[0:00] We were thinking this morning of the confession of faith of Job and the first words of that in Job 19.25, I know that my Redeemer liveth.
[0:16] We saw how he makes that confession that looks to his Redeemer standing upon the earth in the latter day and to that expectation that he will be raised even though the worms have consumed his body, even though all that is mortal has long since crumbled to dust, he will be raised up so that with his eyes he shall look upon his Redeemer and not another.
[0:50] And this is all the desire of his heart, particularly in the vexed troubles that were his. His reins moved within him. His desire was strong within him that he might even be in that blessed state of glory.
[1:09] Now I develop what I was thinking about this morning or trying to bring before you as the Lord helps me this evening from John chapter 14 and verses 2 and 3.
[1:25] John chapter 14 verses 2 and 3. In my Father's house are many mansions. If it were not so, I would have told you.
[1:36] I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you unto myself. But where I am, there ye may be also.
[1:51] This is familiar territory. This is the upper room discourse. A number of weeks ago we considered the first verse and we thought of how the disciples were in great darkness and in distress because they knew that it was imminent that the Lord should be taken from them, that he would be taken by wicked hands and that he would be delivered up.
[2:18] They did not seem to remember his teaching concerning the fact of it and the inevitability of it and the needfulness of it and they were only concerned out of love to him and out of concern for themselves what would become of them.
[2:36] And the Lord knowing their hearts altogether, he addresses them in the midst of all his own soul trial which was so immense that we cannot begin to understand it.
[2:52] We find that he has a concern for them. Let not your heart be troubled, he says. Ye believe in God, believe also in me.
[3:03] Now he comforts them with words and amongst the many words that he brings to them are these two words that are verses two and three that we are considering tonight.
[3:18] And I want to speak about the future for the Lord's people from these verses. I am not thinking so much now of exposition of the 14th chapter but seeking to draw attention to things future and to that blessed state of glory and the heavenly home of the people of God.
[3:46] And we look at a number of things which are very simple statements of fact as they are suggested to us by this verse. First of all that Christ reveals heaven to us.
[4:00] Christ reveals heaven to us and as with all the truth and doctrine of God, if it is not revealed to us we would never know it.
[4:14] We do not come to it by natural reason. We do not come to it by searching. It's got to be shown to us. It's got to be revealed. Christ has revealed to us so many things that deal with the future.
[4:31] And Christ says a great deal in the record of his words that's been preserved to us concerning heaven and hell. Some of the most terrible things in the solemnity that are uttered in the whole of scripture are uttered by the Savior on the matter of hell, that awful state where the worm dies not and the flame is not quenched.
[4:59] But the Lord also has much to say on heaven. And heaven is that prepared place for a prepared people. And of this he now speaks to the comforting of these disciples in the upper room.
[5:16] And that Christ reveals heaven to us. Accommodating his words to our capacity. We would not understand if he were to speak of heaven as it is.
[5:30] For he has come from heaven. He has returned to heaven. It is written concerning heaven that in many matters eye hath not seen, neither hath the ear heard, nor hath it entered into the heart of man the things which God hath prepared for them that love him.
[5:46] But there is sufficient given to us that we can be, I believe, greatly comforted ourselves at the prospects that open to the Christian regarding the future.
[5:59] So we see that Christ is revealing heaven to us. Speaking of the kingdom of heaven. And he speaks of it here in the manner of a house.
[6:14] He speaks of the Father's house. In my Father's house are many mansions. And a house speaks of a dwelling.
[6:24] And where there will be found those living together. And heaven is a place which is like a house, a dwelling where a family lives.
[6:39] The household of faith and the family of God. They are those for whom there is a prepared place.
[6:51] The Father's house. In my Father's house are many mansions. So heaven is like a house.
[7:03] And who dwells in that house? The Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit. God dwells in heaven. And there dwell also elect angels.
[7:14] Those angels that we were thinking about on past Thursday evenings. That wait upon their God. That worship and adore. And those angels that he sends forth to be all ministering spirits to them who shall be heirs of salvation.
[7:32] Here is the family in heaven. There is God. There are elect angels. And there are already in that house those of the election of grace.
[7:48] Those of Adam's race that have been chosen of the Father. Redeemed by blood. Called by the Holy Spirit. And they have parted from this life in death.
[8:00] And they have gone in spirit to be with the Lord forevermore. And this is the house. The Father's house.
[8:10] This is the heavenly place of which the Lord would speak to his disciples. Now as we think of this house not so much now concerning ourselves with angels.
[8:24] Because we have been looking at that matter. We are considering the elect sinners that are in this house of God. In the Father's house.
[8:35] Or those that will be brought to it in God's good time. I think we can make a two-fold distinction regarding this house. Which is the house of God.
[8:48] First of all that it is a house of grace. And then secondly that there is that house of glory. There are these two aspects of grace and glory concerning this dwelling with God in the heavenly state.
[9:05] The house of grace of course is that of heaven which is known already to us while we are upon the earth. We are made to sit together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus.
[9:18] Though we are certainly not in heaven and very much upon the earth. Yet there is a knowledge of heaven. A knowledge of the one who is the great center of attraction to his people in heaven.
[9:36] The Lamb who is in the midst of the throne. He, if he is formed in our hearts, the hope of glory. He brings something of heaven to us.
[9:48] And we rejoice that there is a house of grace. And we know something about it. For example, when we meet together. As now we meet. And other companies like us through the earth.
[10:01] We believe that being met together in the name of God's dear Son. We have his own promise. And we believe that we have realized it many times in the past.
[10:12] And I trust our realizing it again this evening. We have the Lord himself in the midst. And there is a very wonderful thing. There is the dwelling of God with us.
[10:26] If we are thinking of this house in which there is a dwelling. We dwelling with God and God dwelling with us. We have got to think of this house of grace.
[10:36] Which is even now experienced by us. In that when we meet we are part of this family. Christ Jesus himself in the midst.
[10:47] If you turn in the New Testament to Mark. The Gospel of Mark and the third chapter. Mark chapter 3 verse 35.
[10:59] You see something which is very significant. When we consider the house of grace. And our present experience of it.
[11:10] The Lord is answering this question. Behold thy mother and thy brethren without seek for thee.
[11:23] He answered them saying. Who is my mother or my brethren? And he looked round about on them which sat about him. And said behold my mother and my brethren.
[11:33] The 35th verse. For whosoever shall do the will of God. The same is my brother and my sister and my mother.
[11:44] Christ relates to his people. There is a family on earth. There is that one in our midst. Who could say in the days when he walked amongst men.
[11:58] Whosoever shall do the will of God. That is regenerate. And therefore given to do the will of God. The same is my brother and my sister and my mother.
[12:10] What is my mother after the flesh? What are my brethren after the flesh? The spiritual relationship is the one that concerns me. That's what he's saying.
[12:22] Whosoever shall do the will of God. The same is my brother and sister of the Lord Jesus. My brother and sister and mother. And not only is there this house of grace.
[12:38] The dwelling of God in us. And our dwelling with God in relationship. Family relationship. On earth and in the present state. But we see that there is this very dwelling within our hearts.
[12:52] When you turn to the Old Testament. To Isaiah. And to the 55th chapter of Isaiah. The 57th chapter of Isaiah. And the 15th verse you read.
[13:04] For thus saith the high and lofty one. That inhabiteth eternity. Now there is God who inhabits eternity. Whose name is holy.
[13:17] But we also read. I dwell in the high and holy place. With him also that is of a contrite and humble spirit. To revive the spirit of the humble.
[13:28] And to revive the heart of the contrite ones. Here is the great God. The holy God. The omnipresent God. The God that fills all things.
[13:40] And yet he condescends to dwell. With him that is of a contrite and humble spirit. He makes us humble. He brings us to a contrite spirit.
[13:51] By the work of his holy spirit. And we are given to know his dwelling with us. So there is the father dwelling with us.
[14:02] There is the son in the midst when we are assembled together. We have another scripture that speaks of the spirit. And his indwelling. 1 Corinthians 3 and the 16th verse.
[14:16] Know ye not that ye are the temple of God. And the spirit of God dwelleth in you. If any man defile the temple of God.
[14:26] Him shall God destroy. For the temple of God is holy. Which temple ye are. The Jews would have thought very adversely.
[14:37] Of anyone that did anything. That was not permitted in the temple. They had such a regard. For the place where God condescended. To meet with his people. And the significance of this.
[14:50] Should not escape us. That we are the temple. Of the holy spirit. Our very bodies are the temple. Of the holy spirit. The holy spirit indwells us.
[15:01] There is that dwelling then. Of God. There is a house of grace. We belong to a family. Even while we yet. Are in this present state.
[15:12] And walk upon the earth. And it behoves us to walk. Circumspiritly. It behoves us to walk. In such a way. That we do not defile. The temple.
[15:23] Of God. But then there is the house of glory. We are not really. So much concerned. With the house of grace. But it has got to be. Mentioned in order. To lead us in.
[15:34] To what. I now bring. Out concerning. The house of. Of glory. There is that. Heaven. Which is.
[15:45] The place where. God dwells. He inhabits eternity. He is. That. One. Who. Is in the high. And the lofty place.
[15:56] Now this. Is that God. That dwells. In heaven. We believe. Concerning. The dwelling of God. That. In the. The very beginning.
[16:07] If we can even speak. Because. We are thinking of that. Which was before time. Before there was space. Before this. Creation. And all things were brought. Into being.
[16:18] Out of nothing. That previously existed. In that. State. There was only God. In the beginning. Was God. And. There was nothing.
[16:28] Besides. But when God. Willed. To create. There was. The creation. Of heaven. There was the creation. Of the third. Heaven. You know that there are.
[16:38] These three. Heavens. In the scripture. The first. Heaven. Is that atmosphere. That's round. About. The earth. The scene. Of our. Our weather.
[16:49] The sky. Through which the birds. Fly. That is the first. Heaven. Beyond. That. There is the second. Heaven. Which is space. Where are the. The sun.
[16:59] And the moon. And the stars. That's the second. Heaven. But the third. Heaven. Is that. Which is. The place. Where God. Condescends. To dwell. Now there is much.
[17:11] That must be. A mystery. To us. Concerning. That. But I believe. That God. When he created. Created. A heaven. In which he might. Dwell.
[17:22] That there is. A natural. Place. There is a blessed. State. All the wonder of it. All the deep mystery of it. That we cannot. Locate it. We could not say.
[17:32] That it's there. Or here. But we believe. That it is. As God is. That there he condescends. To be. There Jesus Christ. The God.
[17:43] Man. Is as an advocate. Before him. There are the spirits. Of just men. Made perfect. There are elect. Angels. Around the throne. This is the place. Where God.
[17:53] Has established. His throne. This is the place. Where he. Has. Will. To manifest. His glory. In the. Future state.
[18:04] To those of his people. When he takes them. From heaven. A prepared people. On earth. Are taken. To a prepared. Heaven. In the. Glory. And we.
[18:15] We believe. That this. Is something. That we will not. Allow anyone. To filch away from us. The blessed. Hope of God's. People. We believe. In this.
[18:26] Holy. Happy. Place. That. Is the place. Where God. Condescends. To dwell. And God. Reveals himself. And in. This place. The father's house.
[18:38] There are many. Mansions. Now. Mansions. Perhaps. Gives the. Wrong. Impression. To us. It. Translates. The greek. Word. Moni. Which means.
[18:49] Dwelling. Places. Abiding. Places. There are many. Apartments. There are many. Dwelling. Places. In the father's. House. We shall come. To look at. At it.
[19:00] Again. In a moment. But. We. Are thinking. Concerning. The heavenly. State. In my father's. House. Are many.
[19:10] Mansions. Days. And we. Will be. Brought. Into. That. Blessed. Place. At the. Appointed. Time. And for the. Great. Majority.
[19:21] For nearly. All. The people. Of God. It will be. When this. Life. Ends. That we. Shall be. Brought. Into. That. State. Of. Glory. And into.
[19:32] The father's. House. Surely. Goodness. And mercy. Will follow me. All the days. Of my life. And I shall dwell. In the house. Of the Lord. Forever. Now if you turn.
[19:42] On to second. Corinthians. And the fifth. Chapter. I attempt. In these opening. Verses. Of second. Corinthians. Five. Which is the only. Other.
[19:53] New Testament. Place. That deals. With the house. Deals. With the. Dwelling. Deals. With the. Present. Dwelling. And the heavenly.
[20:04] Dwelling. The house of grace. And the house of glory. As we look at these verses. May the spirit of God. Grant us. Perception. And understanding.
[20:15] Says the apostle. Two Corinthians. Five. One. For we know. That if our. Earthly house. Exactly the same. Word. Used there. As in.
[20:26] John. Fourteen. Verse two. We. We know. That if our. Earthly house. Of this. Tabernacle. Were dissolved. We have a building. Of God. And house. Not made. With hands.
[20:37] Eternal. In the heavens. For in this. We groan. Earnestly. Desiring. To be clothed. Upon. With our house. Which. Is. From. Heaven.
[20:48] There is. This. House. A house. Not made. With. Hands. Which is. Eternal. In. The heavens.
[20:59] And there is. This contrast. Between. In. Our present. In. Our present. Body. State. On earth. The earthly. House. Of this. Tabernacle. And this. Which is. The future. State.
[21:10] And dwelling. Of the Lord's people. Which is. Described to us. As an house. Not made. With hands. Eternal. In. The heavens. This. Is the.
[21:21] Father's. House. And there. We are being. Shown here. That when. There is a. Dissolving. Of this. House. That is. At death. When we. Die. And this. Present.
[21:31] Body. Is. Is. No more. And. Is. Placed. In the ground. And. The. Worm. Does. His. Work. Upon it. When this.
[21:42] Present. Earthly. House. Is. Dissolved. We. Have. A building. Of God. A house. Not made. With hands. Eternal. In. The heavens.
[21:53] And when. The Christian. Dies. We believe. That his. Spirit. Goes. To be. With Christ. In. This. Eternal. House. In this.
[22:04] House. Which. Is. From. Heaven. And. As. We. Go. On. And the more. We know. The limitations. Of our. Body. And some. Of you. Begin. To. Know. That. A never.
[22:14] A day. Passes. But what. You're. Reminded. Of. The. The mortality. That is. Our present. Portion. And how. We are. In. A. Tabernacle. House.
[22:25] That is. A tenth. House. It's not. Very. Strong. It's. Gradually. Beginning. To. Worsen. It's. Gradually. Beginning. To. Show. Wear. And. Tear. Soon. It will. Be.
[22:35] Utterly. Dissolved. It will. Be. Taken. Down. It will. Be. No. More. Visible. But. We. Have. A. House. Which. Is. An. Eternal. House. It's. It's. Not. Made.
[22:45] With. Hands. It's. Not. It's. Not. A. Tabernacle. In. The. Sense. Of. A. Flimsy. Erection. It is. That. Substantial. Building. Of. God. That. Dwelling. Place.
[22:56] Of. God. Where. He. Condescends. To. Be. And. Manifest. His. Glory. In. The. Heavenly. State. And. We. Groan. We. Long. For. This. As. Job. Was.
[23:06] Longing. For. It. His. Reigns. Were. Moving. Within. Him. He. He. Was. Longing. For. It. Brought. To. No. Such. Awful. Scourge. Upon. His. Body. These. Boils.
[23:16] And. Sores. From. The. Sore. Of. To. To. The. Crown. Of. His. Head. He. Longed. To. To. To. To. To. To. To. With. His. Redeemer. He. Longed. To. To. To. To. To. To. To. To. To. To.
[23:26] And. We. Grown. And. We. We. Brought. To. To. This. Groaning. And. There. Even. Times. When. Our. Bodies. Are. Not. The. Of. It. It. But. This. Wicked. Evil. World. That. We. Find. Our. Home.
[23:37] It. No. Place. For. Us. Once. We. Were. Taken up. With. It. Once. We. Were. Dancing. To. It. Every. Tune. As. It. As. It. Called. We.
[23:48] Were. Ready. To. Follow. But. No. More. We. We. We. Find. That. We. Have. Something. Which. Fills. All. Our. Expectation. And. All. Our. Desire. We. We.
[23:58] We. We. We. Are. Looking. For. That. Building. Not. Made. With. Hands. Eternal. In. The. Heavens. That. House. Which. Is. From. Heaven. We. Desiring. That. To. Be. Our.
[24:09] Our. House. We. Want. To. Be. In. That. Dwelling. Place. The. Father's. House. In. Which. Are. These. Many. Mansions. And. Then. Says. The. Apostle. If. So. Be. That.
[24:19] Being. Clothed. We. Shall. Not. Be. Found. Naked. We. Don't. Want. And. There. Are. Various. Interpretations. Of. This. Verse. We. Don't. Want. To. Be. Those. That. When. We. Die. We. Find. That. We. Are.
[24:29] Not. Clothed. We. But. No. Robe. Of. Righteousness. Upon. Us. We. Got. Nothing. To. Hide. Us. From. The. Wrath. To. Come. That. How. Calvin. Interprets. The. Verse. We.
[24:39] Want. Those. Of. Us. That. Come. To. This. State. To. Know. Where. We. Stand. It's. If. We. Die. Outside. Of. The. Lord. It's. An. Awful. Thing. We. Are. To. Fear. Untremble.
[24:51] To. Leave.
[25:02] This. Life. And. Die. That's. The. Suffering. Over. They. Are. At. Rest. Oh. They. Are. Not. At. Rest. If. They. Are. Outside. Of. Christ. They. Have. Entered. A. Day. Of.
[25:13] Endless. Night. They. Have. Entered. An. Experience. That. Will. Will. Never. Never. End. Of. Separation. From. The. Face. Of. God. Eternally.
[25:23] They. Are. Not. At. Rest. But. The. Child. Of. God. Who. Is. Sheltered. By. The. Blood. Which. Is. The. Whole. Message. Of. The. Gospel. Who. Knows. That. He. Is. A. Redeemer. Who. Will. Plead.
[25:34] His. Cause. And. Stand. Up. For. Him. In. The. Last. Day. He. Then. Will. Not. Be. Naked. He. Will. Be. As. One. That. Has. A. Covering. In. That. Day. And. He. Has. This.
[25:44] Heavenly. Hope. Of. Of. The. House. Of. God. To. Be. His. Home. For. All. The. Future. Now.
[25:54] Then. It. It. Comes. Through. To. The. Two. Verses. That. I. Particularly. Want. You. To. Notice. Verses. Six. And. Eight. Therefore. These. Things. Being. So.
[26:04] We. Are. Always. Confident. This. Is. What. It. Is. For. Us. To. To. Come. To. As. The. Lord's. People. That. We. Might. Be. Always.
[26:15] Confident. Whatever. Our. Circumstance. Whether. We. Be. Brought. To. A. Similar. Circumstance. As. Was. Job. Or. Whatever. It. Be. That. Lies. Ahead. Of. Us. We.
[26:26] Want. To. Be. Always. Confident. Knowing. That. Whilst. We. Are. At. Home. In. The. Body. We. Are. Absent. From. The. Lord.
[26:38] And. Then. In. Verse. Eight. It. Is. Repeated. We. Are. Confident. I. Say. And. Willing. Rather. To. Be. Absent. From. The. Body. And. To. Be. Present. With.
[26:48] The. Lord. We. Want. That. Exchange. We. Are. Willing. That. Exchange. Of. This. Frail. Tabernacle. Which. Is. Going. To. Be. Dissolved.
[26:59] If. We. Know. That. We. Will. Have. This. Building. Not. Made. With. Hands. Eternal. In. The. Heavens. If. We. Know. That. To. Be. Absent. From. The. Body. Is.
[27:09] To. Be. Present. With. The. Lord. What. A. Wonderful. Passage. It. Is. To. Be. Always. Confident. There's. No. Limbo. There's. No. Other. State. There's. No. Intermediate.
[27:20] State. To. Be. Absent. From. The. Body. That. Moment. After. Death. Is. Pronounced. That. Moment. After. Death.
[27:30] Has. Come. For. The. Believer. There. Is. Absence. From. The. Body. And. There. Is. To. Be. At. Home. With. The. Lord. In. That. Glory. In. That. Dwelling.
[27:41] Place. In. That. Heavenly. State. Where. Are. The. Spirits. Of. Just. Man. Made. Perfect. Where. Jesus. Is. Where. Where. The. Angels. Are. We.
[27:52] Are. Willing. Rather. To. Be. Absent. From. The. Body. And. To. Be. Present. With. The. Lord. Where. For. We. Labor. That. Whether. Present. Or. Absent. For.
[28:08] Me. To. Live. Is. Christ. He. Could. Say. And. To. Die. Is. Gain. So. We. Go. Back. Now. To. John. 14.
[28:18] And. That. Second. Verse. In. My. Father's. House. Are. Many. Mansions. Many. Abiding. Places. Many. Dwelling. Places. Many. Places. For. Us. To. Stay. And.
[28:29] This. Is. Brought. Out. In. There. The. Symbolism. What. The. Figure. Conveys. To. Us. It's. A. House. And. Many.
[28:39] Mansions. In. That. House. What. Does. That. Convey. To. You. This. Heavenly. State. This. Eternal. State. This. House. Not. Built.
[28:49] With. Hands. Eternal. In. The. Heavens. Does. It. Not. Speak. Of. Permanence. Does. Not. A. House. Of. This. Order. Speak. Of. Permanence. Not. A. Tent. Now. It's. This. House. It's.
[29:00] Built. It's. Established. It. Will. Last. It. Will. Endure. What. About. Our. Houses. That. We. Hope. Will. Endure. And. See. Our. Day. Out. And. And. That. They.
[29:10] May. Be. Passed. On. To. Others. After. Us. But. They. Won't. Last. Forever. There. Are. Very. Few. Houses. That. Will. Last. Anything. As. Long. As. We. Hope. That. They. Will. But. There. Will. Be. No.
[29:20] Wearing. Out. Of. That. Heavenly. House. Thank. God. That. House. That's. Not. Built. With. Hands. Eternal. In. The. Heavens. It's. Established. In. The. Heavens. And. Then. Does.
[29:30] Not. This. House. This. This. House. In. Which. Are. Many. Mansions. Does. It. Not. Speak. To. Us. Of. The. Extent. The. Extent. Of. It. It's. It's. Eternal. It's. Something. That.
[29:41] Will. Be. Will. Be. Always. As. A. Home. To. Us. It. Will. Always. Afford. A. Shelter. Protection. That's. What. We. Use. A. House. For. It. It. Gives. Us. Security.
[30:03] They. May. Have. Gone. Through. Many. Houses. Conversation. Earlier. This. Morning. I. Was. We. Were. Talking. On. The. The. Number. Of. Moves. That. Some. People. Have. Made.
[30:14] And. The. Number. Of. Homes. That. They. Had. In. Their. Lifetime. Others. Have. Scarcely. Ever. Moved. And. I. Often. Told. You. James. Turton. That. Was. A. Hadard. That. Never.
[30:25] Slept. Out. Of. The. Room. That. He. Was. Born. In. He. Died. In. The. Room. That. He. Was. Born. In. In. 80. More. Years. Afterwards. Never. Slept. In. Any. Other. Room. In. His. Life.
[30:37] Well. That's. A. Very. Unusual. Thing. Some. Of. It. Many. Houses. Others. Of. It. Scarcely. Any. Moves. But. There. Is. A. Greater. Permanence. There. Is. A. Wonderful.
[30:47] Expansiveness. About. This. Heavenly. House. It. Will. Be. That. Large. Place. Indeed. Because. We're. Told. That. There. Are. Many. Mansions. In. It.
[30:58] It. Will. Be. A. Very. Wonderful. House. There. Will. Be. That. Abundance. Of. Room. Room. For. All. The. Elect. Of. God. And.
[31:08] Room. For. All. The. Multitude. Of. Angels. And. The. Elect. Of. God. Our. Multitude. Remember. That. No. Man. Can. Number. This. Is. Our. Home.
[31:18] All. To. Have. Some. View. Of. It. To. See. What. Our. Prospects. Are. You. Can. Imagine. Some. In. In. Past. Days. That. Lived. In. Wretchedness. And. In. Hovels.
[31:28] Rather. Than. Houses. We. Could. Scarcely. Describe. Their. Dwellings. As. Houses. But. They. Had. That. Hope. Of. A. A. Heavenly. Home. They.
[31:39] Had. Good. Grounded. Hope. In. Christ. That. One. Day. They. Would. Exchange. Their. Present. Lot. For. That. Building. Of. God. Not. Made. With.
[31:49] Hands. Eternal. In. The. Heavens. We. Don't. Want. To. Leave. It. When. The. Time. Comes.
[32:00] We. Want. To. Be. Those. That. Are. Ready. To. Let. It. Go. Let. It. Go. Tonight. If. It. Need. Be. Because. A. Better. Awakes. If. So. Be. That. We. Are. Not. Found.
[32:10] Naked. If. So. Be. That. We. Have. A. Covering. If. So. Be. That. We. Have. Title. Deeds. To. This. House. Then. Let. The. Lord. Call. Let. Us. Be. Summon. For.
[32:21] What. If. This. Earthly. House. Be. Dissolved. This. Frail. Tabernacle. We. Have. Another. House. A. Better. House. All. The. Nature. Of. It. This.
[32:31] Is. Our. Home. One. Of. The. Engagements. Of. The. American. Civil. War. We. Up.
[32:43] On. One. Side. Of. The. Of. A. River. And. On. The. Other. Side. Was. The. Southern. Army. And. They. There. Was. A. Lull. In. The. In. The. Battle. As. Often. Was. The. Case. And.
[32:54] On. This. Particular. Morning. The. Northern. Band. Began. To. Play. The. The. Northern. Tunes. The. Battle. Hymn. Of.
[33:05] The. The. Southerners. On. The. Other. Side.
[33:15] Of. The. River. To. Have. Their. Band. Assembled. And. They. Played. Dixie. And. The. And. The. Confederate. Tunes. And. They. Cheered. The. Army. And.
[33:26] Then. The. Northern. Band. Started. To. Play. Home. Sweet. Home. And. There. Was. A. Silence. And. Then. The. Record.
[33:36] Is. That. The. Southern. When. That. Ended. There. Was. A. Shout. Louder. Than. The. Shouts.
[33:46] For. North. And. South. That. Went. Up. As. Men. Spoke. Out. From. The. Depths. Of. Their. Hearts. Their. Desire. To. Be. Home. Once. More. And.
[33:56] If. That. Were. The. Sentiment. Of. Mere. Men. With. A. Carnal. Thought. And. Expectation. How. Much. More. The.
[34:13] Father's. House. The. House. Of. Grace. And. The. House. Of. Glory. With. These. Many. Mansions. Now.
[34:24] Back. To. The. Fourteenth. Chapter. Of. John. The. Lord. In. The. Second. Place. Speaks. Of. The. Reality. Of. Heaven. The. Reality. Of. Heaven. If.
[34:35] It. Were. Not. So. I. Would. Have. Told. You. If. It. Were. Not. So. I. Would. Have. Told. You. This. Is. No. Deception. This. Isn't. Moonshine.
[34:46] This. Isn't. Wishful. Thinking. This. Is. The. Word. Of. Christ. Of. Course. If. You. Don't. Believe. That. Jesus. Is. The. Son. Of. God. If. You. Don't. Believe. That. He. Is. The. Faithful.
[34:56] And. The. True. Witness. You. Won't. Receive. His. Word. But. When. You. See. Him. For. Who. He. Is. And. When. You. Know. That. His. Word. Is. Every. Word. Is. Truth. This. Is. No. Deceiver.
[35:06] That. Speaks. This. Is. Not. One. That. Seeking. To. Pull. The. Wool. Over. Our. Eyes. This. Is. Not. Some. Opium. In. Order. That. Under. The. Of. Drug. We. Might. Avoid.
[35:16] The. Reality. This. Is. The. Truth. Of. The. Matter. This. Is. The. Fact. Of. The. Matter. If. It. Were. Not. So. I. Would. Have. Told. You. No.
[35:27] Man. Had. More. Qualifications. To. Tell. Us. Concerning. The. Father's. House. Because. He. Had. Come. From. It. To. This. Earth. And. Shortly. He. Would. Return. To. It. He. Could. Speak.
[35:37] With. Authority. On. This. Matter. He. Had. Come. To. Secure. The. Salvation. Of. His. People. There. Is. No. Deception. About. It. This. Utter. Reality. This. Is. As. Real. As.
[35:48] Anything. That. We. Call. Real. In. The. First. Verse. Ye. Believe. In. God. Believe. Also. In. Me. Believe. Me. Believe. My. Word. In.
[35:58] My. Father's. House. There. Are. Many. Mansions. If. It. Were. Not. So. I. Would. Have. Told. You. I. Wouldn't. Have. Deceived. You. If. This. Were. Not. So. I. Told. You. The. Truth. In.
[36:09] This. Matter. It. Was. Old. Roland. Hill. That. Said. For. We. Too. Are. Joined. That. This. I. Provided.
[36:27] For. There. Is. That. Prepared. Heaven. For. A. Prepared. People. There's. No. Deception. There's. Utter. Reality. In. It. Now. The. Third. Thing. Is. That. Jesus. Ascends.
[36:38] To. Prepare. That. Heaven. For. Us. I. Go. To. Prepare. A. Place. For. You. And. If. I. Go. And. Prepare. A. Place. For. You. There's.
[36:48] No. Out. As. He. Utters. These. Words.
[36:58] Concerning. This. That. He. Is. Going. To. Prepare. That. Place. Now. Of course. The. Disciples. Were. Agitated. Because. They. Couldn't. Grasp. Why. Really. He. Was.
[37:09] Going. Why. Couldn't. He. Stay. With. Them. Why. Couldn't. He. Always. Be. There. But. They. Did. Not. Understand. Then. What. They. Came. To. Know. Afterwards. That. It. Was.
[37:19] Needful. All. The. Scriptures. Had. Been. Preparatory. To. This. Very. Thing. That. He. Should. Come. And. Suffer. And. Bleed. And. Die. That. He. Should. Be. Offered. Up. For. Our. Offenses.
[37:30] And. Raised. Again. For. Our. Justification. It. Was. Needful. That. He. Go. This. Way. It. Was. Needful. That. He. Go. To. Heaven. By. The. Way. Of. The. Cross. And. The.
[37:40] Tomb. That. He. Vacated. Upon. The. Third. Day. This. Was. How. It. Was. Appointed. This. Was. The. Covenant. This. Was. The. Appointment. Of. God. Thus. Was. The. Heavenly. House. To.
[37:51] Be. Secured. To. The. Many. Believers. That. Should. Enter. Him. And. This. Is. Absolutely. Fundamental. That. We. Grasp. Why. The. Lord.
[38:01] Jesus. Christ. Has. Gone. By. The. Way. Of. The. Cross. And. Then. By. The. Open. Tomb. And. By. The. Ascension. To. Heaven. He's. Done.
[38:11] All. That. Had. To. Be. Done. To. Be. Our. Redeemer. Representing. Us. And. Redeeming. Us. With. His. Precious. Blood. Rescuing. Us. From. All. That. Was. Against. Us. Now.
[38:22] He. Has. Gone. Into. Heaven. Jesus. Has. Ascended. To. Prepare. Heaven. For. Us. I. Go. To. Prepare. A. Place. For. You. He. Makes. Heaven.
[38:32] In. The. First. Place. Accessible. To. Us. He. Unlocks. The. Door. He. Only. Could. Unlock. The. Door. Of. Heaven. And. Let. Us. In. He.
[38:42] He. He. Gone. To. Unlock. The. Door. Having. Made. Atonement. He. Gone. To. Unlock. The. Door. Opening. The. Kingdom. To. All. Believers. Showing. His. Wounds.
[38:54] Showing. In. The. Presence. Of. The. Father. That. He. Has. Made. Atonement. That. He. Is. The. Satisfaction. For. All. The. Sins. Then.
[39:11] Into. Our. Hand. Through. The. Holy. Spirit. For. Christ. Ascended. The. Spirit. Is. Come. If. He. Did. Not. Go. To. The. Father. Then. The. Spirit. Would. Not. Be. Given.
[39:22] But. The. Promise. Of. The. Spirit. Is. This. That. The. Spirit. Comes. And. There. Is. That. Indwelling. Spirit. And. He. Is. The. Pledge. And. The. Guarantee. He. Is.
[39:32] The. One. That. Seals. Us. We're. Sealed. Against. The. Day. Of. Redemption. We're. Sealed. Against. The. Entrance. Into. Our. Eternal. Home. He. Has. The. Title. Deeds. He.
[39:43] Brings. Us. To. Know. And. Read. Our. Title. Clear. To. Mansions. In. The. Sky. For. The. Lord. Jesus. Has.
[39:54] Gone. In. Order. To. Make. Heaven. Accessible. To. Us. He. Has. Gone. In. Order. That. He. Might. Gather. His. People. There. That. He. Might. Gather.
[40:04] To. Himself. Through. The. Years. Of. Time. The. People. That. The. Father. Has. Given. To. Him. All. That. The. Father. Giveth. Me. Shall. Come. Unto. Me. And. Him. That. Cometh. Unto. Him.
[40:26] It. Will. Bring. Them. To. That. Place. To. Which. He. Has. Gone. Before. To. Prepare. It. For. Them. And. Then. He. Has. Gone. In. Order. That. He. Might. Supply. The.
[40:37] Blessings. In. Heaven. That. We. Will. Need. As. We. Come. There. And. Where. The. Spirits. Of. Just. Men. Have. Gone. Already. They. Are. Been. Met. By. Their.
[40:47] Saviour. He. Is. Providing. For. Them. He. Is. Providing. For. Us. Providing. For. Us. Who. Are. Left. Until. Our. Time. Comes. But. He. Provides. For. Those. Who. Are.
[40:57] There. For. They. See. His. Face. They. Know. Him. And. This. Is. Both. Negative. And. Positive. Absence.
[41:07] Of. Troubles. You. Don't. And. Those. That. Are. The. The. The. The. People. Of. God. That.
[41:18] Come. To. The. End. Of. Life. Journey. And. They. Are. Gone. We. Would. Not. Wish. Them. Back. To. A. Life. Of. Trouble. And. Back. Again. To. An. Earthly. Tabernacle. In. All.
[41:28] Its. Flimsy. State. We. Would. Never. Want. Them. Back. Again. Because. Chapter 7.
[41:46] And. At. The. Seventeenth. Verse. For. The. Lamb. Which. Is. In. The. Midst. Of. The. Throne. Shall. Feed. Them. And. Shall. Lead. Them. Unto.
[41:57] Living. Fountains. Of. Waters. And. God. Shall. Wipe. Away. All. Tears. From. Their. Eyes. There. Be. No. More. Troubles. Then. You. Have. Trouble. After. Trouble. When.
[42:08] Troubles. Come. One of the Shakespeare plays. They come not single spies. But in battalions. Battalions of troubles. One after the other. But there will be no more troubles.
[42:20] They will all be left behind. What a glorious prospect. And even the chastenings will be no more. We have been chastened for our good. Whom the Lord loveth he chastens.
[42:31] Spiritual troubles will be left behind also. The troubles that are mine with indwelling sin. Will be delivered from our corruptness. And then our understanding will be that clear understanding.
[42:42] Then shall we know. Even as though we are known. Then our love will be without the spoiling of sin. Lord it is my chief complaint. That my love is weak and faint.
[42:52] But not then. And then we shall be willing in all things. Then we shall have that perfectly free will. To do nothing other than to please God.
[43:05] And to work righteousness. We haven't got that freedom of the will yet. You know we've still got a will which is marred. There is that fight.
[43:15] There is that struggle within us. We are still those that though we will to do good. We find evil is present with us. The good that I would I do not. But the evil that I would not that I do.
[43:27] We are not in that condition of freedom of will by any means. But we shall be in heaven. And we won't have one desire in heaven. To do anything other than to do that which the Lord has appointed.
[43:42] That's the negative of it. That's the negative of it. And all the positive of it. Where do we start? Where do we finish? There will be that wonderful experience which we have conveyed in the symbolic language of scripture.
[43:58] We will have those robes of Revelation 6. And the 11th verse. White robes were given unto every one of them.
[44:10] We will have that righteousness in Christ in all its completeness. We will have the crowns. As James 1.12. Blessed is the man that endureth temptation.
[44:24] Trouble? No. Blessed is the man that endures the temptation that is in the here and now. For when he is tried. When the trial is finished. When this life is over.
[44:34] When the sufferings are ended. He shall receive the crown of life. Which the Lord hath promised to them that love him. And there will be those feasts there.
[44:45] That is the symbolism again of the banqueting. The marriage supper. And in this mountain. Isaiah 25.6 And in this mountain shall the Lord of hosts make unto all people a feast of fat things.
[45:01] A feast of wines on the lees. Of fat things full of marrow. Of wines on the lees. Well refined. And in Revelation 7.
[45:13] On the 17th verse. We had the lamb already in our thinking. In the midst of the throne shall feed them. In heaven a nobler entertainment waits.
[45:25] There are those glorious provisions of the heavenly state. We have those robes. Those crowns. We will be at those banquets. We will be those that sing that new song.
[45:37] Singing unto the Lord. As in Revelation 5. And in the 9th verse. They sung a new song. Saying thou art worthy to take the book.
[45:47] And to open the seals thereof. For thou wast slain. And hast redeemed us to God by thy blood. Out of every kindred and tongue and people and nation.
[45:58] And hath made us unto our God kings and priests. And we shall reign on the earth. So there are in the Father's house many mansions.
[46:08] Christ tells us. The second place we've seen that he affirms it. And makes the reality of it very plain. If it were not so. I would have told you.
[46:20] And then we've been thinking that he has ascended up. To prepare this heaven for his people. And now in the fourth place. He will return and enter heaven with us.
[46:33] He will receive us in. He will bring us into glory. And that is the teaching with regard to the second coming. If I go and prepare a place for you.
[46:45] I will come again. And all the godly commentators. Without exception. Speak of the second coming here. That when he comes again.
[46:56] When he stands upon the earth in the latter day. As Job speaks all these years previously. With the perception of faith.
[47:06] When he comes at the end of the age. When he comes at the last day. For judgment and to bring the saints to glory.
[47:17] Oh he will himself bring us into heaven. He will receive us it says. He will receive us unto himself.
[47:28] I will receive you unto myself. He will raise. With the voice of the archangel. With the voice of the trumpet. And the archangel's cry.
[47:39] The sleeping dead. They will be raised. And the living saints. They will be changed. And they shall be together with the Lord in the air. And he shall personally conduct his church.
[47:51] Into this blessed place. He will come with those that are the. Spirits of just man made perfect. He will come with them. And with his holy angels.
[48:03] He will raise the sleeping dead. He will change the living believers. And so shall we ever be with the Lord. And so this great family of elect angels.
[48:14] And redeemed elect sinners of Adam's race. So shall we be forever. In the Father's house. In which are these many mansions. This is a very wonderful thing.
[48:26] Of course he comes now to us. But this is when he comes again at the end of the age. He comes by the spirit now. As he comes into our midst. As he's formed in our hearts by faith.
[48:38] Don't doubt that the Lord himself comes to us. But he comes through the spirit to us. He makes very lovely promises to us. For the here and now. As in Isaiah 43.
[48:50] But now saith the Lord. That created thee O Jacob. And he that formed thee O Israel. Fear not. For I have redeemed thee. I have called thee by thy name.
[49:01] Thou art mine. And when thou passest through the waters. I will be with thee. And through the rivers. They shall not overflow thee. When thou walkest through the fire.
[49:11] Thou shall not be burned. Now thou shall the flame kindle upon thee. He will be with us. When we pass through the waters. But that means that he will come to us. By the spirit.
[49:21] Whose office it is. To bring Christ to us. And Christ will be with us. In the trials. And in the labors. Are we called to labor in his name.
[49:32] To the apostles. That were sent out. When the spirit should be given. There was that word. Lo I am with you. Always. Even to the end. Of the world. The Lord is with his people.
[49:43] He hath said. I will never leave thee. Nor forsake thee. But yet. When he comes. It will be in that great. Personal. And in that glorious. Second advent. The parousia.
[49:54] The appearing in glory. Of the blessed. God and our savior. Jesus Christ. And he. Will receive us. Unto. Himself.
[50:06] What a. What a. A view that is. God help us to dwell in it. The bride. Adorned for her husband. Brought into the. Heavenly home. Presented. By her bridegroom.
[50:17] Who has bought her. With his precious blood. Lovely words. In the 45th Psalm. In the metrical. Version. She shall be brought. Unto the king. In robes. With needles wrought.
[50:28] Her fellow virgins. Following. Shall unto her. Be brought. They shall be brought. With gladness. Great. And mirth. On every side. Into the palace. Of the king. And there.
[50:38] They shall. Abind. God. And then. The final thing. Concerning. These things. Future. Is that. Christ's. Presence. Then. Becomes. Heaven. To us.
[50:49] That where I am. There ye may be. Also. And it's because. He is there. That it is. Heaven to us. If it were a heaven. Without Christ. It would be no heaven. To his people.
[51:01] It's heaven. It's that place. Prepared. It's that place. Where God. Dwells. But for us. The most important. Thing of all. Is that there.
[51:12] We shall see the king. In all his. Beauty. And that's a. A glorious. Prospect. Doesn't it. Target your heart. Don't you feel. This is the place.
[51:23] To which I must. Come. Because I would be. Where my dear. Saviour. Is. And you. You see this. In these. Great. End. Chapters. Of Revelation.
[51:33] 21. And 22. Chapter 21. Second and third. Verses. I John. Saw the holy city. New Jerusalem.
[51:44] Coming down. From God. Out of heaven. Prepared. As a bride. Adorned. For her husband. I heard a great voice. Out of heaven. Saying. Behold. The tabernacle of God. Is with men.
[51:55] And he will dwell. With them. And they shall be his people. And God himself. Shall be. With them. And be their God. And God. Shall wipe away. All tears. From their eyes.
[52:06] And there shall be no more death. Neither sorrow. Nor crying. And it goes on. In the. Fifth. Verse. He that sat upon the throne. Said.
[52:16] Behold. I make. All things. New. And in the 22nd. 23rd. Verses. I saw no temple. I saw no temple therein. For the Lord God almighty.
[52:27] And the lamb. Are the temple of it. And the city. Had no need of the sun. Neither of the moon. To shine in it. For the glory of God. Did lighten it. And the lamb. Is the light.
[52:38] Thereof. And the 22nd chapter. Of revelation. The second and third. Verses. The third and fourth. Verses. There shall be no more curse. But the throne of God.
[52:49] And of the lamb. Shall be in it. And his servant. Shall serve him. And they shall see his face. And his name. Shall be. In their. Foreheads.
[53:00] That's the prospect. That's the glory. That's the father's house. Wherein are many. Mansions. That's. The prepared heaven. For the prepared people. And the glory of heaven.
[53:11] Is Christ. God will be seen in Christ. The father will not show himself. And the spirit will not show himself. It is Christ who shows himself. And when we see him.
[53:23] We shall be like him. But in seeing him. We shall see the father. And we shall know the spirit. There's the prospects. Prospects. Open to the Christians. View that grows sweeter.
[53:34] As the days. Go. By. I read. Of a young. Woman. That. Was taken ill. And. The consequence of the illness. Was.
[53:45] A paralysis. And the specialist. Was called. In. And he gravely examined her. And he said. And it was in her hearing. He said to her.
[53:55] He said to her parents. And others that were present. Well. That's her best days over. I'm afraid. And she turned to him. And she. She said to him.
[54:05] Oh no sir. No. My best days. Are still to come. In my father's house. And when I see. My savior. Can you. Have a hope like that.
[54:16] That looks beyond the here and now. That. That is. A life. Of faith. That lives. In. The prospect. And in the expectation.
[54:26] That these future things. Will be for you. Faith. Is the substance of things. Hope for. And. The. Confidence of things. Not. Seen.
[54:36] We. Hope for heaven. We believe. Because the Lord has said it. The Lord has done all needful. To secure it. We believe then. These. Words. To be literal words.
[54:47] And. Words that we shall enter. Into. And while there has been. Inadequacy of ability. To convey these. Blessed things. One to the other. Yet the reality of them.
[54:59] Remains. If it were not so. I would have told you. Says Christ. I go to prepare. A place for you. And if I go. And prepare a place for you. I will come again.
[55:09] And receive you. Unto myself. That where I am. There. Ye. May be. Also. Christ is going home there. That's what he's telling the disciples.
[55:21] They shouldn't. Weep for him. They shouldn't be concerned. He's going home. In the appointed way. And it means. Their salvation. And they shouldn't. Weep for themselves. Because there is a.
[55:32] Prepared home. For them also. And we should not. Weep nor mourn. And we should not. Allow anything. To take away. Our hope. The blessed hope. Of God's elect. That the best is yet to be.
[55:44] The best days. Are still future days. When we shall see him. The lamb. Who is the light. Of heaven. When we shall see his face. And never.
[55:54] Never sin. And from the rivers of his grace. Drink endless. Pleasures. In. Surely. Goodness. And mercy. Of followed me. All the days of my life.
[56:05] And I shall dwell. In the house. Of the Lord. My father's. House. Christ speaks of it. And we have the right. As the adopted. Children of God.
[56:15] To. To speak these words. It's my father's house. It's your father's house. Because it's his father's house. Who has. Purchased our redemption. And established that just basis.
[56:28] For us to be the children of God. May we then be. Those that are very conscious. That. Our home is assured. We have a building of God.
[56:39] Not made with hands. Eternal. In the heavens. But what of the Christless. They're the homeless. They're not displaced. Mind you. But they're homeless. They've got a place.
[56:51] For us. The very antithesis. To this place of glory. And blessing. Is the. Is the place. That they shall dwell in. Forever and ever. You know. If we got a little.
[57:02] Glimpse of that. It would. It would drive us. To consider. Where do we stand. Because we would. Dread. The possibility. Of going to such a lost. Estate. And we would want to know.
[57:14] That we had. A hope. Similar to jobs. I know. That my redeemer. Liveth. And if we had a glimpse. Of that. Awful state. We wouldn't be so reticent.
[57:24] As sometimes we are. With. With those. Where we have opportunity. To speak. And we're silent. Because we would realize. That. These are incredibly. Solemn things.
[57:35] Where will we spend. Eternity. In that. Father's house. Or in that place. Where the worm. Dieth not. Where the flame.
[57:46] Is not. Quenched. God. Then. Speak to us. From these. Things. And give us to. For fancy. Glory. And of. A sense of heaven.
[57:58] And a relish for it. We might never meet on earth again. Some of us. But all to know. That we shall meet there. Before the throne of God. And of the Lamb.
[58:09] Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen.