Receiving and fulfilling God's Word (Quality: Average, quiet)

Melksham - Ebenezer - Part 9

Sermon Image
Aug. 30, 1981


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[0:00] In the second book of the Kings, chapter 7, and the second verse.

[0:14] The second book of the Kings, chapter 7, verse 2. Then a Lord on whose hand came me, answered the man of God and said, Behold, if the Lord would make wonders in heaven, might this thing be?

[0:44] And he said, Behold, thou shalt see it with thine eyes, but shalt not eat their all.

[0:57] Behold, if the Lord would make wonders in heaven, might this thing be? And he said, Behold, thou shalt see it with thine eyes, but shalt not eat their all.

[1:20] I must confess that I do not know when I have last realized such a conflict within my own spirit and mind, relative unto the taking of this text.

[1:41] I have sought by every means in my mental capacity to get away from it. And yet it has held me.

[1:55] I cannot tell for what purpose that is alone known unto God. But I have truly fought against that which is so relative unto the taking of this text.

[2:14] In the realization of that wherein it might be entirely unsuitable, unto the cases that might be present.

[2:26] For God will evolve in. And we as ministers are not our own directors of that which we are to do, and what texts we are to take.

[2:45] We have to find that we have to be brought into subjection unto the God of divine truth. And so to be used as his instrument.

[2:59] Unto the declaration of those things which he wills, should be delivered on such occasion or in such circumstances.

[3:13] Wisely does God hide these things from us. For one thing to hide Christ from man, and another, and another, that we may leave these things wholly and solely with our God, knowing that that day of revelation will surely come, when we shall perceive the purpose and the will of God in all his actions concerning his servants.

[3:46] Now we have in that which is set before us, the argument of an individual that is raised in consequence of the word of the Lord that has been spoken.

[4:04] Elijah was indeed representative of the Lord. Elijah was a representative of the gospel.

[4:17] We hear the thunderings of Elijah. We hear that wherein there are mighty results as the effect of his declaration.

[4:31] But in Elijah, we find the gentle lines of the gospel. we see it in that where God so honored him and blessed him in the many remarkable miracles that were wrought.

[4:52] We see it in that where God was so pleased to make known his mercy and his goodness, even when they of a nation in whom Elijah grew up in the midst, were deserving of the offering of the divine rock of an angry God.

[5:17] Here is Ben-Hadad, the king of Syria. He has come down and he has surrounded Samaria. He has come with all determination to bring it to north.

[5:30] And therefore he besieges it on every side. He presents any way whereby any food may be conveyed unto those so imprisoned within its walls.

[5:49] Until there is a famine in the city, there is a giving out of everything whereby life might be sustained.

[6:00] even unto that end wherein a woman had so to declare that the eating of their offspring was very nigh unto them.

[6:17] Yes, we see Ben-Hadad without. We see his truth surrounding the city. And we hear King Jehoram so complaining by reason of the situation into which the city has been brought.

[6:43] Having no acknowledgement within his heart that it was because of the idolatry and the sinfulness of the people that these things had so fallen out unto them.

[6:58] No, all he can say is behold this evil is of the Lord. What should I leave to the Lord any longer? and then we have God so speaking through his son to Elisha.

[7:17] And then Elisha said, Hear ye the word of the Lord hear ye for everything that relates unto all these events and all these circumstances and everything that is going to issue forth from them is in the hands of God.

[7:45] He saved the end from the beginning and he will accomplish his purpose both in that wherein the enemy shall indeed be compounded and this people be set at liberty.

[8:06] And in reference unto the very fact that the fulfillment of all these things there is to be the hearing of the word of the Lord because it is all contained in the world.

[8:21] If the Lord speaketh then there is a mighty concentration of the divine power and the divine way whereby he will assuredly bring to pass that which he so declares.

[8:40] However improbable it is however impossible it is so as it were to apprehend by the natural sense that any such thing come to pass.

[8:53] Yet if the Lord has said it then that word is sufficient and that word would indeed be fulfilled. So the necessity of that wherein Elijah does so speak those two words hear you how do we often to the voice of God in his word.

[9:20] Do we have any conception of that wherein through his word there is a putting forth of his divine of his divine power of his sufficiency to meet every need and every extremity to you as it were enter into the vitality of that word wherein in spite of everything that may seem to be against it it is nevertheless going to be brought to pass.

[10:00] Through the word the Lord the Lord is that whereby we may confidently rest thereupon in the assurance that what he has spoken shall be revealed it shall be made manifest it shall be brought to the light it is the same as when God gives you a promise when he graciously passens home upon your heart some word from himself and you may say knowing your own heart and knowing that which is concerning concerning your own condition and circumstances how is it possible how can it be possible that this word shall ever have its thought in the Lord that if that word is the

[11:03] Lord to your soul then he may rest in the Lord and wait patiently for him you can rest in the Lord in the realization that the word contains in it all that you need it meets your condition it will supply your need and you may wait for its revelation for its manifestation in your own soul and heart and life and see it practically demonstrated as all your eyes as to the truth of the offer of that word which has been so given unto you hear he the word of the Lord because he is of us except the

[12:04] Lord never mind what others may have to say don't listen to that what you write it up with in your own heart with many arguments and reason don't be turned aside by what you may so perceive with your eyes but rely holy and confidently upon the fact that it is of us the Lord yet it is not speaking here of a great time time it is speaking of that which is imminent of that which was very night of that which seemed to be so utterly impossible in those conditions in which they were then placed there are if it is of us that the

[13:09] Lord there are no impossibilities within there is no reason for us to dispute or for us to argue relative unto the mean yes we may lay down as it were a certain course of action we may lay down in our minds some way whereby this thing might probably be brought to pass but we forget that thus saith the Lord for if it is the Lord that speaketh it is in the whole knowledge and contemplation of how it is going to be accomplished by him in other words you are to be delivered from your soul you are to be saved from your own calm mind and you are to be brought to know that there is a sweet assurance and a sufficiency in the thus saith the

[14:21] Lord we know the message tomorrow about this time shall a measure of plain flower be sold for a shifle two measures of barley for a shifle in the gate of Samaria it shall come to pass it shall be fulfilled and it is that wherein he would have them to hear that word that they may believe it they may understand all that is connected with those mysterious things whereby God would so bring us to pass but you know the Lord is distinctly saying here I'm only asking of you one thing I'm not asking you to do anything in the matter I'm asking you as it were to bring to bear upon these things any wisdom and so forth of your own all I'm asking you to do is to trust me to believe that what I have declared will surely come to pass that it shall be hope you and you know that truly the gospel message isn't that the fullness of the glory of that gospel of the precious

[15:56] Christ God in his infinite ability hath so done for his people all that he requires of them he hath provided for them concerning all their needs and he so speaketh unto them in his word in his son Jesus Christ that they may happen unto him believingly trustfully and you know there is a solemn warning relative unto this hearing for if he do not receive the word in faith the word is always unprofitable remember that if the word of God is preached unto you

[16:57] Sabbath by Sabbath and faith is not exercised in your hearing that word is going to be unprofitable to you it is not going to bring up forth and sanctifying influence into your soul neither is going to enable you to bring forth to his honor and to his glory no we need to have the constant realization within our hearts of the tremendousness of the responsibility that rested upon us as to how we hear the word of god for what measure you meet it shall be measured unto you again take heed he says how we hear take heed what you hear it is in that wherein the activating power of the gospel doth so bring forth within the hearts of his people that saving faith whereby they are enabled to leave everything with him and to obey his word and to cause the fruit of it to be made manifest in their own lives the word of god which work in victory within you the word of god which in its eternal purpose does so operate in you that you will will to do of his perversion oh i do wish people would always bring those two verses together we hear them so often as it were separated that it is god that were giving you both to do and to will of his good pleasure but they did not for instance or they separated and give it an entirely different meaning work out your own salvation with fear and trembling what god were giving you though will surely make it manifestation it will enable you in obedience in subjection in submission unto his designed word so to walk out to bring as it were to the light to make manifest what god has wrought in you that is fruitful here the word of the lord hear ye hear because that which he would so have within you is that wherein he shall have all the glory that wherein his name shall be make me right that wherein the free of his grace and his gifts towards you shall be blessedly demonstrated that wherein ye shall know that he is the lord your god now we think we now just a very solemn fact that he was a man who heard the word of the lord it had been a definite little clear for telling by the promise of that which was so eventually and very nearly so to be made known he heard and there is the making manifest of the evil of personal unbelief as we have gone about the country from time to time and visiting various places one has often wondered what people really don't think of the sin of unbelief they all seem as it were to try to make a virtue out of it they seem as it were to think they have been very humble when they are so confessing unclothed of their inability so to believe the word which

[22:18] God has spoken yes they think it's a mark of grace as it were to be unbelievers unbelief is a sin which has within it the germs of every evil that rose within the heart of man it was unbelief in the garden of evil it it was brought forth by that question by the evil one God said from that there has arisen that awful stream which has so polluted and defiled and corrupted whole humanity it is the offer of everything that leadeth unto enemies we need not wonder the things which we may see in our lives around us we're only beholding the evidence of that wherein a belief raised within the heart of men one passing might say one has in earlier days heard the name of

[23:40] God mentioned in that which relates unto the news of the day and so forth a name which has been recognized but over the last forty years how much have we heard of that name it is as though it has been entirely abolished there is no recognition or acknowledgement of the mighty God why because of the unbelief that ravaged in the heart of man he may not openly deny it and say he doesn't believe but by his actions and his dumbness he will indeed get vent unto the practical fact that he does not believe in God now here is one who was a personal unbeliever had heard the word of the

[24:48] Lord and in constantly he did the response of the car nor he behold if the Lord even denies the reality of the Lord he says behold if the Lord would make windows in heaven might this thing be if there was the setting forth unto them of the evidence if they could behold with the eyes the visible realization of the truth which had been spoken yes but when there is nothing of the sort when there is only the word that is spoken to be reliant upon then common reasoning begins to work it brings forth its suggestions and in all its agitations it so reveals earthly thinking it's confined unto the things with which we have to deal in this earthly state there is no realization of the higher power there is no consciousness of the supreme authority no we try to work everything out everything out as it were by our own faculties and their own reasons and their own abilities things oh yes the contemptuous sneer may indeed come forth from such and they may say yes if God made windows it hasn't might this thing be you know there is a suggestion in these words in the contemptuous sneer that is so may be relative unto the word of the

[27:02] Lord that he will indeed build the authority and the power of God here the word has spoken thus says the Lord there is the authority and in that word there is the combination of that activity of God whereby he will make his power known in and through the word in the manifestation of the truth of what he has spoken and when we do not have that conception of him and his word then we do indeed belittle his authority and his power now this personal man in his unbelieving utterance so the possibility of the fulfillment of those things spoken when we turn away from the word of

[28:26] God it may be a spirit carelessness or indifference we are coming very near unto the attitude of this man man in other words it doesn't convey anything to him it seems to be full of observities things that are not to be trusted and therefore he would turn away from them with opposition within his heart against the God of that word opposing the possibility of the fulfillment of that which God has spoken such is made man in all his professed wisdom what is he he is nothing more than a fool what the

[29:26] Lord has spoken yes doesn't your mind at once go unto the first of Corinthians do you not remember how the gospel was so proclaimed for the faith as it were setting forth in this chapter of the gospel and the blessings that are given by him you remember how that unto the wise who did the gospel the preaching of Christ foolishness and when we contemplate and set ourselves in opposition unto the possibility of the word of the Lord being fulfilled how we are indeed may I say practically falling upon the stone the stone that has been set for our foundation and our stay yes the stone won't be broken but that stone will indeed break all that which is relative to her own earthly reasons and her own difficulties that he conceived in unbelief within her heart relative to the fulfillment of what

[30:57] God has spoken thus he would really do the probability of it ever coming to pass us where there is opposition in the heart of a man unto the word of the law it would belong before the language of ridicule concerning that same word more likewise the evidence because there is the implication in this man of the observable of putting any trust in the things which are not to be seen in the things which are hidden from us what confidence it is though he says can I have what trust can I have upon that wherein there is no evidence yes to so read by own heart at times within the arguments of this man do you find that it were the same carnal reason springing up within you shame on you for remember that thou art indeed reproachful the name of thy lord thy god thereby you are rejecting that there is any warrant as it were for you so to put your trust in a warrant which is so impossible to you as ever being fulfilled some of you may read a deeper meaning to that which

[32:53] I have just uttered that I can ever express in plain words oh we know somewhat of that working within our hearts but listen in this personal unbelief where does it eventually lead this man to it led him to her as usual as God's way of deliverance as God's way of salvation oh what a heinous sin unbelief is how it destroys the souls of men how it brings them even into the very tip of hell what did our Lord say about it he said he that believe and is baptized shall be saved and he that believeth not shall be damned my brethren said

[34:08] Paul take heed lest there be in you an evil heart of unbelief of departing from the living God for he said there shall be a positive revelation given unto you to this unbelieving man and the revelation will be this thou shalt see it with thine eyes and there is a denial but shalt not eat thereof ah this is where the terror of the Lord doth consist when he dealeth with men according to his own word yes it is the inescapable consequences that cometh unto man by his rejection of the word of

[35:17] God it is in that wherein there shall be a shattering realization of the truth he shall be brought to see it he shall be unable to deny the demonstration of the fact this man yes he would see it and that which he opposed and that which he declared was all observed it shall be made manifest unto him yes in the demonstration there shall be the proved manifestation of the truth of what God has said what is the concise answer that then shall be made unto unbelief it is that wherein we have to declare it is so it is so in the sense that the

[36:31] Lord has spoken and thus shall it come to pass and thus shall it be revealed yet all believers shall be cast into the pit out to how stands the case with you do you believe implicitly holy and utterly are you prepared to rest your soul your eternity upon the thus of the Lord remember this thus that the Lord was gloriously manifested in the giving of his own son when the world was made flesh and brought amongst us and we behold his glory and he was full of grace and truth yes the light shone in the midst of the darkness and the darkness comprehended it not thou shalt see that thine eyes but shalt not eat thereof now we have here the denied blessing think about that means it is through this man's willful rejection of what

[38:13] God has spoken it is only that wherein he is reaping that which he has so sown and now he bains that as he dines behold the demonstration and the manifestation of the truth of the word of God that he can have no part of it that he has no portion of it he can only behold it with his eyes no he cannot enter into the enjoyment of the reality of the promise which has been given concerning the sure and the positive provision that God would make for this people he saw it but he couldn't rejoice in it all that which relates unto any rejoicing in the flesh now indeed is banished forever and all joy in having a part in the blessings and the mercies and the feigness that

[39:40] God would give it unto those who hear his word is completely taken away from him it is an awful thing when you consider the blessings that are denied unto unbelievers oh they have no part in God's mercy they have no part in that which relates unto his goodness they only have a part in that wherein the word of God shall be fulfilled and what was that word it said out unto him yes let the chapter of so speak to us it said out unto him for all the people to rise upon him in the gift and he died he died and he lost everything that was denied everything that was to the goodness of

[40:57] God he was denied everything that was contained in the provision of God he was denied in everything that was related to the joy and the happiness of that people in the deliverance that God had brought on in God's salvation on their behalf he had no part so it fell out unto him according to the fact of his own rejection yes let us conclude upon this note everything in his word contains all that he knows we have he got in this word is the treasure in this word are to be bound the riches we are to search for as the treasure we are to be diligent we are to seek unto the attainment of the apprehension of those things which

[42:18] God hath so declared unto us knowing that in the outcome there is going to be the demonstration and the manifestation of the truth of all that he has spoken you know it seems to me that my text all who speaks these words believe or perish there's nothing between it's a matter of life and death do we know what it is to hear in us yea unto that wherein it worketh within us that faith and that confidence in him and so delivers us from all that which would otherwise hold it in bondage and fetter us that we may walk in the freedom but them who obey the word of the

[43:36] Lord and the word of the Lord is this faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the word of the Lord and without faith it is impossible to please God then poor sinners seek out to that faith God is a figure of it and you may read his word plead with him to celebrate it upon the table of your heart that his word may grip you that it may be the foundation of your life and of your spiritual experience that you may indeed say I know whom

[44:39] I have believed the Lord that usefulestre many babies 95. The 95th hymn.

[45:14] And did the holy and the just, the sovereign of the skies, stoop down to wretched nest and dust, the guilty world might rise? Yes, the Redeemer left his throne, his radiant throne high, surprising mercy, love unknown, to suffer, bleed and die.

[45:38] Hymn number 95.

[46:08] The pure and the just,erekerneth and dust, the guilty world might rise, Let the Redeemer have his word This great God of Christ So great is God in the Son Who's of God, weak and light

[47:09] In the earth of God in Christ's face As the Arc de changes For his eyes unquote Festival of Praise God Bellacion, Sincere, Saviorium, Perfection of Christ.