Looking unto Jesus (ii)

Rotherfield - Providence - Part 22

Sermon Image
May 5, 2002


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[0:00] As the Lord may be pleased to help me I'll again direct your attention to the twelfth chapter of Hebrews on the second verse Hebrews chapter 12 verse 2 Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross despising the shame and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God

[1:00] The exhortation in the first verse is this let us run with patience the race that is set before us to run that course which is set out and you know the race of all the dear Lord's people is set out by God Almighty by his divine decrees just as our hymn writer puts it parents, native, time and place all appointed were by him and this is one thing that the whole church of God down from Adam's day to this has in common that in their race they are brought to be found looking unto Jesus there has never been a replacement there has never been a substitute there has never been a locum or a someone else to assist friend the way of salvation has ever rested and relied upon the blood and righteousness of Jesus Christ and him alone and surely there is no other that can fill that office and that place now whatever state or condition you are found in now or there is only one place to look and the authority in the ministry has ever has only ever been this is to preach the gospel is to preach

[3:21] Jesus Christ and him alone we are not directed to preach the law and truly to preach the law we know that will only harden but my friend the law was given by Moses but grace and truth came by Jesus Christ I say looking unto Jesus why for deliverance from the law for which we were born under looking to Jesus for deliverance from the condemnation of that law for we have all sinned and come short in his sight oh how oft times God he does surely use the law to show us how weak how wretched and how sinful we are but oh the gospel indeed is that which points us out to the way of salvation and Jesus

[4:37] Christ beautifully set forth and distinguished himself in this thought I am the way how true that is there is no other way but him I am the way no man cometh unto the father but by me oh I say that is so simple yet it's so difficult for unbelievers to receive it because they want their own way they want to come before God almighty this strange fire in their senses but there's only one way for such souls as that and they as they were consumed of old so they will be consumed now but oh

[5:43] I say how can we come a solemn thing it is indeed fearing that we shall make a mistake and do the wrong thing but my friend to be guided and directed of him it cannot be wrong it was much on my mind to read again that tense chapter of John I've been reminded of late that I so often read that chapter and you may say why do you read that chapter because it contains so much and it is sets forth the simple way and yet the profound love of the Lord Jesus Christ for all his indulgent love and care over his people

[6:47] I say how beautiful that chapter is looking unto Jesus looking unto the good shepherd to provide everything have we not sometimes set off for a destination and we have said well really I don't know the why and yet we ventured forth looking at the symbols and you say well when it's all over I got there it was easier than I thought my friends we can't say it is easier than we thought but I do believe this looking unto Jesus we can't go wrong it must indeed be the right way not like one I heard speak not so many years ago it doesn't matter which way you take we'll all get there in the end

[8:07] I say how foolish and how mysterious a line of thought that is we wouldn't dream of taking such a line of thought in our natural journeys would we oh surely then we are all journeying on through this life journey and where is he that author of our faith he will be the finisher of it that will be the final destination will it not when all the church of God shall cast their crowns before him and every soul that is redeemed by the precious blood of Christ shall proclaim it and shall declare ah that

[9:08] Jesus is the way looking unto Jesus now I want just a few moments in this line and direction of thought who was Jesus who was Jesus my friend he is the author and finisher of the Christian faith you younger ones in particular you'll have noticed how much is spoken of about multi faith and even her majesty the queen as much as we would respect her it seems to be sadly drawn away with this line of thought when indeed she was crowned and took the oath of this land it was not multi faith but it was the one faith yes as the gospel tells us the author and finisher of our faith my point

[10:23] I want to make is this to depart from that is a solemn departure because my friends what we are saying that we can do without Christ all we need is our face and we'll face God ourselves can you can you contemplate that now can you contemplate it in the future can you contemplate that in the day of judgment solemn questions I say to face and to answer but I say when we realize oh that we cannot answer those questions ourselves but oh look in unto Jesus why the eternal son of God as we have already said there is no replacement for him

[11:29] Jesus indeed God's only son at whom he self declared that God so loved the world that he sent his only begotten son into the world that whosoever should believe in him should not perish but have everlasting or eternal life I say bless his dear name oh that he should so look down upon his dear people that he should love them and we see a little of it here for it follows on who for the joy that was sat before him this is somewhat perplexing all the time we are looking at ourselves how can

[12:34] God for find joy in us when we know the truth of those words so well rebellious thou hast been and art rebellious still oh how true that is and yet for the joy who sat before Jesus the author of our faith delivering us from that rebellious spirit giving you that grace to bow before him and to his mind and will and to say thy will be done thy will be done looking unto Jesus who he was he who for the joy that was set before him the joy that he had in view the end of all things the outcome of his saving grace endured the cross my friend when we think of what it was to endure the cross the act of crucifixion was designed of man to inflict maximum pain upon the culprit upon the transgressor whoever he was the sentence passed to crucifixion and so it was set out for a shameful death and that the person that dies in this way should gain any glory for himself as a martyr in death no but verily cursed is he that hungeth upon the tree and there

[14:41] I say our faith centres and focus upon Jesus Christ the Son of God endured the cross despising the shame as I have already just pointed out that the soul that was crucified was the most shameful of sinners the worst of all Jesus my friends as being the saviour of his people he suffered that shame he suffered indeed that despising he was set at naught and endured all things that was necessary for us to be found in our place and stead in order that there shall not one sin be left to our charge because

[15:51] Jesus has so suffered for us and removed it and been able to claim pardon and forgiveness for it I say look in unto Jesus has thou surveyed the sin of thy sins of thy lot recently why how sins that we have committed there may be some that we can remember which have vivid and outstanding but oh for the multitude of our sins how great and for each sin death we are worthy of because most holy law declares the man that sin shall surely die there is no reason whatsoever for any man or woman in any church or any part of the history of the church that we should think or they should think that they qualify for salvation above their fellows that is not so is it no not even the apostle

[17:20] Paul he seemed to be an outstanding man in his day but he claimed himself as being the chief of sinners oh wretched man that I am and again to Timothy he said it is a faithful saying and worthy of all acceptation that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners of whom I am chief therefore friends oh sin surely has put mankind on one level facing the law of God but the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ has put the church of God on one level as those who believe in the

[18:23] Lord Jesus Christ yea and have found a love in their heart to him yes we love him because he first loved us let us never never devalue that word may God in his mercy grant us grace that we might truly put the correct value upon it looking unto Jesus the author and the finisher of their faith friend essentially through Jesus Christ there must be complete harmony and unity in the church of God we remember that the disciples they disputed by the way who among them should be the greatest and how did the

[19:36] Lord Jesus Christ deal with it why he didn't say well you are better than him and that one is better than that no my friends he taught us this our great need of him he took a little child and set him in the midst except ye be converted and become as little children oh what a question to go home with today and to pray over today have I been converted and become as a little child but surely if the answer is this if it's no are we not in a sad place have we not something oh to plead with almighty god for make me like a little child yes for

[20:46] Jesus came into this world in order that we may be as little children souls that are born again before the joy that was set before him endured the cross do notice this word endured the cross if we endure a thing we from the beginning to the end continue we do not give up we see people dropping out by the way and say well they couldn't continue doing it they were not strong enough it got them down it overcame them they turned back and went backwards but my friend although this intense sufferings was such with the

[21:48] Lord Jesus Christ there's no point there's no not at any point to hesitate or turn back even in the fiercest temptations we hear him say if it be possible let this cut pass from me but not my will but thy will be done he was enduring in the deepest temptations he was upheld he upheld and was maintained in it by his righteousness and by his holiness and by that righteousness and holiness of his his whole church became righteous pure and without a spot what he has suffered and what he endured it is beyond our ability to understand but our mercy if we can say but this we know it was done for us done for us the hymn writer speaks like this almighty god sighed human breath the lord of life experienced death how it was done we can't discuss but this we know it was done for us why god gazve he was led by the holy spirit into the truth of the word of god thus he breathes it out in his own words in these hymns not the inspired word of god no but testifying to it i say what wondrous love of christ that is for the joy that was set before him he endured the cross despising the shame then he goes on to say and is set down at the right hand of the throne of god friends he accomplished all things those things that were given unto him to do looking unto

[24:50] Jesus now not only as a crucified saviour not as a saviour that rose again from the dead but my friends one who has been ascended up on high and led captivity captive and he sat down at the right hand of the throne of god friend it is not only finished it is done why is it for consider him that endures such contradiction of sinners against himself lest ye be wear it and faint in your minds friend there is an argument here for us to consider isn't there oh if Jesus so suffered so endured sure we have no right to murmur or to complain if he acknowledges us in our weaknesses extreme weaknesses by upholding us and maintaining us what can we murmur can we complain over such things when his divine intent is to bring all that he joys over home to glory

[26:29] I say what a wonder of wonders that we should be part of that church of whom the Lord Jesus Christ finds joy in saving not from death and hell more than that find joy in bringing them home to glory where sin and sorrow shall never come a joy to behold them beholding him face to face without a veil between a joy I say in beholding him face to face without a veil between he I say is able then to take that veil away from off of us I believe we know what it is to suffer from time to time with that veil where we do not behold him in the light as we would like to see him in the light oh where we are brought left sometimes to be muddled and confused with our position here in this world and what it shall be in the world to come look in unto

[28:04] Jesus is there not sometimes that sorrow in our heart because things have not developed as we hoped but rather the reverse those that we may love in the ties of flesh and blood beholding no spark of grace within them how many I say claim to have grace in their heart but evidences sometimes show differently how can we be happy with such things as this why my friends for the joy that was set before him his desire that he should deliver us from all such sorrows here below but then in heaven above he'll wipe away all tears from their eyes they'll neither sorrow anymore or there'll be no tiredness there or fatigue there the existence there is beyond our comprehension but friends the finisher and the author our author and the finisher of our faith surely we shall have to die to realize this and testify of him but let us just speak for a moment with regard to despising the shame and he's set down at the right hand of the throne of

[30:00] God it speaks of that of what the Lord Jesus Christ went through he endured such contradiction of sinners against himself we may have a glimpse of what this may be where we have to be quiet and say no more because we've observed that the ignorance of sinners is such that nothing will convince them nothing will turn them nothing will alter them but the work of the Holy Spirit but what must that have been for Jesus yea to have suffered such things that the people would rather listen to the priests and the

[31:06] Pharisees than to listen unto Jesus that they would unite with them and cry away with him away with him crucify him crucify him ah my friends oh we hardly grasp the depth of despising that was and the contradiction of sinners against himself why he endured this his own self despising shame and he sat down at the right hand of the throne of God there was a desire an intent by Satan that Jesus should never indeed sit down at the right hand of the throne of God again hoping that he might bring the glorious plan of salvation to confusion and thereby the whole church of

[32:20] God would be lost but no my friend such was the wisdom such was the love and the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ that he conquered over both sin and death and hell and well did Paul write to the Romans and say we are more than conquerors through him who has loved us yes conquerors the church of God are because their Lord and Saviour suffered and died for them and overcame all the power of sin and Satan oh as he died so he rose again as indeed the Lord's people are brought to be buried with him into his death and by his grace and by his power to be raised again to that newness of life conquerors friends all so weak so faint so frail so hopeless so helpless in themselves yet

[33:43] Jesus did what we could not do and surely has gained the victory for his whole church looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith friend while we are in this world here below there will always be conflict between us and Satan sometimes he'll come as an angel of light and full of scripture may be why to flatter us to puff us up to cause us to slumber and sleep another time he'll come and wake us out of sleep and cause great depression to come upon us how do you know there is a

[34:47] God do you think there is such a way of salvation but there's one thing he's doing all the while he's proving what the scripture says of him that he was is a liar and from the beginning and ever shall be but my friend the Lord Jesus Christ we are brought to look unto him the author and finisher of our face he is the why the truth yes in him through him by him we shall endure until the end for there will be an end and I believe this because of Jesus is the author and finisher of our faith the Lord's people are brought there to look to the end with joy and hopefulness that the day will come when he will take them unto himself that they will be forever with the

[36:03] Lord and that they can say Amen so let it be Amen