My soul, is a refuge. (Quality: very good)

Shoreham - Providence - Part 3

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Jan. 2, 1989


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[0:00] The Lord is upon thee, Lord, for all needed help. I venture to draw your prayerful attention to Psalm 62, verses 5 to 8.

[0:21] Psalm 62, from verse 5 to verse 8.

[0:33] My soul, wait thou only upon God, for my expectation is from him.

[0:48] He only is my rock and my salvation. He is my defense.

[1:00] I shall not be moved. In God is my salvation and my glory. The rock of my strength and my refuge is in God.

[1:16] Trust in him at all times. Ye people, pour out your heart before him.

[1:28] God is a refuge for us. Selah. The last word of the text is a word inserted by our godly, gracious translators.

[1:55] Selah. Selah. It means this. Pause. Consider. Meditate.

[2:06] Oh, that we might thus be helped. And that our meditation of him may be sweet.

[2:21] That we might be still. And know that thou art God. That this God is our God forever and ever.

[2:37] That he will be our guide. Even unto death. As Isaac of old went out into the fields to meditate at eventide.

[2:53] And let me just drop this thought in in passing. And he lifted up his eyes. And behold. The camels were coming.

[3:04] The answer. The answer. To those many prayers. Of his dear father. Of that godly servant.

[3:17] And of himself. In the way. In which the Lord appeared. What an encouragement.

[3:28] It is to. Wait. Upon. God. The first. Two words of the text.

[3:42] My. Soul. Has this. Been a concern. With thee. Dear hearer.

[3:54] As we enter. Upon. Another year. What shall it profit a man. If he gain the whole world.

[4:06] And what. And lose his own soul. And what shall a man give. In exchange for. His soul. If.

[4:20] God. Called. The. To depart. This. Life. Before. This. Day. Ended. Said. Thy soul.

[4:31] Is. Required. Of thee. Is it. Well. How. Stands. The case. My soul. With thee. For heaven.

[4:42] Are thy credentials. Clear. Is. Jesus. Blood. Thy. Only. Plea. Is he. Thy. A. Great. Forerunner. There. Is.

[4:55] Sin. A burden. Eternity. A reality. That. Does. This. Prayer. Spring. Up. From. Your. Heart. Prepare.

[5:05] Me. Gracious. God. To stand. Before. Thy. Face. Thy. Spirit. Must. The work. Perform. For. It. Is. All. Of. Grace. Did.

[5:15] Not. The. Sirmish. Confess. And. Pray. Heal. My. Soul. For. I. Have. Sinned. Against. The. In another place.

[5:28] Say. Unto. My. Soul. That. I. Am. Thy. Salvation. And. As. We. Enter. This.

[5:38] Year. Oh. Can. It. Be. Said. Of. Us. As. The. Psalmist. Could. Acknowledge. Us. We. Have. Read. In. The. Following. Psalm. My.

[5:50] Soul. Followeth. Hard. After. The. For. Thy. Right. Hand. Upholdeth. Me. My.

[6:02] Soul. Wait. Thou. Only. Upon. God. Did you.

[6:12] Observe. The. Number. Of. Times. In. The. Only. Verses. Of. This. Psalm. That. We. Read. This.

[6:22] Word. Only. If. You. Have. A. Marginal. Reference. With. Your. Bible. You. You. See. The. First. Word. Of. The. Text. Which. Is. Truly. The.

[6:33] Marginal. Rendering. There. Again. Is. Only. Neither. Is. There. Salvation. Any. Other. There.

[6:43] Is. None. Other. Name. Under. Heaven. Given. Among. Men. Whereby. We. Must. Be. Saved. There. Is. One. Way. To. Glory. He. Must. Be. Born.

[6:54] Again. Straight. Is. The. Gate. And. Narrow. Is. The. Way. That. Leadeth. Unto. Life. Eternal. And. Few. There. Be. That.

[7:05] Find. Only. And. So. This. Sets. Before. Us. The. Hope.

[7:17] Of. The. Children. Of. God. It. Is. In. God. Alone. And. None. Other. It. Is. To.

[7:28] Wait. Alone. Upon. God. Not. On. The. Arm. Of. Flesh. But. To. Look. Up. To. The. Lord. For. All. Things. At.

[7:38] All. Times. My. Soul. Wait. Thou. Only. Upon. God. God. The.

[7:51] First. Verse. Truly. My. Soul. Waiteth. Upon. God. That is. The. Psalmist. Acknowledges.

[8:02] The. Exercise. Of. His. Soul. That. He. Is. In. That. Waiting. At. The. Throne. Of. Grace. For.

[8:13] The. Lord's. Health. And. Blessing. And. Appearing. And. Here. In. The. Words. Of. That. Text. It. Is. An. Exaltation.

[8:24] As. Much. As. As. To. Say. I. Am. Growing. Weary. Devil. Says. What. Is. The. Good. Of. You. Praying. There. Is.

[8:34] No. Answer. To. Your. Prayer. There. No. Relief. To. Your. Circumstances. There. No. Light. Shining. In. Your. Darkness. There. No. Loosening. Of. Your. Bonds. And.

[8:45] Perhaps. As. You. Pass. On. From. Time. To. Time. There. May. Be. Increased. Burdens. Increased. Perplexities. But.

[8:56] Here. Is. The. Encouragement. Here. Is. The. Exaltation. Still. Wait. Still. Pray. That. God. Will. All. Explain. Nor.

[9:07] Shalt. Thou. Seek. His. Face. In. Vain. And. Look. Wait. Thou. Only.

[9:19] Upon. God. It. Is. Personal. And. Then. As. We. Do. We.

[9:30] Look. At. The. Winds. And. The. Waves. And. We. Begin. To. See. Because. We. Take. Eyes. Of. The. Lord. Jesus. But.

[9:42] Whatever. And. I. Would. Seek. Grace. To. Preachers. I. Am. At. This. Moment. To. Preach. To. Myself. I. Need. It. So. Often. Filled. With.

[9:52] The. Years. But. My. Friend. Whatever. The. Path. May. Be. The. Burden. May. Be. The. Difficulty. May. Be. Or.

[10:03] Waiting. Upon. God. For. Guidance. Direction. In. Serving. The. Lord. And. All. Seems. So. Weighty. So. Heavy. Pressure.

[10:14] Down. Burden. You. Yet. Look. Don't. Lose. Sight. Of. This. Word. God. God.

[10:25] The. God. Of. All. Grace. The. Eternal. God. Is. Thy. Refuge. And. Underneath. Are. The. Everlasting. Arms. What. Did. The.

[10:35] Apostle. Say. My. God. Shall. Supply. All. Your. Need. According. To. His. Riches. In. Glory. By. Christ. Jesus. The.

[10:46] Psalmist. In. Another. Place. The. Lord. Is. My. Shepherd. And. Now. He. Will. Take. Care. Of. His. She. And. Never. Lose. One. Of. Them. He.

[10:57] Will. Guide. Them. Step. By. Step. He. Will. Direct. Them. In. Their. Powers. He. Will. Provide. For. Them. And. They. Shall. Never. Perish. Neither. Shall.

[11:07] Any. Man. Plot. Them. Out. Of. My. Hand. God. My. Mind. Went. In. Another. Line. Of. Meditation. To.

[11:18] The. Words. Of. Joseph. When. He. Made. Himself. Known. To. The. Brethren. And. Said. It. Was. Not. You. That. Sent. Me. But. God. You.

[11:31] May. In. Perplexity. Over. Your. Providential. Path. Your. Spiritual. Experience. But. Oh. Friend. And. I. Preach. To. Myself.

[11:42] Look. Up. Look. Up. My. Help. Cometh. From. The. Lord. Which. Made. Heaven. And. Earth. Now. Wait.

[11:52] Thou. Only. Upon. God. Wait. In. Prayer. Wait. In.

[12:03] Praying. As you. Read. The word. Of. God. For. Direction. Help. Guidance. Correction. In. Your. Path. Wait.

[12:14] As you. Come. To. The. Services. Of. The. Sanctuary. That. The. Lord. May. Speak. A word. To. Your. Soul. I.

[12:25] Do. Fear. And. I. Again. Speak. To. Myself. That. Among us. There's a. Lack. Of. Spiritual. Preparation. For. The. Services.

[12:35] Of. The. Sanctuary. But. When. You're. Burdened. When. You're. In. The. Dark. When. You're. Tempted. When. You. Don't. Know. Which. Way. To. Take. When.

[12:46] You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. When. You. Are. Waiting. Upon. The. Lord. For. Guidance. In. Serving. Him. I. Believe. Then. There's. A. A.

[12:56] A. Revive. A. Preparation. In. Wrestling. Prayer. At. The. Throne. Of. Grace. That. The. Lord. Through. The.

[13:06] Service. Of. The. Sanctuary. May. Be. The. End. Maybe. The. Prayer. And. It. May. Often. Be. And. I. Wonder. Whether. We. Almost.

[13:19] Not. Exactly. Disregard. It. But. Do. Not. Treat. It. As. We. Should. The. Reading. Of. The. Word. Of. God. It's.

[13:29] Not. Just. To. Fill. In. Ten. Minutes. Quarter. Of. An. Hour. Of. The. Service. Is. It. I. Tend. As. The. Minister. To. Read. A. Fair. Length. I. Do. So. For. This. Reason.

[13:40] Because. It's. The. Best. Word. Of. All. And. I. Pray. God. Will. Bless. It. And. It. Can. Even. Be. In. The. Benediction.

[13:51] Can't. It. In. The. Preaching. So. Wait. Only. Upon. The. But. How. Wait. With. Patience. You.

[14:02] Don't. Have. Any. Ah. We. Soon. Find. We. Need. Patience. Don't. We. We. Need. That. Grace. To. Not.

[14:12] Get. As. Ourselves. Into. As. It. Were. Such. An. Agitation. Such. A. Hurry. The. Text. Says. Trust. In. Him. At.

[14:22] All. Times. Wait. Then. And. Wait. And. This. Needs. Much. Grace. Submissively.

[14:35] We. Are. Not. To. Choose. Our. Path. And. Ask. God. To. Bless. We. Are. To. Seek. Grace. To. Pray. Lord.

[14:46] Lead. Me. Not. To. Myself. To. Choose. My. Path. To. Direct. My. Steps. To. Order. My. Way. Choose. Thou. The. Way. And. Still. Lead.

[14:56] On. Nor. Lead. Me. Till. I. Say. Father. And. Just. Think. For. A. Moment. Of. One. In.

[15:06] The. Garden. Of. Gethsemane. That. Sweat. As. It. Were. Great. Drops. Of. Blood. Fellowship. With. Christ. In. His. Sufferings. I. Won't.

[15:16] Speak. Very. Carefully. It. It's. Flesh. Crucifying. Flesh. Emptying.

[15:27] Humbling. To. Be. Brought. To. That. Place. To. Say. Not. My. Will. Lord. But. Thine. Be. Done. Wait. For.

[15:37] The. Fulfillment. Of. The. Promise. God. Is. Faithful. That. The. Promise. He. Will. Perform. That. The. Which. He. Has. For. He. Is. Able. To. Do. And. He.

[15:47] Will. But. In. His. Own. Time. And. Way. And. Wait. Also. Upon.

[15:57] The. Lord. For. Teaching. It's. A. Wonderful. Blessing. To. Be. Favored. With. A. Teachable. Spirit.

[16:09] A. Child. Like. Spirit. With. An. Ear. Open. Not. To. Say. Oh. I. Read.

[16:19] That. Many. Times. I. Know. It. All. Friend. There's. Such. A. Fullness. In. The. World. That. We. Shall. Never. Fathom. It. Not. This.

[16:29] Side. Of. Glory. And. Oh. As. The. Lord. Opens. Our. Eyes. At. Times. We. See. Something. We've. Never. Seen. Before. Though. We've. Read. The. Portion. I.

[16:40] Would. Say. Many. Times. In. Our. Life. But. A. Teachable. Spirit. And. Humbling. That. Is. At. Times. Sifting.

[16:51] At. Times. It. Painful. At. Times. As. Just. Like. The. Surgeon's. Knife. Now. The. Pruning. Of. The. Branch. The.

[17:02] Gold. Going. Through. The. Fire. And. The. Refiner. Of. Silver. But. There's. Profit. The. Spiritual. Prophet. Wait.

[17:13] Only. Thou. Only. Upon. God. A. Divine. Guidance. That. Perhaps. In your. Providential.

[17:24] Path. You may. Be. In a. Place. Where. You. Need. Guidance. As. To. Which. Step. To. Take. Which. Path. To. Go. Not. Lifted.

[17:34] Up. His. Eyes. And. Look. On. The. Well. Water. Plains. Of. Sodom. And. Gomorrah. He. Didn't. Lift. Up. His. Eyes. To. Heaven. We. Know. He. Was. A. Righteous.

[17:44] Man. He. We. Know. That. He. Was. Vex. With. The. The. Filthy. Conversation. Of. The. Wicked. We. Know. That. God. Brought. Him. Out. But. At. What. A. Cost. Far.

[17:55] Better. And. It's. The. Best. Path. To. Walk. In. The. Path. Of. God's. Choice. However. Lonely. However. Difficult.

[18:06] That. May. Be. And. Then. Just. This. Thought. The. Apostle. At. His. Conversion.

[18:17] Has. Said. To. The. Lord. Lord. What. Wilt. Thou. Have. Me. To. Do. I. Think. Of. Joshua. Now. What. Saith.

[18:27] My. Lord. Unto. His. Son. Wait. Upon. God. For. Divine. Direction. Oh.

[18:39] I. Think. There. I. Know. Not. Why. I. Should. Name. It. But. With. My. Call. I. Trust. To. The. Ministry. And. Then. Later. To.

[18:49] The. Past. Those. Words. A. Door. Was. Open. Unto. Me. Of. The. Lord. The.

[19:00] Vital. Words. There. Of. The. Lord. Now. The. Marginal. Rendering. Again. Here. Wait. Is. Be. Silent.

[19:11] Doesn't mean. To. Say. Be. Prayerless. But. I. Believe. It. Means. This. That. As. We. Made. Our. Request. Known. Unto. God. That. We.

[19:22] Should. Sit. And. Wait. Quietly. Oh. Our. Forgotten. Prayers. We.

[19:33] Forget. What. We. Asked. God. For. And. We. Don't. Wait. As. We. Should. For. The. Answer. To. Hear. What. God. Will. Speak. Be.

[19:44] Silent. And. Though. Your. Faith. Is. Solely. Tried. Though. It. Seems. So. Hard.

[19:55] For. You. To. Still. Wait. And. Be. Quiet. Yet. As. We. Name. That. Word. Be. Still. And. Know. That.

[20:07] I. Am. God. For. My. Expectations. Is. From. Him. This. Word. Expectation.

[20:18] Leads. Us. To. Meditation. On. The. Word. Of. Hope. My. Hope. A. Good. Hope. Through. Grace. Is.

[20:29] From. Him. Earthly. Hopes. May. And. Often. Do. Fail. The. Hope. Of. The. Hypocrite.

[20:40] Is. As. The. Spider's. Web. The. Hope. Of. A. Believer. Is. As. The. Anchor. And. Literally. Speaking. And. Our. Young. People. Here.

[20:50] Would. See. The. Contrast. Between. The. Filty. Flimsy. Web. Of. A. Spider. And. The. Strength. Of.

[21:01] An. Anchor. Now. The. Good. Hope. Through. Grace. This. Is. The. Anchor. Of. The. Soul. Sure. And. Stand. For. It. Enter.

[21:11] Within. The. Veil. Whether. The. Forerunner. Hath. For. Us. Enter. Even. Jesus. My. Hope. Is. Built. On. Nothing. Less. Than. Jesus.

[21:21] Blood. And. Righteousness. I. I. Dare. Not. Trust. The. Sweetest. Rain. But. Holy. Lean. On. Jesus. Name. On. Christ. The. Solid. Rock.

[21:32] I. Stand. All. Other. Ground. Is. Sinking. Sand. Oh. As. Psalmist. Said. Lord. What. Wait. I. For.

[21:42] My. Heart. Is. In. The. So. Then. In. Waiting. Upon. The. Lord. There. Is. This.

[21:53] Assurance. That. Those. That. Wait. Will. Not. Wait. In. They. The. Psalmist. Says. Be.

[22:04] Of. Good. Courage. Wait. Upon. The. Lord. And. He. Shall. Strengthen. Thy. Heart. And. They. That. Wait. Upon. The. Lord. Shall. Renew. Their. Strength. They.

[22:14] Shall. Mount. Up. As. Wings. As. Eagles. They. Shall. Run. And. Not. Be. Weary. And. They. My.

[22:25] Expectation. Now. This word. Expectation. Is. A bit. Stronger. I think. Than. The. Word. Hope. It.

[22:35] Is. That. Eager. Longing. Anticipation. Looking. For. Something. That.

[22:45] That. You. Most. Earnestly. Desire. Life. And. Here. Is. The. Expectation. Not. On. Earthly. Blessing.

[22:56] But. On. What. God. Has. Said. On. What. God. Has. Spoken. On. What. The. Lord. Has. Done. The. Pardon. Of. Sin. Through. The. Precious. Blood. Of. Jesus. Christ.

[23:07] The. Blessed. Prospect. Of. Heaven. I. Go. To. Prepare. A. Place. For. You. And. If. I. Go. And. Prepare. A. Place. For. You. I. Will. Come. Again. And. Receive.

[23:17] You. Unto. Myself. That. Where. I. Am. There. Ye. May. Be. Also. My. Expectation. Is. From.

[23:28] Him. Surely. Says. The. Wise. Man. There. Is. An. End. But. Thy. Expectation. Shall. Not. Be. Cut. Off. Oh. The. Blessed. Prospect. And.

[23:39] The. When. The. Lord. Himself. Shall. Descend. From. Heaven. With. A. Shout. When. The. Dead. In. Christ. Arise. Thirst.

[23:49] And. They. That. Are. His. All. Gather. Together. To. Meet. The. Lord. In. The. Cloud. And. So. Shall. We. Ever. Be. With. The. Lord. So. Then.

[24:00] Wait. Patiently. For. The. Lord. He. Only. Is. My. Rock. Oh.

[24:10] How. The. Poor. Trembling. Sinner. Feels. To. Need. A. Solid. And. A. Sure. Foundation.

[24:22] This. Rock. Of. Ages. This. Rock. That. That. Is. Christ. Oh. What. A. Sure. Foundation.

[24:33] That. There. Is. Here. Thou. Art. My. Rock. And. Not. Only. As. We. Look. At. The. Rock. And. It. Solidity. And. It. Strength. And.

[24:43] It. Depth. It's. But. It's. A. Cleft. Rock. It's. A. Place. Of. Refuge. And. Of. Hiding. And.

[24:55] As. We. Think. Of. A. Rock. We. Are. Reminded. Also. Of. The. Will. Journey. Of. Smitten. Rock. From. Which. Water. Ran.

[25:05] Out. To. Quench. The. Thirst. He. Is. Her. Only. Is. My. Rock. Rock.

[25:15] Of. Ages. Cleft. For. Me. Let. Me. Hide. Myself. In. The. Let. The. Water. And. The. Blood. From. Thy. Ribbon. Side.

[25:26] Which. Flown. Be. Of. Sin. The. Double. Cure. Cleanse. Me. From. Its. Guilt. And. Power. When. Moses. Sought. Of. God. I.

[25:36] Beseech. The. Show. Me. Thy. Glory. The. Lord. Said. There's. A. Place. By. Me. No. Man. Can. See. My. Glory. In. But. There's. A. Place. By. Me. I. Put. The.

[25:46] In. The. Cleft. Of. The. Rock. There. And. Cover. The. With. My. Hand. Just. The. Back. Part. Shall. Be. Seen. All. My. Dove. That. Art. In. The. Er. Cleft.

[25:57] Of. The. Rock. The. He. Only. Is. My. Rock. And.

[26:07] My. Salvation. I. Am. A. Sinner. I. Know. That. Is. Easy. To. Say. Doesn't. It. I. Sometimes.

[26:18] Trempled. As. I. Thought. Of. Those. In. Hell. Of. Whom. We. Read. In. The. Word. Of. God. That. Said. I. Have. Sinned. But. There. Was.

[26:28] No. Repentance. There. Was. No. Prayer. There. Was. No. Turning. To. God. But. My. Friend. When.

[26:39] Convinced. By. The. Holy. Spirit. Of. God. That. We. Have. Sinned. And. Come. Short. Of. The. Glory. Of. God. When. Brought. To. That.

[26:49] Place. No. Help. In. Self. I. Find. Though. Long. Have. Sorted. Well. The. Native. Treasure. Of. My. Mind. Is. Sin. And. Death. And. Hell. I.

[27:00] Say. We. Need. A. Salvation. We. Need. The. The. Lord. Jesus. Christ. Able. To. Save. To. The. Uttermost.

[27:11] Them. That. Come. Unto. God. By. Him. See. He. Ever. Live. It. To. Make. Intercession. For. Them. My. Salvation. To.

[27:22] See. One. In. My. Room. And. Place. To. See. Him. The. Eternal. Son. Of. God. Who.

[27:32] Came. To. This. Earth. In. That. Body. Prepared. For. Him. That. Holy. Thing. Not.

[27:44] When we think of the ruin of sin. When we think of the lines of the hymn writer. Oh. Thou hideous monster sin. What a curse hast thou brought in. All creation groans through the pregnant cause of misery.

[27:58] When we think of this. That the stars are not pure in his sight. Now. That. Holy. Thing. Not tainted by human generation.

[28:09] I. And you. Were shapen in iniquity. Born in sin. But here is a holy one. He is the lamb of God.

[28:21] He is this dear God man. He is this sacrifice appointed. He is precious blood to be shed. For without the shedding of blood.

[28:31] There can be no remission of sin. We tried to speak to our dear people. Last night. In that day. A fountain shall be opened. For the inhabitants of Jerusalem.

[28:43] For sin and for uncleans. And. Oh friend. That fountain. There is a fountain. Filled with blood. Drawn from Emmanuel's veins.

[28:54] And sinners plunge beneath that flood. Lose all their guilty sins. My salvation. Oh. I believe there may be those here longing to say.

[29:07] I know. My sins forgiven. I long to hear my saviour say. Thy sins. Which are many. They are all forgiven.

[29:18] I often find confirming for my faith. Trending as it is. And weak so often as it is. In the words of the epistle.

[29:29] Where we read. Who delivered us. From the power of darkness. And have translated us. Into the kingdom of his dear son. The work of grace begun in a sinner's heart.

[29:44] The powers of darkness. Held fast by sin and Satan. But delivered. And brought out. Spiritual life. Translated into the kingdom of his dear son.

[29:57] Into the kingdom of grace. Lived as a guilty sinner to the throne of grace. A cry for mercy. And what does the word go on to say?

[30:09] Translated into the kingdom of his dear grace. Of his grace. In whom. We have redemption. Through his blood. Even the forgiveness of sin.

[30:20] What God hath joined together. Let no man put asunder. Spiritual life. Precious faith in Jesus Christ.

[30:31] The coming sinner to Christ. Is the sweet evidence. Through the word of God. Of that interest. In this finished work. In this shed blood.

[30:42] Of the dear Savior. How we pray for faith. Do they hold upon it. The Holy Spirit. To seal it in our soul. And to bring the sweet comfort. And pardon and peace.

[30:53] That flows through it. He is my defense. He stands between me and the enemy. As Elijah's servant.

[31:06] Looked out over the little city. And saw it surrounded by the enemy. Host. Opened the young man's eyes. That he may see. And he saw the heavenly protection.

[31:21] And preservation. He is my defense. Oh friend. And what a defense. And as I look at this defense. As I look at the accusations of the devil.

[31:34] As I see the fiery dance of the evil one. As I stand condemned like Joshua the high priest. In filthy garments. And Satan ready at my right hand to resist me.

[31:45] Ah. But I say here is the defense. Here is the Savior. Here is our advocate. Here is our mediator. Here is our high priest. Here is that precious blood.

[31:57] Of the Lamb of God. That cleansed from all sin. So that I can face my fierce accuser. And tell him Christ has died. And what a defense. And I think of the blood.

[32:09] Of the Passover lamb. As the destroying angel went over the lamb. But when I see the blood. I will pass over you.

[32:19] And your life. Ye that are a new creature in Christ. All things are passed away. All things have become new. Your life is hid with Christ.

[32:30] In God. Our defense. Beautiful words spoken to Abram. After the deliverance of Lot. And it's remarkable to notice it.

[32:42] That night. That God came to Abram. Abram had delivered Lot. Abram had met Melchizedek. And feasted with the king of Salem. Of righteousness and peace.

[32:53] And refreshing. And then God says. Fear not. Why? Well I believe this. That after the victory. After the refreshing.

[33:04] Abram sank very low. And so do we at times. From the mount. We come down. Not often on the mount. But just occasionally. Come down to the valley. And oh what shall I do now?

[33:17] I've been helped. But now. The devil says. Oh what will you do now. If all those people come up against you Abram. They'll seek revenge. You're powerless. You're defenseless. But God says.

[33:28] Fear not Abram. I am thy shield. Now remember. One dear beloved minister. I only heard him preach once. Oh it was such a blessing to my soul. Many years ago. And he said.

[33:38] He's a shield all the way round. Your friend. He will. He'll bring you through. He's my defense. No weapon that is formed against you shall prosper.

[33:48] And every tongue that riseth against me in judgment. Thou shalt condemn. But do be careful. I preach to myself here. And I feel great need of care. You see.

[33:59] We must be assured that our cause is right. We can say. Oh look what I suffer for Christ. Look at the reproach I'm bearing. And my friend. We deserve it. Because we're not right.

[34:11] But if our cause is right and just. God will stand by us. God will preserve us. He is my defense. I shall not be moved.

[34:22] You observe in the first verse. He says. I shall not be greatly moved. And now the psalmist. As he goes on. And he is waiting upon God. He's looking to God for salvation. He's resting in God as his defense.

[34:35] He has a good expectation. You see the strengthening of his faith. You see the confirming. Not presumption. Not going in flesh. But he says.

[34:46] I shall not be moved. But you may say. With me. But oh. I can't reach that high. I'm often moved. I'm often shaken. I'm often disturbed. I'm often distressed.

[34:58] But friend. You know. There are a few sacred moments. I have been blessed with it. When. We're brought to this. Thou will keep him in perfect peace.

[35:11] Whose mind is stayed upon thee. Because he trusted in thee. Trust ye in the Lord forever. In the Lord Jehovah. This everlasting strength.

[35:21] The rock of ages. It's perfect peace. And you are not moved. You rest. In that. Wondrous sense.

[35:33] Of peace. And blessing. And quietness. But this word. Really. We may speak of it in this way.

[35:45] Shall not be moved off. That rock. And shall not be. Removed from that rock. How well do I remember. Our beloved friend. Mr. Ramsbottom.

[35:56] Speaking to children once. And saying about the sailor. That was. A shipwrecked. And he was on a rock. And that when he was rescued. He said. Weren't you afraid? Didn't you shake and tremble? And he said.

[36:07] Yes I did. But the rock didn't. That stood firm. So my friend. We may shake. But this is our message. God. Is in the midst of her. He will help her.

[36:19] She shall not be moved. And God will help her. And that right early. Shall not be removed. From that place of refuge. He is my defense. I shall not be moved.

[36:31] In God. Is. My salvation. He comes back to him. Because. We come back to him. We are constantly sinning. We are constantly defiled. Whilst we know.

[36:43] That the blood. Cleanseth. In the sight of God. At the finished work of Christ. All his dear people. Are pardoned. There is therefore now. No condemnation. To them. That are in Christ Jesus.

[36:54] But my friend. As guilty sinners on earth. We need to come again. And again. To that fountain. To pray. Wash me. And make me. Whiter than snow. And this also.

[37:06] My salvation. To save me. Yes. From that. Spiritual death. From the power of my sin. Who delivered us from. So great a death.

[37:18] And doth deliver. In whom we trust. He will yet deliver. But there is also. Providential salvation. Set before us. The time of your trouble. The hour of your distress. When trouble.

[37:29] Like a gloomy cloud. Has gathered thick. And thundered loud. He near my soul. Has always stood. His loving kindness. Oh how good. And my glory.

[37:42] And not that we glory in ourselves. The more. Thy glory meets my eye. The humbler. I shall lie. But I glory. As the apostle says.

[37:53] I don't glory in what I was. I was a Hebrew of the Hebrew. A Pharisee of the Pharisees. Straight as set. And didn't lack in zeal. But that's all gone. My glory.

[38:06] In the cross. In my savior. In the finished work of my dear redeemer. In that precious savior. That loved me. And gave himself for me. And then also.

[38:17] As one looks at this word. And my glory. He that gives grace. Will give glory too. Father I will. That these also. Whom thou hast given me.

[38:28] Be with me. Where I am. That they may. Behold my glory. There's a line. Of an old saint to him. That I love. When by his grace.

[38:40] I look on his face. That. Will be glory. Be glory for me. What a prospect. Friend. What a prospect.

[38:52] Friend. The rock. Of my strength. And my refuge. Is. In God.

[39:03] You see. A real. Vital. Holy Ghost. Religion. It's God. In God. Like the branch. In the vine. Like the stone.

[39:14] On the foundation. Like the sheep. In the shepherd's. Fold. Or the shepherd's. Arms. Oh friend. It's God. And all. In.

[39:25] Him. The rock. Of. My strength. And. My. Refuge. Is. In. God. And.

[39:36] We need. A refuge. Oh friend. Fleeing. From the wrath. To come. Where can we turn. Where can we go. Good work. Denomination.

[39:46] Your name. Nowhere. Only. One place. The conies. Are a feeble folk. You young people.

[39:56] May well know. That a conie. Is something like. A rabbit. And yet. In. Eastern lands. Prevalent. There are.

[40:07] Great numbers of them. They're of no value. They're despised. They're feeble. They're full of fear. And under the law. They're unclean.

[40:19] They're defenseless. They've knocked prickles. Like a hedgehog. They've knocked horns. Like another creature. They cannot defend themselves. But their only place.

[40:30] Of safety. And. I. Have read. That they fear. Even if a shadow. Crosses their path. Is. In the clefts. Of the rock. There's their refuge.

[40:41] There's their hiding place. And friend. When sin condemns. When Satan tempts. Or when. I say. All seem to press. So heavily upon thee.

[40:52] Is there not. Other refuge. Have I none. Hangs my helpless soul. On thee. Leave. Or leave me. Not alone. Still support.

[41:02] And comfort me. My refuge. Is in God. Once. I remember. Touring. With my family. The Isle of Man.

[41:13] And as we reached. The end of the journey. By the port. I observed. What looked like. A small castle. Above the waves. In the. Harbour. Some distance.

[41:24] From the shore. And I asked the coach driver. What it was. And if memory serves me. Right. He said. Oh that's the. Tower of refuge. Edge. And he explained.

[41:35] That many years ago. When there weren't. The safeguards. For the sailors. In the ships. In their little boats. There was a very wealthy man. That was deeply concerned.

[41:46] About. Those that sailed. The little boats. And he. At. His own expense. Had this. Tower built.

[41:56] In the water. Some distance. From the shore. So that if they got. Caught. Unexpectedly. With a school. Or a storm. They could. At least find.

[42:06] Safety. And shelter. And protection. In. This refuge. But what struck me. Also. He said. Not only was there. The protection there. But there was provision.

[42:17] That he. Always commanded. That food. Would be there. So that they would be. Sustained. In the storm. Now my friend. That man.

[42:27] Very kind. A good example. To us. But. And. It cost him something. But look. When we think of the refuge.

[42:38] For sinners. When we think of the gift. Of the father of his son. And when we think of the cost. Of that precious blood. Shed on the cross. When we see.

[42:49] See this wonderful provision. That will never fail. And doubtless. It may be in time. That that tower. Literal. That we've spoken of. Might be. Damaged. Or. Washed away.

[43:00] But here. Is a refuge. That stands forever. And those. Within the refuge. My friend. Are safe. For time. And for eternity. Trust in him.

[43:11] At all times. Then. Times. Of adversity. And times. Of prosperity. We need grace. To trust in prosperity. We need as much grace.

[43:22] In prosperity. As we do in adversity. In adversity. We're busy on our knees. In adversity. We're waiting upon God. In prayer. In prosperity. We may say. Look what I've got.

[43:33] Look what I've done. Look at what my arm has got me. We need my friend. Much grace. To handle prosperity. Wisely. And in the fear of God.

[43:43] Trust in him. At all times. Every moment. Because your God. Will never fail you. He'll never forsake you. His grace is all sufficient. Strength equal to your day. He'll hold you on the way.

[43:55] He has said. I will never leave thee. Nor forsake thee. Ye people. Pour out. Your heart before him. Pour it all out. You know. I love that simple little word.

[44:06] In the gospel. At the death. At the beheading of John the Baptist. When the. His disciples went. And took the body. And buried it. And they went. And told Jesus.

[44:18] Ah. Do you think of those childhood days. When you were full of fears. You hurt yourself. And you ran to mother. And you pulled it all out. Didn't you? And mothers laugh.

[44:30] Well what does God say? As one whom his mother comforted. So will I comfort you. Well. I've looked at that word.

[44:40] With wonder. That God should contest them. To speak to us like that. And we proved it. Haven't we? We proved it. And like poor Hannah.

[44:50] Then pour it all out. Tell him all. And this. A God. Is a refuge for us. See now. Amen.