Jesus the Saviour (Quality: Poor)

Bath - Bethel - Part 17

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Dec. 24, 1978
Bath - Bethel


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[0:00] in the gospel according to 11 chapter 1 and the 21st verse Matthew's gospel chapter 1 verse 21 and she shall bring forth a son and thou shalt call his name Jesus for he shall save his people from their sins thou shalt call his name Jesus this was the definite instruction that the agent of the Lord had given unto Joseph concerning his wife Mary it was the purpose of God that he should be so God by his name even as he had likewise by the angel Gabriel likewise declared unto Mary that this was indeed to be his name and when we realize that that which pertaineth unto his name arose from the eternal purpose of God concerning his son relative to his son and here in time we are sensible that we stand as it is the brink of a great mystery of a great wonder and you know it's the name of Jesus and if we likewise do not know what it is to find that in this name our treasure is concerned both to time and to eternity then we are not a stranger unto that sufficiency of divine grace which is so devised so that in all things and at all times we should have this sufficient influence us le's is this sufficient his name shall be god jesus he is likewise defined in the word of god but by many other names but if you carefully consider it the name of jesus contains within itself all that really unto the other names by which he washed so the core for instance in that name immanuel god with us you find in the name jesus that here is the revelation of god's person and the world it is alone to be found in jesus unto us the child is born the son is used and his name shall be called wonderful counselor the mighty god the everlasting father the prince of peace they're all contained in jesus take only one of them take the name wonder what does it signify it signifies the miraculous the miracle of all miracles there is no miracle that our lord brought when he was here upon us as that wonder of miracles of him being so found in our nature and in our flesh it requires a work of infinite worship and of infinite power whereby he might so be found in our midst the moment of the wonder of the miraculous in the savage in that way that body was prepared a body has now prepared for me he said think that this is the body that is the goal so as it were contained within itself the fullness of the godhead the body was popeла over the battle union may indeed so consist god and man very god of very god and very man of very man god many in the west it is mere it is wonderful full of wonder because great is the mystery of godliness who by searching can find out god no man has seen god at any time but here is the glorious second thought of all that god is of all that is contained within the word of that wherein it finds it comes to me in this glorious person who eventually in frozen glory will so have everything to bowing before him acknowledging that he is lord yes not only mere action but that word wonderful likewise signifies secret it is the same name that is used as was used in regard to manure in his life when the lord told of the impending birth of them secret why inquirest thou after my name seeing it is secret uh here is that which cannot be entered into by us because that which relates them to it is too broad for us to ever be able to reach out unto it's too high for us never to reach it's too low for us to ever plumb no it is beyond the thought together incomprehensible and yet that which is incomprehensible that which is secret that which is the miracle of miracles is nevertheless brought before us in the person of jesus himself and i am it consists of a contraction of two hebrew words you take the first two letters and you have the contraction of the name jehovah i am you take the last three letters they are a contraction of the word salvation put them both together what have you got you find in the margin that there is another name given concerning this name jesus namely savior but when you put those two words together then you are approaching unto the glorious mystery that which is so incomprehensible unto us but let it be god the word is god to be believed to be received i am salvation that is the name by which he is to be god when he was warning to this world you know this world at that time was in a state of chaos those travel amounted on every side and darkness seemed to have involved the nation the nations yea that which related unto the promise concerning his coming has well nigh become almost extinct in the minds and the thinkings and the understandings of men is for this lost not see in every effect the wonder the greatness of the love of god in the giving of his only begotten son in such a state in a condition of that why is it we read when the fullness of the time was come god sent forth his son made of a woman made unto the law surely the fullness of the time was for the amazing love and grace of god to be abundantly simplified in that wherein the gift came into such conditions as then existed one has often been struck with that which related unto the present day in the condition of things into which we find ourselves men wondering what has happened to the world they want to know what's gone wrong they've reasoned they brought understandings to bear from the problems and yet they seem to be frustrated in every turn and instead of things improving that they have so reasoned out must eventually be by some means of evolution they find that things are getting worse and worse and worse and the worst when we look around and we see then the chaos that exists is in the front side in which we'll live we see the symptoms of a disease and we are oftentimes more left to look at the symptoms without having a real regard unto the disease itself men try as it were to treat the symptoms they ignore the disease the disease what is the cause of all the chaos and the troubles that search the stiff in this world from the beginning of it and it will be so until the end of it there is one there is one cause and that is saints and you will notice how salvation and sinners as it were is left out to the theology of the present day i've read in an article in one of the journals yesterday dealing with that which related unto the need our nation the word sin did not once appear and to the lengthy article sin did not appear yes there were many things brought forth as to how things might be better than that which related to charity and social work and so forth but no mention of that which related unto the disease which is eaten away the very fabric of mankind our lady here we live as it were upon the earthly level and we do not seem to have any sense of the spiritual level there is a warfare there is a conflict that has been going on from the time of the garden of eden and it will do so until until the end of time between spiritual force we war not against flesh and blood that is we do not war against man no we war against power we war against the rules of the darkness of this world spirituality is high faith say to this the reality men pretty well shut him out of all that relates to their things but there he is and he stands as it were in an active principle whereby he is continually he is to have a soul airport it's simply because of our foreign nature my dear hero our border nature is that wherein he can well work his own devilish of domination a illiterate in that book but when he comes and he wrestles with the man who's poor tells us about we wrestle not against flesh and blood when that he must evil spirit who was cast out of heaven so desirable to reach his vengeance upon the work of God in that wherein he has so created man in his own in his to destroy it utterly and to bring the whole human race down into hell then let us live in the public the name of

[15:38] Jesus there is only one here for the world and that's the doctor they turn away from it they don't listen it's foolishness on the bench and yet he owns the king and that God is concentrated in the personal work of Jesus and it is alone by that name that that which he has so declared shall be eventually declared made man of it why did he come he came to this try the work of the devil yes does not your heart think you all come to him do you not as it were speak unto him but that which is relative unto himself may indeed bruise the subtle head in you that you may be indeed delivered and free from that wherein he would come and knock out the human race that is what he's done you know man is blind by nature he's in the dark in other words he has been so stokey bagged by that of his relatives unto the work of

[17:08] Satan that he is confined to the purpose of his own thinking or his own reasoning or his own intellect and he says he's going to find a way to escape out of all these things and he'll be in such this can never be and if we are freed by the mercy of God shall we find the truth in Jesus if the truth shall make you free he shall be free indeed and the truth is found in him who is salvation I am salvation Jesus now let us think for a moment of truth and she shall bring forth a son and we go back to that which is a recording concerning him that unto us a child is born a son is given it is given unto them who in the rest they believe on the name of the son of God none of us unto them he is given as many as received him to then gave he the right and the power shall become the sons of God you see

[19:08] Jesus in the righteous name of that sacred and holy humanity has been brought into relationship thereby with his people and it's unto them that he has been given do I then know what it is in the richness of that love which we have read about this evening in that first difficult of John do I know what it is told of him if I don't know it because I'm wrong I have never had me love to him if God has loved me and where is that love God so loved the world that he gave he's on in the document from that whoso ever believeth in him should not sin but have ever lost his life oh what a wonderful thing it is to have the eye opened unto the beholding of the glorious hear and to read in him that wherein he saved you from your sins because in that wherein he is so named having taken that the religion to your nature into relationship with himself that he might bear in his body your sins upon the tree and put them all away he might work in you by his divine spirit the spirit of

[20:53] Christ that wherein you are going to be found in that conformity unto the new man conformed unto the is of his son no more than that wherein my age may relate unto the man of the old but now unto the man of God a wonderful truth no longer remain unto my standing in Adam there is another that has come yes for him to this way he is the second hand he is the last hand there shall never be another and what glorious thing to do my dear that you know that you are in him how are you to know it you will be saved from your sins are putting in one simple sense you'll never be able to go on to you did the first you'll never be able to indulge in those things where in the loss of the flesh and the mind were to turn free in you you'll be after those things that make righteousness and holiness because

[22:22] Jesus strength of God is made unto us to be come wisdom sanctification righteousness and redemption to be the Lord letting glory in the Lord this is the at which every knee shall bow and shall call him to war and now let me look for a moment at three wonders as they are indeed put forth before in the words of our text there is first the wonder of the king she shall bring forth his son there is a wonder of his name thou shalt call his name either there is the wonder of his salvation for he shall save his people from their sins the wonder of the gift he shall bring forth the son now just a word here i do not find that she ever called him except on one occasion son she never in a word used it in the sense in which she possessed him as her son i only find in one place that where is it so justified concerning her in this matter that she should bring forth her first born son let us look at the next even there it is you son in the region if unto his cretles that wherein the firstborn of the family was so separate unto that work everywhere else you will find that he is turned a son a son except in the part of his words of all others it makes him so singular and unique in that of his earth unto his existence and why because in the wonder of the years in that we have the son of

[25:06] God therein is the revelation of God God redeemed himself unto us let us turn for a moment to those glorious passages in John in that he came with the word and the word was with God and the word was God and the word was made flesh and wrote amongst us and we beheld his God the glory of the only begotten of the Father full of grace and of truth no man has seen God of any time the only begotten son which is in the womb of the Father he has declared him or exegesis him or in other words he has given an exposition of him a description yea he has shown us to the Father now here in this glorious person of

[26:10] Jesus is this the revelation of God God in his infinite love so we can know his purpose and his force in that wherein the word now lands expression it is the living word he was in the bosom of the Father he was in that wherein those glorious designs were made relative to the supplements of eternal grace upon everyone for whom he should come it is in compliance of that glorious truth that he so comes to the Lord so he takes upon himself the forms which he did marking everything in dark work man doesn't come easy the very forming of that wherein he joins the roads of the holy road that which is so taken of the flesh of the virgin and

[27:33] Mary and suffering is sinless unto that work which the father has so purposed that he should accomplish but you cannot divide the father from the son and you cannot divide the son from the holy ghost they are one therefore in him whom he gazed upon yea adore me as we may look to him as he was found in that manger we see the wonder of revelation of divine love and amazing grace that wherein he hath so condescended to lay his rope beside the glory and so to come down unto this sin laden of us and all that which pertains to his holy and his pure nature shall live amidst all its torrent and all its substance power yet it is a wonderful truth if you would know the key worth of that that is your own malachie to your own malachie so that wherein you are conscious of the sin that is in you in that wherein you know the depth of power to the believer look to him you are finding him the revelation of

[29:16] God that answers unto your entire and complete salvation oh precious soul willingly would we indeed then and with no shepherds hasten unto Bethlehem to look upon that wonder sight and go away praises and glory thank God so that which hath been made known unto them by the word of the Lord can I look upon him can I thank him can I see him where shall I find him where is he to be seen my friend you'll find him in the gospel you'll find him in the word the reviewed word of God in that wherein the person of Christ is the certification of all the purposes of

[30:19] God concerning his people that shall be brought to believe on him oh then come and may we so come in things and so receive in that where in your own hearts shall embrace as emphaticus the son of God if you know that might be here and you won't do it in your own nature if you read the first chapter of John Chelsea you read that every spirit that confesses that Jesus Christ is the son of God is born God it is the spirit that confesses the spirit that testifies and witnesses with your own spirit unto the truth of that which you have both heard and have known of him and therefore in that same verse epistle you find

[31:27] John writing to us in these words that which we have handled and felt that which we have seen of the word of life oh herein is eternal life herein is that wherein I shall have the sister of thrilling God and God thrilling me it is in that wherein my precious faith I know what it is so to receive him in faith that he becomes unto me all my desire and all my salvation I shall know God in him and in him alone here the explanation here is the exposition of the divine love and grace and favor and kindness and mercy of

[32:33] God toward us to go a little bit further here the wonder of the gift not only in that there is given to us the revelation of God but it gives to us a glimpse of the faithfulness of God right consistent upon the floor God made a promise and he made a promise the seed of a woman shall bruise the serpent's head he renewed that promise unto Noah he renewed it unto Abraham he renewed it unto Isaac and down through the ages through the promise by Zion who is here and there is constantly to be seen amidst all the turmoil and all that were in the chaotic conditions still existed in those days that shining light of the promise the promise of the coming of the

[33:46] Messiah those in those days our lower son looked longing and expectantly for his son now peace what would have been if faith was a good thing what would have been if he had never come I've been turning this over to my mind cross he had done to prove that the fact of the incarnate seems to me to be the cardinal the maximum point in the whole history of the world I know that we say oh yes but there is the cross I do not for a moment turn away from that but I would remember that if he had never come there would never have been any cross there would never have been a coward there would never have been any soldiers he should have been found ruined and lost to all eternity continually creating in ourselves the foretaste of the hell that must be the portion of all them that have sinned against him for here is one who is the

[35:17] Savior a faithful manifestation of the promise that God has given and my friends would know all the costs of history that preceded the coming of our Lord and Savior Jesus strength nothing though man conspired against him the devil thought to bring each along with a word of God that was the one of Jesus oh the funds of it just comes to my name you know when the wise men they gave them they said where is he that is far he of his will here is heaven and behold how human to work begins to work if yes when save us actually would so seek for the agency of that evil man to destroy the life that is so recently come to see of the prophets, how all his prophets so return, how the ordering of the footsteps of Mary and Joseph was so directed by him. Everything fails where the prophets of God are concerned.

[36:47] Sinners, let me tell you that as you look upon him, destroy his feet with all the promises in him and lay in the amen. Not one of them shows faith. If God has given you a promise, you may find that wherein in the course of events everything may seem to go against, that it will never come. Yet there is the times that grew dark and dark. Eventually in the foolish of the times, God sent forth his sons. The prophet was so few. And there you have the verity of the seal of God unto that, wherein all the prophecies in him are nailed and aimed in by us for the glory of God.

[37:49] the wonder of the ghost in the manly most tension of the sons. He is friends. He is Vida.

[38:02] the foolish of the king. Who is it that is Vida? God. Oh, the wonder of it. Yet he who has had its own eternity, he who is in sin, yet we are so prepared of that body, that in that body he may be. He may be. He may be. He may be. He may be. God Lord in strength. He will in his son, Jesus Christ. Ah, listen to these two decks. I have laid help upon one that is the mighty. And again, look unto me, and be he saved toward the ends of the earth, that I am

[39:03] God. And there is no hope. He must have saved. Oh, he doesn't ask him to the word of the word of the Lord. All he would indeed know about is that we should have that exercise of faith and the revelation that he has given himself in his son, Jesus Christ, as recorded in his word. And where faith is mixed with the hearing concerning that word. There is the realization of the present Savior, the one who is with us and will be with us to all eternity.

[39:54] And we shall know him as fear. Oh, I could pursue this job in many other means of force. The time I go is hardly performing, and therefore I don't stand. But let me just remind you, there, here, is the one of the name, the name Jesus. I have already mentioned that wherein there is in that name, the testimony and the witness of the relationship that existed between himself and his people. I am the children which God has given me. This is their faith, he said. It is for their sake that he is so named. And it is for their sake that you can go to the throne of grace in a lost and growing condition and plead for Jesus' sake.

[41:03] Yes, it is for their sake. Yes, it is for their sake. Yes, it is that wherein the eye of faith is so fixed upon you. You see that wherein his name is so God and you realize that he is your shepherd, your husband, your friend, as well as that wherein he is wonderful counselor and the mighty God. In other words, here is one who has the ability to do all that you need.

[41:32] Here is one who has the ability to do all that you need. Here is one who is suitable unto a bone of need. In that wherein he is son clad in the flesh. And here is one who is sufficient for all your needs. For he is God.

[41:53] Here is one who is sufficient for all your needs. And here is one who is sufficient for all your needs. For all your needs. And then there is the wonder of his salvation. He shall claim his people to mercy.

[42:21] He shall claim his people to mercy. Ah, this is the wonder of his salvation. He didn't come looking for any preparation, if it were enough, for himself. How does he come? He comes to seek of the slave that the people lost. Yes.

[42:38] He came to seek of the slave that the people lost. Yes. He came to seek of the slave that the people lost. Yes. But in what kind of a state are these lost people from? They are dead. He's just to live by his sins. Yes. They are rebels. They are enemies with him. And yet, such characters are above sins. He bore them in his own heart. He came to their sins. He came to their sins. That he might indeed redeem them from all evil.

[42:50] and save them unto the other. And save them unto the other more. with him and yet such characters are followed since he bore them in his own heart he came for their sake that he might indeed receive them from all his ways and save them unto the other most mighty hear of the spirit of christ in that wherein you who were dead in purposes and sins have been put on you know very well that when it came to you you have no work of him you have no love for him you didn't go after him you didn't want him because you never felt your need of him and when he came and he rocked within your soul what the effect of his salvation the result of what he had done for you the complete atonement that he had made for you then he came and with this and justified unto your soul if you have an interest that you were in him is that wherein he saved his people whenever i his salvation is known there is a wonderful work not only a justification being justified by faith yes but there is plenty between now where does this bring you i'll show you where you bring you if that work is going on within your heart if you have indeed known the love that he has had toward you that wherein you'll love him in the return you'll be constantly in prayer and you'll be asking him i don't think you'll be going down on your knees or as it were if he hadn't done that time to prayer but you go through the day whatever you may be you'll be asking you there are all these various petitions going up in your heart you're asking to lead you're asking him to teach you you're asking him to open up his word you're asking him to confirm to until the age of his dear son you're telling that you've got those desires now within your heart the hunger and thirst for anxious you want holiness you hate your sins you hate the devil you hate everything that contains unto this world what you want is jesus jesus owns as the one who holds the world drowns all the treasures of wisdom is acknowledged the one who came to save from lost things all that we might turn everything this place be found in some condition even a sign of the world when they brought him to the temple and may he have been brought through the drops from to our midst of us what did simon do by this he lifted him up in his arms yes would you lift him up would you extol him and as your eye look it up on him and say if you receive him in jordan the arms of him to salvation now let my salvation departing from my life has seen thy salvation where in is that salvation ah he says it is in that one that i now hold so closely unto my heart because he grows in my heart in him is all my hope my desire the man is dictated let me let me then go let me dwell with him to all eternity a precious Jesus house in the name of jesus amen