Chippenham 200th Anniversary sermon there is a gap in the recording about 10 minutes in.
[0:00] Beloved friends, before announcing the text, I take the liberty to just speak a personal word to the praise and glory of our God.
[0:18] Paul, in writing to the church at Philippi, said that I thank God for your fellowship in the gospel from the first day until now.
[0:33] I go back in my memory to the first day when I stood in this pulpit, the first Sunday in April in 1958.
[0:51] The reading that morning was Romans chapter 8. Dear Mr. Carr, though by reason of his mind not able to preach, but sat at the desk and gave out the hymns.
[1:10] He was so blessed with that reading that morning that when I concluded in prayer, he got up and said how he'd been blessed and said, let us sing, all hail the power of Jesus' name.
[1:28] It was a sweet, sacred time of praise and blessing, and throughout all these years, my coming in and out among this dear people, in measure not encroaching in the pastric whatsoever, but just as a friend, sharing with them times I've been here when there have been illness, serious troubles, when there have been deaths and bereavements, and all through, I've received such love and kindness bestowed upon this unworthy sinner.
[2:07] from the very beginning till this moment, I have felt much at home with you all, and thank you all for all your kindness, liberality, and help that this unworthy sinner throughout the years, and whilst you have heard that by God's grace I've been able to continue in taking the anniversary service for over 40 years without a break, I acknowledge nothing of myself, I am an unprofitable servant, but it's by the grace of God, having therefore obtained help of God, we continue unto this day.
[2:50] I trust your pardon, this personal word, it is to the glory of God, and I felt the occasion was suitable for me to just name it in your hearing this evening.
[3:02] Amen. Seeking now the all-needed help of our God, we will turn to the word of God, and I've just lost my text, just I have to find it for a moment, but it is the text, yes, I found it, Revelation chapter 14 and a part of verse 6, Revelation chapter 14, verse 6, and these three words, the everlasting gospel, the everlasting gospel.
[3:48] These words laid on my mind a day or two ago, and since coming among you, they have been named to me once by your dear pastor in his home, and also in the service two or three times.
[4:07] The Lord direct us in our meditation, from everlasting to everlasting, thou art God, great God, how infinite art thou, what worthless worms are we, let the whole race of creatures bow and pay their praise to thee.
[4:30] And oh, to know this God as our God, my God, my Father, my Savior, my Comforter, and oh, to rest in the sweet assurance of that love from which there is no separation, and also to go forward in faith, and thus to say, this God shall be our God forever and ever, and will be our guide even unto death.
[5:00] Everlasting will take us back to eternity past. Here we stand on ground so solemn, so hidden, and yet in measure revealed, faith believes it, that in the purpose of God, that there was a covenant made, there was a provision made, there was a book written, and in that book, the names of all whom he, Almighty God, in his sovereign purpose and grace, chose his divine right, there are names in that book, and that covenant ordered in all things, and sure, a covenant is made between two parties, but here it is not made by God and man, man would never fulfill, could never fulfill any covenant of this nature concerning salvation, but it made between
[6:04] Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, and this will never be broken, it will never be, it will never fail, because this God, our God, lives forevermore, and is the faithful God as has been named in the services today, the everlasting gospel, but there is then a provision, the Lamb slain from the foundation, before the foundation of the world, in the purpose of God, there was the gift of the Father, there is the dear Savior to come, there is the promise of the Holy Spirit of God, God loves his people so dearly, that the Trinity are, I say it with deepest reverence, involved in their salvation, and in it is everything, you say, I am such a vile sinner,
[7:04] I am full of sin, there is no good in me whatsoever in my flesh, that is true, but in him of fullness resides everything needful, my dear friend, to pardon sin, to clothe you, to strengthen you, to help you, and to bring you at last prepared for a prepared place in glory.
[7:34] now this purpose, this everlasting gospel from eternity past is gently, if I may put it reverently, revealed in Old Testament times, for example, we go to the fall of man, we see the awful state of man, as God says, Adam, where art thou?
[7:58] He hides himself, no hiding from God, be sure your sin will find you out, beloved, you may put it under the mat, you may make all sorts of excuse, but my friend, if it's sin, it's sin, and there's no turning from it, no way of our cleansing it of ourselves, but whilst in the deed of those solemn words that God made, there was the promise of the one that should come to bruise the serpent's head, the everlasting gospel, again, there man is naked, and makes himself aprons of fig leaves, but God takes the beast and slays them, and takes the skin and clothes them, I see blood shed, I see that points to me, the same words here, the gospel, the everlasting gospel, go to, and I take these points just briefly, we take them step by step, go to the mount where we see
[9:07] Abraham, we see him and his son, we hear Isaac say, Father, here's the wood, here's the fire, where's the lamb for the burnt offering, we hear this godly patriarch say, my son, god, do you parents speak to children about god?
[9:32] God will provide himself a lamp, the text declares here the everlasting gospel, just view that scene, Isaac, living, the everlasting gospel, pointing forth, to one yet, to come, I love to think of Abraham's faith, but I love to see substitution, I love to see dear Isaac standing there living, and not that one, not his blood shed on that altar, the ram, and that's what poor sinners taught by the spirit, long to know, and will know, if the spirit begins in your heart, you will be brought to know it, because there's no other way, go another step to the Passover night, take a lamb, and I've named it before, the dear
[10:53] Bishop Royal says, a lamb, there's a flock, there might be 20 of that type of lamb, age and suitability, without blemish and what, but it's just a lamb, then it comes a lamb, it is the lamb, it's not just the others are left there, but the lamb, it's the appointed lamb, and then the third thing is your lamb, it's you, it's your son, your first born, that blood is to be put on that doorpost and lintel, and then when I see the blood, not that I see that you're an Israelite, no, when I see the blood, there's no substitute for it, but blood is a substitute for the sinner, that's how I see it, the gospel, and I see this in another simple little matter, when the ass brought forth its first born, that little ass, the babe, should live, a lamb had to be sacrificed, if it wasn't, the neck of that ass was to be broken, see its substitution, go on into the wilderness, see the
[12:04] Israelites writhing in pain, agony, because of their sin, they're murmuring against God, and God has broken down the barrier of defense, now the serpents that had never bitten them, they hadn't probably seen one, had come, and death is going through the Israelites, Mark, friend, many died, before they looked, before the provision was made, aren't you amazed that God hasn't cast you to hell?
[12:33] I am, now, there was one serpent, no venom in it, no poison in it, one only, set high, they all could see it, even the extreme end of the camp, even the one that was just gasping his last breath, to look, and that look was the look of life, and the look of power, as Moses hears the gospel, this everlasting gospel, as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so, must, oh, what a must that is, must the son of man, be lifted up, go one more step to Jericho, what's that line of the red cord out of that window, what's it doing there, ah, there's a vessel of mercy, there's one whose name you're going to find in the 11th of Hebrews of faith, perish not with them that believe not, look at it friend, is that not the gospel?
[13:32] Behind that, there was no alternative, nothing else would do it, but it was safe, there that was displayed, and behind that line of the scarlet friend, she and her dear ones were safe, the wars can collapse, and the enemy can be destroyed, the city can be burned down with fire, but these are to be brought out in safety, oh, blessed be God, the glory, everlasting gospel, and so we go on to a next point, very briefly, and that is to the promise of the Messiah, set forth unto you, a child is born unto you, is a son given, and the government shall be upon his shoulder, and his name shall be called wonderful, the everlasting father, the prince of peace, and the mighty God, the prince of peace, let me just quote it, you will bear with me, in my old age, my mind does fail me at times, and I'm conscious of it, but I would like just to make sure that I've set that in order, in the right way, according to the very word of
[14:46] God, for unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given, and the government, that's it, the government shall be upon his shoulder, and do you know what else will be on the shoulder?
[14:58] The lost lamb, found on his shoulder, wonderful, isn't it? You think that all, and yet that lamb, carried on his shoulder, let's just go on there, and his name shall be called Wonderful Counselor, the Mighty God, the Everlasting Father, and the Prince of Peace, oh, and speaks of Bethlehem, thou Bethlehem, ah, this is the place where the Messiah is coming, now look, from Malachi day, darkness, tribulation, trial, love growing cold, much history we don't know, at least I don't know it, but my friend, the day is coming, the appointment is coming, the forerunner is here, he's going forth, he's preaching of one to come whose shoe latches he's not worthy to unloose, but he's preaching, and as he preaches, he sees someone coming, he says, behold, the Lamb of Robert, I've gone a step too far, just there, I come back to that amazing scene of
[16:00] Bethlehem, the everlasting gospel, the unfolding of it, the gift of heaven, the dear saviour of sinners, the gift of the Father, and what a gift, no greater gift, more holy, more pure, you think of this world in its all it's in, you think of your own evil heart, deceitful heart about everything and desperately wicked, that here to this earth should be one sinless, spotless, and holy, it could never be found on the earth, all the sacrifices of all could never do it, stars, they're not pure in his sight, but it is God that comes, it's God in that manger, you say, but it's a man, it's a babe, yes, it's a God-man, it's still God, but the babe, sinless, holy, pure, that holy thing, and what's he doing in the manger, where the cattle eat, because there's no room for him, but unless
[17:01] God takes hold of me, and I believe he has, there'd be no room for Christ, but oh friend, we go to that sacred spot, I love the incarnate mystery, and here would fix my trust, oh how sweet it is to go to Bethlehem, and behold the things of the shepherds, and what did the shepherds say, well we've got it here, haven't we, the everlasting gospel, he says, I bring unto you good tidings, fear not, and let me get it exactly again, that we might have it correctly, in your hearing, as the shepherds were full of fear, at the sight of the angel, and the voice of the angel, fear not, but behold, I bring you good tidings, of great joy, which shall be to all people, for unto you, you, is it, unto you, is born this day, in the city of
[18:06] David, a saviour, which is Christ the Lord, think of how he loves you so much, that he should give the son of his love, that sinner so vile, as you and I, and he's come, you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though he was rich, yet for your sakes, he became poor, that ye through his poverty, might be rich, oh, what wondrous love, again, I must hasten on a little bit, never man spake like this man, who is this that opens the eyes of the blind, who is this that dare, if I say it reverently, dare touch a leper, who is it that casts out devils, who is it that raises the dead, it is this dear Jesus, and all this everlasting gospel, I see not only the literal healing, I see myself,
[19:07] I see you, as filthy lepers, and leprosy from head to foot, and all to come, you say, ah, I am that leper, dear Jesus, then have you sought the saviour, have you come to Jesus, do you say, Lord, if thou wilt, thou canst make me clean, you have the faith to say, yes, he can do it, but you haven't the faith to say, he will do it, now, why, what does Jesus say, and I think your dear pastor quoted the word right at the end of his discourse, all that the father giveth me shall come to me, and him that cometh to me, I will in no wise cast out, this man receive his sin, this is the everlasting gospel, that's been preached for the 200 years, and is preached now by my beloved friend here, and other dear ministers of the gospel, my friend, there's no other ministry, no other gospel, none other name under heaven, given among men, whereby we must be saved, it's amazing grace, isn't it, it's beyond our comprehension, and don't you love him, don't you walk to him, don't you as it will go to him, what about that dear woman, you hear me say it so often, with the issue of blood, oh for so, she's got nothing left, but she's got the issue of blood, she hasn't got any money left, she's no one to go to, ah, but she's here to
[20:34] Jesus, ah, but will he receive, I'm going, I must go, woman, you're unclean by the law, I must go, I will go, I will venture, if I ask him to receive me, will he save me, nay, not to heaven and not to earth, pass away, this man he will cast out, and my friend, she reaches, she touches, and virtue goes out, she's the somebody, crowds around him, but she's a somebody, distinct from all the rest, and my friend, a coming sinner to Christ is that somebody, in this way, in faith, because you need him, need him, and no one else can help you, Lord bless you, the everlasting gospel, but wait a minute, there's still a sacrifice to be offered, there's still blood to be shed, God bless and it is this dear Savior, it's this sinless one, it's this holy one from heaven, and he speaks of what he will suffer at the hand of man, and there in that upper room he speaks as he goes to the cross speaks of heaven, we'll come to that in a moment maybe, but then from there to the prayer for the Father, the everlasting gospel,
[21:56] I pray for them, I pray not for one of those dear ministers, Mr. John Gosden, I understand he said, I heard him say about that poor, poor world, I pray not for that world that thinks they've got all the riches and all the pleasure that they need, poverty, that dear saint that may have hardly anything, or may have more, it includes all, has Christ, that's everything, everything, everything.
[22:30] Father, I will that these also whom thou hast given me be with me where I am that they may behold my glory. Now, I mentioned that book, I mentioned the names in that book, there you've got it, those whom thou hast given me, and through that chapter and that prayer, read it, I think, four times, those whom thou hast given me, I give them eternal life to as many as thou hast given me.
[22:52] Oh, my friends, look at it, you'll find with election side by side, evidences that will encourage you, find you out, it does, shall not God avenge his only which cry unto him day and night, you praying unto him, crying for mercy, my friend, that finds you out, it's you, well, I've told you before, I've told you of that man that, years ago in Scotland, I think he was an old pensioner, and he said there's a book in London, I've never been to London, I've never seen the book, but I know my name's in it, how do you know it's in it?
[23:32] He said because I get my pension, if you receive blessings from heaven in your soul, if you have an aching void the world cannot fill, if you're on the stretch for Christ, my dear friend, if you come, nothing in my hand I bring but simply to thy cross I cling, that your name is in the book of life, now the Lord lead you on and will bless you, but I say go on from that prayer to the garden, and see that the words of the God in Genesis 3 of the effect of sin of the sweat of the brow and so forth, what's this blood, what's this sweat, I speak so solemnly, drops of blood, is the saviour, why is he in agony, because he knows he's going to drink a cup of wrath, he knows he's going to suffer, he knows there's going to be a traitor, he knows there's one another going to betray him, another says unless I see and put my finger in that print
[24:33] I'm not going to believe, goes forth, knows all about you, and there apprehended, the cup that my father giveth me, shall I not drink it, said the saviour, wonderful, wonderful, he done it, went forth, no hand risen to help him, no one standing by him, we don't forget the women standing afar off, neither do I forget the apostle John toward the end, witnessing his death, but my friend, Peter's not there, the others are not there, but Jesus was with Peter, ah, look at him before he goes out to that cross, he turns and looks upon that man that denied him with oaths and curses, I know it was a look of love, I know it was a look of pain and sorrow maybe, but it was a look of pardon, I pray for thee Peter that thy faith fail not, this is to the everlasting gospel, haven't we failed in our witness at times, haven't we been afraid of man, of course I have, then it gained all the sufferings of the, but there, the everlasting gospel, see it, a trophy of
[25:49] God's grace, there as you would never think it possible, and it's the same for everyone born again, it's impossible to man, but it's God's power, but I think of that one with his fellow, both deriding the Lord, a life of awful sin, but now, oh behold the everlasting gospel, behold the change that is wrought, I see the eyes of this man is opened, and I see instead of casting horrible words against the saviour, he's looking to the saviour, and he's also saying that we indeed justly, but this man has done nothing amiss, and then he turns, then he comes and he speaks, he speaks to Jesus, the one he's derided, man you've no right to go to Jesus, you should be cast into hell, ah but so great is his mercy, he says, remember me when thou comest into thy kingdom, and what did the dear saviour say, verily, look at that word verily, verily, in my blood it's sealed, today shalt thou be with me in paradise, the everlasting gospel, oh my friends, the dying thief rejoiced to see that fountain in his day, and there as I so vile as he washed all my sins away, or you may have said there, may I, pray it on, pray it on, pray for that time of love you've just been seeing that shall surely come, his time of love will come, and he shall clearly see, not only that he shed his blood, but he shall save her may, but go to
[27:27] Calvary, see my friend, those wicked people passing by, deriding, look at those soldiers down there, gambling, look at the people, we've got gambling gens in Croydon, I see them flocking there, and nobody, not flocking to come to our chapel, and you read of all the awful, I can't think what they call this, awful gambling thing, with millions available, and people going crazy, in the hope, oh my people, what is that filthy money, I know money is needful, and God will supply what we need, but, my friend, we've got a treasure, that will never fail, is in heaven, and one day we'll be there, to receive it, but I say, then suddenly darkness, I don't want to be imaginative, but I have explained it sometimes, in a solemn meditation I had, I should think those that pass by must now be silent, absolute silence, perhaps the groans, of the dying, but, darkness, the hidings of the
[28:37] Father's face, the powers of darkness, all seen, and even the literal sun hiding its face, the, there he drank, the cup of divine wrath, for you, for me, his dear children, for me.
[29:03] The dear Savior didn't die of exhaustion you know, when that work was done he laid down his life, man couldn't take it, he laid it down, as a good shepherd of the sheep, there, he said, and I love that word, that I read in the opening of scripture, Jesus knowing that all things were, on one occasion, because I thought I was there, when you say, what do you mean?
[29:39] I mean this, knowing that all things were now accomplished, that is, that every vessel of us should be called by grace, and I have the sweet persuasion, he called me by grace, and therefore for every vessel of us, we can say, he knew that those for whom he died would come, would come to that in a moment, then he cried, it is finished, it's done, and there this everlasting gospel proclaims a blood, the blood, the invaluable blood of Christ, sealed as it were, or marked by a deity, the preciousness of it, the power of it, dear dying lamb, thy precious blood shall never lose its power, till all the ransomed church of God be saved, to sin no more, oh, the wonderful blood of Christ, and if we confess our sin, and he is faithful and just to forgive us our sin, and to cleanse us from all unrighteous, oh, the blood of Jesus Christ, his son, don't lose it, his son cleanseth us from all sin, there is a fountain open for sin and for uncleanness, this is the everlasting gospel, this is the way that sin is pardoned, the everlasting gospel takes you further to the empty tomb, he proclaims that that sacrifice on the cross is a finished work, that justice is satisfied, the law is met, and it tells me this, that death is conquered, and that those that die in the
[31:11] Lord, that death of deaths, as I quote it, I think, dear friend, sinking, death of deaths and hell's destruction, it's not a word of solemnity like being afraid of death, it's a word of triumph, my friend, it's victory, it's a title of Christ, death of deaths and hell's destruction, land me safe on Cain, it's victory, it's glory, the everlasting gospel, and Christ is risen, and ascended to glory, and that he's in heaven, this same Jesus, interceding for us, oh, I must hasten somewhat, my dear friends, and the blessings that flow, all spiritual blessings flow from this, and here we see the work of God's grace in sinners' hearts, the everlasting gospel, we see light, a light that shines in the darkness of your heart, and opens to you your lost state, the majesty and holiness of God, the justice of God, and yet shines on Calvary's cross, on the way of salvation, and it's everlasting light, it won't be like the lump of the hypocrite that goes out, when the Lord comes it shines its everlasting light, and it is the light of life, everlasting again it comes, everlasting love, ye must be born again, our dear friend spoke of it this afternoon, and then following that you have what I've just spoken of, ye, when we read,
[32:48] God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten son, that whosoever, blessed God, blessed word, whosoever believeth in him, shall not perish, but have everlasting love, that's have it now, in the possession of spiritual life in the soul, which is the foretaste of the pledge of heaven at last, oh beloved, this is the gospel that has been powerfully preached, and we love it, I know no more, I'm coming, must be near the end, I don't know how long, all I pray is, Lord, if thou does spare my life and my lisping tongue, I shall try and preach Christ, there's nothing else to live for, when I say nothing else, I love my family, and care for them as much as I can, my dear people, yes, that's all in the service of Christ, but my friend, as for the pomp of the world, as for the things of big things in my house, I don't want them, I don't need them, I want Christ, and I say therefore it's everlasting life, everlasting light, and then I was going on to this, that it's everlasting love, look at that, yea,
[34:04] I have loved them with an everlasting love, therefore with loving kindness have I drawn, there you are, the elect, drawn, there you have got the token, ah, my dear mother-in-law, not brought up as a strict Baptist, the Lord blessed her with that word, I have loved them with an everlasting love, and she spoke to one of her dear ministers, and he said, now, encourage her, said, now if that's yours, it'll be to a dying day, and she told us about it, on a Sunday morning she had a bad night, doctor called, hospital is needed, but just before they would take her to the hospital I was able to pray for her before going to chapel myself to preach while my wife went with her to the hospital, and I said to her, do you remember that, she said, yes, she's resting on it, my friend, it's proof, it's love, everlasting love, oh, wonderful, and I say, we proved it true, everlasting love, and it's really amazing, while my wife was just waiting for her to be admitted, she passed into glory, wonderful, proved it right to the end, and so will you, that love isn't a changing love, you know, isn't a hot and a cold love, ours is, it's a faithful love, a love that certainly will correct us, but all in love, and then I think of faith, you see, this is the gift of the
[35:30] Holy Spirit, I've sent another spirit, a comforter, which will abide with you forever, he'll be your teacher, he'll take of the things of Jesus and show them to you, look at the provision that God has made, and with this precious life, this spiritual life, there's the gift of faith, and this is a faith that will never die, you may say, I haven't any faith left, I believe, my friend, if you're a child of God, I'm sure, that though you may feel it almost gone, you know, underneath it all you've got some hope, you can't give up quietly, entirely, and that faith though so low, yet you still have a hope, great God to thee I make my griefs and sorrows known, and with a humble hope address thy awful throne, though by my sins deserving hell, I'll not despair, for who can tell, who can tell, my friend, that's the gospel, everlasting gospel, and God feeds this faith, I love to think of that, you say, how do you mean feeds it,
[36:33] I mean the blood of Christ, Christ himself, the promises, all that is promised, it feeds faith, it's got something, faith hasn't got to lead out on something he doesn't know, something in the dark, it's something revealed, it's something real vital that you can lay hold upon, my faith, I believe it's quoted this after, my faith would make her hand on that dear head of line, or like a penitent I stand and there confess my sin, and I see here salvation, I see Jesus that saves for an everlasting salvation, I see here redemption, that redemption, I've lost, I was perishing, I belong to Satan and sin, but a price had to be paid, a ransom price, it was blood, and he's shed it, he's paid for paid, and then again, I see myself in filthy rags, but they're to be taken away, because there's a robe of righteousness, that my sins were imputed to him, were laid on him, he lays on me, not my filthy garments, he takes those away, he puts me in that glorious dress, that white robe, spotless and pure, oh my friend, this is the gospel, the everlasting gospel, it is for eternity to come, and so we might go on, oh the rich blessings, and then again,
[37:55] I think of the changing scenes of life, it's your daily troubles and trials, that's all bound up in it, you know, what about this word everlasting, right, let's take one, the eternal God is thy refuge, and underneath, oh yes, you see, I'm sinking, I shan't get up, oh yes, it's so dark, I shan't get through this, God says, underneath are, the everlasting arms, you'll never sink beneath them, they're there my friends, they're ever there to carry you, bear you up, support you, uphold you, and keep you, oh friend, the provision that God makes, what about grace then, my grace is sufficient for things, what about strength, everlasting strength, let's go back to Isaiah chapter 26, I think it is, and thou will keep him in perfect peace, for his mind is stayed on thee, because he trusts in thee, trust in the Lord forever, for in the Lord
[39:05] Jehovah is what? Everlasting strength, now don't be dismayed or think that's wrong, because you come to a point where you can't go on, I see you can't go on, and yet you are just helped on, and God brings us down to weakness to make us prove the strength that you need, and it must come from him, it's not creature strength, man so proud of all his abilities and gifts and thinks he can do this and get out of that, but my friend, we're going to be stripped of it at times, and none to help, I'm perishing, what shall I do, where shall I go, to whom can I turn, and my friend, it's to this God ever, the reference there is, rock of ages, a rock that's cleft for a poor sinner to hide, a rock that will never be removed, and though you may be shaken about, but never off the rock, as one of our dear ministers used to say, safe in that rock, the rock of ages, but I must come to my closing thought, now, the everlasting gospel will take us to what our dear friend closed with this afternoon, and I don't want to do damage to what he's so ably set forth, but I want just to try and speak of it, because eye hath not seen nor heard what
[40:25] God was prepared for him than they love him, so death, you know, I've seen and I've witnessed dear saints die fearless of death, because they rested in Christ, rested in Christ, now, here is the assurance, his presence in death, yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, that can be a literal experience, providential and spiritual on earth, but the literal death itself, I will fear know, even for thou art with me, for death shall never sever me from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord, remember that, and then again, I think then of his coming again, is the bridegroom, has he forgotten, I'd hardly like to tell you that, but you know, we think of awful things, he'll forget the bride, he'll forget me, sometimes a bridegroom may forget the bride, and sometimes the bride may forget him, and even her child, oh Israel, thou shalt not be forgotten of me, but he's going to come, he's going to gather this bride, and most will be in the grave, or in dust scattered on the face of the earth, for few living, but all together gathered up,
[41:39] I preached on Thursday at home, together with Christ, that is redeemed by his blood, and together with them, gathered up as one, to be with the Lord forever and ever, and there my friend, to enter into that glory, that we cannot speak of adequately, whilst it's much clearer that on the negative side there's no pain, suffering, darkness, temptation, sorrows, parting, sea, anything like that, but the glory is the Lord Jesus, to see him as he is, and because my body is changed and fashioned like his glorious body, therefore I'm not consumed, therefore I can enjoy it, I shall see him as he is, and when by his grace I look on his face, then it will be glory, be glory for me, and the glory will be glad, or the crown on his dear head, oh it will be, oh what a glorious prospect there is, the best is yet to be, and there have been some bests here on earth sometimes,
[42:43] I'm sure in these 200 years there have been some sacred times when your cup has run over, when you've been filled with the love of Christ, when the harp has been taken down from the well, it's not many times, but just a time, when sometimes you're in the fire, and the Lord has been with you, and yes you've sung his praise, but there my friend it will be unending, it will be not a cloud between, not a ray of unbelief to rob us of the blessings, and there as your soul has been fed and watered here on earth, so you receive those living streams, as your tears have flown sometimes, not literal sometimes, some of us don't weep so easy as others, but that inward grief all will be wiped away by that hand of his love, that hand of his grace, he loves his people, all be gone, and then the song, oh it's the everlasting song of praise and glory unto him that loved us and washed us from our sins, oh then loudest of the crowd are singing while heaven's resounding mansions ring with shouts of sovereign grace, oh the wonder it will be, and the wonder of ones will be to be there ourselves, a poor vile lost perishing sinner, redeemed by the blood, faultless before the throne, clothed in their robes of white, faultless before the throne, walking in liberty, praising God, oh my friend, what a blessed prospect it is,
[44:08] I must stop, because of the time, oh the Lord bless thee, few thoughts tonight, and throughout the day, and bless you dear people here, and every cause of truth here represents it, you know there will be partings on earth, some of us have known it, when dear ones are taken, but some on earth, in glory, some, severed, oh men, till he comes, amen.
[44:40] Amen. Following the benediction, we shall sing the doxology to the praise of almighty God, and if any friends have not yet had one of the books for the chapel history, there will be some more available at the chapel doors as they leave, and also if any friend wish to take one away for a particular friend, who they might feel to be glad to have one, please feel free to ask the deacons for more than one, two.
[45:17] Shall we now sing to God's praise the third hymn on the hymn sheet, Gatsby 730, June Diadem 130. All hail the power of Jesus' name, let angels prostrate fall, bring forth the royal diadem, and crown him Lord Lord of all, we, two amid the sacred throne, know at his feet would fall, the third hymn.
[45:48] Thank you.
[46:18] Thank you.
[46:48] Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
[47:02] Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
[47:15] Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
[47:27] Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
[47:39] Thank you. Thank you.
[47:51] Thank you. And crown him, crown him, and crown him, and crown him, Lord, Amen.
[48:23] Let the heavenly peace, let the heavenly joy, the earth is only more, the earth is only more.
[48:50] To pray for the majesty of strife, and to the heavenly joy, the heavenly joy, the heavenly joy, the heavenly joy, the heavenly joy, the heavenly joy, the heavenly joy, the heavenly joy, the heavenly joy, the heavenly joy,
[50:11] Amen. Bless, gracious God, thy own word this day.
[50:58] Do forgive all that has been wrong. Take us unto thy safe care.
[51:08] Bless this dear people all gathered here this day. Bless us as spared on thy day.
[51:20] The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God, the communion of the Holy Ghost be with you all.
[51:34] Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen.
[51:44] Praise God from whom all blessings flow. Praise him, all creatures here below. Praise him above ye heavenly hosts. Praise Father, God.
[51:55] Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Paul juicy singing along That water, God 81D kepada Dios.
[52:13] Change the Lord, Praise Jesus, and the Lord. pour ta inter alan. Praise the Lord, praise the Lord, the heavenly Lord.
[52:35] Praise the Lord, praise the Lord, the heavenly Lord.
[52:52] Amen. exactly надо to