[0:00] Depending on the Lord's help, I would ask you to attend the Gospel according to John, the first chapter. We'll read the fourth verse.
[0:15] The Gospel according to John, chapter 1, we'll read in verse 4. In Him was life, and the life was the life of men.
[0:33] In Him was life, and the life was the life of men.
[0:47] This is the most precious, the exceedingly precious.
[0:58] The substance of these words in Him was life, eternal life.
[1:13] And that life is hid in Christ. Something here, which if known, if felt, if received, if we are privileged, here tonight as we gather, to have a feeling sent, of this blessed truth.
[1:50] Blessed truth. And this sacred world imparted to our souls. We shall know indeed what it is to be spiritually mine.
[2:11] And this is my friend. This is my God. This is that which my soul longs to.
[2:33] Longs to know. Longs to feel. Longs to enjoy. I'm not satisfied with just believing.
[2:50] I link with feeling, with belief. I believe. I believe I'm speaking to many here tonight.
[3:03] And you long to receive from the fullness of Christ.
[3:15] The natural man. The word of God tells us very plainly what the natural man seeks and seeks for alone.
[3:36] Men love darkness rather than light. To cause their deep grief.
[3:47] And the thought. God's dear people. They long to feel love. They long to feel power. They long to feel the savour of God's word. The savour of Christ.
[3:58] It is a sweet savour. They long to feel power. They long to feel the savour of God's word.
[4:12] The savour of Christ. It is a sweet savour. If it's not a sweet savour, it's death.
[4:29] And may none here tonight be left to hear God's word free.
[4:42] To hear the reason of God's holy word. Feel the savour of death.
[4:54] To me that's one of the most solemn things. The most solemn character. Sit under the gospel.
[5:10] Hear the gospel. Profess the gospel. Talk about the gospel. And it's the savour of death.
[5:26] Come to death. Those that never sit under it. We know where they are.
[5:37] My dear friend, the Lord knows where we are. The Lord Jesus Christ knows where you are.
[5:53] The Lord Jesus Christ knows where I am. To gather here tonight. In the Lord's heaven.
[6:05] In Him was life. life.
[6:28] Hick God In Him In Him in the eternal Son of God.
[6:44] It's revealed in the Redeemer of God's elect. It brings life and immortality to life.
[7:03] This word brings us to the borders of eternity. The borders of an eternal world.
[7:14] It brings us to those things that are immortal. We each have an immortal soul.
[7:27] And we made this life in His world's life.
[7:44] How can this be written? Well, the word of God tells you. To have life naturally.
[8:01] God puts forth His quickening power.
[8:13] Naturally. To have life spiritually. God puts forth His quickening power.
[8:30] Where there is natural life. There is a cross. There is a cross. Where there is spiritual life.
[8:43] There is a cross. There is. I say very simple language. But there is a great depth in it.
[8:58] I believe I am speaking here tonight. To those of you. Who have known something. Of this. Quickening power of the Spirit. And you have felt it.
[9:11] And you have a going. And you have a going. And again felt this cross. The sense that you are. To the truth. To the truth. And to who he's hidden and to the living God.
[9:51] This light is in Christ. Float from Christ into every quittance of it.
[10:11] This is when you know something of this light.
[10:25] It's indeed a strange work. It is a mysterious work. Something takes place in your heart.
[10:45] Something affects your whole being. Something affects your whole life. Something that brings you to have vision.
[11:01] Where no vision is that people can. And the soul is written they have vision.
[11:21] They have light. This light is going to light. This light is very gradual.
[11:33] This light unfold in a very gradual way. Now. But you'll have these.
[11:45] You'll have some clear views. And you'll have some very clear views of two things.
[11:56] When Divine Life enters the face. The first vision will be this. You'll begin to know what you're made of.
[12:12] You're made of. You're made of. And really begin to see and feel understand what you're really made of.
[12:26] made of, it's not very pleasant. If you left yourself you'll turn from, but the Lord will not leave you to yourself. The Lord will open up, he'll open up to you sound doctrine, that it's found teeth, clear teeth, you will see and know and feel and understand a little of your loss, of your ruin, of your rest, of your unanswered. And you and I will never know much about. In my early days, the Lord dealt thus with me. I had some strange thoughts and healing creep over me. I thought I knew a lot. I need to prove I know very, very little. I well know what Paul means when he says, when I was a child, I ate as a child. I understood a child. But when I became a man, I put away a sign. Childish things. Dear friends, we do not know much of the ruins of the force. But you'll know something else. He brought me from the depths of the depths of the depths of the depths of the depths of the depths of the hell. He made my standing more secure than it was before I fell. You won't know much of it, material ideas. My Bible tells me this. Great is the mystery of iniquity. That's the word the Holy
[15:39] It's a mystery. No, it is. If there's anyone here tonight, and there may be, I've been in those places, and I said in my heart, why did God allow sin to enter the world?
[16:09] Who art thou, O man, that we flyest against? Thou art not the potter power over the clone to make one vessel to one, and another to give?
[16:36] God spoke that to me once, and I shall never forget it. Who art thou? Who art thou?
[16:48] Who art thou? A lost sinner? A black sinner? A vile sinner? A ruined sinner? A condemned sinner?
[17:02] A lawbreaker? Who art thou, O man? A man's sin, a man with disobedience.
[17:15] A man with disobedience. a bow, A Bh1.
[17:32] This life, when it enters the soul, my dear friend, it will lay your hand. It will steal your sinfulness. It will deliver you from Satan's power. And these two words have a depth.
[18:07] Depths of teaching. Volumes of divinity. In him was life. And this life, this teaching, this quickening power of God shows you where you are. And where are we? I'll quote from the world. All we, like sheep, have gone astray. We have gone, every one, his own world. What is that world? The world of darkness. We wander on the mountains of error. We wander farther and farther from God. Father and farther from holiness. We're in the Maury slag. We're in the horrible pit. Strong language. My Bible tells me, we are by nature. We are corrupt. Strong wrong words. Ye have corrupted yourselves. What a dreadful start. What a dreadful start.
[20:21] This is how God looks upon the whole of Adam's fallen rest. As they lie in the ruins of the fall. The whole earth is corrupt.
[20:36] Christ is corrupt. The whole earth is corrupt. Ever since Adam fell in, buried in the garden, the whole earth is gifted up. Not many people believe it. It is not the same. It is the same. It is the same.
[20:56] The whole earth is gifted up. Not many people accept it. Where God quickens the soul. Where the Lord begins the work of grace. Where the Lord is gracious. Where the Lord is merciful. Where the Lord is long-suffering. This is the part of this divine life, divine peace. Well, this is one side of the gracious dealings of God with his people. In him was life. But there's another side. There's always two sides to a Holy Ghost release. We can know it and prove it right down to the end of our journey. And the other side is very precious. The other side is very comforting. The other side means holy pleasure. Holy delight. Where do we find it? We find it in the 14th verse of the chapter here before us. And the word was made.
[23:03] In God Jesus. And the Brother Eats. Minder. With every person. on the faith is gives us the grace of God in our part and why we find it in the night we have mercy on His mind. And the Hashemer and our Valve blown up in Shawn Paul and our there is not fear what we see and it is duegos of the peace. For the other kind of In Him Lord life.
[23:39] This is one of the titles of Jesus. The Word. The Eternal Word. Ask me to explain it I can.
[23:56] I believe. I believe it was made blessed. I believe this blessed truth.
[24:12] That He dwelt among us. If you ever beheld His Lord.
[24:22] You by precious faith. See how this glory is spoken of.
[24:33] In this precious portion. Of the Word of God. There's a word in the Hebrew. That's for this tree.
[24:49] In the first chapter of the Hebrew. You find these words in the third verse. Who being the brightness of His glory.
[25:01] And the express image of His purpose. What's this image?
[25:13] It's the image of God. This image is in Christ. Man.
[25:28] Fell from God's image. Our first parents. Fell from God's image. In the image of God.
[25:42] Created He man. And the whole human race. Fell in Adam. They fell from God's image.
[25:57] And they fell into the devil's image. You know we sometimes sing those lines. In faith. In faith.
[26:08] In faith. Turns in his balls. God given you this. A lot of religious people don't believe.
[26:24] I believe the Bible. I cleave to the Bible. You have vision dear friend. You go to the Bible.
[26:38] Fix my standing more secure. Was the war I said.
[26:52] As can anything from. God. In this lovely Jesus. In this holy Redeemer.
[27:05] In this God man mediated. In this once crucified. But now exalted Lord.
[27:17] We raise. The express image. Of his purpose. This is the standing of the church.
[27:37] You and I have many. Many changes. In our souls. As a vast shift was between.
[27:51] Our state. And our standing. The state of our souls. Change is continued.
[28:07] My soul. Through many changes. God. By love.
[28:18] No variation. The standing of the church. The standing of the believer. Is in Christ.
[28:34] The great work of the spirit of our God. Is to stand. The image of Christ.
[28:47] Upon ourselves. What God does on us. Is what God does.
[28:59] To the church militant. To the church. In tribulation. To the church. In affliction. To the church.
[29:09] In fiery temptation. To the church. In bitter. Perfecation. He. Stamps. The image of Christ.
[29:21] Upon the. Souls of his people. This is not. Our blessed Lord.
[29:32] Tell us. May we ever take evil. In the world. Ye shall.
[29:43] Have. Tribulation. But in me. If any man. Will be my disciple.
[29:56] Let him. Take up his cross. Daily. And follow me. What is it.
[30:12] For the image of Christ. To be. Stamped. Upon our souls. Well I'll tell you. And I'll tell you how he does.
[30:27] You read this. I believe it's in Malachi. He shall be.
[30:42] As a refiner. And a purifier. Of the. Of the. Sons of Levi.
[30:56] Lord Jesus Christ. Sit. As a refiner. He has his.
[31:07] Fire in Zion. And his. Furnace in Jerusalem. He shall. He shall. He shall.
[31:17] Take. For. The. Draught. From the. Silver. He shall. Bring. For. A vessel. For.
[31:27] The. Finer. Wonderful. Thing. Dear friend.
[31:38] In your. Trials. You tribulate. You stand.
[31:50] The image of. Christ. In his. You and I dear friend. Will never endure.
[32:02] Without the. Spirit of Christ. You and I dear friend. Will never endure. Without that.
[32:13] Spirit. Holiness. Spirit of love. Which was in our. Blessed Lord.
[32:24] When he walked. On this earth. He was. Submissive. He was.
[32:35] Submissive. If you belong. To Christ. He'll make you. Dear friends. You may have many.
[32:49] Storms. In your willow. You know. The storm. And the tempest. But they won't. Destroy you.
[33:02] They'll drive you. To Christ. Do God. Something very precious.
[33:13] This refiner sits till he sees his image in your sight and understand those that refine gold I know nothing about this, only what I've read that the refiner sits he never takes his eye from the gold if I ever apply one thing is to remove the drop metal in its raw state is of no use and no value it must be refined so with the child of God God of God is of no use is of very little value to the church of the living God and in your reply
[34:23] I know it's true dear friend you may think you're a slumber you may think you're a slumber my dear friend you've got to go into the furnace gold in the furnace trough never lose his awkward drop but the Christian purified is battered by the cross and there's some in this chapel here tonight you've got a cross you've got a cross all God dear people have a cross leave us we are a cross of patience oh to leave and follow thee naked poor despised forsaken now from hence our old children and often my friend the Lord will leave you there some of you here move into the end of the journey nearer and nearer we come to the river jewel we're in the fire we're in the furnace you may sometimes feel you cannot stand it any longer but who put you there your blessed Lord and Master
[36:36] He put you there dear friend that you may profit He put you there dear friend that you may be a partaker of his holiness his holy love a partaker of his holiness to be delivered from all your unholiness all that's unclean all that's unrighteous all that's just pleasing to your Lord and Master she may be partakers of his holiness the holy gospel a chastened soul a humble soul breathe after holiness
[37:49] I know this work is very painful I know this work will often bring you into deep distress but I know it's very profitable whom the Lord loveth he chastens he scourgeth every son and every daughter whom he writhes ah he corrects what a mercy I believe I've come to that place sometime I thank the Lord he's correct thank the Lord that he keeps finding fault with me
[38:53] I thank the Lord he keeps telling me where I'm wrong you that are parents with children that you talk to them now you don't talk in a harsh unfeeling callous way you're talking love talk tenderly talk tenderly so does the Lord Jesus Christ because he loves you he chases because he loves you he keeps correcting because he loves you he keeps finding fault oh I love the Lord to deal with me I like short and sharp dealing
[39:55] I do this is a part of these for within him was life and the life was the light of me gospel life nothing to be compared with it to have this vision to know to know to know Jesus to know him as your father know him as your friend know him as your son know him as your son know him as your son well may these few things find in your heart and abide in my name thee what monkeys and of me
[41:16] Oh can you go playing the keyboard can't do it it the levels and and of they are the difference the the age so can It you great that says