, my friends, what must, the voice, of Christ, be, in the heart, and the spirit, of Saul, of Tarsus, as he lays, the charge, of persecution, on Saul, of Tarsus, whoso, toucheth, you, toucheth, the apple, of my eye, touch,
[39:29] God's children, you touch, Christ, you distress, God's children, and Christ, indeed, will deal, with such sinners, and other sheep, I have, which are not, of this fold, them also, I must bring, and they shall, hear my voice, it is, throughout this text, as I said, when I began, it's a prophecy, and a promise, wrapped up, in one text, but there is also, this, that is in this text, and that is, divine certainties, divine certainties, you know, a child of God, only, suffers temptation, a worldling doesn't, a mere professor, with a name to live, and is dead, doesn't, but a child of God, suffers temptation, but in these words, that we have, in the text, there are divine certainties, that can never be changed, them also,
[40:29] I must bring, and they shall hear, my voice, there were many, heard the voice, of Christ, of course, and were not affected, you, just for a minute, go to Calvary, the place, of redemption, the place, of sacrifice, and, there were many, heard his voice, very solemnly, did the Lord Jesus cry, many things, from the cross, but he said, one thing, on the cross, which sealed, his work, and concluded, his work, and concluded, the safety, of his church, and that was this, it is finished, it is finished, and that sealed, the covenant, my friends, in those, three words, it stands, the security, of heaven, for his people, many things, have been said, by what those, three words, mean, what was included, in those, three words, the poet says, finished all, the types, and shadows, of the ceremonial,
[41:47] Lord, I've often said, the priesthood, was finished, there was no need, for a priest, after that, because there was, no more offering, the occupation, of a priest, was to offer sacrifices, to be the one, that stood between, the holy God, and a poor sinner, and offered, a sacrifice, not only for himself, but for the, for the people, this was the priest, that was finished, they shall hear, my voice, but my friends, he also spoke, into the heart, and into the, very soul, of many, and they heard, his voice, and rejoiced, well, I can't ask you, no more than, I can ask myself, if we heard, his voice, because, my friends, it is essential, that you and I, have heard, his voice, or will hear, his voice, and, those blessed times, when, the, spiritual hearing, of the, child of God, is attuned, to the gospel, and attuned, to his word,
[42:59] I will say this, you know, a child of God, will want to hear, his voice, because it's a mark, of sonship, it's a mark, of being amongst, the sheep, you know, it is one of the, clearest evidences, the apostle, Paul, again, comes to mind, when, the Lord, spoke to him, in his troubles, and, he didn't say, this word, dropped in, or, that word, dropped in, or, I remember, this word, in Old Testament, scriptures, it was this, what he said, and he said unto me, and he said unto me, have you got those times, can you hope, in those times, that the voice, of the Lord spoke, you might say, well how do I know, it's him that speaks, because we know this, you know, and that's most solemn, that Satan, also can quote scripture, but you know, whatever Satan, may speak, or say, to a child of God, to distress, or to trouble him, he can never make him, love Christ, and he never can bring him, nearer to Christ, you know, those words, of love and mercy, that flow from, the Savior's lips, brought sinners, unto Christ, that's the solemn, and sacred difference, he does nothing to,
[44:23] Satan can do nothing, with the word of God, to destroy the people, of God, distress them, he may well do, but he never, can destroy them, but you know, he cannot separate, the people of God, from Christ either, them also I must bring, and they shall hear, my voice, when he spoke to many, in his days of his flesh, and he spoke to many, now since he's been, back in glory, it would be easy, I suppose to say, that the most, we want to hear, from him all, shall we say, the obvious, we want to hear, from him, is to hear, from him, that our sins, are pardoned, but my friends, that's only one, of the things, that he speaks, but when he speaks, you know, he doesn't speak, like man, we may, use the word, of God, and we may speak, the word of God, and we may try to, apply the word, of God, and it would not be, right to apply it, because we can't apply it, but you know, when the Lord,
[45:28] Jesus Christ speaks, he speaks, he speaks with power, and he speaks, with authority, and he applies, the word, that he speaks, you know, I might, and you might say, well, now, this is a word, that describes this, or that situation, but there's no power in it, do you know, it's one of the things, that the Lord's servant, must ever learn, that indeed, he must be taught, what to say, and how to speak, but he learns this, from the very beginning, that there's no power, in his words, but when the Lord speaks, there's power, there's authority, and there's an effect, made, my friends, and it's a, it remains the effect, you speak to a child, of God, in their old age, and I'll take you back, down the years, when the Lord spoke, to them in early years, and though the power, is not there, my friends, the sweetness, sometimes, is recalled, and the blessing, of those words, are recalled, but we must close, well, how do we, leave these words, with these, with this, in mind, my friends, oh, that it might, stir you and I, up to, see, and to know, and to ask, that we might be found, in this company, and other sheep,
[46:59] I have, which are not of this fold, them also, I must bring, and they shall hear, my voice, and there shall be, one fold, and one shepherd, amen, well, there's a prayer meeting, Wednesday, and I hope, to be here, this Lord's day, the closing hymn, is 354, firm, as the earth, thy gospel stands, my Lord, my hope, my trust, if I am found, in Jesus' hands, my soul, can ne'er be lost, his honour, is engaged, to save, the meanest, of his sheep, all that his heavenly, father gave, his hands, securely keep, 354, 354,
[48:52] God bless you. God bless you. God bless you. My soul be.
[49:14] Jesus, Thank you.
[49:44] Thank you.
[50:14] Thank you.
[50:44] Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
[51:23] Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Amen. Thank you. Thank you.
[51:35] Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Amen. Thank you. Thank you.
[51:47] Take you. Thank you.
[52:05] Thank you.