Walk about Zion...mark well her bulwarks...this God is our God. Quality: Average

Staplehurst - Providence - Part 26

Sermon Image
Sept. 23, 1977


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[0:00] The words which I try to the Lord will enable me to make a period of arms will be found in the 48th Psalm. We'll read the last three verses.

[0:17] Psalm 48, the twelfth, the two following verses. Walk about Zion, go round about her, tell the towers there are, mark ye well her poor walks, consider her palaces, that ye may tell it to the generation following.

[0:48] For this God is our God, forever and ever. He will be our guide, even unto them.

[1:01] Lord, Lord say, we felt that these last words of the 14th verse were laid upon our minds to speak to you from in the afternoon.

[1:17] But then we felt led to continue with the subject that we had in the morning. But as these words that flow with us, that this God is our God, forever and ever.

[1:33] He will be our guide, even unto them. We venture to bring them before you this evening. Crafting that the Lord might grant us some truth too.

[1:47] That we might prove the truth of this word to our own scholars. Has it ever occurred to you how awful, how solemn, how solemn it would be if this God is not your God?

[2:06] Is it not a concern to you at times as to whether this God is your God? Does it cause you to search out your very heart at times?

[2:21] Or are you so satisfied? With the way in which you trust, you worship and know the Lord one has had to consider very closely recently what our worship has been and how much real worship has established unto the Lord.

[2:48] Now, in this God is our God. He has prepared a place for his people as we said in prayer to worship him throughout eternity.

[3:06] But here the psalmist speaks of the greatness of the Lord and he says it's great to be praised in the city of our God in the mountain of his holiness.

[3:23] How awful it is to come into the house of God presumptuously to pray to me praise you the Lord and so many do and yet to know nothing of true worship.

[3:41] Now, what is true worship? What is it to worship God? Well, simply we know what it is to worship anything upon this earth.

[4:01] It is possible for one to worship their backbones to worship another person to even worship the denomination to worship God in the existence.

[4:20] I know there are evidences of this in the word of God. We might have mentioned it here recently we've mentioned it somewhere where God has seen wonders of revelation were revealed to me so he bowed down and bowed down to worship the angel that revealed these things to me and said see thou do it not.

[4:48] Worship God and that is the purpose that we come here tonight to worship God. That should be the sole purpose of our gathering now.

[5:05] Well now you see before we worship God we must have some revelation of this God some knowledge of him some right understanding otherwise it would be impossible wouldn't it to worship him.

[5:22] A man cannot worship his length unless he knows he's got length of him. He cannot worship another person or a minister unless he knows that person.

[5:36] It must be something material. We often talk about material things. Well I suppose in one sense it would be right to speak of this God as material things.

[5:54] Where does God appear to his people in material things? how his ancient people were travelling further world sense.

[6:07] How he brought them out from Egypt how they rejoice. How they have sung that wonderful song he said that said Moses and the children of Israel this song unto the Lord and spake they I will sing unto the Lord for he hath cried and Lord his feet the horse and the rider he hath flown in the sea.

[6:33] And therefore they thought that now everything was going to be all life. And they travelled off in the comfort of that for one for not very long. And now you see they so came that place where there would be the water and lost the money.

[6:56] but it wasn't the provision that they expect him. And sometimes when we come before the Lord he did worship.

[7:10] We see something. We see something material. We see something physical. And as they looked upon this they saw the water the thing they wanted.

[7:25] But the moment they took him the moment it ended into them they realised that there's something walk walk about life and go round about her tell the towers thereof what are the towers why they aren't those places where the warriors keep a watch alive we leave these towers to be the servants of the Lord the watch the walk about the city and it's good when we're able to tell the Lord servants and to realise that they are the Lord servants when I say to tell the Lord servants I'm able to deserve and to be one of the

[8:26] Lord servants not all who profess to be the Lord service are true servants a man has to be anointed as he did Moses was he has to be proved he has to be sent but when the Lord servant comes with a message and that message enters within your heart then alone are you able to accept and believe to be one of the Lord servants but even in this we have to be very careful because the Lord can use whoever he sees fit the message of people we are constantly reminded in the word of those who were even blessed under men who proved that last few months

[9:28] Jews had arms in this ministry and there is a very soft case of Saul who eventually took his own life walk without Zion go round to down there tell the towers devil and then of course there are those fillers in the church there's still one here one there that are support the Lord's house spiritually it is good when we're able to support the Lord's house without temporal blessings let us pay to a pillar of the church the true pillars of the church are those who are able to support the church in prayer for the Lord and also to support each other walk about

[10:34] Zion don't rush into anything take a step at a time and if we are likely to call to the Lord we should know this that we have to put one foot in front of the other at a time that is walking one step at a time that's walking there are those who try to run before they're able to walk but what mercy is the Lord has enabled us to take one step in Zion what is to take one step in Zion it is to come before this God believing that he is God and also believing you're needing him now walk about Zion go round about her tell the towers there are tell those who are interested those who are supports how could you know we hear from the demons and others as we go into the pool it will be helped not much good the ministry helped unless they're here as a world isn't it we know it's good when we are helped and when we are unable to speak and so often we feel this in a different time in our early days we used to ask the

[12:14] Lord to help us more or less to continue the recognised length of time to speak often as we end the forfeit with a text we cannot see it again where we're able to speak more of a few moments and therefore we seek the Lord not that we might be able to speak longer in a few moments but is that being helped many times we had to go down to the poor pitch left and thank the Lord for enabling us to continue under such temptation and we would thank the Lord and thank you so what is a help to you what is good when we can sell the Lord self in this way it's not really a help unless it helps us virtually now if you and

[13:18] I have received count of the Lord and you journey on there will be that within your heart which you want to join the Jordan Israel and Moses you want to sing you want to rejoice unto the Lord now the children of Israel weren't there very often were they you take their history out and you find that they weren't there very often to the desire to unite together to stop for a few moments and rejoice together in a blessed beauty of spirit in thanking the Lord of indifference that's exactly what you and I should be doing tonight if we are the Lord's people we should come away from the world enter into his earthly cause and unite with

[14:19] Moses and the children of Israel for the indifference that God has played this way in bringing us how to eat but God will not let the people go and how do we exact restraint as we come into the house of God at times a restraint and what is restraining us from worth being this God walk about Zion go round and down and if you go round and down you'll find that Satan is very very busy now it's Satan that holds you back in worship it's Satan that will do all he possibly can to stop him borrowing the Lord it is Satan that says to the Lord servant you must be five moments for that text doesn't matter often we thought that if a man or if we were only able to speak as Paul makes five words that were probable it's far better than going on after we build a spirit of let just to come out at the correct time you know we don't always find that worship is exactly an hour and a half do we do you find it so in your experience if I know it the true worship there have been those occasions where an hour and a half has been sufficient not for the most part those moments of worship are those moments that remain those moments those elements which are so deep rooted they remain within their heart now walk about

[16:29] Zion go round about tell the towers there are marky well of all now what are the defenses of the church of Christ what is it to find the best you best as this great enemy the very fact there is for the wall excuse me which are defenses why are they necessarily in Zion as Zion was built by Solomon on the greatest mountain and therefore one would have thought that defenses were not necessary that the enemy could be seen approaching the moon anchors from every direction but marking well the boom of us you might be trusting upon this great this wonderful thorn but are we trusting a woman marking well her boom of us you know it is bad or is it all smooth and easy what defense have you got against

[17:51] Satan I suppose that when a soldier goes to battle when he puts his uniform on his rifle he gives him a certain amount of confidence not so with christian soldiers whatever uniform he puts on whatever denomination he may command will be of no value to him the rifle which he may carry is of no value unless it's lonely unless it's well instructed use of it and how one is brought to mark the bull the ordinances of the Lord's house what different aspect the Lord's house has in trouble do you find so when you're really in trouble when you're really in need what atmosphere do you find in the house of

[18:59] God it's not what the ministers changed it's not what the leaders changed and he gives out the demons well what is it why is it that can you enter the house of God in deep trouble but there's something comforting in the thought well we go to the house of God and I didn't mind it's marky well aboard that's it can you go to the house of God you're hoping that there will be something that will support you something feds against this great enemy which brings doubt into your mind which brings conflict because that is what the child of God had to suffer conflict and you'll find a conflict within that marky well her balls how does this affect you does it cause you to look to the Lord does it cause you to look to his house does it cause you to look to his word now you see there are three great fools which the child of

[20:12] God is able to see Zion and Mark the world and have you noticed too under such circumstances and you are in distress of child whatever it may be and the Lord knows which is best for you and the Lord knows what is best for me but as the Lord brings you into his house under these conditions how it makes you so unconcerned about us what they say what they do what they do it is your soul and it is you who is walking around step of time and if you who is barking her forwards others may join but they cannot stand on the same spot where you are what is ever thought of that although you may be walking the same road two people cannot stand on the same spot at the same time it's impossible and this is where we go wrong sometimes we're watching and we're trying to mark the boarwarks of others and follow their message the boarwarks are the word of

[21:33] God his house prayer which is the best weapon replic prayer the wonders do bring relief in Jesus and then you see to look unto the Lord marking well at the boarwarks don't look to the ornaments of the house which matters me this is where we're going on today in the boarwarks which matters me and they'll open up walk about time go round about her tell the towers there are look that the nations would have risen upon the earth ancient grove where is it they look at all those great nations which have risen up and that all plant would have come to nothing look at

[22:33] Zion why is it that Zion still remains why because it was because of the boarwarks it is the power of God that's why Zion remains and then another thing you see the boarwarks they are my best friends my kindred well they are God my savior reigns we remember a year or two back several years ago now speaking of those words to the songs sing us the songs of Zion and how can we sing the songs of Zion and slain they and as we came out one of the friends who is now heaven took hands with us and how we both said why does at the same time how can we sing one of the songs on in the strange name but how that dear woman knew something of the boarwarks she knew something of the weaknesses now you see if you know something of the weaknesses there will be that desire to defend those very weak spots now what is the weakest spot in your defense marky rather boarwarks but what about the defense the weakest spot the defense what is it why is your faith is your weakness marky rather boarwarks don't look to self pour not on myself too long let it sink below look to

[24:35] Jesus fine and strong mercy join with power marky will will hold mercy mercy not only if there is sufficient mercy with the Lord for everyone in this chapter tonight there is sufficient mercy in the Lord for the whole world if he saw it that he did see faith but he did see faith to show mercy upon whom he would show mercy and whom he would keep up now the Christian soul is weak and therefore it is so necessary for him to mark well the walls not to think well I've got a good beautiful on and anyone can see oh I'm like him for I've got good can't him so all will be well no no there's no good at all is it after you like the walls and then if we're able to do this we should see something that we have perhaps noticed before the almighty wonderful power of

[25:51] God in the way in which in times past he's worked on our department we were careless we were unconcerned in the wilderness we committed sin we sold Joseph and there we were we weren't bothered at all were we look until we know the Lord was working in the heart of man Moses as he struck the Hebrew yes the Lord was working then how we had to go to the wilderness for training to be equipped to send these people down to bring an army to be the Lord was working with Joseph the Lord was working with Moses the Lord was working with God and his church people he don't know whether the Lord is working to Jesus children of

[26:52] Israel didn't know what was going on with Moses they didn't know what was going on with Joseph they didn't have to got the value but at this top of purposes of God be in the world as the Lord showed him the reality of the scriptures what he was a war where would we be without the trinity so why do a war for the father for the son for the holy ghost these are the three great wars of Zion and it's the strength and this is our strength and what strength is the trinity when you see that God the father who could not possibly look upon said he's now satisfied when you see the

[27:54] Lord Jesus as that one who alone is able to satisfy God marking well those walks no one can never point a finger at you it doesn't matter what you do it doesn't matter what sin you committed it doesn't matter how unholy you feel to be it is God as your God if you're trusting in a precious Christ no one can point the finger they may do it but have no effect of course he might how Pharaoh had to prove this he had to prove it was even possible to fight against this God and how we see in our own experience it's impossible for us to fight against this God we would never never have had anything to do with this God we would never have the slightest desire to enter into his house and there have been yes hundreds of times when we had no desire to go to his house but there has been one or two occasions we walked about times that we didn't go across what a stretch that is when we can see that whatever happens we are safe we are safe from all the fiery darts of

[29:19] Satan we are safe from hell flesh in the death as the only ammunition of Satan we know they're great but multi-well Zion multi-well of all compared to Satan compared to sin compared to the flesh to say my place is so weak he has to want again that the Lord Jesus he came upon this earth not only to atone the sin but also to walk the very pathway and just now say didn't we that you can't stand upon the same spot that others can and you'll never stand upon that spot where the Lord Jesus stood here as he walked out this pathway without him it's all in the scriptures it's all in the word you take the number of religious people today they had no idea of the beauty of the truth of the scriptures have you been able to mark you well to see something in the scripture of beauty there's something in

[30:47] Zion there's something as you walk around there's something which is so attractive we heard some years ago of your great pastor Mr.

[31:02] Herman preaching up in videos and he suddenly stopped and he said there's atmosphere in this place and carry on there are various places where lost people go there's atmosphere you feel it marking well the walls what is the atmosphere what do you feel if you come into the house of God or you tell them it's a month I'm not asking you that that's not the question what do you feel what does it mean to you when perhaps you've been laid aside and you couldn't come to the house of God and when you get surrounded by a young God and your thoughts are being new you've been watching the clock yes they're just about gathering now they're just about beginning to commence the service

[32:03] I wonder what's in that what's in what he's reading now he will be preaching I wonder what he will be preaching it's all contained in the forearms you see as you're laying there as you're in your home as you're wondering what is going on with this is all evidence this is all marks you are marking the forearms you're marking the footsteps that they tried for how one of the bull walks come to us we were going to preach and I told you that the battle we had the failing spot and I could take you to the very spot now as we were travelling down to a which stayed on our first occasion and Mr.

[32:57] Philco had passed away suddenly it had four vacant days couldn't seem to fill these days at all and how the being over the season asked whether we had any dates and these four they just finished and the speed as if the Lord had gone before us but as we were travelling so we had no tension no what was awaiting us and the other people's world was with us and that came as we thought of Mr.

[33:31] Pilker once they were worn again over they wet their couch in tears they wrestled hard as we do now for sins and doubts and fears Mark he well heard war walks consider how it says consider that unisage what is it is a unisage what is it often we go in times past we go into the world page did you see the queen did you see the prince what do you see the palace what is it like have you seen the lord i'll tell you this if ever you had a good time at the house of god it's far about many earthly lives far about many earthly months for a coward recently we've seen multitudes multitudes because the queen was walking around we would thank the lord for our freedom we would thank the lord for the father king that belittle our jesus that thank the lord for but while the multitudes were out to see the queen how many were the sanctuaries how many were walking about seeing the king of kings and the lord of lords there was a man and a leader some years ago as we went into the left street

[35:30] Sunday morning he shook hands with us just remember the holiday he said oh we had a wonderful time he said satan of lords day he said until we went to the church he saw the queen we sat up with the queen lord of kings or what people would go without him but how they despise how they despise this king of kings and lord of lords barky well abor was consider her palaces that she may tell it to the generation following those following on of these things there's a time to generations whereas today they didn't care the lord they speak often one to another and what did they speak about they were able to say for this god is our god this god who has done all this this is nothing of self this is nothing of what we would have done this god this god who has done it their god cannot do the things that this god can do no earth in monarch with all the power they have of all the wealth that they have cannot do what this god can do and so you see this god there's something very remarkable something very wonderful about this god in his three persons there's something very wonderful about this god in the way in which he is our god because this is the last thing that we have expected that this god would be our god and

[37:23] I'll tell you why we know that he's our god because this god is our god forever and ever and he will be our guide he never did what did our lord guide him it is the lord guide what did he do he works in the mysterious way his wonders to perform we touch upon it last all the way in which the lord he shuts the door and when he shuts no man does and when he opens no man does and we stand by the door that was like a cold tie there's a word that you know where the cold was tied by the door went two weeks late the two disciples were told to go and bring up to

[38:29] Jesus why the disciples had guided where did they guide him they took him to Jesus and it was a cold that no man had ever sat on it was untrained it was wild but it went and the owner helped it they let it go the same as Pharaoh who bent he had to let the people go the master had an evil it you see but once he sat upon it he became the guy he took away he took control has the Lord ever taken control your events can you look back upon something where the Lord has taken control where you couldn't control completely on your hands that you couldn't deal with any longer I said before he opened door no man has shut in you know this

[39:32] God is the same God that opened the door of the red sea of his people he is the same God today that goes before his people this door is our God make no mistake about him if I didn't believe it I couldn't prove him not only is he my God but he your God his God is if you felt as you walked around the places his people and you feel a lovely unit of water he's your God you might not be able to claim him your God the multitudes that look upon our queen they can't take hold of her can they they can't take possession of her can this God has promised that he will I believe that the child of God it's not right enough to speculate but

[40:35] I believe that the child of God will be out of touch surely when they get out of us that poor woman was able to press through the multitude of death and touch you he won't be heaven unless he's there will he have been empty place what use is that fun to see him to see the king in his glory I shall be sad this morning when I await his life thine eye shall see the king in his beauty for this God is our God forever and our life you might not feel it now but if you felt it back when the waters were bitter and when the law so worked that a precious Christ was made sweet to you it must be he's the same

[41:39] God forever and ever this God is our God forever and ever in time past in present in the future he's the same God forever and ever not while life loves think of it forever and ever have you ever tried to think what space is there it goes on and on and on and then we must finish somewhere it must be an end with somewhere now this shows how small we are and how finite we are when we come across the universe man is ever seeking and the Lord is fulfilling his word he's giving knowledge according to his word he's able to do wonderful things but he's never found an end to space he's never been able to satisfy himself with regards and previous he's never been able to satisfy himself with the being of

[42:51] God has he and why because he's never had a real desire but those that have a real desire within their heart to search these things out they are brought to believe and know in the people of God not to say I think this God is my God but to come here for this God is our God forever ever God the children of Israel couldn't see for it wasn't very long was it and they took their journey from in and it was a very prosperous well watered place of here vulnerable place to live where they took their journey they had to carry on and all the congregation of the children of Israel came under the wilderness of sin they were brought there into the wilderness of the

[43:52] Lord of the sweetness of the redeemer be brought into the wilderness of sin this is the way walking in after the Lord Jesus when the Holy Spirit was standing on him as he came out of the water and infected him he was led of the spirit to be tempted of the devil forty days forty nights it was the world of the world of the world of the world of the world of the world of all wars this god is our god this god who was tempted this god after baptism that was brought in concern in the wilderness that was able to fight that great enemy of souls on your behalf where you think unto you it is safe the war it is safe marking well aboard for this god is our god forever and then as he came to the inn he says finish and what did he mean when he said it is finished forever and ever the work of salvation it was finished forever and ever no need to go before a priest to confess all the sacrifices were finished no need to go and serve beyond the flock there was spot this there it was a complete sacrifice to complete the totem it is finished all the ceremonial law is finished all the drafts of the priest is all finished sin is all finished as far as the church is this god it's beyond our understanding isn't it it's beyond our comprehension as we cannot comprehend the

[46:15] English face we cannot comprehend that this god is our god but what a faith when we can look back and say that this god was my god it was this god that appeared for me well that he did this god is our god forever and ever and what a small he will be our god even under man the lord drives his people anyway sometimes you know i was going to say probably the earlier day but now after a long journey we've been perhaps preaching at home late sunday night we've read the journey just that we're putting the car in the garage however we didn't get here our mind has been right off the journey our mind has been occupied we've arrived home why was the lord he was our kind it says that mechanically we journey the lord was kind and he bought his own rare occasions we have been thanksgiving after the lord other times none of all those were resident around me to thank him we remember speaking from our own experience on one occasion coming down from the north of

[48:03] England one Sunday night where the dreadful fear had come over us as we got into our car all that way to go in fact we were so full of fear we were terrified which was one of the best journeys we ever had the moon shone it was a beautiful night and we enjoyed every moment of it we remember going to the house of God one Sunday evening down in Wiltshire and on the Monday we had a most important meeting to attend speaking after the manner of man there was a dead star and as we went up the house of God it was hardly possible to find out what the way we got into the Lord's house close the service we take now the prophet God you see this God he will be our guide you say well these things happen to everybody but they may do not everybody to see the hand of the

[49:11] Lord in it is it they can't see the hand of God but this God is our God he controls the weather he controls the circumstances he controls our feelings doesn't he have you noticed it how the Lord controls your feelings how does the Lord he was afraid because it was God that made his heart soft have you know what it is to have a soft heart toward the Lord have you know what it is to have a tear trickle down your face Mr.

[49:57] Rowell says in one of his sermons Mr. Leslie now in glory with me he says it's a pity sometimes to the ministers don't let the tears roll down their faces to show a little of the compassion and the love and the sorrow that they had toward their Lord don't be ashamed to let a few tears run down your face you know it's been said well why do we take glasses off when we play well why shouldn't we there are those times when we fill with tears as we go near the Lord running down the door not going to be ashamed of that this God is our God he will be our God even then and then you know what we said something surely God himself shall wipe away tears from all lives that is all the all your sorrows all your tears will be while you while you are going to join the reason

[51:09] I in this without presumption for a little hope this God is our God that God who has done something for me that God who has done something for me don't look upon it lightly don't look upon it as a little because a little and you can't get lower than that can a little that a righteous man is better than the riches that many will give this God is our God he will be our God even under death if you feel that if the Lord makes you feel it well then all feel it death doesn't that in fact there's a one that says it great here there's a walk where they don't come there is a looking forward to this that this God he is our

[52:09] God he will be out of coming even under death he who has brought to the dead and until you die you won't know that this God will be your God even there but you have the guarantee of his word mark he will her bull works he says his word it cannot be altered it is the bull mark he will he will be our God he who has brought us here to be with us all our joy of truth daily he will call to his praise and his praise and at day of care he will give us that praise that praise that he will ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever or he will say tonight this

[53:12] God is our God he will be our God even under there whatever we call the past again we remember the great part before us something which our flesh feared and how that came was such sweet why the war to us even these days why should I fear pain or woe or be at death this day I have pain as good as as as you but round the best thing round the best this day this God is our God he will be our God even under death may the Lord have his blessing Amen to