Hebrews (Quality: Average)

Lakenheath - Part 2

Sermon Image
Nov. 27, 1974


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[0:00] . . . .

[0:29] Chapter 13, reading the 13th and the 14th verses. Chapter 13 in the Hebrews, reading verses 13 and 14.

[0:46] Let us go forth therefore unto him without the camels, bearing his reproach.

[0:59] For here have we no continuing city, but we seek one to come.

[1:15] In this portion of the word of God before us, the apostle presents to us a word of exhortation.

[1:34] In the ninth verse, be not carried a bearing with divers and strained doctrines.

[1:47] For it is a good thing that the heart be established with grace, not with meats, which have not prompted them that have been occupied therein.

[2:07] No doubt the apostle here has reference to the Old Testament dispensation.

[2:22] There was much ritual. There was much for the natural eye to see. The natural eye to behold under that worship which was given by the Lord to his servant Moses.

[2:53] The New Testament worship, there is nothing presented to sense and reason.

[3:12] Nothing for the natural eye to behold. Nothing for the natural eye to behold. And this truth, we need again and again to be reminded of it.

[3:34] That the heart be established with grace. Then the apostle goes on, we have an altar.

[3:54] Whereof they have no right to eat, which serve the tabernacle. That altar is the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

[4:12] He is both the altar and he is the sacrifice. This was the apostle's delight.

[4:27] This was holy and sacred pleasure to this man of God.

[4:41] To exalt him who is the altar and who is the sacrifice.

[4:52] We have an altar. We have an altar. Whereof they have no right to eat, which serve the tabernacle.

[5:03] For the bodies of those beasts whose blood is brought into the sanctuary by the high priest are burned without the camp.

[5:22] This has reference to the sin offered under the Levitical law.

[5:35] Wherefore Jesus also, that he might sanctify the people with his own blood, suffered without the gate.

[5:58] The people of God. The people of God are a people sanctified. A people separated from the world that lies in wickedness.

[6:17] They are no better than others. Paul plainly tells us in his official to the Ephesians.

[6:32] We are all children of wrath. Even as others. But there comes a time.

[6:48] In the life of those who are sanctified by God the Father.

[6:59] Redeemed by Christ the Son. There comes a time when they are quickened. When they are born again.

[7:11] When they are convinced of their sins. When their eyes are opened. They are enlightened by the light of the glorious gospel of Christ.

[7:30] And it is these people that travel the road and the path spoken of in the words.

[7:47] I have brought here tonight for a text. And it is this.

[7:58] He suffered without the gate. Here is the sin of them. There was nothing under the old dispensation that could put away sin.

[8:24] The priest of Aaron was stained with him. Aaron himself was an idolater.

[8:44] He raised up the golden calf. He said, These be the gods. That brought the heir to the land of Egypt.

[9:00] If you study the Old Testament. You'll find the priest that under the law. Will stay with him.

[9:15] I know they are set forth. As types and shadows. But the blood of fools.

[9:28] The blood of goats. They could not make. Atonement for sin.

[9:38] The Lord Jesus Christ. The eternal Son of God.

[9:50] He that suffered without the gate. He made atonement. For the sins.

[10:02] For the sins. Of his church. And his people. What a truth. Is there anything.

[10:15] In your heart tonight. That is drawn out. To a once crucified.

[10:27] Now exalted Lord. These are the truths. The truths presented to us tonight. In this chapter.

[10:42] You will never know it. Only. Only has God. The Holy Spirit. Revealed Christ.

[10:55] To your soul. I have no doubt. In my mind. About this. Christ revealed.

[11:08] Is the work. Of the Spirit of God. He shall take. Of mine.

[11:19] And he shall. Show it unto you. Has the Lord.

[11:30] Showed. Himself. Unto you. These are vital things. These are fundamental things.

[11:45] These are. All important matters. Whatever your age is. You may be young.

[11:57] You may be very young. You may be in the midst of life. In the midst of life. We are in death. But some are.

[12:12] With grey hairs. But. This. Is an all important matter.

[12:24] To know. My Jesus. Crucified. This is the only place.

[12:37] You can find. Deliverance. From your. Burden of sin.

[12:49] And of guilt. This. This. This. Caused. The apostle. To utter.

[13:01] Those. Well known. Words. I am determined. To. Know. Nothing. Among men.

[13:13] Save. Jesus. Christ. Christ. And him. Him. Crucified. You come here tonight.

[13:26] Burden with sin. You come here tonight. Under condemnation. Is there one here tonight.

[13:39] Who knows and feels. If. My soul.

[13:51] Were sent to hell. My righteous law approves it well. Do you believe it.

[14:04] It's very easy to take words upon our lips. It's very easy to become familiar with verses in the hymn.

[14:16] It's very easy to become familiar with portions of the word of God. But I believe this that God burns his truth upon the conscience of those that are born of the spirit.

[14:44] Of those that are born from above. Now this portion of the word of God is addressed to those souls who have been quickened.

[15:04] Who have been made alive. Who have been brought to pray and cry and seek. Earnestly and diligently.

[15:18] That God. Would have mercy. Upon their soul. Let us.

[15:32] Go forth. Therefore. Unto him. Without the camp.

[15:44] How can we go forth. I only know one way. Therefore I can only speak.

[15:57] Of one way. The only way you can go forth. After the Lord Jesus Christ. Is by faith.

[16:10] Faith in him. The eternal son of God. The God man mediate.

[16:24] Faith goes forth. After Christ. As Christ is revealed.

[16:35] To your soul. To your soul. Can you look back tonight.

[16:49] To that spot and that place. Where you felt this. Going forth after Christ.

[17:01] The first time my soul. Ever went forth.

[17:13] After Christ. He revealed this truth. By divine power. The eternal.

[17:28] Sonship of Christ. That's why I preach. Because God the Holy. Spirit revealed it to me.

[17:40] It's a doctrine. That has caused. Great contention. God.

[17:51] Right. Through the ages. Soon after the dear Redeemer. Ascended up.

[18:04] Into that glory. The glory had with the Father. God. From all eternity. But he ascended up.

[18:20] Not only as the eternal. Son of God. He ascended up. As the God man.

[18:32] Mediate. And when Christ. Is revealed to the soul. You see.

[18:42] By faith. That God. Is in Christ. Reconciling. The world.

[18:53] Unto himself. I would say this. You will never see God. Outside of Christ.

[19:07] No man. Will ever see God. Outside of Christ. You will see him.

[19:21] As your savior. Or you will see him. As your judge.

[19:31] To condemn you. To everlasting and eternal. Perdish. By this man.

[19:48] God hath ordained. He will judge. The world in righteousness. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen.

[19:59] Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. I had an ungodly man come to me one day. He said you don't believe the Lord Jesus Christ will judge at that last great judgment day.

[20:24] Amen. You don't believe that. Do you? I said I most certainly do. I believe what's written in the Bible.

[20:36] I have no doubt in my mind of it. He scorned me. He derided me. He ridiculed me. I said that don't alter my mind.

[20:51] He will come. He will come to judgment. He will. I hope and pray and desire that everyone here tonight in this chapel may be brought to know the Lord Jesus Christ as their Savior.

[21:19] and as their Redeemer. that's how I desire to preach that sinners may be brought to know this glorious person, the God-man mediator.

[21:44] He that is the glory of heaven. He that is the glory of heaven. He that is the light of heaven. the church.

[21:56] The church triumphs. The church triumphs. Worship him. Adore him. Ascribe all honor. Ascribe all honor. And all glory.

[22:09] To this glorious Redeemer. And the church militant.

[22:19] They desire to worship him. They desire to worship him.

[22:29] They desire to serve him. They desire to follow him. but we have in this thirteenth verse a path clearly let us go forth therefore unto him without the camera see the church of God doesn't belong to this world he doesn't I know we live in the world I know we have to do with the world and we shouted as long as we live on the earth but if you are a follower of the meek and the lowly Jesus you will go forth therefore unto him without the camera well you'll be a speckled bird

[24:00] I know that I've been one for many years I thank God for it I do indeed and we read this bearing his repress not a very nice path for people to despise that's how I understand this word for the church of God is despised the fear of God in your heart if you desire day by day to walk in the fear of the Lord you'll be without the camp you may be surrounded by the ungodly but you'll be without the camp

[25:16] I've had many many years of that path it's not my path today but it has been for a long long season and I felt it again and again without the camp you can be religious and not walk this path you can make a profession of the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and not be without the camp solemn it's true I've seen it I've witnessed it it's caused me many a groan many a sign the throne of God's heavenly grace it's very very solemn to make a profession of the name of Christ and not be found walking in this path without the camp there in his reprint when the Lord

[26:54] Jesus Christ was on the earth he was despised he was rejected of men he was a man of sorrows and acquainted with grief they said he hath a devil and is mad that's what they said about our blessed Lord do you think you will have a different path you never will martyr you never will this is a road we live in a day when many professors of religion those who profess the name of Christ those who profess to believe the doctrines of free and of sovereign grace they try to alter this path they try to alter the word of God if they live and die there they will perish they will

[28:32] I'll tell you what sort of people they are when you really get to know they really think they are doing something for the Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ do you know what the Lord tells about those solemn characters he says this I never knew you depart from me ye workers of iniquity I will say here tonight what I said many times it's not what you do and it's not what I do for the Lord and

[29:32] Saviour Jesus Christ it's what he does for us it's having in our hearts that which Paul speaks of that the heart be established with grace the grace of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ to be established in the truth as it is in Jesus that's what I want the Lord to do for me I want him to do it for me every day of my life to establish my heart with his grace with his teaching what does the grace of

[30:45] God do it humble the sinner that's grace a lot of people talk about the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ I know it's true I'm not speaking to anybody in this chapel I don't know you people at all but I've heard professors the talk of the lip tendeth the penury I don't want to stand here tonight and talk about the Lord Jesus Christ and know nothing of my heart being established by his grace to feel his humbling grace to feel the sweet savour of

[31:58] Christ in our souls this will separate this will bring you willing to go forth unto him without the camp bearing his reproach Moses the man of God he tells us plainly concerning this teaching he esteemed the reproach of Christ greater riches than all Egypt had to gain you think of it he esteemed the worst part of religion better than all the treasure of

[33:04] Egypt he knew this what did he know he knew this for here have we no continuing fitting we seek one to come you see the path of a child of God here on the earth is a path of suffering it is make no mistake about this if you follow the dear Lord Jesus if you keep close to him he is a path of suffering if we suffer with him we shall also reign with him that's a precious word if the

[34:21] Lord Jesus Christ is with us in our sufferings you think about it the world full of suffering the world full of sorrow the world full of distress and they haven't got Jesus with them heaven if we suffer with him do you know anger baby that's been a good word to me that's been a precious word to me because I know he's been with me my troubles to bless and sanctify to me my deepest distress so some of you the

[35:40] Lord Jesus Christ has been with you in your suffering there in his repress sometimes you can feel it sometimes you can feel the scorn of dead professors are the worst enemies I encounter dead professors professors of religion

[36:43] I know they hate me or they hate the precious truth that I preach how in a name to live they are dead I don't want a dead religion I don't want a cold religion I don't want an unfeeling religion I want God again and again to work within my soul let us he doesn't say let me or let you he says let us the church of the living God the bride of Christ he that he bought and redeemed with his own precious blood let us go forth therefore unto him without the camp there in his repress he won't last very long my friend last very long we shall soon be brought to the end of the pilgrimage journey a few more days months it may be a few years at the most for here have we no continuing city sad truth were this to be our home this may distress the world linds mind but should not cost the saint a tear who hopes a better rest to find do you sometimes look forward do you sometimes look for that day when we shall see the king in his beauty behold that land which is a very far nearer nearer to him clinging may my helpless soul be found all my sorrows to him bringing may his grace in me abound happy moments when king jesus is in sight that him begins with these words oh the happiness arises from the work of grace within when the soul is realizing conquest over hell and sin happy moment when king jesus is inside for here have we no continuing city but we seek one to come by him therefore let us offer the sacrifice of praise to

[41:04] God continually that is the fruit of our lips giving thanks to his name now this sacrifice is a broken is a contrite is a humble chastened soul this is being favored to know this truth that the heart be established with grace the Lord grant you these rich blessings amen receive the birthday do

[42:15] Thank you.