Song of Solomon (Quality: Poor)

Staplehurst - Providence - Part 1

Sermon Image
Jan. 1, 1900


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[0:00] Solomon's Song, Chapter 4 And as the Holy Ghost is pleased to help us, we will venture to speak a few things from verse 7.

[0:14] There are all fear, my love, there is no spot in me. These words came most unexpectedly, and they've never left me.

[0:31] And if it were my own choice, I would have preferred some other text. But I feel that God has a purpose in laying these words upon the mind.

[0:43] And these words are spoken, not in favor with a dead professor. No, in favor to a profane sinner who is walking knowingly and willfully in open profanity and sin.

[1:02] That they are spoken in favor to a new born soul who knows that conflict which we said before you in the 9th chapter of Ezekiel.

[1:16] And if you've come around and I've come around, you must have that same mark within your own grace which all God's newborn sons and daughters have brought into it because they do not bring themselves in.

[1:31] But God brings them into that most extraordinary experience where they are brought to silent pride because of the abominations which are known in their own time.

[1:47] You will never find yourself or fear in your nature. No, and you will never be able to believe there's any spot, there's hell in this in your nature.

[1:57] But these characters who carry this mark, it is according to the scripture of the 9th chapter of Ezekiel, as they are chosen in Christ Jesus, these sons and daughters are always there and there is no spot or blemish in them.

[2:15] Now this is a word for encouragement to those of us who pass from death unto life. And we read of the sovereignty of God in that 9th chapter of Ezekiel, you know.

[2:28] And you know, his eyes were lost there. And I don't know the more solemn chapter for a minister to handle than that 9th chapter because people, even among God's people, their own nature, will rise up against it because of his sovereignty.

[2:45] But you know, the person who was commanded a slave, old and young, maidens and even of children. Many years ago, I preached from that chapel to Stockport and really God brought me to a sifting time.

[3:02] My own son came to me on the Monday when I was working in the dormant up the road. He said, concerning his little baby, he said, someone says, I'm a host, you know, I've got to have a minister come and visit him.

[3:18] He said, will you come? I said, yes. And Satan said, well, now you're going to witness one of your own grandchildren cut down in death because you've preached from the 9th chapter of Ezekiel of Stockport and yesterday.

[3:33] But that baby did not die. And it is a night today. And my greatest grief is that he just rolling and plunging in the family of this world, knowingeth under a curve of religion, but even the same world, and we see even sometimes and they do many in progress through the prayers of an accomplished parents or grandparents or even relations.

[4:06] But now here, he speaks his word in love and kindness and nobody needs it more than I do. If I could feel myself in everyday life that I was all there in myself and that there was no spot of sin in me, I would pray I should grow as I live in this wilderness.

[4:30] But you see, although God the Father sees his sons and daughters in this blessed, sinless condition as he makes them, makes a choice of them in his beloved son, that's how he views them.

[4:46] He sees no spot in them because there was no spot of sin in his beloved son. The Father always did view them as such and you know, his delights were with the sons of men.

[4:58] But when it comes to the teaching of the early days, the Lord doesn't teach us that we are full of holiness, but he solemnly teaches us that we are full more of unholiness than we do lament and travel to fix the powers of grace and sin.

[5:19] And we mourn to with the Apostle Paul when he said, For I know that in me that is in my flesh dwelleth her noble being.

[5:31] For what a mercy then if you and I do have that real mark in our speech we read of in the ninth chapter of his evening.

[5:43] You know, no natural big professor can enter into it. And I always remember old Mr. Tingley who was down in glory taking it for his text one Sunday morning upon our room 45 years ago and he dealt especially with what scripture speaks so clearly and the Lord said that he can go through the midst of the city, through the midst of Jerusalem and set a mark upon the forehead of the men that sigh and that cry of all the abominations that we've done in the midst of our lives.

[6:21] Now what did you and I know of such an experience when we were dead in trespasses and in sin whether we had a dead fallen religion or whether we were in the profane world walking according to the course of this world.

[6:38] Why is it that professors go round into the bottom of the field with that grateful light upon their conscience where they have said we have no sin?

[6:48] It is because my friend God has sovereignly designed them into this time state to be vessel to God fitted to destruction.

[7:01] You know if you come right and I come right we shall endorse that blessed hymn 612 and I have read it and reread it several times through the week since these words were applied to me.

[7:20] I mean make sure my friend because you know God does send some professors lying delusions to believe alive but Mr. Gatsby he speaks wonderfully clear in 612 concerning the Shulamite and he said in every believer to arm his heart sin a new man of grace and the old man of sin in Christ he is perfect and freedom all guilt yet in himself evil are both seen and felt.

[7:51] Now can you really and fully embrace the language in that verse? Well if you can and if I can do it perhaps it is because it passed from death unto life and he speaks in this beautiful verse here when Christ takes possession and proves himself king they'd sing all them safely their forces were raised nor will they be wonting a gunshot from hell the old prince of darkness would furnish them that.

[8:26] How can you and I expect if this wonderful King Jesus has come to us in a personal way where he has cast out Satan as ever thus by the finger of God himself being God of man ever can we expect Satan to show us any mercy.

[8:46] You will walk in your religion as the Lord works in you my friend but the word held today in that denomination would give many paracines and effects that the people of God in every nation in the covenant of his grace they are all taught the same things in a lesser or in greater measure and this conflict will go off in his faithful ministers and in the faithful hearers and it is a favored church who has a faithful minister a decent at the desk who knows his own and contends for it if you had a duck deep in the door desk who is a Pharisee it will be a sad day to you in this place my friend because he would never want my ministry no another gracious man who can't hear but while you've got a good deed and holy verse for children of God who know this old past you are greatly faithful and you younger generation know you may be entirely people of it and cannot bring yourself into it as the

[9:55] Lord needs from you he will shine into your heart and show you what is in your heart ministers can't make you see what's inside your heart but when God comes in grace he'll give you an in shining and by the Holy Spirit and he will show you enough my friend to make you a trepulat your son as he gives you also a revelation of the holiness of God in that righteous Lord which demands protection from you and God enlighten you to show you that your heart is like a little hell that will make you tremble because what the Lord demands you cannot pay in return but this is the teaching of the Holy Spirit and it is to make us understand more and more our lost and ruined condition and also make us look to Jesus kind and strong mercy joy and power well then if you and I are being taught in bed as I have screwed

[11:03] God we shall do the judgment sign and the crying not just because of the abomination done in our own man but also in our own heart you see God so religion is a heart worker and not dry doctrine in the head but when the Lord deal with his people and it is a strange and a mysterious school to be brought into I do confess and I'm still in it by the grace of God and like all God's children I can be strongly tempted to give it all up because I get tired of this continual warfare which goes on to fix the powers of grace and sin yet Jesus still kindly listens while we tell the bitter things we feel with you well now if you know this conflict then you have the witness of the holy verse that this wonderful Christ who is king of kings and lord of lords he is cast out of your heart and set out his own kingdom not to teach you that you're more holy and holy as Satan has blinded the dead palaces with such delusion that he'll make you see more and more as a woman and ruined condition and you know

[12:26] God he teaches his children a strange way you know he doesn't teach us the truth the school boy learns his past but he interferes with our pride and evocacy he will destroy the wisdom of the wise and bring to nothing the understanding of the fruit and instead of showing us what charming lovely holy characters we are he shows us more and more that we are born with the image of Satan and you know we don't like to be told these things and we don't like to be shown but my friend God will teach his children that they have a hoarse forehead and they refuse to be ashamed even in that unregenerate day but when we are called by grace he shows us greater abominations in our heart which we never actually walked in openly in the pantry yet as he teaches us he will show us that we have every species of sin in our heart which are deceived above all things and desperately wicked and over now this word you see is left on record that poor child of

[13:41] God who wrestles here with the angry parents of sin and they are all fair in Christ Jesus speaks of the person here at his bride and Jesus in eternity you know he stood surety for the church and he bound himself with immortal love to stand in their room instead and to make them all fair and also to completely redeem them from hell destruction and despair they are all fair my love there is no spot in what a wonderful mystery it is yet sin as foul as hell we find rising up against our against our mind nor would Satan spare to save we have quite the supernatural I believe there is a time here on earth when God's people have their sins forgiven where they really feel this because when a child of God is brought on that parcel of brethren to have their sins forgiven in a personal way they cannot find their sin they feel themselves washed in the redeemer's blood they feel themselves filled with his glorious righteousness and he charms them with a holy fist and he makes them know what union is and he draws them to his breast

[15:09] I would be more thankful that I do know what I set before you in a lesser or a great measure and at that time to spare it when she was in that banquet of her I believe she felt that she would know no more about sin but alas my friend there's a lesson to be taught and that is progressive sanctification not you growing more heavily in yourself in your heart but you being shown by God in judgment that in you that is in your flesh and while it are no good things never let a child of God they do know what it is to stand on that parcel ground where they truly feel washed and third from their original sins and transgressions where God comes and applies his precious blood where his imputed righteousness his righteousness has been imputed and where they feel that true communion with this wonderful

[16:13] Christ who loved them and gave himself forth but I know he speaks here of the church that are all there I know can you trace in your religion something of the genuine approaching of this wonderful Christ in the first chapter of Solomon's song let him kiss me with the kisses of his mouth for thy love is better than mine and she speaks of her own lacklustre in that chapter and you will feel that in regeneration God will come and show you what you think by nature in your unregeneracy and he also will continually make you feel and see what you are in your room and that is in your old heart well it never would be well now it's Christ that makes them all fair and it is Christ that makes them all complete in hold of us you know when Christ left the father's throne of us he did not come into this low world to do his own will but he came into this low world to do the will of the father who had sent him and it was the will of the father that he should stand sure if he was stranger and long before the foundation of the world was made and laid by the son of

[17:39] God this wonderful Christ in eternity he swore to his own and he never changed his mind when he came upon his earth to stand in the church's room and stay and make this rebellious character complete as he speaks of here completely fair and without any promise in him and that is by himself being delivered for their offenses and raised again for their justification you will find that as you come lower and lower to the grave your faith will become more people in time because the conflict will increase betwixt the powers of grace and sin and Satan will try your faith too and you will think it's such a strange and peculiar trial as Peter said beloved think it's not strange concerning the highly trial which is sent to find as though some strange things have happened unto you well now if we put common sense together if God made us see that we are full of opponents and sinless what trial would that be to you and I and God never designed to cast sin out of his people he does cast Satan but he never casts out sin and that is the trial of that faith here upon earth and although sometimes

[19:06] God does work and come through means to bring about this clever enough and showing us what else will escape our sight nevertheless it is for that spiritual profit and it is to make us live a holy go to life of faith upon the son of God who loved the church and gave himself for it you see in every true sure that which is a child of God whatever your case it may be there will always be the two arms the older man of sin and the new man of grace now if you are in that conflict it is because you have got grace although as God deepens the world and makes rage and rest in sin strike all your spiritual comforts it is a sign of grace within to ground in it below now you can see what favorite characters the audience with those characters in the ninth chapter of

[20:12] Ezekiel and you know that prophet he had to speak what the Lord commanded him to speak to and he said slay utterly old and young both maize and good children and women are coming up near any man upon whom is the mark and began at my sanctuary then they began at the ancient men which were before the earth and that afflicted the prophet to command that to be done because the prophet he was only like ourselves natural born in sin and shape and equate and don't you think that afflicted his flesh when he was commanded to speak against little children or maids and women to see the sovereignty of God my friend in the covenant he will have mercy upon whom he will have mercy and whom he will be heart men and we see it is not him that will it nor it run it but it is

[21:19] God that show it mercy you can see where the world is today for Thessalon and for fame you can see their language the Lord hath forsaken the earth and the Lord see it not God has forsaken the earth God has a people to be born again of the Holy Ghost in this universe they will keep coming into it and this is the church's mercy that God has forsaken the earth now because of my friend he brings his people into this time state that they might know him and the power of his resurrection and what a strange and mysterious religion God's religion is that men and women and even little children or maidens should be brought to know and understand this mysterious earth teaching you know sometimes there's a lot of misunderstanding by some ministers who have not got that discretion they some seem to think that a person must wallow in the depth of iniquity to be brought in this experience it's all wrong it's the condition we are brought into this world you see as we are brought into the world so we inherit from our mother's womb every species of wickedness and we should never know that until

[22:46] God teaches us by the Holy Ghost and we must be taught again of the Holy Spirit to be quickened and enlightened and you will see my friend that if you come up where the Lord has taught you my friend and you're a favorite person and you are a good scholar too if God never found you in a proper house or some depth of profanity where men and women abuse their own natures for sake of the use of the men or for sake of the use of the women and living worse than cattle are men from God to quicken you and show you in the time of your childhood that some of these greater abominations have been opened up to you and then to live a long life in profession where God deepens it more and more day and night and this is to make his beloved son increase in your affection and to make you a decrease in your own estimation you know the nearer you have a home to

[23:50] God the more you will come down like a little child and having no good things run in you you see you and I would never build upon the foundation God has set before us in the world of God if you and I could build that on any blessing in our own lost and ruined our condition the reason why the Pharisees railed upon Christ was this because he told them whosoever committed sin is the servant of sin but the servant abides not ever but the son abides ever now if Christ has come cast Satan out of you whenever he's come to abide in you he will never finally forsake him we often feel we are forsaken and alone we hear the devil go of actually where God has come in great that blessed king Jesus he will never finally forsake the work which has done in us and you see how the

[24:56] Pharisees went about to kill Christ when he came to you and I we are poverty and cast Satan arrows he made us tremble of our sight he made us look to our maker and have respect under the holy one of his love you see the religious mind never bring holy ghost experience into Saul Solomon's song belongs to that child of God who has been born again of the holy ghost and who know those two nations and also they know what it is in God's own time and way to be brought into that banquet of heritage where they fear his love shed abroad in their heart by the holy spirit and often in their sanctified trials that they are favored to have a renewing as they are brought to sit under his shadow early great you know it's a great favor my friend to be taught and led by the spirit of

[25:56] God although the Lord put so many bitter things into his people cups to drink and yet they are made as Jesus can't be sent to visit his people with his mighty love what a terrible thing it is for a professor for a profane sinner and not to enter into these vital things which have eternal life in it because you know it is a sign of life within to grow in it the world we know that the whole world life in tribulation has grown in it but my friend where are the real people of God that have this mark upon them why you have many ministers in the forfeit today who know nothing about it and that's why they want to preach about it it's the flock of slaughter who are brought into these things and it's a real trial to build sons and daughters who have been taught and led and by the Holy Spirit and though their outside may be kept there yet within them they carry this burden of in-running sin and it is an affixion to them and nothing short that a word is seen from the master's lips can strengthen their hands if this text don't fit somebody in this chapel well then I think the devil has deceived me in my exercise the word that's never left me actually it's done me to because of the actual context which I have to pass through day and night where God convinces me that in me that is in my flesh dwell no would be and you know it will be a solemn day of destruction when the day of the Lord comes you know there will be a lot of professors think that they will be on the Lord's side but this is the only evidence my friend that you and I are on the Lord's side because how can you and I be made a real perpetual come up unto the Lord Jesus Christ in a state and condition where he says come unto me or be that later and are heavy laden and I will give you rest now do you know what it is to have a hate and void in your soul which only a word from the lips of Christ can fill for you you know you don't leave us ministers graceless or destitute because as we go down into the depths we entrust our own souls so he brings a word in season to encourage us never think for one moment that we feel ourselves full of hope and no indeed we don't we feel ourselves full of unholyness that I'm unholy Lord and there is no proof

[28:41] I deeply feel the fault and you see that by these things God's people did and in all these things is the light of their spirit and the most gracious upright child of God which outside is kept completely clean with uprightness and integrity they feel the rage of parents in them that's never seen by humanity only by themselves and by God but we know that a child of God sometimes slips and sometimes falls out and it is agreed to them and nevertheless for the most part you will find a child of God they are more heavy laden by indwelling sin and you know Jesus the opinion God he invites the opinion similarly you know this does not shut you and I here in God's presence but this is the means whereby the Lord works in his people to make his beloved son small precious you see he teaches us in the prophecy of Isaiah and look unto them and be he saying all the ends of the earth there is no one in you and I he is looking for ourselves because as the Father chose his people in his beloved son and they are all fairly given and as he saw them in him thy choice so he sees no spot in him

[30:01] I think that in number 700 713 they are all seen George Hayes next time you know it is a miracle of grace that makes a person feel themselves as flat as any devil religion don't teach that profanity wouldn't teach it you see the profane sinner who lives in sin dead in trespass and dead in sin they know nothing about the holiness of God but you see when a child is called by grace and they are brought under the teaching of the Holy Ghost they not only see themselves left in that unregeneracy but also after they are marching dead unto life for it is a mystery my friend the teaching of the Holy Pharisees you see he brings the blind by way which they know not and he leads them into paths which they have not known and these things God will do unto them but not for a statement what a solemn thing it will be in the judgment then when these various characters will stand before the justice of Christ where God will judge the secrets of all men by Jesus

[31:15] Christ and you consider when you meditate that little children will be there vessels of rock to destroy it's a very trying chapter of any faithful minister to handle because he never knows what he may have to witness in respect of the sovereignty of God in his family I don't look upon religious children who come from religious parents in just a vague way and say well I'm sure you're a child of Godly Christian come from the going to some gospel standard minister or editor I should want to generalize my congregation like that Jesus never did it himself he had love to children whom the father had sovereignly chosen in him and given him to him but he received the sovereignty of God and his terrible judgment when he said straight after his old and young both maids and little children and women come not near any man upon who is the mark now do I carry this mark

[32:26] I heard too shall minister say brother she can't see it mark you're not only saved my friend but you'll see them you'll see them and whatever you do some baseness will appear wherever you go sometimes past offenses will pain your eyes which you have spiritually understood have been gone and completely forgiven you as you enjoy the forgiveness of your sins nevertheless sometimes those sins and transgression and sins of rebellion against God Satan would bring back to you I don't believe God brings them back to our redemption that way but Satan would bring them back to you and torment you and vent your mind about them and the hymn writer says past offenses pain my mind yes but those past offenses what we indulged in and committed in and that we generously have been brought in every part and put away by the person the work of the

[33:33] Lord Jesus because God says he will remember their sins and their iniquities and you will find all those things in the comments yet sometimes Satan will take you back right to your childhood and remind you of what you did in your childhood in your regeneration God brought them before you under a spiritual conviction and made you realize how you have sinned against God and come short of the glory of God nevertheless this person is all fair in the sight of God now all fair my love you see he uses the word love he's not speaking for a vessel of rock given to destruction there is no spot in that oh what a wonderful thing it will be if you and I are found amongst those characters the remnant according to the election of grace where we shall be presented before God where those books are written where Christ is presented in one church as I brought his flesh through death who that is before God our heavenly beloved son he chose them in the dead of his son who can't be sent to the unjust to bring them to

[34:52] God and he will present them in the last red holy unblameable unreprudable in his son you know what it is to feel like a cummer to the ground no part sound or healthy you may carry with you many regrets what you've done in your hungry generation it doesn't depend upon that my friend if you can add to anything to God great salvation in your own imagination you may be great yourself did not I caution our wrath and save upon despair why often I sink down in despair because of the dreadful path of sin that works in me not because I live in sin but because it lives in me and it torments me and Satan works on it and you know my friend it's good when the Lord shows us that falling upon ourselves to dwelling upon ourselves and then he makes it clear to us it's not like caution can save him from this scare our place as other goes to us is to look away from ourselves and you will need some grace to man as only as

[36:05] God works in you God is God when you do that and look to Jesus kind and strong pity joy with him and to confess our sins because Christ being both God and man is able to save unto the out most all that come unto God dying to you know it's a bad mark in any strict Baptist or any professor to walk this earth in a profession and some in the world who have uprightness and morality and integrity you know you wouldn't convince them that their heart is full of goodness no they keep them outside attractive and it's good for the commercial world they do but my son in the sight of God in that last way today if you and I are not so clothed with the righteousness of Jesus and washed in his precious blood he will save us doesn't matter what we've done in religion or what usefulness we've had in this world he will speak of us and compare us as workers of iniquity depart from me

[37:15] I never knew you know the sword strongest child of God strength sometimes and sometimes God's servants and his people they do have to come to the grave with a mind which is resigned to the sovereignty of God realizing truly that it is not given with it nor given it but a God that show of mercy and upon mercy you and I have this mark in us which the holy earth has laid that and if a man or a person hasn't got this mark in my friend and young people have who don't abide too much with people who are all advanced in years I have one in my family I think she had been taught that to her child if the truth was known and it increased in her too and she couldn't have boast of living in a brother or in the in but they are taught just the same things my friend and it is a mercy and what a wonderful thing it is that these characters that are all there in the sight of

[38:34] God the Son and in the sight of the Holy Spirit three persons yet one and to realize that the blood of Jesus cleanses his people from all sin by that one sacrifice he had purported forever and then never sanctified now you will find that you are a genuine holy ghost charlatan you will come living to the grave still realizing this conflict which is mentioned in the ninth chapter of Ezekiel and that's why you will prove this that it is the lame that hurt the fire you know the strong never come this way that is a strong Pharisee or profane sinner and we know it was the Pharisee that went to bed to kill Christ not the publicans of the hearts and those who were afflicted with unclean devils and violent devils and polled in madness that they were not born fornication but they were

[39:44] God was their father and they were Abram's children and Jesus being very God and very man he knew them from eternity he knew they were best to God and he said unto them you know Christ's ministry when we see gentle Jesus meet and love in Sunday school and then he compared the very certain separation that is in the ministry of Christ he said to these Pharisees who were offended at his ministry he said he are a little part of them now what a solemn thing it is to be deceived in profanity or even in a dead religion but what a wonderful fate of you and I are my friends God has come this side of eternity in death and put this mark in us and shown us by the ensigning power of the Holy Ghost that there's holiness no man should see the

[40:45] Lord and that your heart and mine is full of unfiliness and we live alone confessing it before God not because we live in sin but because it lives in us and stand up and plead with the Lord and confess that I'm unfilied needs no proof we did reveal the Lord for now that's how we stand before the eyes of the Father as he has chosen us in a complete bear in his eyes and his eyes are too pure to behold in equity and there is no sorrow and blemish in us and that's how he sees us people as we are real God's people as we give this life of faith and hope and love in that wonderful Christ who loved the church and gave himself you see the more of your own God some use you should be shown the more you have need to put something that hope and there's no God upon the ground you are coming to the sinner's friend and bless it

[41:50] Christ of God who speaks a gracious word through his gracious gifts and said in his own ministry all that the Father giveth me shall come to me and in that cometh me I will know what is cost it if you're not falling in love more with Christ may ever be full of your salvation as you come nearer to the grave you can ask yourself when you watch your religion on but it ought to be found out of love Christ you see we can simply put in our grave you know by cometh in planet yes if the heat wave continues that can put us in our grave well you know sometimes when judgments of the earth the righteous have to die under it too but what a wonderful message that if you and I know something the Lord does in our own soul and conscience and instead of still walking in pride and arugancy and boasting naturally whereas the promise of his coming will neither do good nor do evil and we may to tremble of his earth and that we are being taught from these by the spirit of

[43:04] God because that's where the Lord's people are made in Christ and by Christ and through what Christ has done for us there are all there going there is no that will be one of them when the dead in Christ shall rise first and enter into that glorious holy with the trinity where God's people are and live in that perfect atmosphere of holy happiness and have no more of it war and torment and pain and sorrow because my friend you will know what it is a fear you are taught and they found the spirit of heaviness and the weight of your own difficulty sometimes with perfection down and Satan started up and you know heaviness in the heart of a man that makes the spirit who makes this land now if this was applied to your conscience if it was mine it will give them courage and there is no spot in it away o o our care o o

[44:37] Oh, the soul that's laid for man, how just and holy is the Lord, will tune the frogs of Mars It was the space of hell to be.

[45:23] I hope it's all that has to be.

[45:35] I hope it's all that has to be.

[45:47] I hope it's all that has to be.

[46:01] Sienna, people are told to see.

[46:14] I hope it's all that has to be.

[46:26] In the wind of the wind of the wind.

[46:39] I hope it's all that has to be.

[46:52] I hope it's all that has to be.

[47:35] I hope it's all that has to be.

[47:48] I hope it's all that has to be.

[48:01] I hope it's all that has to be.

[48:14] I hope it's all that has to be.

[48:27] I hope it's all that has to be.

[48:40] I hope it's all. I hope it's all. I hope it's all. I hope it's all. I hope it's all.

[48:51] I hope it's all. Even though it's all that has to be. Men say him, is the key, Two born and home's root of heaven.

[49:23] 1다