The whole service. The sermon commences at 39 minutes.
[0:00] May the Lord help us to commence this service by singing to his praise in 329. 3-2-9. The tune is Chorley Wood 8-2-7.
[0:14] How firm a foundation, ye saints of the Lord! It's laid for your faith in his excellent word. What more can he say than to you he has said?
[0:30] You who unto Jesus for refuge have fled. 3-2-9. 3-2-9.
[0:43] 3-2-9. 3-2-9.
[0:53] 3-2-9. 3-2-9. 3-2-9.
[1:05] 4-3-9. 4-3-9. 5-3-9.
[1:18] 5-3-9. 5-3-9. 5-3-9.
[1:32] 5-3-9. 5-3-9. 6-3-9.
[1:53] 6-3-9. 6-3-9. 6-3-9. 6-3-9.
[2:06] 6-3-9. In their land, it's fair. And in the står els of the land of the sea.
[2:34] And the days they give us shall thy strength ever be.
[2:50] Yet I am living, the queen of this day.
[3:05] I, I am thy God, and will still be living.
[3:18] The strength of the heavenly and full spirit shall.
[3:33] I am held by my righteous, a clear and fair.
[3:48] And the day of the day, I am living.
[4:03] And the day of the day, I am living.
[4:18] I am living, I am living. I am living, I am living. I am living, I am living. I am living, I am living.
[4:33] I am living, I am living. I am living, I am living. I am living, I am living. I am living, I am living.
[4:45] I am living, I am living. I am living, I am living. I am living, I am living. I am living, I am living.
[4:58] I am living, I am living. I am living, I am living. I am living, I am living, I am living. I am living, I am living.
[5:10] I am living, I am living, I am living. I am living, I am living. The praise of God's name, I am in his hand.
[5:31] I'm not sure, I'm not sure, I'm not sure.
[5:48] We come to all age, all our people shall live.
[6:02] My Son, I am eternal and changeable.
[6:15] And great glory they shall let them hold.
[6:29] Thy temptation still in thy water be on.
[6:45] That song that our Jesus had made for rivers.
[7:01] I will not, I will not deserve to be true.
[7:16] Thy soul, O Lord, and children never to change.
[7:31] Thou never, oh never, oh never, oh say.
[7:46] Luke, part of chapter 23 and Romans, part of chapter 5.
[8:05] Luke chapter 23, reading from verse 24 to verse 49.
[8:17] Verse 24. And Pilate gave sentence that it should be as they required.
[8:29] And he released unto them him that for sedition and murder was cast into prison, whom they had desired.
[8:41] But he delivered Jesus to their will. And as they led him away, they laid hold upon one Simon the Cyrenian coming out of the country.
[8:59] And on him they laid the cross that he might bear it after Jesus. And there followed him a great company of people and of women, which also bewailed and lamented him.
[9:21] But Jesus, turning unto them, said, Daughters of Jerusalem, weep not for me, but weep for yourselves and for your children.
[9:34] For behold, the days are coming in the which they shall say, Blessed are the barren and the wombs that never bear and the paps which never gave suck.
[9:51] Then shall they begin to say to the mountains, Fall on us and to the hills, cover us. For if they do these things in a green tree, what shall be done in the dry?
[10:09] And there were also two other manufacturers led with him to be put to death. And when they were come to the place which is called Calvary, there they crucified him.
[10:24] And the manufacturers, one on the right hand and the other on the left. Then said Jesus, Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.
[10:40] And they parted his raiment and cast lots. And the people stood beholding. And the rulers also with them derided him, saying, He saved others, let him save himself, if he be Christ, the chosen of God.
[11:01] And the soldiers also mocked him, coming to him and offering him vinegar and saying, If there be the king of the Jews, save thyself.
[11:18] And a superscription also was written over him in letters of Greek and Latin and Hebrew. And one of the manufacturers, which were hanged, railed on him, saying, If there be Christ, save thyself and us.
[11:45] But the other answering rebuked him, saying, Dost not thou fear God, seeing thou art in the same condemnation?
[11:59] And we indeed justly, for we receive the due reward of our deeds. But this man hath done nothing amiss.
[12:12] And he said unto Jesus, Lord, remember me when thou comest into thy kingdom. And Jesus said unto him, Verily I say unto thee, Today shalt thou be with me in paradise.
[12:31] And it was about the sixth hour. And there was a darkness over all the earth until the ninth hour.
[12:42] And the sun was darkened, and the veil of the temple was rent in the midst. And when Jesus had cried with a loud voice, he said, Father, into thy hands I commend my spirit.
[12:59] And having said thus, he gave up the ghost. Now when the centurion saw what was done, he glorified God, saying, Certainly this was a righteous man.
[13:17] And all the people that came together to that sight, beholding the things which were done, smote their breasts and returned.
[13:27] And all his acquaintance and the women that followed him from Galilee, stood afar off beholding these things.
[13:40] Romans chapter 5. Romans chapter 5, reading as far as verse 11.
[13:53] Therefore, being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom also we have access by faith into this grace, wherein we stand and rejoice in hope of the glory of God.
[14:20] And not only so, but we glory in tribulations also, knowing that tribulation worketh patience, and patience experience, and experience hope.
[14:37] Hope, and hope maketh not ashamed, because the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost, which is given unto us.
[14:53] For when we were yet without strength, in due time Christ died for the ungodly. For scarcely for a righteous man will one die, yet peradventure for a good man some would even dare to die.
[15:15] But God commandeth his love toward us in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.
[15:27] Much more then, being now justified by his blood, we shall be saved from wrath through him. For if, when we were enemies, we were reconciled to God by the death of his Son, much more being reconciled, we shall be saved by his life.
[15:51] And not only so, but we also joy in God through our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom we have now received the atonement.
[16:05] The Lord bless to us the reading of his word, and help us now in prayer. We would, O gracious God, constrain thee.
[16:28] It is toward evening, and the day is far spent. O that there would condescend to come and tarry here with us, and make thyself known, reveal thyself to the eye of faith, cause us to hear the voice of the Son of God.
[16:56] O Holy Spirit, do take of the things of Jesus, and reveal them unto us. Conduct, blessed guide, thy sinner train to Calvary, where the Lamb was slain, and with us there abide.
[17:16] Let us, our love, redeem a me, weep o'er his pierced hands and feet, and view his wounded side.
[17:26] O may there be those moments, rich in blessing, which before the cross we spend. We pray that by faith, we may sit there, O for a view, a bearable sight, of the sufferings of Christ.
[17:49] O that we may behold him, whom we have pierced, look upon him, whom we have pierced, and mourn. For Lord, it was my sin, our sin, that thou didst bear in thy body on the tree.
[18:10] And O that we may have such a sacred, personal view of substitution. Jesus in my room and place.
[18:23] Jesus instead of me. And that as we have revealed to us by the Holy Spirit our sinnership, our lost state, our ruined condition, condition, the broken law.
[18:44] And then, Lord, to see that all this was charged to thee, imputed to thee, the Holy One, the sinless One, the spotless One, and that our sin be laid upon thee, that thou at Calvary didst dare bear in thy body all our sin.
[19:11] And so, Lord, made an atonement for our sin, that thou didst suffer in our room and place. So out of pity, Jesus said he'd bear the punishment instead.
[19:29] And that word punishment makes us tremble, Lord. when we think of an eternity in hell, banished from God, in that place of weeping, wailing, and gnashing of teeth, in the company of the devil, the fallen angels, and unpardoned sinners.
[19:58] Oh, gracious God, thou in thy mercy, did pluck us as a brand from the fire.
[20:10] Gracious Lord, precious Jesus, do bring us to thy dear feet, oh, that we may come there weeping and mourning over our sin, and that our own heart might be broken as we view what thou hast borne instead of us, that we might be led in repentance toward God and faith in our Lord Jesus Christ, that dear Lord, we might be blessed with a broken heart, a contrite spirit, mourners in Zion, oh, that love and grief my heart dividing, with my tears his feet are bathed.
[21:02] Lord, we believe this is the path to blessing, this is the path to pardon, this is the path to peace, this is the path to spiritual joy and happiness.
[21:15] Bring us into it, lead us in it, and bring to us the blessed consolations of the gospel, that joy and peace in believing, that flowing of the love of Christ into our souls, and that we ourselves may flow in love to the Savior, oh, that we this evening hour may lift up our eyes and see no man save Jesus only, oh, thou precious Savior, may please thee to visit us, we're not worthy that thou should come under the roof even of this thy house, but Lord, accompany the poor needy sinners are gathered, and this man receiveth sinners and eateth with them, thou didst come to seek and to save that which was lost, and thy purposes will be fulfilled, that all for whom thou didst die, they shall come, and Lord, they shall come with weeping and supplication, they shall come and sing in the height of
[22:35] Zion, and flow together for the goodness of the Lord, for wheat, for oil, and for the young of the flock, and their soul shall be as a ported garden, and they shall not sorrow any more at all.
[22:52] Oh, the blessings of free and sovereign grace, through thy death, dear Saviour, sealed and assured by thy glorious resurrection, that justice is satisfied, mercy flows, that the door of heaven, the gates of glory, are open to all who are found in Christ, and will be found with Christ forever and ever.
[23:24] Oh, then, Lord, we pray, do favour us this night, bless us with sacred meditation, a softening of our heart, may there be those precious drops my soul be doing, plead and claim my peace with God, oh, for application, oh, for those drops of be doing, oh, for that revelation of Christ, oh, for the assurance of faith, oh, for that liberty, Lord, and deliverance from those chains that bind us, the temptations of Satan, and deliver us from the greatest enemy, our own fallen nature that opposes so powerfully all that thou dost for us and in us, Lord, what a battle, but Lord, may grace reign, may we triumph through Jesus Christ, we know that is, that is true concerning thy children, but here on the lowlands of earth is a battle,
[24:29] Lord, and sometimes we feel we're losing, we fall, we fail, the old man of sin prevails, but Lord, help us to pursue the narrow path, help us to hold fast, help us to look up, and to prove that victory comes through Jesus Christ, and we may truly say, thanks be unto God for his unspeakable gift, thanks be unto God which giveth us the victory through our Lord, Jesus Christ, so Lord, take possession of us, may we be only reserved for Christ that died, surrendered to the crucified, and may our affections be set on things above, may we press through the crowd, and to touch by faith the hem of thy garment, may virtue go forth, may the blessing flow, all for the honour and the glory of thy great and holy and precious name, the name which how sweet it sounds in a believer's ear, it soothes his sorrow, heals his wound, and drives away his fear, oh, may the power of the name of Jesus be known and felt tonight, this day, this evening hour, in our souls, the praise and glory of thy dear, precious name,
[25:57] Jesus Christ, do fill our hearts with praise for all that thou art, all that thou hast done, manifested grace, the work of thy spirit, called by grace, Christ made precious, confession of sin, precious faith, looking, hearing, running, cleaving to Christ, a good hope that is as the anchor of the soul, oh, shed abroad thy love, and may love flow from our hearts to Jesus Christ, once more we pray thy blessing on this cause of truth, bless thy dear servant, the beloved pastor here, and we pray continue to strengthen the hands of our beloved friend, watch over him in his many journeys, strengthen him for every service, send him forth with the thus saith the Lord, and crown thy gospel with success, and may thy own dear servant be much favored in his soul by the truths, he is enabled by the grace of
[27:07] God to proclaim, and we pray for the dear deacons, be with them, help them, give them wisdom, and Lord, may they too be encouraged in their labor of love, and grant to them the unity of the spirit, and the bond of peace, and bless one who is also thy dear servant, we thank thee that thou hast strengthened him, in his great age, and enabled him of late, to once more preach that glorious gospel that he dearly loves, and may his own soul be richly blessed, often refreshed, greatly encouraged, and Lord, we pray that thou wilt anoint with fresh oil, we pray that thou wilt add to the church, such as shall be saved, that bleating of lambs may be heard within the fold, we pray for the dear children, and little ones, we pray for the young people, oh, thou hast said,
[28:11] I love them that love me, and those that seek me early shall find me, oh, thou didst take up the children in thine arms, thou didst put thy hand upon them, and thou didst bless them, bless these little ones, these children, these young people, and Lord, we pray that they early in life may be led as sinners, feeling sinners, to come to Jesus, to pray that Jesus will forgive them, and make himself known to them as their friend, gentle Jesus, meek and mild, look upon a little child, pity my simplicity, suffer me to come to thee, fain I would to thee be brought, gracious God, forbid it not, in the kingdom of thy grace give a little child a place, do bless and heal and strengthen those in sickness, weakness, weariness, those that are cast down, lift them up, those that are tempted, succor them, oh, gracious
[29:22] God, and do comfort those that mourn, appear for those that labor on the land, and we pray to you, Lord, that there may be that weather which will enable the harvest to ripen, the hay to be gathered, the fruit of the earth to multiply, and Lord, all for sinners unworthy of the least, and yet we pray, Lord, do satisfy again the need of both man and bees, and help those that labor on the land.
[30:00] Now, dear Lord, we do not multiply words, much should be prayed for, our guilty nation, the nations of the world, the sending forth of thy word, oh, gracious God, have mercy, our comfort is amidst all tottering around us, yet the Lord God omnipotent reigneth, and this is our comfort, the kingdom is thine, the glory is thine, so Lord, make us faithful to the end, and endure by grace to that end, looking unto Jesus.
[30:38] Help one now to speak in thy great and holy name, who is sufficient for these things, oh, preserve one from being a dry breast as iron, Lord, thou hast blessed and continually blessing the labours of thy dear servant, the beloved pastor here, oh, may we not be left to do any damage among the tender plants of the garden, but may the words of my mouth, meditation of our heart, be acceptable in thy sight, so hear us, bless us, be with us, and Lord, we would not forget the families, bless the families too, husbands and wives, brothers and sisters, bless the dear one of the pastor here, and help and strengthen her, hear us, bless us, help us, and may it please thee to come, that we may lift up our eyes, and see no man save Jesus only, that the words of my mouth, meditation of our heart, be acceptable in thy sight, oh,
[31:45] Lord, our strength, our redeemer, we ask in the name of Jesus Christ, amen. Amen. Shall we continue by singing to God's praise, hymn 439, followed by 441, hymn 439, followed by 441, the tune is Lavinia, 876, when I survey the wondrous cross, on which the prince of glory died, my richest gain I count but loss, and poor contempt on all my pride, forbid it, Lord, that I should boast, saving the death of Christ, my God, all the vain things that charm me most, I sacrifice them to his blood.
[32:49] Hymns 439, followed by 441, tune Lavinia, 876. надеюсь, hymn6, 542, 567, many people who can ahead forbid to Stand so the И third is the God's birth.
[33:20] His birth. I Hymns have hymns When I surveyed the marvelous cross, the risen prince of glory died.
[33:47] My riches pay, I have lost, and for a debt of all my pride.
[34:12] For it is the Lord that Christ should have, save in the care of Christ my God.
[34:39] For the day, please, and only earth, I step with light and new in the world.
[35:06] See on His head, His hands, His feet, Sovereign love of the King of the Lamb, In grace and love, and sorrow and grace, Of course, O clouds, shall ring the crown.
[35:58] Sovereign love, face me here, O Lord, the Lord, the Lord, the Lord, the Lord, and the Lord, And the Lord, the Lord, the Lord, the Lord, For His grace, the Jesus Christ, And the Lord, the Lord, the Lord, the Lord,
[37:07] For His love, and the Lord, the Lord, the Lord, the Lord, ANDREAS !
[37:51] CHOIR SINGS CHOIR SINGS In dependence upon the Lord for all needed help,
[39:01] I venture to draw your prayerful attention to Galatians chapter 2 and verse 20.
[39:13] Galatians chapter 2 and verse 20. I am crucified with Christ.
[39:28] Nevertheless, I live. Yet not I, but Christ liveth in me.
[39:40] And the life which I now live in the flesh, I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.
[40:00] The words largely on my mind are these. The life which I now live in the flesh, I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.
[40:21] Jesus and the sinner. A personal word.
[40:35] I, or me, come, I think about eight times in this verse.
[40:45] So let us, in our meditation tonight, commence at the last word of the text.
[40:57] May. The me by nature is proud, self-sufficient, without God, without hope, without Christ.
[41:15] Me. Me, as revealed in the Word of God, me, as made known by the conviction of the Holy Spirit of God, lost, far off from God.
[41:36] Children of wrath, children of disobedience, lepers, debtors, prisoners, all we, like sheep, have gone astray.
[41:52] We've turned everyone to his own way. And, oh, beloved friend, what a solemn state we're found in, dead, in trespasses, and in sin.
[42:14] Fighting against God will not have this man to reign over us, even though we may have a pretense of religion, a dead profession.
[42:30] Me. This me, that thinks somehow or other, this me, has the power to get to heaven, has the means, whereby, to appease justice, and that surely, one's good works, surely, one's upright life, so called, though there are blemishes therein, says this fallen sinner.
[43:03] Me. Oh, my dear friend, this me. Think of, he says, look, of my religious profession. Surely, that will carry me to glory.
[43:16] But the word of God tells us that the wages of sin is death. The word of God solemnly declares to us the justice, holiness, majesty, and glory of Jehovah, a sin-hating God.
[43:38] It also shows to us and declares to us that all our sin is known in heaven. And not one unpardoned sin, not one spot, not one blot can ever pass through those gates into the holy celestial city.
[44:04] So then, my soul, what is thy hope? Without the shedding of blood, there can be no remission.
[44:14] sin. Oh, some would say, but look at the sacrifices of old. Look at the flowing of rivers, of blood, of beasts slain on those Jewish altars.
[44:28] My friend, ceremonially, yes, brought their acceptance, but never, never washed away one sin.
[44:39] It's very solemn to consider, and I feel we must warn our hearers on this. Some would say, well, surely they came out of their captivity in Egypt because of the blood of the lamb sprinkled on the doorposts, and the angel passing over did not slay the firstborn.
[45:03] That is true so far, but it was not salvation, because multitudes, I fear, of those Israelites perished in their sin, unforgiven in the wilderness journey.
[45:20] We read of those that murmured against God, we read of those that rebelled against God, we read of the earth opening up and swallowing, we read of the sons of Aaron, the high priest, offering strange fire, and fire from heaven consuming them, we read of the serpent bitten Israel, oh yes you say, God commanded a serpent to be born, they looked and they lived.
[45:52] Friend, before that much people of Israel died, died perishing in their sin, there was no atonement for sin, it was a point forward to one who should come and lay down his life on Calvary's cross, for as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must, what a word that is, must, the Son of Man be lifted up, that whosoever should believe in him shall have eternal life, must, oh what a must it is, there was no other so mean.
[46:35] Oh, then where shall we find this blood? The whole universe, from the stars in the heaven which are not pure in his sight, to the oceans of the seas, and all that the earth has could not provide an atonement to wash away one sin, remember that.
[47:00] man is lost, then man has no hope, left in that way it would be solemnly true, but in the purposes of God's grace, made known in eternity past, there was a provision made, a covenant made, ordered in all things and short, it wasn't made between God and man, but between God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Christ, for lost, ruined man, because in the eternal purpose of God, a number that no man can number, God numbers them, their names are written in the Lamb's book of life, they were given to his dear son, now are they lost forever?
[47:57] We read of everlasting love, we read, that the Lord hath appeared of old unto me, saying, yea, I have loved thee with an everlasting love, then, but they're lost, they're ruined, they can't reach heaven, they cannot wash away their sin, their good works, right in their place, but those good works do not make an atonement for sin, I need someone to come and to die for me, and to carry my sin, and God to punish that someone in my room and in my place, so we have in the words of our text, himself for me, so this brings hope, this is the glorious gospel that we preach to poor sinners, himself for me, for me, in my room, instead of me, substitution, solution, well, is there something then in me, or in you, that will merit somebody coming to pay this price, not a bit, we have no merit whatsoever, who then can this someone be, can we turn to the angels, remember even there were fallen angels, the great mystery,
[49:26] Satan and his fallen angels, no salvation for them, but can we turn to the holy angels, no, they cannot make an atonement for sin, then there's only one left, that's the holy God, and when I say the holy God, don't misunderstand me, the holy God made a provision, he that spake and brought the world into being, he spake and it was done, he commanded and it stood fast, we speak with deep care and great reverence that salvation could not be brought in by the word of God, don't misunderstand that, the word of God proclaims the way in which there should be sinners saved by divine grace, but there is one appointed, one who in love is made willing,
[50:45] I say made willing, is willing, not made it, willing, in wonderful love, to show that love, to come and do everything for these poor, ruined, hell deserving sinners, who is this, having yet one son, speak of the father, the holy father, the heavenly father, having one son, his well beloved, he, the father, sent the son of his love to come to this earth to seek and to save that which was lost, and the dear Lord Jesus, lo I come, in the volume of the book it is written of me, to do thy will,
[51:50] O God, in loving, willing obedience, does the dear Redeemer come, the holy son of God, the lamb of God, the one appointed to suffer in the room, and place of all his dear people, what a gift this is, as Paul says, thanks be unto God for his unspeakable gift, gifts of earth, precious as they are, and value as we do in their right place, but they either wear out, though they're not suitable, they cannot bring everlasting joy, but here is a gift that in this gift is all that a poor, lost, ruined, leper, filthy, vile, sinner, needs for salvation, to take that man, that woman, that child, to glory, because it is the
[53:04] Son of God that comes, but it would then be spoken, and rightly so, that deity, and remember, Jesus is ever the Son of God, all that he passed through on the Calvary's cross, never did he, how can I put it, put it this way, he ever was, ever will be the Son of God as he suffered on Calvary's cross, but deity cannot suffer, deity cannot bleed, deity cannot die, but here we behold the glorious plan, in eternity past, as the Old Testament speaks of the Lamb of God, as Abraham offered a ram instead of Isaac, I've often thought of Isaac standing by that altar, or first he was bound to that altar, anticipating death, he's free, he's alive, but he sees death, he sees blood shed, it was a ram instead of him, not that that brought pardon of sin, but a type of the one that should suffer on
[54:21] Calvary's cross, just as the lamb, without blemish, and without stain, and spot, in the Passover night, that that blood, so precious, was the preservation of literal life there, and the angel said, when I see the blood, now God said, I see the blood, I'll pass over you, now here is blood, here's the one that should come, when that brazen serpent was set up high upon the pole, as the type, as we've just hinted, of the dear saviour, that should come, remember, that brazen serpent was made not of gold, it was a brass, or copper, speaking of the meaner metal, speaking of the meaner humanity, speaking of the fire of God's wrath, to endure that wrath, there was one only, neither is a salvation any other, there's none other name unto heaven, given among men, whereby we must be saved, Jesus only, and it was never out of sight, of the vilest one on that earth, of the
[55:23] Israelites, they were never too far away, if they had still life in that body, and look, that look, was a look of life, and so, my friend, even though it was right at the edge of the camp, that one that looked lived, blessed be God, and lifted high that they could see, and I, said Jesus Christ, if I, as, if is not the if of doubt, as, in time, order of time, as I shall be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto me, and that is God's determinate purpose of salvation, that no peradventure, no disappointed Christ, but I say, step by step, himself for me, so he comes, and as we read, without controversy, great is the mystery of godliness, God was manifest in the flesh, he comes, but not by human generation, that holy thing, spoken of how sacred it is, how mysterious it is, to think that
[56:31] God contracted to a span for me, to think that that babe in the manger of Bethlehem is God, and is God, but yet man, born to live, born to live a life here on earth, born that that life should be laid down, man cannot take it literally from him, he says, I am the good shepherd, I lay down my life for the sheep, not till the work of salvation is done, not till justice is satisfied, not till the demands of the holy law are met, my beloved friends, here is the sacrifice himself for me, and this himself is the sinless, spotless son of God, he who lived a life that even his enemies could not find fault with him, even the world testified, the dying thief said, this man has done nothing amiss, even
[57:34] Pilate's wife said, have nothing to do with that just man, Pilate said, I find no fault in him, Judas, I've sinned in shedding innocent blood, oh friend, look, and yet, what does the world say, there is a man that is in prison, he's committed murder, he's in there for sedition, the evil of sin, and yet, the world said, set him free, crucify that Christ, crucify that man, my friend, look at it, and that's your heart, my heart, by nature, untouched by divine grace, and don't think you're excused that, because unless we love the Lord Jesus Christ, and he died in our room, a place, we are lost, we are ruined, we've, a shattered law in front of us, and my friend, we're in that solemn state and condition, oh friend, I say, here is the provision, but look, whilst, and I thought those hymns you've just sung were so precious to me,
[58:36] I'll tell you, I'll be, make a confession, when I was in your pastor's home, I gathered that 441 was to be sung, and my eyes glanced over to 439, and those two hymns just flowed together into my mind, so I'm responsible for that, your dear pastor said we'll sing them both, I hope you too, I was going to say, sucked a little spiritual sweetness out of it, my friends, it's so sacred, but there, think of his sufferings at the hand of man, my hand, oh friend, you see, the dear saviour, sinless, yet the Lord, the Father, the Holy Father, hath laid on him the iniquity of us all, and there's not one sin left out, mark that, and you think, you convince sinners, you that have been brought to
[59:48] Sinai's Mount, you that have fled from the wrath to come with the burden of your sin, my sin, what must his load have been?
[59:59] Friend, we cannot understand it, cannot fathom him, but he was charged with it, so that divine justice is going to strike, man said away with him, but even there at Calvary's cross, there is the demonstration of the trophy of God's wondrous grace, there's a brand to be plucked from the fire, there's one of those number whose names are in the Lamb's book of life, and there we see a mighty work of grace wrought in the man's heart, before he lived up to that moment a life of sin, and he acknowledged, we indeed just as we receive the due reward of our deeds, this man had done nothing to miss, but then all his eyes are turned from his own sinful, lost, ruined, perishing state, to see by faith, and coming in repentance,
[60:59] I feel it's named there, we indeed receive the due reward of our deeds, but coming to Jesus, and sees in that suffering, Son of God, the God man, see that God man, that there is Jesus, there is not a cross, a crown, a throne, not only a crown of thorns, but a crown of glory, and Lord, remember me, the simplicity, reality, preciousness of that prayer, of a coming sinner to Christ, with all, my friend, did the Lord say, no, did the Lord say, look what you've done, look how you've reviled me in my sufferings here on the cross, he said, verily, I say unto thee, today, shalt thou be with me in paradise, oh friend, how precious is this glorious gospel, here then, himself for me, but yet, we must take one more step, and that is so vital, because, there was a cup, to drink, so far we've touched some of the ingredients of that cup, but also in that cup, was that the sword was to smite the shepherd, in Zechariah, awake, oh sword, and smite the shepherd, the man that is my fellow, set the
[62:26] Lord of hosts, smite the shepherd, now there, we see those three hours of darkness, I have said lately, because it's so impressed on my mind, in my ministry of late, I was not given any vision, not for a moment, nor fanciful view, not the least, but I just stood in sacred, solemn meditation, three crosses, and while before there had been gambling, while before there had been passers-by, yet now it's pitch dark, what a solemn, solemn scene, the literal sun veiled, as though it could not bear what it saw on the earth, that's only a supposition, darkness that speaks of the power of darkness, satanic power, but more than that, the hidings of the Father's face, he who said, this is my beloved son in whom
[63:29] I'm well pleased, where are the angels? They pronounced his birth, they were with him in the temptation, they were with him in the garden, and later they announced and proclaimed his resurrection and ascension, angels here may gaze and wonder what the God of love could be when he tore his heart asunder, never once defiled by sin.
[63:56] There, there my friend, he said, my God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me, hidden thy face, made him suffer in the Roman place of his people.
[64:10] Now, do you see the beauty of it? Here we have the faith of the Son of God who loved me and gave himself for me. The Son of God.
[64:21] Because his people, all that shall be in heaven at last, as the word of God tells us in the next epistle, and I quote it exactly according as he hath chosen us in him, before the foundation of the world, in Christ.
[64:42] So we were in Christ before the world was formed, in him. Therefore, as I have been favoured in my soul to see, one aspect of this word I am crucified with Christ, that as Christ hung on that cross, his people were in him.
[65:02] Therefore, their sins were there. Therefore, the justice of God has dealt with all those sins of all the redeemed. The Son of God who loved me and gave himself for me.
[65:18] Oh, friend, what a salvation, what a precious Jesus, what a tremendous cost, what sufferings. Oh, I think as Mr. John Gosling used to pray, we'll have a bearable sight of the sufferings of Christ, all to be led there, all those moments rich in blessing, which before the cross I spent.
[65:38] As that sweet hymn goes on, let me just turn to it, as it speaks the language of those seeking salvation, venturing to Christ coming to that cross, the dear Saviour, sweet the moments rich in blessing, which before the cross I spent life and peace and health possessing, from the sinner's dying friend.
[66:05] This is it, may I sin, forever viewing mercy's streams in streams of blood, precious drops, my soul be doing, plead and claim my peace with God.
[66:26] Isn't it solemn? Isn't it sacred? Sit forever viewing those pressures and that mercy. It's the very plea of our poor hearts, mercy through blood, and that be doing means application.
[66:43] Oh, friend, pray for it, pray for it. the Son of God himself for me. Further, who loved me and gave himself for me.
[67:01] Take this word, gave himself, himself. Please God that in him should all fullness dwell. In me there's the fullness of sin.
[67:14] In him is full salvation. it's from him, that sacred, sinless body. As the soldier pierced the sight of Christ, flowed blood and water.
[67:26] There's a fountain filled with blood, drawn from Emmanuel's veins, and sinners plunge beneath that flood, lose all their guilty stains.
[67:38] friends, hear himself. So then I see the ransom prices paid for the redemption of my soul. That redemption by the precious blood of a precious lamb without blemish and without spot of a precious saviour that unto you that believe he is precious and that precious faith is that precious faith that clings to a precious redeemer.
[68:08] So here we have himself for me, who loved me. I spoke this afternoon of love, the love of God and the love of Christ, particularly in that little epistle to Philemon.
[68:23] But I want to take up just one point that I didn't get time to cover to, so I may just repeat very briefly what I've said this afternoon, that that letter was written by the Holy Spirit through the apostle Paul, written to Philemon, who was a minister at Colossae.
[68:42] Colossae, that minister, had a slave called Onesimus who hated him, did not continue with him, ran away and stole money.
[68:53] But he went right to Rome and there in the purpose of God, he hears Paul preach as a prisoner in a house that he was permitted to live in with soldiers chained to him.
[69:07] There was converted. Now that man, Paul said I'd love to keep it, he was unprofitable and now he's profitable to me and but Philemon, I'm going to send him back.
[69:18] He could administer to me in my bonds but no, he must go back to you. He must show sorrow for his sin and you must receive him and forget him, forgive him for his sin.
[69:32] He pleased with him. Now the one thing that I didn't touch was this and Paul said, now if he oweth he ought and it's evident that he's stolen from Philemon, he said, Paul said, put that on my account, I will repay it.
[69:49] I've written it with my own hand. My friend, do we see what I've tried to feebly put forth this evening. The saviour of sinners says, I will pay that debt, put it on my account.
[70:02] I, said Jesus, I will stand in their room, I will pay that debt, I will set them free. And so there at the end of those sufferings, there we see and behold the victory of the cross.
[70:16] Here we see that triumphant cry, it is finished. Oh, friend, as we view that sacred scene, see of the cross, see from his head, his hands, his feet, sorrow and love flow mingled down.
[70:31] Did e'er such love and sorrow meet, or thorns compose, so rich a crown, so fair a face, you see, followed on so in my meditation, so fair a face, be due with tears, with he, what beauty, e'en in grief appears, he wept, he bled, he died for you, and this was the secret, because this was laid on your pastor's heart, he told me, what more, ye saints, could Jesus do?
[71:00] He's done it all, all, full salvation, and that is sealed by his glorious resurrection, the empty tomb proclaims it, and there, my friend, he's ascended into heaven, is the same Jesus in the midst of the throne, to receive sinners, not cast them out, and there, as he's in the midst of the throne, to intercede for them, Father, see for them what I have done in their room and place, but since my Saviour stands between garments dyed in blood, tis he instead of me is seen when I approach to God.
[71:38] And so, he says, the Son of God who loved me and gave himself for me. Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.
[71:55] Oh, my friend, having loved his own which were in the world, he loved them to the end. But now, says the apostle, the life which I now live in the flesh, I now live in the flesh, I live by the faith of the Son of God who loved me and gave himself for me.
[72:19] You see, here is precious faith. Here is the possession of every born-again sinner. This faith is not like sons say, all you've got to do is believe, and as it was signed, you name on a dotted line.
[72:34] Friend, that's most dangerous. I believe this, for the most part, we don't limit God's way of dealing, but for the most part, it's by a measure either, and both together, a sense of the holiness, justice of God, and your lost and ruined state.
[72:57] Condemned. There's the law smashed, broken to pieces. And the law has no means of proclaiming salvation. It proclaims life for perfection.
[73:10] Anything else? Death. Condemnation. Hell. But now, here is the law. The demands have been met because blood has been shed.
[73:22] Blood to wash away all those sins. And that fountain open, as I have just named. Now, what is the, if I may put, the line between a believer, a born-again sinner, and Calvary.
[73:37] It's this precious faith, which is the gift of God. We are not saved by our faith. Our faith lays hold on what Christ has done in saving.
[73:50] When the woman, with the issue of blood, came, pressing through the crowd, to touch the hem of his garment. There you see faith.
[74:00] I've often used it as an illustration. She'd heard of him. If ever there was a wretch, she was. If ever there was one without money, she was.
[74:10] If ever there was one outcast, she was. If ever there was one condemned by the law, she was. If ever there was one that no one could help her, she was there. But the one, and there's this Jesus, and she's heard of him, and now she's resolved to come to him.
[74:27] She adventures to him, perhaps hardly any strength left, and her eyes are fixed on that one, determined by, if she's enabled to do it, to touch the hem of that garment.
[74:38] And as she reaches and stoops low to touch the hem of the garment, and one has said the hem of the garment is the finished part of that garment, the finished work of Christ, if you like, then virtue went forth out of the Lord.
[74:53] Now, she wasn't healed by her faith. Her faith laid hold. It was the virtue in Christ. So when the Lord said, somebody hath touched me, and she tried to hide herself, had to come and declare what she'd done, and she said, thy faith hath made thee hold.
[75:10] It is thy faith that hath laid hold upon that precious Christ and the virtue. And if my faith would lay her hand on that dear head of thine, while like a penitent I stand and there confess my sin.
[75:24] There is the Jewish sinner in ancient days bringing his sacrifice, and mark that sacrifice as yet is living.
[75:36] It's not dead. And he puts his hands on the head of that sacrifice, there as it were, confessing sin. And then that sacrifice was slain. Then the blood was shed.
[75:47] I know not to make an atonement, but a type. Now my faith looks back to see the burdens thou didst bear, and hang on the cursory and seize her pardon there.
[76:00] I don't think I'm quite exact, but that is the sum and substance of it. Oh, friend, it's that precious faith. And then he says that the life that I now live. Well, Paul, what do you mean?
[76:11] He said, there was I a hater, a persecutor of this Jesus. How I took those people and put them into prison, and I was full of holy zeal as I thought.
[76:24] Never a man was so holy as I was, Paul could say. But now, of sinners I am chief, he says, and this is the man that I hated, that has revealed himself to me. And he is the one that has called me by divine grace.
[76:36] He's the one that tells me of his love, and he's the one now I am crucified with Christ, therefore he's my savior, and therefore I desire to know nothing but him, and him crucified, for me to live is Christ, and to die is gain.
[76:52] I desire to proclaim his name to poor sinners to the very end of my life, to preach Christ and him crucified. And so, my friend, the life that I now live in the flesh, a new creature in Christ, a born again sinner, desiring by the mercies of God to present my body a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is my reasonable service, or as he says in another place, that Christ may be magnified in my body, in life and death, for to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain, and to live is Christ, and oh, for me to live is Christ, and to die is gain.
[77:36] Oh, friend, I say, wonderful, this is real religion, Christ of the sinner, Christ and salvation, Christ and his wonderful love, crying the Holy Spirit working, the Father's love, God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Ghost.
[77:52] And so, our text says, but Christ liveth in me. This is the secret, and I live in him. He's the vine, he's the root, he's the vine, I'm the branch.
[78:03] He's the foundation, I'm a stone. He's the shepherd, I'm a found sheep or found lamb, as the case may be. Oh, he, he, he, he, he's the bridegroom, I'm the bride.
[78:16] Oh, friend, think in Christ, you see, and as you sung in that hymn, opening hymn, 3, 2, 9, and let me quote it as my mind tires, that the soul, and is it you, the soul that on Jesus has leaned for repose, I will not, I will not desert to his face, that soul, though all hell should endeavour to shake, oh, never, no, never, no, never forsake.
[78:50] Friends, it's sweating work, get into heaven, it's through much tribulation, but, blessed be God, Jesus said, I go and prepare a place for you, and if I go, I shall go and prepare a place for you, I will receive you unto myself, that where I am, there ye may be also, because this man receives sinners here, that come to him by the grace of God, the power of the Spirit, and he will not cast them out.
[79:18] All that the Father giveth me shall come to me, and him that cometh to me, I will in no wise cast out. Father, I will that these also whom thou hast given me be with me where I am, that they may behold my glory.
[79:32] And this is crucified with Christ, and also crucified to the world, and the world is crucified to me. I must close because of my journey home this evening, but I close with that word, as the Apostle says later, God forbid that I should glory the saving the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom the world is crucified unto me, and I unto the world.
[79:57] And this is a painful process process through life, but I feel by the grace of God, the world is receding. The love of the world is receding.
[80:09] It's Christ I seek, Christ I desire, and Christ by grace I love, and one day hope to be with him, one day to be like him, one day to sing his praise for a never-ending eternity.
[80:25] Hallelujah. What a saviour. Amen. The collections taken today are for this cause of truth.
[80:40] Following the benediction, we shall sing the doxology. Shall we conclude our worship today by singing hymn 1075, 1075, tune euphony 786.
[80:58] Thou hidden love of God, whose height, whose depth unfathomed no man knows, I see from far thy beauteous light, and inly sigh for thy repose.
[81:19] My heart is pained, nor can it be at rest, till I find rest in thee. 1, 0, 7, 5.
[81:32] 1, 0, 7, 5. Amen. Amen.
[82:32] Amen. Amen.
[83:32] Amen. Amen.
[84:32] Amen. Amen.
[85:32] Amen. Amen.
[86:32] Amen. Amen.
[87:32] Amen. Amen.
[88:32] Pardon all spoken amiss. Take us each under thy safe care. Bless thy dear people. And now, brethren, I commend you to God, to the word of his grace, which is able to build you up and to give you an inheritance among all them that are sanctified.
[88:55] The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God, the communion of the Holy Ghost, be with you all. Amen.
[89:06] Amen. Now sing to God's praise, the doxology. Praise God from whom all blessings flow.
[89:19] Praise him all creatures here below. Praise him above ye heavenly host. Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Praise God from whom all blessings flow.
[89:45] Praise him above ye heavenly host.
[89:57] Praise God from whom all blessings flow.
[90:12] Praise God from whom all blessings flow. Praise God from whom all blessings flow. Praise God from whom all blessings flow. Thank you.
[90:22] Praise God from whom all blessings flow. Praise God from whom all blessings flow. Praise God from whom all blessings flow. Praise God from whom all blessings flow. Praise God from whom all blessings flow. Hallelujah. May the mercy of God from whom all blessings flow, Lord bless HymAA and HymAA and HymAA, May be the holy to the holy of Son, hymn will键 processor, Lord bless John Paul month sellethpeld, Lord bless you heart, teachings the holy of those people who suffer.
[90:38] Praise God from whom all blessings and away be in, Empower and Dorian . Father, by the grace of art, God bless you,antee give them glory of his nails to do so. Andy, Pastorく calmPal� voyczy,