He goeth before you into Galilee (Quality: very good)

Cranbrook - Part 7

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Nov. 5, 1992


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[0:00] Feeling so much to need the Lord's merciful and gracious help, I venture now in directing your thoughts to the Gospel of Mark, chapter 16, and reading verse 7.

[0:16] The Gospel of Mark, chapter 16, and reading verse 7. But go your way. Tell his disciples and Peter that he goeth before you into Galilee.

[0:40] There shall ye see him, as he said unto you. The Gospel of Mark, chapter 16, and verse 7.

[0:54] But go your way. Tell his disciples and Peter that he goeth before you into Galilee.

[1:08] There shall ye see him, as he said unto you. There are a few occasions, perhaps particularly, when we feel the need just to convey how we are brought, perhaps, to a certain verse or a certain word.

[1:43] On Tuesday evening, I received a message through my wife from a friend at the desk here.

[2:00] And the message was this. Looking forward to seeing you on Thursday evening. Well, how good it is even to be favoured like that, wherever we may be asked to go.

[2:25] And sometimes, you see, the Lord has a purpose in a message that we may receive.

[2:37] Now, when I was told by my wife and I received a message, looking forward to seeing you on Thursday evening, my thoughts were taken to this word here.

[3:00] And I thought, well, how much, how far, far greater it is for poor sinners, wherever they may be directed of God, wherever they may be in their life, whatever might lie before them in the future days of their life, to be favoured in it, to see Jesus.

[3:37] There shall ye see him. You see, I hope this thought may encourage our friend at the desk, because I'm well aware that the dear men that hold office in our chapels, and often they have a heavy load to carry, much concern, and how it is so here, and it is in many of our chapels today, and I hope you'll understand me when I say this, but how often in our chapels, perhaps there's one deacon, may not be even any more in the church, and we need to remember our deacons.

[4:32] I've often tried to encourage our deacons at home like this, and I've sometimes said to our people at home, oh, if you receive encouragement through the hymns, then tell them, because they need encouragement, as God's servants are thankful to receive encouragement.

[4:57] So there's just those few thoughts then, as we begin our meditation. You see, sometimes a message sent can be used of God.

[5:11] It often means so. And how we need, if ever any of you dear friends feel moved to write a letter, well then write it.

[5:21] If ever you feel moved to pick up the telephone, and to encourage one of God's servants, or anyone for that matter, then pick it up.

[5:32] The devil will try and stop you. Well, just to explain what I feel even in this, some weeks ago now, I was preaching away from home, one of my Sundays away, and, well, I had to go as I did, and venture as I did, and yet when I returned home, and indeed that evening and through the night, I felt whatever have you been saying.

[6:06] And I felt very troubled about it, my preaching, and I often have done. But you know, on Monday morning the phone rang. And at the other end of the telephone, there was a dear, trembling lady, and she said, Oh, I have trembled, and wondered if I should or shouldn't pick up the phone.

[6:28] But, you see, she could say this, that, Oh, she said, what you were helped to say yesterday, it described my very life and case.

[6:39] So you'll see how these things, messages, sometimes that God will have to be sent. Sometimes very simple messages, as this was, on Tuesday evening.

[6:54] But you see, this word here says, But go your way, and tell his disciples and Peter, that he goeth before you, into Galilee, there shall ye see him, as he said unto you.

[7:16] Now, this will bear out what I've just said, those few thoughts that I've mentioned. But these dear, godly women, and they were dear, godly women.

[7:30] They were among that little band of godly women, that ministered to their Saviour, in his needs, in his holy humanity. They ministered to him.

[7:41] And you know, dear friends, and, I do desire to be led of the Spirit of God, whenever I try to preach. But, you know, we would ever be thankful, for the dear, godly women, in our chapels, as well as the dear, godly men.

[8:00] We're living in days, when, the tendency is, that it would seem to me, in our government, and elsewhere, that people are trying, to turn men into women, and women into men.

[8:13] But it's not God's way. Men have their right place, and so do the dear women. But they have their god-appointed place. The husband is the head of the house, as Christ is the head of the church.

[8:28] And so it is, rightly viewed, in the business world. But you see, the whole thing is being confused, and turned round today, one of the sad signs, of our times.

[8:43] We need to keep, to the order, that God has given to us. That you see, here this band, of dear, godly women, they minister, to their Saviour.

[8:55] Oh, how thankful, I have been, many times, for dear, godly men, and dear, godly women. And I would encourage you, in that, here this evening. And never forget, what the Lord has told us, that a cup of cold water, given in his name, will not lose its reward.

[9:14] A cup of cold water, it won't lose its reward. And how burdened, this godly band, of dear women were.

[9:28] You see, they loved, their Saviour. And why did they love him? Because, he had called them, from death, unto life. Because, he had brought them, to himself.

[9:41] In Mary Magdalene's case, we are plainly told, that he cast out, seven devils. Oh, what cause, she had to love him. The more, we know, of deliverance, from evil.

[9:57] The more, favoured we are, in our souls, the more, we shall love him. And why, do we love him? If we do love him, we love him, because he first, loved us.

[10:10] And so, we have them here, coming to the sepulcher. And I have often felt, what we are told, about them. And when the Sabbath, was passed, Mary Magdalene, and Mary, the mother of James, and Salome, had bought, sweet spices, that they might, come, and anoint him.

[10:35] Oh, how burdened, they were. Of course, we know, that it has been, rightly said, and it is true, that, that Eve, was first, in the transgression.

[10:49] It was Eve first, who partook, of the forbidden fruit. And, it was godly women, that were first, at the sepulcher. And that is how, the Lord would have it to be.

[11:03] These godly women, they were first, at the sepulcher, and they came, that they might, might anoint him. Oh, how they loved him. And then, there's this, and very early, in the morning, the first day, of the week, they came, unto the sepulcher, at the rising, of the sun.

[11:25] We do not read, that any of the disciples, came like this, do we? Oh, they came afterwards, but they weren't, the first, at the sepulcher.

[11:37] You see, it was love, that moved them. They prepared, they bought, and we're told, in another of the gospels, that they prepared, sweet spices.

[11:50] And they came, and here, at the rising, of the sun. And they said, among themselves, who shall roll us, away the stone, from the door, of the sepulcher.

[12:02] And oh, how many, poor sinners, have given utterance, to just the same thing, in their own, hearts experience. You may be there, this evening. You may feel, to have a great stone, that you cannot, roll away, in your life.

[12:19] And you may be there, you may be saying, who shall roll us, away the stone, from the door, of the sepulcher. You see, no stone, is too heavy, or too great, for the Lord, to roll away.

[12:33] And when they arrived, you see, and when they looked, they saw, that the stone, was rolled away, for it was very great. Oh, the Lord, had rolled it away, for them.

[12:46] And that, is just what he still does, for his dear people. And then we have it, you see, and entering, into the sepulcher, they saw a young man, sitting, on the right side, clothed, in a long white garment, and they were, affrighted.

[13:03] We can understand it, surely. We would have been, just the same. They, oh, they loved their saviour, but, you see, they were just, poor trembling women.

[13:14] Oh, how poor, trembling, creatures, we are. How often, we tremble. And sometimes, it's very true, of us, at least, I would have to say this, at times, creatures of fear, we drag along, and fear, where no fear is.

[13:33] And yet, the Lord, is very merciful. He knows, how weak, and faint, thou art, and must appear, at length. A look from, him will cheer thy heart, and bring renewed strength.

[13:46] And then, they were spoken to. And he saith unto them, be not affrighted, ye seek Jesus of Nazareth, which was crucified.

[13:59] He is risen, he is not here. Behold the place, where they laid him. What a wonderful thing, to be favoured like this.

[14:13] I remember, a dear lady, so, burdened, about making, an open profession. And you see, the Lord gave her, as it were, a glimpse, of this sepulchre.

[14:29] Come see the place, where the Lord lay. Oh, she was favoured, to see, as it were, the baptismal pool, by faith.

[14:40] And it was said to her, come see the place, where the Lord lay. Oh, that moved her, you see. Oh, the telephone rang.

[14:51] Can I come and see you? Now, that is what the Lord does, for his dear people. And there are those of you, here tonight, that have proved it. When the Lord moved you, in spite of all your fears, and his word was true, in your case, thy people shall be willing, in the day of thy power.

[15:11] And when that power is put forth, it matters not, how weak, how faint, how fearful, poor sinners are, that have to come then, and tell what the Lord has done, for their never dying souls.

[15:23] And then there's this, you see, there was a message, to be delivered, by these godly women, to the disciples, tell his disciples, there was a message, to be delivered.

[15:39] And that takes me back, to those few opening remarks. But go your way. They had a message, to deliver.

[15:53] Tell his disciples, and Peter, I'm sure that, many of the Lord's people, his dear people, both men and women, young people, whoever it might be, but I'm sure that, many, many, have been thankful, for this word here.

[16:15] Peter certainly was. Oh, I'm sure that, when he received this message, his poor heart, was broken, before his Lord, and Master, because he denied him.

[16:30] Oh, but haven't we denied him? Could any of us, here tonight, say that we've never denied, our Lord? Would any of us, be able to say, that we'd never denied him?

[16:45] The Lord has made us, to understand something, of what we are, as poor sinners, fickle, feeble, forced, to change, he's ever prone.

[16:58] You see, Peter had such a lesson, to learn, in all this, that he never, never forgot it. And it was all, in the Lord's hand, to prepare him, for the work, that God had appointed, for him, he couldn't have preached, as he did, without all this.

[17:19] Oh, but you see, here then, the message was, but go your way, tell his disciples, and Peter, that he goeth, before you, into Galilee, there shall you see him, as he said unto you.

[17:36] Well, let us just go back, to our reading, first of all, for a few moments, in that 26th chapter, of the Gospel, of Matthew.

[17:52] After the Lord Jesus, had instituted, the Lord's Supper, as he did, may we not, forget this, that the Lord, instituted, the Lord's Supper.

[18:08] As oft as ye, eat this bread, and drink this, cup ye do show, show ye, the Lord's death, till he come. And as they were eating, Jesus took bread, and blessed it, and break it, and gave it, to the disciples, and said, take eat, this is my body.

[18:29] And he took the cup, and gave thanks, and gave it to them, saying, drink ye all of it, for this is my blood, of the New Testament, which is shed for many, for the remission of sin.

[18:45] But I say unto you, I will not drink henceforth, of this fruit of the vine, until that day, when I drink it new with you, in my Father's kingdom.

[18:57] And when they had sung, and him, they went out, into the Mount of Olives, then saith Jesus unto them, all ye shall be offended, because of me this night.

[19:09] For it is written, I will smite the shepherd, and the sheep of the flock, shall be scattered abroad. But this is what I wanted, to particularly notice. The Lord had already told them, but after I am risen again, I will go before you, into Galilee.

[19:30] Now dear friends, have we known what it is, for the Lord to speak to our hearts? This may have become clouded over, in our life, and in our souls experience.

[19:48] But have we, oh have we his word, locked up in our heart? You see, perhaps the Lord would have, as it were, this to be renewed, in our hearts here this evening, a renewal, of what he has said.

[20:10] because he'd already spoken this, to them. He'd already spoken it to them. Well I know I've spoken like this, here before and elsewhere, but friends, has the Lord given you a promise?

[20:31] Has he spoken to you? May have been years ago now. Perhaps the Holy Spirit, I hope he will, take you back this evening. Perhaps it might be many years, when the Lord gave your promise.

[20:49] You see I remember, perhaps just to illustrate, what I mean. Many years ago now, dear Mr. Morris, was preaching, that Jireh tented him.

[21:02] And he was speaking, about Jacob, when he saw the wagons, and his spirit revived, and he said, it is enough.

[21:16] I will go down, and see him, before I die. And what was the promise, that God gave him, in the next chapter, I think it is. Fear not, to go down into Egypt, for I will surely, bring thee up again.

[21:32] And in his case, it was as he was brought up, to his grave. But the Lord brought him up again. And Joseph shall put his hand, upon thine eyes.

[21:45] Do you never forget that? Because I felt, in that moment, and I know I am saying this, to you here this evening, and I know, that it may well, be sorely tested yet.

[21:59] But I felt that day, that when I came to die, my heavenly Joseph, would put his hand, on my eyes. Now that's many years ago now.

[22:12] And I've yet to come to death. But death, is a real, solemn matter, to the living family of God. We have a hymn, that says this, death awful sound, and it is, and terror of the human race, who except Jesus smile within, can look the monster in the face.

[22:39] But you see dear friends, whatever the Lord, if you have, if it's just one promise, if the Lord has given you, his word, by the spirit, and you were humbled in it, and under it, and you were favoured in believing.

[22:55] Now what the Lord said to you, however many years ago, he's going to fulfil it, when the time comes. He's going to fulfil it. You see, so this is one thing, I've come here with tonight.

[23:11] But after I am risen again, I will go before you into Galilee. He'd already told them. He'd already told them. Now what a mercy, if we've ever been spoken to, by the Lord, in these things.

[23:28] Oh, what a mercy. Perhaps I might be allowed just to add this thought. And sometimes these things can affect our children, they can affect our dear one.

[23:45] But I remember so well when our eldest son was a tiny boy, and he was sitting on my lap.

[23:56] Mr. Leslie Rowell was preaching on that occasion, and he spoke like this, as recorded in the word of God for the woman of Shonan.

[24:09] And the question was put to her, wasn't it, is it well with thee? Is it well with thy husband? Is it well with the child? And she said, it is well.

[24:21] Now, I felt that day that it was well with my son. I felt it would be well with him. I really did.

[24:34] And I've lived to see the day through the mercy of God when the evidence of God's grace was to be seen in him. And the day came when I was favoured to baptise him.

[24:47] Oh, these things, you know, that the Lord does. And if the Lord gives to a parent a promise or a word about her child, you see, they may go to the ends of the earth.

[25:03] They may go right away from the truth altogether. But, oh, if God has spoken, he'll bring them back. He'll bring them back.

[25:14] If he's spoken, he'll bring them back. I'm aware that parents do not always live to see this. But it doesn't alter the word of God.

[25:25] They'll be brought back. As sure as God has spoken. And sometimes these things are sorely tried in the lives of parents.

[25:37] They have been in my own life. When it would seem that those things that we'd hoped and believed in as though they've all come to nothing. But you see, the Lord had already spoken.

[25:54] And not only had he spoken to his disciples, but he'd spoken to Peter. But think of what happens here, that after I am risen again, I will go before you into Galilee.

[26:09] Peter answered immediately, this dear man, and he was a dear man, I would feel it right to say that many of the Lord's people have been thankful for the account of poor Peter.

[26:25] Have you been a companion with him? I have. Oh, we've denied him, haven't we? You know, we can deny him and we do in all kinds of ways.

[26:41] It's really when we speak as he did in our hearts, in our life, I know not the man. And yet, that same dear Saviour had said to Peter, come follow me.

[26:55] And he'd left all and followed him. You see, it shows, doesn't it, it shows what poor things we are. It shows how we can only continue, we shall only continue as grace is given.

[27:13] But here, immediately, I would, as it were, try to make this clear here this evening. But the Lord had already said, but after I am risen again, I will go before you into Galilee.

[27:28] Peter answered and said unto him, though all men, think of what he said, though all men shall be offended because of thee, yet will I never be offended.

[27:41] And how did his Lord answer him? How did he answer him as recorded in Luke's Gospel? Simon, Simon, Satan hath desired to have you, that he may sift you as wheat, but I have prayed for thee, that thy faith fail not, and when thou art converted, strengthen thy brethren?

[28:04] Do you know what it is to go into Satan's sift? Have you ever known what it is to, as it were, for your religion to go to and fro in the sift?

[28:16] And you wonder if there's going to be anything left? That's just how it was with Peter. Oh, you see, Peter, a loving Peter fowl, as we've sung in our second hymn, a loving Peter fowl.

[28:33] He that trusts in his own heart is a fool. And the Lord had to teach him this. It was something that he would never forget. It was something that he could convey to those to whom he preached.

[28:46] He knew what he was saying when he did preach. And that's really just the same still today regarding God's servants. You'll know when men speak from their hearts.

[28:58] You'll know when the Lord moves them to speak. Because there will be a measure of power attending his word through them. We speak that that we do know.

[29:11] Wasn't it the Lord said that himself? We speak that that we do know and you receive not our witness? Now, I want just to tarry for a little while here.

[29:25] Peter answered, as soon as the Lord had said, I will go before you into Galilee, Peter. And he said it to the others as well. But immediately Peter answered, and said unto him, though all men shall be offended because of thee, yet will I never be offended.

[29:42] Jesus said unto him, Verily I say unto thee, that this night before the cock crow thou shalt deny me thrice. Jesus said unto him, Verily I say unto thee, that this night before the cock crow thou shalt deny me thrice.

[29:59] Peter said unto him, Friends, listen to this. Peter said unto him, though I should die with thee, yet will I not deny thee.

[30:12] And I've noticed this especially as I read it this evening, because what else does it say? Likewise also said all the disciples.

[30:22] So they were all in this, you see. Peter was the spokesman. Peter, you see, impetuous that he was. You know, some people can't keep anything to themselves.

[30:35] We're all different in our disposition. But the Lord knows all about our disposition. He knows what poor things we are. But then, you see, it was this.

[30:49] Peter said unto him, Though I should die with thee, yet will I not deny thee. likewise also said all the disciples. Well, that is the background to the subject.

[31:04] And then to think, oh, I cannot leave it without this. You'll remember, and we've read, haven't we?

[31:15] Let me just turn back for a moment to that that took place here, now Peter sat without in the palace, and a damsel came unto him, saying, Thou also wast with Jesus of Galilee.

[31:31] But he denied before them all, saying, I know not what thou sayest. And when he was gone out into the porch, another maid saw him, and said unto them that were there, this fellow was also with Jesus of Nazareth.

[31:45] And again he denied with an oath, I do not know the man. And after a while came unto him they that stood by and said to Peter, Surely thou also art one of them for thy speech bereath thee.

[32:03] Then he began to curse, and to swear, saying, I know not the man. And immediately the cock crew. And Peter remembered the word of Jesus which said unto him, Before the cock crow, thou shalt deny me thrice.

[32:20] And he went out and wept bitterly. Well, this is the background to the subject. And oh, are we thankful for the word that's recorded in, I believe it's Luke's gospel.

[32:35] Wondrous words, and Jesus turned and looked upon Peter, and he went out and wept bitterly. That look, that look of love, it broke his heart, and he went out and wept bitterly.

[32:51] You know, what must Peter have felt like? What he must have felt like? And yet, friends, if we know anything of our own fallen sinful hearts, we're no different, we know better.

[33:07] We know better. So you see, these words that I've read to you, but go your way, these godly women, but go your way, tell his disciples and Peter, that he goeth before you into Galilee, and there shall ye see him as he said unto you.

[33:33] Now, just for a little while to come to this word then, but go your way, tell his disciples and Peter, that he goeth before you into Galilee.

[33:46] Now, isn't it true that we're often fearful about the future? We're often fearful about the future. We're poor trembling things.

[34:03] And I can only hope that the Lord has given me this word, even if it should be for one of you here this evening, I would be thankful. But think of what the Lord is saying to you, I hope you'll feel that it is so.

[34:17] I hope you'll lose sight of me and my poor voice in that sense, but that this might be a word for you. If any of you have been praying today for a word this evening, have you been asking the Lord for a word?

[34:32] Have you felt to need a word today? Is there that in your life? Are there those things that at times fill your poor heart with fear? You wonder where the scene will end?

[34:45] You have those things, you have those thoughts, it may be connected with yourself, it may be very much connected with your loved ones in one way or another, but you have your fears.

[35:00] But you see the Lord is saying, and I hope we shall feel this, that go your way, tell his disciples and Peter that he, goeth before you into Galilee.

[35:17] Whatever that may mean, if it means something to do with your daily life and your daily occupation, if it means something to do with even your home or something future in that respect, something to do with you in your life, I mean providentially first of all.

[35:42] And yet think of it, whatever might lie before us in the future, what a mercy, oh this is something that we all need, but go your way, tell his disciples and Peter that he goeth before you, think of it, the Lord going before you, preparing the way for you, opening the way for you, so that whatever may transpire, I think of it first of all regarding the things of this life, surely that is our exercise, that is our concern.

[36:23] you see, there is a sense in which this is just my own personal feelings, but even in coming to Cranbrook this evening, and this is what I have needed, that he would go before me here this evening, and there shall you see me, there shall you see him, and isn't it this that we need whenever we meet for worship, isn't it that we might see Jesus, to see him in his word, to hear his voice, for him to speak to our hearts, isn't it this that we meet for, what is there without it, well there's nothing without it, it's only as we see Jesus, it's only as we hear his voice, it is only when his word reaches our heart with a measure of power, but then in closing, and I need help to say this I feel, but go your way, tell his disciples and Peter that he goeth before you into

[37:30] Galilee, but friends, every one of us here must soon die, be as water spilt on the ground, however much longer we live, it's going to be but a moment compared with eternity, unless the Lord comes, unless the Lord returns before we die, we shall all die, that lies before us, death lies before us, and the grave lies before us, eternity lies before us, but if you see the Lord's people are very concerned about death, are very concerned about their end, you know, people that are in the world left to themselves, they laugh about death, they laugh about hell, but a child of God cannot make light of this, you know, death is death, death is a reality, do you know what it is to tremble at the very thought of it, sometimes especially, how will it be with us in the swelling of

[38:41] Jordan, now you see, even in death, in death thou wilt most needful be, and I've often felt how that hymn is worded, in death thou wilt most needful be when I yield up my soul to thee, oh, you see, this is something we shall feel our deep need of, dear Mr.

[39:07] Dawson used to often tell his people and others that the Lord does not give dying grace till a dying hour, and I'm sure that's right, but oh, if there should be a word for us even in that sense, even regarding our end, that he goeth before you into Galilee, into Galilee, and there shall ye see him as he said unto you, oh, to see him when we come to die, to be favoured in death.

[39:45] As I said already, in death thou wilt most needful be when I yield up my soul to thee. I've told you, have I not, perhaps, before of that instance in a particular old people's home, and there that same day, first of all, there was this poor woman who was struggling to live, and was heard to say, regarding death, I won't, you see, I won't, she was really saying, I won't die, she struggled to live, but she had to die, and yet in that same home there was another dear lady, and it was completely opposite to this, what was she heard to say?

[40:35] She was heard to say this, even so come Lord Jesus. now, there you have the two opposites, and it will either be one or the other with you and I.

[40:47] Oh, we need these things, we so need the reality of these things. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen.

[40:58] Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen.