This is the evening sermon. The morning sermon from the same text is listed as "Hope, an anchor of the soul (1).
[0:00] depending upon God for his gracious help and his blessing. Shall we turn again to the words found at the end of the sixth chapter of the epistle to the Hebrews concerning that hope of the Christian believers, the heirs of promise.
[0:23] Verses 19 and 20 in chapter 6 of the epistle to the Hebrews. Which hope we have as an anchor of the soul, both sure and steadfast, and which entereth into that within the veil, whether the forerunner is for us entered.
[0:50] Even Jesus, maiden high priest forever after the order of Melchizedek.
[1:02] Hope is essentially forward-looking. It centers in the future.
[1:13] As the apostle Paul says, Hope that is seen is not hope. For what a man seeth, why doth he yet hope for?
[1:24] But if we hope for that we see not, then do we with patience wait for it. Hope is the grace especially that looks for the fulfillment in the future of what is hoped for.
[1:46] But how can we know what knowledge is there of the future? The answer must be absolutely none except what God has revealed.
[2:00] for only God knows what is in the future. And he knows perfectly. He knows everything that lies in that future time, that future state.
[2:17] And so what is in the word of God, and especially what is in the nature of promise, is the food of hope.
[2:27] It is the very substance of hope. What God has said, we may be absolutely certain, will be fulfilled.
[2:40] And that is the way, that is really the whole foundation of hope. God has said, and therefore we may expect, as the psalmist says, my soul waits thou only upon God, for my expectation is from him.
[3:03] What he has given ground to expect in the future, faith and hope may well look to and look for.
[3:17] Now, as regards the future, almost the whole of it concerns the world to come, the life beyond this, beyond the grave.
[3:33] The whole way of faith and hope, the whole prospect of hope, is there in the future, in the life to come.
[3:48] Of course, those things which God has promised for this life, we may be sure, will be obtained, will be given. But, what a tiny part that is, compared with that which is to come.
[4:06] And we may see this for a moment in two ways. There is, if we may use the term, the word, that which relates to time. Perhaps, in this world, we may live seventy, eighty years even, perhaps a little more, perhaps much less.
[4:31] But even, at the most, it is but a drop in the ocean, compared with eternity. how little it is, and yet how important, because that little inch of time does direct, and does affect, the whole, of our eternal future, which goes on, and on, and on, forever.
[5:03] Eternity, tremendous sound, to guilty souls, a dreadful wound. But, oh, if Christ, and heaven be mine, how sweet the accents, how divine.
[5:21] And, also, this is true, in degree. The truth is, sadly, that here below, in this life, all that we have, is impure, it is defiled.
[5:35] Everything is affected, by our sinful state. All that we enjoy, in a spiritual way, which indeed, can be much, really, yet it is all, almost as nothing, in comparison, with what eternity holds.
[5:58] As we considered, the other day, the Apostle Paul, at one time, was favoured, to be caught up, into paradise, and heard, unspeakable words, which it is not lawful, or possible, for a man, to utter.
[6:16] Which we may, understand, as far as we can, as being, such, that no human words, could possibly express, what he saw, and what he felt.
[6:29] eternal things, are, so, far beyond, all the things, of this life, and so, that which is, the very, basis of hope, that which is, so takes up, the prospects, of the, believer, is almost, entirely, in eternity.
[6:56] It is in heaven, and glory. glory. It is within, the veil. That is where, the believer's hope, enters, and so it is, expressed here.
[7:12] Hope, as an anchor, of the soul, both sure, and steadfast, which entereth, in, to that, within the veil. the apostle, in writing, this epistle, of course, has always, in mind, those Old Testament, arrangements, the tabernacle, and the veil, that was there, that thick veil, which shut off, the Holy of Holies, from, all, external view, from all, the people of Israel, except one, who was to enter there, as a type, of the great, high priest.
[7:56] Beyond that veil, there was, the ark, of the covenant, so, typifying, the person, of Jesus Christ, blessed, and, on top, of that ark, there was, the mercy seat, that slab, of pure gold, the blood sprinkled, mercy seat, and, above, resting upon the ark, and the cherubims there, there was, always, that glorious, cloud, of light, God, himself, was pleased, to meet, with men, through Jesus Christ, and, that, perfect, cube, of the holy, of holies, was there, always, and, was a type, of heaven, itself, as the apostle, in this epistle, makes plain, he speaks, that, he says,
[8:56] Christ, has not entered, into, those, earthly, that earthly, tabernacle, that was, just a figure, of the true, but, into heaven, itself, there, to appear, in the presence, of God, for us, and, so, this is where, hope is directed, its main sphere, is beyond, this world, and, enters, into those things, which are, eternal, all, now, now, perhaps, I need, hardly, say, that, in, considering, these things, we, so, need, the spirit, of God, we, are, so, inadequate, of, ourselves, we, need, something, which is, altogether, beyond, this world, that hope, which does, pierce, the veil, which enters, into those things, which are, beyond, which are, heavenly, and, eternal, but, they are, so, glorious, and, so, animating, to, hope, and, faith, those words, of the hymn, are, so, suitable, if we could, but, with him, come there, as he says, my, thoughts, surmount, these, lower, skies, and, look, within, the veil, their springs, of, heavenly, pleasure, rise, its, waters, the waters, never, fail, there,
[10:42] I, behold, with, sweet, delight, the, blessed, three, in, one, and, strong, affections, fix, my, sight, on, God's, incarnate, son, it is, with awe, and wonder, that one, attempts, such a subject, as this, that hope, which entereth, into that, within the veil, whether the forerunner, is for us, entered, even Jesus, may the Lord, help us each, as we so, greatly need, the help of God, in this matter, here, then, there is hope's prospect, hope's fear, those things, which concern, the very nature, and the, blessed prospect, that faith has, of the future, a faith, so to speak, or hope, so anticipates, what God has promised, in the future, first, there is holiness, the apostle has in mind, the holy, of holies, holiness, the ultimate, of holy, perfection, where God, in his, gracious presence, is known, where his, light, and glory, are experienced, holiness, holiness, holiness.
[12:33] It is very difficult, for us to understand, what holiness, really is. We may be able, to think of it, in a negative way, that is, of being, absolute, sinlessness, of being, delivered, forever, from sin, by the blood, of Jesus.
[12:59] But there is, the positive side, of holiness, which means, supreme, and perfect, goodness. We may, perhaps, best, understand, what holiness, really is, by considering, the Lord Jesus Christ, how he came, to this earth, as the epistle, here, speaks of him, of him, as the, the great high priest, who is holy, harmless, undefiled, separate, from sinners, and made, higher, than the heavens.
[13:42] How wonderful, that the, infinite, eternal God, became man, and never, sinned. God, but, the, holiness, of his, divine nature, so, filled his, human frame, that he, as, one person, as, God, and man, united, is, always, and, infinitely, holy, in his, person.
[14:17] And, the apostle, John, says, with regard, to this, we know, that when we, shall see him, we shall see him, as he is.
[14:28] We know, that when he, shall appear, we shall be like him, for we shall, see him, as he is. In other words, we shall be holy, not holy, with his own, infinite, perfection.
[14:46] we can never be, as gloriously, and infinitely, holy, as he is. But, we shall be, in our nature, if we have this hope, we shall be, perfectly holy.
[15:01] And, that is, hopes, real, anticipation. how different, it is with us now.
[15:13] Everything, that we do, comes so far, short, of this holiness. One says, so truly, sin, my, every power, defiles, thought, and word, and action, too.
[15:31] Savior, in thy mercy, smile, wash, make me, white as snow. Is this your, are you satisfied, with being in this condition?
[15:47] We are all, really, thoroughly sinful, in ourselves. We so, continually, are affected, by sin. The believer's hope, is to be holy.
[16:03] Everyone, John says, that hath this hope, in him, in Jesus Christ, purifieth himself, even as he is pure. He is longing, for holiness.
[16:17] Are you? There is this, blessed prospect of it, for the believer. The apostle prayed, for the Thessalonians, he said, first said, this is the will of God, even your sanctification.
[16:35] It may seem, often to us, that, we shall never, attain to holiness. But if it is, God's own purpose, then it will be fulfilled.
[16:47] The apostle, in that epistle, goes on to say, now the very God of peace, sanctify you wholly. And I pray, God, your whole body, and soul, and spirit, be preserved blameless, until the coming, of Jesus Christ.
[17:07] Is that too much, to hope? It would be, of course, if we had to do it, or had to contribute, to it at all. The apostle, says at once, faithful is he, that calleth you, he also, will do it.
[17:25] He will make, his people holy. He will have, forever, a holy people, to worship him. Is this what, you hope for?
[17:41] We read, of that heavenly city, of the church of God, in its ultimate state, there shall in no wise, enter into it, anything that defileth, neither whatsoever, loveth, and maketh a lie, but they that are written, in the Lamb's book of life.
[18:04] That is a searching word, but it is a very comforting word, to the people of God. Their holiness, is inviolable, nothing can ever touch it, God has promised, that through all eternity, they shall never, never enter into, that, church of God, anything that defiles again.
[18:31] Hope, longs for holiness, and that hope, will not be ashamed. Secondly, there is happiness, holiness, and that is so, inseparably linked, to holiness, as sin, is joined to sorrow.
[18:57] We know what sorrow is, in this present life, that sin, in this world, sin around us, and sin within us, makes, very much, sorrow, here below, it must do.
[19:17] I, remember my, dear pastor, my late dear pastor, Mr. Dowse, saying, I know, that I shall never, be perfectly happy, until, I am perfectly holy, and surely now, he is both, and so, is the hope, of the people of God.
[19:44] Holiness, is associated, with happiness, always, and perfect holiness, means, perfect happiness, or joy.
[19:55] joy. The apostle speaks, as we read, in Peter, of, that, happiness, of the people of God, even now, he says, ye rejoice, with joy, unspeakable, and full of glory.
[20:15] There is a great joy, in, the things of God, in, as far as they are, apprehended by faith, they are received, in joy.
[20:27] There is, an unspeakable, an inexpressible, delight, in the things of God. But that is never, pure. In this present life, it is not a pure joy.
[20:42] The apostle Jude says, now unto him, that is able to keep us, from falling, and to present us, faultless, before the presence, of his glory, with exceeding joy.
[20:58] There will be, an exceeding joy, when there is, a faultless state. And so, this is before, this is the prospect, of the people of God, that he will present you, holy, and unblameable, and unreprovable, in his sight.
[21:19] In his sight. The people of God, what an unspeakable joy, it will be, to behold, the Saviour, in his glory, without, a veil between.
[21:35] Within, the veil, he is there, that blessed person. as we may understand, from the book of Revelation, still showing, unmistakable signs, of his sufferings, in the past.
[21:55] One says, concerning it, with what raptures, he'll embrace us, wipe away, each falling tear, near himself, forever place us, and with love, our bosoms cheer, hallelujah, we shall, with the Lord, appear.
[22:16] Will that not be joy? One says in the Psalm, so long before, in thy presence, there is fullness, of joy, at thy right hand, there are pleasures, forevermore.
[22:32] in this world, all is mixed, in that, all is pure. Pure holiness, means pure joy.
[22:49] And then, there is praise. The Apostle John, was given, a glimpse, more than one glimpse, of that world, beyond this.
[23:04] Again, and again, he was, introduced, to those, activities. We may call them such, as those exercises, of the people of God, in their, holy and glorified state.
[23:18] What are they doing? He says, and I beheld, and a door, was opened into heaven. And one said to him, come up higher, come through the door, see what, heaven, is like.
[23:36] And there it was, again and again, he saw, the hosts of heaven, bowing down, before the lamb, worshipping him, praising him.
[23:51] Their song, was like that, worthy, is the lamb, that was slain, to receive riches, and honor, and glory, and blessing. All honor was given to him, and what joyful praise, that was.
[24:10] The people of God, know something of this, just a little, here below. There is praise, which rises, from their hearts. How could it be otherwise, when they do catch a glimpse, of the truth, of God's word, when they do realize, something, of what the Lord Jesus, has done for them.
[24:33] We find it, in the accounts, of these apostles, how they do, again and again, burst forth, into praise. As, Peter says, blessed, be the God, and Father, of our Lord Jesus Christ, who, according to his, abundant mercy, hath begotten us, again, unto a lively hope, by the resurrection, of Jesus Christ, from the dead, unto an inheritance, incorruptible, and undefiled, and that fadeth not away, reserved in heaven, for you.
[25:11] You may notice, that he returns, to that again, and again, to the fact, that for the believer, there is this hope, which enters, within the veil, where is death?
[25:26] Well, it is not even mentioned. It must come, of course, unless the Lord appear, but it is, not really, an interruption, in their course.
[25:38] It is just a help. It is a porter, at the heavenly gate, to let, the pilgrims in, their hope, is before them, and death, will not, stop them, inheriting, what hope, has set before them.
[25:57] There is this, wonderful link, hope, provides an anchor, an anchor, is a link, between, something, like a ship, in this present life, and it enters, within, beyond, the veil, and there, they will praise.
[26:23] How could they do otherwise? If in this present world, a glimpse, by faith, of that precious Savior, who has done so much, for them, if that excites, their praise now, how about, when they see him, face to face, for that is promised, to the people of God, they shall, see his face, and his name, shall be, in their foreheads, they serve him, day and night, in his temple, they enter into, all that, which they really, hoped for, here below, they love to praise him, even now, who that knows, anything of this, cannot value, in some measure, what the psalmist says, it is a good thing, to say, give thanks, unto the Lord, and to sing praises, unto thy name,
[27:31] O most high, to show forth, thy loving kindness, in the morning, and thy faithfulness, every night, what a good thing, it is, to praise God, even now, but oh, beyond this present life, beyond this world, it will be pure, and perfect, and constant praise, praise, a few, dull, imperfect notes, sound, here below, and the Lord, does, graciously receive them, we may say, he is pleased, to hear, the praises of earth, but oh, the pure, and constant, and eternal, praises, of heaven, unto him, that loved us, and washed us, from our sins, in his own blood, and has made us kings, and priests, unto our God, to him be glory, forever, and ever, amen, will you be, in that song, of praise, the vast multitudes, of ransomed hosts, the ransomed, of the Lord, shall return, and shall come, to Zion, everlasting joy, shall be on their heads, they shall obtain, joy and gladness, and sorrow, and sighing, shall flee away, it most certainly, shall do so, may God be praised, for all, such, prospects, and then, there is love, love, now,
[29:26] God's own command, for his creatures, is this, thou shalt love, the Lord thy God, with all thy heart, with all thy mind, with all thy soul, and with all thy strength, God first, and thou shalt love, thy neighbor, as thyself, how much of that love, suppose you, can be seen, in this present world, one has to say, very little, in comparison, none in the worldling, and all too little, in the people of God, one says, and so many, and so many, have echoed it, Lord, it is my chief complaint, that my love, is cold, and faint, but I love thee, and adore, oh, for grace, to love thee more, it will not be, there complete, there, complaint at all, in heaven, there will be, no cold hearts, there, there, everyone, will be burning, with fire, will be full, of love, to the Savior, if they love him, a little now, beset as they are, troubled by sin, and its chilling effects, how much more, will they love him, when they see his face, who is indeed, altogether lovely, how can they fail, to love him then, who has done so much, for them, when it is all, so much clearer, and so much more, evident to them, how they will be filled, with love to him, forever, and ever, and ever, with perfect love, that great, writer,
[31:35] Jonathan Edwards, spoke about this, when he, spoke about love, in the 13th chapter, of the Corinthians, the first epistle, and he said, at the end, heaven, is a world, of love, and surely it is, heaven is full, of that holy love, there, they dwell in love, in God, and God in them, and love, forever reigns, there, that will be, their prospect, that will be, fulfilled, fulfilled, the people of God, on this earth, have longed, to fulfill, that command, nothing, they would like, better than this, but to love, the Lord, their God, with all their hearts, and with all their mind, with all their soul, and with all their strength, that is the hope, in their hearts, and it will be fulfilled, they will be able to, for all eternity, he who is, altogether lovely, will so draw, their affections, then they will be able, to say to him, in effect, oh thou, whom my soul loveth, now this hope, in all its aspects,
[33:04] I want, to make this, abundantly clear, is Christ centered, it is all, centered, in the Lord, Jesus Christ, everything, with regard to it, whether it be, holiness, or happiness, praise, or love, or joy, whatever it may be, it is all, in Jesus Christ, what would heaven be, if he were not there, if one for a moment, can suppose, heaven, without Christ, why he is really, the very sum, and substance of heaven, to them, I will remember, that little verse, of the hymn, I suppose we seldom sing it, to fear his name, to trust, his grace, to know his will, be my employ, till I shall see him, face to face, himself my heaven, himself my joy, it all centers to him, in him, the hosts of heaven, do not, contemplate the glory there, except as it is, in Jesus Christ, we might say, surely, every eye, is fixed on him, he is the whole, center, and substance, of their worship, of their love, it is all, because of what he has done, that they have been brought there, from all eternity, they have been saved, from the just reward, of their sin, and they will surely, praise him, with joyful, loving hearts, for all eternity,
[34:55] Jesus, Jesus only, is the song of heaven, oh dear friends, what it is, to look within, the veil, and this is really, what hope does, hope believes, hope receives, in prospect, it anticipates, what God, has promised, now, I fear, that in this present life, with all its difficulties, we fail much, in this, hope is often, weak, and poor, and shaded, oh, there is so much, lacking in it, well, might the apostles, say here, we desire, that every one, of you, do show, the same diligence, to the full assurance, of hope, unto the end, have you a hope, have you the, full assurance, of hope, what a blessed, grace it is, what blessed, prospects, it brings, before us, yes, we do have to live, if the Lord, spares us, as far as we know, we all have to live, in this present world, we have our responsibilities, which are not, to be, evaded, we have, maybe, families, and so on, relations, we have, many in this world, as the apostle Paul, could say, with regard, to the churches of God, in his mind, on one, side, there is this,
[36:40] I have a desire, a great longing, to depart, and to be with Christ, which is far better, now surely, if you know, a little of what it means, to be with Christ, you will realize, that it is very, far better, as that word, really implies, it is far, far better, but the apostle says, nevertheless, to abide in the flesh, is more needful, for you, if God sees, it is more needful, for you, to stay, a little longer, in this present world, then surely, you should submit, to that, but have you, this great longing, do you long, to be with Christ, which is, so much better, this is the, language, the, sphere of hope, I suppose, that often, that hope, becomes clouded, and, so, inadequate, comparatively, it doesn't have, much of these effects, perhaps, it is because, we do not, sufficiently consider, what we are told, from the word of God, as regards, the life to come, what lies, before every believer, for all eternity, all this, holy bliss, this endless, praise, this, seeing, of the Savior's face, in love, in glory, but oh, may the Lord, revive this, in our hearts, may he give us, each, that hope, which so affects, the way that we live, so that we may, live for that, rather than this, so that we may live, for eternity,
[38:36] Amen.