Effectual calling (Quality: Average)

Norwich - Zoar - Part 24

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Pont, Philip

Nov. 1, 1998


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[0:00] I ask your attention to the Gospel as recorded by John chapter 6 verse 37.

[0:13] The Gospel is recorded by John chapter 6 and verse 37. All that the Father giveth me shall come to me.

[0:30] Him that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out. All that the Father giveth me shall come to me.

[0:43] Him that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out. I want to hear many encouraging words in this holy book.

[1:03] I have been more blessed and disworthy to the Lord's dear people. Because it speaks of a sacred security and of a comfort, a consolation that they shall enjoy.

[1:22] There is in this 37th verse, there's deep and gracious doctrines of which the Church believes and rests upon.

[1:38] One such doctrine is the doctrine of divine sovereignty and the doctrine of election. Because the text speaks of a people.

[1:53] And it speaks of them in the comprehensive view of them in this world. That the Father giveth me. Of course it is doctrines which are despised.

[2:10] They're despised for one reason. That is there is no hand of the flesh to be found in them. That's why people despise these doctrines.

[2:22] Because they cannot gain, get to themselves glory by them. Because they cannot either influence anything respecting salvation.

[2:38] This word is a word precious to God's people. It is a word which confirms their eternal security.

[2:51] And it confirms what Christ said later on in this gospel. No man can fuck them from my Father's hand. They are bedrock truths.

[3:04] They are foundation stones. Upon which the Church has ever been built and established. They are truths. As all truths were. That flow from the lips of the Lord Jesus Christ.

[3:18] They are directed to a people. And that is for their consolation and comfort. And none can miscarry. And nothing can overcome this word.

[3:33] There's not a devil in hell that has the power to bring this word to naught. And neither is there any unbelieving spirit in man.

[3:45] And neither is there any unregenerate character who can alter the truth that stands in this word which is the foundation and comfort of hope, of real religion, of spiritual experience, and of glory at last.

[4:01] Now, the word speaks then in this comprehensive way. The word says, The word that the Father giveth me shall come to me.

[4:14] When Israel left Goshen and travelled in the wilderness to Kenya, it was said of them, Not a hoof shall be left behind.

[4:27] And it is more so spoken of this massive company that's found here. Not a hoof shall be left behind. And it matters not.

[4:40] And it matters not. I mean that in this respect. Not a careless matters. Not of course. That is not what we mean. But it matters not how deep they go into the world.

[4:54] How broad is the pathway that they walk. How as far from God they can seem to go unfeeded or unchecked.

[5:05] If they and this people amongst this people are found those such characters they are given unto Christ.

[5:18] And they shall never be lost. Some of you may carry on your spirit a soul or souls.

[5:30] It may be that as you've gone along the way that you've been called to pray for their soul that they may come under a gracious teaching of the spirit of truth.

[5:42] No matter what has happened they seem to go further into the world and further away from the truth that you desire for them to go and to know. But if the Lord has laid their souls upon your spirit to pray for and if you can gain the mercy seat through the merits of the Lord Jesus Christ and you find some comfort and relief being able to pray for such characters then it may be that the Lord has laid them there.

[6:21] They may be as prodigals they may have turned from the truth they may have gone from the truth they may have resisted the truth as all unregenerate characters do but my friends they cannot roam as far from God as they shall be out of this world.

[6:41] All that the Father giveth me shall come to me. They know what lengths of sin they have entered into or depths of iniquity they have taken hold on my friends it will come to pass in due time according to this word and according to the purposes and will of God that such that are Christ shall be brought to him all that the Father giveth me shall come to me.

[7:12] Now in book we have some encouraging words. and this word comes to my mind against the God who rules the sky I thought who with hand uplifted high despised the mention of his grace to trail to seek a hiding face that this that thus the eternal counsel ran almighty love to arrest that man I felt the arrows of distress and found I had no hiding face.

[7:51] My friends just confirming what is in this text that those who are Christ are safe. Those that are Christ are secure in that covenant which is ordered in all things and sure.

[8:09] what they do under a generosity will never bring a difference to this text never change the true meaning of this text but they shall in due course be brought under the Holy Spirit's teaching and meaning.

[8:29] Now who are these then? All that the Father giveth may shall come to me. They are poor sinners. every one of them destitute of grace as they are born into this world.

[8:44] Their names are recorded in heaven. They are Christ's. In eternity past if you can believe this if you can believe this truth my friends because it is essential that we may be brought to believe it.

[9:03] In eternity past the Father gave this people to Christ and he gave them to Christ because he gave his eternal love upon them and that eternal love was given not under merit not under anything future that would come that were commended but was given in love willingly to them.

[9:29] They were chosen though they were as yet not born and in due time this people shall be called by invincible grace.

[9:42] My friends there's nothing can resist invincible grace. There is nothing can resist the work of the Holy Ghost within one's soul. Fight against it you may hate the doctrines of election and sovereignty.

[9:58] Turn away from the Lord's house you may be left to do so my friends that the power of the spirit is an eternal power and it is to the quickening of dead souls into divine life all that the father giveth me shall come to me.

[10:17] Now they needed a redemption. They don't know they need a redemption no more than you and I knew that we needed a redemption.

[10:29] But when God by the spirit charges home to the conscience their sinnership they will need a saviour. My friends there's nothing more simple and there's nothing more profound in that statement.

[10:44] The Holy Spirit has charged sin to the conscience before we shall ever know a need of a saviour. You'll never want to be found amongst the people of God till you know you're lost.

[10:56] you'll never need his precious blood that cleanses from all sin till you know the contamination affliction and dreadfulness of sin within.

[11:10] And you'll never know a need of one who stood between in garments dyed in blood till you find yourself condemned by the broken law. wherever these people are on the face of the earth they are safe.

[11:30] They are eternally safe. They may mock the truth they may turn from it they may resist it they may have a religion it is month no more than duty they may only come to the chapel because they were grown up to do so but the time will come when they shall come to me come to Christ.

[11:51] That's not free will that's the drawings of his love and that's free grace working in the heart. All that the Father giveth me shall come to me.

[12:06] The book of the Revelation speaks of the people of God as a number there's no one can number and not one shall be left out as is found in this little word all everyone is black everyone is sinful everyone is fallen everyone is of the seed of Abraham rather and all are born in sin and shaper in iniquity some go to great legs in their rebellious state and some do not some sit under the sound of the truth all the days of their life and walk what would seem to be a morally upright life and others going to the world and act like the world and speak like the world but there's a power here my friends and there's a promise here that shall be performed and all such characters are found in this text wherever they are and whatever they've done they may be like

[13:12] Saul of Tarsus they may be like Lydia and the Acts of the Apostles they may be like the Jailer and they may be like you and I all that the Father given to me now this is the purpose and this is the cause upon which the Lord Jesus Christ came into the world he came into the world to save sinners and all this all that is spoken of here was in his heart to say all and that is why he took upon himself a body like yellow that is why he laid aside his eternal glory that he should come and save his people from their sins this is the people whom he laid his life down for this is the people whom he groaned and sighed and wept for in the garden of

[14:18] Gethsemane this is why he sweat as it were when he drops of blood falling down to the ground because in his heart they lay and their redemption their salvation their eternal home rested upon the sacrifice of himself upon a tree of calvary and this is why he died he entered into this world for to give himself willingly as a sacrifice for this people's sins and their iniquity and thus deliver them from a just hell and from the condemnation that is due to them as sinners all that the father giveth me shall come to me now then we must speak of the work of the holy ghost as you know in the closing chapters of this gospel before he went to suffering he spoke much of the work of the holy ghost he speaks like this that he has prayed the father that he would give another comfort now the work of the comfort of the holy ghost is that they shall be the subjects of a new birth the necessity of a new birth he must be born again you know the old story of

[16:01] George Whitfield he kept preaching that text and when somebody said why did you preach in that text he said because you must be born again this people are to be born into this world and this people that is in this text are to be called out of this world and they shall see by divine grace what they can't see by their natural wisdom and that is the state of this world that it's a place of sin and wickedness and evil and they also are the subjects of this sin and evil because they were born in sin and shaken in in equity with all their religious upbringing or perhaps with all their worldly upbringing and they are to know now by the holy spirit teaching in the heart and upon the spirit that they are separate from god because of our sinners my friend there's no work like the work of the holy ghost it is an factual work and it is to this purpose that they shall be convinced of sin and led to

[17:20] Jesus blood that is the work of the spirit my friend there's nothing more simple to say that but there's nothing more profound to know that that is the experience of these people they shall be convinced of sin and no one shall ever need a saviour until they'll know their loss until they'll feel their loss no one shall ever need one to plead their cause in heaven's high courts above until they've got no cause to plead on their own and no merits to plead on their own either they are just condemned by their sin and by the sense of the holiness of a holy god in glory the work of the spirit my friends i say it again is blessing because it's effectual you know there's been many a religious revival that ends and flows like the tide and there's been many a person who has taken up with religion who has gone back to sin in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in is often a temptation there's many a temptation you know the israelites when they travelled their 40 years in the wilderness were rebellious they said in effect let us go back to egypt and to the pleasures of egypt but that wasn't a spiritual walking pathway this is a spiritual walking pathway and there can never be any going back the disciples on the day of the resurrection was found in their own employment and the lord jesus christ delivered them forever from it they were brought followers believers and creatures of righteousness there is the one way once the holy spirit is pleased to quicken touch their souls into life there is only one way and that's the glory it's a path of tribulation within and without my friends you've never had tribulation did you have soul trouble you've never known true distress till you know what it is to be a sinner these are the characters taught by the spirit revealed by the spirit my friends that are ruined and lost and they come under condemnation and justly sown and there's no hope my friends my friends

[19:49] I can't build on anything of the flesh I dare say on the comfort of the scriptures of truth that there's any building strengthening or encouragement found only and until the holy spirit is pleased to come to reveal and to apply my friends you must know what it is to be lost before you know what it is to be found all that the father giveth me shall come to me and they shall never go to perdition and they shall never make ship break and they shall never be found lost at last they shall be found in the way everlasting their pathway will be devil tempted pathway they will have opposed to them all the powers of hell and satan himself will be will do his will lay the heart to bring them into distress or to bring them away from this blessed truth that's found him but the work of the spirit is this he shall take them by and shall show it unto you and the holy spirit will show these dear people this sad and distressed trouble cast down dark people of god he shall begin to show them the things of jesus christ and in the showing of the things of jesus christ there will be a raising up of hope that he who came into the world to save sinners will be their saviour and their deliverer all that the father giving me shall come to me is one of god's shells my friends and it's immutable and it cannot fail this word shall come to me how will they come there's a lovely and we we don't sing because we haven't got it in our book but it's not been a favourite really with mine i came to jesus as i was weary and worn and sad and found in him a resting great and he has made me grow that's how you'll come this is not evangelical free will this is the drawing of the holy ghost and you'll come just as you are my friends with all that went gather to self-righteousness you'll come just as you are as a poor needy destitute feelingly destitute sinner before the lord you'll come as those dear characters in the gospels as we have those conditions afflictions and burdens that were brought to the lord jesus christ there will be no lessening of the affliction or the burden or the trouble you'll come just as you are regeneration will see to that my friends and you'll come because you'll have to come all that the father giveth me shall come to me he shall call call is what the psalmist said he shall call and I will answer all that the father giveth me shall come to me now it's maybe too and I've got to say this my friends that the lord's dear people shall trace the footsteps that brought them unto this blessed person you know

[23:49] I've often quoted from the 37th psalm the steps of a good man are ordered by the lord and he denies it in his way that's not the good man by nature that's the goodness in man is grace in the soul that's what's good there is only one goodness and that comes from heaven that is conveyed by the spirit it's not in nature it's in the new man of grace what's good now there are footsteps and those include the footsteps of providence and the footsteps of grace they are pathways of which are united by divine decree and can never be separated and it's a wonderful thing when you can take a moment and the holy spirit is able to and does give you that ability to trace the footsteps that brought you under this teaching and under this graciously you didn't come by chance as some would call it you didn't just happen to be in the book of Ruth there's that lovely description of the handmaiden of the

[25:03] Lord Ruth she our hat was to light upon the field of Boaz her hat it didn't just happen it wasn't out of coincidence it wasn't charge turned to the right or charge turned to the left there was a leading there was a guiding there was a directing and there was a purpose my friends this is what we must never lose sight of when God deals with the sinner there's a purpose and that purpose is to be revealed it doesn't come first day first month first year but there's a purpose in all what the Lord does and he directs their footsteps he brings them where he will have them to be and eventually under the sound of the truth my friends it's all order my footsteps by thy word and make my heart sincere let sin have no dominion Lord and keep my conscience clear have you ever wondered at the footsteps have you ever took a moment of time to consider the footsteps that you walked have you ever been led to ponder and to look back over the way and see the direction the Lord has led you

[26:22] I was going to say unconsciously so that you have been led and aware as you were that the Lord was leading you in this direction but my friends he has purposes of love purposes of mercy to your soul if you are in this text amongst us all that the father giveth me they shall be a people that are directed and led of the Lord into the times and places and seasons of refreshing to your soul you know we can clothe hymns like why was I made to hear his voice and enter Wilder's room and well thousands make that wretched choice and they're starved and come I love that hymn in our book is it 9 5 6 Christ has blessings to impart grace to save thee from thy sins and there's a verse in that hymn that says this why art thou afraid to come why afraid to tell thy case he will not pronounce thy doom smiles are seated on his face raise thy downcast eyes and see numbers do his throne surround they were sinners once like they were full salvation bound now a few more words of this of the footsteps of the people of

[27:44] God we use the illustration of the in the book of Ruth she was a malabite she was not amongst the people of God thy nation but she was amongst the people of God by calling and by the leadings of the spirit she was unlike the people of God she said she was as it were but a stranger she was not one of God's national people but she was then drew out the Gentile the Gentile church my friends not the Jewish church but the Gentile church and as of course you know the scriptures confirm that she was in the line of Christ in the line of Christ what a wonderful appointment what a wonderful leading unawares unknown to earth she was in the line of

[28:48] Christ and her hat was to night upon the field belonging unto Thine it happened because the Lord determined that it would happen you know there's not to be there's a great mercy and I hope act for this if we're born into a family that fears the Lord that on the other hand my friends consider the mercy and consider the blessing when there should be those brought amongst us in the house of the Lord people who were not brought up under the sound of the tree but were led and directed and found amongst God's people by the footsteps that they were called to walk in the song of Solomon there is a word there for the seeking ones and this will be the evidence of life in the soul this is what you will pray for this is what will be in essence what goes on in the spirit of such characters in our text tell me

[30:09] O thou whom my soul are where thou feedest where thou makest thy rock to rest and known for why should I be as one to turn it aside by the blocks of thy companions if thou know not O thou fairest among women go thy way forth by the footsteps of the flock and feed thy kids beside the shepherd's neck in this work of grace and in this leading in the footsteps of the flock there will be found in the heart a deep exercise as to the true fellowship of the church of Christ numbered with them may I be now and true eternity there's a hymn that's got this word in it Lord in thy house I reap this room adventure in heart behold I come but tell me tell me can there be amongst thy children written for me when the Lord taught me these truths in early days it was in the I was going to say in an opposite way and I came to know what was really a solemn fear that came upon me and it was found in these words when thou my righteous judge shall come to take thy ransomed people hug shall I among them stand shall such a worthless worm as I who sometimes am afraid to die be found at thy right hand

[31:53] I love to meet among them now before thy gracious feet to bail her and brightest to them all but can I bear the piercing thought what if thy name should be left out where thou that them shall come know you will form it will be formed in your heart a desire to be found where the Lord's people are in his house and in glory at night and it will be a true exercise and a cause of much anxiety to know where you stand in these eternal certainties all that the Father giveth me shall come to me their footsteps will be appointed their footsteps will be led directed in that one direction and then you'll prove this my friends and it will be as only grace will make it known to you not natural affection but spiritual affection there will be a people whom you can dwell amongst and live with and die with and go to glory that is what Ruth the Moabitess was found entreat me not to leave thee or to return from following after thee for whither thou goest

[33:21] I will go where thou lodgest I will lodge thy people shall be my people and thy God my God where thou diest will I die and there will I be buried and the Lord do so to me and the Lord also in all the death part thee of me there is something my friends which perhaps often is not mentioned that grace brings no separation no separation grace brings no separation to the church of Christ and whether they are in the way along season talk they are directed blessed by the spirit whether they are seeking after righteousness desiring to know their interest in the Lord Jesus Christ but there will be formed in those hearts that true exercise that feels a union to the people of God and to them all that the Father give me shall come to me the Lord is pleased to to direct the footsteps to the people of God to the time of blessing there is no hindrance to the blessings of the Lord to his people nothing can hinder them all are certain all are appointed and the day of blessing we spoke was it a couple of weeks ago three weeks ago

[34:52] I remember this is the day which the Lord hath made we will rejoice and be glad in it now the Lord appoints such days to his people as sure as he is appointed the day of the natural birth the day of the natural birth as sure as he is appointed the day of their spiritual birth so the teaching and leading and blessing of their souls are appointed times they are called to wait for it but it shall come it will not tarry it will be certain my friends it is found in this text those certainties those shells are which the Lord decrees and appoints for his people the day of blessing the day of your birth was appointed you had no hand in hand the day of your spiritual birth was appointed and you had no hand in that the day of revelation to your soul is appointed and he'll come and he'll come though it be at midnight and though it be at the darkest times of the night or the darkest times of the spiritual night he'll come and it'll be like the son of righteousness that shall arise with healing in his wings all that the Father doeth me shall come to me but then they will come because they've been drawn none come except the Father drawn no never knowing what this business so many seem to enjoy to put about and falsely sell so because it's got the hand of flesh mingled with it they'll talk about this giving one to Christ and and this taking up with Christ and coming because

[36:47] Christ loves you and all such things as that my friends if you and I can be established in the truth the truth is this that none come except the Father drawn now there was two things that can be seen very clearly in these people that came unto Christ in the days of his age one of them was affliction for bereavement for sorrow that in itself did not bring them unto Christ that in itself my friends there's enough bereavements sadness affliction trouble in the world that it doesn't bring the world to Christ but what brings them to Christ with these things is that they were drawn by the Spirit unto Christ and they were so led of the Spirit they could see and believe that having gained the presence of Christ and enabled to present their affliction and their trouble and their concern to him he could deal with it and did deal with it my friends there are two things that bring sinners to Christ indeed their sin will do so but my friends not in itself will it do so rather the opposite but it is as the drawing of the Spirit will be known there will be an attraction there will be a need there will be a work goes on within your soul for this purpose that they shall come to Christ or that the

[38:29] Father whoeth me shall come to me what impossible situations my friends is taught by the Spirit no if we just dealt with that worst affliction that we all have the affliction of sin and when he lays it with weight and burden upon one's conscience when you're forced to mourn over sin for you trains the public and dear God be merciful to me a sinner my friends where can you take this complaint where can you lay this burden down my friends but blessed be God in his own beloved son he has made a way where sinners are welcome to come you know an appointed time is arrived at under the gracious leading of the Spirit there is an ordering of these things come unto me or ye that neighbour and are heavy laden and I will give you rest well my friends this is the most blessed and sacred word this morning all that the father give it me shall come to me and I do love this about it too as my friends old nature old nature in its sinful fallen state will ever resist will ever turn away and will never have a desire to come my friends there is nothing in old nature that will bring you to Christ nothing at all it's the leaning direction teaching drawing revealing of the

[40:16] Spirit said in my petitions I believe it was of that man who brought his son to Christ and he said that they could not heal him my friends and neither will you find a remedy out of sign of Christ for sin it's a great blessing to you know if you can see him and brought to believe in him that he can and does deal with sin and steal this man receiveth sinners and eat it with them do you know this word is as true today as it was when Christ spoke in 2000 years nearly that passed over this word and it's as true today and sinners who are taught of grace could give the agreement to that state my friends what he said when here on earth is being walked out and being experienced and being known and shall be he comes again and then this world of sin and woe will be burnt up deal with this media there as the time has gone well may you and I be coming to you know whether you are my friends

[41:37] I don't say that lightly you know whether you are or not you know you know whether you have been brought all south and up to Christ you know whether you had your heart of affection moved by him as being the gravity to the malady and you know this when you gain a little access at the mercy seat you've gained it because of him or that the father that giveth me shall come to me but him that cometh to me I would in no eyes cut him one last word my friend this last sentence of this take you know that should encourage somebody that the Lord would have laid upon them if he should speak that in power to your soul you know none are too black you know a couple of verses I read out of the son of Solomon

[42:38] Christ said to the bride oh thou hearest among women what did the bride say I am black she wasn't my friends black in eyes of bright and there's not a sinner that's sensible of his sin that is too foul or too black to come under that promise him that cometh to me I would in no wise come to that amen notices this week are as follows god willing there will be a prayer meeting on wednesday evening and mr hadley is expected to preach next lord's day the amount collected from the building fund box at the door for october was 105 pounds 20 pence the singer last hymn hymn 10 hundred and eighty eight shepherd divine i once relieve in this our evil day to all thy tempted followers give the power to trust and pray long as our fiery trials last long as the cross we bear oh let our souls on thee be cast in never ceasing prayer hymn ten hundred and eighty eight me to meweisen лес not to to Judi byielle from John by

[45:18] T copies of Another gift Fall There Feeling Fahy, Trialsiden runs Both souls are full of weak Ed The Holy Spirit of Jesus.

[46:29] Satisfied if spring.

[46:49] tab says Through thou thuj so ohne night though though that Thank you.

[47:45] And I'll tell my name to thee And all thy grace Will that they shall last And take away thy grace That all the rest Amen.

[48:58] Amen.