Anniversary - Afternoon service
[0:00] seeking the help of God I would direct your attention to Paul's epistle to the Philippians chapter 4 and verse 19 Paul's epistle to the Philippians chapter 4 and verse 19 but my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus but my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus I did read the 16th chapter of the Acts for several purposes one of course was the remarkable way in which the apostles were directed there the city of Philippi held that the
[1:23] Holy Spirit shut up the way sealed off other ways and directed to go to Philippi we read that they were forbidden to preach the word in Asia and I would say at that time they were forbidden then they say to go to Bithynia and the spirit suffered them not this dear apostle was learning the will of God you know when he was called by grace the question that he asked of the Lord Jesus was Lord what wilt thou have me to do this is a part of what the Lord would have him to do to go where the Lord would have him not to go for any other purpose or any other exercise but to be found where the Lord would have him be and there to use the word of God for the blessing of poor sinners but it was in answer to prayer that this dear apostle went to Philippi
[2:55] I suppose we all gain I hope we can say that having followed the truth and read the truth and thought it would be made a blessing to us in our life's journey I came to this I had some leading into it during the night and it suddenly come to my thoughts you know about this verse that we read that they on the Sabbath we went out of the city by a riverside where prayer was wont to be made and we sat down and spoke unto the women which resorted dither we live in a day you know where the church of Christ is going through very lean times the assembling of ourselves together as the manner of some is will indeed be depleted in many places and many thoughts thoughts but this is an encouragement
[4:05] I feel that God is still on the throne it might have been said and probably has by us and others that the apostle was instrumental in forming the church at Philippi there's only one instrument and that's the Holy Ghost not man and in this certain context the grace of God was evident in Philippi before the apostle got there simple enough to say but there's the proof where prayer was wont to be made and we sat down and spoke unto the women which resorted dither so the text I hope and trust the Lord has given me is this familiar word but my God shall supply all your need and that was the first occasion where that need was supplied in that the vision which they trusted was sent of God brought Paul and Silas down to
[5:21] Philippi but then God had eternal purposes and God has eternal purposes in declaring the gospel he raises up whom he will and sends them forth to preach the word but the purposes are in his hands and in his divine mind great mystery but nevertheless truth that this apostles were directed and so they preached to these women by the riverside somewhere there in that vicinity of that riverside prayer was put up and that prayer was answered so the church was established now it also was to be established in what we might call troublous times right through or many especially the early part of the Acts of the Apostles we read of the opposition and the tribulation of which those who preached the gospel were brought into experience certainly this chapter also they were beaten for preaching the gospel but you see there was a hand in it all and over it all and they went to
[7:02] Philippi was under the direction of God and so we read they met up with a woman called Lydia whose heart the Lord opened what I'm saying all this is this dear friends I hope the witness of this truth you and I have experienced you know you might say concerning the Lord servants well it's making engagements when the Lord makes the engagement and gives the servant of God the willingness to go and then to humble him and to confirm he is the servant of God there are these times of refreshing Lydia whose heart the Lord opened and she attended unto the things which were spoken of Paul and of course we get this certain damsel that was delivered from this spirit of divination one occasion but you see where the Lord works
[8:11] Satan seeks to oppose and if possible overthrow this dear apostle was on one time in his unregenerate days he opposed Christ and his gospel but the Lord intervened and so we read in this book of his call by grace now he was to receive what we might say some tribulation for his preaching so we read that they was thrown into prison the word of God tells me and I hope it tells you that they were what we might call in spiritual things in a good place in a good place they counted it a mercy that they were worthy to suffer for the name of and the cause of Jesus Christ but you see the Lord opened another door as it might have seen to be a place where opposition comes and therefore in a natural way there would be some fear and trembling respecting staying in
[9:29] Philippi but you see the steps were older than decree the steps of a good man the steps of the people of God are ordered and the minister's steps also are ordered the Lord to go where one of his unregenerated people were in the prison and although they were evidently in a good place spiritually because we read they prayed and sang praises and then there was this great earthquake which came upon them or came upon the prison and a work of grace was begun in that jailer so these things are mysteries to us you know there was a time when in this again in this book where they tried to persuade the dear apostle not to go to Jerusalem because they saw and thought through that he would walk into tribulation further but we read his own words and they ceased saying oh his own words was that he was willing to go to
[10:51] Jerusalem and to die there for the Lord Jesus and they ceased saying the will of the Lord be done now the will of the Lord was being done at this moment as he was in that prison in Philippi now we must return to the text that my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus now the first thing I want to say is this dear friends and it is just a simple truth I'm sure that those who fear the Lord here have known what it is in the way that this word has come to pass in their experience and in their life but I want to go back a little in your experience and mine go back to the time when he brought you in need put his hand on you and brought you in need into a need this word of course it is surely the declaration of experience but my
[12:21] God shall supply because the dear apostles experience would have confirmed it that he lacked nothing when he came to die as it is recorded he had finished the work which is God gave him to do now this is the experience this is the teaching of the blessed spirit of truth and I'm sure you that fear the Lord can indeed be brought to consider the days and the time and the place even when you began to need when you began to need when this apostle was serving Satan as a Pharisee well you can only gauge his religion by what's written of the Pharisees they went about as though and declared they were more good place to me because
[13:24] I'm more holy than thou and the prayer of the Pharisee and the gospel of Luke was I thank God I'm not as other men are extortioners unjust or even as this publican there was no need grace will bring a sinner into need and only grace I'm talking about spiritual needs of course because I do believe and experience tells me so that this applies to providence and grace but for the moment it is as the need is to be known by those who are the subjects of grace I come to my thoughts and I looked at the hymn while I was waiting for the service to commence it's for him you all know often it's sung in special occasions and it has this verse in it my every need he richly will supply nor will his mercy ever let me die in him there dwells a treasure all divine and much less grace has made that treasure mine now I do believe dear friends and I'm sure you experience this who know the Lord that there's been times when you came into a time of need and what I would add to this is dear friends it will be a need that only the Lord could supply only the
[15:11] Lord when you can turn to the arm of flesh to your friends to your relations when you can turn to this one and that one and find relief then it is not to his honour and glory and praise but when you're brought into need and it is only God that can supply that need then indeed that's a deeper and a far more precious season and time in your experience and if God calls his people when he calls them by his grace he puts them immediately into a place of need and I would say this too that throughout their life that need will continue to the day they are taken home to glory I will give one example perhaps that might have another view of it we had a dear soul
[16:23] Zora who was taken to glory and the last time she was in the sanctuary she said to someone on the way out on the Sunday night she said this I have all that I need and I suppose if we had thought about it at that time we would have wondered whether we should ever see her again which we never did see her again at least not alive so there is a time but that's when God takes his children home to glory there's no more need but grace will bring you and I into need spiritual need and sure it is and the witness is in your own nature isn't it that in unregenerate days there was no need or you may have attended the house of God or you may have sat under all sorts of searching ministry you may have sung the praises and heard the Bible read and read it yourself but in some cases surely you have to say this that you looked as the children of God looked you walked as they walked and you act dear friends till grace enters there is no need what made the public can cry
[17:56] God be merciful to me a sinner he was in need and that same language is to be found will be found and is to be found blessed be God in many of a soul because they're in need and again going back to the 16th of the Acts there was the need of the church there prayer was wont to be made there was the need expressed by those women by the riverside and there the Lord answered there was the jailer who cried called for life we read and sprang in and fell trembling before Paul and Silas and said sirs what must I do to be saved the whole of the Bible from
[18:56] Genesis to Revelation reveals the experience of the people of God but the question is must be must be oh what a blessed token of the grace of God when you and I cannot live or do without and I say it very reverently cannot live cannot do without Jesus Christ what need we have what need of mercy every day we need mercy every moment the Lord knows that we have need of mercy you bring your prayers and you bring your supplications before him your fears your doubts your unbelief you bring it all before the Lord and the dear people of God do you know they have need you know when he convinces his people of their sin they'll have a need of mercy you know you don't have to paint pictures of goodness of men because they know goodness you can't say but well you know they've never done much wrong really they've lived a moderate and upright life well so be it but where the
[20:18] Lord works he reveals sin and he reveals to the helpless state of such a sinner and the hopeless state what a blessing you know such a word would be if one said didn't he mine indeed a hopeless case so it would be but for grace well dear friends if you and I are brought into a place where sin is such a trouble to us because my sin condemns me and yours too will condemn you it will trouble your conscience and it will grieve you and us if you are sensible to the knowledge of sin and it will bring you to the mercy seat that my God shall supply all your need now he'll supply the need that grace alone can bring but what is there to be found in the supplying of the answer to that need for nothing less you know than the person and the work of
[21:32] Jesus Christ what a need that is you read of his coming into the world born of a woman born under the law born in a stable laid in a manger you read about his life 33 years as we understand what that means you know he came to save his people from their sin thou shalt call his name Jesus for he shall save his people from their sin so just now and it's true isn't it what a blessed condition it is to be hungry for spiritual things what a mercy to hunger and thirst after righteousness it's a good place to be painful place to be a distressing place to be but
[22:36] Jesus said blessed are they that hunger and thirst after righteousness you would say the Pharisee would say oh blessed are they that are righteous blessed are they that are righteous the Pharisee would agree with righteousness because he's done this and he's done that or in other ways he would have not done this or not done that so he possessed as he thought a righteousness nothing more than self righteous as you see anything of self will die when he dies and the self righteousness of a person will die with the death of those who trust it what would you say well you know what you would say what would what would be the supply of a need of a convinced sinner do you not cry sometimes wash me and I shall be whiter than snow do not think to know the healing virtue the precious blood of
[23:54] Jesus do you not see the need and you feel the need surely and you see the preciousness of the person of Jesus Christ come to other things in a moment but these are the most important to know him whom to know aright is life eternal you may have pathways of affliction I'm sure you know what that is and you need the Lord to appear you look at the state and condition of your houses of prayer as I do every time I'm there and I see the need of the Lord's appearance and it's a subject so much exercise what a wonderful mercy if the Lord drops in this word when you exercise about the state of your sanctuary that my God shall supply all you need oh but you know this blessing of blessings is to be known by sinners and will be known you notice too it says according to his riches in glory one would say and it wouldn't be wrong if you see if you view it as I view it you know we speak of the sufficiency of the work of the work of the
[25:26] Lord Jesus Christ the sufficiency he opened a fountain for sin and uncleanness what of less sufficiency would be said and would be experienced and you know that there's a most precious word in the epistle of John and it speaks of the sufficiency of that sacrifice and of that fountain which was open for sin and the blood of Jesus Christ his son cleanseth us from all sin the sufficiency there wonderful mercy you know when you fear sufficiency in the blood most merciful provision for poor sinners you know there's a time when you come to experience the children of God come to this experience when you believe the truth of the poet when he said for sins to come there's pardon to sins to come a sufficiency in
[26:40] Christ's sacrifice we looked recently at the Hebrews and the offering offering the one offering made that all the blood of beast on Jewish altar slain could give the guilty conscience ease or wash away one stain remember the old dispensation how they went yearly into the holiest of all not without blood for his sin the sin of the high priest and the errors of the people every year and again the apostle wrote in the Hebrews there is a remembrance of sin every year blessed be God in the person of Jesus Christ there was one offering but I will say this too and you will know it's true though there was one offering and that offering put away the sins of the people of
[27:45] God there will be many times when you will need to know that offering but there's only one offering you need it applied again and again this precious blood my God see how it directs the mind and thought and meditation to a gracious God in Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners as the apostle said to Timothy of whom I am chief the sufficiency of his sacrifice to all that come to God by him salvation he demands points to their names upon his rest and spreads his wounded hands what a mercy this provision then what a mercy that grace free and full and what a mercy that as a people who are chosen and called and brought into the knowledge of the need of this one salvation this work of grace sacrifice for many wonderful words you know we find it so precious in the in the recording of it but it's a far more precious word in the experience of it we looked at this word the other sunday it is appointed unto all men once to die and after this the judgment so christ was once offered to bear the sins of many and unto him that look for him will he come the second time unto salvation to bear the sins of many you know if you and i know anything of conviction of sin it's hard to bear in me you groan you sigh you mourn you fall before the lord as needy sinners but christ came to bear the sins of his church it's a wonderful blessing you know i'm trying to think of that line that keeps dropping in and dropping out of my mind payment god cannot twice demand first at my bleeding short his hands and then again that mine that my god should supply all your need he supplied in the person of his glorious son a way of salvation not to offer god forbid not to offer but to give there's a lovely word you know suits me or suits sinners it's a wonderful word really i it's to be preached many times i'm sure and this is the word he is able also to save them to the uttermost that come unto god by him seeing he ever liveth to make intercession for them what's so wonderful or precious about that word you know is that word uttermost it has various meanings you know what it is to be an uttermost sinner you know sin well this is how you can describe sin you're as far from god as it's possible to be as a sinner but then in that lovely hymn wasn't it we sang glory to god they ne'er shall row beyond the limits of his love thanks by jehovah's shells and wills firm as the everlasting hills that was a precious hymn that is a precious hymn because it speaks of the power and the effects and the love and the mercy that the lord jesus christ has towards his dear people they'll come with nothing but their condition strove against sin's power i sinned and stumbled but the more till late i heard my saviour say come hither soul i am the way lo glad i come and thou blessed lamb will take me to thee as i am nothing but sin i thee can give nothing but love shall i receive then will i tell the sinners round what a dear saviour i have found i'll point to his redeeming blood and say behold the way to god would be a question you can ask answer before the lord not audibly of course not this is a question that you can ask have you proved the text you see this is a promise that the holy spirit has left on record to the needy and to the poor have you experienced it have you been brought to fall before him in amazement and in wonder and in love and in humility that this blessed word describes his dealings with you my god shall supply and further more you know it's we would be right in saying this wouldn't we it's a word for now and it's a word to the people of god all their days it's good for the present and it's good for the future so long as you and
[33:51] I must live on this earth but it's good for eternity to the people of god to die in thief rejoice to see that fountain in his day and there have I as far as he washed all my sins away you see it's a word for the blessed people of god who are destined for glory who will be filled with christ which is far better my god shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by christ jesus what would you say of this when silas prayed and sang praises unto god what would you say to that at midnight in a jail and what did it say about that jail that he thrust them into the inner prison and made them feet fast in the stocks breaks breaks in as it were into the gloom and distress of one's pathway and speaks something encouraging so you go on you know much of the need of his presence one of the things that try us as we look at the churches you know is the lack of hearers it is a sad day a lack of hearers more empty seats than filled and you mourn and you sigh and you groan and beg the
[38:35] Lord he might graciously come do you tell him that where two or three are gathered together there am I in the midst do you tell him that that's one of his promises that my God should supply all your need the Lord's presence in his house that's never denied where the truth is that's never denied it doesn't say two or three hundred it says two or three Jesus in the midst that's the blessing in Zion you know the blessing in Zion doesn't come because it's got filled seats the blessing in Zion comes when Christ is present because where he is the truth is and he'll bring his love with him and he'll do his people good my presence shall go with thee and I will give thee rest
[39:36] I have given this word on one special occasion be content with such things as you have for he has said I will never leave thee nor forsake thee blessed be God how true it is you know you can say too to your shame tis of him I little know and I still less enjoy oh but those seasons are with him and are from him but my God shall supply all your need those who hold office in the church that have to deal with spiritual things some have said my heart is indicted a good matter I speak of the things that are touching the king where does your need come from where is your need supplied my
[40:41] God shall supply all your need fear and trembling is the lot of such how shall we get on Lord what wilt thou have me to do or as they said at the day of Pentecost men and brethren what shall we do I've been there lots of times and I suppose some of you have been there lots of times what shall we do do you know there's something that you must never forget it's found up in that word Jesus Christ the same yesterday and today and forever and what is it faithfulness unchangeable faithfulness in a gracious God or you'll have much discouragement if you travel in the way to glory that narrow way which leads us unto life you'll have much discouragement not from him not from him you'll say well you know
[41:46] Satan will say or your own natural mind and spirit will say well what do you expect as a sinner David was however you may view the time what I'm going to say in the words of his Psalms David is a sinner and how he had to beg to be washed cleanse me from all my sin wash me and I shall be whiter than snow but you know despite his sins and his gross iniquities despite his backsliders and his fears he also asked this you know restore unto me the joy of thy salvation uphold me with thy free spirit and come back to the need of his soul you know oh to be washed oh to be pardoned and then he wanted the joy of that salvation made over to him once again my God shall supply all your need you know we are doubtful creatures it is with us by nature to be a doubtful creature
[43:07] I can't walk with those people that seem to be always on high spots and believing situations but I do know this what a comfort the word of God is and when he sends it I tell a story and this is I don't I'm not telling stories by hearsay I'm telling stories by experience I remember this now some years back and I had a dream one Saturday night before I went preaching somewhere and he said this to me the mountains shall depart and the hills be removed but my kindness shall not depart from thee neither shall the covenant of my peace be removed saith the Lord that hath mercy on thee do you know in that dream
[44:08] I tell you straight I was in a dream in a vision and I was weeping oh but it wasn't sorrow it was joy there is the forgiveness of sins and there too it's applied it does you good is his promise to be with you at all times never forgot that Saturday night I went off to preach on a Sunday and in those days the deacon at that chapel used to get all his hymns together on a Saturday afternoon and all his hymns was on the covenant a covenant in that verse and all his hymns one of his hymns was on the chapter of which that verse comes from in Isaiah but my God you supply all your need you know I had a man say once to me Buckfield
[45:09] Hall he said you know there's a difference between you that preach and me I said I'm sure there is you tell me he said when I go to work I take all I need with me he said it seems that you get it when you get there but my God shall supply all you need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus Amen me Amen just remind you that tea will be served between the services in the chapel Let us conclude then with hymn number 667 of the Pune Gower Street Chapel 764.
[46:11] Immortal honors rest on Jesus' head, my God, my portion, and my living bread. In him I live, upon him cast my care.
[46:23] He saves from death, destruction, and despair. Verse 3, already been quoted. My every need he richly will supply, nor will his mercy ever let me die.
[46:40] In him there dwells a treasure, all divine, a matchless grace has made that treasure mine. 667. 679.
[47:01] 687. 987.
[48:00] In whose way, in whose way, theип bütün truecopers home.
[48:18] In thy breath, the sinless distress, the Lord my strength, God, glorious righteousness.
[48:48] Through hearts and faith, the sinless distress, the Lord my strength, God, glorious righteousness.
[49:18] Now there may be the flesh and cross of life.
[49:34] Your breath is passing, the Lord my strength, God, glorious righteousness. The Lord my strength, the sinless distress, the Lord my strength, God, glorious righteousness. The sinless distress, the sinless distress, the Lord my strength, God, glorious righteousness. The sinless distress, the sinless distress, the Lord my strength, God, glorious righteousness. Red blue, red in thine, In ind sanct ваш, as their throne divine, The word righteous praise the Sonneer.
[50:11] Oh, bless your sins. Oh, but my son shall my grace.
[50:33] I'm not