[0:00] If the Lord may be pleased to help me, I seek to direct your attention to the 86th Psalm and reading verse 17.
[0:18] The 86th Psalm, verse 17. Show me a token for good, that they which hate me may see it, and be ashamed, because thou, Lord, hast opened me and comforted me.
[0:43] Show me a token for good, that they which hate me may see it, and be ashamed, because thou, Lord, hast opened me and comforted me.
[1:03] We can't tell such beautiful verses as this outer scripture, and isolate it from the rest, for it is all part of the same teaching and leading of the Holy Spirit.
[1:22] But as the psalmist here confesses in the first verse, thy goodness is goodness and mercy, for it is bowed down thine ear.
[1:34] O Lord, hear me, for I am poor and needy. Yet as we go through this psalm, we find that the Lord has been wonderfully favoured towards this good man.
[1:49] And yet he's still asking for a token for good. Friend, undoubtedly he is looking backward, and he speaks in the past tense.
[2:03] But he is also recognised that he is faced with another day. And as we have been singing, we are faced with another year.
[2:15] And what that year might bring unto us, we little know. We may know that we hope indeed, that the Lord will be with us through another year.
[2:30] And whatever events might come upon us in this year, we might not in any way whatsoever, isolate ourselves from him.
[2:42] But rather still cling and cleave to him. It shows to us this, we need God's grace to go in the right way, and not the wrong way.
[2:57] And how do we know the way of the Lord, and what is right, and what is wrong? Surely there must be a gracious inquiry at the throne of grace.
[3:13] How often that word has come with power upon me. My thoughts are not your thoughts, or my ways.
[3:26] Excuse me. Because God's ways and thoughts are higher than our ways. And therefore what we might fear is determined against us.
[3:43] And a proof that all our religion of the past is false. Might prove to me, it is in his love and kindness.
[3:54] He is still overruling everything. As he has overruled the salvation of his people, so he will overthrow, overrule the way in which they walk and live.
[4:09] Lest Satan should come in and take us away from those things that really, really matter. Show me a token for God.
[4:23] What thou art doing with me? What thou art saying to me is the work of the Lord, and not of the devil. Though the devil makes his presence known and felt by fierce temptations, yes, doubts and fears, which some might call the work of grace.
[4:48] But that is not so, is it? We can never, never be justified by doubts and fears. But Lord, we do need to be delivered from our doubts and fears.
[5:03] What a token for good. When the Lord comes and speaks unto us and delivers us from our doubts and fears. You know, when the disciples were in the midst of the sea, and the sea roared and the wind blew, and everything was tempestuous there, and it was sore afraid, when he rose up and rebuked the winds and waves.
[5:36] They didn't say, Lord, don't do that, don't do that. I'd rather live my doubts and fears. No, my friends. It was not that they cried out, Lord, help us.
[5:48] Save us, Lord. We perish. And when he did rise and rebuke the winds and waves. We read this, And there was a great calm.
[6:01] There was a great calm. And the hymn writer puts it like this, Why those fears? Behold, is Jesus hold the helm and guide the ship sent to waft us through the deep.
[6:21] Oh, show me some talk couldn't for good. The Lord might present unto us a great opportunity in life.
[6:36] A prosperous opportunity. But I say how we need the Lord to guide and to direct their way. I say show me some talk of a good that this appointment this way is not a carnal reasoning or carnal policy.
[6:59] But I say it is the grace of God showing us the way. And you hear his voice behind you saying this is the way walk ye in it.
[7:11] If Christ be there, friends, it can't be wrong. If Christ is not there, then it must be, can it be right?
[7:25] Can you ask the Lord's blessing upon the way that you take in this coming year? I say how we often thought of that good man.
[7:38] one of the old divines who were very popular with the rich. And after dinner one night they said will you have a game of cards with us?
[7:56] He said oh yes I'll have a hand to their amazement. And when they all handed their cards he said well we must ask the Lord blessing upon this game.
[8:13] They said you can't ask the Lord blessing upon a game of cards. He said in that case I can't play these cards with you. And so the cards were gathered up and he shone in his conduct with them that he would not have not be found in carnal pleasures though they had been gentle and kind to him.
[8:43] Oh friends show me some token for good that the grace of God that by his grace you stand and by his grace you live.
[8:56] By his grace indeed you can only endure and by his grace you can only answer the wicked in their pursuits.
[9:07] Show me some token lawful good. Fearing troubled much with regard to the way before us can it be right?
[9:19] Would the Lord indeed approve of it? Or should I miss some fine opportunity? My mind always turns you know to Lot Abraham's nephew when the situation became so prosperous that they had to part company because there was not food for the flocks.
[9:50] What a trial that was and yet you see gracious Abraham he gave to Lot the company.
[10:03] He gave to him the choice of what he should do. And as a businessman I suppose he said well something's got to be done so I'll go in the well watered plains of Sodom and Gomorrah.
[10:21] my friends we make no mention that he ever inquired of the Lord to show him some token for God and therefore I say what disaster and his family oh I say how we need to be given grace to inquire of the Lord to show some token for good ye men might say to us oh yes but you've been foolish you've missed out a good business proposition and so on and it's no good business proposition if it's coupled with evil practices yes of Sodomites as we might well call them today and the last how much how many there are about and oh what power they seem to wield
[11:23] I say show us some token for God we pray to the Lord most honestly and I hope you will too that these people might lose the power they seem to wield at this time when such a very very small proportion of the population follow them yet they seem to wield such power and even that wicked man Peter Tatchell he seems to go on and on from strength to strength and how he mocks the true Christians who believe that they should be that they should carry on yes as the Bible says but I was most impressed this week to hear above all people the Archbishop of Canterbury
[12:23] Dr. William say that the best thing for the Christians and the nation is to read to use the Old Testament and the New Testament in the King James version of the Bible is that there's such instruction and such direction in every matter in life I couldn't really believe I was hearing it from his lips and I said in my heart Lord let him say it again and so he did why who can tell even that such a man as Dr.
[13:08] Williams who lowered himself to go down to Stonehenge and worship with the Druids I say show us Lord some token for good that thy anger might be turned away from this nation though we may seem to be in the front line minority but we need some token for good that we might be comforted and strengthened oh what a token for good we bear in mind that man who stood in the field of lintels who fought against the Philistines single handed oh yes the single handed until others came and joined him and the Lord gave them success and more came and joined them and the
[14:10] Philistines were overthrown show me some token for good what did the apostle Paul say he said and take the sword and take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the spirit which is the word of God and oh I say what a token for good that is when God's word is opened up to us not some revised version not some mongrel version oh that sorts that it's all comers to do practice their own sins but no the sword of the spirit I say say to I say that David said when he went into the temple and asked for a sword he said the only sword we have here is the sword of
[15:19] Goliath and he said give it me give it me there's nothing like it why he knew that there was nothing like the sword of Goliath that he used himself to cut the tyrant's head off what a token for good that must have been to David but how much more so oh the sword of the spirit which is the word of God my friend it is whatever way it's used by the almighty it is sharp and swift and quick as any two-edged swords isn't it oh what a token for good that God's word has come to pass he stood above the whole matter and he's brought it forth it shows to us this that he'll ever take care and watch over his dear people oh I say show me some token for good how soon we're up to sink down to bedrock bottom and oh to cry out can ever
[17:08] God well hear is it real is it true that I have been compelled to confess the Lord Jesus Christ my friend oh to know that the Lord does love us a token for good another smile from him another glimpse I say of the blessed saviour dying in the sinner's place oh the hymn writers is sweet the moments rich in blessing wherever before the cross I stand I say show me some token for good that those moments my friend yes I'll bless it to his people and I say God has a promise concerning those moments he has said this
[18:08] I will see you again again I say what a token for good what a prove to us that what we have received is given to us eternally it is given to us of his free and sovereign grace a token for good how Satan loves to suggest and imply that you will not find prosperity in the love of Christ unless you do something for yourself friends salvation is free there's nothing to pay oh yes and that's what I love indeed the contention that wins every argument over Arminianism and free and sovereign grace see the Arminianists believe that they you have to do what we can for our salvation as one person said to me he was a preacher that they believed in free and sovereign grace but we've got to do what we can for ourselves well just one sentence contradicts the other doesn't it we can't add anything to his free and sovereign grace nothing is required all is paid by him as Paul said and ye are complete in him a token for God when we see how worthless how poor we are when we see how wretched and undone we are to see the depths of sin that we are indebted to him for and to see that all was paid for him and that still is nothing to pay such a love
[20:20] I say that arises out of this a desire yea to continue in that way although we have no righteousness of our own oh to be complete in him for friends if we are like the Amnians who believe that we must put a certain amount ourselves if not everything then we are not complete in him and thus we are exposed completely to the law of God his wrath his anger but no the poor sinner is complete in him he's done everything for us oh I say in other words this poor soul is completely dependent upon the Lord Jesus Christ and as the old man of sin our flesh it doesn't like the dependent upon another we like our own independence
[21:27] I say what a need we stand in for token for good that he has provided everything for us and done everything and spared us from the eternal wrath of God in spite of what sinners we have been in the past the sovereign grace of God will make us realise we are not sufficient of ourselves to think anything of ourselves yes what a snare in religion yea to think there is something good in ourselves because perhaps the Lord dealt with us in early years because the Lord dealt with us in bringing us as a brand from the burning my friend oh it is the devil that makes these things a snare oh some token for
[22:27] God that the devil my friends may be driven far from us that we might be brought to praise his name for what he has done in us and for us and said to the great enemy of souls thus far and no further still safe in the dear redeemer's hands those words are very precious to me they seem to be the plank of the preaching of the gospel all that the father hath given me shall come unto me and he that cometh unto me I will in no wise cast out and he said I give what does he give my friend I give unto my sheep eternal life I say how wonderful that is we all know what life is and it comes to an end but here's a life that he gives that will never never come to an end sinner if the
[23:40] Lord has given to you eternal life that will be the only thing that you'll take out of this world everything will and must be left behind I say what a wonder that is oh that token for good that though we may prove to feel so unsteadfast ourselves but Jesus is steadfast is he not oh some tongue for good Lord give me that grace to be like dear Ruth the Marbitess who was steadfastly minded she could not she would not turn back she had a love to the Lord she had a love to Naomi she had a love to the Lord's people and so it caused her to vow oh there will I be and there will
[24:41] I stay numbered with the Lord's people show me some token for good has there been told things about this people that are completely untrue completely untrue yes a token for good can only put things right I shall never forget in my early days in the ministry that I went to what they called the Tumbridge Wells ministers meetings and it seemed to start on the right note but then more and more types of people were introduced to the meeting meeting and one day they invited Mr. Ramsbottom to attend the meeting and address the meeting and I heard that many were quite happy to have a discussion about things that are nothing but controversy and I thought
[26:01] I'd be interested in this but when we got to the meeting and I believe I prayed that Lord show me some tone for good where these people stand and what those people stand for well the dear man of God Mr. Ramsbottom he spoke excellent words that day and he seemed to be such a good spirit but the others I say they were of a sad spirit which infuriated me I was angry about the matter they could be so rude and so aggressive it completely changed my mind and my attitude with regard to the gospel and I had to say let this people be my people and I never went amongst those people again show us
[27:04] Lord some token for good even those things were right oh I say we do need it to be guided and directed because some men they have the the tongue of persuasion haven't they they have that gilded voice and they are apt to flatter us yes and to absorb things spoken against the righteous show me some token Lord for good that I might surely see what is right and what is wrong sad to say do we not know it and find it more and more oh that Zion is sometimes damaged much by the lying tongue and the sinful speakers oh let us not be mistaken or misled or trust in their own wisdom and understanding but I say let us go to the
[28:18] Lord to the root bottom of the matter and say show me some token for God I say why should we be an adversary to those who are the Lord's people you know good poor Saul rather of Tarsus he really thought he was a religious man and he was doing well but he was not doing well was he and when the Lord dealt with him he said Saul Saul why persecutest thou me and he said who art thou Lord how can it be that we are persecuting someone we know nothing about but that was the case with Saul and it can be the case with us show me some token Lord for good but I do not judge and assess men on their face value and neither have we reason or cause so to do for the
[29:28] Lord has told us most clearly yes that we are not a place to a right to judge another but by a man's work by his fruits are his works known how true that is show me some token for good these the Jews they hated Samaritans on block every one of them and those Pharisees they thought well of themselves so Jesus put that parable for them for you and for me and spoke about the man who went down from Jerusalem to Jericho and fell among thieves don't let us forget don't let us forget the purpose of the parable the purpose of the parable was this who is my neighbor and when it came to it it was the
[30:37] Samaritan that flew beyond all doubt was the neighbor to the man that fell among thieves why the Pharisee and the Levite they walked by on the other side they had nothing for him a little while ago I there was a conversation about a certain person who had gone out to preach and one man among them didn't say anything I said what are your real feelings in the matter have you any he sat and thought for a while and said well he didn't come my way the others didn't go the way of the good Samaritan did they he came where they was I say what teaching
[31:37] I felt to be in that he was first of all he was discreet he didn't speak against anybody and really it's no good speaking against people but well if he had got nothing good to say of them say nothing at all I should not forget Mr. Stanley Dolls saying that to me and I had something to bury who I felt no union to whatsoever in this way he said Raymond he said I've got something to say to you if you can't say anything good about the deceased don't say anything bad it's best to leave the whole matter alone and I say what sense there is in that for after all the God of the whole world will he not do it right
[32:39] I'm sure he will he doesn't need for us even at the time of the sad occasion where we find a funeral before us like that surely the token for good is to preach the gospel that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners of whom I am chief I say oh for the Lord might show some token for good being guided and directed in situations that are most difficult and trying but the Lord my friend is always right and he rules in such a way oh how we need the token for good that we might walk in his ways and his commandments we might think indeed ahead of us and think that we may be using some strategy to block and prevent a person from doing a certain thing spilling out our own retaliation upon a person who's done wrong against a friend or neighbour friend pray for your enemies and those that despitefully use you a token for good that the
[34:11] Lord might come and put a right spirit within our heart I say what a haven I say our hearts by nature are a wrong spirit yes a really wrong spirit I say the Lord does go before us and teach us I shall not forget on one occasion I was given a letter a horrid letter an untrue letter and it didn't bring the best out of me one little bit I sat down and wrote a letter to her and after I had written it I gave it to my wife to read she said well that's an excellent letter you've written you've covered all the points now if you take my voice you pop it on the fire right now I was horrified at the thought she said because there's no love or kindness in it friends you know that's exactly what I had to do
[35:23] I felt utterly ashamed of myself that I could speak and write in the same spirit as I was written to oh show me some token Lord for God and I would say what a token it is for God when some kind soul has sent a letter to us anonymously with some financial help in it and we've had to say I accept your letter and the content in the spirit that it was sent in friend what a token for God that is to find a kinder spirit not because they keep forgiveness something but rather because there is a love there a unity in Christ Jesus and knowing this if the situation was reversed we'd be happy to do the same or the
[36:32] Lord might take away from us those mean and selfish tactics to return unto ourselves more than we ought or show me some token for God as one good person told me I tell you who it was it was Mr Ashby that used to attend here his name was Ken Ashby and he said to me one day you know you need as much grace to be rich as you do to be poor and that really caused me to think that's all he said those of you who knew him he was a man of few words but I said what a loving spirit that is imparted to us I say for Jesus Christ though he was rich richer than all yet he became poor for our sakes oh I say what grace abounded in the holy son of
[37:45] God that he was willing and ready to give and to surrender all things that his dear people may be saved from their sins all sufficient grace all sufficient love all sufficient atoning blood to purge away all our sins what a token for good and oh how unreasonable it is us if we think that it is not right for us to be kind or generous to other people we need friends much grace do we whatever our substance are oh to walk humbly in his side I say give me some token for God I say never forget when going to see at the pastor about getting married this is what he said to us look he said
[38:51] Ruth and Raymond he said you have got a home to go to it may not be a palace but it may be a palace to someone else if you show love and charity to them when they are in need friends a token for good and thus oh when we've done what we could not always friends but sometimes oh to find the Lord's richest blessing smiling upon those small articles of charity and inasmuch oh I'll often think of those words inasmuch as he would have it done unto you so do it unto them inasmuch as Christ has suffered for your sake would it not shall we not also be willing to give and to surrender for the sake of others rend a token of a good changed from the spirit of being on the grab and take rather changed in the spirit of Christ to suffer and to endure all things for his dear sake oh show me some token for God we won't always be patronised by others we won't always be admired by others at all but rather we may have scorn and derision poured upon us but all for the answer of a good conscience before the
[40:36] Lord that is a token for God the arguments may cease there the arguments may end we shall cease better to cease from arguing refrain from objecting to it but pursuing the way that the Lord teaches us and shows us wherein we shall walk oh show me some token for God why good Moses he chose with the people of God than to enjoy the pleasures of sin for a season that was a token for good friends the man was completely altered and turned round and more than that he was fitted in these times for what the Lord had him waiting for him to do oh I say some talk of a God how good it is when we can look back and say all the way the Lord has led me and kept me by his tender care
[41:50] I say what a mercy that is the Lord has done it in us and for us and looking forward oh some token for good that when my days are finished here below I shall be forever with the Lord and seek for that grace to say Amen so let it be oh what a token for good that is that as our days so shall our strength be proven beyond all doubt so are our shoes as iron and brass and continuing in the way of God a token for good that I shall not be left to turn back and forsake everything can it be well friends
[42:52] I had some friends in Wiltshire and I really enjoyed their company we sat up late at night talking about the better things of God and all of a sudden I realised that things had changed a different wind of teaching blew and oh it wasn't long before the change was realised to me that they had gone charismatic in a most absurd sort of way whereby I could have no part or lot with them but what effect it had upon me was this oh not that I am so much better than they but Lord keep me Lord keep me if such people showed they seem to show such grace in their life what hope is there for me if Satan comes and lays hold on me show me a token for God that I am safe in thy hands that is it isn't it
[44:05] Jesus has said and none shall pluck them out of my hand how in need the Lord oh to give us this word that none shall pluck us out of his hand safety and security is not a self but is of Jesus Christ for it is his precious blood alone that can cleanse us from all sin and atone for us it is his precious blood alone that can bring us home to glory washed and without a spot or to token for good that the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ it cleanses us from all sin oh to be kept there friends we may not be seen or noticed about a man that doesn't matter one little bit but I say to be known and seen of Jesus
[45:07] God almighty to have the answer of a good conscience that whatever we do we do by his all given help and grace to honour and to praise him and to speak well of him to all men Amen