[0:00] By the grace of God, let us seek to continue our meditation in the prophecy of Isaiah chapter 51, reading from the third verse.
[0:20] Isaiah chapter 51, reading from verse the third. For the Lord shall camphor Zion.
[0:35] He will camphor all her waste places. To the beloved family of God.
[0:49] To his one church, universal in all ages. To everyone that he eternally loves.
[1:04] There is this positive note. Of what he will do for them. There is no ambiguity about it.
[1:16] It does not hang in any doubtful scale. It is not something that is uncertain.
[1:27] But it is proposed and declared by our triune God. In his glorious gospel of redemption.
[1:41] For the Lord shall comfort Zion. He will comfort all her waste places.
[1:53] And so this evening as we resume the discourse and meditation upon this beautiful and divine subject.
[2:05] I would begin in this manner. How may we define this divinely appointed and promised blessing to Zion.
[2:21] It is a rich, kind, infinitely wise provision. In the everlasting covenant of grace.
[2:38] Hearken to these words. Hearken to these words, brethren and sisters. Those words of King David. Before his departing.
[2:51] Although my house be not so with God. Yet hath he made with me an everlasting covenant. Ordered in all things.
[3:05] This comfort is in it. Ordered. Ordered in all things. And sure. And sure. This is all my salvation and all my desire.
[3:21] Although he make it not to grow. So there it is. It's provided in the everlasting covenant.
[3:33] For everyone that the Lord loves. Comfort. Divine comfort. Nothing false.
[3:43] Nothing transient. Fleeting. But the nature of it is eternal. Boundless.
[3:54] Wondrous. And I would like to quote to you another scripture. That wonderfully expounds this.
[4:05] Provision of the everlasting covenant. O how great is thy goodness. Which thou hast laid up for them that fear thee.
[4:20] Laid it up. It is in the fullness. That it hath pleased the Father should. Be in his dear Son incarnate.
[4:31] It is laid up. And then the psalmist continues. Which thou hast wrought for them. That trust in thee before the sons of men.
[4:45] It was wrought by Christ. In his vicarious obedience. In sufferings and passion. And sacrificial death.
[4:55] And the opening of the fountain. And his glorious victory and resurrection. And ascension to heaven. And session at the right hand of God.
[5:08] But he wrought it. My friends. I would emphasize with all. Worship. And adoration.
[5:21] And reverence. And love. This comfort that is so rich. So free. So precious.
[5:31] So beautiful. So satisfying. So healing. So delivering. So cheering. So cheering. This comfort was wrought by our Savior.
[5:44] In his passion. That there would have been no comfort for us. Apart from his groans. His tears.
[5:57] His cries. His sacrificial death. The drinking of the curse. The exhausting of the vengeance of God.
[6:10] By him. That was due. To his people. It was wrought by him. And being wrought by him.
[6:22] Do you see. It is laid up. In that glorious covenant. To be. Communicated. You well know.
[6:33] That the covenant of grace. Is administered. Is administered. By the comforter. The Holy Ghost. It's not something that's static.
[6:45] The Holy Ghost. Administers the covenant. To the people of God. And in so doing. He administers the comfort. It is laid up.
[6:56] How wonderful. So. Let us continue. In this definition. An infinitely. God.
[7:08] Kind. Loving. And wise. Provision. In the everlasting. Covenant. For every child. Of God.
[7:18] God. Especially. As they travel. Through a waste. Howly wilderness. And how beautiful. It is.
[7:29] To consider. This aspect. Of the subject. Namely. That we have. A sympathizing. High priest. Who feels.
[7:41] In his. Heart. All that his. People feel. Think of his. Humiliation. His suffering.
[7:54] Shortish. All that he endures. And he knows. Each. Tempted. Members. Pine.
[8:06] For their. Afflictions. His. Think then. Of the definition. And it is. A. As we have said.
[8:19] One of those. Divinely. Rich. Fruits. Of the dolorous. Sufferings. Of our Savior. Take those words.
[8:31] In the canticles. I sat down. Under his. Shadow. With great delight. And his. Fruit. The fruit.
[8:42] Of a once. Crucified. Savior. His. Fruit. And this. Comfort. Is one of the. Fruits. And his.
[8:54] Fruit. Was sweet. To my. Taste. So that. Your. Spirits.
[9:06] Are being. Directed. To consider. In holy. Love. And sympathy. The. Bitter. Passion.
[9:17] Of the Lord. Jesus. And how. This. Comfort. Came. To you. Oh. What a. Cost. And it is.
[9:28] Also. A. Fruit. Of the. Boundless. Everlasting. Immutable. Ineffable. Love. Of the. Father. And the.
[9:40] Sweet. Fruit. Of the. Spirit. Who. Is. The. Comfort. That. Jesus. Sent. And the.
[9:50] Father. To abide. With us. Forever. What a. Definition. These. Holy. Fruits. Whatever.
[10:01] The. Lord. Is. Pleased. Bestow. Is. According. To. His. Infinite. Wisdom. He. Knows. All. About.
[10:11] Us. He. Knows. Our. Path. Our. Trials. Our. Waste. Places. Our. Sorrows. He. Knows. Our. Personal.
[10:22] Things. Family. Things. Church. Things. Things. That. Relate. To. The. Churches. Of. God. Generally. He. Knows. All. About. It.
[10:32] And. He. Knows. The. Sorrows. Of. The. Why. The. Tribulations. Through. Which. We. Must.
[10:43] Pass. Through. The. Kingdom. And. It. May. Be. Said. Therefore. That. This. Divine. Comfort.
[10:53] Is. Indispensable. It. Would. Be. A. Sheer. Impossibility. To. Go. Through. The. Journey. And.
[11:03] To. Walk. In. This. Tribulation. Apart. From. The. Experience. The. Balancing. Experience. Of. This. Divine. Comfort. Second.
[11:14] Corinthians. One. Our apostle. Refers. To. The. Abounding. Of. Tribulation. Suffering.
[11:24] Suffering. Affliction. And. So. On. But. The. Two. Scale. Path. There. There. There. There. Are. These. Afflictions. And. Difficulties.
[11:35] And. Trials. And. We. Do. Not. Underestimate. Them. They. Are. Penetrating. And. Painful. And. Agonizing.
[11:45] To. Us. But. He. Says. As. They. Abound. The. Consolations. Abound. By. Christ. Jesus. The.
[11:57] Holy Ghost. Administers. The. Covenant. Of. Grace. And. Sends. The. Comfort. Into. Your. Soul. See.
[12:08] The. Wonder. For. The. Lord. Shall. Comfort. Zion. He. Will. Comfort.
[12:19] All. Her. Ways. They. Shears. And. There. Is. Something. Therefore. That.
[12:29] Is. Holy. Effectual. And. Satisfying. In. What. The. Lord. Communicates. To. Us. It.
[12:41] Is. All. Sufficient. It. Is. Wonderfully. Effectual. And. It. Is. Completely. Satisfying. The.
[12:52] Holy Ghost. Administering. That. Covenant. Of. Grace. To. Your. Soul. And. You'll. Find. That. You. Have. An. Eternal. Satisfaction. In. What. Is. Conveyed.
[13:02] To. Your. Spirit. That. Is. The. Nature. Of. It. You're. Satisfied. You. You. Have. Something. From. God. Something. That.
[13:12] Is. Divine. And. Eternal. In. Nature. And. Character. And. Something. That. Is. Pure. And. Holy. And. Something. That. Your. Soul. Knows.
[13:25] How. To. Appreciate. And. Value. Because. It. Is. Capacitated. By. The. Spirit. So. To. Comfort. And.
[13:37] It. Is. The. Lord. Delight. To. Do. It. He. Delights. In. Mercy. He. Delights. To. Communicate. This. Comfort. Where.
[13:47] Distress. Abounds. As. We. Sing. In. The. Hymnal. Breathe. Comfort. Breathe. It. Where.
[13:59] Distress. Abounds. And. How. This. Issues. In. Praise. And. Gratitude. And. Adoration.
[14:10] In. Your. Soul. How. This. Issues. In. You. Showing. Forth. The. High. Praises. Of. God. And. Edifying. The. Church.
[14:22] Because. You're. In. Such. A. Happy. Heavenly. Frame. Of. Soul. And. Bring. Christ. Into. The. Sanctuary. With. You. And.
[14:33] Enrich. Your. Brethren. The. Good. Saver. Of. His. Ointment. You. Know. I. Want. To. Ask. You. Those.
[14:44] Of. You. Who. Have. Perhaps. Attended. This. Sanctuary. Over. Many. Decades. Or. For. For. A. Lesser. Period. How. Many.
[14:55] Times. Have. You. Left. Showsfree Avenue. With. This. Heavenly. Comfort. In. Your. Soul. And.
[15:05] You. Have. Been. Conscious. Of. Your. Journey. Home. Your. Heart. Has. Been. In. Heaven. Your. Affections. Caught.
[15:15] Up. To. His. Throne. You. Have. Felt. It. Is. Well. With. My. Soul. I. Have. The. Lord. In. My. Heart. You. See. The. Thing. Is.
[15:26] If. He. Brings. Comfort. Into. Your. Heart. He. Comes. Into. Your. Heart. Himself. That's. The. Remarkable. Thing. He. Brings.
[15:36] It. He. Himself. Brings. It. Comes. Into. Your. Heart. Now. You. Been. Supremely. Happy. You.
[15:47] Have. Said. I. Believe. Although. I. Am. A. Vile. Sinner. That. The. Lord. Loves. Me. With. An. Everlasting. Love. I. Believe. I. Shall. Get. To. Heaven. I.
[15:58] Believe. I. Shall. Go. To. Glory. It. Is. Well. With. My. Soul. All. This. Comfort. At.
[16:08] This. Stage. It. Is. Wise. For. Me. To. Name. To. You. That. Which. Accompanies. This. In. A. Preparatory.
[16:18] Sense. For. Instance. The. Lord. Fits. His. People. For. The. Reception. And. Enjoyment.
[16:29] Of. This. Divine. Comfort. How. Does. He. Fit. Them. Well. The. Language. Of. Dear. Mr. Hearty. Is. So. Cruel.
[16:41] What. Comfort. Can. A. Saviour. Bring. To. Those. Who. Never. Felt. Their. Woe. Comfort. Is. A. Relative. Term. And. Truth. And.
[16:51] Power. If. We. Will. Say. Naturally. Everything. Was. Going. Very. Very. Well. With. You. No.
[17:02] Trouble. Prospering. Family. Well. No. Difficulties. No. Trials. Comfort. Would. Not. Relate. To. That. Condition. Would.
[17:12] It. But. If. You. Bow. Down. Sorrowful. Trouble. Distress. Then.
[17:24] The. Very. Term. Comfort. Is. Wonderful. And. The. Experience. Of. It. Is. Amazing. So. That. It. Is. Incumbent. Upon.
[17:35] Us. To. Speak. Of. That. Which. Is. Preparatory. To. The. Enjoyment. Of. It. The. First. Thing. Surely. Is. As.
[17:46] One. Born. Again. And. Brought. Under. Conviction. And. Knowing. One. Is. Lost. And. Ruined.
[17:57] And. Undone. State. And. The. Condemnation. Of. The. Law. It. Is. This. For. A. Precious. Redeemer. To. Be. Revealed. The.
[18:08] Hope. Of. Israel. And. For. The. Lord. To. Bless. Us. With. That. Which. Flows. From. His. Love. Namely. Evangelical. Repentance.
[18:22] Godly. Sorrow. Holy. Mourning. No. Evangelical. Repentance. Is. A. Fruit. Of. Love.
[18:33] You. Don't. Get. A. Soft. Heart. Under. The. Law. There's. Terror. There. Bondage. Darkness. But. Immediately.
[18:43] You. Come. To. Mount. Zion. Immediately. The. Spirit. Of. God. Teaches. You. To. Look. To. Mount. Zion. To.
[18:53] The. Lord. Jesus. Oh. The. Wonder. And. The. Bliss. Of. Feeling. A. Broken. And. Contrite. Spirit. A.
[19:04] Heart. That. Is. Melted. And. A. Broken. Hearted. Sinner. And. A. Bleeding. Saviour. How. Wondrous. How. Divine. So.
[19:16] This. Is. The. Preparatory. Blessing. Repentance. The. Heart. Melted. Contrite. Broken. Only.
[19:27] The. Lord. Can. Effect. That. Now. These. Are. The. People. That. Are. Comforted. And. This. Is. When. They.
[19:37] Are. Comforted. If. I. Speak. To. Those. Who. Are. Wise. And. Experienced. In. The. Things. Of. The. Spirit. I. Would. Ask. You. This.
[19:48] Have. You. Ever. Come. Into. This. Chapel. With. A. Broken. Heart. And. Gone. Out. Without. A. Blessing. Without. Some. Sense. Of.
[19:58] The. Comfort. Administered. By. The. Holy Ghost. From. This. Covenant. Oh. The. Joy. Of. This. Divine.
[20:09] Comfort. The. Perfection. Of. It. The. Beauty. Of. It. The. Fulness. Of. It. The. River. That. It. Is. This. And.
[20:20] Then. Another. Prerequisite. Is. This. Suede. Humility. Does. The.
[20:30] Lord. Comfort. Those. Who. Are. Impenitent. I'm. Speaking. Now. Of. His. Own. Dear. People. If. We. Are. In. That. Condition. Impenitent.
[20:40] Hard. No. But. He. Comes. And. Breaks. The. Heart. And. Then. He. Comforts. You. And.
[20:50] So. The. Next. Thing. Is. Sweet. Humility. If. We. Walk. In. Pride. Whether. That. Pride. Relate. To. The. Things. Of. This.
[21:01] World. Even. Lawful. Things. In. Themselves. Or. Whether. It. Relate. To. Self. Righteousness. Spiritual.
[21:11] Pride. Which. Is. A. Great. Evil. But. If. We. Are. Proud. Does. The. Lord. Comfort. Us. Oh. Now. There's. A. Fall. And.
[21:22] It. Is. Very. Merciful. If. That. Is. An. External. Pride. Cometh. Before. Destruction. And. A. Haughty. Spirit.
[21:33] Before. A. Fall. The. Lord. Does. Not. Comfort. His. People. When. They're. Proud. Full. Of. Self. Righteousness.
[21:43] That. When. He. Humbles. Them. As. This. Little. Child. Which. Is. An. Amazing. Commentary.
[21:54] On. The. Fallen. Nature. Of. Man. Even. With. The. People. Of. God. That. We. Should. Read. Concerning. The. Disciples.
[22:05] Who. Live. So. Near. Him. That. He. Said. To. The. One. What. Was. It. That. She. Disputed. Among. Your.selves. By. The. Way.
[22:16] What. Was. That. Dialogue. About. That. Conversation. They. Held. Their. Peace. They. Were. So. Ash. For. They.
[22:26] Had. Disputed. Among. Themselves. As. To. Who. Should. Be. The. Greatest. Now. He. Doesn't. Comfort. Us. When. We're. There. But.
[22:38] When. You. Have. Communion. With. Christ. And. Consequently. Receive. His. Sweet. Spirit. And. Nature. And.
[22:50] That. Blessed. Spirit. Is. In. Lively. Exercise. And. You're. Filled. With. Humility. And. You're. Found. Like. That. First. While.
[23:01] Poor. Demoniac. Infested. Man. Was. Sitting. At. The. Feet. Of. Jesus. Clothed. And.
[23:11] In. His. Right. Mind. This. Is. Where. The. Lord. Come. Thits. All. How. The. Apostle. Peter. Dwells.
[23:22] So. Much. Upon. That. Sweet. Grace. Of. Humility. And. I'm. Not. Surprised. He. Was. Restored. And. Reinstated.
[23:33] And. Forgiven. Following. His. Christ. Denial. Of. His. Blessed. Lord. And. I. Believe. That. He. Saw. Humility. At.
[23:44] Least. In. Two. Ways. I. Believe. He. Saw. It. As. A. Prophylactic. That. If. One. Was. Kept. In. Humility. It. Would. Be. A. Preventative.
[23:56] Have. You. Ever. Thought. Of. That. How. Many. Ills. Would. Be. Prevented. If. We. Knew. A. Greater. Measure. Of. Humility.
[24:08] One. Sitting. At. The. Feet. Of. Christ. Would. Not. Fall. And. I. Believe. That. He. Also. Saw. This. As. Remedial. That.
[24:19] As. One. Was. Blessed. With. Humility. Humble. Yourselves. Therefore. He. Says. Under. The. Mighty. Hand. Of. God. This.
[24:30] Is. The. Way. To. Deliverance. That. He. May. Exalt. You. In. Due. Time. Casting. All. Your. Care. Upon. Him.
[24:41] For. He. Careth. For. You. He. Speaks. About. Being. Clothed. With. Humility. Now. These. Are. The. Souls. That. He. Comfits. Clothed.
[24:54] With. Humility. It. Is. One. Thing. To. Be. Brought. Low. Although. I. Believe. Where. We. Have. That. Scripture. I. Was. Brought. Low.
[25:05] That. It. Includes. Everything. That. I. Will. Name. To. You. But. The. Thing. Is. We. May. Be. Brought. Low. By. Now.
[25:17] As. The. Psalm. Says. That. The. Great. Thing. Is. To. Be. Humbled. Under. The. Mighty. Hand. Of. God. We. Can. Be. In. A. Low. Place.
[25:29] Mentally. Physically. Relatively. In. A. Low. Place. But. How. We. Need. And. How. The. Child. Of. God.
[25:39] Realizes. This. The. Need. Of. This. Sweet. Spirit. To. Humble. Theirselves. Before. God. Under. His. Mighty. Hand. Now. These.
[25:49] Are. Comforted. You. Take. A. Path. Of. Affliction. Or. Some. Yes. Affliction. In. Your. Body. Or. Your. Mind. Or. Your. Family.
[26:00] Or. Your. Dear. Children. You. May. Have. Some. Severe. Afflictions. Acute. Some. Chronic. It.
[26:11] Is. A. Most. Devastating. Thing. To. See. A. Dear. Child. As. You. Would. Fear. Dying. To. See. Them. Getting. Lower. And.
[26:21] Lower. And. Weaker. And. Weaker. Weaker. But. When. You. Come. Into. This. Path. Whatever. It. May. Be. Of. Trial. Or. Affliction.
[26:32] Or. Difficulty. And. The. Time. Comes. When. The. Lord. Touches. You. With. His. Love. And. What. Do. You. Do. You. Fall. Into. His. Hand. Unreservedly.
[26:46] Now. That's. A. Sweet. Thing. Thy. Will. Be. Done. Now. The. Lord. Comes. And. Comforts. You. The.
[26:56] Covenant. Is. Administered. To. You. It. Seems. To. Me. With. These. Holy. Doctrines. Divine. That.
[27:07] There. Is. This. Tendency. Sometimes. To. View. This. As. Something. That. Is. Very. Beautiful. But. It's. A. Far. Off. That. The. Vital. Thing. Is. It.
[27:17] Is. Administered. To. You. And. Made. With. You. When. The. Lord. Sheds. Abroad. His. Love. In. Your. Heart. And.
[27:27] When. Your. Conscience. Is. Sprinkled. With. The. Blood. That. Sealed. The. Covenant. You. May. Say. That. He. Has. Made. That. Covenant. With. You. And.
[27:39] Then. Another. Grace. That. Is. Requisite. Unto. The. Enjoyment. Of. Comfort. Is. Sweet. Submission.
[27:51] We. Are. Rebellious. Creatures. Being. Fallen. Rebellion. Is. In. Our. Nature. Alas.
[28:03] Now. The. Lord. Does. Not. Comfort. The. Rebellious. I. Think. That. The. Term. Rebellion. May.
[28:13] Sound. So. Strong. That. There. May. Be. A. Tendency. For. The. Wicked. And. Deceitful.
[28:23] Heart. Of. Man. To. Say. To. You. Oh. You. Are. Not. A. Rebellious. Person. And. Yet. You. May. Be. Rather. Fretful. And.
[28:34] Peevish. And. Before. God. You. May. Say. How. Hard. Is. My. Lot. But. You. May. Not. Care. To. Acknowledge. It.
[28:45] Is. It. Is. What. A. Sweet. Grace. Submission. Is. To.
[28:57] Fall. As. We. Have. Already. Quoted. David. Said. Let. Me. Now. Fall. Into. The. Hand. Of. The. Lord. But.
[29:10] There. And. You. See. When. He. Said. That. There. Were. Two. Things. One. Thing. He. Had. In. View. For. Very. Great. Are.
[29:21] His. Mercies. Very. Great. Now. Let. Me. Now. Fall. Into. The. Hand. Of. The. Lord. But. Let. Me. Not. Fall.
[29:31] Into. The. Hand. Of. Man. And. That. Falling. Into. The. Hand. Of. Man. Does. Not. Merely. Refer. To.
[29:42] Other. Creatures. It. Includes. Self. Let. Me. Not. Fall. Into. My. Own.
[29:52] Hand. Hand. The. Hand. Of. This. Sinful. Man. But. Save. The. Submission. Sweet. Submission.
[30:02] Now. The. Lord. Comforts. Those. Who. Are. Submissive. And. You. Cannot. Produce. These. Things. You.
[30:13] Cannot. Make. Your. Self. Penitent. Or. Humble. Or. Submissive. It. Is. The. Sovereign. Efficacious.
[30:25] Activity. Of. The. Holy. Ghost. In. Your. Soul. But. This. Is. Prerequisite. Though. I. Do. Feel. This. Is. So. Incumbent. Upon. Me.
[30:35] To. Name. This. To. You. Because. I. Would. Not. Have. You. Think. That. You. Know. You. Can. Enjoy. Comfort. Anyhow. There's.
[30:45] A. Preparation. For. It. Like. A. River. The. Streams. Whereof.
[30:55] Make. Glad. The. City. Of. God. All. This. Comfort. Let. Us. Now. Endeavor.
[31:06] To. Name. To. You. The. Nature. Of. It. And. It. Is. Exemplified. In. The. Parable. Of. The. Good.
[31:16] Samaritan. The. Whole. Nature. Of. Comfort. Is. Seen. There. When. The. Lord. Showed.
[31:27] Who. Was. A. Good. Neighbor. We. See. The. Man. Going. Down. From. Jerusalem.
[31:38] To. Jericho. Who. Fell. Among. Thieves. Who. Stripped. Him. Of. His. Raiment. And. Wounded. Him. And. Left. Him. Heart. Dead. And.
[31:49] We. See. A. Priest. By. Chance. There. Came. Down. A. Priest. That. Way. And. When. He. Saw. Him. He.
[32:00] Passed. By. On. The. Other. Side. Also. A. Levite. When. He. Was. At. The. Place. Looked. On. Him. He. Looked. On. Him. And. Passed.
[32:10] By. On. The. Other. Side. The. Same. Words. Used. They. Passed. By. On. The. Other. Side. Obviously. You. Recognize. And.
[32:20] Have. A. Commentary. On. That. In. Your. Own. Experience. But. How. Wonderful. That. There. Is. One. Who.
[32:31] Does. Not. Pass. By. On. The. Other. Side. But. A. Certain. Samaritan. As. He. Journiated. Came.
[32:41] Where. He. Was. You. Have. The. Incarnation. There. The. Suffering. Shortish. Ship. Of. The. Lord. Jesus. And.
[32:53] All. His. New. Cabinet. Office. Characters. And. A. Wonderful. Relationship. He. Came. Where. We. Were. It.
[33:05] Has. Often. Melted. My. Heart. Those. Lines. In. The. Hymn. He. Saw. Me. Ruined. In. The. Fall. Saw. Me. There. Yet.
[33:15] Loved. Me. Not. Withstanding. All. Save. Me. From. My. Lost. Estate. His. Loving. Kindness. Oh. How.
[33:26] Great. Inexpressively. Great. Now. As he. Journied. He. Came. Where. He. Was. And.
[33:37] When. He. Saw. Him. Now. This. Is. Comfort. He. Had. Compassion. Upon. Him. Oh. This. Compassion.
[33:50] This. Infinite. Divine. Immutable. Compassion. Where. Pity. Joined. With. Power. He.
[34:01] Had. Compassion. On. Him. Now. Look. At. The. Definition. Of. Comfort. Went. To. Him. And.
[34:12] Bound. Up. His. Wounds. There's. Comfort. It. Is. Very. True. To. Say. On. The. Earth.
[34:22] Level. That. Some. Nurses. Are. So. Wonderful. And. So. Gentle. And. So. Tender.
[34:34] To. Those. Who. Are. Sick. Or. Wounded. Or. In. A. Post. Operative. Condition. That. It's. Almost. An. Angelic. Touch. Very.
[34:46] Touch. Now. He. Bound. Up. His. Wounds. When. The. Lord. Has. Given. Those. Talents.
[34:56] To. Men. In. The. Profession. In. The. Faculty. And. To. Ladies. In. The. Nursing. Profession. To. Exercise.
[35:07] Those. Talents. To. The. Glory. Of. God. And. To. The. Good. Of. Humanity. Their. Very. Coming. Their. Approach.
[35:17] Their. Manner. Their. Speech. Everything. Is. Therapeutic. It. Begins. To. Heal. You.
[35:28] Even. To. See. Them. And. To. Hear. The. Tone. Of. Their. Voice. And. Their. Touch. What. About. Our. Blessed. Lord. He.
[35:38] Bound. Up. His. Wounds. There. Is. Comfort. Jesus. Heals. The. Broken. Hearted. Oh. How. Sweet. That.
[35:48] Sound. To. Me. Once. Beneath. My. Sin. He. Smarted. Ground. And. Led. To. Set. Me. Free. He. Bound.
[35:59] Up. His. Wounds. Pouring. In. The. Oil. And. Wine. For. Cleansing. And. Healing. His.
[36:09] Comfort. In. And. Then. He. Didn't. Leave. Him. Set. Him. On. His. Own. Beast. The. Lord. Put. Poor.
[36:21] Wounded. And. Healed. Souls. Upon. The. Hearts. Of. His. People. And. Especially. His. Ministers. He.
[36:32] Set. Him. On. His. Own. Beast. Took. Him. To. An. End. Cared. For. Him. Paid. For. Him. There's. Comfort. For.
[36:44] The. Lord. Shall. Comfort. Sire. He. Will. Comfort. All.
[36:54] Her. Waste. Places. How. Wonderful. This. Word. Is. In. The. Scriptures. I.
[37:05] Just. Want. To. Name. This. To. You. As. It. It. It. It. Into. My. Spirit. Now. The. Father. God. The. Father. Is. Called. In.
[37:15] Second. Corinthians. One. And. I. Have. Already. Quoted. From. That. About. The. Two. Scale. Fans. The. Afflictions. And.
[37:25] The. Consolations. But. He. Is. Declared. There. To. Be. In. The. Title. Of. That. Opening. Address. Of. The. Apostles.
[37:36] Second. Epistle. He. Is. Declared. To. Be. The. Father. Of. Mercies. And. The. God. Of. All. Comfort. How. Do. You.
[37:46] Know. Because. You. Proved. It. The. Apostle. Proved. It. How. Did. He. Know. That. He. Was. The. God. Of. All. Comfort. Take. The. Time.
[37:57] When. They. Were. Beaten. And. Thrust. Into. The. Inner. Prison. With. Their. Feet. Fast. In. The. Stocks. And. At. Midnight. What. Happened. They.
[38:10] Prayed. And. Sang. Praises. To. God. Now. They. Must. Have. Been. Divinely. Comforted. For. After. The. Scourging. Or.
[38:20] The. Beating. Their. Backs. Must. Have. Been. Like. A. Furrowed. Field. There. They. Were. Incarcerated. In. The. Night.
[38:32] They. Prayed. And. They. Were. Singing. And. The. Prisoners. Heard. Them. It. Was. So. Astonishing. And. Incredible.
[38:44] To. Hear. The. Sound. Of. Melody. For. We. Have. This. In. This. Same. This. Joy. And. Gladness. Shall. Be. Found. There. In. Thanksgiving.
[38:55] And. Voice. Of. Melody. Why? Because. They. Were. Comforted. Because.
[39:06] They. Had. The. God. Of. All. Comfort. And. Knew. Him. To. Be. The. God. Of. All. Comfort. To. Their. Souls. How. Wonderful.
[39:17] So. The. Father. Is. The. God. Of. All. Comfort. And. The. Son. His. Dear. Son. Incarna.
[39:28] Said. This. Knowing. The. Sorrow. Of. His. Disciples. As. He. Had. Revealed.
[39:38] To. Them. That. They. Would. Soon. Lose. His. Physical. Presence. That. He. Would. Depart. From. Them. Via. The. Cross. And.
[39:48] So. On. Now. He. Said. This. To. Then. The. Son. I. Will. Not. Leave. You. Comfortless. I.
[39:59] Will. Not. Leave. You. As. Orphans. This. Is. The. Son. I. Will. Not. Leave. You. Comfortless.
[40:09] I. Will. Come. To. You. He. Said. Later. Ye. Now. Therefore. Have. Sorrow. A.
[40:21] Unique. Form. Of. Sorrow. Known. Only. By. The. People. Of. God. But. I. Will. See. You. Again. And.
[40:32] Your. Heart. Shall. Rejoice. And. Your. Joy. Shall. No. Man. Take. From. You. And. The. Holy. Ghost.
[40:42] Is. The. Comforter. I. Will. Give. You. Another. Comforter. Who. Shall. Abide. With. You. Forever. Even. The. Spirit.
[40:53] Of. Pro. Just a moment. You think of how the indwelling spirit. The comforter. Is.
[41:06] The comforter to our souls. Or brings this. And is the comforter himself. Look. He has everything to bring.
[41:17] From an accomplished redemption. He has pardon. For the penitent. Is that comfort? Son.
[41:29] Be of good cheer. Thy sins be forgiven. Is that comfort? He has righteousness. That he brings. For those.
[41:40] Who are naked. But are washed. By him. And he clothes them. With disobedience.
[41:51] He has holiness to bring. So that we are sanctified. By the pure body of Christ. Now he has everything to bring.
[42:02] You see. This is how he is the comforter. He brings peace. Joy. Liberty. Grace. Glory.
[42:12] Every blessing. That he may abide with you forever. My friends. It is amazing to get just a little experience of this divine comfort.
[42:27] What comforts you. His sweet presence. The dear Lord comes. You are comforted. His sweet voice.
[42:43] Be of good cheer. It is I. Be not afraid. His lovely countenance.
[42:56] When he lifts it up upon you. The light of that countenance. When he looks.
[43:08] And loves and smiles. Blessed be God. Hymn number 942.
[43:24] Hymn 942. Tune Colwell 315. O God of grace.
[43:36] Of love immense. How free thy favours to dispense. I to thy mercy seat repair. Since thou hast said. I'll meet thee there.
[43:48] Thou seest my soul by sin oppressed. O come. And give the weary rest. My bass backslidings kindly heal. Apply the balm.
[44:00] Thy love reveal. Hymn number 942. O God of grace.
[44:11] Of love immense. How free thy favours to dispense.
[44:28] I to thy mercy seat repair.
[44:40] Since thou hast said. I'll meet thee there.
[44:54] Thou seest my soul by sin oppressed.
[45:09] O come. O come. And give the weary rest.
[45:22] My bass backsliding kindly heal.
[45:35] A pride above thy love reveal.
[45:47] Should I come. Should I come. O nature.
[46:02] The great. T'was just. Yet no one.
[46:12] From the at�� 교ic. Do.