Why we should sing unto the Lord - because he has dealt bountifully with us (1). Quality: Good

Staplehurst - Providence - Part 11

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July 7, 1976


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[0:00] As the Lord may be pleased to help me friends, I will direct your attention to Psalm 13, in the sixth verse, the last verse.

[0:16] I will sing unto the Lord, because he hath dealt bountifully with me. The sixth verse, the thirteenth Psalm.

[0:32] I will sing unto the Lord, because he hath dealt bountifully with me. Surely such a word as this is an applicable word at such a time.

[0:50] A service professedly to thank the Lord for goodness and mercy over a period of time until now.

[1:07] But this word, my friends, is a tried word. Perhaps someone here this afternoon is saying, it hardly suits me.

[1:17] Sing unto the Lord, because he hath dealt bountifully with me. Why am I at the ends of the earth? Everything's wrong.

[1:28] It has been for a long time. I've considered and can come to no right conclusion. My friends, the word before us this afternoon is a word that belongs to every chosen vessel of mercy.

[1:52] And the pathway of such a one will be such as we have intimated already, oft times wondering where the scene will end.

[2:04] Oft times wondering whether one is in the way at all. Whether one has a God. The psalmist here in the opening of this psalm says, How long wilt thou forget me, O Lord, forever?

[2:21] How long wilt thou hide thy face from me? Strange way, isn't it? Well, my friends, my desire this afternoon, even today, is to seek that the Lord will help me to enter into this word and to set forth the reason why we should be found within the word.

[2:46] To sing unto the Lord and to prove, as the Lord will help us this day experimentally in our own hearts, that he has dealt bountifully with us.

[2:57] How can we come to this conclusion? In a word. I like to find a foundation in the word, friends. And it is this, that if you have a hope in the mercy of God through a precious Christ, no matter what changes there are in your life, no matter how tried it is, no matter how many battles the enemy has with you, the Lord has dealt bountifully with you, in that he has redeemed you with an everlasting salvation.

[3:32] There will be no failing at the end. You will enter into that glorious habitation, settled, a time began for you, by a three-one God.

[3:49] He has dealt bountifully with you. And let me tell you again, friends, and it is sweet this to me, if he has ensured the end shall be right, if he has indeed set you in the bundle of life with Christ, all your time things will fall into the right place.

[4:11] He's dealt bountifully with you. He won't leave you to fight your battles alone. All those things that cause you to conclude from time to time, it's finished.

[4:26] You come to the end of it. You can't go on any further. They're all in his hands. They haven't come by chance. He's dealt bountifully with you.

[4:40] But, my friends, while my desire is indeed that today shall be a day of thankfulness, and the very essence of it shall be praise to our God, there is a needs be every time I speak, and every time the Lord's servants do speak, to separate, to bring forth the precious from the vile.

[5:09] it will do no good, my friends, for you to take of comfort that you have no right to, and will do the man no good, however men may think of him, to set forth comfort that pleases the ear, tickles the natural ear, but has no real effect, does no real good, because it isn't of the Lord.

[5:33] real religions, religions, more than notion, we've sung it too many times, I feel sometimes we become hardened to these things, we don't truly consider them, real religions, more than notion, something must be known, and felt, and that's the Lord's work, so there must be a right beginning, oh it's no good saying, why this is a Sunday, that's the service for a Sunday, ordinary services, whenever the Lord's servant speaks, about the things of God, there should be setting forth the truth, and that truth makes declaration, of one thing only, that man is an utterly ruined sinner, and there is no help or hope, except in a precious Christ, that must be the very essence, of the gospel, none but Jesus, so my friends, we have to examine ourselves again, where did it start, brought up under the sound of truth, inherited it, one too, the children of God, are cut down by God himself, brought to a knowledge, of their need of Christ, the work of the spirit, do you know anything of it, it won't do friends, born in a good family, brought up under the sound of truth, have it settle in your head, wants to be in your heart, and if it's in your heart friends, you'll know something of our psalm, not just the last verse, the one we have as a text, it'll be, how long shall I take counsel, in my soul, having sorrow in my heart daily, how long shall mine enemy, be exalted over me, no easy way to heaven friends, it isn't an easy pathway, to heaven, it's a wilderness, the world will tell you, you're a miserable lot of people, but oh what mercy it is, if you can trace the way, the word this afternoon, won't be an empty word, in your experience, because he hath dealt, bountifully with me, how did it begin sinner, the devil will tell you again, if you belong to us as a people, boy it's the same old story, week in week out, the work of God doesn't alter friends, he convinces of sin, he leads to Jesus blood, there is no other way, and in convincing of sin, he'll make you grieve over it, do you do it, again, it's tried me so many times, this has, but here's the truth friends, if the Lord convinces you of sin, and you grieve over it, you'll ask the Lord, to deliver you, from the love of it, flesh likes the way, the way of sin, true grief, won't be, seeking, mercy, forgiveness, over, sin, true grief, will be Lord, deliver me, from the love of it, keep me away, from it, hold me up Lord, have mercy, upon me,

[9:42] I'm wretched, I'm undone, I can't hold myself up Lord, you won't be satisfied, with knowing the way, in your judgment, you'll want to walk, in the experience, of the way, under the power, of God, in your soul, you know anything, of it sinner, the Lord then, convinces of sin, he makes one pray, devil tells me, so many, many times, I can't preach anything else, but you see, I have to walk this way, I have to pray too, about fresh sin, there are no righteous people, in this world, in themselves, the righteousness, is in Christ, it's in the new man, in the flesh, it is utterly ruined, you'll make your pray, and it'll be real prayer friends,

[10:47] God help me, God help me, God help me, real crescendo, it will rise to, you won't give him any peace, until he does, because it's his own work, he intends to help you, he intends to have mercy, upon you, he has forgiven you, forgiveness, is in the finished work, of Christ, but the pathway, is yours, and you'll walk, in that pathway, it is the ordained way, the way of God, it is, to give you knowledge, of mercy, of salvation, through blood, it is to give you, that knowledge, in your own soul, so you won't lean, on someone else, so the devil, won't be able, to say, it is hearsay, it will be, a knowledge, of God, through grace, you come this way, it's step by step, friends, when he makes you pray, he answers, it may not be, the words, some people look for them, thy sins, are all forgiven thee, but there'll be, the knowledge of it, what, is this, there'll be peace, it won't last, no, it'll be tried, that will, but there will be peace, at a given time, in God's time, he'll give you to know, he accepts you, if you come this way, we'll find this foundation, first friends, if the beginning's right, the middle will be right, and the end, will be right, if you come this way then, conviction of sin, taught to pray, in truth, answers of peace, through a precious Christ, the intercession, of the Son of God,

[13:03] Jesus, who stands, in the breach, who pleads, what he has done, for this sinner, loved with an everlasting love, peace, then the warfare begin, the children of Israel, when they came out of Egypt, came into the wilderness, they traversed the wilderness, for forty years, years, it wasn't peace there, all the time, battles, needs, fears, trials, of all sorts, but he was their God, he brought them through, the purpose, was a natural canyon, they entered in, the purpose, of the children of God, in the wilderness, of this world, the purpose, of God, toward them, is that, they shall, traverse, that wilderness, in the strength, of their God, and enter ultimately, in that heavenly canyon, in that heavenly canyon, prepared for them, ere time began, but there's a warfare, the flesh, against the spirit, you know anything, of it,

[14:31] Psalmist says, consider and hear me, O Lord my God, lighten mine eyes, lest I sleep, the sleep of death, you ever pray like that, Lord help me, that covers it all, you have need, to pray like that, you got an adversary, have you, in yourself, oh how often, I feel friends, men are inclined, to say, to a Satan's fault, devil tempted me, the flesh, is forgotten, a wicked, deceitful heart, inclinations, that belong, to your ruined nature, those desires, to satisfy, the flesh, do you know, what this is, that great enemy, within, does the Lord, lead you, to pray about that, lest mine enemies, say I have prevailed, against him, and those, that trouble me, rejoice, when I am moved, there are those, that watch as well, the agents, of Satan, do you, do you fear, these things, friends, you come, this way, now, can we follow, on, but I have, trusted in thy, mercy, my heart, shall rejoice, in thy, salvation, here's the character, is it you, has the Lord, brought you, this way, has he given you, understanding, there's none, but Jesus, can help you, none, but the living God, can uphold you, in all the changing, scenes of life, none, but the spirit of God, that can give you, wisdom, to do those things, that are right, in his sight, keep your feet, from falling, can you say, but I have, trusted in thy, mercy, mercy, well, friends, if this, pathway, has been yours, thus far, isn't our text, a suitable one, this afternoon,

[17:15] I will sing, unto the Lord, who is in trouble, perhaps, perhaps, there's one here, who fears, so many things, perhaps, there's one, again, and again, says, will I endure, to the end, it's that great, adversary, endeavoring, to separate you, from your God, he says, so many times, in that subtle way, where is now, thy God, doesn't he, he asks you, from time to time, why should the way, be thus, if Jesus loves you, and you've got no answer, have you, your wisdom, is lacking, the wisdom, needful, to answer Satan, in that subtle craft, of his, words, but a sovereign God, my friends, is determined, that thou shalt, endure, to the end, a sovereign God, has decreed, that the crown, shall be put, on the head, of his own, dear son, that thou shalt, come into this place, again, and again,

[18:55] I will sing, unto the Lord, because he hath dealt, bountifully with me, how can it work out, with such, a condition, as you're in now, my friends, the ways, of the Lord, are past, finding out, he knows, the end, from the beginning, he knows, your disposition, intimately, he will have, one, thing, continually, glory, to his own, great name, how often, we look, at ourselves, and feel, that things, ought to be, so much different, how often, we feel, the Lord, hath led us, in this way, the right way, and there are times, when we do love, the way, we feel, we love him,

[20:02] Jesus, is precious, to us, and yet, these strange, things, come about, what is, the answer, to it, how can it be, for his glory, it is, my friends, because, man, is utterly, ruined, rotten, to the core, in himself, in his flesh, there is, a needs be, continually, to keep your soul, alive, how long, would you, be found, in that way, looking, unto Jesus, how long, would you, be found, in that pathway, of real communion, with your God, how long, would you, be found, returning, thanks, for mercies, abundant, mercies, that are given, to you, unless, there was, something, to turn you, upside down, isn't this, right, sinner, this God, with whom, you have to do, loves you, with an everlasting, love, he will, ever, counter, the, attacks, of Satan, he'll destroy, him ultimately, the great, weapon, of mercy, that he gives, to you, poor sinner, is the weapon, of prayer, these things, make you pray, don't they, you, you, are in trouble, at this time, can't, see the way, you, who, write bitter, things, against yourself, perhaps, there's one, here, doing that, feels, instead of being, in the way, are continually, out of the way, the children, of God, don't openly, tell people, what's in their hearts, but the children, of God, have no different hearts, to any other, and when left, to themselves, they're rotten, at times, and so, they write, bitter things, against themselves,

[22:29] I will sing, unto the Lord, because he hath, dealt, bountifully, with me, is this, dealing, bountifully, with you, leaving you, in this condition, where you can't, manage the way, where you mourn, day after day, over apparently, your lost condition, where your wisdom, can't satisfy your need, you haven't got, any real wisdom, the mercy, of the Lord, is from everlasting, to everlasting, upon them, that fear him, he'll make a way, for your sinner, he's watching, over you now, these things, have come in the pathway, to keep your soul alive, he's got, a time, an appointed time, of deliverance, look at our psalm, that hundred and sixth psalm, the end of the psalm, is vastly different, to the middle of it, we find in the opening of it, praise ye the Lord,

[23:50] O give thanks unto the Lord, for he is good, for his mercy, endureth forever, it isn't very long, before there is sin, spoken of, we've sinned, with our fathers, we've committed iniquity, we've done wickedly, there was rebellion, at the Red Sea, when the Lord, delivered them, when he delivered them, they saw his wondrous works, they praised him for it, but how quickly, they returned to themselves, they made idols, the golden calf, they forgot their God, are you any different?

[24:35] not only you, who belong to the church, in that your name, is on the church roll, but you, who make profession, before the Lord, not necessarily, before men, there are numbers, my friends, who will be in heaven, having never had the name, on the church roll, but they belong, to the living family, of God, the loved in Christ, perhaps that's, one of you here, not belonging, to the church professedly, but belonging, to the church of God, because the Lord, himself hath set you there, what about your way, when he came, and made himself known, and made himself precious, to you, and caused your heart, to rejoice in him, then you walked in union, with the opening, of this psalm, didn't you?

[25:42] Praise ye the Lord, who give thanks unto the Lord, for he is good, but how soon, you've forgotten, how many times, you've turned out of the way, isn't this true?

[26:01] The mercy, my friends, and the reason, why our text, is the only one, I will sing unto the Lord, because he hath dealt, bountifully with me, in that he hasn't cut you off, he hasn't sent you to hell, you're still in the land, of the living, are still on praying ground, here we find, in this 106th psalm, the psalmist saying, many times, did he deliver them, for they provoked him, with their counsel, and were brought low, for their iniquity, nevertheless, he regarded, their affliction, when he heard their cry, isn't there comfort, consolation here, my friends, we do not treat it lightly, what is the foundation, of it all, it is, a crucified, but risen Christ, oh, here is the consolation, here is the reason, for our text,

[27:18] I will sing unto the Lord, because he hath dealt, bountifully with me, he sent his own dear son, into this lower world, knowing you intimately, knowing what is in your heart, now, what would be in your heart, before you came, into this world, yet he loved you, with an everlasting love, never finding, any worthiness, in your flesh, never finding, at any time, the possibility, of attaining, to a satisfaction, to a holy God, in you, but he sent, his own dear son, in his eternal mind, in full agreement, with the Holy Spirit, the Father, the Son, and the Spirit, set the eternal mind, upon this great plan, of salvation, to deliver you, from the curse, forever, it is, because, the dear son of God, in the fullness, of time, came into this, low world, in a body, of flesh, and blood, satisfied, the demands, of divine justice, payment, for sin, the dreadful agonies, in Gethsemane's garden, of his holy soul, the dreadful, darkness, that, awful, wrestling, with the powers, of darkness, do you ever, think of it friends, or is it, too deep, for you, it belongs, to real religion, it belongs, to the work, of the living God, the manhood, of Christ, wrestling, with the powers, of darkness, in Gethsemane's garden, so that, as it were, great drops, of blood, came, from his pores, he wrestled, there, for you, you, who, at times, feel, to be, the vilest, sinner, out of hell, he, he, came, to that, dreadful, place, of calvary, where, wicked, hands, nailed him, to the cross, the dreadful, agonies, of body, mind, and soul, that brought, forth, that cry, of the man,

[30:11] Christ, Jesus, my God, my God, why, hast thou, forsaken me, twas, done, for you, my friends, unless, we can, take hold, we are lost, forever, the work, of God, was for a sinner, for this, great work, of redemption, whereby, the eternal, Son of God, should endure, the cross, despise, the shame, with that, great joy, set before him, a sinner, saved by grace, you, oh, we must come to this, it is a personal religion, it will do you, no good, to know your fellow, will get to heaven, must be you, and if the Lord, has done anything, for your poor soul, he has, finished the work, a completed work, then here, in the time state, in all your changes, the eye, of the Lord, is upon the righteous, this, this, this, is you, a sinner, saved, by grace, hark again, friends, hark unto the word, of the poet, that, which he speaks, is the, indicting, of the spirit, of God, in his soul, and given, to pen it, lest, the shadow, of a spot, should on my soul, be found, he took the robe, the saviour, wrought, and cast it, all around, here's the righteousness, the righteousness, of Christ, imputed, he didn't die, in vain, poor sinner, this lovely Jesus, the God man, came into this world, to seek, and to save, those that were lost, everyone, has been redeemed, with an everlasting salvation, his eye, is upon the righteous, his ear, is open unto the cry, he loves you sinner, here's the foundation, in spite of all your fears,

[32:53] I will sing unto the Lord, because he has plucked me, as a brand, from the burning, the real things, friends, can't you take hold, will you give way, to Satan, that malicious foe, will you give way, to the flesh, wretched unbelief, will you condemn, your God, to unfaithfulness, is that possible, he, that has brought you, hitherto, will bring you, all your journey through, give you, daily cause, to raise, new Ebeneezers, to his praise, I will sing, unto the Lord, because he hath dealt, bountifully with me, how many times, perhaps not openly, perhaps not before men, but how many times, have you said, in your heart, why me, why me, oh blessed God, why such a wretch, as me, who must, forever lie in hell, were not salvation free, has he not dealt, bountifully with you, who brought you, to such an understanding, as that, who brought you, to such a place, where you were willing, to be abased, before your God, to consider yourself, as unworthy, undeserving, hell deserving, the work of God, is your God, changeable, is you, the change, sinner, my soul, through many changes, goes, his love, no variation, knows,

[34:55] I will sing, unto the Lord, because he hath dealt, bountifully with me, ah, I can understand, sinner, your pathway, I don't know, what it is, with any of you, but, if it's a dark pathway, I know something of it, I know something, of the fears, that rise up, the unbelief, in the heart, will there be, no end to it, or what will, the end be, but the Lord, knows, I know, a little of deliverance, and so do you, don't you, can the Lord, have done, such great things, for us, and now, destroy us, remember, Manoah's wife, the Lord, is still, the same, the foundation, is still, the same, sinner, tis Jesus, died, he rose, again, he sits, at the right hand, of the father, and tis, to make intercession, for you, he'll bring, you through, he hath, dealt, bountifully, with you, has he done, the same, for all, your friends, do you, ever think, of this, tis recorded, in the word,

[36:22] I will put a difference, between you, and the Egyptians, I believe, Mr. Philpott, says somewhere, in one of his portions, you can see it, every day, as you walk about, see the difference, that the Lord, has put, between his people, and the world, has he done it, with you, why, did he do it, it is, because, Jesus, died, for you, it is, an immovable, foundation, it will never, change, Jesus, loved, and loves, forever, thus, the eternal, covenant, stands, but your, trouble, is still, the same, isn't it, still, got a burden, you can't, believe the word, I say that, sometimes, for I know it, to be true, in my own experience, it is so easy, to say,

[37:24] I believe, the word of God, but you don't, believe it, when the trouble, comes, when left, to self, you can't, take hold, and so, your darkness, belongs, to you, doesn't, doesn't belong, to your God, he's still, the same, he knows, what he will do, but in spite, of our, unbelief, there's a wonderful, word, he's left, on record, and that word, is this, if we believe, not, yet he abideth, faithful, he cannot, deny himself, I will work, and who can, let it, you know, your trial, it's found, within, another word, and that word, says, surely, there is an end, and thine, expectation, shall not, be cut off, the poor sinner, perhaps, it's you, says, ah, but my expectation, isn't, what it means, in that word, the expectation, there is, the expectation, of the love of God, to be manifested, but I don't know, what's going to happen, the way, is so difficult,

[38:54] I can't take hold, of anything, so the Lord, hath said, who art thou, oh great mountain, before Zerubbabel, thou shalt become a plain, that's before, a precious Christ, Jesus, stands, in between, poor sinner, he'll make a way, for you, I will sing, unto the Lord, because he hath dealt, bountifully, with me, you prove it, you can, you know, again, and again, we, if we examine, things rightly, we bring, the fault, the cause, of our trouble, back to ourselves, so easy, to say, isn't it, I can't, take hold, I can't, pray, don't try, what, what do I mean, by that, my friends, so often, we consider, in our hearts, we must tell the Lord, all about ourselves, we must set it, everything in order, we must, catalog, all our troubles, before him, but I know, my friends, it only needs, the turning, of the heart, before the Lord, in truth, he knows, what our trouble is, before we tell him, he knows, what our difficulties are, and I have proved, so many times, when at the ends, of the earth, that he has heard, my cry, when I said,

[40:38] Lord, I can't pray, undertake for me, he is, the living God, and he knows, what he will do, he'll do, with that word, recorded, in the 40th of Isaiah, he'll make the crooked, things straight, and the rough, places plain, and the fault, again and again, lies, of the creature, because, so frequently, do we set our hands, to it ourselves, we endeavor, to put things right, in our own strength, whereas, were it, to be laid, at the footstool, of mercy, Lord, help me, for Jesus sake, he'd make a way, we don't believe, we rest, in unbelief, again, and again, we judge, our God, as we judge men, the mercy, of it all, is, he is, the same, yesterday, today, and forever,

[41:55] I will sing, unto the Lord, because he hath, dealt, bountifully, with me, I've hardly, touched the subject, I'm going to leave it now, if the Lord, will help me, I'll continue, this evening, the Lord, have his blessing, his name, shall have the praise, the Lord, the Lord, have his blessing, his name, his name, his name, shall have the praise, andcream, allelas, and be with him, he is, Walking function, I'm going to leave it here.

[42:36] He can be, for the Lord, to the Lord, his prayer, to the Lord and'em, I'll redeem him,