[0:00] Please help again. I ask your attention to the gospel as recorded by John chapter 6 and verse 37.
[0:15] The gospel as recorded by John chapter 6 and verse 37. All that the Father giveth me shall come to me.
[0:28] And him that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out. All that the Father giveth me shall come to me.
[0:42] And him that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out. What a blessed and sure promise.
[0:58] For it is from him who spake as never man spake. And it is to sinners that it is spoken to.
[1:11] And such that are under gracious leading and teaching. It isn't a promise which we may misapply.
[1:25] We cannot steal this promise. It is written to coming sinners. It is described too as all that the Father giveth me.
[1:40] We did dwell a little on this first part of this text this morning. Having read in the book of Esther the account of that venturing to the king, Iazuerus.
[2:03] Such was her venturing was that in venturing she said it wasn't lawful. It wasn't lawful for her to go.
[2:14] There was no grounds in herself that she could go. The law did not permit her to approach. With this one exception.
[2:25] It was to whom the king shall hold out the golden scepter. And all we felt it was so. How it typified.
[2:36] There is no approach to a holy God. Out of Christ there is everything to bar us. Our sins will not permit us to approach him who dwells in heaven as the righteous and just God.
[2:54] The broken law will not permit us. Because it demands obedience unto salvation. But there stands something between.
[3:06] A sinner and a holy God. And that's the golden scepter. That is the person of Christ. And upon his name we may approach.
[3:19] We may venture as she ventured. What mercy my friends is in this promise. Oh long may you hold this word in your heart.
[3:32] In whatever state or case your soul is in this night. May that venture in faith be given to you. That you venture on what he said.
[3:45] You know my friends that's very sure ground. On the word my friends that he has spoken. Your soul may rest.
[3:56] You that have needs to approach. You that may often approach. You that come daily and hourly. And approach him.
[4:07] My friends will bless the Lord and bless the spirit of truth. That there is laid in the word of truth. This encouraging promise. And this comfort to the soul.
[4:19] All that the Father giveth me. Shall come to me. He said they shall come.
[4:30] Because they were drawn. Oh how that draws out. Exercise and desires from the soul. Unto Christ in heaven.
[4:42] I will arise and go unto my father. And will say unto him. Father I have sinned. Against heaven.
[4:52] And in thy sight. We mentioned the prodigal as one such character. Who was a coming soul. Who ventured to his father's house.
[5:03] As he was. I feel sometimes my friends. The Lord keep us from listening to the accuser. Who on the one hand would say.
[5:14] That you will be cast out. Because of so black a character. So vile a character. Such a sinful character as you. And then on the other hand.
[5:26] He might try to persuade us to mend things. To put some apparel on. Which makes us presentable. I believe the blessing in a sinner's soul.
[5:38] You know. Is found when he comes as he is. When he ventures as he is. Though he feels so ruined and so lost. Though he feels so cast down by reason.
[5:50] At the hardness of the way. That he shall come as he is. What an unpresentable picture is drawn. From the account of the prodigal.
[6:02] There was nothing to put on. Was there? There was nothing to make him presentable. He came with his burden. He had nothing to sustain him.
[6:12] He had no shoes on his feet. His dress was that which would have been as a beggar. And oh. Just think for a moment. What he received in coming.
[6:23] My friends. We find this. First. What did he receive? He was the subjects of his father's love. Didn't alter because of his dress.
[6:36] Didn't alter because he was ruined by sin. Didn't alter because he got nothing to bring with him. Oh. He was. The first blessing that he received.
[6:48] Was his father's love. And then we find that. The father said. Bring forth the best robe. And put it on him.
[6:59] Put shoes on his feet. Put a ring on his hand. And. Kill the fatted calf. Let us. Indeed rejoice. For this my son.
[7:11] Was dead. And is alive again. Is lost. And is found. All that the father. Giveth me. Shall come to me.
[7:24] But. We said also. My friends. They will. Indeed. Come by reason. Of. Drawing. They shall come. By reason.
[7:35] Of. Need. They shall come. By reason. Of. Poverty. And sinners. Will come. Because. There is no remedy. Anywhere else.
[7:46] For. Sin. They shall come. With their sins. Or else. I'm wrong. And or else. The poets wrong. Nothing but sin. I.
[7:56] They can give. Nothing but love. Shall I receive. My friends. You can bring your sins. To Christ. Christ. That's not.
[8:07] An evangelical invitation. That's not. Twisting the arms. Of free will. My friends. Those who. Know. Their sinnership. Those who.
[8:18] Mourn. Over sin. Those who. Cry. By reason. Of the burden. Of it. In their heart. My friends. Will be. By blessed. Faith. Drawn. To this. Sacred.
[8:28] Person. He who. Shed his blood. For sinners. They'll come. Pleading. That blood. All that the father. Giveth me.
[8:39] Shall come. To me. And I do believe this. They'll come. Because. There's such an attraction. In Jesus Christ. Such an attraction.
[8:51] Oh. You that know. The plague. Of your own heart. What do you see. In him. How does faith. Present. Jesus Christ.
[9:02] To your poor soul. How has he been. Revealed. To you. Oh. He is the chiefest. Among ten thousand. And the altogether. Lovely. But who said he was.
[9:13] My friends. The bride. Said he was. This is my beloved. And this is my friend. It was the bride. That said this. The one that said. She was black. But comely.
[9:25] The one that inquired. Where the flocks. Of the. Or the church. Was to feed. This was the one. That saw. Such a beauty.
[9:35] In Christ Jesus. And these sinners. Called by grace. And these soul. These troubled. In their soul. By sin. And these who are.
[9:47] From the ends. Of the earth. Will I cry unto thee. These are the characters. That will come. And they'll come. My friends. Because. They have. Now. Lost.
[9:59] Comfort. In everything else. And in everyone else. And their props. Are removed. There's no remedy. For sin. In themselves. Or anywhere else.
[10:09] They'll come up. To the house of God. To see whether there's. A portion. For their soul. Oh. And another thing. Dear friends. And again. We keep to the scriptures.
[10:21] We keep to that. Narrow way. But they're encouraged to come. They surely are. Oh. Blessed be God. The word of his truth.
[10:31] Is sufficient in itself. And the spirit. So blessedly. Using those words. That they are encouraged. To come as they are. Come unto me.
[10:42] All ye that. Labor. And are heavy laden. And I will give you rest. All that the father. Giveth me. Shall come to me.
[10:54] They will not come. My friends. As did the Pharisee. But they'll come. Like the publican. They won't come. In the general.
[11:05] Description of the word. If they're self satisfied. And rich. And in need of nothing. But the poorer the soul. You know. The more welcome.
[11:15] That is how sinners. Will come unto Christ. Jesus draws. The chosen race. By his sweet.
[11:26] Resistless grace. Now. I want to go on a bit further. If I may be permitted. All that the father.
[11:37] Giveth me. Shall come to me. And him that cometh to me. I will in. No wise. Cast out. Now.
[11:48] There stands. The comfort. Of your soul. Sinner. There stands. The blessed. Promise. That they shall never be.
[11:59] Set aside. They shall never be. To perish. In their sins. And what conditions.
[12:09] That they come in. My friends. Will not be. In any way. Detrimental. To their coming. But it will not alter. Either the promise. Him that.
[12:19] Cometh to me. I will in no wise. Cast out. I did want to just say this too. What will you bring. When you come. What will you bring.
[12:32] Is there something. That you will bring. In your hand. As it were. I know the poet says. Nothing in my hand. I bring. Simply to thy cross.
[12:42] I cling. Naked. Come to thee. For dress. Helpless. Look to thee. For grace. Black eye. To the fountain fly. Wash me. Save you.
[12:52] Or I die. But I believe. A sinner. Will bring something. With him. Oh don't take this. The wrong way. My friends. Don't look upon. These words.
[13:04] As being. As if we have to bring. Something. That will be acceptable. And yet in a certain way. There is something. That is brought. That is acceptable. Those.
[13:15] That precious name. Of Christ. You can plead that. Before the throne. Of grace. Poor sinner. You that are needy. Seeking one. You can plead his name.
[13:27] You can bring that. The name the father loves. To hear his people plead. And all such pleading. He approves. And blesses them indeed.
[13:38] Present your petition. Your supplication. Though it be as the woman. At the feet of Christ. Worshipping him. Saying Lord help me. Present it in the name.
[13:49] Of Jesus Christ. I believe you can present that. That precious name. That all powerful name. That effectual name.
[14:01] But oh plead it before the throne of grace. And plead it as you pray. Draw near in your prayers and supplications. And plead the name of Jesus.
[14:13] Remember the promise in Ezekiel. Not for thy sake. O house of Israel. Will I do these things. But for my holy name's sake. I believe on that ground.
[14:25] You may come. That precious all prevailing name of the Lord Jesus. How precious is that name. But then my friends.
[14:37] There is something else you may bring. Somewhere in the Bible. I don't know where it is. I can't remember. All the promises. All the encouragements are in the word.
[14:48] But there is this word. Take with you words. Take with you words. My friends. There is a time of course.
[14:59] When a soul will come in complete silence. But there is also a precious blessed way.
[15:11] Provided for the people of God. Now have you not been in circumstances in your life. Have you not been in places of deep need.
[15:22] And there is but one place to look. And that's the mercy seat. One place to look. The throne of grace. It is as if you was driven there by extremity.
[15:35] And my friends. I believe this. You honor God in this. That you take with you words. Not your words. Not this vain word. Of a fallen creature.
[15:46] But his word. Oh. The promises of God are to be pleaded. Thou hast said. Remember Jacob. When he left his father's house.
[15:58] And he sat. And he laid his head on a pillow. At Bethel. And the Lord spoke. And he gave him a promise for his future steps. And I will be with thee.
[16:10] And will keep thee in all places. Whither thou go. And will not leave thee. And will bring thee again into this land. And will not leave thee.
[16:20] Until I have done. That which I have told thee of. And as I so often are reminded. And reminding you too. There came a time when he was on the return. To his father's house.
[16:31] And Esau was coming to meet him. With four hundred men. What fear was in the heart of dear Jacob. But he took with him words. Thou hast said. Have you a promise?
[16:44] Is the Lord spoke a promise in your heart? Can you go back some of you to those days. When there was indeed a promise given. Times of extremity in the past occasions.
[16:58] And call upon me in a day of trouble. I will deliver thee. And thou shalt glorify me. Have you such words to remind the Lord? You know when he's brought before you.
[17:10] Those in times past. Some encouraging word. Something that has been your comfort. Something as it were. To plead before the Lord himself.
[17:22] Through in prayer and supplication. My friends. Coming souls. I believe may bring the word of his truth. All that the father giveth me.
[17:33] Shall come to me. And him that cometh to me. I will in no wise cast out. But then my friends.
[17:44] We must just remind you. Of what we read. And I believe. I hope I can say. The Lord directed me. To read those two chapters in Jonah.
[17:57] Here was a man. Who was to preach. He was to speak to the Ninevites. He was to tell them. Of their. Great.
[18:10] State they was in. As a sinful. Land. Arise. Go to Nineveh. That great city. And cry against it. For their wickedness. Has come up before me.
[18:22] But as we know. He was disobedient. What grace there is. What grace there is. My friends. We said this morning. How often.
[18:34] We have to be thankful for. The different. Aspects of grace. The different. Suitability of grace. We spoke about that.
[18:45] Grace of restoration. This morning. But here we have a case. Of a man. Who was disobedient. The Lord spoke.
[18:56] And he went the other way. The Lord said arise. Go unto Nineveh. Go to Nineveh. And what did we read. And Jonah.
[19:07] Rose up. To flee unto Tarshish. From the presence of the Lord. And went. Down to Joppa. And he found a ship. Going to Tarshish. So he paid the fare thereof.
[19:19] And went down into it. To go. With them unto Tarshish. From the presence of the Lord. Well you might say. What a foolish thing to do. Would he ever think.
[19:30] That he would be. Out of sight. Of a gracious God. Would the man have that. Place and way.
[19:41] In his mind. That he thought. That he could run away. From what the Lord. Told him to do. But he did. He was disobedient. Which brings me to this.
[19:53] My friends. How the Lord. Chastens his people. For disobedience. How he brings. And I said last Sunday night. We were speaking from those words.
[20:04] In Micah. Where it says. And this man. Shall be the peace. And it was. And it was. That which the. Poor.
[20:16] People of God. Often come in. To when. They are disobedient. To the word of God. And to the will of God. And there is no peace. In their heart.
[20:27] Now. This man. Jonah. Was a disobedient man. And the Lord. Saw it. To chasten him. In his. Displeasure.
[20:39] How he brought him into. Extremities. Which are. Unexplainable. And in a certain sense. But for the word of God. Was sound impossible. Deep.
[20:51] Deep places. He entered into. Under the chastening. Hand of God. Brought him into. Almost despair. You read again.
[21:01] The second chapter. As we read tonight. What. Great afflictions. Came upon him. For thou hast. Cast me into the deep. Into the midst of the sea.
[21:12] And the floods. Compass me about. All thy billows. And thy waves. Passed. Over me. Could there be. My friends. A deeper place. Could there be.
[21:23] A more far. Could there be. A far more. Distressing. Circumstance. Or situation. Could there be. A more impossible. Place to be found.
[21:34] And this was. A chastening hand. Against his servant. Jonah. For his disobedience. My friends. It's a lesson. To be learned. Oh.
[21:44] The Lord. Grant us. Grace. To be obedient. Not to shut our ears. To the word of God. Nor to the will of God. Nor to the purposes of God. Not to make excuses.
[21:56] My friends. But to seek grace. To walk in his ways. And walk according to his word. And especially in particular. According to his will. Well.
[22:06] My friends. I read them for the. I read those words. For this. Verse. Only. Then I said. I am cast out. Of thy sight. I don't believe.
[22:18] There is anything more. Distressing. To God's people. To feel. That they are. Cast out of. God's sight. As if.
[22:28] They should believe. That the God. Who. Eternally. Loves them. Who. That God. Who sent. His only begotten son. Into the world. To do.
[22:38] To save them. From their sins. That it. By reason. That their foolishness. And disobedience. Should bring upon. Themselves. This. Great trouble.
[22:49] I am cast. Out of thy sight. I went down. To the mountains. The bottoms. Of the mountains. The earth. With her bars. Was about me. Forever. Yet. Hast thou.
[23:00] Brought me up. Yet. Hast thou. Brought up. My life. From corruption. Oh. Lord. My God. Well. What did he learn? Well. He learned.
[23:10] Let me just say. Two things. He learned. He learned. Many things. But two things. In particular. My friends. First of all. That faith.
[23:21] Wasn't dead. That workings. Of faith. In the soul. Wasn't dead. Though it was. Though he. His own soul. Was chastened.
[23:32] Though he was. In this most. Dangerous. And impossible. Circumstance. As it were. At the bottoms. Of the mountains. In the deep. In an impossible.
[23:44] Circumstance. Or situation. And yet. Faith reigned. And faith ruled. Though it may seem. But a grain of faith. But it was working.
[23:55] It was living. And my friends. As we. As you know. As well as I do. Faith. Will have an object. As it's not faith. It will have an object.
[24:07] Then I said. I am cast out of thy sight. Yet. I will look again. Towards. Thy. Holy temple. Now that was a look. By faith.
[24:18] No way. Could he possibly know. Where he was. In. In respect to the. House. Of God. In Jerusalem. And no way.
[24:28] Could he tell. Where he was. As. As. As we read. Of Daniel. Who. Opened his window. Towards. Towards. Jerusalem. And prayed. Thrice a day. But.
[24:40] Faith. Brought him. Into the glories. Of heaven. To look. Yet. I will look again. That's what he learned. We often. Quote the hymn. Don't we all.
[24:51] Sometimes. We sing it about. The fear of God. Though damp. It never dies. My. My friends. Neither does faith. Not real faith.
[25:02] Real faith. Has. An object. That it is. Centred in. Real faith. Has a beginning. Real faith. Is the operation. Of the Holy Ghost. In the soul.
[25:13] My friends. And though it might be. So tried. And so. Deeply tried. That the circumstance. That the soul. Is brought into. Would seem to be.
[25:24] Much. As almost. An impossible. Circumstance. Yet. Living faith. In the person. Of Christ. Living faith. In the ability. Of Christ. Living faith.
[25:35] In the mercy. Of Christ. My friends. Will. Caused them. To say. Yet I will. Look again. But then. What else. Did he learn? My friends.
[25:46] He learned. Mercy. You know. This. 37th verse. In the gospel. Of John. Chapter 6. You will know. Mercy.
[25:58] This is a word. To the people. Of God. This is a word. To those. Who fear him. This is the word. To those. Who seek him. However. You may be. In your circumstance.
[26:09] In your soul. If. By the mercy. And goodness. Of God. You are drawn. To this. Blessed person. For relief. For deliverance. My friends.
[26:19] You will find. In him. There is mercy. And there was mercy. For Jonah. Oh. The Lord. Chastens. Are out of love. Remember.
[26:30] What he said. To the churches. In. Those seven churches. In the. First chapter. Of the book. Of the revelation. But in chapter 3. He said. As many as I love.
[26:42] I rebuke. And chasten. Be zealous. Therefore. And repent. But then. What did he learn. To. That he was a faithful.
[26:53] God. An unchangeable. God. That though. He had. So. Grievously. Sinned. Against him. In his disobedience. He.
[27:04] He learned this. That God. Doesn't change his mind. That though. He could. And would. At that time. Was as far from God.
[27:16] In his feelings. That is. Savingly. In his feelings. Yet the Lord. Was close to him. That he preserved him. And kept him. Though it was. In a whale's belly.
[27:27] And then this. My friends. What did he learn. And this is what you and I. Learn. Will learn. If we are in this text. And him that cometh to me.
[27:38] I will in no wise. Cast out. Salvation. The cry of his heart. The last thing. That is recorded. Of Jonah. Whilst he was in the fish's belly.
[27:49] Was this. Salvation. Is of the Lord. Oh you. That seek for salvation. You. That are. That draw. Constantly.
[27:59] Towards. The mercy. Say. The throne of grace. You. That are found. In this. Blessed word. This night. Though you may say. Well. It seems.
[28:11] Such a tremendous. And stupendous. Promise. My dear friends. It is written. To his people. It's written. For his people.
[28:22] It's for their comfort. It is for their. Support. It's for their. Blessing. All that the father. Giveth me. Shall come to me. And him. That cometh to me.
[28:34] Him. That cometh to me. I will. In no wise. Cast out. But. The old man. Will say. Well now. Surely.
[28:45] Doesn't it rest. Upon what sort of sin. Or what degree. Of wickedness. Or how far. We've gone. From him. If it did.
[28:56] Salvation. Is by works. But it doesn't. My friends. It is a blessed. Promise. To his people. What condition. They've got themselves. In by their disobedience.
[29:09] Of what condition. They've got themselves. In by their sin. That is the. Natural propensity. Of the old man. My friends. Will never. Erase this promise.
[29:21] And him. That cometh. To me. What will bring you. And I. To this. Blessed person. Oh. You'll find the free willers. Say. Well. All you've got to do.
[29:32] Is this. All you've got to do. Is that. All you've got to do. Is take him. At his word. And. And. Just come. My friends.
[29:42] There's far more. To salvation. I heard something. The other day. That was once. That was said. Whether in this pulpit.
[29:53] Or not. I don't know. But by the. The late. Pastor. Of this cause. He said this. Salvation's free. But it's not cheap. It's not cheap.
[30:07] And I believe this. My friends. You'll come into places. Where. You will prove. This truth. You will prove it. Not as the. Not as the free willers. Will have.
[30:17] Not as some of these. Evangelicals. Will try and persuade you. But experience. Will teach you. The Holy Ghost. Will teach you. And. In such occasions.
[30:28] And. Situations. That you shall be brought in. To. By your own sin. And your own foolishness. My friends. You'll prove. This truth. Will stand.
[30:38] Whatever is against it. And him. That cometh to me. I will in no wise. Cast out. What will stand. Against it. What of you. In your heart.
[30:49] That will stand. Against it. My friends. You'll have. What I've got. Troubled with. Seven days. Of every week. And that.
[30:59] Complained. Is called unbelief. Oh. This blessed word. My friends. Is spoken to the people. Of God. In all their conditions. And if unbelief.
[31:11] Rules and reigns. As it so. So it does. And it seems to prevail. Against. And over. Most things. My friends. How you. Will be.
[31:23] How you will. Bless your God. For such a promise. As this. It doesn't. Rest on. Being. Strong in faith. It does not. Rest upon.
[31:34] Some attainment. Or merit. Of a holy life. The grace of God. In the soul. Is the only. Indication. And evidence. And that. Will come from.
[31:44] The holy ghost. And my friends. With the pathway. The depths. And. The state. Of the sinfulness. Of your own nature. And. Then of course.
[31:55] The tempter. Will be so. I was going to. So. So encourage you. To believe. In unbelief. If you can understand. Such an opposite. And.
[32:06] Will lay hold. As it were. Upon the impossibility. Of these things. Unbelief. My friends. Will not prevail. Against this promise. Unbelief.
[32:18] Blind. Unbelief. Is sure to her. And scan. His work. In vain. You'll scan. The promises. If you're. Unbelief. If you're.
[32:29] An unbeliever. In. Not in the. Sense of being. A dead. Unbeliever. But if you are. A believer. And brought into. Unbelief. You'll scan.
[32:39] The promises. And you'll say. They're not for me. Remember those. Believers. In Jesus Christ. You know. Those apostles. Of him.
[32:49] Preachers. Of his gospel. Remember those. Eleven disciples. Who forsook him. And fled. Remember how they. In the time. Of his death.
[33:00] And before his resurrection. Went back to their old path. Unbelief. Ruled and reigned. Remember those characters. In the 24th chapter. Of Luke.
[33:10] Who thought he was one. Who shall redeem Israel. Remember these characters. My friends. As examples. As examples. Of their fallen nature.
[33:22] How unbelief. Prevails. As it were. Over. The powers of grace. It doesn't overthrow grace. But it seems to be dominant. And it prevails.
[33:34] Or remember. How they went fishing. When the Lord Jesus Christ. Had rose from the dead. Remember how they. Doubted the words. Remember Thomas.
[33:45] In his. Sad state. When he. Would not believe. That they had seen. The Lord's Christ. My friends. All this. And many other. Pulling down.
[33:56] As it were. By Satan. Distressing. By Satan. My friends. Were not all. For this blessed promise. And him. That cometh to me.
[34:07] I will in no wise. Cast out. What a precious truth. For a sinner. To rest upon. And I tell you this. My friends. What may be. In store.
[34:17] For you. In this coming week. In this week. That we've started. What trial. May come upon you. What distress. Might be. In your circumstances. Tell him. These words.
[34:29] Spread it. Before the Lord. Take with you. Words. Take these words. Before you. And present them. With your petitions. And your supplications. It may be. That faith.
[34:40] Is on the low ebb. In your soul. It may be. That you have. What Jesus Christ. Said to. His disciples. When he delivered them.
[34:51] From the storm. On the lake. He said. Where is your faith? Where is it? Well there was some. There you know. It hadn't all gone.
[35:02] It hadn't all gone. They cried unto him. That was faith. And he heard their cries. And delivered them. It wasn't that they had lost. Their faith. They were weak in faith.
[35:14] And him that cometh to me. I will in no wise cast out. But again. My friends. As we said this morning. In trying to speak. All that the father giveth me.
[35:25] Shall come. And him that cometh. Hell they come. In what state they're in. What from the ends of the earth. They might be.
[35:36] And as David says. About the prayer. The destitute. Being heard in heaven. Whatever low state. And dark state. Your soul may be in.
[35:46] What. Impossible circumstances. Rise up against you. What mountains. Are before you. In the way. My friends. Whatever it is.
[35:57] The promise stands. All that the father. Giveth me. Shall come to me. And him that cometh to me. I will in no wise cast out. What a blessed word then.
[36:09] What does it mean. My friends. What is it that the Lord Jesus Christ. Would. Indeed speak to his disciples. That they should be cast out.
[36:21] That a soul. That on Jesus. Has leaned for repose. That soul. My friends. Would. Would that be. The place.
[36:32] And the spot. Of which the. Dear child of God. Is to be found. That such a soul. Could possibly. Be passed.
[36:44] Should indeed. Be. Cast away. The soul. That on Jesus. Has leaned. For repose. I will not.
[36:56] I will not. Desert. To his foes. That soul. Although all hell. Should endeavor. To shake. I'll never. No. Never. No. Never.
[37:06] Forsake. My friends. This is written. These words are written. To your soul. If you're a believer. Follow. A seeker. After righteousness. If grace is in your soul.
[37:18] In faith. Though it be tried. My friends. As the promise here. Is for such souls. Him that cometh to me. I will in no wise.
[37:30] Cast out. You also know. By experience. That. The Lord has. Seasons and times.
[37:42] Of blessing. For the soul. While they call. We read. I will answer. And David said.
[37:53] In Psalm 34. This poor man cried. And the Lord heard him. Is it always like that? Is there not been times.
[38:04] When your cry. Your matter. Your concern. Your burden. Your exercise. The promises of God.
[38:15] Whatever they may be. You've been drawn. To the throne of grace. You've laid them. Before the Lord. Is there not times. When you have to.
[38:26] Wait for him. As well. As waiting. Upon him. And him. That cometh to me. I will in no wise. Cast out.
[38:38] That. The foretaste. That has been wrought. You have feared. Will be. You will be brought. To disappointment. If the matter. Is of God.
[38:50] If the exercise. Of your soul. Is the leading. Of the spirit. Is the promises. That you plead. Before him. As those. Promises. Which he has put. Into your heart.
[39:01] To plead. That you took. With your words. His words. My friends. You may say. Well. I've cried. For this. A long time. I remember.
[39:12] When I. I believe. When the Lord. Began to teach me. These truths. Many years ago. I heard someone say. Delays. Are not denials.
[39:24] Delays. Are not denials. Delays. And I. I've learned this. You know. Ten years ago. I learned this. He answered.
[39:36] He. He. He. He. Answered her. Not a word. Not a word. Ten years ago. This year. He.
[39:47] Answered her. Not a word. I've never walked. A year like that. There's many things. I long to say. But there was some. Certain things. I needed to say.
[39:59] And there are certain. Things you may. Long to say. And you feel. That you cannot go on. Without those things. Being revealed to you. You might. First.
[40:10] Inquire at this. Why is it. That you are. Waiting for it. Why is it. That you feel. That you. So. Desire. This need. To be. Supplied.
[40:21] Or this. Pathway. To be made. Play. Why is it. That you. Find yourself. In that. Haunting position. As it were. Because.
[40:31] You are still. Waiting for him. Well. First of all. My friends. It is this. Him that cometh to me. I will in no wise.
[40:41] Cast out. But his will. Shall be done. His will. Shall be done. When you and I. Fret over. Our hearts. Of prayer. You might examine.
[40:52] Your prayers. Your requests. You might examine. Your exercise. Is it of God. Am I. Misinterpreting. His promises. Am I.
[41:03] Really asking. That this is the way. Lord. Put me in it. Because it is the way. That I would choose. Or is it because. He delights to answer. Because his way.
[41:15] Is the best way. I believe. I believe this. My friends. There's many. An unanswered. Prayer. Because we ask. Amiss. We ask.
[41:27] Amiss. Him that cometh to me. And him that cometh to me. I will in no wise. Cast out. But he won't change his will. My friends.
[41:37] You cannot alter his will. Your pathway. From beginning to end. Your eternal. The eternal purposes. Of God. If you are amongst.
[41:48] This blessed people. Who come. Was chosen by God. In the. In the councils. Of eternity. And he won't alter. His will. Nor his way. And you may.
[41:59] Plead. What you want him to do. But if it is not. His will. My friends. Oh for the grace. Of submission. But him. That cometh to me. I will in no wise.
[42:11] Cast out. He'll never cast you out. Because you feel. Too black. He'll never cast you out. Because you feel. Too far away. He won't cast you out.
[42:22] Sinner. If you feel. Too ignorant. He won't cast you out. Because. You're not as the people of God. My friends. The work that has begun.
[42:32] He will honour. And he'll honour those. That honour him. But on the other hand. My friends. He'll answer prayer. According to his purposes. According to his will.
[42:45] What need there is then. To pray for grace. To submit to the will of God. To fall under. The purposes of God. And as it were. In resignation.
[42:55] To his will. Oh. He will perform. His people will be blessed. He'll do what it is. Indeed. His divine purposes for you.
[43:06] It was an ungodly king. You know. That said in the. Book of Daniel. In those deliverances. That he realised. The mercy that the Lord showed him.
[43:18] Not saving mercies. He wasn't a. Quickened soul. Not by any means. But he had to acknowledge. Something. My friends. Which the people of God.
[43:29] May well learn a lesson from. That he doeth. What pleaseth him. In the armies of heaven. And amongst the inhabitants. Of the earth. And none can stay his hand.
[43:40] Or say unto him. What doest thou? Oh. Pray according to the will of God. And see. And you'll find this. My friends. It will rise up in your heart.
[43:51] Against the will of God. Your old nature. Will rebel against his will. But on the other hand. There's profit. And there's peace in the soul. When you're enabled.
[44:02] His grace has given you. To submit to the will of God. And fall under it. And my friends. You'll prove this. He won't cast you out. He won't cast you out.
[44:13] A coming sinner. Could never be cast out. Because he said so. All that the father giveth me. Shall come to me. They'll come as they are.
[44:25] They'll come as black. As they feel to be. As it is revealed to them. They'll come. They'll come like the jailer. In the acts of the apostles. When such a hardened.
[44:38] Characters. He must surely be. In that situation. That he was in. And he fell down. And said. Sirs. What must I do. To be saved. He was a coming soul. And him.
[44:50] That cometh to me. I will. In no wise. Cast out. And one more thing. The matter. Will never be too great. Never be too great.
[45:02] You may think it is. Satan will tempt you. That it is. There's some matters. You know. Of great. Importance.
[45:12] There is matters. Of great degree. There is impossible things. In the pathways. Of the people of God. And Satan will say. Well it's beyond God. There is nothing.
[45:23] Beyond God. But he can never. Alter his will. All that the father. Giveth me. Shall come to me. And him. That cometh to me. I will.
[45:34] In. No wise. Cast out. Amen. Notices.
[45:48] For the coming week. Are that God willing. There will be a prayer meeting. On Wednesday evening. And next Lord's day.
[45:59] There will be a reading service. In the morning. And Mr. Chapman. Will preach. In the evening. Let's close the preaching service.
[46:12] With him. In 680. Before all worlds.
[46:41] The glorious plan. The blessed eternal deed. Was settled by. The eternal three. That Christ.
[46:53] For man. Should bleed. Astonished angels. Stand amazed. That Christ. Should die for man.
[47:04] This proves. Eternal love of God. Who gloried. In his plan. M. 680.
[47:14] Thank you.
[47:44] Thank you.
[48:14] Thank you.
[48:44] Thank you.
[49:14] Thank you.
[49:44] Thank you.
[50:14] Thank you.
[50:44] Thank you.
[51:14] Thank you.
[51:44] Thank you.
[52:14] Thank you.
[52:44] Thank you. Thank you.