[0:00] Depending upon the Lord for help, I'll direct your attention to Job chapter 16 and reading verse 19.
[0:21] Job 16 verse 19. Also now, behold, my witness is in heaven, and my record is on high.
[0:44] Also now, behold, my witness is in heaven, and my record is on high.
[0:59] See, Job is here saying, I have something to add to what I have previously said.
[1:16] He brings in this conjunctive here by saying also now. And so we need to just acknowledge what Job had been saying, and the circumstances under which he had been speaking.
[1:40] For the poor man, as we know, he had lost so much, everything taken away from him.
[1:54] And even his house was now brought down to such a low level that he fairly felt he must soon die.
[2:10] And in such cases, you might think, well, his friends would fully understand. But they didn't appear to understand.
[2:26] And so perhaps we might have thoughts and failings in not understanding our brethren, our sisters, as we ought.
[2:39] But there's one thing that comes through, is this, that Job had a confidence and a comfort that God understood everything about him.
[2:57] And so as we read in that 23rd chapter, not the 33rd chapter, as I made a mistake, you'll remember.
[3:11] But in the 23rd chapter, he said, he knoweth the way that I take. And when he has tried me, I shall come forth as gold.
[3:25] Is it not so that there is a need be in the life and experience of every child of God to have some sort of furnace work?
[3:42] Some perhaps more than others. Some indeed have more dross to take away. Others dross needs a different type of purging, one for another.
[3:58] But my friends, Job had a confidence in God that whatever he did was perfect and it was right.
[4:10] Even as the hymn writer puts it, all to make us sick of self and fond of him.
[4:23] Truly, Job was brought to that place where he was sick of self. He didn't see one atom of good within himself.
[4:35] Though God spake so well of him. Though he had previously acted so upright and in a godly way.
[4:48] Yet see how low he was brought down. So this word, also now. Whatever might have happened to you in your life.
[5:04] What may be happening now or has happened previously. Is also now behold. Look. That word behold.
[5:16] We have much to behold. In our life. If God gives us grace so to do. More and more to look at.
[5:29] As time passes by. As we take up the hidden steps of life's journey. Behold now.
[5:41] Look at it. God has been faithful. God has been good. God is merciful still. God has been faithful. So he makes this declaration.
[5:55] My witness is in heaven. And my record is on high. The witness is for the present.
[6:09] And for the future. The record is that of the past. God has been faithful. But all I say all.
[6:20] Is so tabulated. In God's eternal mind. And will. It is written down. Recorded there.
[6:34] They are indeed as it were his treasures. That which he would glory in. And have us glory in. That which magnifies.
[6:45] His great and. Holy name. So Job. Would turn away. From all.
[6:56] That would bring him. In a melancholy spirit. Or cause him to appear. Self-righteous. But now he says. Behold now.
[7:08] My witness. Is in heaven. Friends. What a mercy. To have a witness. In heaven.
[7:21] What do we need. A witness for. Why surely. It is to. One who can speak. Of the truth.
[7:32] And to prove. That what is spoken. And what is recorded. Is absolutely. Absolutely. True. True. But though we know.
[7:43] We know also. There are. Forced. Witnesses. Who do not like. To see the truth. Brought force. And yet.
[7:55] On the other hand. Perhaps. Like we ought to look at it. From. This. Viewpoint. To see the truth. And that is. Even the best of witnesses.
[8:08] Amen. They're subject to mistakes. They're apt to forget. They're apt to leave. Things out.
[8:18] And thus create. A different picture. To what really happened. But God. Being God.
[8:30] He knows. All things. He sees. All things. Why. He appointed. All things. His witness. Must be true.
[8:42] And this is. Our strength. And this is. Our comfort. So. He says here. My witness. Is in heaven.
[8:53] We know. Is this. That records. On earth. And witnesses. Are apt to be. Damaged. Or destroyed.
[9:04] Or stolen. And taken. Away. There's no safe place. For them. Even sometimes. Very strong.
[9:16] Saints. In intense. Fires. Have been. The contents. Have been. Completely. Ruined. But my friend.
[9:27] Oh. My witness. Is in heaven. What a treasure. That is. Laid up. Where neither rust. Nor moss. Doth corrupt.
[9:39] My witness. Is in heaven. We read. Indeed. Of those. Disciples. Whom Jesus. Let out.
[9:50] As far. As Bethany. As Bethany. And there. They saw him. Depart from this earth. And ascend up. Into heaven.
[10:01] And the angel. And the angel said. Unto them. Ye men of Galilee. Why gaze ye up. Into heaven.
[10:12] That same Jesus. Ah. That same Jesus. He who you saw. Go into heaven. Yes. He will come again.
[10:23] In that same glory. My friend. Was a witness. Why. I am he. Who laid down my life.
[10:34] And I am he. That had taken up. My life again. According to. The scriptures. I say. Who can shut.
[10:46] The mouth. Of such. A witness. Who can destroy. Such. A witness. As this. My friend. None. For he.
[10:57] Verily. Is the. Son. Of God. Indeed. He is holy. He is just. Friend.
[11:07] He is loving. And he is true. My witness. Is. In heaven. You know. That same.
[11:18] Witness. Is said. Whilst. Here. Upon. Earth. All. That the father. Has given. Me. It. Shall. Come.
[11:29] Unto. Me. And he. That. Comes. Unto. Me. I. Will. In no. Ways. Cast. Out. Is.
[11:40] Not. His. Loving. Indulgent. Eye. And. Care. Watching. Over. You. Has. Has. He. Not. Seen.
[11:50] You. At. The throne. Of. Grace. Has. He. Not. Seen. You. With. Dear. Hannah. In. The temple.
[12:02] Pouring out. Your soul. Before. The Lord. Has. He. Not. Seen. You. With. Dear. Mary. In. Simon. The Pharisee's.
[12:12] House. Coming. Behind. Him. Washing. His feet. With. Your tears. Wiping. His feet.
[12:22] With. The hairs. Of. Your head. My. Witnesses. In. Heaven. And. Those. Secret. Places. Where.
[12:33] He. Has. In. Favoured. To. Indulge. You. With. His. Wonderful. Love. And. Mercy. Sealing. That.
[12:44] Peace. That. Pardon. And. Forgiveness. Of. All. Your. Sin. My. Witness. Do.
[12:55] Not. Even. Hear. Or. Have you. Not. Even. Recorded. The. Approach. To. The. Throne. Of. Grace. Of.
[13:07] Hagar. And. Ishmael. That. He. He. He. He. He. He. He. He. He. Of. The. Child. He. He.
[13:17] He. The. Lord. God. Almighty. By. His. Angel. He. Comes. And. Engages. The. Heart. Of.
[13:27] Hagar. Now. Whether. That. Cry. Of. The. Child. Was. That. Of. A. Prayer. Or. The. Crying. For. Want. Of. Water.
[13:38] Father. Of. But. Nevertheless. God. Heard. It. I. Say. Have you. Got. This. Witness. This. Record. That.
[13:49] Your. God. Is. A. Prayer. Hearing. And. A. Prayer. Answering. God. And. Therefore. At. This. Time.
[14:00] It. Causes. You. To. Turn. To. Him. And. To. Him. Alone. In. Spirit. And. In. Truth. When.
[14:11] The. Lord. Comes. And. Shows. To. Us. What. A. Sinner. We. Are. And. What. We. Need. Of.
[14:21] The. Purging. Away. Of. Our. Sins. Where. Can. We. Go. And. Where. Can. We. Find. A. Way. To. Literally. Be.
[14:33] Freed. From. All. Our. Sin. My. Friend. Bless. His. Dear. Nine. Your. Witnesses. In. Heaven. Your.
[14:43] Record. Is. On. What. He. Has. Done. In. You. And. For. You. By. Shedding. Abroad. His. Love. In. Your. Heart.
[14:54] Engaging. Your. Very. Spirit. To. Turn. To. Him. And. Crying. Like. The. Thief. Who. Was. On. The. Cross. Saying. Lord.
[15:04] Remember. Me. When. Thou. Comest. Into. Thy. Kingdom. Why. This. Is. Your. Witness. And.
[15:15] Your. Record. Is. On. High. That. That. That. Which. The. Lord. Did. For. You. Then. He. Will. Never. Forget. He.
[15:25] Will. Never. Set. Aside. And. More. Than. That. He. Will. Not. Allow. You. To. Forget. It. And. He.
[15:35] Will. Testify. To. You. He. Is. A. Witness. In. Heaven. That. Testifies. To. What. The. Lord. Has. Done. And.
[15:46] What. The. Lord. Has. Given. It. Is. A. Two-way. Testimony. Isn't. It. We. Find. The. Apostles.
[15:57] Recording. And. Memorizing. Their. Past. Life. And. Lord. Of. What. They. Did. And. What. They. Should. Not. Have. Done. That.
[16:08] In. Spite. It. All. The. Lord. Had. Mercy. Upon. Them. Yes. We. May.
[16:18] Reminisce. Of. The. Past. Not. Always. With. Joy. And. Gladness. But. Causing. Us. To. Cry. Out. And. Say. Oh.
[16:29] Wretched. Man. That. I. Am. Who. Shall. Deliver. Me. From. This. Body. Of. Sin. And. Death. What.
[16:40] A. Witness. What. A. Record. But. I. Say. It. Does. Not. Cast. Does. It. The. Poor. Sinner. Into. Despair.
[16:51] Not. Hopeless. Despair. But. It. Raises. Up. A. Hope. Amidst. The. Ashes. Of. Despair. Despair.
[17:02] Of. Self. But. Not. Of. Jesus. Hopeless. In. Self. But. Having. A. Good. Hope. Through. Grace. In.
[17:12] Jesus. Christ. Might. Hit. That. Record. Oh. Father. Forgive. Them. For. They. Know.
[17:23] Not. What. They. Do. Ah. My. Friend. The. Lord. Jesus. Christ. Put. It. Out. Of. Question. Any.
[17:33] Doubt. That. He. Is. None. Other. Than. The. Holy. Holy. Son. Of. God. And.
[17:44] I. Want. To. Just. Come. To. This. Point. Also. And. He. Calls. It. My. Witness. My. Witness.
[17:55] That. Witness. Which. Belongs. To. You. That. Witness. That. Brings. You. Into. Direct. Relationship.
[18:07] With. The. Lord. Jesus. Christ. My. Witness. That. He. Did. In. May. And. Before. May.
[18:18] Friend. Have. You. Got. A. Witness. When. You. First. Called. Upon. The. Lord. In. Spirit. And. In. Truth. When.
[18:29] Indeed. He. He. He. He. Your. Cry. And. Sometimes. You. Know. Those. Cries. Run. Like. This. Before. They.
[18:40] Call. I. Will. Answer. We. Should. Not. Set. It. At. Nought. And. Say. Oh. Well. It.
[18:59] He. By. The. The. The. Holy. Spirit. He. Opened. Your. Heart. To. Pray. Unto. Him. As. You. Never. Prayed. Before. Oh.
[19:11] To. Put. That. Thing. Beyond. All. Question. And. Beyond. or doubt, yes, that you have a witness which is in heaven. The great trying thing of times is this we know that we must be born again but am I born again?
[19:35] Am I made a new creature? Am I now found in Christ Jesus? Am I?
[19:46] Others may not be able to discern it not always, but I say do we know it and do we feel it that now your prayers have changed you're an altered the opinion of yourself has completely changed and how often your prayers are now my witness is in heaven Lord, help me Lord, thou knowest, thou understandest Lord, thou canst do for me which I cannot do myself my witness where thus he turned your eyes of face unto Jesus Christ and to him alone not just to see him and behold him as a man of Galilee but a man of sorrows and acquainted with death my witness is in heaven brought to look to Jesus as you never had seen him before do you recall do you recall the time the place where he took your side like he took those three on the Mount of Transfiguration and revealed to you of himself things that you had never seen or known before maybe things unlawful to be uttered
[21:37] I would not over enlarge upon that point but I say we would not deny that the Apostle Paul had such visions of Jesus Christ and I say my witness is in heaven my record is on high the laws appearing unto us through peculiar ways and means even in the night seasons when we are asleep only for a comparative short period in my life we're in dire need and great trouble I did not know what to do and how to cope with my employment everything seemed to be outwardly militating against me but you know
[22:51] I believe this I can't go into details now time would not allow but the Lord did show me night by night what to do the next day and oh the whole program went so well in fact it went perfectly friend my witness is in heaven what we did then could only be done under the teaching and direction of a just and holy God oh to the amazement and wonder of those who looked on with destructive criticism and would watch my downfall at that time my friends some might say oh see how clever see how understanding he is but not so my friend my witness is in heaven my record is on high it is the
[24:06] Lord that teaches our fingers to war it is he that teaches us what to do next oh it is like is it not when we hear the children playing scales on the piano there is a place for every finger if that finger does not come in right it is a testimony that and tells us that they are doing it wrong friend and so we have to say when everything goes right the Lord himself leads us and teaches us he does indeed my witness is in heaven my record is on high seemingly sometimes we feel that the Lord is laying upon us more than we can bear and we may even think and most unfair in it too why should
[25:18] I have to have all this why should I cope with this why should I be burdened with this my friend God almighty is a God of love and he never lays any more upon you than he is willing and able to bear you up with that's our mercy and so the circumstances are sanctified or cause you to be separated from everything else but not from him but rather be brought closer and nearer to him did not one say to know my Jesus crucified by far excels all else beside brought closer nearer to him yes our desires might well have been and living desires that you might know more of him live closer to him but perhaps we did not realise what that might entail the necessity of being nearer to Jesus dependent upon him to cleanse us from all inward guilt and shame and all outward sin that we might follow hard after him
[27:10] I say my witness is in heaven and my record is on high and what is the record that your Jesus has done all things well your Jesus has not indeed been cruel to you it has not been mean unto you but rather it has indeed been merciful to us to lift us up and to hold us up in our time of need do not belittle temporal blessings and temporal deliverances and say well they're nothing at all nothing at all my friend if the
[28:15] Lord has softened your hard heart that's not natural emotion but he softens your hard heart in such a dispensation as to see yourself as nothing and Jesus as everything oh that's not a wasted exercise is it no indeed not if temporal blessings truly bring us closer to him it is there they are blessed to us yes whereby we cease from ourselves and become dependent upon him to know more of him you know sometimes spiritual blessings and temporal blessings run parallel together yes they are an integral part of your religion one inside the other one in the together and you say how can you discern the difference because your witness is on high and your record is in heaven he must increase but
[29:46] I must decrease we're to be brought to nothing Jesus to be all in all they indeed are blessed in this way where we no longer seek to become the top of the pile here below and to amass riches here below but brought to that place to say give me neither poverty nor riches but feed me with food convenient for me isn't this your witness isn't this the record my friend God in his infinite wisdom has given you such things that are convenient for you that's a good word isn't it as it's put in that way convenient not convenient according to our understanding but according to God's eternal purposes we are brought to stand back and say well how wonderful
[31:05] God has ordered all things and done all things after his own good pleasure I say what a record what a pleasant picture that brings forth this is none other than the hand of God my witness is in heaven my record is on high where God almighty brings the wise men of this world to confusion where they are brought to see why this man this woman this child has a God nothing like that we know of or who can speak of when Moses brought forth lice those clever cunning men in
[32:06] Egypt they could not produce such things could they they said this is none other than the finger of God they didn't say this is none other than the hand of God but this is all a little part of God's wisdom and understanding if then we are brought to behold and have glimpses of his witness and his record on high then what must be the full glory and benefit of God to his people I believe Job verily knew it and he verily understood it my witness but then when we read that twenty third chapter we see the man in a different frame of mind just a little but perhaps not the same frame of mind but in a different position for he doesn't find the same access as he had done perhaps the day before or weeks before and that is worth noting but one thing is his witness and record my friend
[33:45] Job was a seeker a seeker I say have you got that evidence is that your witness that the Lord through his mercy has made you a seeker you're not found to be slothful in business but fervent in spirit and Job was he looked for God in every quarter on the right hand and on the left he looked behind him he looked for I cannot find him and what did he say did he speak like the Israelites did when Moses went up into the mount we what not that was become of this Moses let us make another
[34:46] God and say this is the God that brought us out of the land of Egypt no my friend you have to say my witness is in heaven and my record is on high he is in one mind and none can turn him that brings us to a stand doesn't it sometimes it shuts our mouths but my friend it may shut our mouth to the outside world and to our companions but it didn't shut God Job's mouth until his God did it and neither will it shut your mouth great mercy if we are brought to that place to cease from talking to men and see that they are useless and hopeless in helping us but oh like the hymn says take it to the
[35:54] Lord in prayer take it to the Lord in prayer I've often thought about that hymn and it is a good hymn in lots of ways to take all things to the Lord in prayer you can't find fault with that can you can you surely we should envy that spirit and seek to go after that spirit to take all things to the Lord in prayer my witness is in heaven my record is on high there may be one who has those things that are grieving them at this time immensely many things that are grieving them and you say I cannot talk to a soul about it oh bless
[36:56] God for it if you're unable to talk to him about it and say my witness is in heaven my record is on high why to take those things concerning those people unto the throne of grace they may not know you got a witness they may not know you got a record there but it doesn't alter the fact friend and surely he will act he will work according to the counsel of his own will yes he is able to bring down the lofty and lay them low that may not what we may have in design for them but it is for God he not able he not only lays low he lifts up again do remember that
[38:01] Job knew it by way of personal experience did he not my witness is in heaven my record is on high I had so much now I am but penniless and family less but when you look at Job's last days they were wonderful days were they not and Job was restored and built up not to his former glory but beyond that and more than that he was instructed he was taught therefore we find him to be a different man he said I have heard of thee by the hearing of the ear but now but now mine eyes see he looks at his witness he reads his record yes and he said came to this behold
[39:12] I am vile yes what teaching that requires at times and therefore to pray for his enemies and those that despitefully use us so often that is where we are wrong that is where we are and go astray my witness is in heaven my record is on high he waits that he might be gracious that you that I may be made conformable unto his will that we should not drag his great and holy name through the dust but oh by the lips of children a great whole sun ring yes that we should testify yes as children that our
[40:19] God is a God that is able to reach unto the uttermost yes I my witness is in heaven and my record is on high now I want to come to this word quickly to a part which I intended to begin with really and that is with regards to God's holy commandments we read how Job walked uprightly he walked indeed as God would have him walk and we might say in the ten commandments God has incorporated everything that's right and just and he requires that of you and of me none are excluded and you might say well how do you prove all this not everybody keeps the commandments no but my witness is in heaven my record is on high thou shalt love the
[41:38] Lord thy God with all thy heart with all thy soul and with all thy strength thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself oh I say what great truths lie in the opening of those commandments and whatever man might say yes our witness is in heaven and our record is on high you'll remember this morning how we read in Jeremiah with regards to the keeping of the Sabbath day now many will say well that is debatable that's up to the individual you can't just pass it over like that can we it's not up to you or I at all it's up to what
[42:40] God says and where that commandment is broken God frowns upon his people my witness is on heaven my record is on high this holy word is God's witness it is his record you remember that man who forgot to perhaps to gather sticks sticks on the day previous to the Sabbath day to kindle a fire as needed for his domestic use he went out the Sabbath day and gathered sticks and the Lord made a breach upon him and he struck him dead oh I say our witness is in heaven our record is on high do we not live in a day when the most ardent and valiant eminent people they will accommodate the
[43:55] Sabbath day in their own way and thinking yes indeed they they will worship God as just as they think fit we are going away we are doing this and therefore we have to improvise divine worship friend I believe to me to my ways that God does not approve of this and once or twice we have felt so dissatisfied with what we have done personally yes we may have thought it to have been right but has it really brought God's smile upon us has it not caused us to ask God for pardon and forgiveness therefore all of the word is his record remember the
[44:57] Sabbath day to keep it holy we would remember those who took their law into their own hands and they took strange fire in their senses and went in before the Lord how the Lord he smote them in but a moment and surely we would not put it aside and say the Lord will not smite us for doing the same for bringing in strange fire in our senses yea to usurp our authority against the word of God all friend our witnesses in heaven and our record is on high some may say oh you are striking a very hard and definite line my friend oh let the line that be drawn be that of almighty
[45:59] God before we begin to judge and assess others we need indeed to look to ourselves lest we seek to improvise divine worship and so we go through all the ten commandments and you'll find this in God's most holy word his witnesses in heaven and his record is on high he has something to say for it in most holy writ for our guidance and for our instruction I've drawn a bow as it were at a venture here and the Lord knows why perhaps but oh may God in his mercy tenderly and gently lead us on to observe that witness and that record and may the fear of the
[47:02] Lord prove to be the beginning of wisdom tooth the�� trimming Back to themie value a transmitter you a warrior the worthy finger one hand whatkee or his heart or is a IF in square hier bigger Sonicż IN dengan h