[0:00] The Lord's Heart will direct you to the chapter we read, John chapter 14 and verse 16.
[0:19] Verse 16 in the 14th chapter, the gospel according to John. And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another comforter, that he may abide with you forever.
[0:41] Just to connect a little this morning, we spoke from those words in Isaiah's prophecy, Comfort ye, comfort ye, my people saith your God.
[0:56] And we tried to speak of the intent of the prophecy, that all prophecy centers in the person of Christ.
[1:08] And you remember we concluded with some of the fear-nots by way of the comfort. And I commence with that fear-nots this night, and ask this question of you.
[1:22] Have you had a blessed fear-nots from the Lord in your experience? A fear-nots from the Lord comes with authority, by the Spirit of power.
[1:41] It's spoken with authority and power. And it comes in assurance. And it has an effect.
[1:55] And if you've had a fear-nots, it is for time and for eternity. It's from God himself. It will never be taken back. I would be thankful if I'm reminding you of a fear-nots all more.
[2:12] We don't have many. We don't need many. If you've once had the power of a fear-nots, the Lord has only got to remind you, refresh your memory, by his Spirit.
[2:27] And your soul is hushed to calm. As peace ensues. Think of how Jesus, in the boat in Galilee, he was in the hinder part of the ship.
[2:43] Asleep. Asleep. Care is thou not that we perish. And in effect, there was a fear-nots, wasn't there? He arose.
[2:55] Rebuked the winds. Peace. Be still. Fear not. Fear not. And there was a great calm. And that will be when the Lord speaks of fear-not.
[3:08] Well, my mind went to this portion of the word. And if the Lord give us grace, we will look into its context. The Lord was going away from his disciples.
[3:25] His hour was coming. He was to be delivered into the hands of wicked and cruel men. And his disciples could hardly believe that this was happening to him.
[3:40] That wicked men would do such a thing. And he spoke of his going away unto the Father. He spoke words of comfort to them. Let not your heart be troubled.
[3:54] You believe in God. Believe also in me. And he spoke of his oneness with the Father. Which caused the Jews and Pharisees to accuse him of being a blasphemer.
[4:08] But how he spoke the truth. In the mystery of godliness. God manifest in the flesh. Do you embrace these in your heart? These holy doctrines of truth.
[4:21] Do you embrace them? He was going away. And he would comfort his disciples. Strap them. Counsel them.
[4:33] Speak truth to them. And. So we come to this text. My mind is led to. And I will pray the Father.
[4:45] But it's in a connection. If you love me. Keep my commandments. It appeared to my spirit. That what Jesus was doing here.
[4:56] Was setting the pattern. For the New Testament church. He gave commandment. While he. Was with his disciples.
[5:09] By commandments. We mean his ordinances. And his words. And his sayings. These are mentioned at different times. They are.
[5:19] His. Commandments. He spoke of those who. Love them. The evidence of their love. And the contrary evidence. Of not loving. And.
[5:33] So he spoke to them in this way. If you love me. Keep my commandments. It doesn't appear that he doubted their love. But their love in keeping his commandments.
[5:47] In being. Baptized in his name. In. Keeping the communion. In remembrance of him. He is.
[5:57] Setting forth the pattern. By which the church would. Profess. Would. Glorify his name. And set forth to the world.
[6:08] That blessed type. Of being baptized. Into his death. And rising again. Into newness of life. And. Into. The hope of the resurrection.
[6:19] At last. As he was raised. By the glory of the father. Father. It seems as if he set in a pattern. If he loved me.
[6:30] Or I know you love me. Or as you love me. Keep my commandments. Honor them. Profess me. Take up your cross.
[6:42] And follow me. It's been an evidence. That you do love me. It's been an evidence. That you love me. In sincerity. And in truth.
[6:54] And having said that. Jesus then goes on. To say. And I. Will pray the father. And he will send you. Another comforter. That he may abide with you forever.
[7:09] Jesus was a comforter. Of his. People. Of his disciples. Those that he called. To follow him. And those. Great number of disciples.
[7:20] That did follow him. For many left him. And went back. And. No more followed him. But many did. So he speaks to his disciples.
[7:32] And I will. Pray. The father. Do you think of your poor prayers. Do you? Often. Often.
[7:43] But you think of his prayer. His authoritative prayers. With the father. I thought of a children's hymn. It goes something like this.
[7:57] If I ask him. To receive me. Will he say me nay. Not till earth. Not till heaven.
[8:09] Pass away. Think of God's faithfulness. With regard to the prayer. Of his dear son. If a poor sinner. Who God invites to.
[8:21] Ask. To not. Seek and ask. If he will not refuse. A sinner's cry. A child's cry. If I ask him. To receive me.
[8:32] Will he turn me away. Or say me nay. No. God in his faithfulness. Will not turn any. Humble sinner away.
[8:43] That truly asks. For mercy. In repenting. And love. Love. Well what a comparison. Then between. Simple love.
[8:55] Like that. And the love. And prayers. Of Christ. Jesus said. I will pray. The father. For you. You will keep.
[9:06] My. Commandments. And what. Of his. Prayers. What. Of God's. Faithfulness. To the prayers. Of his.
[9:17] Well beloved son. Appointed him. Our great. High priest. Our advocate. Above. What Christ.
[9:31] Asks. Can never. Be denied. Of his. Father. In heaven. What an. Encouragement. For us. To pray. With faith.
[9:43] In Jesus. Name. Let him. Ask in. Faith. Said James. Nothing. Wavering. What a favor. To us. In the precious.
[9:54] Name. Of Jesus. Who prays. For us. You know. That prayer. That we often. Pray. Without knowing. The fullness. Of it.
[10:05] God. Be merciful. To me. A sinner. When that's. Forced out. Of a sinner's. Heart. By the Holy Spirit. What are we doing. But asking. For Jesus.
[10:16] To pray for us. To plead for us. For God. To be merciful. To sinners. Like us. Surely. That prayer.
[10:26] Will never. Be turned away. Surely. God. In his faithfulness. Will never. Turn away. From the prayer. Of his. Well beloved. Son. We have. Said.
[10:36] John. If any man. Sin. An advocate. With the father. Now I've never. Been in a court. Of law. To need an advocate. But some do. They need one.
[10:48] To plead for them. One who is skillful. In his advocacy. We have an advocate. With the father. Jesus Christ. The righteous one.
[11:00] Not an unrighteous man. We have a righteous. Savior. And Lord. To plead for us. We have an advocate. No. Jesus was going.
[11:11] Away. He was going. To the father. He said. I will pray the father. Yes. With my authority. He could say. I will pray the father.
[11:22] That he may send you. Another comforter. I have comforted you. I have comforted you. With the knowledge. Of my father. My father's will.
[11:34] My father's words. I have comforted you. In all your. Tribulation. I have been with you. I have. Quenched the storms. What hadn't the lord done.
[11:48] To his disciples. And for them. Now he said. I go away. If I go away. I will come again. But he said. I will pray the father. And he will send you.
[12:00] Another comforter. Or. Another comforter. Like unto me. That is in the person. Of the holy spirit.
[12:12] Like unto our savior. The same glorious Godhead. God the holy ghost. The spirit of the father. The spirit of the son.
[12:24] The comforter. Like unto Jesus. Power. Authority. Authority. In his words. In his influence. Like unto me.
[12:38] Oh. You say. Our savior's gone. He's gone to heaven. We have a savior. Who hath promised. No. I am with you.
[12:48] All way. Even unto the end. Of the world. And he's prayed. The father. That he will send. Another comforter. Who will.
[13:00] That he may abide. With you forever. I must go. To my father. I must go away. It's needful.
[13:10] That I go away. If I don't go away. I shan't come again. But as I come again. I will receive you. Unto myself.
[13:21] That where I am. There you may be. With me. The sweet hope. Of. The gospel. For sinners. For those whom. The Lord calls. His people.
[13:33] It's upon them. His saving grace. I will come again. Where I am. There you may be also. But in the meantime. Another comforter.
[13:46] That will abide. With you forever. Do you know. The comforter. Do you know him. By his. Powerful work.
[13:58] Of regeneration. By the word. And by his power. You've never been the same since. He dealt with you. He spoke to you.
[14:11] He humbled you. He convinced you. As well as convicted you. He led you to Jesus. He enabled you to pray.
[14:23] Pray. What poor prayers. No. The Holy Spirit's energies. That's what caused us to pray. Pray when we felt we couldn't pray.
[14:36] When it was but a few groanings. The Holy Spirit's energy. He made intercession for us. With uttering. Utterances that could not be uttered.
[14:48] Not in heaven they couldn't be uttered. Unworthy of heaven. But he made intercession with groanings. Which could not be uttered in heaven. But can be uttered.
[14:59] From a sinner's heart. The Holy Spirit's energies. And advocate with God. In that sense he. This other comforter. Is an advocate too.
[15:13] An advocate in prayer. He pleads within us. He pleads for us. We know the Holy Spirit's enabling. Don't we?
[15:24] Don't we? We are lost without them. Without the enablings. Without the grace. We are poor and lost.
[15:37] Another comforter. That he may abide with you. Forever. Forever. Jesus is speaking forever.
[15:49] The world that now is. And the world. To come. The kingdom of God on earth. The kingdom of God in heaven.
[16:04] That he may abide with you. Forever. What a favour. To know the abiding presence. Of God.
[16:15] The Holy Ghost. Let us look how Jesus speaks further. Even. The spirit of truth. The spirit.
[16:26] Of truth. What is truth? Said Pilate. What is truth? I remember.
[16:38] When I first retired. I went to Lewis Crown Court. Never been to court before. I held up a Bible.
[16:49] Promised to speak the truth. The whole truth. And nothing but the truth. Said the.
[17:01] Prosecutor. What you have told us. Has been a whole pack. Of lies. These are the things.
[17:11] That are transacted every day. In our courts. What is truth? Said Jesus. This comforter.
[17:23] His title. Is the spirit of truth. From God. A God of truth. And without. Iniquity. And this is the spirit.
[17:36] That I will pray. Will come from the father. And in that blessed recording. In the scripture. He proceeds from the father. Not born as Jesus was born.
[17:50] But proceeding from the Godhead. From the father. Father. In Jesus name. And at Jesus command. Yes.
[18:01] An advocate. A holy spirit. Of whom the scriptures tell us. That. He shall not speak of himself.
[18:12] And does he. Does he ever speak of himself. Does he ever speak like Jesus. Like Jesus spoke. I and my father. Are one.
[18:25] Did he ever speak. Of himself in any way. No. His glorious office. Is to speak of Christ. Is to glorify Christ.
[18:38] Is to take of the things of Christ. Christ. And to. Glorify me. Said Jesus. Doesn't he. Oh believer. Doesn't he.
[18:50] Can't you bless. God. For the holy. Comforter. What comfort. For a sinner. Taught of God. The holy ghost.
[19:01] What comfort. In the teaching. In the humbling. In the exalting. In the direction. To Jesus. To his cross. To see a beauty. In his grief.
[19:12] And in his suffering. And in his love. His power. And in his grace. And in his resurrection. What a beauty there is. When the holy spirit.
[19:24] Teaches us. Yes he does not speak of himself. But there is. Something very blessed.
[19:34] About his speaking. And teaching. Isn't it when he reveals Christ. Isn't there. An authority. Isn't there an unction. Explain it. No.
[19:46] Better feel it. Better feel that the Lord. Has been towards you. Near you. Convincing you. Confirming you.
[19:57] Illuminating your mind. In the holy scriptures. Oh even the spirit. Of truth. Does he speak anything. But truth.
[20:08] No. He is in union. With the father. And the dear son. The God of truth. And without iniquity. He will never deceive us. He will never flatter us.
[20:20] He will never lead us astray. He will never tempt us. With things which are unachievable. He will never bring before us. The glory. The glory. The glory. The glory. The glory. Of salvation. In the person of Jesus Christ.
[20:33] Of the truth. As it is in Jesus. To illuminate. To set at liberty. The work which he is. Sent from the father to do.
[20:43] Said Jesus. The spirit of truth. Whom the world. Cannot receive. Because it seeth him not. You know when men seek.
[20:57] To evangelize. And it's good. When they seek. To bring the knowledge. Of Jesus Christ. To other sinners. It's good. But we can't make the world.
[21:08] Receive. The spirit of truth. Because it doesn't see him. He is seen. By thinners that believe. Are called to believe.
[21:19] They see inwardly. And spiritually. They know. Seeth him not. Neither knoweth him. But ye know him. Ye know him.
[21:31] Do we know him? Oh do we know the sweet power. The sweet influences. Oh but there are influences to.
[21:43] Influence our mind and heart. To the obedience of faith. The obedience to the word. That's the sweet influence of the Holy Spirit.
[21:56] But ye know him. For he dwelleth with you. And shall be. In you I will not leave you comfortness. I will come to you.
[22:08] What is Jesus saying? But that he will come to you. In the person of the spirit. He will not leave us without comfort. He will be with us.
[22:19] In the person of his spirit. And the spirit will ever be directing us. To our glorified savior. To our glorified savior. To our blessed savior. Redeemer and friend.
[22:30] And again. What is Jesus saying here. Concerning. The pattern for the church. In verse 21.
[22:42] We read this. He that hath my commandments. And keepeth them. He it is that loveth me.
[22:52] In a sense. We all have the Lord's commandments. Don't we. They are before us. In the word of God. We can have them.
[23:05] And not have them. We only have them. If we have them in our heart. If we have them there inscribed.
[23:16] By the finger of God. By the blessed spirit of God. And then we can say truly. That we have the Lord's commandment.
[23:30] We are powerfully under the influence. Of the spirit making his commandments. Our. They are no longer ours to set aside.
[23:41] They are no longer ours to question. If we have the Lord's commandment. Now. Do I need to stop and say.
[23:53] Here is very plain speaking. From the Lord of life and glory. Men say. Oh it doesn't mean that. And men set these things aside.
[24:04] But it's time for plain speaking. Isn't it? Jesus says. He that hath my commandments. That is in your heart. You know what he commands.
[24:16] He commands in many ways. But he commands that. Those that follow him. Take up their cross. For it is a cross. And follow him. He that taketh not up his cross.
[24:30] Said Jesus. Is not worthy of me. That's plain enough. Isn't it? But here's an evidence of those that. Confess to love him.
[24:41] You have his commandments. And you keep them. From the time of our quickening. We were under. The commandments.
[24:54] Not of the law of God. But under the grace. Of our saviour. If she loved me. He didn't doubt the disciples love.
[25:05] But he may question some of their love. We read of it in this. Further verse. I can put my finger upon it.
[25:18] He that loveth me not. That's in. Verse 24. Keepeth not. My sayings. Surely.
[25:29] If there's not a keeping of his sayings. Isn't Jesus saying plainly. That they don't love me. They don't keep my commandments.
[25:45] They don't keep my word. There's nothing in their heart. To motivate them. To keep. My commandment. They are still.
[25:55] A law unto themselves. There's no evidence. To me. Or to the world. In profession of my name.
[26:06] That they love me. Because they just do not. Keep my sayings. Or keep my words. Or keep my commandments.
[26:17] Now how many words. Did Jesus speak. About living. In God's sight. In an upright. Way and manner.
[26:28] In the fear of God. Prompted. By the love of God. Never does the word of God. Envisage believers. Living. Unto themselves.
[26:41] Doing as they please. Conforming their hearts. To what they think. Pitting their judgment. Against the Lord's words. Happy souls.
[26:52] That are found walking. In the fear of the Lord. And in the way. Of his commandment. In keeping his commandments. There is great reward.
[27:07] He that loveth me not. This is the pattern then isn't it. For the church of God on earth. To keep his words.
[27:18] Do this in remembrance of me. I'm going to lead you to. What we find in Mark. Chapter 16. In verse 16.
[27:29] We read. When Jesus was risen from the dead. And appeared. And appeared to his disciples. He gave them that great commission. Go ye into all the world.
[27:42] And preach the gospel. To every creature. He that believeth. And is baptized. Shall.
[27:53] Be saved. That risen. Great commission. Of God in the gospel. That's in the gospel of Mark. In another gospel.
[28:04] We read. Go ye into all the world. And preach the gospel. Baptizing them. In the name of the father. And of the son. And of the holy ghost.
[28:15] Teaching them. To observe. All things. Whatsoever. I have. Commanded you. Isn't it plain.
[28:27] Pattern of the church. In the gospel. The gospel ministry. Baptizing. In the name of the father. And of the son. And of the holy ghost.
[28:39] And teaching them. To observe. Daily observe. Heartily observe. All things. Faith. Whatsoever. I have commanded you.
[28:51] Can we read the scriptures. Rightly. Happily. If we are disobedient. To our saviour.
[29:02] If there is not that obedience. Of faith. Well remember in my heart. It wasn't a question. Of whether I wanted to.
[29:14] Follow the Lord. I was being exercised. To follow the Lord. It wasn't a question. Of whether I wanted. To be associated. With that church. I was exercised.
[29:24] To follow the Lord. It wasn't a question. Of whether I wanted. To be with this one. Or that one. Or I didn't get on. With this one. Or that one. I was exercised. To follow the Lord.
[29:36] In the way of his commandment. He will lead us. He will have us. Where he would have us. He will guide us. He will. Lead us in the way.
[29:48] Where he will have us useful. It's you in your small corner. And me in mine. What is the point? That we honour the Lord.
[29:59] That humble submission. To his words. And commands. And saying. That humble dependence. Upon the Lord. In going forward. Because when the Lord.
[30:11] Exercises your heart. In the way of his commandment. You'll have no rest. You'll have no real peace. Until you walk in the ways.
[30:21] Of those commandments. And how blessed it is. When in early life. There are those. That take up their cross.
[30:32] And follow the Lord. Look how those disciples did. Jesus sees them by fishing. And says. Follow me. And they left all.
[30:44] And followed him. Some queried about. Their family. When they should die. Who would bury them. Let the dead bury their dead. Those that are dead in worldliness.
[30:56] Let them bury the dead. Follow me. Come back to our text. Just for a little while. I will pray the Father.
[31:09] God. And he shall give you another comforter. That he may abide. With you forever. Even the spirit of truth. Oh but what a mercy.
[31:21] To have such a comforter. We sometimes are confused. Aren't we? We don't know what to believe.
[31:32] When you hear things. That seem so enormous. In their blasphemy. So presumptuous. And bold. In their testimony. What a comfort.
[31:44] To have a comforter. That is divine. A comforter. The spirit of truth. That will put us right. Guide us right.
[31:56] Comfort us in what is right. Show us that which is wrong. The wrong spirit. The wrong attitude. The wrong path. The wrong goal.
[32:07] What a blessing. To have what Jesus speaks of here. That he may abide. With you forever.
[32:18] Spirit of truth. Little wonder we sing. Spirit of truth. Come down. Reveal. The things of God. Oh make to us salvation known.
[32:32] And witness. With the blood. Because that is what he does. When he leads us to Jesus.
[32:44] When his cross is before us. And the saviour before us. When we see to believe. And repent. And believe on Jesus Christ.
[32:55] When we are reconciled. By the justifying. Act of God. It's a blessed spirit. That bears witness. With our spirit. It's the blessed spirit.
[33:07] That sheds. The love of God abroad. In the heart. And who can speak. Of a greater blessing. Than the love of God. Shed abroad in the heart. By the Holy Ghost.
[33:18] David spoke. Of his cup flowing over. You will too. If the Lord. Shed abroad his love. There's nothing like it. It's the earnest. It's the promise.
[33:30] It's the witness. It's the sealing. It is for heaven. It's for glory. These are deep things. Profound things. I've only just touched upon them.
[33:44] And you say. Well sometimes. I'm in trouble. And can't see these things like this. Well. I remember a time. When I was in trouble. And I went.
[33:55] On my way. And I. Started singing this hymn. Sweet spirit. Oh. But he was a sweet spirit. To me. The endearment. Affected my soul.
[34:07] The hymn we sing. Sweet spirit. Guide me over. This life's tempestuous seat. Keep me. Oh.
[34:18] Holy lover. For I. Confide in thee. I sang that for a better week. It was so sweet to me. It's a prayer.
[34:29] I leave it with you. Sweet spirit. Guide me over. This life's. Tempestuous seat. Keep me.
[34:40] Oh. Holy lover. For I. Confide in thee. Oh. That endured. And swelling. I may be helped. To sing. And pass.
[34:52] The river. Telling. The triumphs. Of my king. Well. I leave it. The Lord.
[35:02] Bless. Our remarks. Today. The Lord. Bless. Our worship. Today. The Lord. Indeed. Bless you. Amen.