Go thy way forth... (Quality: very good)

Rotherfield - Providence - Part 2

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Jan. 6, 2002


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[0:00] As the Lord may be pleased to help me, I direct your attention to the Song of Solomon, chapter 1, reading verse 8. Song of Solomon, chapter 1, verse 8.

[0:31] If thou knowest not, O thou fairest among women, go thy way, force by the footsteps of the flock, and feed thy kids beside the shepherd's tents.

[0:55] If thou knowest not, O thou fairest among women, go thy way, force by the footsteps of the flock, and feed thy kids beside the shepherd's tents.

[1:18] This verse is the answer given by the Lord unto the children of God, his people, in the seventh verse, which we try to speak from this morning.

[1:44] And he said, if thou knowest not. And why is that word, if, put in there?

[1:57] Seeming that the Lord knows that in the heart of hearts, his people don't really know the way. Not that he is accusing them of not speaking the truth.

[2:16] He would understand them, and would assure them, that that which they have been led, fed, and taught, the way to walk in, is surely correct.

[2:33] He would put away forever the thought that they are perhaps making a mistake.

[2:45] How often it is implied in the day in which we live, that the sincere people of God have made such terrible mistakes, that they do not understand the scripture.

[3:06] But nevertheless, though this seems to have been down through the ages, the Lord does use it to this end, to make them diligent seekers of that which is right, and that which is good.

[3:25] As we began our text this morning, tell me, O thou whom my soul lovest, friend, if thou knowest not, my friend, one thing that they make known is that they love the Lord Almighty God.

[3:49] There is no small thing, is it, for you to know that one thing you know the Lord, you love the Lord.

[4:03] Peter, in spite of all his thoughts and feelings, he could say this, O Lord, thou knowest, thou knowest that I love thee.

[4:15] Well, what is the answer then for you, Peter? Is it not, indeed, to go thy wake forth by the footsteps of the flock?

[4:32] You know, I'm sure most of you here, or the older ones anyway, you have seen paths across the pasture grounds, whether it be in the valleys, or on the hillside, where cattle and sheep have followed one another.

[4:58] And you'll find this, that they have their own track. And so it is, isn't it, that the Lord's people, they have a track.

[5:12] There is a worn way in which they are walking. Yes, I have met those who are younger, who have taken it upon themselves to argue with me, and they have said this, the trouble with you, strip Baptist, you're like a lot of sheep, you all follow one another.

[5:45] And I've had to say to them, I don't know about all strip Baptists, but the Lord's people, they are like a lot of sheep, they do seem to follow one another.

[6:04] But one thing you have have not discerned, and do not see, and do not hear, that they are listening to the shepherd's voice.

[6:20] So in that direction, they are walking. They haven't all made a mistake, but surely they have hearkening unto the voice of Jesus.

[6:37] Now my friend, remember this, the dead, they do not hear the shepherd's voice. That is indeed a clear mark, is it not?

[6:50] They do not hear his voice, they do not want to know it. There's that which rises up within them, a spirit of enmity against it.

[7:04] But in our verse here this afternoon, if thou know not, O thou fairest among women, go thy way. Of course, by the footsteps of the flock, friend, as endorsing, as is to say, making it clear and emphasizing, that this is the right way, not the wrong way, endorsing it.

[7:37] Whether it's on the back or the front of it, it's the same endorsement. Yes, Jesus, only, if thou knowest not, as if God Almighty is saying, ah, but yes, you do know, you do know, and you will know, and you will prove, at last, to be victorious, through his great and his holy name.

[8:11] If thou knowest not, well, take on face value, it seems to say, if you don't know then, well, just prove it to yourselves, this is the way.

[8:25] Yes, do not the hymn writer say, his track I see, and I'll pursue, the narrow way, till him I view.

[8:38] That is, my friends, following no other way, keeping to the right way, and to the truth of the way.

[8:51] he said, the way is straight, and he said, the way is narrow. They're not the words of man, they are the words of Jesus, and who is he speaking to?

[9:07] Why he's speaking to those fairest among women, or speaking to those fair ones, who have been made, hearts have been made glad, through the salvation of Jesus Christ.

[9:26] Friends, what a mercy, if we stand amongst those fairest of men, if we stand amongst those who worship God, and God alone.

[9:40] Friends, what a sweet knowledge, and understanding, the word shows to us, that God has of us. Yes, he understands our dreams and feelings.

[9:57] Go thy way forth by the footsteps of the flock. Friend, we need indeed him to guide and to direct us in every situation.

[10:17] You say, things have changed, and things have altered, from generation to generation, you can't compare one with the other.

[10:32] It is true, isn't it? But you know, the overriding power in every generation has been God and his word.

[10:45] And in that sense, nothing has changed. The Bible, the word of God to his people, down through the ages, is something extraordinary, and something very wonderful.

[11:03] It's so different to all the books and teachings of man. scientists may pick up a book on a certain subject, and say, well, that is not much use to die, because we have discovered so much more since then, and so many different things.

[11:29] Therefore, that book is out of diet. But when you come to the word of God, that is so different, for the word of God is that which is concerning the Lord's people and their salvation.

[11:50] And sure enough, right down through the ages, there's no other way to discover, there's no other way to be taught, because, my friends, it is perfect, perfect, and it was written and inspired by the Holy Spirit.

[12:12] Therefore, the word of God never becomes out of date, it never becomes old and archaic, as men love to address it as.

[12:25] Oh, God forbid that we should. God forbid to be but may this instruction be ours, go thy way, for by the footsteps of the flock, go thy way, the footsteps of the flock, that is the same way in which the Lord Jesus Christ has spoken to them, guided them, and directed them.

[13:00] One of the, some of the footsteps of the flock are found here. Come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.

[13:19] Friend, the footsteps of the flock, can you say that your footsteps this afternoon are making track in that direction.

[13:33] I say what joy from time to time there is in the discovery in the word of God. Why? These worthies of old, they pass through these things, the worthies of old, they receive the word of God in such things.

[13:57] He proved to them beyond all doubt that he was able to supply their every need. Yes, my grace is sufficient for thee, and my strength is made perfect in weakness.

[14:18] Friend, it was all sufficient and all comforting and needful for good Paul the apostle of old. And it is exactly the same for the people of God today.

[14:37] Go thy way by the footsteps of the flock. The future looks black and bleak, doesn't it?

[14:49] We who are older often feel a deep concern for the young and rising generation, for their way will not be easy, no more than our way has been, or the way of those who have gone before us.

[15:11] But there is one infallible truth that will ever be maintained. God's grace has been all sufficient in every situation.

[15:28] Go thy way by the footsteps of the flock. The all sufficiency of the Lord Jesus Christ.

[15:40] How many times have the Lord's people down through the centuries have said, I cannot go on, I cannot continue.

[15:56] Gently ask and inquire why, because of this thing and that thing. But has it happened yet?

[16:07] What that's what could happen? That is the potential. But my friends, and supposing it is, my friend, the Lord Jesus Christ, who is the same yesterday, and today, and forever, eternally the same.

[16:32] He managed it then, he managed it now, and he will manage it hereafter. Therefore, the joy and strength and encouragement concerning our younger people, God is forever the same.

[16:53] It's not what you will be, but what he will be in you, and for you. it is indeed a mysterious thing when we find our props taken away from us.

[17:15] Come to that place and feel now, it is all on my shoulder. This is all my responsibility.

[17:28] responsibility. How can I manage? How can I continue? Friend, I believe I can say I have felt this greatly in one or two things in my life, but my friend, our mercy is, though we have lost those who we have felt so valuable to us, yet, my friend, God indeed has shown us this, is ever able, yea, to hear and answer our prayers as well as those we have highly esteemed.

[18:17] If thou knowest not, O thou fairest among women, go thy way forth by the footsteps of the flock, go thy way.

[18:30] My friend, how often many have had to go that way, and what is that way? Is it not the path of prayer, the path of prayer, brought down and humbled under the almighty hand of God, Lord, I haven't sufficient grace, to carry on and to continue.

[19:00] I'm not able in and of myself to do what others have done for me. No. And the Lord knows that.

[19:14] But my friend, he has no intention of leaving and abandoning his people, or discarding that covenant of grace that he has made.

[19:30] That is, with his people, from one generation to another. A covenant. He will not break it.

[19:43] Friend, he'll ever be with them. He'll ever supply their need. He'll ever prevent them, my friends, from resting and relying upon their own strength and sufficiency.

[20:02] Go thy way, forth, by the footsteps of the flock. The signs and the evidences, yes, of the way, will often be, as we have read this afternoon in the epistle to the Hebrews.

[20:32] And I read it to this hand too, wherein we read, remember them that are in bonds as bound with them and them which suffer adversity as being yourselves also in the body.

[21:01] Remember them that are in bonds. There may be those in bonds that are older than you. There may be those who are younger than you.

[21:15] So he says, let us go forth therefore unto him without the camp bearing his reproach.

[21:28] Also it says, whose faith follow. Whose faith follow. And what we do understand by this.

[21:41] First of all pause and look at the word we have read. Go thy way forth by the footsteps of the flock.

[21:53] In the footsteps of faith. Faith my friends in believing and looking only to the Lord Jesus Christ whose faith follow.

[22:09] They had no other way to walk in, no other evidences to follow than as they believed in the Lord and Jesus Christ.

[22:25] He says, Paul says, behold what a great cloud of witness there is set round about you.

[22:37] the word actually gone from that twelfth chapter of Hebrews.

[22:52] Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witness, let us lay aside every weight and the sin which does so easily beset us.

[23:12] Let us run with patience the race that is set before us looking unto Jesus the author and the finisher of our faith for the joy that was set before him endured the cross despising the shame and is set down at the right hand of God for consider him that endured such contradiction of sinners against himself lest you be wearied and faint in your minds therefore as I try to emphasize that scripture is never outdated is just strong and effective oh they say if thou knowest not oh thou fairest among the women go thy way forth by the footsteps of the flock we cannot go by the footsteps of the flock without observation without looking without seeing what is a face without sight and without light how can faith have light and sight without the Lord

[24:44] Jesus Christ my friend it cannot no it never can but nevertheless all those worthies of old walk by face so indeed they will do now if thou knowest not oh thou fairest among women one of those gloomy days where we cannot see as it were a hand before our eyes even nothing seems right everything seems imperfect but my friend a mercy is go thy way by the footsteps of the flock my friend it's the Lord that looks down upon those footsteps it is he that owns them it is he that blesses them it is he that recognises them why it is he that says this is the way walk ye in it oh how faithful my friends the

[26:01] Lord is unto the faithful I am the Lord I change not therefore ye sons of Jacob are not consumed and feed thy kids beside the shepherd's tents we cannot say we have great light upon that word of feed thy kids only as being thy those things which are thy responsibility it it speaks with regards to animals not humans we detest that slang don't we but nevertheless he says feed thy kids those things which are those which are responsibility unto them my friend adequate provision here is my aid for all thy cares and all thy concerns friend the

[27:16] Lord does not let these things come between him and his people he doesn't say I don't mind putting up with you but I can't bear all these added things oh friend no he doesn't talk like that at all but rather cast thy burden upon the Lord and he shall hear thee yes and thou shalt glorify me friends oh thou hast inquired the way and he will guide and direct his people in the way my friend there's no such thing as fly overs and bypasses in God's direction no he says

[28:18] I will go before thee and I will make rough places plain and crooked past right he said who art thou oh great mountain before the rubble thou shalt become a plain who art thou oh great mountain you who would oppose almighty God and prevent and pervert God's elect if it were possible thou shalt not do this thou are unable to oh make it to become a plain had it not God raised up the rubble for a purpose and how many challenges he would have I say it would be exactly the same today would it not but my friend God's purposes and what he decreed did surely come to pass and it will surely come to pass in the day and age in which we live in but friend remember this and they brought forth the headstone it was brought forth with shoutings crying grace grace unto it

[29:46] God's divine favour be upon it and I say what is your desire and aspiration for the year 2002 can you say this oh Lord bring forth the headstone oh thou will cry grace grace unto it oh that we might truly say praise and honour and glory be unto thy great and holy name if thou know not oh thou fairest among women there may be some soul here this afternoon and saying with yet all that you have been speaking of I still know not oh and are still saying tell me oh thou whom my soul lovest where thou feedest where thou makest thy flock to rest

[30:57] I say go on in that pathway go on he said I will not leave you comfortless I will come unto you he said but how must I appear before the eyes of a glorious and wondrous God why he goes on in these following verses to tell and to describe how you appear in his sight it is why I have compared thee oh my love to a company of horses in Pharaoh's chariots now Pharaoh's chariots they were indeed very the Egyptians were proud of them and they liked to see them just so they was a goodly sight there was something to be looked upon do we not remember in the days of horses that a well turned out team they were strong and they were well fed they were they were compared one to another as very comparable and even say well they looked a beautiful team my friend so

[32:33] God says I look upon thee not out of place among my people but surely as in place and most fitting with my people I compare the oh my love to accompany of horses in Pharaoh's chariots all that they should be my friend but with regards to his people all that they should be as by his grace as being guided and directed by him alone the apostle Paul could say this I am what I am by the grace of God and friend I believe it to be so of you you can say

[33:34] I am what I am by the grace of God if it were otherwise I would not be here if it were otherwise I be doing my own sin I be on the pathway to ruin I be on the pathway to hell if not in hell itself he said thy cheeks are comely with rows of jewels thy neck with chains of gold and so he set his force the beauty of the church of Christ in his own eyes because they are what they are by his grace he has made them so and I believe if we are right before God we'll never see our salvation beyond that I am what I am by the grace of

[34:37] God proving that you have walked by the footsteps of the flock it's neither him that will is or of him that run is but rather of God that show is mercy mercy I say oh how merciful the Lord is and how Solomon loved to speak of God's mercy of his glory of his wondrous faithfulness unto his people down through the ages may it be God in his mercy may speak to us to say thou art all fair my love thou hast doves eyes meaning this as a dove they they they pair for life don't they they have no eyes for another hen or another cock have they only eyes for one another so

[35:53] God recognises is this that his people have eyes for him and him alone does thou bear that mark and that point of encouragement to Jesus the only wise to Jesus the friend of sinners to Jesus he who loved us first will love us until the end yes great mercy friend if thou knowest not oh thou fairest among women go thy way and learn and learn why by going forth by the footsteps of the flock friend there's something very sweet in which the Lord teaches us to learn that which comes from him and him alone you cannot exchange it you will not discard it you say why

[37:09] I learned this by terrible things in righteousness I learned this as traveling by the footsteps of the flock yea that God is faithful that he should be passed by and saw me in my blood and said live my friend it was his doings and that salvation is of Christ from the beginning until the end amen