Waiting and Relying upon God our Refuge (Quality: Average)

Norwich - Zoar - Part 82

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Pont, Philip

Sept. 12, 2001


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[0:00] Word Refuge God is our refuge and strength a very present help in trouble in that 60 second psalm He only is my rock and my salvation He is my defence I shall not be greatly moved and then again in verse 6 He only is my rock and my salvation again the same words He is my defence and I shall not be moved and in God is my salvation and my glory the rock and my strength and my refuge is in God and the following verse 2 God is a refuge for us When you and I know a little of the understanding that we are as sinners when in the midst of the confusion of this world thousands are hurled into eternity in a moment we wonder my friends at this word refuge

[1:13] Many people started yesterday in the United States as they start every day within moments within hours and they were ushered into eternity but what a mercy my friends if we have some interest in this word our refuge tis so in the first verse of the 46th psalm tis in the 7th verse our refuge and surely it is in the 62nd psalm my refuge is in God God is a refuge for us and so we could go on what a blessed place it must be to have a refuge in times of trouble what a wonderful mercy my friends is that you and I have been brought to need a refuge and by faith and grace we might hasten to that refuge

[2:15] I used to think of those words we often heard quoted years ago in that dread moment oh to hide my friends that's when you and I shall need a refuge how many of that countless thousands yesterday were in that refuge or under it we shall never know but my friends it's something to pray for something if you feel the dreadfulness and solemnity of being a sinner and also the awfulness of the days in which we live oh in a moment it shuts the warning we should really heed these warnings that are given the Lord help us to do so and may we prove that he is a refuge then in the 62nd psalm we read about the psalmist David waiting truly my soul waiteth upon God from him cometh my salvation my soul wait thou only upon God for my refuge for my expectation is from him and then in the 46th psalm of course those familiar words be still and know that I am God well there is in these two psalms sufficient for many a discourse but that you and I shall be brought to see the need of a refuge and seek after it hide me oh thou Saviour hide till the storms of life is past and in that lovely hymn 2, 143 rock of ages my friends that's a wonderful mercy to be able to see that it is cleft for you rock of ages cleft for me let me hide myself in thee but then we must just address these other words be still be still and know that I am God

[4:30] I will be exalted among the heathen I will be exalted in the earth and then to couple it as it were to that 62nd psalm where he speaks about waiting I don't believe any child of God will wait in vain but it will be your mercy too and that grace that is so needed dear friends if you are waiting if you are in this waiting being still not only waiting for answers of prayer not only waiting for deliverances not only waiting for the appearance of the Lord on your side and oh and especially in the matters of your precious soul and those eternal truths which you long to lay high on long to lay hold of but this word be still what does it mean?

[5:27] how does it apply to the Lord's people? when the apostle wrote the Hebrews he also wrote this you have need of patience my friends and if you and I are to be still of a spiritual sense it will be as that grace of patience is granted to us being still being still is not working out what you are going to do being still is casting your burden on the Lord being still is waiting on him to perform what it is needed and the Lord knows what deliverances is needed oh it is a good word if you can lay hold of it this night be still be still if you and I have the blessing of this refuge surrounding us and supporting us preserving us and keeping us well it may not keep us from danger it may not keep us certainly won't keep us from death because the appointed time shall come and we shall be taken into eternity but if our refuge is in Christ then when he comes my friends will make no difference but oh in the things of your own soul salvation you will pace in it a moment those desires those wishes so weak those earnest cries those pleadings with the Lord those desires for mercy the Lord showing you the way of salvation the Lord granting you the blessing of that salvation oh hey this word be still well it means this my friends surely if you and I are in a place where we should be whether it's grace or providence it will be a place which we cannot influence or alter or indeed do anything about and being still my friends is a grace that God will give you and I if we seek it so that we don't put our hand to what is his work because when people tell you to be still remember this what's said to those who have been still and know that I am God and know that I am God oh I there's a truth in those lines we sing with heaven and earth at his command he waits to answer prayer all power is given unto me in heaven and in earth never mind what foolish men think they wield much power and so on my friends their breath is in God's hands be still and know that I am God oh when he performs for his people he will perform according to his will and purposes and he will perform also for their salvation and their deliverance you can go look at these words my friends and link them to many places in the word of God

[8:31] I was reminded of the of the word in Daniel which we had here some time back where he was cast into the den of lions and in that den of lions there was destruction destruction but not for Daniel that king said to him when he was cast in thy God whom thou service continually he shall deliver thee then he went to his house couldn't sleep and in the morning he came to the the den of lions and he said is thy God whom thou service continually able to deliver thee and the good man said my God has sent his angel and shut the lions mouth my friends it's very certain it's no foolish statement but no one else could shut lions mouth

[9:33] Daniel could not do so he was a faithful soul his prayers and supplication illustrated the grace of God in his soul perseverance in prayer against the thrust of his enemies which is a place where you and I can come to then and the Lord grants us grace to be there and to be still and know I love that word I remember Robert Field preaching it here one May occasion in May where he says continue in prayer watching unto the side well if you are in this place of being still and it isn't often but if you when you come to that place my friends you will watch the Lord's hand and you will see this if God gives you the grace to be still he will show you what he will do and he will do it remember that word in the chapter in the 20th of the second book of Chronicles when they called a prayer meeting and they laid their trouble before the Lord three great armies were at the very door of Jerusalem and they laid their trouble before the Lord and that good

[10:52] Levite Jezeal spoke and he spoke because he was guided by the Spirit what were those men to do? nothing they were to be still they were to do nothing God will fight their will fight for them he destroyed their enemies oh they were to go down tomorrow and they would see that tomorrow their fight was finished the Lord had finished his work destroyed his enemies and they were at peace they praised the Lord for his goodness they blessed him in the words of the psalmist in days to follow that his mercy endureth forever my friends if you are in this place be still and the Lord bring you in it and especially when you are troubled with salvation troubled with your soul troubled with being troubled overburdened cast down by reason of the hardness of the way it might rise in your mind all sorts of things which you might want to do to get yourself in a better position and place my friends heed the word this night if you are in that sixty second psalm and there is such a sweet word there isn't there trust in him at all times not trusting him in at some times at all times ye people pour out your heart before him

[12:25] God is a refuge for us when you pray whether it is audible or silent oh pour your heart out pour it out God is a refuge for us but in pouring it out my friends lay it there and leave it there don't take it out don't start to work out what is the best thing to do it's in my old nature to do so I would have to confess it often but my friends of gracious nature and God give you that gracious nature and that you will prove this I am God and none can overthrow him none can indeed hinder his work none can stay his hand my friends we see such a need therefore there is such a lot of I was going to say such a lot of blessings in these two little psalms what sacred blessings they are what truths are there for the comfort of the Lord's people in this day when there is such a need of a refuge if the enemy of the United States should strike again my friends if he should strike within this United Kingdom oh what a mercy it will be whatever is the outcome that God is our refuge

[13:51] God is our refuge and strength a very present help and that will abide with you too a very present help my friends a help that is continually there a help which is to be drawn upon and indeed sought for and to be sought after and it is a help which is an unlimited help the 46th Psalm closed the Lord of Hosts is with us and the God of Jacob is our refuge and the God of Jacob is our refuge I spoke to the pastor at Sheboygan this afternoon and conveyed my deep regret and distress that what had happened to those innocent people I must call them that for a moment yesterday oh I did feel distressed by it because it brings such a sadness such a distress and we wonder where the danger is next he said to me that all the denominations yesterday evening in Sheboygan whether it was the Catholics or the Netherlands Reformed Church or the whoever they were they all opened their churches last night and they went to prayer he said I have to leave it as that but he said we there seemed to be within the city of Sheboygan all these churches opened for the one purpose to pray well my friends we have a weapon which is all prayer

[15:23] Lord help you to use it but in these Psalms my friends there is this remembrance of a defence there is a remembrance of a refuge and at all times and at all times trust in him at all times my mind went to this word in the 46th Psalm yesterday but then I coupled it with this 62nd Psalm and I had to confess before the Lord well I don't really know which word to speak from because there are so many encouragements here there are so many strengths that are found in these two psalms for the Lord's people and it is a psalm these two psalms are in my feelings this night anyway joined together well my friends the Lord enable you to hear and the Lord enable you to remember Amen closing here 899 closing here 899 oh there with battering tempests tossed perplexed and shattered here and there bewildered on a legal coast and finding no deliverance near on Jesus calling with sad thought but Jesus seems to mind thee not soon as thy heart can moaning cry what must a wretched sinner do to Jesus lift thy weary eye for whither house can sinners go and Jesus will not fail thy hope but on him wait till he rise up hymn 899 yorkève

[18:07] Oh, my God.

[18:37] Oh, my God.

[19:07] Oh, my God.

[19:37] Oh, my God.

[20:07] Oh, my God.

[20:36] Oh, my God. Oh, my God. Oh, my God. Oh, my God. Oh, my God. Oh, my God.

[20:48] Oh, my God. Oh, my God. Oh, my God. Oh, my God. Oh, my God. Thanks to Isaiah, we will have found súper favourite thy mia verdure thy quotas may be my my my he the thy LET you será war Thank you.

[22:13] Amen. Lord, I will do graciously grant us thy blessing.

[22:30] Lord, when we're brought to be still, Lord, leave nothing else. The props have been removed. All other helps are taken away.

[22:42] Where can we look for, Lord? It isn't in self. But, oh, bless us with that grace. Be still. And know that I am God.

[22:55] Oh, when we think of the power, the might, the ability, thou didst create the world by speaking. Thou canst destroy the world by speaking.

[23:06] Thou canst overcome, Lord, for thy people, and thou wilt overcome. Oh, be very mindful, Lord, we pray thee.

[23:18] Thou didst die at Calvary, and they thought that, indeed, they overcame. But, Lord, thou didst overcome, because thou didst rise again.

[23:30] Lord, when we see death on something, we seem to feel that it's all too late. But thou who art the resurrection and the life can overcome death itself.

[23:44] And so, remember all thy people, Lord, in their pathways. Remember them too, Lord, if thou art chasing them. Lord, bring them into these places of such low, dark, distressing places, because of thy chastening hand, Lord, or enable them to bow before the rod, kiss the rod, and he that hath appointed it.

[24:12] Oh, and to prove, Lord, that they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength. They shall mount up with wings as eagles.

[24:23] They shall run and not be weary. And they shall walk and not faint. Now, pardon everything that's wrong in our gathering together.

[24:34] Wash it all, Lord, with thy most precious blood. Take us home now in peace. Abide with us. May the grace of the Lord Jesus, the love of God the Father, the fellowship and communion of the Holy Spirit, remain with us, both now and forever.

[24:56] Amen.