Testimonies to the Lord Jesus' resurrection. (Quality: Very good)

Staplehurst - Providence - Part 43

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Oct. 12, 1979


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[0:00] In dependence upon thee, Lord, for all needed help, I venture to draw your prayerful attention to Luke chapter 24, verses 34, 35, and 36.

[0:30] Luke chapter 24, verses 34, 35, and 36.

[0:42] Saying, The Lord is risen indeed, and hath appeared to Simon.

[0:54] And they told what things were done in the way, and how he was known of them in breaking of bread.

[1:09] And as they thus spake, Jesus himself stood in the midst of them, and said unto them, Peace be unto you.

[1:30] In the first verse of our text, verse 34, we have the testimony of the eleven that were gathered together, and them that were with them, saying, The Lord is risen indeed, and hath appeared to Simon.

[2:07] In the second verse of our text, verse 35, we have the testimony of the two that had returned from Emmaus.

[2:25] They told what things were done in the way, and how he was known of them in breaking of bread.

[2:39] And then in the third verse of our text, verse 36, we have the appearance of the dear Lord Jesus himself, standing in the midst of them, and hear his voice speak, Peace be unto you.

[3:08] First then, as the Lord may be pleased to help, let us consider the testimony of the eleven gathered together, and them that were with them, saying, The Lord is risen indeed.

[3:35] Indeed, how dark all had appeared to the dear disciples, as their Lord had been taken and betrayed, falsely accused, condemned to death, And they themselves had all forsaken him and fled.

[4:08] Ah, how dark all appeared, as the body of their Lord was laid, in the sepulcher where no man had ever been laid.

[4:24] And then the next day was the seventh day, the Sabbath. But we read on the first day of the week, While it was yet dark, Even as the sun began to rise, There came women, Women early to the sepulcher.

[4:52] We do not read of any woman speaking against Christ. We find how that these dear women, They came early to the sepulcher, With this desire to bring the spices and anoint the body.

[5:17] But what dangerous! How the dawn was breaking! Who would roll away the great stone?

[5:31] Who would protect them from the soldiers that were there on watch? But nothing deterred them. Their love so great, Their thoughts so filled with Jesus, And thus they come early to the sepulcher.

[5:57] There had been a great earthquake, The great stone was rolled away, The keepers did shake, There was dead men, And there was an angel, And he answered, And said unto the women, That's very beautiful.

[6:23] Why? Why? Because of this, That we do not read, That those women, Had said anything, By way of a question, Certainly they had said, Who should roll away the stone?

[6:44] But that was already rolled away, And the angel answered, Fear not ye, For I know that ye seek Jesus, Which was crucified, That he is not here, He is risen, Come see the place where the Lord lay, And go quickly and tell his disciples, And lo, He goeth before you into Galilee, And there shall ye see him, As he said unto you.

[7:17] Now my friend, Have you ever had a blessing like that? Now you may say, Oh I'm sure I have. Wait a minute.

[7:30] An angel. We do not see angels. We believe in the angels. They, They, They, That, Invisible hosts, That encamp round about them, That fear him.

[7:49] But an angel is a messenger. An angel does God's bidding. And God's servants, In the book of the Revelation, Are spoken of, As the angel of the church.

[8:04] They bring, The word of God, As God gives it to them. Now friend, Have you ever known for the Lord, By his servant to answer you?

[8:21] Ever come, Like those dear women, Full of fear, In the dark, Full of sorrow, Under some exercise, Some burden, Some trial, Some temptation, Some sweet promise, Some word made a blessing to your soul, And for the Lord to send his servant, And answer you.

[8:54] To speak right to your heart, As though he knew all about your kind, With a fear not, Oh how precious this blessing is.

[9:09] I know, That ye seek Jesus, Which was crucified. Is that true of you? Is that why, You are here, Tonight?

[9:22] Is it that, You do truly, Seek, Why do you seek Jesus? Why? Is it because, You know something of your sinnership, Something of the defilement, Something of the burden, Something of the guilt, Something of your wicked heart, Something of your fallen nature, Something of this, That you can't bring a penny, To pay the debt, Seeking Jesus, Seeking him for salvation, Looking to him for pardon, Oh blessed be his name, I said, And, They were told, That the Lord was risen, Mary, Magdalene,

[10:23] Out of whom the Lord had cast seven devils, Tarried, At, The sepulter, Weeping, And again, Angels spoke, And then there was another, And she supposed him to be the gardener, Still was she looking in the sepulter, Still the place of death, Still, Her eyes filled with tears, And the stranger speaks just, One word, Oh the power, It was her, He called her, By her name, And she knew, It was her Jesus, Rabboni, Oh beloved, Fear not,

[11:24] That I have redeemed thee, I have called thee by thy name, Thou art mine, My friend, This is a blessing in thee, Has the Lord ever spoken to you, And perhaps in a very dark hour, Perhaps it seemed all hope gone, Death on everything, And my friend, He came, He knows your path, He knows your tears, And blessed be his name, He has said, I will not leave you comfortless, I will come to you, And so, The news goes forth, The tidings reach, The disciples, The Lord is risen indeed,

[12:29] And what does this mean? The resurrection of Jesus Christ, From the dead, Is the assurance, To the dear people of God, Of the full satisfaction, Of the death of Jesus Christ, At Calvary, That the sin, Of all the election of grace, Is pardoned there, The debt is paid, Law is satisfied, Justice is satisfied, The door of mercy is open, Away is open to the throne of Christ, You know, As a wonderful word, When the dear Lord cried, With that loud voice, It is finished, Father, Into thy hands, I commend my spirit, And you remember, The veil of the temple, Was rent in twain,

[13:31] From top to bottom, My friend, It was the hand of God, And that veil signifies, The flesh of Christ, Upon the cross, His sufferings, And that way open, Through, The death, Of the dear Lord Jesus, I just tarry here for a moment, In the Levitical dispensation, You remember, That the veil, Separated, The holy place, And the holy of holies, And into that, Holy of holies, Through the veil, Went the high priest, Once a year, With the blood, Of these, To make an atonement, For his sin, And the sin of his people, Ceremonially,

[14:32] But it was, Year by year, The veil was never rent, The veil was never removed, In that way, The work was never done, But, The Lord Jesus, In that one, Sacrifice for sin forever, The work is finished, The veil is rent, The way is open, And, Said the apostle later, That he saw, In the midst of the throne, Alarm, As it had been slain, Beneath, There a poor sinner, May venture, Where the Lord Jesus is, Pleading mercy, Through blood, I make my plea, O God, Be merciful, To me, The Lord is risen, And it is in heaven, Blessed be his, And his,

[15:32] This same Jesus, He knows what sore temptations mean, But he has felt the same, We have a friend, That will never fail us, A friend, That always understands us, We have, My friend, An intercessor, An advocate, Before the throne, Father, Spare the vile transgressor, See for him, What I have done, The Lord is risen, And then, There is this, As I have named, Justice is set, That the sword, Now, Of divine justice, Is chief, When Adam, And Eve, Fell, In Eden's garden, You remember, God, Drave out the man, And cherubim, Was set, With a flaming sword, Turning every way,

[16:33] To guard the way, To the tree of life, There would be, No way back, Unless, That sword, Had executed, The justice, The justice of God, And the demand, Of that justice, In the payment, Of the great debt, Of the sin, Of the riddance, Blessed be his name, That stroke, Has fallen, That sword, Has smitten, Not the believer, For another, For another, Make no mistake, About it, God will, By his justice, Deal with sin, Either, Beloved, It will be dealt with, In hell fire, And hell fire, For a never ending, Eternity, Will never make, An atonement, For our sin, Or has thy sin,

[17:36] Been laid upon, The dear Lord Jesus, So that in that death, On the cross, There, He, In his precious blood, Shed, Made that atonement, For thy sin, The Lord is risen indeed, Who was delivered, For our offences, And raised again, For our justification, Just if I'd, Never sinned, The Lord is risen, Indeed, Then further, Friend, There's a pledge, The shepherds, In glory, One day, The sheep, And the lambs, Will be there, There won't be one, This thing, They shall never perish, Neither shall any man, Pluck them from, At my hand,

[18:38] The Lord, Is the captain, We are to endure, Hardly, As good soldiers, Of Jesus Christ, But more than conquerors, Through him, That loved us, And so, One day, When the battle, Is over, The dear people, Of God, Will be with him, In glory, Thanks be unto God, Which giveth us, The victory, Through our Lord Jesus Christ, Then there's another thought, The Lord Jesus, The Lord Jesus, The Lord Jesus, The Lord Jesus, The Lord Jesus, Is the head, The head, The head, The head, The head, The head, The head, The head, The head, And so, The body, He is the bridegroom, And so, The bride, Oh, And to him, That is able, To keep you, From falling, And to present you, Forthless, Before the presence, Of his glory,

[19:40] With exceeding joy, And behold, The bride, The lamb's wife, Made herself ready, That is, Washed in the precious, Blood of Christ, Oh, Beloved to think of it, Behold, The bridegroom, Come in, And then there's this thought, That the Lord, Is the first fruit, The pledge of the harvest, And when the first fruit, Is gathered, It won't be long, Before the harvest, Is gathered, And the coming, Of the Lord, Draweth nigh, He that testifies, These things, Says surely, I come quickly, Even so, Come, Lord Jesus, Jesus, Friends, Which are you?

[20:31] Cares to be gathered, For the burden, Or wheat to be gathered, For the barn, One or the other, The Lord is risen indeed, And the Lord is risen indeed, And the Lord is risen indeed, And half, Appeared to Simon, We have one other reference, To this appearing, Of the dear Lord Jesus, To Simon, The apostle Paul, Refers to it, As he writes, In the letter to the Corinthians,

[21:34] That he was seen of, Cephas, That is Simon, Peter, That is all we're told, No intimate detail, Is given to us, Of this particular, Personal appearing, Of the dear Lord Jesus, To Simon Peter, Later, When he was made known to them, By the sea, Certainly, He spake again there, To Peter, Simon, Son of Jonas, Lovest thou me more than these, But, We refer now, To this appearing, Of the dear Lord, To Simon, But how wonderful this is, Though we do not read, Any intimate detail, Concerning this, But let us just, Tarry for a moment, On what is told us, In the scripture, And what is told us, In the scripture,

[22:35] Is for our comfort, Because, My dear friend, How, We have to confess, That we like Peter, Have failed, I have to, I falter, You know, We may say, In, See you, The Lord, I am ready, I am ready, To suffer, I am ready, To go with me, But you know, When it is put to the test, How often we falter, How often, We are afraid, It is ever so easy, To say, And to sing, Ashamed of Jesus, That dear friend, On whom my hopes, Of heaven depend, It is ever so easy, To think that we are strong, And will not fall, Let him that thinketh, He standeth, They eat, Lest he fall, But my dear friend,

[23:38] The Lord warned his servant, Before the cock crow, Thou shalt deny me Christ, But there was something else, Something else, Very, very precious, Simon, Simon, Simon, Satan, Hath desired to have you, That he may sift you as wheat, But I have prayed for thee, That thy faith fail not, And when thou art converted, Strengthen thy bread.

[24:15] It was, A while back, I was reading, In the 18th chapter, Of John, And I read, Of how Judas Iscariot, Came with that band, Out to the Lord Jesus, In the garden, And we read, Judas, Stood with, The enemy, Judas, The betrayer, Stood, With, Them, We also read, In that chapter, Of Peter, Warming himself, By the fire, And we read this, Stood, With, Them, Friend,

[25:18] How certain, Judas, Went out, Later, To hang himself, Peter, As the Lord turned, And looked upon him, That I have prayed for thee, He went out, And wept bitterly, And so we read, Hath appeared, To Simon, There's just one other thought, It's just come back to my mind, And it is a very wonderful, Two words, I expect you've observed, In Mark, In the closing chapter, Of that gospel, The 16th chapter, Where we have, The record, That I've already referred to, And I refer to it, From Matthew, Where the angel, Appeared to the women, And it was this, Go your way, Tell his disciples,

[26:19] And there were two other words, Put in, Do you know what they are? And Peter, Beautiful, He's not to be let out, He's failed, He's denied his Lord, He's done it three times, Increasingly, Before women, Who said, Once I saw thee in the garden with thee, Thy speech be raised, A servant and so forth, And not just a plain denial, But oaths and curses, But, And Peter, There's a word there, So my friend, This is the testimony, Of the eleven, Gathered together, Now I want to pass on, To the second consideration, Of our subject, And that is, And they told, That is, The two that had walked, On the Emmaus road, They told, What things were done, In the way, And how he was known of them,

[27:23] In breaking of bread, This is a very beautiful record, I had occasion to read this, This morning, At a little prayer meeting, And it came very sweetly, Behold, Two of them, Who thought of those words, Of them, Not of the world, And not of the Pharisees, About them, As we have, As they speak later, Certain women of, What?

[28:00] Our company, Disciples, Followers of the Lord Jesus, What do you say? Are you among them?

[28:12] Yes, you are, In body, But do you say, I love to meet, Among them now, And at thy gracious feet, About, Though vilest of them all, My friend, What a mercy, To be among them, Being let go, They went to their, Own, Company, So here, Two of them, And there's the journey, And they're talking, Of what had happened, They're talking about Jesus, And, We read this, That as they walked, They're very, Very sad, Why?

[29:03] Why? Because all they could think of, Was the death of Christ, And it seemed to them, That that was the end, And, We read that, They communed together, And reason, You know, A simple understanding, Of the literal translation, Here, And let me make this, Quite plain, I have no personal knowledge, Of the original, Don't let that be thought, But I have read, That, Where we read this word, Commune together, And reason, It is like, Two young people, They have a ball, And they toss it, One to the other, As they walk, And the thought here is, Or the expression here is, Is here are these two, That they're thinking about, All the dark side of the cross, And, And they're trying to reason it, They can't understand it, And that one says, One word, And then it's tossed back, To the other, Then the other says something, And it's tossed back, To the other, And perhaps,

[30:04] My friend, Do you know something, Of this reasoning, Blind unbelief, Is sure to earth, Scan his work in faith, God is his own interpreter, And he will make it plain, But as they were talking, And it does show us, How to be careful, What we say, Jesus himself, This dear Jesus, This living Christ, The very object, Of their love, And affection, The one of whom, They had been speaking, The one that they never thought, They would see again, Or barely so, I know that we read, Beside all this today, Is the third day, It's too late, Even if we could, Have such a thought, And it was Jesus himself, Now I want just to observe, This a little, As we may be held, The first thought is this, Jesus himself,

[31:04] Drew near, And went with them, In that path, Just the two wrong, And I think of the promise, Where two or three, Are gathered together, In my name, There am I, In the midst of them, And he drew near to them, And then he, Drew out of them, The cause of their sorrow, And he said, What manner of communication, Are these, That ye have one to another, As ye walk on our side, And how they speak of Jesus, How they speak of what he had done, How that he'd been condemned to death, And wicked men had crucified him, And we trusted, And he said, Not we're trusting, It's too late, We trust in, Down they went, Down you will go, Down I go,

[32:06] If we start looking down, Instead of trusting, That it should be he, Which should have delivered, And beside all this, Today's the third day, Since these things were done, And so forth, He drew out of them, Their sorrow, He knows it all, He knoweth the way, That I take, And when he hath tried, Me I shall come forth, And now we're going to see, What he does next, He drew out, Of the scriptures, The things concerning himself, First, He drew near to them, He drew out of them, The cause of their sorrow, He drew out of the word, Of those things, Concerning himself, O fools, And slow apart the belief, And my friend, How we come, I do,

[33:07] Under that tender reveal, O thou of little, Wherefore, Didst thou doubt, Ought not Christ, To have suffered these things, And to enter into his glory, Beginning at Moses, And all, That the prophets, Expounded unto them, In all the scriptures, The things concerning himself, What an opening, What a drawing out, Of the word, Ah, Do you ever know, A little of the, Drawing out of the word, A glimpse, Of the preciousness, Of Christ, You see the old testament, We see Christ, You see, A man's first dress, Was the skin of bees, That denoted death, And shedding of blood, You look at, The ram offered up, Instead of Isaac, We see Jesus, You look at, The Passover lamb, That was set aside,

[34:09] For four days, And you'll read, It was a lamb, Then it was the lamb, Then it was your lamb, Made so very dear, And precious, And vital, It was the death, Of the lamb, My friend, That stood, And the blood, And the blood, Of that lamb, Alone, That stood, Between the, Destroying angel, And the Israelite, Remember, There was death, In every home, In Egypt, In the case, Of the Egyptian, It was the Egyptian, In the case, Of the Israel, It was the lamb, Without shedding of blood, There was no remission, Sin, My friend, We see Jesus, Behold, The lamb of God, A brazen serpent, Set high upon the pole, Whosoever look, Lift, As Moses lifted up, The serpent in the wilderness,

[35:09] Even so, Must the son of man, Be lifted up, That whosoever believeth, In him, Should not perish, But have, Ever lost, Eternal night, They told, What things were done, In the way, Well they came, To the place, And it was even, And he made, As though he would have gone further, But they constrained him, Their hearts, Would now drawn out, To the stranger, He drew near to them, He drew out of them, Their souls, He drew out of the scriptures, The things concerning, And then he drew them, To himself, Abide with us, For it is toward evening, And the day is past, And he went in, Abide with me, Past, A force, The even died, The darkness deepens, Lord with me,

[36:10] Abide, Lo, I am with you always, Even unto the end, Of the world, Now as he was there, He took bread, And blessed, And the earth, Break, And gave thanks, Gave to them, And their eyes were open, They knew him, He was there Lord, Their dear Redeemer, And he vanished, Out of their soul, Now just bear with the repetition, He drew near to them, He drew out of them, Their sorrows, He drew out of the word, The things concerning himself, He drew them to himself, And he drew them to each other, Did not our heart, No S on it, Two people, One heart, That love, Union, Did not our heart, Burn within us,

[37:11] While he taught with us, By the way, While he opened to us, The scripture, Oh the warmth, The night, The drawing, The power, The gracious, He's that night, Oh the darkness, Dissolving in the night, Oh the sorrow, That is turned into joy, Oh the presence of Jesus, And so they told, What things, Were done in the way, And how he was, Known of them, In breaking of bread, Beloved, It's good to speak of Jesus, Isn't it?

[37:48] And as they, Thus spanned, As the, The eleven, And those that were with them, Were talking, And the two coming, With the tidings, Of what things were done, As they, Thus, As we read in John, The doors being shut, For fear of the Jews, Jesus himself, This same Jesus, The living Christ, Their redeemer, And friend, Stood, In the midst of that, And set unto there, Peace, Be unto you, What a beautiful word, Peace, The Prince of Peace, Jesus, Who by his death, On the cross, By his precious blood, Ah, Brings peace, Beautiful lines,

[38:49] Peace, Perfect peace, In this dark world, Of sin, The blood of Jesus, Whispers, Peace within, Peace, By his cross, As Jesus made, The church's, Everlasting head, Peace, I leave with you, My peace, I give unto you, Not as the world, Giveth, Give I unto you, Let not your heart, Be troubled, Neither, Let it be afraid, Peace, And then there's this, Sure, Thou wilt keep him, In perfect peace, Whose mind, Is stayed on thee, Because he trusted, In thee, Trust ye, In the Lord, Forever, For in the Lord, Jehovah, Is everlasting, I've been told, That in thee, The deepest parts,

[39:50] Of the ocean, Though the storm, May rage, On the surface, And the waves, May be very, Very high, But there's a depth, That is always, Undiscerbed, And so, My friend, Though there may be, Outward fears, And tempests, And trials, When the Lord, Comes, It brings, Peace, And he said, Peace, And so it is, The presence, And revelation, Of the dear Lord Jesus, His word of love, And blessing, And grace, And comfort, And pardon, Is peace, Peace, Be unto you, You, Yes, For whom the dear Saviour, Shed his precious blood, He who loved me, And gave himself for me,

[40:51] And though they were terrified, And afraid, Yet he said, Why are ye troubled? Why do thoughts arise in your heart? Behold my hands and my feet, See the marks of the cross, It is, I myself, Is a beautiful word, Jesus himself, I, Myself, Jesus himself, Drew near, Jesus himself, Stood in the midst, And it is, I, Says Jesus, Myself, And we read, That when he thus spoke, And he showed them, His hands and his feet, A man that is, A real man, With wounds, Still gaping wide, From which rich streams, Of blood once ran, From hands, And feet, And side, Then were the disciples glad, When they saw the Lord, Now I must pray, Jesus himself,

[41:53] Jesus himself, Friend, That we might know more, Of this blessing, Sometimes it is, By the way, Of the love, Of Christ, Shed abroad, In our heart, By the Holy Ghost, Which is given to us, Sometimes, Through a precious word, Draught with sweetness, And power, And comfort, Into our hearts, Sometimes, Sometimes it is, By the furnace, Heated seven times, Hotter, It won't to be heated, And the form of the form, Was like the, Son of God, Jesus, Himself, Oh, That, We may live more, To his pain, And, Be brought to this, I know, That my, Redeemer, Living, Amen.