Anniversary service.
[0:00] 8. The Epistle of James, Chapter 5, the 7th and the 8th verses. Be patient, therefore, brethren, unto the coming of the Lord.
[0:21] Behold, the husbandman waited for the precious fruit of the earth, and hath long patience for it, until he receive the early and latter rain.
[0:39] Be ye also patient, establish your hearts, for the coming of the Lord draweth nigh.
[0:51] The Epistle of James, Chapter 5, verses 7 and 8. We can gather that in the primitive church, as of course it has always been, there have been troubles, persecutions, and tribulations of all manner of circumstances and sorts.
[1:25] We read in this fifth chapter of James' epistle, that the hire of labours who have reaped down the fields, and there is that which is kept back by fraud, cried.
[1:45] And the cries of them which are reaped are entered into the ears of the Lord of Sabaoth. And the sixth verse, and we read, ye have condemned and killed the just, and he doth not resist ye.
[2:06] Now of course, we may not have those particular troubles that James has set forth, but we know that in the days of the apostles, there were troublesome times.
[2:29] And I do not believe you need me to tell you this afternoon that our little lot is cast into troublesome times.
[2:41] And those troubles, of course, perhaps are of a different nature and a different sort than the primitive Christians had to endure.
[2:54] But nevertheless, we know this, that which the Lord hath left on record when he says, in the world ye shall have tribulation, but be of good comfort, be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.
[3:15] And so, dear friends, are we not to expect trouble on one hand or the other? And although the Lord, we know, and he will never lay on his dear people that which he doth not give strength for them to endure and to bear.
[3:40] You and I, dear friends, may very often come, as it were, to almost breaking point. But, dear friends, I believe the Lord will still uphold, defend, as he hath done through all the generations.
[4:00] He hath upheld, defended, and brought each one of his dear people successfully and finally through all their tribulations, all their troubles, and all their perplexities.
[4:17] And so, you may say then, what has this to do with the, with a Thanksgiving service? Well, I believe, dear friends, we can come to this point, because undoubtedly, we have each witnessed these things naturally in the past few weeks, where the husbandman that had waited for those precious fruits of the earth, he hath gathered them in.
[4:55] And although, of course, there has been undoubtedly times when the husbandman perhaps thought that the harvest would perhaps be a complete failure that, my dear friends, understand, and, of course, it is a harvest Thanksgiving service, but I understand that particularly in the southern part of the country, and that the cereal yield, at least, hath been the best for ten years.
[5:34] And when I, when I, when I was acquainted with that, I thought, how miraculous. Look, look, look what has occurred, as I just briefly mentioned in prayer, look what hath occurred in our wicked and sinful nation in so many things, and particularly, and that's, an awful law of desecrating the Sabbath day.
[6:08] And yet, the dear Lord hath, hath, a same fit to send, because I, I believe that this early and latter reign and sets before us suitable weather.
[6:24] And, and the dear Lord in the midst of all our sin and all our unworthiness and all our unkindness, the dear Lord hath sent suitable weather, and not only for the gathering in, but for, and the, the, the harvest, and also for, and the, the ripening of that harvest and the gathering in.
[6:49] He, and he, he has sent that, uh, an early reign for the quickening of the grain and that latter reign for the swelling of the grain.
[7:01] And, uh, and now, now that harvest has almost, if not quite, been gathered in and, and has been, as I understand, the, the best harvest for ten years.
[7:14] Oh, dear friends, I think this loudly speaks of our merciful God. and, and of course, we do not want to dwell, of course, on these things, but we have to turn these things to ourselves also, do we not?
[7:32] And as we, as we look back over the last twelve months since I, I last stood here and came amongst you as little people, or, um, look at the wondrous mercies that we have been, each the recipients of.
[7:49] Has he not so graciously and wonderfully provided for us? Has he, has he, has he not, as you've sung in your hymn, he has spread our table, he, he has preserved us from, from, from many ills and dangers, and, and he, and he has kept us, and, and, and, and although we have been, been so, and so, so much, uh, and forsaken him, yet, we can testify of this, to the honour and the glory of his most gracious and wondrous name, how watchful and kind, you see how the little hymn says, how watchful and kind is our loving Lord, and, and that, and that, and that one that says, uh, unseen protector I have, unseen yet, yet ever at hand, and we do desire to acknowledge these things personally and collectively as we gather once again for, and this little thanksgiving service, and of course as we, as we look at, uh, at our little, and places of worship, there is much, dear Lord, dear friends, that cast us down, but also, can we not trace his loving mercies so bountifully granted unto us that he hath enabled us to continue, although there had been much to, to discourage, and, and much to cast us down, yet the dear
[9:29] Lord has still strengthened us, we trust, spiritually, and physically, whereby, we still, we still can meet, and, and around his precious word, and hear those gracious truths which we trust, and, and our help, and, and, and a blessing unto us, as we journey through, and life's pathway.
[9:54] Now, dear friends, I just want, we, I just want them to, to, and bring, bring this figure, and be, be, and for you, and that, and James, and the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, hath, hath left on record, where he says, behold, there's something well worthy of you and I here to behold, not merely naturally, but I, I hope it may, it may be that it will help us spiritually, and we are instructed, and to behold, the husbandman, he waited, for the precious fruit of the earth, and hath long patience for it, until he received the early and the latter rain.
[10:52] Now, it may, my dear friends, be a help to, to one here and another there, in, in respect, unto, and God's dealings, and with you, you and I personally, or, or I trust it may also be a help, and to, to us, in respect to God's dealings, dealings with us, as, as, as, as little churches and people, because I believe there is, there is wonderful instruction here, in this, in this natural, and type, or fig, or representation, and, and that, James brings things before us.
[11:37] In, in this respect, dear friends, first, first of all, and the, husband man, of course, as you, as, as you know, he, he sets, or drills, his seed, in the, in the field, and it is covered with earth.
[11:57] This, this seems to be, perhaps, the most unlikely, um, thing, and whereby, whereby we should expect, uh, prosperity, or success.
[12:09] Sure, surely, there's, there, there must be something, and, and different, whereby we can, we can, we can, we can reap these precious fruits, but, by burying them in the earth, it is the ordained way of the dear Lord, my dear friends, so often, is it not, and that, uh, that your little hopes, and your expectations, they seem to be, so very often, and buried in the earth, and cover that completely.
[12:42] Oh dear friends, look at, look at, you see, in the, the, in the instruction, or the, or the exhortation for us, and this, this afternoon, is this, be patient therefore, brethren, unto the coming, of the Lord, you see, that which I want to bring before myself, I want to bring it before you, trust in the Lord, and will, will help me, and, and bless, bless us, in our brief meditation, in respect to, being patient, and brethren, and, unto the coming, of the Lord, that seed, dear friends, if we start right from, well we, we know of course, the earth, have to be, have to be prepared, and the, and the seed, sown in the, in the ground, is it not my dear friends, that sometimes, our little hope, our little faith, have seemed to be, almost shrouder, what, what about the, and, and those prayers, and that, that case, you have, deeply seated in your heart, it seems as though, at times, all these things, seem to be, completely snubber, and there seems to be, but very little, of any evidence, of life, at all, but dear friends, and look, look at, look at this figure, again, and the, the husband man, he had patience, until he received, that early rain, and that early rain, my dear friends, and which of course, and, and assist, the seed, to germinate, and, and the seed, is quickened, as it were, and, and, and, and perhaps, you've seen it, as I've seen it, and that after a rain, we see such a vast difference, and those, those things, that were hidden, and now, and we, we see, and there, there is that light, dear friends, look, look at this, this early rain, and that, that rain, and that, and that distills, as the dew, and drops, as the rain, the precious word of God, is there, is there not, dear friends, that, that reviving, in our poor hearts, when, when, when the Lord, sees, sees fit, to descend, in his precious word, and speak a word, and suited to, our case, where, all seem to be, seem to be, to be, and lifeless, all, everything, seemed to be covered up, but, there, we, we, we've had to have patience, dear friends, and be patient, therefore, brethren, unto the coming, of the Lord, this is a vital point, my dear friends, in our, little religion, so often, perhaps, by you and I, overlooked, you see, the, it is,
[15:49] I, I have said sometimes, and that, and the, the, New Testament, promise, is, is, is, is this, that the Lord Jesus, speaks of, he, he says, I will see you, again, that's a sweet promise, my dear friends, it's a real promise, it's a promise, that, the dear Lord, will fulfill, and how will he, how will he, see, you, you and I, again, when every, everything seems to be, seems to be covered up, there seems to be such a dearth, and how so often, we seem to be cast down, not, perhaps, hardly seen, an evidence, evidence of life, and not pointing the finger, as it were, at anyone else, but, but, but, looking in our own heart, it seems to be so lifeless, and there seems to be, very little evidence, of, anything, ever springing up, but, dear friends, that early rain, now, what does the, what does the dear apostle, write in, to the, the Hebrews, he says this, for ye have needed patience, that after ye have done the will of God, ye might receive the promise, for yet, a little while, mark these words, dear friends, every syllable, is, is so great, and so important, and whether we, whether we look on it, individually, in our own cases, or, or in our churches, he says, and for yet, a little while, and he that shall come,
[17:35] I would, I would that the Holy Spirit, may emphasize this, and, and which of course, and goes with, with our, our text, and for, he says, and for, and for he, and for, and he that shall come, will come, and will know, not tarry, those early rains, my dear friends, let's just go back to the figure, those early rains, that quicken, and that seed, into life, and there, now there is manifest, and that, that, and life, and where, there, there was perhaps, a few days previous, where there was hardly, a sign of it, that early rain came, that, that, that, that corn, was quickened, and, and as, as of course, the Lord said, and, and first, the blade, then the ear, and then the full corn, in the ear, and that, and that root, and that, that, that was, that was, working downwards, is now being made evident, and by, the springing up, up, upward.
[18:49] If this dear friends, is so in nature, surely dear friends, as this figure, we are just, meditating upon a little, this afternoon, surely, it must be so spiritually, when we, when we find the dear Lord, saying, yet a little while, and, and he that shall come, will come, and will not tarry.
[19:13] Now, in this little while, my dear friends, and of course, and we, we, we know not, the duration, of this little while, but what we do know, is this, that, in, compared to eternity, it is, but a little while, it is, and Paul speaks, in another place, it is, but, it is, but, for a moment, dear friends, but this, this little while, of course, is, seems to be, so often, prolonged, in our experience, and, and, what are we, exalted, in, in this little while, until he, that shall come, will come, and will not tarry, and the apostle, and then continues, in this way, now, the just, shall live, by faith.
[20:12] now, this is, this is, of the greatest, importance, my dear friends, in, in, in respect, to, uh, our walking, in this pilgrimage, way.
[20:24] It's a lesson, I believe, and that we shall, continually, and be taught, and right to the very, end of our days, the just, shall live, by faith.
[20:39] So often, um, you, you and I, uh, want to live, on tangible, evidences, but, but the, but the Lord, has, has said his, that those that, he hath justified, it's a wonderful, and, a description, of God's dear people, that, that soul is justified, by faith, in the precious blood, of, of, of the Lamb, and those the Lord, hath redeemed, those whom the Father, hath chosen Christ, from all eternity, those that are justified, these are the ones, my dear friends, and that, that shall, shall have to walk, by faith.
[21:20] And then, then he goes, goes on to say, but if any man, draw back, my soul shall have, no pleasure, in him, but, we are not, of them, that draw back, unto perdition, but, but of them, that believe, to the saving, of the soul.
[21:43] Now, in, in, in this, and then, in this, this, this, these, these, and just persons, who, who, who live, who are brought to, live by faith, I, I believe that, this same person, and will be patient, and because, listen, I feel this, dear friends, and that, and that, that, this, this grace of patience, flows, and from, and, and that just person, living by faith.
[22:19] And perhaps, you've experienced this, and this, and that, and when, your faith, and seems to be, almost at its wits end, where, and where, and where, where you may feel, perhaps, almost cast out, at the ends of the earth, you cannot find, any stability, or, or any comfort, in, in anything, is it not, also, dear friends, that, and you have, but very little, if any, patience.
[22:52] Because, you see, and patience, and, that grace of patience, flows, and, from faith. And, and when that, and when, and when, that this soul, is enabled, to, have patience, to wait for, those, those precious fruits, and this early, rain, now have quickened, that soul, and there have been, those evidences, of life, but, there may be, of course, if we, if we follow this, figure, and, of course, we've, we've all witnessed this, in a greater, or, or, lesser measure, and that, that the husband man, has gone in, the field, he has, he has drilled his field, and the, and the corn, has, has been quickened, and we see the evidence, evidence of life, and we, and we know, that those, cold, blasts of winter, the snow, and, and the, and those storms, may, may descend, upon, upon this field, and it, and it may, it may appear, dear friends, and that, everything now, is completely lost, is gone, and because, and this, this tender little blade, could, we, we may feel, can, can, can never survive, under these, severe conditions, but, dear friends, have we not, also seen, and when, and, and when, when the, when the severe weather, hath abated, when the snow, hath been, hath gone, there hath been, that tender little blade, there is still, that evidence, of the, of the, of life, look at it, in this way, dear friends, and those, you know,
[24:42] I, I do not doubt, for one moment, and that, and that, each one of you, and who, who have been, and taught, by the Holy Spirit, in some, humble little measure, and you have, locked in your bosom, and locked in your heart, many, unanswered prayers, perhaps, perhaps, it's respecting, and your, your own, safety and security, it may be, it may be concerning, and your children, or your grandchildren, it may be concerning, the church, it may be concerning, the, whatever it may be, the offenders, and, and, and we, we can, we can look, perhaps, at so many, unanswered, and petitions, and prayers, and, we, we fear, and the, and the adversary, who says, no good you carrying on, and the, the, the Lord will never take any notice of you, he, he, he will never answer such, poor stammering prayers, as yours, because, if, if he was going to answer, look at the time that, that has, that has, have passed, and, and there's, there's no evidence, and that, that the Lord, is, is appearing, just think, my dear friends, of, of this early reign, and that, there, there was that sign of promise, and now, and that, and that have been, almost, covered and, and obliterated, was there, dear friends, in that time, when, when you thought, even naturally, well the thing, and will perish, but have we not, proved naturally, that, that, that, there have been, that little tender, and, and, plant have been, preserved, dear friends, is it not, let us take this example, and the, and behold, the husbandman, waited, for the precious fruit, of the earth, there's a, there's a precious fruit, my dear friends, and by, and then for, that, that, that praying soul, my dear friends, because the Lord, is faithful, to all that he had promised, and what, what has he promised, ask, and ye shall receive, and knock, and it shall be opened unto you, seek, and ye shall find, now I know, my dear friends, we have to be very careful, and when we are speaking on, on, on, on things in, in this way, because, and we, we know not, as it were, and the mind, and the will, of God, and, and you see, and that, that soul, that just soul, that's living by faith, that soul will desire, by the teaching of the Holy Spirit, and to, and to be submissive, unto the will of God, he, he or she seeks, that patience, and that faith, to be submissive, to the will of God, he may, dear friends, answer your petition, in, in perhaps such, such a way, that you, had never thought of, and also, you may, you may also think, and that, that the, that the more, and that, that you, you have prayed, the, the situation, and the, and the circumstances, and they, they, they seem to get, to, to your, to your, conclusions, they seem to get, increasingly, worse, and worse.
[28:43] Now, I just want to refer you, dear friends, to what is, generally known, as, the, the tale, of bricks. That is, when Moses, and Aaron, they went, into Pharaoh, and they, and they, they requested, that Pharaoh, would let, and let the children, of Israel go, that they may, hold a feast, in the, wilderness.
[29:11] And what was, the result, of these, of, of Moses, and Aaron, and Mark, you see, Moses, and Aaron, they were, sent by the Lord, they were, commanded by, God, to go into Pharaoh, and, what, what was the result, of, of this encounter, with, with, Pharaoh?
[29:32] And well, we, we, we know that, Pharaoh, commanded that same day, the taskmaster, of the people, and their officers, saying, you shall, no more, give the people, straw, to make brick, as, here to fall, let them go, and gather straw, for themselves, and the tale, of the bricks, which, which they, did make, here to fall, he shall lay, upon them, he shall, not diminish, or, therefore, for they, they be idle, therefore, they cry, saying, let us go, and sacrifice, unto, our God.
[30:09] Now, in the outward appearance, my dear friends, it seems as though, Moses and Aaron, going into Pharaoh, made, their, their trouble, ten times, or even, more than that, it seemed, it seemed as though, their trouble now, was far, far greater, Pharaoh now, put an extra burden, on them, that they had, they had not to diminish, their, the quantity of bricks, that they made, but he would not, give them straw, and to make them, so, and so the burden was, that they had to, that they had to go, and search for straw, to make the, to make them bricks, and of course, we know that we haven't, had those circumstances, but, very often, dear friends, the, the circumstances, and perhaps, when we venture, to, to seek, the dear Lord, by prayer, seems as though, it aggravates, the situation, and Satan, will say, why don't you leave, the whole thing alone, don't touch it anymore, the, the, the situation, is growing, worse and worse, day by day, leave it all alone, now dear friends, although, although of course, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, and he said,
[31:33] Lord, wherefore, hast thou, so evil, entreated, his people, and why is it, thou hast sent me, for since I came to Pharaoh, to speak in thy name, he hath done evil, to this people, neither hast thou, delivered, thy people, at all, now, I know not, dear friend, and what, what the circumstance is, and that may exercise, and trouble your heart, it may, it may, of course, we can include, providential things, we can include, the affliction of the body, we can, in, in, include the trials, and the sorrows, of the soul, we can, in, we can include, and the tribulations, that, that belong to God's dear people, in the, in the church, and, and, and all those things, which, which, uh, God's dear people, have ever been familiar with, now, what, how can we, interpret, um,
[32:35] God's dealings, with his dear people, in such, mysterious ways, well, I can only bring, this simple, but profound, figure, and to your knowledge, and this, uh, afternoon, that, dear James, these were people, as I've already said, they were, in trouble, and, uh, and, uh, James brings, this figure before him, behold, the husband man, waited for the precious fruit, of the earth, and had long patience for it, until he received, the early, and the latter rain, now, although, you see, that, uh, and that, um, corn, may, may have to be subjected, and subdued, um, to very harsh conditions, and severe weather, but what has the dear Lord said, my dear friends, and, and that there will be seed time, and harvest, summer, and winter, and, uh, and, and with all these things, overthrow that promise of the Lord, now, dear friends, and apply that, um, to that circumstance, and that, uh, that, that is exercising your poor mind, and your heart, and, and you seem to be in so great trouble, in, in respect to these things, can we not, can we not, dear friends, uh, and take, as it were, this example, from the husband man, there he's had the, earlier in, he's had the first promise, as it were, and, and although there has been a severity, in weather, almost, sufficient, to destroy it, that now, what is required, and first the blade, then the ear, and, and when that ear appears, what is required now, the latter rain, to swell the grain, will, will that be forthcoming, my dear friends, or, or the anxious time, and that the husband man has, until, he sees the promises of God, being unfolded unto him, in respect, unto, not only the early rain, but the latter rain, now, what a beautiful figure, dear friends, and this, this is, in a simple figure, but, uh, may, may it be made a little help, dear friends, because, we, we, we know, we know these, the husband man, who is waiting for these, precious fruits of the earth, he, he had patience, until he received the early, and the latter rain, now, let us, let us see, not the precious fruits, of the earth, but, the precious fruits, of heaven, ah, that's the thing, isn't it, that, that, that's, that's perhaps, and that, that which is, exercising, your mind, this afternoon, the precious fruits, of heaven, and, and, and, they, they may perhaps, almost feel, blast,
[35:49] I do not know, um, what, uh, state or condition, you are in, in this experience, it may be in that first stage, waiting for the, early rain, it may be in that, latter stage, uh, after the winter, has, passed, and you are waiting, as it were, for, for the, for the latter, and, but whatever stage, my dear friends, um, and, you may be in, this, this, this afternoon, this husband man, is set before us, um, that he had patience, to wait, or long patience, and, and to wait, for it, now he says, be patient therefore, brethren, unto the coming, of the Lord, will the dear Lord, my dear friends, disappoint, and will he frustrate, and the, and the hopes, and the expectations, of his dear people, which he hath implanted, in their hearts, you know, it would be a, poor religion, dear friends, and would it not, if, if we had, no expectation, and I,
[37:04] I believe, the expectation, of, of God, of these justified, and people, that live by faith, is, um, in, in this circumference, they are waiting, for, the coming, of the Lord, they're waiting, for, those precious, heavenly fruits, and, what, what are some of these, these, uh, these, these precious, heavenly fruits, is, is, is, is not, my dear friends, and his, his love, precious fruits, to be shed abroad, in your poor heart, be patient, therefore, brethren, unto, the coming, of the Lord, we have seen, dear friends, and with our, natural eyes, and the fulfillment, of that promise, and God, hath been faithful, to that promise, and there hath been, that harvest, that is being, gathered in, if the dear Lord, hath been faithful, in those, and, and things, concerning the earth, can we not, can we not, trust him, and, and sweetly, expect, dear friends, and those precious, fruits of heaven, that is, that is, first of all, as, as he makes known, and sheds abroad, a little of his, love, in our poor hearts, all the barrenness, all the coldness, and when that love, touches our hearts, how, how, how, how that, how the heart then, is soon warmed, and by, the love of Christ, and whereby, he, whereby, he laid aside, all his glory, as he was in the bosom, of the Father, and, and, and took upon him, and, and the, the nature, of, of, of, of, of, of, of, and sinners, such as you and I, sin accepted, of course, he became a partaker of our flesh and blood, all the love, my dear friends, the precious fruit of heaven, that waiting for the coming of the dear Lord, can we not also, is, are there not those, those amongst me here, and this, this afternoon, who are waiting for the coming of the Lord, in the manifestations of his grace, and to their souls, first and foremost, of course, or, or, or, remember me, with the favour, that thou bearish towards, and thy people, oh, visit me with my salvation, is there a soul here, and that is, is waiting, there seems to be, be so many discouragements, just go back, dear friends, to this husband man, that I've tried very briefly, to put before you, and this, this afternoon, that husband man, did he, did he, did he have that long patience, and did he wait, did he wait in vain, you've seen the evidence, perhaps, even, even in the, in the past few days, where there has been, that in gathering of the harvest, will not the dear Lord, my dear friend, and if he have put that cry, in your poor heart, and my poor heart,
[40:38] Lord, remember me, with a favour, that thou bearish towards, thy dear people, visit me with thyself, be patient, be patient, the Lord will fulfil, the purposes of his grace, in his appointed, time, dear friend, and he, he, let us, let us not take his, delays for denials, because his delays, are wisely ordered, because perhaps, my dear friend, friends, I'm not saying you are, I'm not saying you are, but perhaps, you and I, have not been sufficiently, humbled, under the mighty hand, of God, and casting, all our care, upon him, for he careeth for you, you see, the dear Lord, whether, whether he, when he, when he reveals, his love in your poor heart, when he manifests, when he manifests his, his all sufficient grace, his sovereign grace, he prepares that heart, my dear friends, and he prepares it, to this end, for his honour, and his glory, you see,
[41:58] I often think of, of, of Gideon, he, he had an army, of thirty two thousand men, although there was, a great army, before him, and, and these Midianites, they lay before him, and those camels, and those chariots, and of course, the dear man, was afraid, and, and what an unusual thing, and, of course, in, I would say, our natural sense, would say, Gideon, can't you, can't you get more, more, more men, in, in the field, you've got thirty two thousand, but, you can see all these Midianites, spread before you, there's not sufficient, the Lord saw, vastly different to this, and without going into, all particulars, and the, and that army, as you know, undoubtedly, was, was reduced, to three hundred men, and look at their weapons, my dear friends, a, a, a lantern, and, and a trumpet, in their hands, and that, and, and that, that was, that was what the, and Gideon, had to venture, um, into the army, of the Midianites, with these three, and they were split up into, into, into, into one hundred, of each, dear friends, may we, being able, to examine ourselves, and perhaps, you know,
[43:29] I don't want to speak, disrespect to anyone, but, perhaps we're too big, for ourselves, yet a while, and the, and the, and the Lord, is, is, is, is with, is withholding, the manifestations, of his love, and the, and his grace, and the tokens, of that love, and is it not, dear friends, then, that, that the Lord, will, will then, as it were, and he will blast, all our goods, and we shall have to come, in this way, where, I often quote this, because I, if not awfully deceived, I trust, I know just a little of it, nothing in my hand, I bring, nothing, do you know what it is, poor soul, be patient, therefore, unto the coming, of the Lord, nothing in my hand, I bring, simply to, thy cross, I cling, well, be patient, therefore, brethren, we, we cannot give ourselves, that patience, it flows, it flows, from that, from that source, that God grants, where that faithful soul, you see, and faith is centred, upon the author, and the finisher, of faith, and as, and as, and faith is centred, upon, and the, the, the Lord Jesus, that soul, is granted, that patience, to wait for, that time, although God, moves in such, a mysterious way, his wonders, to perform, we would think, perhaps, if we had the control, of, of this, this cereal crop, we would never, subject it to, and those frosts, and that severe weather, but I,
[45:23] I understand, this strengthens, and helps the plant, and so the Lord, in, in his, in his, providential kindness, has seen, seen fit for that, also, my dear, offenders, and we, we know that, and that we shall, we shall know something, of, that furnace work, where we are, put in that furnace, but, be patient, therefore, unto the coming, of the Lord, for he that shall come, will come, and will not tarry, be, he then doubles, his exhortation, and he says, be ye also patient, and not only be also patient, establish your hearts, may our hearts, be established, and grounded, on that solid rock, the rock Christ Jesus, and where, whereby we shall remain, unmoved, amongst all, the discouragements, all, all, all those, those things, that may blast, our every gourd, and may, may we see,
[46:37] I know these words, are easy, easy to repeat, but, but, do it, there is that, which faith believes, that all these things, shall work together, for our good, to them, that love God, be ye also patient, establish your hearts, for the coming, of the Lord, draweth nigh, it is, but for, a little while, dear, the dear, the dear, Lord said, to his disciples, and just prior, to his crucifixion, and, he says, I will see you again, and what, and your heart, shall rejoice, this is, this isn't my word, my dear friends, and faith is, enabled sometimes, to behold it, they were in, deep trouble, so are you, my dear friends, weeping, may endure for a night, but joy, cometh in the morning, and, and here, the dear, the dear Lord said, and ye shall rejoice, and that rejoicing, is this, it will be a joy, that no man, can take away, from you, dear friend, be ye patient, establish your hearts, for the coming, of the Lord, draweth nigh, but there I will leave, those few remarks, may the Lord, add his blessing,
[48:12] Amen. I will just say, friends, that the collection, and taken, the collections taken today, are for, this cause of truth, and perhaps some of you, may not be aware, but, this little cause of truth, has a great, or expense, before them, as there, there is, a spring, under, in the, underneath this chapel, which, which, which is, rot in the boards, it's a, a reoccurring problem, and that problem, now, has, arisen, where, there, there has to be, a considerable amount, of money, that, must be spent, to, put it right, may the dear Lord, help us, to give, cheerfully, the Lord bless you, Amen.
[49:10] Tea will be served, at the close of this service, and everyone, is most welcome to stay, we will close this afternoon, with hymn 330, Toon Roads, number 53, Hymn 330, Your hearts, ye trembling saints, down from the willows take, loud to the praise, of Christ our Lord, bid every string awake, blessed is the man, O God, whose mind is stayed on thee, who waits for thy salvation, Lord, shall thy salvation see, hymn 330,
[50:12] Hymn 330, Hymn 330, your hearts, O God, your hearts, ye trembling saints, down from the willows take, thou do, thou Christ, as theией as one, as the Lord, shall devote, Mick, hy uncamin...
[50:50] thamph會, Bring away Though in a boring land We are no more Car Now Thank you.