[0:00] I lay on the Lord for his help. Desire your attention to the first epistle of Peter chapter 2 and the seventh verse.
[0:18] The first epistle of Peter chapter 2 and verse 7. Verse 7.
[0:54] The same is made the head of the corner. Three places in this first seven verses is the word precious.
[1:05] And they are in the right places. First of all in verse 4, speaking of Christ as a living stone, disallowed indeed of men but chosen of God and precious.
[1:21] And there in the sixth verse as well, looking back to the prophecy of Isaiah in the 28th chapter.
[1:33] Behold I lay in Zion a chief cornerstone. Elect precious. And in our own text it comes much closer.
[1:44] First of all he is precious as he is the son of God. Precious as he is as the living stone. The foundation stone of the church.
[1:58] The cornerstone as he is called. But then he is precious in this that the Lord gave him a people to save.
[2:11] And in that work he is precious. Then in our text it is unto you.
[2:24] Unto you therefore which believe. He is precious. You might say too.
[2:36] It would be true to say. It isn't was. It isn't will be. It is. The word is. And is as we might view it.
[2:50] And I'm not trying to be grammatical. Any more than the word of God is. Is for the present. And the constant. Present.
[3:04] Unto you therefore which believe he is precious. What a mercy my friends if the grace of God has made him so.
[3:16] Because nothing else will. It speaks again of two people in these words. Two people that shall inhabit this world from Adam's day.
[3:29] Till the last moment of time. A people who will disallow him. A people who will indeed.
[3:40] Shall be a disobedient people. A stone which the builders disallowed. The same is made the head of the corner. And a stone a stumbling.
[3:50] And of a rock of offense. But blessed be God. There is a people. Whom shall be. Shall have this view of Christ.
[4:02] That he is to them. Precious. And the word of course doesn't need any explanation. But I would rather try to express this.
[4:15] Precious is something of high value. Dear friends. That's not sufficient. When you speak of Christ. When you speak of Christ. He is above value.
[4:27] Price can't be put on. My friends. You can take the most valuable gem in this world. That's been dug up and polished. Satin. Clasps. And worn by the rich.
[4:39] And the powerful. My friends. There's a value to that. If you want to buy something like that. Well you have to find the value. And if you've got the means.
[4:51] Then you can find it. And buy it. But this is beyond value. This blessed person. Cannot be contrasted to anything.
[5:02] That this world shall produce. That we might consider valuable. Because there's not a figure. Not a price. Not an expression.
[5:13] My friends. Not a desire. That should ever meet. Or even explain. The preciousness of Jesus Christ. And yet.
[5:23] He is so. To believers. And to you therefore. Which believe. He's precious. Relationships are precious. Because where there is love.
[5:35] That relationship is precious. There are relationships. That haven't got love. And those relationships are not precious. Not in that sense. But where there is love.
[5:47] There is a preciousness. And whether it's husband and wife. Or parents or children. Or what it may be. My friends. Where there is love. How much more.
[6:00] Is those. Sinners called by grace. Brought in to see. And feel the. Need of Jesus Christ.
[6:10] How precious is he. How precious is he. Well we've sung. How precious he is. Because all other relationships. Will cease. And all.
[6:21] Loving relationships. Precious in their time and way. Shall cease one day. There will be a time. When death will divide. Those relationships. There will be.
[6:33] There will never be a time. When Christ. Shall be divided. From his church. The preciousness. Of the relationship. Between the people. And God.
[6:43] And the Savior. Is a union. That death itself. Can't divide. And it shall be. Both for time. And for. Out.
[6:54] And never end. In eternity. If he's precious now. He will ever be precious. Whether you live. Whether you die. If he's precious now.
[7:05] He ever will be precious. And to you. Therefore. Which believe. He is precious. But let us also say this.
[7:16] That. Let not Satan. Use the word of God. To. Hinder the comfort. Of this. Preciousness. Let him not now. At this time.
[7:28] Or at any time. Whisper into your soul. Ah. But it says. Believe us. The Lord. Help us to. Look at this word. And open it up.
[7:38] As he will enable us. To do so. And to see. Not. That it is. A word. That shall. Express. Only to those. Who.
[7:49] Have put on Christ. By an open profession. If that is the case. He is so precious. Because he is the object. Of their love. And an object of love.
[8:01] Is precious. But far more so. Christ. To his people. But rather. The Lord. Help us. The Holy Spirit. Instruct us. And the Lord.
[8:12] So bless his word. To us. That we might see. Therefore. What. It is to believe. That is indeed. Makes Christ. Precious. And to you.
[8:25] Therefore. This is the personal. Word of God. To his people. It was written. As you may. Obviously know. To the strangers. Scattered throughout.
[8:36] Pontus. Galatia. Cappadocia. Asia. And Bithynia. Elect. According to the foreknowledge. Of God. The Father. Through sanctification. Of the spirit. Unto obedience.
[8:47] And sprinkling. Of the blood. Of Jesus Christ. It is to that people. During the covenant. Of grace. And there is of course.
[8:57] A negative comfort. We've tried. Very briefly. The word is better. Than I am. It tells of the people. To whom he is not. Precious.
[9:09] But. The Holy Spirit. Shall record. In your heart. And mine. If we are. So led. And taught. Something. Of the preciousness. Of this. Blessed person.
[9:22] That he shall be first. Christ be first. And Christ be last. And Christ be all. And in all. He should be precious.
[9:33] In this. That. Because he is precious. He therefore. Should be the first. In our affection. Unto you. Therefore. Which believe. Now what does that mean?
[9:45] Well. I'm going to say something. Which I don't know. Anyone else has ever said. In my hearing. Concerning this. Part of the text.
[9:57] Unto you. Therefore. Which believe. What was it? You who feel. To be sinners. Now. What is it. That you first believed?
[10:07] What was it? That you were called. To believe. Brought into by grace. Faith given you. To believe.
[10:19] Something that you didn't believe. Before. Something that's been shown to you. You've been made aware of. And it is something that dwells within you. And that's the sin.
[10:30] Of old nature. This is to whom. This is the people. Whom this is written to. It's not written to these holy. And so.
[10:42] As far as man. Could see upright. This is not written to these. Pharisees. Who walk about. Parading the religion. This is not those who.
[10:53] Would on their own good work stand. This is written to sinners. And one of the first. Acts of divine faith. My friends. Is to believe.
[11:04] One is a sinner. And you're brought this. By revelation. You are brought to feel. This condition of sin within. These are the believers.
[11:14] Which are. To find Christ is precious. This is the company of people. Who find that the preciousness of Christ. Suits their condition.
[11:26] And case. And situation. And circumstance. Because. My friends. You and I. Shall never see a preciousness of Christ. Until our eyes are open.
[11:37] And our hearts are softened. And we are made aware. By reason of the blessed. Teaching of the spirit. What it is about Christ. That makes him precious.
[11:49] God. Well we said. He is the cornerstone of the church. He is the living stone. And lively stones. Which our believers. Are built upon him.
[11:59] And they rest upon him. And as the building grows. So the. Cornerstone is more important. And every believer. Is built on that living stone.
[12:10] That cornerstone. No. But let us look at these believers. That is. Those who believe. That they are sinners. Not because I tell you.
[12:21] You are. And I tell myself. I am often. But because the Lord. The Holy Spirit. Has revealed it. Showing you the corrupt. Corruption of your old nature.
[12:32] Showing you. That you've got a will. That only is meant to sin. Showing you. That by birth and practice. You've done nothing less. Nor more than sin. But then what is the change being?
[12:45] And how. Who brought the change about? Who made you aware. Of this plague within? Who made you. Sorrow over sin? Who brought you to. Mourn over sin?
[12:57] My friends. The same blessed spirit. That revealed to you. In the person of the Lord Jesus Christ. The way of salvation. And seeing the way of salvation. In all that he did.
[13:10] And all that he does. My friends. Will make him. Precious in this. That he is beyond price. That he is essential. To the comfort of your soul.
[13:21] And he is the assurance. That you need. As you go on. Towards the end of your journey. And to you. Therefore. Which believe. He is precious.
[13:34] This is not written to those. Who. Are. Self. Righteous. In any degree. This is not written to those. Who. Once delivered from sin.
[13:45] Never more sin. This is not spoken to those. Who. Live a contented. Religious. Spiritual life. This is spoken to sinners. Others. Who.
[13:57] By. Divine grace. Fall under the sense of sin. Within. And mourn over it. This is written to the prodigal. I will arise.
[14:07] And go to my father. And will say unto him. Father. I have sinned against heaven. And in thy sight. This is written to those.
[14:18] Just like the good man. Job. When he said. And. And now. Mine eye seeth thee. I would repent in.
[14:29] Dust and ashes. This is written to. To those. Like. The writer of this epistle. Who. So self-confidence. So self-confident.
[14:40] In himself. That he was able to keep himself. He thought. Until he fell. So grievously. Before. The Lord Jesus Christ. In the judgment hall.
[14:53] And the dear Lord Jesus Christ. Said to him. At. That occasion. After his resurrection. Lovest thou me. More than these. And he said.
[15:04] Thou knowest all things. Thou knowest. That I love thee. My friends. How precious. Is. The Lord Jesus Christ. Then. In that incident.
[15:16] To Peter. Not the rebuke. Not. Because of the denying. Therefore. He is not one of us. Not shunning his company.
[15:26] Not turning his back on him. Not leaving him to the sorrows. And griefs. And. The. Darkness of his spirit. Nothing like that. This is mercy.
[15:38] My friends. And this is what. Will show a sinner. In need of mercy. There's a preciousness. In the person of Christ. I do desire.
[15:48] My friends. To honor him this day. Oh. But it will be poor. In comparison. To what he deserves. It will be so limited. To what he should have.
[16:01] But he is precious. To a sinner. And he is constantly. Precious. Do hear the word of truth. And experience here. My friends.
[16:12] That. Once he is made precious. To a sinner. He ever will be precious. To a sinner. Once. Under the sense of grief. And sorrow.
[16:22] Over thin. You can see where salvation. Is found. Which. In the view of it. Will make him precious. My friends. In every. Moment of life.
[16:33] In every. Sorrow. In every grief. And every pain. Concerning the sin within. That preciousness. Will be revealed. As the way. Of deliverance.
[16:43] And the way of mercy. And to you. Therefore. Which believe. He is precious. And my. I used to have a pastor. At Hanover.
[16:54] And he'd say this. If he was here. He's precious. In the want of him. Oh he is. Oh he is. My friends. You don't live.
[17:04] With his company. All the time. 24 hours a day. 7 days a week. You don't live. In his company. Or at least. I mean. In his felt company. You don't.
[17:15] Constantly. Hear his voice. Speaking. Peace and pardon. To the soul. Sometimes. You're left. To walk. In the pathway. Of the tempter. And the tribulation.
[17:25] Of the way. Indwelling sin. In the slips and falls. That you make. Oh my friends. Once the Lord. Shows you. A preciousness in Christ.
[17:36] Whatever pathway. That you are brought into. That preciousness. Will be revealed. To you. As the way of recovery. And as the way. Of deliverance. And to you.
[17:47] Therefore. Which believe. He is precious. As I said. It isn't was. And it's not will be. It's is. It's the present time. And at present time.
[17:57] Can be read. Ten years time. If the world still remains. And it is still true. That he is precious. But our sinners. Will. Seek him.
[18:08] Because they want him. Sinners will seek him. Because they desire him. Seek sinners. Will seek him.
[18:21] Because they need him. My friends. Do you need him? As the very person. You know. We're going to look. As the Lord will help us.
[18:31] At those things. This day. That make him precious. But in the very person. Of. The saviour. The very. Person of the son of God.
[18:42] My friends. You must. Know his absence. To know his. Presence of course. But you must know his absence. To know his. Preciousness too. But to see him.
[18:54] As it were. By the eyes of faith. As the saviour of the lost. And to desire him. And all that he has done. My friends.
[19:04] Which. All he has done. Makes him so precious. To a sinner. And. Let me say. What I often do say. It's only those who. Know. The depth.
[19:15] Of the fall. People. And are brought. To see. The sufficiency. And the sacrifice. Of Jesus Christ. For them. My friends. Will be brought. To see.
[19:25] Beyond all doubt. And beyond all calculations. What it is. That he is precious. Because you'll never explain. This preciousness. You'll never exhaust.
[19:37] This preciousness. This gospel. Has been preached. I was going to say. Two thousand years. And in those. Two thousand years. This. Blessed person.
[19:47] Of Christ. Has been exalted. Has been exalted. But he's never been. Exhausted. And those same. Blessed. Subject.
[19:58] My friends. Will be the comfort. And consolation. Of your soul. Till you come to die. And much more precious. Then. And into the. Glories of. Of heaven.
[20:09] You will know more. Of his preciousness. Well he's precious. Then in his own. Person. That he was sent. Into the world. To save sinners.
[20:21] Who in his own self. Bear our sins. In his body. On the tree. If the blessed spirit. Spoke that to your soul. Today. My friends. You wouldn't tell me.
[20:31] You couldn't tell me. How precious he then is. Because if he brings you. To see. That your sins. Which are many. Are all forgiven. And all forgiven.
[20:42] Because he bore them away. And that. When he was crucified. You believe. That all your life. That the Lord Jesus Christ. Was crucified. And then perhaps.
[20:52] As you went on through life. It was. Wicked men crucified him. And you said. What wicked men they were. But then. The blessed spirit. Showed you. Who those wicked men were.
[21:02] My friends. And there is the cause. Of his death. There is the cause. Of his suffering. It lies in the heart. Of the people of God.
[21:13] Who his own self. Bear our sins. In his own body. On the tree. Well if he shows you that. My friends. Without a doubt.
[21:23] My friends. He'd be more precious. More precious. Well he's precious then. In his person. When he came into the world.
[21:34] He entered into the world. Took upon himself. A body like our own. Was born of a woman. Though she was. Overshadowed by the Holy Ghost.
[21:46] That which was conceived in her womb. Was the Son of God. That he left the realms of bliss. Laid aside. That glory that he was.
[21:56] With the Father. Entered into this sinful world. Walked 33 years. Opposed. And persecuted.
[22:08] Spoken evil about. Maliciously used. Taken and by wicked hands. Crucified. My friends. The person of Christ. In himself.
[22:21] Who would you. My friends. Have. In your company. These that are. No more than. Those who have disallowed him.
[22:32] Set him at naught. Go and talk to the world. I don't really advise you to. Because. My friends. They won't understand the words. You talked about. But you talk to a worldly person.
[22:44] And say to them. What's the most precious thing. That you possess. Yes. I don't know if I said this to you. But. When I was at the anniversary. On the bank holiday.
[22:55] Monday. I. Spoke to my dear old friend. The aged deacon at Maniford. And. He was. He's very infirm. But he said. Oh. But for a hope. Beyond the grave.
[23:06] My friends. That's precious. A hope. Beyond the grave. And where did that hope rest. You know. When you hope for something. It rests on something.
[23:17] There's a confidence. And that hope. And that hope. It rests on something. It rests on Christ. Well. These that believe. He is precious.
[23:29] Unto you. Therefore which believe. You know. What's so precious of Christ. That coming sinners. Have never been turned away. I came to Jesus.
[23:42] As I was. Weary. And worn. And sad. And found in him. A resting place. And he has made me glad. My friends. This is what's so precious.
[23:52] Of Christ. Is the company. That he kept. When he was here. Forever would tell you. To keep your company. Amongst the people. Of God. Oh.
[24:03] Don't walk with the world. Don't get involved. Too close. With the world. My friends. You'll mourn. Over it afterwards. Not as. Not as near. As the world.
[24:13] As some get. But as it were. Keeping a distance. Doing what you've got to do. But the company. Of this precious one. This glorious person.
[24:27] Oh. How precious is his company. You know. My friends. And you may. Not realize it. As much as you would love. To realize it. How it is that.
[24:39] The Lord's promises. To be with his people. You know. That's the company. Of the child of God. You love the company. Of the people of God. God. But are nothing. To be compared.
[24:50] With the company. Of the Savior. You know. When he walks. With his people. And talks with them. When they felt his presence. Not only in his house. But in their tribulations.
[25:03] In their afflictions. When they're laid aside. From. Even going to the sanctuary. By reason of their. Weakness of body. My friends. At the Lord's presence.
[25:14] In his house. In their house. Or in their home. At their bedside. But in the world. When you're going about the world. How precious is his presence.
[25:26] Because it is a keeping presence. It will preserve you. It will keep your soul alive. It will keep you from the intent. Of the enemy too. It will preserve you.
[25:37] Protect you. It will be at your right hand. To hold you up. It will be able to speak a word. In season to your soul. And what words. My friends. He speaks.
[25:48] Precious words. From a precious Savior. Heed again. What is written. Of the woman. In the Pharisee's house. My friends.
[25:58] How precious was Christ. To her. Oh she came behind him. Such was her unworthiness. Such was her humility. Such was her sorrow.
[26:10] Such was her grief. But oh words. That he spoke. Were precious too. Not only was his presence. Precious my friends. But what he said. Was precious.
[26:22] And what. That is what the sinner. Longs to hear. That will make him. So precious to them. Oh that you might. And I might enter. Into what Paul said. Only the very words.
[26:34] Not what he said. Because it. It confirms other things. But. The apostle said. In that time. When he was. Troubled with a thorn. In the flesh. And the wonderful words.
[26:45] You know. Don't lose sight. Of the beginning. Of the text. And he said unto me. My friends. And when he does. He says precious things. Oh he does. He speaks them into the soul.
[26:56] And what precious effect that has. You know. I might tell you. That I believe. Your sins are pardoned. And you go away from here. With no feeling at all. Concerned in that statement.
[27:09] But if the Lord Jesus Christ. Sent you home. At dinner time. With that sweet word. Of promise. That your sins. Which are many. Are all forgiven. My friends.
[27:19] They would be very precious words. Wouldn't they? They would be very precious words. Because they. Fell from the lips. Of the saviour. You find these people.
[27:31] Who rub shoulders. With the good and the great. And it's surprising. How many things. I can remember. They've said to them. You know. If you find somebody. Who's come into contact.
[27:42] With somebody. Who's got a name. And a place. In this world. And they've had a conversation. For they remember. All that he said. You know. They. It doesn't matter. What they say.
[27:52] They'll remember. All what he said. And they'll hold fast to that. And they use it. As a lever. Of conversation. But my friends. A sinner. Will never forget. The precious things.
[28:03] That the Lord Jesus Christ. Has said. Oh. You think of those. Dear souls. That. I was going to say. Crept up to him. Ventured upon him. When they brought their afflictions.
[28:15] You think of the woman. With the issue of blood. 12 years. She had this. Dreadful affliction. That was. Going to kill her. She was going to die. My friends. Of anemia.
[28:27] That was the condition. She was in. When she heard of Jesus. It drew her unto this blessed one. And then came venture in faith.
[28:37] If I may. But touch the hem of his garment. I shall be made whole. And this she did by faith. And she was restored. But then the words of Jesus.
[28:48] Daughter. Go in peace. These are the blessed words. My friends. That put a preciousness. In the hearts of the people of God. Towards the saviour of sinners.
[29:00] When he speaks. And I don't say that in a doubtful when. As he speaks then. And what he says. Suitable words to your soul.
[29:11] Words with power. Words with authority. But blessed words. My friends. Which bring comfort where there's sorrow. And light where there's darkness. And to you therefore.
[29:23] Which believe. It is precious. Now. In the previous chapter. The. Apostle.
[29:34] Writes this. For as much. As she know. That she were not redeemed. With corruptible things.
[29:45] As silver and gold. From your vain conversation. Received. By tradition. From your fathers. But. With the. Precious.
[29:56] Blood of Christ. Now. Who can. Be able. Can describe. The preciousness. Of his blood. This. Life. Giving blood.
[30:07] This. Peace. Speaking. Blood. This. Pardoning. Blood. My friends. You know about it. You've read about it.
[30:18] It's preached. About. In your hearing. But then. My friends. It speaks of redemption. Through his blood. The forgiveness of sins.
[30:29] And Peter calls it precious. What I believe. To. My friends. Just decide. For a moment. The apostle. The apostle Peter knew. Not more of the preciousness.
[30:41] Than other disciples. And apostles. And preachers. Of the gospel. But because he came to. Experience it. In contrast.
[30:53] To his fall. And in contrast. To his sin. The unchangeable nature. Of this. Blessed person. Will indeed.
[31:05] So bless your soul. With a sense. Of his preciousness. Well. It is precious blood. Precious blood. It surely is.
[31:17] Invaluable blood. The poet calls it. And why my friends. Because it's beyond all value. Oh. Perhaps there's a sinner. Says. Well. Indeed.
[31:29] It surely must be. If my sins are put away. And yet. You know. And I. The Lord. Keep me very reverent. At this moment.
[31:41] My friends. It is the. Quality. Of that blood. It's the quality. Of that blood. What do you mean?
[31:52] You say. My friends. The very drop of it. Would wash your sins away. The very drop of it would. It's the.
[32:04] Validity. Of that blood. It's the power. Of that blood. It's the cleansing effect. Of that blood. My friends. It is holy blood.
[32:16] It's not a. Not a. Instant of sin. My friends. It is because. It's his blood. It is because.
[32:27] It's the blood. Of the Lord. Jesus Christ. Christ. And oh. If you. If you. Will be taught. That. Ruined condition. And you'll learn. To live with that.
[32:38] The knowledge of it. Over and over again. You'll have it taught you. You'll have it revealed to you. You'll have it made known to you. You'll feel it. You'll sorrow over it. You will seek the grace.
[32:49] To repent of it. My friends. Right through your life. But it will make that precious blood. Precious to you. Unto you.
[33:00] Therefore. Which believe. He is precious. My friends. This is the. Blood of the Savior. This is. God's beloved son. That shed. Sinless.
[33:11] Holy blood. That sin might be put away. This is the remedy. This is the blessed remedy. My friends. Which will put away. Iniquity.
[33:21] In your heart. And. That which is acceptable. To God. Is in this precious blood. Oh remember. That lovely word.
[33:34] To sinners. And. The blood of Jesus Christ. His son. Cleanseth us. From. All sin. This is what this blood.
[33:44] Can do. My friends. Which. Nothing else. Can do. And. Oh my soul. With. Wonder of you. For sins to come.
[33:57] There's. Pardon to. Unto you. Therefore. Which believe. He. Is. Precious. And everything. About him is. And everything.
[34:07] That. Comes from him. Is precious. And every work. That he's done. Is precious. Every. Every word. That he's spoken. Is precious. To a sinner.
[34:21] Well. My friends. Who can speak. Of that precious blood. I tell you. You can. Those who've been pardoned. But then. Those who need it. Will speak of it. Those who will need it.
[34:34] They'll read that word. In Exodus. Where it says. And the blood. Shall be to you. For a token. Upon the houses. Is where ye are. My friends. And I say. May that be on my house.
[34:46] This. Old tabernacle. May that blood. Be. Shed. Upon that. May it be applied. To that. That my sins. Be forgiven.
[34:58] And to you. Therefore. Which believe. He. Is precious. Amen. God willing.
[35:10] On Wednesday. We hold our. Thanksgiving services. When Mr. Wood. Is expected to preach. Services commence. At three o'clock. And six o'clock.
[35:21] Next Lord's Day. Mr. Brian is out. As expected. On Saturday. The 30th of September. We hold a church meeting.
[35:33] That shall commence. At three o'clock. We close in hymn. One hundred and thirty eight. Phase. There you have.
[35:45] Jesus, I love thy charming name, tis music in my ear.
[36:06] Fain will I sound it out so loud that earth and heaven my ear. Yes, thou art precious to my soul, my transport and my trust.
[36:20] Jewels to thee are gaudy toys and gold is sordid dust. Hymn 138. Jesus, I love thy joy.
[36:42] Jewels to thee are against, them dear, whprovvis y'all Amen, all That was my love.
[36:56] What? Who am I? Lot of grace... Конец I just want, I just, I just, I just a prayer where you are, now, my will help by your your heart and promise
[38:11] Thank you.
[38:41] Thank you.
[39:11] Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
[39:23] Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
[39:35] Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
[39:49] Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. which he has done and will do. And oh, as that hymn writer said, Lord, in his name, a name which is above every name.
[40:08] Lord, how that is such a comfort and cheer to thy people, the precious name of Christ. Lord, do bless us with this blessing, we pray.
[40:20] Leave none to go, Lord, into life and all its journeys. And all its days or years, that thou would not put this preciousness in their hearts.
[40:32] And our Lord, take us to our homes in peace and abide with us. And may the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ and the love of God the Father and the fellowship and communion of the Holy Spirit, the Comforter, remain with us both now and forever.
[40:56] Amen.