Them that honour me ... they that despise me ... (ii) (Quality: very good)

Rotherfield - Providence - Part 17

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April 7, 2002


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[0:00] As the Lord may be pleased to help me, I'll direct your attention again to the first book of Samuel and the second chapter and reading the last part of verse 30.

[0:20] For them that honour me, I will honour, and they that despise me shall be lightly esteemed.

[0:50] This is a statute that shall stand forever.

[1:03] It is that which belongs unto the Lord's people. It is a word of guidance and direction to them.

[1:17] And therefore he bids us put our soul a trust in him. In verse 9 we read, He will keep the feet of his saints, and the wicked shall be silent in darkness.

[1:39] For by strength shall no man prevail. This surely is a word of guidance and direction to us.

[1:54] It is he that keeps the feet of his saints. Them that honour me, I will honour.

[2:04] Has thou considered thy steps and thy way of light? Does it seem to thee that everything is militating against you?

[2:21] You have no power of the way in which you have to walk? My friends, surely the Lord's hand is here.

[2:35] The Lord is dealing with thee. Is not the Lord speaking unto thee? Them that honour me, I will honour.

[2:46] The Lord said many times unto his disciples, Follow thou me.

[2:59] And that was not counted as something that was arxom. It was not looked upon as something, a mark against them.

[3:11] No, but follow thou me. A union sweet. A blessed invitation and encouragement To walk closer and nearer to the Lord.

[3:27] Them that honour me. Disregarding then, The advantages in this life, Forced by the force of circumstances, To give up so many things, But never, never, To give up him.

[3:50] And our mercy is, That he will never, never, Give up you. Them that honour me, I will honour.

[4:03] Jesus Christ, Is the very door. He is the door of hope. He is the door of mercy.

[4:16] Those that need, Hope in God, And those who seek for mercy, Surely they are a sinner. They feel and know their own guilt, And their own shame.

[4:31] They have no hope, Other than in the Lord, Jesus Christ. And in that, They are, He is honoured.

[4:42] For he surely, Has a love to his people, And no greater honour, Does he find, Among his people, Than for them to own him, Yea, For him to bless them, For them to be submissive, To his mind, And will.

[5:08] In that beautiful chapter, That we read this afternoon, In Mark, Oh, we read, Of what the Lord's dealings, With his people, And that the encouragement, That we should let our lights, So shine, Before men.

[5:32] I say, Are we ashamed, Of Jesus? Are we like a candle, Been lit, Yet put under a bushel, Or under a bed, In a place where no light, Can be given from it?

[5:50] No. Then the honour may, They may be very, Ashamed people, Very ashamed of themselves, But they are not, Ashamed, Of him.

[6:06] Yes, We indeed have so much, To be, Ashamed of, And we, Understand in measure, If not entirely, What the apostle Paul, Said, Of himself, O wretched man, That I am, Who shall, Deliver me, From this body, Of sin and death, A hopeless picture, When we look, In that direction, But when indeed, We are brought to, Honour him, Yes, That is, To believe, What he has said, To hearken to what, He speaks, To us, Then indeed, There is, There is an honour, To be a humble, A follower, Of the Lamb, You know, That the Lord, He often speaks,

[7:07] Of his people, As sheep, Them that honour me, My sheep, Hear my voice, And they follow me, What a favour divine, What a favour divine, To be found amongst, The sheep of God, I say, The flock of God, Why they are purchased, By the precious blood, Of Jesus Christ, And they, They know, No other voice, Than his, And from a stranger, Will they flee, I say, Has there been a fleeing, In your experience, From all manner, Of former things, But now, Under the influence, Of his grace, The power, Of his voice, It enters, Into your ears, But more than that,

[8:08] It penetrates, Your heart, Nothing acts, Contrary, To its nature, I've often said that, So my friends, When, The voice of Jesus, Enters into our heart, It lifts us up, That love and, Desire, Lord, Let me still, Follow thee, Lord, Continue, To speak to me, That I may be, Caused to walk, In the right way, And the right direction, Many souls, Believe they are, In the right road, But they do not believe, In the vital necessity, Of the righteousness, Of Jesus Christ, They believe, In a compromise, They believe, That you can have, A little, Of free grace,

[9:10] And a little, Of free will, Jesus has said, I will not, Give my glory, Unto another, Friends, He knows, Too well, We have no, Ability of our own, To make any, Contribution, To our salvation, But, Indeed, He is able, To pay, And to give, All that's needful, Needful, For such sinners, As we, To bring, Nothing, Nothing, In my hand, I bring, Simply, To thy, Cross, I cling, Them, That honor me, I will honor, Friends, He won't put them, To shame, In their coming, He gives the will,

[10:10] And he gives the strength, To come, And can you say, Thus far, My God has brought me on, Thus far, I have come, And are you anticipating, That he will say, Thus far, But no further, No, Them that honor me, I will honor, He receives, Everyone, Graciously, That is our mercy, Because, The beginning, Is the, Work of grace, A work that belongs, To him, You would never, Have come, At all, But for his, Irresistible, Grace, That is it, So them, That honor me, I will honor, Friend, He begins, The work, And he will be, The finisher, Of it too, It will not, Allow you, To loiter, In the way,

[11:12] It will not, Allow you to say, Well, Someday, Maybe, He will not, Allow you to say, Well, I will, Think about it, It keeps your mind, Your heart, Alive with it, It comes with those, Piercing, Searching, Questions, Simon, Bar, Jonas, Love is thou me, Friend, Them that honor me, I will honor, Why, The honor is, That he supplies, The needs of all, His people, That was so, Not only in New Testament, Times, But Old Testament, Times, Also, Why just look at, Moses, How the Lord, Did honor him, For, The time came, When he chose, Rather, To suffer, With the, Children of God,

[12:14] Than, To enjoy, The pleasures, Of sin, For a season, There he was, Established, In the courts, Of Pharaoh, And he could have, Everything, This world, Can offer, All the pleasures, And delights, Of it, But friend, He wasn't happy, With it, No, He wasn't, Contented, With it, Would we be, Happy with it, We may have, Wished for it, We may have said, Oh, If I was only like them, Thank God, That you are not, I say, As I said, This morning, What can a man give, In exchange, For his own soul, Would indeed then, You exchange, Your soul, For the treasures, And enjoyments, Of Egypt, Friends, Like Moses, You know, If we are his,

[13:15] We cannot do that, Are you not brought, Sometimes, To say, Give me neither, Poverty, Nor riches, But, Feed me, With food, Convenient, For me, I was speaking, To one, This week, And he said, He knew, What it was, To, Often be in want, And now, He has, As much as, He needs, And has no worries, Like that, But all the other worries, The other sorrows, The other griefs, They just, Bear him down, Ah, My friends, Them that honour me, I will honour, He says to such souls, As I have been speaking of, Come unto me, All ye that labour, And are heavy laden,

[14:18] And I will give you rest, Take my yoke upon you, And learn of me, Them that honour me, I will honour, Friend, As he become, Your teacher, Teaching you, In dreadful things, In righteousness, Teaching us this, That there's only one, That we can really, Rely upon, There's only one, That understands, Our case, Though walking, In the deepest, Shades of night, Though there is one, Can't see my way, Why yes, Them that honour me, I will honour, I'll call to walk, In through such dark, And lonely places, Yet I say, For the Lord, To be with us in it,

[15:20] Them that honour me, I will honour, What wonderful trophies, Of the power of his grace, Were those four, Hebrew children, Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach, And Abednego, In their own place and time, They honoured the Lord, And also, Mordecai, My friends, He also, He withstood, The enemy, Not with need, By force, But by their walk, And their conduct, They didn't say, Like he said today, When you're in Rome, You do as Rome does, No, They were in Babylon, My friends, They were in Shushan, But you see, They said, We cannot do this,

[16:22] We're not careful, To answer thee, In this matter, O King, But we will not, Fall down, Before this idol, No, We cannot be, Indulged in, Your idolatry, I say, Them that honour me, I will honour, God's protection, Was cast, Around them all, Not a single, Shaft, And head, Till the God of, Love, At a sea's bed, Thrown into, The fiery furnace, They were, Not to conceal, Cast into, The den of lions, Daniel was not, Indeed, Devoured, By the lions, No, Mordecai, Under very, Threshold, Of being exterminated,

[17:24] With all the Jews, God, Interved, On that night, Could not, The king, Sleep, Friend, All things, Walk in, To, Gather for good, Them that honour me, I will honour, And how we find, Oft times, That those, Who, Were prevented, From, Destroying, The Lord's people, Were brought, To acknowledge, And decree, That it is, The God of Israel, That roars, The universe, And let us, Remember that, That though, We have been, Referring to history, The same God, That roars, Today, Is the same God, That hears, And answers, Prayer, To the same God, That water, And flames, Can,

[18:24] Control, By a word, From his mouth, It is the same God, That can say, Thus far, And no further, Them that honour me, I will honour, Again, Good Daniel, Good Joseph, All those many, Days he was found, In prison, Because, He would, Turn the tables on him, And said, That he was the aggressor, And so, Cast unfairly, Into prison, Then that honour me, I will honour, He found favour, In the eyes, Of the keeper, Of the prison, Even as he found, Eyes in the favour, Of his former master,

[19:27] Of Potiphar, And what do we read, With regards to, Joseph, Several times, But the Lord, Was with Joseph, But the Lord, Was with Joseph, I say, Them that honour me, I will honour, And I say, If the Lord is with us, As the Lord was with his, Saints of old, What have we, To fear?

[20:01] It doesn't mean, To say, That we will be, Reimbursed, By great revenues, Here below, But no, Rather, We are reimbursed, By his presence, His help, His deliverance, Reimbursed, By being given, A humble heart, And delivered from, Our own pride, We are reimbursed, By his words, By his words, And his promises, Oh, Of Joseph, It was said, Until, His word came, Him, The word, Of the Lord, Tried him, And I believe, Some of us know, What that means, You all may know, I don't know, What the Lord is working, In your heart, And God forbid, That I should think, That such words,

[21:03] Only if we come, To this poor sinner, But until the word, Of the Lord came, The king came, The word of the Lord, Shried him, Sinner, He is able, To fulfill that word, And that promise, That he, Has extended, To you, But listen, It will be fulfilled, Not in our way and time, But in his own, Way and time, This is often, Where we are, And make mistakes, We have already, Interpreted, Perhaps, His promise, And when his promise, Is not fulfilled, In the exact way, As we thought it would be, We fear, We have been deceived, But no, Good cowper,

[22:03] Has it right, Who said, God moves, In a mysterious way, His wonders, To perform, He plants, His footsteps, In the sea, And rides, Upon, The storm, Them that honor me, I will honor, Friend, What a mercy, It will be, Be, To finish, To finish, Our course, Here below, And be able, To say, I have, For the good fight, I have finished, My course, And for henceforth, Is laid up for me, A crown, Of glory, Yes, That fade, Is not, Away, Them that honor me, I will honor, I will honor, Was not this, The word, To, The church of old,

[23:04] It said, Be, Thou faithful, Unto death, And I will give thee, A crown, Of life, Oh yes, Them that honor me, I will honor, I remember, That word, Was given to, One I baptized here, And I, What I, I very felt, At the time, She got a trial, Before her, But I never realized, It would be, The sad illness, And death, That she should have to, Pass through, And the leaving, Of love, Little ones, Behind, Friend, Them that honor me, I will honor, And oh, How gloriously, The Lord took her, From this world, And took her home, To glory himself, Oh,

[24:06] In such sweet, And full assurance, Of faith, She could say, Yes, And I shall soon, Be landed, On yonder shores, Of bliss, And with my powers, Expanded, To be with, Where Jesus is, Friend, Oh, What an honor, That is, To know, The Lord, Is our Savior, On a dying bed, And will that be so, With me, Will it be so, With you, The Lord Jesus Christ, I believe, Will be faithful, To his word, In that he has said, If I go, And prepare, A place for you, I will come again, And receive you, Unto myself, That where I am, There, Ye shall be also, I will come again,

[25:08] Friends, Think of those words, Then that honor me, Oh, Many might speak, Of a glorious deathbed, And so on, But there's no glory there, Except Jesus be there, I say, Many might record, How many, Or it may be recorded, How many were round, A deathbed, It doesn't matter, Who is there, As long, As Jesus is there, As long as Jesus is there, It is he that holds, The fainting soul up, It is he that, Supports us, In the dying hour, Yes, Them that honor me, I will honor, Friend, Or to be, In the right road, The right road, Or to be given grace,

[26:11] To honor him, To own him, And be respectful, Unto him, The Lord Jesus Christ, He still calls his people, To honor him, To honor him, In putting him on, In an open profession, We may be very concerned, About such matters, And I hope you are, But I say, We may feel so unfeared, So unfeared, To honor him, But you cannot deny, In what, In how he has honored you, Heard and answered your prayers, And your petitions, Has he not come, And whispered, To thee, Saying, Lovest thou me, Lovest thou me,

[27:11] If ye love me, Keep my commandments, Such a precept, Is not just, Confined, To the, Ordinance of baptism, But my friends, It is, It contains, Everything, The way in which, The Lord Jesus Christ, Would have us to, Walk in, Then the, Honor me, Why, When Jesus came, To John the Baptist, To be, Baptized, Good John the Baptist, Felt, To be, Out of order, That he should baptize, The Lord, Jesus Christ, But all Jesus words were, Suffer it, To be so now, For it becometh us, To fulfill, All righteousness,

[28:13] Yes, Then the, Honor me, I will honor, Why, Oh, That we might ever set forth, The way in which, We believe, Our souls shall be saved, That is buried with him, Into his death, And risen again, With him, To that newness, Of life, Oh, Well, The question may arise, It is all right to begin, But another matter, To continue, Friend, You will continue, As you, Have begun, If he is the author, He will be the finisher, Of your faith, Also, He will not let, These matters lie, And rest, Then the, Honor me, I will honor, I say, Do we not look back,

[29:13] Sometimes, In retrospect, We have, I am, What I am, Oh, By the, Grace of God, Many are stumbled, Many are full, But friends, It is he, That brings, The wandering sinner, Back, It is he, That upholds, And maintains, It is he, That puts forth, His almighty hand, And spares you, From such, Fierce, Temptations, Denies you, Situations, Which would lead you, Astray, Then the, Honor me, He guides, And directs you, By his counsel, He will not allow you, To put confidence, In yourself, And to rely, Upon your, Own ability, To be perfect, But causes us,

[30:15] To rely, Upon the, Perfection, That is found, In Jesus Christ, And him alone, Them, That honor me, I will honor, The apostle Paul, Said, Having obtained, Help of God, I continue, Until, This day, There was no, Self-righteousness, Self-justification, About Paul, Why?

[30:51] Because the Lord, Had taught him, Differently, And I say, Surely, When you discover, That there's no, Self-righteousness, Or self-justification, About yourself, Why is it?

[31:07] Because, The Lord, Has taught you, Differently, But he honors you, With this, That he makes you, Partakers, Of his, Righteousness, You are justified, By that, Sin offering, That he has, Made, Once of all, Upon Calvary, Them that honor me, I will honor, You know, The Lord Jesus Christ, Was never, Never, Ashamed, Of his people, I say, And why, Why should we, Think, For a moment, We have reason, To be ashamed, Of him, I know, What it is, To feel ashamed, And embarrassed, With all the unbelievers, Looking on, When we feel, Our weakness, And shame, My friend, Only the Lord,

[32:08] Can uphold us, And maintain us, And keep us, From this, Them that honor me, I will honor, He leads you, As safely on, Oh can you say, Having obtained, Help of God, I continue, Until, Until, This day, Where he brought you, To that place, And said, How long, Hought ye, Between two opinions, Where he, Wrought wondrously, A bit, For you, And you have to say, There is no other God, Than the God of Israel, And we are assured of this, That Baal is no God, At all, To, Are we assured of this, Of having two opinions,

[33:10] Is a dangerous, Position, Indeed, It is idolatry still, But where he brings, Into that positive, A condition, And to say, I believe, And trust, In the Lord, Jesus Christ, That if ever, My poor soul, Is saved, Tis Christ, Must be, The way, How long, Hought ye, Between, Two opinions, Then that honour may, I will honour, Oh, Men might say, You have to come to, A decision, But it isn't it not, The love, The grace, Of Jesus Christ, That brings you, And makes that, Decision, For yourself, Whereby, You have to say, Like good old, Peter of old, Lord,

[34:11] To whom else, Can we go, There's no, There's no option, There is no other, It is Christ, And him alone, That saves sinners, Or from, Eternal ruin, Yes, Them that honour me, I will honour, He will not leave, His people, He will not, Bring you thus far, And say, Well here is the mark, I brought you, Now do the rest, Yourself, If salvation, Was on that basis, God almighty, Knows, We'd fall, Immediately, God almighty, Knows, That satan, Would be there, To, Completely take over, That very moment, He gave us up, My friend, But he doesn't do that, What has he said,

[35:13] And none, Shall pluck them, Out of my hand, None, No, Not even, Satan, Shall we then, Be ashamed, Of the hand, That holds us, The hand, That keeps us, The hand, That prevents us, The hand, That manifests, His love to us, Them that honor me, I will honor, So I believe it, To be so, Oh wait then, Upon my God, And he will lead thee on, He will hold thee up, Weak and feeble, As we are, Will it ever, Have to learn, That his grace, Is sufficient for us, And his strength, Is made perfect,

[36:14] In weakness, Amen,