[0:00] After the seventh polymerroyance there is no rockybula, but theenn jazz half-barred perspectively of the great bronze endowed around the hemisphere.
[0:15] In this law ends by the time for the multi-generation. Episode 2X identical to the wrecked and torrent grew up little, went to death.
[0:28] the first chapter and the third verse, that which we have seen and heard, which there will be unto you, that we also may have heard with us.
[0:48] And truly, our fellowship is with the Father and with His Son Jesus Christ.
[0:59] First, the chapter of John, first chapter and the third verse. I need not deny you that this is the power of the subject we have thus no hearing.
[1:19] But it would be in this third verse that we were not able to enter into.
[1:31] Neither are we able now, unless there is no means spirit in peace to help heaven's covenant.
[1:42] The apostle, the captain of the Philippians, speaks of their fellowship in the Lord's Father, from the first day of the time he was.
[2:01] He thanked God for it. He said a precious thing to him, that he felt it was a ground for truth, and thanksgiving to God for such a blessing.
[2:21] So it is. What fellowship is there on earth compared to the fellowship of God's people?
[2:33] The fellowship of kindred minds, of you of those united together in heart and mind and soul in the things of God.
[2:48] Where else is such sweet communion as you find among the saints of God while and with the other?
[3:01] And it is quite true, as the incest of fellowships, of kindred minds, is lying to what is done.
[3:13] It is the beginning of heaven, Father. It is the beginning of that everlasting union, which will bind to the deeds turned together in heavenliness and glory.
[3:33] The fellowship is often marked out here by sin, by infirmities, by various things of kind, that is on the only mountain in heaven.
[3:51] Oh, to have a big love of fear, just a little sweet tasting spirits, of this true fellowship in the gospel.
[4:03] Having, as it were, a sharing together, in the blessings that the gospel proclaims, that the Holy Spirit seals, upon the heart from time to time.
[4:23] Hmm. But I want to look this morning at my text, and in regard to its foundation. Hmm.
[4:35] Despite evidence, there is a lot of a part of this verse, that the Holy God is, and His fellowship, and that of the apostles, with the Father, and the Spirit, as being the great basis, or foundation, of fellowship with the people of God, and so it is.
[5:07] There can be no fellowship between the people of God here, unless there is a fellowship with the Father and the Son, as His precious foundation.
[5:27] So, see my friends, this is the important thing, in our text's voice. The sacred union, and the fellowship existing, between the Father, the Son, and the people of God.
[5:49] Hmm. Because over 50 years, since John, the apostle, heard his Lord and Master, utter that wonderful prayer, you heard read this morning.
[6:07] The more we read it, and hear it read, the more we read it, the more we read it, the more we read it, all the riches, that are in faith, in those who take them, of the dear good Jesus.
[6:31] And if you see, there's a wonderful echo, of that prayer in our text's Lord. Christ pray, they all might be well, even as the Father was in Him, and He was in the Father, and also He was in the people.
[6:59] I in the people. I in the name, Thou in me, they may be one in hands. Can you perceive, of the glory, the wickedness, of such a fellowship as which, that are united together, with the glorious Father and Son, by the Holy Spirit's blessed work and operation?
[7:35] Oh, God and in the Holy Spirit, and in the grace, there's nothing in this world compared, to a blessed experience, of this wonderful fellowship.
[7:49] But now, let me draw attention, to a leading teacher, in John's epistle, by the Apostle Paul and Peter, where he has, one or two particular words, the same key words, around which hangs, all the rest of the epistles.
[8:23] In the case of Paul, faith, is a key word, in his epistles, especially, to the Romans, and the Galatians.
[8:39] And in the God's Peter, the word, pressure, is the wonderful word, he uses, around which his meditation evolves, and is inspired, and writing, and is gathered up together, in the focus of it.
[9:03] Ah, it's a blessed word, is that word, precious in the future. Then he comes to John. What are, what is the special feature, in this epistle of John?
[9:21] Well, we mentioned one, last Lord's day, that, eternal life, which was with the Father.
[9:35] God is light. And then you've got the next word, in the same chapter. God is light.
[9:47] And farther on, God is love. God is love. Now, those three, wonderful words, descriptive of God himself, form the foundation of the fellowship in the faith.
[10:07] And I want to look at it, if I can, if the Lord helps me look into it rightly, want to look at it, in this dreamful way.
[10:21] The fellowship of the saints, is pounding, upon, eternal life, which is in God, and was with God, from all eternity.
[10:37] And secondly, it's founded, in the truth, that God is light. And in Him is no darkness at all.
[10:49] And thirdly, it's founded, in the truth, that God is love. Well, first of all, let us notice, this wonderful word, concerning life.
[11:11] God Himself is the ever living God. All life is in Him, and from Him. And from Him. And from Him.
[11:23] And in the coming of His eternal, and only begotten Son, He came to manifest the life, which had been with the Father.
[11:43] To reveal this precious truth, concerning God Himself, that He is light.
[11:55] And that is sanctuary. Hmm. But you say one thing, in what way, you understand, that to be the basis of fellowship.
[12:07] Well, first of all, there's no natural life, except in, it comes from God. There's no light in the body.
[12:19] No light in the soul. It all proceeds from that great God, which they offer, perfectly eternal, the giver, of our life, which we live here on the earth.
[12:37] But much more so, to refine, spiritual life, is in God, and from God. Hmm.
[12:49] As the Father hath life in Himself, so as He given cause of the Son hath life in Himself, because He is the Son of Man.
[13:05] Hmm. And in the Holy Chapter you heard, not only kneeling counted just now, but also Eve was the Son of Man. And peace of мол?! The Son of Man.
[13:16] 기, and He wisdoms of that great God just now. Hmm. Ng where He yields and thy feet, have way and be given power over all flesh. He might be eternal life... Either life was saved, Vergged were given to Him.
[13:28] them life comes from god the father life is deported shall i say frequently in the person of the son of god has to be able he comes to bring it he comes to produce it he comes to the source of which it comes and he comes to the instant dying dwelling place he is the life and he is the life of all the saints of god from him comes the beginning of it in him dwells the continuous now unless we are brought into possession of that life that god the father has deposited his dear son to be stirred upon poor sinners we go fellowship with god can any fellowship between life and death between life in god and death in the sinner no no coming together now no walking together no building together what can a poor big unregenerate sinner know of any real fellowship with god darling he's best in the nature that i plan is he must be made a partaker of a life that lives in the same sphere from which the life comes what i mean is this to this place in nature there are this design of different creatures the life of the birds we've got the life of the birds in the air and the life of the fish in the sea there's no fellowship between them in the sense they live in different spheres can the birds can the birds with some exceptions live in the water no they live in the air the bird has its sphere in the air in the atmosphere the fish have their sphere in the water that's where they live the earth so it is unless we are partaken of the divine nature and our life lives in the spiritual sphere for which it was given we know nothing of fellowship with god is do i possess that in my being which is the life of god in my soul and if I had that life, surely it would have to do with its alter.
[17:34] It can't exist without it. It can't live apart from the sphere which is ordained to live. It must live in the spiritual realm, not the natural, not the material.
[17:50] It has to do spiritual things, must breathe of spiritual air, have spiritual food to sustain it, spiritual drink to have a refreshing and maintain it.
[18:08] Everything in the life of a real Christian who is in fellowship with God the Father and the Son have a sort of spiritual nature.
[18:24] In other words, no intellectual knowledge of God's truth, no knowledge of the word of God itself alone, can bring any person into fellowship with God.
[18:46] There must be the life. There must be the operations, the working of that life within.
[18:57] There must be the living sphere which moves and acts from time to time. And if that is so, you've got fellowship with the Father, with His Son, Jesus Christ, and then you need to put connection with them, communion with them, being partakers of the divine nature that is what I might want, civilization, and an attraction, a drawing together, a union, a fellowship between the life in God the Father, in God the Son, and the life in the souls of a sinner born again by the Holy Spirit.
[19:59] Our fellowship is with the Father and with His Son, Jesus Christ, in it, in it, friend.
[20:11] An important question was for you. What is your religious fellowship? What is it based upon?
[20:22] Is it grounded on this? Having union with the God of heaven and with the Lord Jesus Christ, have we fellowship with us with God and with one another?
[20:43] And mark this. The fellowship between us, fellow and God, is always the greater mediator.
[20:58] It's not direct in that sense. I know it is customary to speak, and rightly so, of God's people as children, approaching their heavenly Father and addressing Him, called upon Him, so.
[21:22] Quite correct. Quite correct. But, at the same moment, you can never do that, but by then, Jesus Christ, he's mediated.
[21:38] He's a wide access to God's Father. The life of God in your soul must have a mediator, and it must come to God through Him.
[21:54] Thus, the fellowship with the Father is intermediate, so to speak. But the fellowship with Christ is direct.
[22:08] If nothing comes between them. I grant the Holy Spirit must be the one that works it with Him, that as He works it, the sinner is brought into fellowship, close connection of Christ, with the person, the work, the Spirit of the Lord Jesus Christ, and thus He has fellowship with the Father, with His Son, Jesus Christ.
[22:44] The fellowship, then, of spiritual life is the basis of the subject of life.
[22:56] But then we've got the fellowship of life. Another very important truth is here.
[23:09] John says, God is life. The other side, God is symbolized by light, or set before us as light by different figures, and so on.
[23:30] There's a great deal in the Bible about the subject. How God dwells in the land, but no land can approach unto you.
[23:46] How He puts on life as a God includes in self-eviction. But here, God comes right to the center.
[23:59] God is life. What a precious truth this is. How much for this part we end it is.
[24:13] May we not this morning take the figure of natural light to illustrate what we want to bring forth.
[24:26] God is life as God is life. He is incomprehensible in self, because he is God his sanctuary.
[24:41] Now the sun, which is the light, literally, or physically, of this world, is incomprehensible.
[24:56] But I don't believe it's ever intended, or ever will be, that we shall comprehend the sun, and the wonderful mystery of its being, guide into the depths of it.
[25:15] I know, of course, that there can be, by the science of astronomy, a great deal to know about the sun.
[25:28] And, if we are told, that they can tell us the distance of the sun from the earth. And also, they can divide, by prison, the rays of the sun.
[25:43] So, and even, perhaps, judge the speed of that. But all those things, though very wonderful, that do not bring us into the secret place of the being of the sun.
[26:04] Inconprehensible. Undiscoverable. It never will be discovered by that individuality.
[26:16] No, it's a mystery beyond that. Isn't it so, yet God? God is light. He is, in that sense, the sound of the whole universe of all creation.
[26:37] Hmm. And while he cannot be discovered or known in the depth of the meaning of the word light, yet he is revealed in the scriptures and made known as that light which is responsible for everything here below.
[27:07] How necessary is light to the well-being and continuous of this world which we live.
[27:25] Unless the light of the sun continually was shed upon this earth, we should be brought to dissolution.
[27:43] Brought past the ruin and destruction. You see, friends, in regard to the light, it is necessary, essential, not only to enlighten the world, but to warm it and by technical influences to cause the things to grow that are so in the sun.
[28:16] And the sun is responsible for it. But how there sets forth to my mind the glorious being of whom, as John says, God is light. Oh, what diffusion of blessing and glory there is in him as the light. Oh, what diffusion of blessing and glory there is in him as the light.
[28:28] Especially when you look at it in reference to the manifestation of the light of the light of the light. And the light of the light of the light of the light of the light of the light of the light. You see, God's light of the light of the light of the light of the light of the light of the light of the light of the light of earthy. By day dot-fought phase. Anyone from who has the light of the light of the light of the light of the light of the light of the light of the light is. All light of the light of the light of light of the light of the light of the light of the light of the light of the light of the light of the light of the light. 4. 13.
[28:51] when you look at it in reference to the manifestation in the person of his dear son who said I am the one who came to life ever a talent into the world.
[29:16] Now God in that sense is the light which we call physical light. The light which we live, which we walk, which we work, to enable things that are necessary for our being, God does have here to go.
[29:38] God is light. He is the source of every light and of every wheel of light that in lightens the earth and from one end to the other.
[29:54] God is light physically. God is light intellectually and mentally.
[30:05] I am afraid that many people do not acknowledge the fact that far from God giving light to the intellect of mind, that have no power to think, no power to achieve the wonders that are brought in these days.
[30:32] Why God is the light of the intellect. And the light of the intellect is dependent on the individual world with physical light.
[30:46] Supposing the all-born light never saw the light of the sun could there be, as there is today, as there is today, the development of those great wonders that men have brought about by the light from the kingdom.
[31:12] I know it has been done for the light. But physical light is necessary in and to be a companion of intellectual light, for the light of the light.
[31:33] It is things we see in the light that is physical. It is things that are set before us that produce in the mind that which is the result of thought, meditation, purpose and so on.
[31:56] Could we achieve it without the physical light? I think not. You sometimes, but do a time, you shut your eyes to concentrate upon a particular thing.
[32:14] But when you do that, you've got the figure or something for the light you see.
[32:25] If you're going to build it with your natural light, it might be in hundreds ways. Even the Word of God. You know, your ability to read the Word of God by physical light, that's ministers to the mind.
[32:46] So they are joined together, the physical light, and the intellectual and the moral light.
[32:58] The light of conscience. The light of conscience. The light of the every one of us in the wondrous world. The candle of God shining within.
[33:11] The beginning. The light of conscience. What a wonderful thing is the conscience. brought into a guilty or we are, as it were, a soul from guilt.
[33:27] What a wonderful thing is the conscience. And this works in the intellect and the physical life.
[33:38] They're joined together in gospel. And now all these particular phases of the truth that God is not, are not saving.
[33:52] They will not produce and offer themselves salvation to a single sinner. I believe that expression used by John in the first chapter of his gospel.
[34:11] And this is the truth I've liked every man in the kind of evil world. He refers there to those three things I've mentioned.
[34:23] Every man is delighted with the physical life, the intellectual, and the moral life.
[34:38] But so far, so farther, does the life go except in those who get to heaven and cross. That brings me to my fourth point.
[34:52] God is life, spiritual life. The life that shines through Jesus Christ in the heart of a poor soul.
[35:08] The life that reveals God and self and sin and the Savior and the best salvation and the births.
[35:22] God is life, spiritual life. What a precious life it is. What a saving thing it is. Oh, when the night of God shines into the heart of a poor soul.
[35:40] He brings him into fellowship with God who is man. Not immediately in communion. Not immediately in communion.
[35:50] But he brings him into fellowship in the sense that the life in him creates the need and the desire and the longing after God himself.
[36:05] Yet this spark of new spiritual life that shines through his path rises up to the sun itself, back to God, seeking to know him, seeking to love him, seeking to possess him.
[36:27] That's the reason. That's the reason. That's the reason. That's the beginning of fellowship. That's the beginning of fellowship. The very desires of thine heart, my friend, proceeding from the illumination by the Holy Spirit of your need and your faith, is the path of the fellowship of the life in you with God of his match.
[36:55] And it brings you in both context with the person of Christ who is the light of the world. And what a mercy when the light is seen as it will be in due course shining in the face of Jesus Christ.
[37:22] That's the very sweet word of the apostles. God is the man in the light to shine out of darkness, a shine in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ.
[37:47] To see, my heavens, where a sinner is brought to look upon the face of Christ, he sees the light.
[38:00] that light of the light that was just. But God is the light of the light. God is there. God is there. God is there. God in the manifestation of his own everlasting being is seen in a person of Jesus Christ.
[38:20] Have you seen that night? Has that night shone upon the humbleness, the beauty, the preciousness of Jesus?
[38:33] And have you had in your fore-heart things, adoring for molestation, the voice is dear person?
[38:46] And that's fellowship, that's partaking of the blessedness of the light that shone upon you.
[39:02] We are with the Father, with His Son, Jesus Christ, and His fellowship, in those access, communion, near-ness.
[39:18] What a messy thing to come in the light of revealed truth, shining upon the sacred world.
[39:31] To come into the knowledge of the person of Christ, or the being of God. And to realize something of that shining, reflected in your heart, as you were seeing that true in the light, to be upon you, your warm inner brain of the surface.
[39:59] And His servant, and His fellowship with His heart. Unless He united together, in the good of the ever-heart in His heart.
[40:14] A firmness of heart, and whom I say, is greater than the evil of God. A firmness from His Father. Now stand up with if He came to His Alpha.
[40:26] Amongst those who shall расск Beadah, ask God ли. But our parents come to you in mourning. The Father was dernier as she met še God.
[40:45] himself is by his side by his life he shone in the car by his holy spirit and brought the force to see life in god's man you have that blessing experience you'll find you'll get down in the sphere where you're my dreams a spiritual spirit and you'll flow together heart to heart spirit to spirit one of these things that you'll be taught and led into by the holy ghost there can be no fellowship between light and darkness god the apostle speaks of this a writing to one of the churches have no fellowship works of darkness how can two walk together in agreement except they be found having the same life and the same sacred light kingdom whereby they may lighten the law they decide in god's balance how otherwise can they be found in true spiritual union communion and fellowship one with the other i'm seated this morning may the lord grant us to really take a little of the holy ghost during the day he will upon this sacred fellowship and though we'll have a little quiet moment this day of real heart-killed fellowship with god the father with his son jesus christ who is not not only the light but also the light itself amen