[0:00] Welcome to the Lord for his most needed help. I ask your attention to chapter 28 of the book of Job, and I will read verses 7 and 8.
[0:19] In the book of Job, chapter 28, verses 7 and 8, There is a path which no fowl knoweth, which the vulture's eye hath not seen.
[0:36] The lion's whelps have not trodden it, nor the fierce lion passed by it. There is a path which no fowl knoweth, which the vulture's eye hath not seen.
[0:53] The lion's whelps have not trodden it, nor the fierce lion passed by it. What then is this path?
[1:10] But the path of God's decrees. Those appointed ways of which the Lord in glory is the author of.
[1:26] We have much comfort here, because there is nothing improbable about this. There is nothing which would be called in any way, or cast any doubt upon it.
[1:44] The word of God says there is, and so there is. And it will be wondrous to behold it.
[1:56] It will be of mercy if you can trace it. And you will surely trace it if you are in this text this day. And that pathway, which we may just enter into a moment or two this morning, not only affects the Lord, Lord's dear people here, every vessel of mercy in this time state should be found with an interest in this path, and whose footsteps will be placed within that path.
[2:36] But to my exercise, to my spirit, I hope today it affects the person of the Lord Jesus Christ.
[2:48] There is a path which no fowl knoweth, and which the vulture's eye hath not seen. The lion's whelps have not trodden it, nor the fierce lion passed by it.
[3:05] And furthermore, if today, at the close of this day, you might have raised up within your poor soul a hope that you are in a pathway which is decreed and appointed of God, you will find the truth of it, that it will be a pathway of peace.
[3:28] You say, well now you keep telling us that there's tribulation when God appoints your path. When God puts you in that path, there's not a power in hell can overthrow you, and there's not a devil in the hell can distress you without permission of God.
[3:53] It is a path which is sure, and it is a pathway which has peace in it, because it is a pathway which God has ordained.
[4:06] And just for a moment, the lion's whelps have not trodden it, nor the fierce lion passed by it. My mind went, and I hope led the spirit to a word in the prophecy of Isaiah.
[4:21] If I can find it, I will read it, but I hope we shall then say that it is what it means, a pathway where the lion's whelp have not trodden, nor the fierce lion passed by it.
[4:39] In the 33rd chapter of Isaiah, we have these words, Thou shalt not see a fierce people, a people of a deeper speech than thou canst perceive, of a stammering tongue that thou canst not understand.
[4:58] Look upon Zion, the city of our solemnities. Thine eyes shall see Jerusalem, a quiet habitation, a tabernacle that shall not be taken down.
[5:12] Not one of the stakes thereof shall ever be removed, and neither shall any of the calls thereof be broken. But there, the glorious Lord will be unto us, a place of broad rivers and streams, wherein shall no galley with oars, neither shall gallant ship pass thereby.
[5:36] There is a path which no fowl knoweth, of which and which the vulture's eye hath not seen.
[5:47] The lion's whelps have not trodden it, nor the fierce lion passed by it. We may just say this too, not only does the fowl not know it, nor the vulture, nor the lion, the unregenerate doesn't know it, the professor doesn't know it, it is hidden from those, but it is of the people of God, they shall know it, and they shall know it is of God, that it is a decreed path, an appointed path.
[6:27] It is a way which is right, because God has appointed it. I thought of those words, that are so well known, he led them forth, by a right way, that they might come to a city of habitation.
[6:42] It is a path where the believer will find Christ in. It is a pathway of peace. Not that there shall not be tribulation, of course, but what God decrees, when you walk in this path, there are other things in this path, which we hope the Lord will help us to bring before you.
[7:06] The peace, indeed, will pass all understanding. It's a pathway of obedience. Obedience is found in that path. It is a pathway which every child of God shall walk, but it is a pathway in which they shall not walk alone.
[7:25] It is a pathway where they shall find the person, the presence, the comfort, and the help, and the blessing of the Lord Jesus Christ.
[7:36] I paint no pathway, which is different, or describe no pathway, which is different from the word of God. And it is also a pathway of experience.
[7:48] And it is a rich experience that is learned in this pathway. So you will find, first of all, those who do not have this pathway, or do not know it, and do not understand it.
[8:01] Where no fowl knoweth, which the vulture's eye hath not seen. I don't know anything about vultures other than you might read, my friends, but one of the things, one of the evidences of a vulture, you know, is this, is eyesight.
[8:19] It is a most known fact, I believe, I could say this, that a vulture's eye is a very keen eye, a very strong eye. It is a very perceiving eye.
[8:32] And though it flies above the earth, it can see minute circumstances, minute details, of those living things below him.
[8:43] But that eye cannot see this path. The world in its wickedness can't see it, do not understand it. The professor in his contentment with the letter, and with the acknowledgement of the letter, and walking in the letter of the word of God, will never know this path.
[9:04] But it is a path which is decreed. And what is such a comfort, you know, it speaks of there is, not there may be. Well, as the Lord will help us, the Lord indeed must surely help us, to speak something of this path, which no foul knoweth, and which the vulture's eye hath not seen.
[9:29] And that pathway, therefore, as I said, as I commenced, is of the decree and purpose of God, for his church. And it is for them, and indeed for the great head of the church, the Lord Jesus Christ, when he was here, came unto his own, and his own received him not.
[9:51] And we might say very simply, the reason why they didn't see him, or the reason why they didn't understand him, was that their eyes were closed, their hearts were dead, and they had no spiritual knowledge of the person of Christ.
[10:08] There is a path which no foul knoweth, and he walked the path, my friends, decreed from all eternity. Decreed from all eternity. It's beyond the finite knowledge that man might have.
[10:23] The most able, gifted, the most acute brain of man can never understand the pathway of Jesus Christ.
[10:38] But in the councils of Jehovah, that pathway was decreed. And in time, that pathway shall be entered into, a path which no foul knoweth, and which the vulture's eye hath not seen.
[10:56] And in the decrees and purposes of God, there was a day when this appointment came to pass. That birth in Bethlehem began a pathway for Christ.
[11:08] We might say, and in the general sense of the word, it would be true to say, it is a pathway that lasted 33 years.
[11:20] It was a pathway which the holy humanity of God in Jesus Christ and deity were united, eternally united, and for the salvation of his people.
[11:36] It is a pathway which Christ walked in obedience to the covenant of grace, decreed and appointed of God that there shall be that way of salvation, decreed and appointed of God, spoken in promise at the fall of man in the third chapter of the book of Genesis.
[12:01] There it was decreed that the seed of the woman shall bruise the serpent's head, and in the fullness of time this pathway was walked. How the Lord Jesus Christ walked a singular and indeed a most solemn and lonely pathway, a pathway of opposition from the very moment that he was brought into this world, and even before he was brought into this world, that was raised against him, the spite of hell, and evil men were raised up to overthrow the Christ of God, my friends, but so with the people of God, so with the Lord Jesus Christ, where a pathway is ordained to be walked, no one can stop that path, no one can overthrow it, no one can hinder it, and it will be walked out, and those decrees will be walked out, my friends, whether it is for you or indeed for the Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ, but it's an unknown path to other people, it's an unknown path to, we might just go away from the original beginnings of this text, and say this, that your pathway, my friends, no man, no fell knoweth, and the vulture's eye hath not seen, you can't, and, and, and, oh, the Lord give you wisdom to, to, not to try to, uh, look into the pathways of others, not in the sense that it might, you might feel that it is a judgment against you because you walk not as they want, look not to the pathway of experience of other people, and, oh, may the Lord not allow you to fall under the temptation of Satan, and say, because you're not walking as they walk, therefore, you must be a, therefore, a stranger to what they know, and therefore, your pathway, which you hoped was spiritual, is only, only emotional, my friends, as every one of us, if we are children of God, every one of us, if we've got grace, has an appointed path to walk, and that pathway will be led, directed, and established, and appointed, to creed of God for us individually, every one of those pathways of a child of God shall end in glory, but the way to it, the way of salvation, shall everyone know, that is in the covenant of grace, but the path of experience, that will be walked out, as if there was no other path to walk, there is a path, which no fowl knoweth, and which the vultures eyeth not see, and it cannot be understood by others, and you may even have those, who would seem to desire, to give you wisdom, to walk that path, my friends, as it will not do, if God has put you into a path, he will uphold you, in that path, and he will provide for you, in that path, he will maintain you, in that path, but he will indeed, be with you, in that path as well, his company, his presence, and his support, will be there, but it will be a pathway, which you have not chosen, but a pathway, which he has chosen, and of which shall be, a singular personal pathway, and to no one else, where no fowl knoweth, which the vultures eye, hath not seen, the lion's whelps, hath not trodden it, nor a fierce lion, passed by it, oh how often it was said, in the days of the Lord Jesus Christ, wasn't it, and said by himself, my friends, and decreed and purposed, from all eternity, that the Son of God, shall come dressed in humanity, and that pathway, which even his best of friends, would have seeked to avoid, that he should walk in, remember when Peter said, when having been told, that the Lord Jesus Christ, will die on a cross, suffer and die, and rise again, he said it shall not be so, but in that, my friends, was the salvation of the church, and it was a path, which is of no change, nor alteration, nor lessening, in its decree either, and there's a word in Luke, comes to my mind, where the Lord Jesus said, of his pathway, but he used, an example as it were, to reveal what it was, that I have a baptism, to be baptized with, and how am I straightened, until it be accomplished, my friends, it was a pathway, it was a pathway, of suffering, it was a pathway, of oppression, it was a pathway, of crucifixion, it was a pathway, of untold pain, and sorrow, it was a pathway, which had the, hidings of his own, blessed father's face, but my friends, it was his pathway, to walk, there is a path, which no fell, knoweth, and which the vulture's, eye hath not seen, the hymn writer said, we may borrow it, for a moment, and it is surely, in the poet's view, and teaching, my friends, when it's, when the poet says, wrote this rather, astonished angels, stand amazed, that Christ, for man, should bleed, they don't understand it, they cannot enter into it, they are created beings, they do not know, the need of salvation, and they stand amazed, at such a thing, as the son of God, in the purposes of mercy, and of blessing, and deliverance, that that day came, when Jesus Christ, walked the pathway, of obedience, to the covenant, and indeed, for the salvation, of his people,
[18:28] I suppose, we might just say this, for a moment, that often, it is decreed, by circumstances, the way, which we walk, I thought of royalty, as we know it, I suppose, it would be right, to say therefore, if royalty, is to continue, the heirs, that are born, into this world, are therefore, heirs to the throne, which they, shall one day, come to, if spared, so there is, in a certain sense, in some people's pathway, circumstances, which will bring them, to those places, but in the way, of salvation, my friends, in that glorious, work of grace, in that wondrous, decree, and purpose, of God, for his children, the Lord, and Saviour, Jesus Christ, pathway, was set before him, he must walk, that path, in the purposes, of God, he did so, and there was, no avoidance, there was no turning, from it,
[19:32] I read recently, aware of the, Lord Jesus, speaking to Pai, that says, but my, my kingdom, is not of this world, if it was, of this world, then my, then my, then they would fight, but the kingdom, was the kingdom, of heaven, there is a pathway, which no foul knoweth, and which the vulture's, eye hath not seen, and when he came, to Calvary, and there he was, crucified, between two thieves, that pathway, was decreed, when he walked, the pathway, of death, you know what, the apostle wrote, of the Lord, Jesus Christ, in chapter 2, of the Hebrews, it speaks, of that pathway, very simply, and it speaks, of this, that we see Jesus, who was made, a little lower, than the angels, for the suffering, of death, crowned with glory, and honor, that he by the grace, of God, should taste death, for every man, and he tasted death, that was in his pathway, and the powers, of hell triumphed, they rejoiced, in his death, they said in effect, crucify him, crucify him, the powers of hell, rejoiced, when the son of God, was nailed, to the tree, of Calvary, and they rejoiced, when he gave up, the ghost, oh my friends, these are very deep things, but it's a path, which no fell, knoweth, but oh, how ashamed, they were, on the resurrection, day, he is not here, he is risen, my friends, the pathway, was not interrupted, or overthrown, or brought to nothing, because, of the death, of Jesus Christ, it was the way, of salvation, he offered himself, as a, offering, for his people, he laid down, his precious life, he shed, his precious blood, he was, laid in a tomb, the pathway, wasn't finished yet, the third day, he rose again, from the dead, this is a pathway, which no fell, knoweth, and which the vulture's, eye hath not seen, the lion's welts, have not trodden it, nor the fierce lion, passed by it, now, my friends, believers, rest, their soul, their eternal, state, their eternal, comfort, and their hope, of heaven, upon the pathway, of the Lord Jesus Christ, and there alone, is their hope, my hope is built, on nothing less, than Jesus, blood and righteousness,
[22:34] I dare not trust, the sweetest frame, but wholly lean, on his DNA, my friends, this is why, we start, this morning, with, an old, so poor it is, but old, so brief it is, but to speak, of the pathway, of Christ, but then, the hymn writer, again comes to mind, when he said, his way, was much rougher, much darker, than mine, did Christ, my Lord, suffer, and shall I reply, this is, look, as the Lord, will help us, to the pathway, of his church, personally, not generally, we will not, it is no, comfort to anyone, really, to generalize, on the, ways and means, of salvation, it's not that, my friends, which will bring joy, and gladness, to your heart, but rather, how it is, personally, with you, and, let us read, let us look, at the word, then, as it, as it, refers to the ways, of grace, there is a path, which no fowl knoweth, or which the vulture's eye, hath not seen, the lion's whelps, have not trodden it, or the fierce lion, passed by it, and that is, the pathway, of grace, who knows, anything, of the pathway, of grace, but those, that are in it, this is not, the falseness, of, of, some religion, where you choose, your path, this is not, this, taking up, with Jesus Christ, this is not, making some decision, for Christ, this is not, that at all, there's a divine, authority, in this path, and that is, why it says, there is, there is a command, from God, in this path, and that's, why it says, there is, and a pathway, of grace, ordained, decree, before the world, everyone, who is found, in this pathway, of grace, was put, in that path, before they, were ever born, before there was, a scrap of dust, that ever, formed this earth, in the councils, of Jehovah, as in the eternal, workings, of the mind, of God, my friends, how salvation, was to be, procured, by the person, of Christ, for his people's, sake, so, so, everyone, who is Christ's, was chosen, of God, and their pathway, of grace, their beginnings, as well as, their endings, and that which is, in the midst of it, my friends, will be, according, to the decrees, of God, did you not, have the text, last Sunday, that he, which hath, begun a good work, in you, shall perform it, unto the day, of Jesus Christ, my friends, the beginning, of that path, this path, there is a path, was decreed, of God, the writer, of that epistle, was Paul, he could, experimentally, he could, under the divine, revelation, of God, he could look back, on that auspicious, time, when he left,
[25:57] Jerusalem, to go, to Damascus, and he could look, back, on that auspicious, time, to that spot, of ground, where the Lord, showed him, mercy, and brought him, into the pathway, of salvation, oh, there is a path, and the beginning, of it, my friends, is ordained, of God, and you, and I, if we are, the subject, of this remarkable, glorious, wondrous work, my friends, shall put a step, past that place, where, sovereign grace, will bring, a change to us, and within us, some, of the people, of God, can go back, to those days, in their, view, and they can, remember the time, when, these things, began to be, their concern, and their, burden, and their care, and wondrous, that those things are, there is a path, which no, fell, knoweth, my friends, the ways, of grace, the pathway, of grace, the new birth, regeneration, generation, the time, when a sinner, is stopped, in his wild career, the time, when his soul, is quickened, into divine life, the moment, when he began, to be in want, the time, when sin, and eternity, and judgment, and condemnation, become to be, a very great weight, upon his spirit, oh, this is a path, my friends, that no, fell, knoweth, you talk to the free willers, they won't know this path, you talk to the, mere professor, who goes in and out, of a place of worship, they won't know this path, but a child of God, will know it, because it's decreed for him, because God, will put him into it, the Holy Ghost, will begin to work, within his soul, and he'll establish him, upon this path, and none can overthrow, that path, you know, however infirmed, or afflicted, your body, or mind, may be, as you grow older, in years, my friends, if you've got grace, in your soul, nothing can touch, that grace, and if the Lord, is so pleased, to begin to call you, and does call you, he will also, lead you along that path, and he will lead you, into those things, which are to be found, within that path, well first, of all my friends, there is the, that which is within, the path of conviction, when a soul, is convinced, that he is a sinner, the first evidence, of believing, is to believe, one's a sinner, brought to feel, the burden, brought to mourn, over the burden, of sin, brought to see too, that sin, has against it, the wrath of God, brought to feel, as it were, the condemnation, of God, against sin, within the heart, there is a path, which no, which no fell, knoweth, the path, my friends, of conviction, and there's no gladness, there's no joy, and there's no peace, in that path, but it's the beginning, of the way, and there will be, several times, throughout the pilgrimage, of a child of God, when he comes again, under the sense, of sorrow, over sin, condemned, condemned, by his own, wicked heart, my friends, he'll mourn, over it, and it's one, of those pathways, which God, ordains, is the pathway, which God, ordains, for his people, which no, foul, knoweth, and which the, vulture's eye, hath not seen, but nevertheless, it's a pathway, which has, great mercy, and blessing, in it, it is a pathway, which has, indeed, and we might, not overlook this, truth either, my friends, what is on that pathway, you know, if you should be dropped, into a part, or come to a part, of the country, you've never been before, how glad you would be, if you saw some signposts, how glad you would be, in the last war, they took down signposts, because it was, an aid to the enemy, they said, and if somebody, dropped you in a county, that you've never been, or a country, that you've never been, well, you would be a stranger, in a strange place, and you would not, which, you would know, would not know, which way to go, or which road to take, but there are, within this pathway, signs, and evidences, and those signs, and evidences, are raised up of God, and are found, in this pathway, to direct, and to lead, and to guide, there is a path, which no foul knoweth, and which the vulture's eye, hath not seen, the pathway of grace, and you may not, see these, evidences, or these signs, clearly, but you will see, sometimes more, as you look back, on the path, than you do, at the time, when you're in the pathway, of sorrow, and distress, because sorrow, and distress, in itself, is one of the signs, of grace, sorrow over sin,
[31:24] I mean, mourning over iniquity, God be merciful, to me as sinner, is a blessed signpost, my friends, is a most blessed evidence, being, troubled with sin, and troubled, with distress, and one of the evidences, of life within, one of the evidences, without, that you, that you are, without grace, you know, is that you are not, troubled by sin, and Satan, and you're not, perplexed, by the approaching, standard, of eternity, but it is, according, my friends, to God's teaching, the depths, and the heights, and the lengths, and the breadth, of this work, of this work, but what will be, the signs, then?
[32:13] Well, the Lord's dear people, are a people, who know themselves, in a measure, that it is revealed, to them, that they are, fallen sons of Adam, but then, in this pathway, my friends, they shall also know, what is, so, simply called, spiritual life, I love those hymns, you know, and I know, I'm guilty of quoting them, quite a lot, but, those hymns, that, that speak of the work, of Christ Jesus, eternal life, at his request, to every saint, is given, safety on earth, and after death, the plenitude, of heaven, I give unto my sheep, eternal life, and they shall, never perish, and the apostle, wrote, didn't he, the wages of sin, is death, but the gift, of God, is eternal life, through Jesus Christ, our Lord, God, oh, it is a path, my friends, where there is, spiritual life in it, it's a path, that has, spiritual exercises, blessed are they, that hunger, and thirst, after righteousness, for they shall be filled, blessed are the poor, in spirit, for they shall, see God, my friends, there are so, there are so, many signs, and evidences, of being in the ways, of grace, of which, the author, and the maintainer, of them is God, and that blessed spirit's work, will keep you in that path, hold you in that path, you'll not be, straying out of this path, that you may be, that you should be chastened, for even, desiring to be, found out of that path, but, oh, the blessings, that are in it, well, what is the blessings, that are in it, well, my friends, where are we to begin, you might say, well, the blessings, at the end of the path, they're not all, at the end, they're not all, at the end, my friends, there are blessings, along this way, which will confirm, you, as being amongst, the children of God, they're not, the best is yet to come, is an old cliche, a true cliche, perhaps we might say, my friends, but they're not all, blessings, that are to be waited for, that are at the end, of the journey, there are blessings, within the way, and those blessings, which will encourage you, and comfort you, and help you, on that way, and your walk, a step or two, are in the light, of those blessings, well I've said before, my friends, it is a way, where Christ is found, it is a most blessed, path then, though it may be, those circumstances, may be very difficult, it may be a way, of tribulation, it may be a way, of sorrow, or affliction, may it be a loss, or cross, that comes into this path, my friends, but oh, if you find Christ, if you, your eyes, the eyes of faith, it is, are open, to see the person, of Christ, in that way, my friends, that's one of the most, sacred blessings, that you will indeed, enjoy in the pathway, which leadeth unto life, now we've, spoke of those, who do not know, this way, and we spoke of those, who never will, but those, whom God puts, into this path, that they will know, themselves, but they will know, too, what it is, to seek after him, there will be, seeking souls, in this path, there will be, hungry and thirsty, souls, in this path, there will be, those longing souls, oh, you know, it was mentioned, recently, perhaps yesterday, of the Greeks, who said, sirs, we would see Jesus, that will be, the exercise, of those in this way, which will come, later on, my friends, to speak of the way, itself, but the pathway, of the people, of God, will be the pathway, of those, who hunger and thirst, for the things, of God, see no, blessing, nor comfort, nor attraction, my friends, in any other way, you know, it's a wonderful thing, you know, you may find, that your own nature, goes out after, the appointments, of God, or goes against, the appointments, of God, and you might wonder, because, of the hardness, of the way, that will surely, must be not the way, which leads unto life, but it is the pathway, which is decreed, of God, where his people, shall come under, his blessing, and under his, teaching, and under his guidance,
[37:06] I go back, to the chapter 38, of Isaiah, where, Hezekiah said, in the recovering, of his, of that, from that affliction, he could look, at the affliction, that God, had delivered him from, and he could say this, by these things, men live, and in all these things, is the life, of my spirit, my friends, you may, you'll surely, have a nature, that doesn't want, to walk in that path, that will, rebel against it, and you will find, too, that in that path, that Satan himself, will distress you, by temptation, or insinuations, but in that path, you'll find Christ, in it, and it may be, in the deep things, it may be, in the dark things, it may be, in the most deepest, of circumstances, or greatest, of sorrow, but, oh, you'll need, too, my friends, to find, that he, is in the way, with you, because it will be, a sweet, and comfortable, way, you know, one of the, we must not, go on too long, now, but one of the, most, sacred, evidences, of the old saints, of God, in the scriptures, had, you know, that their path, was right, was the promises, and whether, you look at Moses, or whether, you look at Gideon, or whether, you look at Joshua, my friends, those men, raised up of God, they had, all one blessing,
[38:37] I was going to say, which was common, to them all, and that was, not only, that the beginning, was of God, but also, that he will be, with them in it, and that he will, sustain them in it, and support them in it, there is a path, which no fowl knoweth, and which the vulture's eye, hath not seen, the lion's welts, hath not trodden it, nor the fierce lion, passed by it, well, what is the blessing, in these pathways, well, it is, as you are brought, to say your salvation, that it is, indeed, established, upon that, work of the Lord, Jesus Christ, it is, as Christ, is revealed, to the soul, as the way to God, as the way, of salvation, that shows, the mark, and the evidences, of the most, favoured, and blessed, people, on the earth, that are found, in this way, which leadeth, unto life, there will be, parts of this path, which will be dark, all assured, will be, dark sometimes, will be found, in this path, my friends, but the darkness, and the light, are just the same, to him, there will be times, when you'll go, but very few, steps at a time, my friends, but you'll go, leaning upon him, there is a path,
[40:06] I must close, the time's gone, there is a path, which no foul knoweth, and which the vulture's, eye hath not seen, the lion's whelp, have not trodden it, nor the fierce lion, passed by it, well, I'll say this, and close, my friends, it will be a path, which will have, divine direction, in it, amen, amen, notices today, are that God willing, there will be a prayer meeting, on Wednesday evening, and Mr Hadley, will preach next Lord's Day, I'll sing our last hymn, hymn, 771, starved father, shoutout, by artists, ngonese,
[41:15] Because I've saved the time here, Amen. To know my Jesus crucified by far excels all things beside all earthly good I count but loss and triumph in my Saviour's cross.
[41:50] Oh could I know and love him more and all his wondrous grace explore. Now would I covet man's esteem but part with all and follow him.
[42:08] Hymn 771 To know my Jesus will save my life I shall O Lord O Lord O Lord O Lord O Lord O Lord O Lord O Lord O Lord O Lord O Lord much like Rather than one
[43:19] I is trembling, is the underlying thee not only Thank you.
[44:08] Praise God, thank you.
[44:38] Thank you.
[45:08] Thank you. Thank you.
[45:40] Thank you. Thank you.
[46:12] Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
[46:24] Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
[46:38] Thank you. And I hold surely the way The kind of space Amen.
[47:31] Amen. Amen.
[48:03] Amen. Amen.
[48:15] Amen. Amen.
[48:25] O Lord, this day, confirm to thy people they are in this way, where Christ walked.
[48:42] Lord, under grace, realising, Lord, such a need of him, blessed with the knowledge of him. O grant that humility too, that sense of unworthiness, and Lord, what we've sung too, that willingness to be found there.
[49:04] Bless thine own holy word, O how far short we come, Lord. Pardon all that's amiss. Gather us later, and be with us then, Lord, and be with us through this day.
[49:19] Keep alive our soul, and may his grace and the Father's love, communion of the Holy Spirit, remain with us, both now and forever.
[49:32] Amen.