Morning. The afternoon sermon from the same text is also available.
[0:00] As the Lord may be pleased to help me, I direct your attention to Isaiah chapter 55 and reading verse 8.
[0:20] Isaiah chapter 55 verse 8. For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the Lord.
[0:45] For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the Lord.
[1:00] We have come with such a verse here this morning, and how we need to be kept from even placing and constructing our own thoughts upon this verse.
[1:24] Lest we should harm it, lest we should deface it, lest we should be demoted and relegated to something far away which was never intended.
[1:45] Therefore, as the Lord might help me, we need to look not just at the verse, but how the verse lies within the whole chapter.
[2:02] Because the Lord is speaking to his one church down through the ages.
[2:13] When man was first created, his mind and heart and spirit was in harmony with God.
[2:27] God looked upon Adam and Eve with approval, because he saw they were holy, they were perfect, even as he had made them.
[2:44] And I believe they looked to God there and then, and saw him as a holy, gracious, kind and loving God.
[2:58] Therefore, they were able to meet with one another in the cool of the day. Nothing to be afraid of.
[3:13] Nothing indeed to be shy about. Nothing to resist. No enmity there.
[3:25] There was no cross words there. But holy harmony. Why, it could be gathered up like this.
[3:36] There was peace there. But what has happened now? And is that so with you and I? No, the truth is that Adam and Eve were tempted by Satan.
[3:56] And they indeed sinned against God. And because they had sinned, that relationship could never be the same again, other than through the Lord Jesus Christ, his own dear Son.
[4:19] Therefore, whatever we might think or say, that, well, we could be, things could be better.
[4:30] We will try and do better. God will accept us then. That is not true. That is not true. God says here, my thoughts are not your thoughts.
[4:48] Then what are the thoughts of God? Are they not found within those words that I have so often read to you?
[5:03] The third chapter of John, on the 16th verse. For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
[5:30] He that believeth not the Son, shall not see life, but the wrath of God abides on him.
[5:52] Now these are the thoughts of God. The thoughts of God can never be changed, and they can never be altered.
[6:05] The thoughts of God are not indeed affected by what he knows. He knows everything.
[6:18] We cannot see the future. We can't look round the corner at tomorrow. But my friend, God does look round the corner at tomorrow.
[6:34] He does know everything. So, my friend, his thoughts are formed and adjusted in holiness according to what lies in the future, what has happened in the past, and what lies upon us at present.
[6:56] Friend, oh, therefore, he said, my thoughts are not your thoughts. A poor, depraved, ruined nature.
[7:07] So are our thoughts of the same nature and the same condition. The word of God does tell to us that we were born in sin and shaped in iniquity.
[7:29] In other words, we are spiritually dead. Jesus is speaking again in the third and the fifth chapter of John, I think it is, ye must be born again.
[7:52] How can these things be? Not an unreasonable question for him to ask.
[8:08] An honest question it was that he asked. Not indeed was he embarrassed to ask such a question. But Jesus both listened and answered his question.
[8:27] And certainly, it shows us here, though this Pharisee was understanding the word of God and the ancient writings, he confessed he didn't understand.
[8:45] And he needed the Lord Jesus Christ to show him. My thoughts. My friend, my mind again turns to the eunuch who answered Philip's question, understandest what thou readest.
[9:11] And his answer was, how can I, except some man show me? Oh, except some man understand and whose thoughts can be conveyed unto me.
[9:29] So God, my friends, still speaks to poor and needy sinners who seek his face, that they may be guided and led into all truth.
[9:47] My thoughts are not your thoughts. Have you ever noticed that in the word of God, there's no such thing as spoken of as denominations?
[10:05] We know there was different denominations and sects of the Pharisees. They broke up into various groups. But you see, my thoughts indeed are not your thoughts.
[10:22] The God's thoughts for his church is that they may be one in Christ Jesus. And if we have not Christ Jesus, if we're not one in him, where are we found?
[10:42] Forget indeed the tag we may carry about with us. That's not good enough to save our souls. I find it and deem it necessary, not with God, but with man, that we should have such a label as being a strip Baptist to indicate who we are and what we believe.
[11:14] But let us not indeed get our thoughts muddled up here. Our thoughts indeed must be with God's thoughts.
[11:25] These are my children. These are my sheep. They are my people. My thoughts in God's thoughts are this, that we should follow him and hearken to him.
[11:42] God's thoughts indeed are this, that we should be led away from Satan and kept from Satan. His thoughts are this, that we should speak his language language, what you say, what you do, but long as it's all deceitful, long as it's not the truth.
[12:35] I say, what is our language? My thoughts are not your thoughts. How is it that God has seen fit for you and I to speak?
[12:49] Why? Why? It is to let our words often may be few, that our yea may be yea and our nay nay.
[13:03] Or, as in the modern English, let our yes be yes and our no be no, not a beating around the bush and trying to shake off the question or the facts around us to blind the sight of others.
[13:28] Not so, my friend. my thoughts are not your thoughts. Why, wherever we are found deviating and speaking with the deceitful language of Satan, it shows positively that we have something deceitful to hide.
[13:57] Oh, God might give us grace or that we might be honest and sincere. My thoughts is not that we should be looking over our shoulder to think what other people might be thinking and saying about us, but rather that we might be looking up to heaven for it is God that hears every word that we speak.
[14:34] It is God that knows every word that is within us that we have prepared and are ready to speak. That is searching, isn't it?
[14:47] so therefore when the Lord thus indicts humble prayer within our souls that it is he thoughts that he has mercifully put within us that we may be genuinely sincere.
[15:09] Oh, I say what a need there is to remember the words of the apostle. Who is that which can harm us if we be followers of that which is good?
[15:27] Now I must come closer to the chapter itself my thoughts are not your thoughts. It opens the chapter with this word how or calling the attention of those who will listen.
[15:49] Oh, it's not a how spoken by Satan, it's the voice of Almighty God and you know this, it is a great mercy if we are awakened or enlivened by that word how.
[16:11] my thoughts are not your thoughts. Never to have listened, never indeed to have heard the word of God before.
[16:25] It may be that it is God's intention that you should hear his voice even today. But he is speaking into particular people how everyone that thirst is.
[16:46] It didn't say how everyone that thirst is who looks for this sort of water or this type of drink to drink.
[16:59] No, my friends. therefore the emphasis is not so much then on this particular moment on what is given to quench the thirst but to those who thirst.
[17:18] Friend, we know this to be a fact there's nothing like water to quench our thirst. thirst, when we have been doing those things that are strenuous, when we have been subject to excessive heat, or when we have a fever within and our temperature rises, we thirst.
[17:49] And you say, in every case, you say, oh, for a little drop of water, oh, a little of water to alleviate my inward craving, inward desires, my very chemistry which belongs for water.
[18:13] So, my friend, my thoughts are not your thoughts, and God does indicate this, that those that thirst are those who are alive, those who long for Jesus Christ.
[18:35] Friend, where does our desire lie? I was saying, I do not want that sort of religion, I don't want that sort of thing, it doesn't do anything for me, showing surely that such a soul does not thirst, but surely that poor sinner who hears that voice oh, oh, come, yes, we look to him and to him alone, everyone that thirst that oh, I might know his voice, that he might so speak to me, oh, everyone that thirst is.
[19:28] Now, so often there's so many provisions are packed around such calls of the gospel, which I say is entirely wrong, because the word here surely knocks it down, it says everyone that thirst is.
[19:55] Ah, my friend, what a mercy done to have this single mark all upon us, I thirst, oh, not for worldly joys, but I thirst, oh, to know that Christ not only died for sinners, but he died for me.
[20:19] So often these other questions are, that are packed around it, well, how do you know you are amongst God's elect?
[20:36] How do you know that you are alive and have really heard it? My friends, I say this, how do you know that you thirst?
[20:50] My friends, if you finger the word of God and the gospel like this, then I say does not God take it away from us?
[21:05] Does he not remove it far from us? Because we have no inward need for it, for it, no. My friends, it's all a sham, it's all a pretense, that you indeed have other things you drink upon, and glory in, but no, it says, how everyone that thirst is, come ye to the waters, and do notice that word, ye, some might say, well, you should change it and alter it to you, but I believe I'm right in saying that in this word, ye, has a very strong meaning as a personal, because when you say you, it could be all you people, people, here, everyone, but come ye, yes, an individual hearkening, and an individual call, an individual desire, to seek the Lord
[22:18] Jesus Christ, my thoughts are not yours, my friend, God never, never makes a mistake, from, right from the beginning of that initial call, unto his people, who were once dead in trespasses, and sins, that they might be brought, to a personal, saving, knowledge of the truth, how often, I have been questioned about this very statement, but I do not find any need, for any apology, or revising of it, because my friend, God is a sovereign, a sovereign, and he is his whole, everyone, that thirsteth, come ye to the waters, yes, come ye to the waters, and how do you come, then I say, what gospel provision, is shown to us, and illustrated, to us here, come ye, buy and eat, yea, come buy, wine and milk, eat milk, without money, and without price, purchased, my friends, in this way, and this manner, not purchased, of what, for what we have, but purchased, for what, he has, and is ready, to give, my friend, and I put it in a very, simple way, we may take, a child, to the shop, and, they may, seek to buy something, they haven't got any money, but they know, the parent, or the person, they have gone with, has,
[24:30] I hope, it's not too, simple for you, this is how, the gospel, is proclaimed here, although, we have nothing, Jesus has, and he's already, he's ready, to give, and he's ready, to pay the price, that is asked, so then, salvation, is all free, it is given, every bit, my thoughts, are not your thoughts, I'll say, some clever, people, oh, but what about, if you don't need that, and don't need this, or that, my friend, we leave such, fruitless searches, go, and such arguments, be, but rather, oh, to come, just as you are, my thoughts, the Lord,
[25:31] God, my friend, he knows, our sad, and our, fallen condition, he doesn't, provide, and give, nothing, that is, unnecessary, it is all, so, needful, this brings me, to, another line, of thought, and it's this, my thoughts, are not your thoughts, no, our thoughts, so often, are indeed, selective, in what we think, we know, need, and may, indeed, also be, domineering, in what we say, we need, but my friend, the Lord, himself, will give, an all-sufficiency, that is, provided, by him, I like, that hymn, as I have hinted, with regards to it, this morning, a crumb of mercy,
[26:39] Lord, I crave, unworthy, to be fed, or with dainties, such as angels, have, or with the, children's bread, how everyone, that is, this, friend, I come to another point, and it's this, we may be, so, overwhelmed, by the sense, of our own, unworthiness, of our former sin, and shame, how can we ever, think, and hope, that we can, indeed, come into, that covenant, of grace, how can we ever, expect, that such blessings, should be, bestowed, upon us, but he, there, he says, come buy, wine, and milk, without money, and without price, and he turns it around, and says, wherefore, do you spend money, for that which is not bread, and your labor for that, which satisfies, not, then he comes, indeed, to a little reprimanding, reproaching, hearken diligently, unto me, calling, such attention, diligently, unto me, or may I ask, this question, at this time, how do we, hearken, to the, word of God, my friend, if the sermon, that's preached, is not the word, of God, then, don't, listen to it, but if the sermon, that's preached, is the, word of God, oh, then, hearken diligently, unto the, word, of God, and eat that, which is good, and let your soul, delight itself, in fatness, meaning, meaning this, partake of that, which is given for you, friend, if we study, the cost of salvation, whether we are worthy, of not, then surely, we shall never, come at all, but rather, let us glory, in this, in the love, of Christ, and the love, of God, to pay so much, to give so much, that poor, and needy, sinners, such as you, and I, should live, my thoughts, are not, your thoughts, have you not, sat around, in company, and heard, a discussion, with regards, to the value, of things, some would think, well, that is not worth it, this is worth it, and so on, there'd be all, varied, opinions, with regards, to the value, of things, but my friend, oh, when we consider, the value, of the precious, blood of Jesus Christ, how valuable, it is, why, because, it cleanses us, from all sin,
[30:26] God, is the judge, God, looks down, upon it, he sees, the cost, and he knows, indeed, the effectiveness, of what, had been purchased, to do that, which is, required, my thoughts, and not your thoughts, how humbling, dear friend, this is, when we consider, the love of Christ, to poor, and needy, sinners, incline, your ear, and come, onto my, here, and your soul, shall live, your soul, shall live, friend, friend, he gives, to, does, give to his people, that hearing, ear, whole, everyone, that, authority, this, he causes, the poor, sinner, to say, that is me, when I first, went, out to preach,
[31:38] I had, I don't know why, a habit, of saying, addressing, addressing the people, sinner, and there was, an old man, at Olcantin, used, to say, that's me, that's me, and you know, that stopped me, from saying it, but nevertheless, you see, though he was a simple man, yes, he wasn't, very bright, yet, see how bright he was, he had this, clear, knowledge, that he was a sinner, he was a sinner, inclined, I knew, and when, that was, he heard that, that, that, those words, spoken, sinner, and he'd say, that is me, and I believe, the dear man, felt it, and knew it, I say, my thoughts, are not your thoughts, how we need, indeed, to take, the, the teaching, from this, the race, is not to the strong, it's not to the swift, it's not to those, indeed, who are academic, my friend, it is to his people, ah, my friend, oh, let us not think, that we are safe, and sure ground, if we, are, are not intelligent, as other, people, and thereby, have much, indeed, to be kept, and, and saved from, incline, your ear, and come, unto me, friend, what a mercy, that is, if thus, we are, so called, and directed, to him, in verse 6, he says, seek ye, the Lord, while he, may be found, call ye, upon him, while, he is near, my thoughts, are not, your thoughts, how near, how near, is the Lord, to us, here, you know, that's one of the, greatest things, isn't it, to be near, unto him, for him, to be near, unto us, for us, to have, his presence, for him, to be with us, near, how near,
[34:21] I say, are we, to him, so, this word, seek ye, the Lord, while he, may be found, the truth, is this, that, he, may be found, I believe, right down, to the end, of time, let none, of us, say today, what, is the good, how, can it, for indeed, the gospel days, are over, and past, I've heard, people, allude, to our, present day, and situation, as saying, the Lord's, work, is finished, therefore, the places, of worship, are being, closed, do, do not,
[35:22] I detect, the spirit, of fatalism, in that, statement, is there, not a, shutting up, of the ear, to hear, what the Lord, is, speaking to us, my thoughts, are not, your thoughts, my friend, there's one thing, I verily believe, of the sad, decline, in the day, in which, we live, is this, is that, he hears, our, our behavior, our voice, and all, that we have, to say, our hard, as speeches, incline, your ear, unto him, a, turning away, of the ear, my friend, God will, speak, and his people, shall, hear his voice, and they shall, follow him, oh, my friend, this is, a call, this is, a word, of instruction, it may be, a word, of instruction, to you, at this time, my thoughts, are not, your thoughts, but, seek ye the Lord, while he, may be found, and how, are we to, seek the Lord, well, let me put it, this way, there are, certain places, in this life, where, you won't, find him, and it is, a good test, for both, young, and old, to, ask ourselves, will we find, the Lord, here, you say, but God is, everywhere, yes, he is, everywhere, his power, but, oh, his presence, with his people, oh, it will be, to deliver, and to bring, them out, and sometimes, it is in dreadful things, in righteousness, seek ye the Lord, while he, may be found, seek him, let him, call upon him,
[37:52] I say, what, a great need, there is, to seek the Lord, therefore, let me come, at close quarters, to where, you might, seek him, first of all, oh, let me, the emphasis be, on seeking him, at the, throne of grace, what a, encouragement, to pray, my thoughts, are not your thoughts, friend, you say, but God, will not hear me, I am such, a sinner, by such statements, are we not saying, we sin, beyond the limits, of his saving grace, beyond the limits, of his power, I say, seek ye the Lord, wherever you, are situated, that he might, help you, that he might, bring you out, he might deliver you, by, an almighty hand, the children, of Israel, they were, found in Egypt, now God, did not love, the,
[39:15] Egyptians, gods, he detested them, he did not, approve of the way, the Egyptians, were treating, the Israelites, but my friend, he spoke by Moses, he said, I've come down, to deliver you, come down, to deliver you, he say, but you'll never see, the Israelites, released, from Egypt, so you might, be thinking, ah, I shall never, be delivered, from my situation, and the bondage, I have brought, myself, into, seek ye the Lord, my thoughts, Fred, he is able, to come, and deliver, his people, and to bring them out, with a high hand, and a strong arm, friend, he can make, a way, for you, where there is, no way, to be seen, at present, and have we not, lived to prove, that he, this is the most, unlikeliest door, that opens, a door, you've never, thought of, that is the very door, he opens, for you, and the doors, that we might have, opened ourselves, and brought ourselves, into trouble, are the very doors, he shuts, my thoughts, are not your thoughts, friend,
[40:55] God's eternal thought, is, that he might, bring his people, home, to glory, at last, he's never, turned away, from that, there's no deviation, there, therefore, seek ye, the Lord, while he, may be found, he, this call, indeed, is to, all his people, and I say, all those, who have, an interest, by his grace, are entitled, to it, this is, the wonderful truth, isn't it, call ye, upon, him, while, he is near, I say, have we, called, upon, him, I know, when it comes, to prayer, we feel, so weak, so, poor, indeed, you say,
[41:58] I can't think, that those, prayers, can be answered, listen, our great mercy is, we have a great, high priest, above, the Lord, Jesus Christ, he is now, entered into, the holiest, of holies, and sits, at the right, hand of God, to plead, and to intercede, for his, people, I say, seek ye, the Lord, while he, may be found, you may, indeed, have created, some, awful, crime, and, would desire, to, express, to the court, your sorrow, on account, of it, but you know, not how, to put it, into words, friends, you have, the defense, council, whose, job, and, duty is, to present, your case, and your words, that they may, as, be expressed, to be understood,
[43:10] I say, by the prosecution, I say, how much more so, seek ye, the Lord, while he may be found, tell him all, oh, he is able, to speak for you, in heaven's, high court, above, are you surrounded, by many, uh, accusers, and forced witnesses, risen up, against you, so I do not, stand, a chance, against, such a multitude, as this, and why, the very voice, and weight, of my sins, and crimes, they speak, out, against me, but friends, that voice, that speaks, from heaven's, high court above, it always, far more, effective, than all, their, all their, cries, of away with him, away with him, crucify him, crucify him, my thoughts, my thoughts, are not your thoughts,
[44:21] I say, what a wonderful truth, there is, but just, a, a, a word or two, here, in closing, saying, so often, we may be, led astray, to, miscellaneous, thoughts, which do us, no good, at all, that is, with regards, to the, sufferings, of Christ, oh, why, is she, Christ, suffer, like this, it seems, too awful, for words, did not, one of the disciples, say, oh, be it not, unto thee, oh Lord, we, in other words, we can't have this, my friend, is, that Jesus said, get thee, behind me, ah, thou art, an offence, unto me, my thoughts, Jesus, could not, bear the thoughts, of such a one, thinking, that he should, pull back, and not, indeed, suffer, bleed, and die, for his people, then how wonderful, how deep, how powerful, must the love of Christ, to poor sinners, be, to Jesus, be, to poor, needy sinners, yes, oh, how, he couldn't bear, him, it being said, it is, ah, that they shall not be, unto thee, he calls it, offensive, how is it with you, how is it with you, this day, oh, dear, glory in this, the glorious thoughts, of Jesus Christ, that he would never, turn back, but suffer, for his people, that every sin, may be pardoned, cleansed, and purged away, amen, that he will never, man, tell you.
[46:34] Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Thank you. Amen. Amen. Amen. Thank you. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen.
[46:44] Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen.
[46:55] Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen.