[0:00] Lord helping us. Again I would seek your attention to the Gospel as recorded by John chapter 8 and verse 32.
[0:19] The 8th chapter of John's Gospel and verse 32. And ye shall know the truth. And the truth shall make you free.
[0:35] And ye shall know the truth. And the truth shall make you free. We tried this morning's service to speak first of the truth.
[0:54] That you and I shall come into the possession of and instructed by concerning our own selves.
[1:05] That revealing of the fallen state of our own soul. That being born sons and daughters of Adam.
[1:21] We inherited death. And a dead state. And an unregenerate spirit. This is written.
[1:33] Sorry. This is spoken. To believers. Then said Jesus to those Jews which believed on him. And so the truth of that is made known to believers.
[1:47] And it's one of the evidence of being a believer. I think it was Philpott. I said before. One of the first evidence of faith is to believe we're a sinner.
[1:59] And that truth you and I shall know. If we are Christ's. The Lord help us this evening to.
[2:11] To look at this word. In its promise. Because it's a most sacred promise. It can never be altered.
[2:22] It can never be removed. As we quoted I think in Treyya. Heaven and earth shall pass away. But my word. Shall not pass away.
[2:33] And this precious promise. Shall never pass away. It will be by these means. That the Lord's dear people in all generations.
[2:46] Shall come into the knowledge. Of the truth. And the effects and blessing of that truth. Unto their soul. Shall bring them into this sacred place.
[2:58] And the truth shall make you free. How much is truth today. If you get away from the gospel.
[3:10] My friends. You have a hard job to find the truth. Amongst men. Oh. Satan will have you and I to believe a lie. If so.
[3:21] It suits his purpose. And our old nature would fall into that. Place and spot. And oh how solemn.
[3:32] We said this morning. How solemn it must be. To be deceived. The truth will never deceive you. But that which goes.
[3:44] As counterfeit for the truth will. And whichever way you look at it my friends. Only the truth. It is what a child of God desires.
[3:56] Because he wants to be right. He must need to be right. Because he faces an eternity. And the sandy ground.
[4:07] Of. The word of man. Or of the. Ways of Satan. My friends will never be a comfort to him. On his dying bed.
[4:20] But you know the truth. And you can die on it. The truth that concerns Jesus Christ. You know that.
[4:30] By the spirit of. Of God instructing you. And teaching you. You will rest. In that last day. Of your life. Upon the truth.
[4:41] As it is in Jesus. And you will die and go to glory. It is said. Or it is written. Of Jacob. Having blessed his family.
[4:53] He then. Had nothing to do. But die. If your rest in place. And mine. In that moment. An article of death.
[5:05] Is the truth. That it is in Jesus. You will die and go to glory. And you will be willing to do so. And you shall know the truth.
[5:18] And the truth. Shall make you free. I think we. We said this morning. Something to this effect. That. The truth shall be revealed.
[5:29] To the people of God. It will be shown them. By the blessed. Spirit of truth. He shall reveal it to them.
[5:39] And they shall go after it. They shall seek for the knowledge of it. Because here is not. Just the truth. But the knowledge of that truth.
[5:52] Many are satisfied with the truth. Without the knowledge. And they say. Well. The word of God says this. And that's sufficient to me.
[6:05] The word of God says. And the wicked shall go to hell. My friends. As well as it says. The righteous shall go to glory. But I was brought up on this word.
[6:18] And I say it in all simplicity. And I hope humility. I remember in those early days.
[6:28] I had to say to one. And this is where I stand. Until I'm told by God's own lips. That he has chosen me.
[6:39] And there's nothing else will comfort your soul. No matter what anybody will do. To boost up your old nature. Or lift it up. And make it palatable. That you're such a good person.
[6:51] You go to the Lord's house. And you wouldn't be missing from the services. And you know all about the word of God. And you sing the hymns of praises. And you mix and mingle with good people.
[7:03] And so the people will go to hell. But if the Lord should write the sacred truths of the gospel. And of the precious finished work.
[7:15] Of the Lord Jesus Christ into your soul. And that by sacred application. And you be granted the grace. And the faith to lay hold of it.
[7:27] And to possess it. My friends the truth of those things. Will indeed be your comfort. Until you are taken to glory. And to see him who is the way.
[7:38] The truth and the life. And you shall know the truth. It seems to be such a blessed hope. Well there is an authority. It's the authority of the Son of God.
[7:50] And there's such a sacred emphasis. And there's such a sacred comfort here. Because every vessel of mercy. And you shall know the truth.
[8:01] Not know about it. You can go to a college of theology. And sign up for five years. And you can have all this in your head.
[8:12] And you can argue doctrine. And word and so on. My friends. But the truth that's spoken of here. Is not to be held in the head. Because there is no comfort there.
[8:24] But it is to be known by experience. And walked out as well. And rested upon. And it will be the strength to your soul. And no college of theology.
[8:37] Will never teach you these things. But you will be put into the school of Christ. And you will have a knowledge of yourself. And that will be distressing.
[8:50] All the days of your life. Fresh revelations of that fallen man. Will bring sorrow and sighing and groaning. And complaint before the Lord.
[9:02] But oh the truth. That it is in Jesus be revealed. And then there will be that. Sacred and blessed experience.
[9:12] Of being right. And you shall know the truth. And the truth. Shall make you free. Now we read also.
[9:25] As we came down the chapter. If the son therefore shall make you free. You shall be free indeed. And as we read down.
[9:36] We come across these characters. Who called themselves Abraham's children. They were Jews. Their posterity. Was from Abraham.
[9:48] And they could look back. They could look back. In the scriptures of truth. To the days of Abraham. And they were.
[10:00] Abraham's children they said. And on that ground. They felt secure. That is not the ground. To stand on for eternity. If you're nearest and dearest in your family.
[10:16] Circle. Was a very gracious. Character. That's not the ground to stand on. It's what it is to you. Is this truth.
[10:28] And of course. They showed their selves. By what they said. And how the Lord Jesus Christ. Very solemnly. Revealed what they were.
[10:42] Resting on tradition. Resting on ceremony. Resting on works. Resting on works. The dear apostle. The dear apostle. Was such a man. In his old.
[10:55] Nature. In his unregenerate state. He speaks of those things. As touching the Lord. Blameless. And there he rested. So far as he was able to.
[11:10] But he carried on. And he said. But what things were going to me. Those I counted. Lost. For Christ. And it was when the truth.
[11:21] Was made known to him. When the eye of faith. Was opened. When he began to see. With a different eye. And when he began to feel. With different feelings.
[11:32] And he began to understand. That from a new nature. Not from the old. He knew where he stood. And so he said. O wretched man that I am. Who shall deliver me.
[11:44] From this body of. The body of this death. But I must come to this blessing. Of the truth. The truth that shall make you free.
[11:57] And seeing it. My friends. Oh I can't. For a moment. But say this. You are a blessed people. Who love the truth.
[12:10] And I believe somewhere it says. And buy the truth. And sell it not. You are a blessed people. Whose soul is so important.
[12:21] So necessary. So needful. So burdensome to you. That the truth. That the truth. And nothing but the truth. You will be satisfied with.
[12:34] There is plenty. My friends. In the day we live. I suppose. And it always been. Who. Seem to have that confidence. In what they do.
[12:45] And their attendance. On a place of worship. They would hold as being. Sufficient. Sufficient. That it is not sufficient. This.
[12:57] Blessing here. My friends. Is on not what they have done. But what has done. For them. You shall know the truth.
[13:08] And the truth shall. Make you free. We say every one of us. By nature we are. In chains. And that is in the unregenerate state.
[13:21] And then a child of God. Can be in chains. As he is molested. And tempted. And tried. By the powers of evil. And he can't excavate himself.
[13:34] He can't get out of these chains. And we read that gospel word. In Isaiah. Where the spirit of the Lord. And it is the Lord Jesus Christ.
[13:45] Own words. Where he will bring deliverance. To the captives. My mind went. Sometime.
[13:57] Not sure when it was. But my thoughts went to that chapter. In this gospel. Where the Lord Jesus Christ. Is called.
[14:09] To the. Graveside of. Lazarus. Chapter 11. And there was. The body of Lazarus.
[14:20] Bound. Hand and foot. In grave clothes. Buried. And. He had been dead. By then. Four days.
[14:32] But. The words. Of the Lord Jesus Christ. To those dear. Sisters. Of. Lazarus. Was this.
[14:42] I am. The resurrection. And. And the life. He. That believeth in me. Though he were dead. Yet. Shall. He live. And.
[14:54] I just want to say this. Before we go on. That. When he came. To the grave. We read. He. And when he had thus spoken. He cried with a loud voice. Lazarus.
[15:04] Come forth. And he that was dead. Came forth. Bound. Hand and foot. With grave clothes. And his face. Was bound. About. With a napkin. Jesus.
[15:15] Sath unto them. Loose him. And let him go. Now. That is what this. Truth will do. This is what this.
[15:27] Blessed text. And promise. Is all about. This. Loose him. And be and let go. And you shall know the truth.
[15:37] And the truth. Shall make you free. Well. My friends. What. Do we know of the truth. That is in Jesus. What do we know.
[15:49] Savingly of the truth. About Jesus Christ. We shall be bound. Hand and foot. In grave clothes. Till we do. There is sadly.
[16:01] No deliverance. From any other source. Or way. The person. Of Christ. And the. Finished work. Of Christ.
[16:12] Is the way. Of freedom. It is the way. Of liberty. Until that day. Comes.
[16:22] When the. Blessed spirit. Will reveal. The truth. The truth. And apply. The truth. That is how it is. And surely.
[16:33] To. The child. Of grace. As he goes on. In the way. Even from the blessing. Of this. Deliverance. My friends. As he goes on. In the way.
[16:44] Will come again. Into those times. When he seems. To be in prison. There is a. A psalm. A psalm. A psalm. A psalm. A psalm. A psalm. A psalm. A psalm. A psalm. It's going towards.
[16:55] The end of the book of psalms. And the last verse. Of the psalm. Is this. Bring my soul. Out of prison. That I may. Praise thee.
[17:07] And if you are aware. That psalmist was. You will have to say. Amen. To his. View. Of things. Because you can't. Bring your own soul.
[17:17] Out of prison. No matter what you. Would accomplish. Or do. It is. Of the Lord. As we read. If the son. Therefore. Shall. Make you free.
[17:28] You shall be. Free indeed. So it is. Only as. The sacred. Word of God. Is made a blessing. It is only.
[17:39] How the spirit. Of truth. Shall take. Of those things. Of Jesus. And it shall. Bring this. Freedom. From those chains. What is it.
[17:50] That. A child. Of God. Will be. Delivered from. Well. While he walks. Here below. He will. Be. Bound.
[18:01] To a body. Of sin. And death. He won't. Get rid of that. Burden. Or that chain. Till it is. Laid in the tomb. But.
[18:13] Those. Mercies. And blessings. Which are. In Christ. Upon. Which the spirit. Of truth. Will graciously. Draw you.
[18:23] To. And. Apply it. Into your very soul. The truth. Of them. Those. Those. Are the things. That shall. Set you free. From this. Body of sin.
[18:33] And death. That is. It will be. The evidence. Of the new nature. Of grace. And it is. That new nature. Of grace. That is free. And it shall.
[18:45] Go after the gospel. And the. Blessings. Of the gospel. And shall rest. Safely. And securely. Upon that truth. Of what it is. In Jesus.
[18:56] If you but. For a moment. Consider what it is. What we said. This morning. Those. Dear souls. Who are. Convinced.
[19:07] Of their sin. How will you and I. Be free from that. You'll never be free. From a body of sin. Until you.
[19:18] Are removed. Out of time. Into eternity. As a child of God. But. What of the burden. Of sin. What of those. Condemning sins.
[19:29] That. Affect the conscience. And bring sorrow. And distress. To your pathway. And soul. My friends.
[19:42] Would you not be. Free from the. Sense of the condemnation. Of those sins. Every sinner. Has. Is.
[19:52] Condemned. By his own sins. And living. Living and dying. In that. Condemnation. And again. Which is also.
[20:02] Exceedingly solemn. Isn't it. That. If you are. Without Christ. You will be. Without hope. But if you are. Without Christ.
[20:13] And without hope. You are. Without life. And. A person. Who is dead. In trespasses. And sins. Does not know. What it is.
[20:23] To be condemned. By his own sin. And neither. Does he know. What it is. To be hopeless. Until he enters. Into eternity. Or.
[20:33] Until. The spirit. Of grace. And of supplication. Be found in him. Oh. And how the freedom. From the condemnation.
[20:44] Of sin. Let me quote again. The apostles words. Oh. Wretched man. That I am. Who shall deliver me. From the body. Of this death.
[20:55] I thank my God. Through. Jesus Christ. And. Oh. Those words. And it is. A most sacred time.
[21:06] You know. But a child of God. Shall come there. Brought there. By the spirit. And what place. There is therefore now.
[21:19] No condemnation. To them. That are in Christ Jesus. That is the place. Where these. Souls. That are. Blessed.
[21:29] With. A view of Christ Jesus. And I mean. A sacred view. And a saving view. Of Jesus Christ. You shall know.
[21:40] The truth. And the truth. Shall make you free. And my friends. It will be known. By revelation. It will be shown.
[21:51] By the spirit. Of truth. And faith. Will receive it. And lay hold of it. You shall know. The truth. This blessed person.
[22:02] Of Christ. You that feel. The indwelling sin. You that feel. That night and day. You have the trouble. Of sin.
[22:13] The trouble. In your soul. Is that because. You're a sinner. And the trouble. In your soul. Is because it's been revealed. To you. You find those characters.
[22:24] Who are dead in trespasses. And sins. And it's a foreign language. And they don't understand it. But a child of God. Understands it. Because it is charged.
[22:34] Home to the conscience. That he is a sinner. But that fountain. Which was open. For sin and uncleanness. Will bring you into freedom.
[22:45] And will bring you into liberty. And you shall know the truth. And the truth. Shall make you free. This promise. This double promise.
[22:59] Concerning the freedom. Of the people of God. That freedom. Which is known. In its new nature. Not in its old. And this freedom.
[23:11] Will bring peace. Just the same. As the. The dear man. Lazarus. When he was in the tomb. That. Final word.
[23:21] Loose him. And let him go. It brought him liberty. And you know. While you and I. Know ourselves. To be sinners. And fall under it. And suffer because of it.
[23:31] There isn't any liberty. But. Let me say this to you too. My friends. When you approach. The majesty of heaven. And I mean this of course.
[23:45] By the exercise of prayer. It's presented to you. As an obstacle. As a hindrance. The prophet wrote. Did he not.
[23:55] But your sins. Have separated you. From your God. Oh. My friends. Even whilst we may. Attempt. By the spirit.
[24:06] To indeed. Seek the Lord's face. Sin. Stands before us. It's presented to us.
[24:16] And the powers of evil. Will be. Indeed. Content. To distress. A praying soul. By keep revealing sin. And keep bringing.
[24:28] Those poor souls. Under the bondage of it. But oh. When by living faith. You can. As it were.
[24:38] Plead your cause. Like this. And tell him. Jesus died. Then you'll have the freedom. Then you'll have the liberty. And then you'll have the peace.
[24:51] Which passeth all understanding. And the truth. Shall make you free. The truth about his precious blood. Oh. The knowledge of it.
[25:02] Is in the word of God. Is the knowledge of it in your soul. Is the knowledge. Known by sweet experience. By revelation.
[25:13] And again. Using that other word. I keep using. Is it. Is it. Is it a knowledge. By application. And you shall know the truth. And the truth.
[25:23] Shall make you free. Oh. There's nothing. My friends. Like a freeness. Of the soul. When his sin is removed. Nothing. Just the same.
[25:34] As we mentioned. This morning. Again. About. The Jews. In Goshen. In Goshen. They were bound. To taskmasters. They had that.
[25:46] Tail of bricks. To make. They were under the whips. Of taskmasters. And their work. And their work. Was made harder. First. They were given straw. To make bricks.
[25:58] And then. To make the trouble. A double trouble. They was to find straw. And still make the same quantity. Of bricks. And they knew. The whip. Of the taskmaster.
[26:09] The taskmaster. Of a child. Of God. You know. Is the law. That was given. To Moses. And it demands. Total obedience. It demands. That every soul.
[26:21] Born into this world. Shall. Keep that holy law. And. Just the same. As those slaves. In Egypt. My friends. You'll prove.
[26:31] It's an impossible task. And you'll. Come under the whip. Of the taskmaster. And you'll find. The chains. Of that bondage. Irksome.
[26:42] And distressing. And painful. We'll look again. At the provision. That the Lord. Made for Israel. It's an old. Old story.
[26:52] Isn't it? But it's a most. Sacred story. Because there's. Deliverances in it. And the blood. Shall be to you. For a token.
[27:02] Upon the hells. As we are. And when I see the blood. I will pass. Over you. And that blood. Of the Passover lamb.
[27:14] Was. Their freedom. Was their liberty. And the truth. Shall make you free. No more taskmasters.
[27:25] No more whips. No more bondage. No more tailor bricks. No. No. Impossible. Adherence. To the law. Of Egypt.
[27:36] Now. They were set free. They were to go. On their journey. To Kenya. They were to be placed. In a wilderness.
[27:46] Which. Turned out. To be 40 years. Of travelling. Through a wilderness. But they couldn't. Put a foot in that path. Of the wilderness.
[27:57] You know. Till they were. Set free. And the Passover. Lamb's blood. Set them free. And you shall know. The truth. And the truth. Shall make you free.
[28:08] And oh. Here. Again. As the Old Testament. Is so full of examples. And types. And types.
[28:19] And shadows. They surely are. Of good things. To come. As it's declared. Is it not a type. Of the precious blood. Of Christ. Because.
[28:32] The precious blood. Of Christ. The Lord grants us. Absolute reverence. Of spirit. My friends. Far exceeded. The type. Far exceeded.
[28:43] The type. The blood. Of the Passover lamb. Set them at liberty. And so they could. Leave Egypt. And they could.
[28:55] Begin their. Wilderness journey. But what did. The blood of Jesus. What does. The blood of Jesus. Do. It does something.
[29:06] That the Passover lamb. Couldn't do. It brings them. Into freedom. My friends. But it washes. It washes.
[29:18] And there isn't. A stain. There's not. A stain. That precious blood. Can remove. The very stain. Of sin. How do I know.
[29:30] Well I hope. By experience. But I also know. By the word of God. And you can trace. In the word of God. Those dear souls. Who have.
[29:41] Had their sins forgiven. Or. They have come under. As every child of grace. Will come under. The knowledge. Of the truth. Of sin forgiven.
[29:51] And if. And if. And if. And not. It is not an if. As if it was. A doubtful if. But as it's recorded. In the word of God. And the apostle.
[30:03] Brings us to the knowledge of it. When he wrote to the Hebrews. And thy sins. And thy iniquities. Will I remember. No more. Good man.
[30:17] Hezekiah. Could write on it. For peace. I had great bitterness. But he had. But. He has seen love to my soul. Deliver me from the pit of corruption.
[30:30] For he has put all my sins. Behind thy back. Behind his back. And the apostle John wrote. Concerning the blood of Jesus. That it cleanses from.
[30:41] All sin. Oh this is the freedom. That you'll pray for. If you know the. Bondage of sin. And if you know the condemnation.
[30:53] That sin brings to the conscience. And you shall know the truth. And the truth. Shall make you free. But then again.
[31:06] My friends. I have to say this. According to experience. Sad thing to say. You know. But it's truth.
[31:16] Nevertheless. You'll learn. What the poet says. Daily. I'd repent of sin. Daily wash.
[31:28] In Calvary's tree. Oh. Is that an exaggeration. Of the knowledge. Of sin within. No it is not. I can only speak for myself.
[31:40] My friends. I have to beg for pardon. Every day. And the truth. Shall make you free. Oh. That sacred truth.
[31:52] Of the precious blood. Of Jesus. And then the sacrifice. Of Jesus. You may say. We were getting the right things.
[32:02] Around the wrong way. Well I never was. An orderly sort of character. In a pulpit. I have to speak. As I was. And led. But. Oh.
[32:12] That sacrifice. Of Jesus. That he. God so loved the world. And this. The old free willers. Used to quote this. Don't they. Or did do. God so loved the world.
[32:24] That he gave. His only begotten son. That whosoever. Believeth in him. Shall not perish. But should have eternal life. Well there's nothing wrong with that text.
[32:35] It's where it's misquoted. But if you and I. Are the whosoever's. That are recorded there. There shall be.
[32:45] A laying hold of the sacrifice. That the person of Christ. In human form. The son of God. And son of man.
[32:58] Came for the purpose. Of an offering. And that offering was himself. And it was in the place.
[33:10] Of his people. God will mark iniquity. On everyone that's drawn breath. In this world. God will. Or he certainly will.
[33:23] But for his people's sake. There is this. Blessed provision. In the Lord Jesus Christ. If we might put it like this.
[33:37] He stood in a breach. There was no other good enough. To pay the price of sin. There was no other good enough.
[33:47] My friends. Not the best of man. Men could lay his life down. For another. Because. The best of men are sinners.
[33:59] But the sinless. And. Gracious son of God. That. Sacrifice.
[34:10] And that alone. Is the acceptable offering. For. For. His people. There he stands. May you. Say it. May you.
[34:21] Lay hold of it. By faith. As it is revealed to you. And as it may be. Sacredly. Applied to you. Oh. That you would might. See in him.
[34:33] That he stands. As your surety. In the place. Room. Instead of you. That. The child of God.
[34:44] Cannot be marked. By the judgment of God. Against evil. Because the only begotten son of God. Was marked. There he stood.
[34:56] As the sacrifice thing. I. Read those words. Whether it was this morning. Or yesterday evening. I don't know. Pilate.
[35:07] This. And perhaps it was yesterday evening. In the same gospel. I think it's in chapter 18. Of the gospel.
[35:18] Where he was. Brought. Before. Pilate. Pilate. And we read this. Pilate said.
[35:28] Am I a Jew? Thine own nation. And the chief priest. Have delivered thee unto me. What hast thou done? Jesus answered. My kingdom is not of this world. If my kingdom were of this world.
[35:40] And with my servant's height. That I should not be delivered to the Jews. But now is my kingdom not from hence. And he went on to say. Until this end was I born.
[35:52] And for this cause came I into the world. That I should bear witness. Unto the truth. Everyone that is of the truth.
[36:03] Heareth my voice. Pilate saith unto him. What is truth? This is the truth. My friends. You can stand on. This is the truth.
[36:15] You can rest on. This is the blessing. Which has made the day. In better comfortable spots. This is the blessing.
[36:26] The truth. That is in Jesus. As the sacrifice. That has been the comfort. When they've drawn their last breath. And the redeemed soul. Has flown to glory. Oh there's nothing more.
[36:39] Sacred my friends. Than the truth. About Jesus Christ. As the sacrifice. Oh how it shall make you free. That he died.
[36:51] For his people. For his people. For his people. For his people. For his people. For his people. Is not to be disputed. That you and I. May have the truth. Of this. Made known to us.
[37:02] And there you'll see. That it is safe. And well for your soul. For time and eternity. It will be sought for. By you.
[37:12] It's a good sign. My friends. It's an evidence. Of spiritual life. To seek for the knowledge. Of this truth. But it is a truth.
[37:23] That can't be. Removed. Neither can it be taken away. It's a truth. Which once. In the conscience. And upon the spirit.
[37:34] My friends. Will bring peace. To that soul. But again. It's the knowledge. Of this truth. That you will find. The warfare.
[37:44] Of the old man against. Because the old man. Will live on his works. The old man.
[37:55] Will die on his merits. And yet the child of God. Will rest upon the finished work. Of Christ. And die on the merits.
[38:06] Of Jesus Christ. Oh there's a freedom. My friends. Which the saints of God. Will come into. The knowledge of this. Offering. This sacrifice.
[38:17] This wonderful blessing. That the poet puts. Behold a scene. Of matchless grace. Tis Jesus. In the sinner's place.
[38:31] And you shall know the truth. And the truth. Shall make you free. The truth of the sacrifice. The truth of his precious blood.
[38:44] And then too. My friends. This union. Which is between Christ. And his church. It is.
[38:55] An indesolvable union. The marriage union. Is but a very. Poor example. Of that union. It is often said.
[39:09] And it is rightly so. The word of God. Tells us. Doesn't it. That. The marriage union. Is very descriptive. Of that union. Between Christ. And his church.
[39:20] Marriage. But. Marriages. Are dissolved. And I don't mean. What people mean today. Death will separate. Husband and wife.
[39:33] And. In that sense. The union. Shall be broken. But you know. Going back to that word. Of. The apostle. Where he writes.
[39:43] There is therefore. Now no condemnation. The latter part. Of that chapter. Speaks of. No separation. And I thought.
[39:54] About him. In union. With the lamb. From condemnation. Free. The saints. From everlasting. Were. And shall. Forever.
[40:05] Be. The truth. Shall make you free. The truth. Of this union. The. Truth. Of the union. That cannot be.
[40:17] Broken. Severed. Cannot be severed. And. This is the mercy. To. My friends. That sin. Can't sever it. And.
[40:28] Neither. Can. Either. The. Way. In which. A poor sinner. Sometimes. Is found. To. Bring.
[40:40] A separation. Between. Him. And his God. God. What do I mean. By that. My friends. When you. Have to confess.
[40:51] The Lord. To the Lord. That it's not him. That has gone away. It's you. That have gone away. When it is. By your own. Sinfulness.
[41:01] And foolishness. There seems to be. A distance. Between. The precious. Truths. That you have known. And the blessings. That you have known.
[41:11] And the comforts. Of those blessings. Now. I go back. To that 51st Psalm. Where. The. Dear. Psalmist David.
[41:22] That Psalm. Of true. Repentance. Oh. Think of the things. Meditate. On the. On the blessings. That he prayed for. That he should be washed.
[41:33] From his sins. That he should know. Again. The blessings. Which he. Did know. My friends. We can bring. By our walk. And pathway.
[41:44] A separation. From the comfort. Of the blessings. Which are in the person. Of Christ. But oh. We come back to. My friends.
[41:54] To this truth. Also. That there can be. No separation. That's a wonderful word. You read the closing words. Of that eighth.
[42:05] Chapter. Of the Romans. That's a wonderful word. You know. And the dear apostle. Was so led. Into things. Of which. Nature would say.
[42:16] Would make a separation. I said the other day. Was it here. I don't know. Concerning the word. Of the. Moabites. Downsall.
[42:27] Ruth. In the midst. Of those words. Which she said. Entreat me. Not to leave thee. And so on. Where thou goest. I will go. Where thou lodgest. I will lodge. Thy people.
[42:39] Shall be my people. But just after that. Is this. Thy God. Shall be. My God. And I felt. I've never seen it.
[42:49] Quite like it before. All those other things. Could be dissolved. They surely could. My friends. But the truth. Of those words.
[42:59] Can't be dissolved. You can lose. I mean. I'm sure. She did. In due time. Ruth. And Naomi. Were sisters. In grace.
[43:10] But I'm sure. Of this. At the time. Come. When Naomi. Was taken. To glory. Well. She may have lost. Her sister. In grace. But she never.
[43:20] Lost her God. Thy people. Shall be. My people. You can lose. Them all. And you will. Lose them all. In due time. But the truth.
[43:31] Of those words. And thy God. My God. Brings a union. And a blessing. That is. Again. Indisolvable. And you shall know the truth.
[43:44] And the truth shall. Make you free. Oh. May it be so. May it be so. You. That sorrow.
[43:54] Over sin. And I. Would. That we all did. But you know. What it means. To sorrow. Over sin. May you have.
[44:05] That blessing. That has bring. That has brought. Freedom. And liberty. To you. Through the blood. And sacrifice. Of Jesus. That indisolvable.
[44:17] Union. And the truth. Shall make you free. It doesn't matter. What anybody. Will tell you. If the spirit of truth. Writes the truth.
[44:28] Upon your very spirit. My friends. There is not a power. In hell. Can remove it. You may be distressed. As you go on the way. Though you may be blessed.
[44:39] With such blessings. Undoubtedly. You will have times. When. You need this word. To be refreshing again. And strengthening to you. And comforting to you.
[44:50] But tell the Lord. Of his shells. Oh. Lay the word. Before the Lord. What he has said. Those two. Indisputable shells.
[45:02] There is power. In those words. There is authority. In those words. They reveal. The person. Of. Of. The Trinity. In the blessing. Of the souls. Of the Lord's people.
[45:14] They shall not lose. The blessing. They shall not. Fail to know. The blessing. They shall come. Into the enjoyment. Of it. Not once. Nor twice. In their journey.
[45:24] Of life. Until they are taken. Home to glory. And the truth. Shall make you free. Amen. Lord will.
[45:43] There will be a prayer meeting. On Wednesday evening. Our pastor is engaged. To preach next Lord's Day. Our closing hymns. flesh.
[46:14] bound, who feel your misery. The way to liberty is found, the sun shall make you free. Clear the Redeemer's gracious call, poor captives, come to me, into my arms for freedom fall, come and I'll make you free. The souls who are by Jesus freed, no more shall bondage save.
[46:48] From sin and death they're free indeed. Dear Saviour, make me free. Hymn 989 The soul of God, who feel your misery. The love of God, who feel your misery.
[47:27] The love of God, who feel your misery. The love of God, who feel your repaying, the grace of Jesus epidlighis, that he heard sociously heartbeat without any blindness raised as one.
[47:48] Er nie peace' w one. Hop bołag to move waiting Neverots cupland i god.
[48:13] Thank you.
[48:43] Thank you.
[49:13] Thank you.
[49:43] Thank you. Thank you.
[50:43] Thank you. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen.
[50:55] Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen.
[51:07] Amen. So honour and glory belongs to thee. Bless thine own word of truth. May, Lord, each in thy time come into the experience of the truth of what we have sung and what we have read.
[51:29] Lord, what blessings there, eternally so. Now take us home in safety, Lord, and abide with us.
[51:40] And may the grace of the Lord Jesus, the love of God the Father, the fellowship of the Holy Spirit, the Comforter, remain with us, both now and for ever.
[51:58] Amen. Amen. Amen. Thank you.