Sorrow for sin leading to prayer and supplication (Quality: Poor)

Staplehurst - Providence - Part 2

Sermon Image
Jan. 1, 1900


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[0:00] Prophecy of Zechariah chapter 12. Prophecy by Zechariah chapter 12. And as the Holy Ghost is pleased to help us, we will then just speak a few things in verse 10.

[0:17] And I will draw upon the head of David, from the inhabitants of Jerusalem, to the grace and of supplications, they shall look upon me who may appear, and they shall mourn for him, as one mourneth with only son, and shall be in bitterness for him, as one that is in bitterness for his firstborn.

[0:43] If your name has been written in the Lamb's book of life, you will find your religion in these two chapters, chapter 12 and chapter 13. And until God comes to you, by the Holy Ghost, Christ will still remain to be in your estimation, as a root out of the dry ground.

[1:04] And no form will come to sin, and your present nature will not have this man to reign over you. That is how God finds all his sons and daughters, whose name is written in the Lamb's book of life, and man's free will and earthly sin, and every wisdom has nothing to do.

[1:22] And I'm never so thankful for that. What God begins in you, if you're a vessel of mercy, you'll carry right through this wilderness, until the work of the sanctification is done.

[1:35] I shall die when God's work is finished, and we are not before him the same applies to you. There shall see my glory soon, when the work of grace is done.

[1:45] Now then, you will find out of my foot, your experience in a very small compass here, and it will stand every vine and live at last. There are three parts in the 13th chapter which he speaks of, and that is the profane and the prophetic world, that have nothing to do with God's covenant.

[2:05] And those two parts shall be cut off and died, but the rain, the causing, the election of grace, shall be brought through the fire. And your religion and my religion will be tried right by it.

[2:18] And it is God that performance of him, which is appointed for us, and many such things are with him. Now God's wisdom is perfect in all his deeds with us, and what he says here, he will perform.

[2:31] And where he sows grace, he blesses him with us, through the grace of suffocation. And there is sincereness in it too, that in real repentance with God, that in past there, and also Godly sorrow.

[2:46] And it is in this teaching, where he brings the third part through the fire, that he brings them through those fires, that he sits within them, that he finds them a very part of still, to do what he says here, and they shall look.

[3:00] You see, your wisdom and mind has nothing to do with it, it's no good, free with it, and religious professors trying to catch us up, it's untempered more, because it won't do, God begins it, and he continues it, and he is his own master builder, and he will see that this, and that you and I, he who are his sons and daughters, shall do this wonderful thing here.

[3:25] And he says, and make sure to look upon thee, whom thou hast is, showing you and me how God deals with our sins, and transgressions, and iniquities, in our own jealousy, and also those sins of, and that, those sins, and sins of uncleanness, after we've been called by grace, because in our flesh, dwelleth no good thing.

[3:48] This is a teaching, my friend, known by two strict Baptists today. God is no respect for the person, nation, people of all time, he knows all his people, Jew and Gentiles, in every nation, and he sees them all in sin, and under, and also in unbelief, and yet seeing them in their sand, in low condition, he searches and seeks them out, and he puts life into their soul, and he brings them into this experience, you cannot accomplish it yourself, and this is God's work, and it's wonderful in counsel, and excellent in working, that God the Father, should bring people into this time state, for his very purpose, and doesn't bring them into the world, to destroy them, but he brings them into this time state, that they shall know it, now because there's a steady knowledge of God, it surpasses all the learning, honor, wealth, and fame, and riches in this world, it is.

[4:45] It is no small mercy, to be taught of the Lord, because if the Lord handles us, you know, it's an evidence that he loves us, and whom he loves, he calls in a holy house, a wealth, and as Timothy said, or saved us, that is in the Lord in eternity, and called us to the holy cause, and God's name to Mary, glory of all nations, they were brought into this experience, you see, we despise the very provision, which God has made for the church, and we do, we do it in ignorance, we are on the same level as the devil, and that's the more, why do they not, because he knows who, he knows who Christ is, but we will save him, and we are born into this wilderness, that saved and knew that, for this wonderful Christ of God, as he was the infinite and eternal Son of God, that who cast him out of heaven, when he rebelled against God, and he inherited, his rebellious spirit, and he's got no time for this wonderful Christ, who is the foundation, and the rock of our own self-souder salvation, now it is a mercy then, if God has taken hold of, he doesn't take hold of you to destroy you, you see, he loves his sons and daughters from eternity, but he does deal with them, and it's like a man, who knows how to train up wild horses, you know, a novice or an ignorant person, might think that he ill-treats them, the way he handles them, but he doesn't, and you and I are apt to think, that God deals rather cruelly with us, but it is not to destroy us, and lift up and bring us into this sacred, saving knowledge of doing what he has said, and they shall look upon me, who may have cared, that is, your sins have been laid upon Christ, and he does it by painful things in righteousness, but it is God in you and I, who sits at the refinement, very hard of still to do this, you see, you think it's strange, because of the way the Lord handles you,

[6:49] I do, and I have done, nevertheless, it's been the right way, you know, because, if you're going to like to call your own, you'll never get a full discharge, he won't allow you and me, to bring any merit in our hands, to find grace in his life, you've got to be completely lost, before you are perfectly saved, friends, you see, there is a, a weakness in many of God's people, live the natural good, moral, life, life, to, to presume that God, looks upon them with favor, he doesn't, he loves all these people, whether he finds them in the swine pit, or in the field, he's no respect for the person, he knows every one of them, and he will teach them, that they are saved by grace, and not by work, if God had used partiality, towards one child or another, he wouldn't be the God in the heavens, God is a just God, and a great Savior, and there's no partiality in it, there is sovereignty, I do contest, but you see, the child of God, who's got a self-nature, spirit in them, they, they despise this wonderful Christ, just as much as another child of God, who may live, a public and pride, or a palace, you see, that's the, a blessing provision,

[8:04] God's people, are disquised and rejected, and you know, who in any country Jesus, till we do, the self-despair, and when he gives you, grace, and his light shines within, he will show you, in the firmness and tribulation, that you've got a heart, like a cesspool, you know, which will make you shake, from here to foot, where you were trampled before, and if I know anything about it, to you, I've rolled down my cheeks, and I trampled from here to foot, and told the Lord, that if you struck me there, because the abomination, which is shown in my heart, I couldn't change them, or not alter them, nor control them, now you see, the more he shows you, and me our sinorship, the more we should build, on a foundation, which won't let us down, you see, it's wise, gracious souls, that build upon Christ, and as he, as he exhorts his people, in the prophecies, and look unto me, and be ye saved, or the end of the earth, for I am God, and have his man, and have his man, and have his man, and have his man, and have his man, and have his man, and have his man, and have his man, and have his man, and have his man, repented, but when the Lord, comes in great, he puts a new living principle, in us, and makes our sins, which we live in, in an unregenerate state, and yet seemingly central, and makes us wise, and for salvation, and he turns our feet, toward his testaments, and whatever company, we may have been in, brings us out of it, from walking in the camp, of the ungodly, or standing in the ways, of sinners, or sitting in the seat, of the swamp, now has God brought you, to look upon Jesus, and your sins appear, one of the most, quickest, times on this earth, you will ever have, with Jesus, when you look upon him, my friend, by the blessed, revelation, and light of the holy does, you will see, what your sins, justly deserve, you don't see sin, in God's sight, exceedingly sinful, under the law, the law enters, and gives you, a knowledge of his holiness, but when you are, led by the blessed, spirit, with passive faith, that Jesus Christ, has sent a hiding place, and he shows you, the wonderful dying blood, blood and smile, of his dear son, in being delivered, through your offenses, and raised again, for your justification, and then you will be able, to sing,

[10:22] I know that I am born of God, or you will see, what your sins, justly deserve, that dreadful, rock of God, which was poured upon Christ, the female, rock of God, you know, to know God's rock, would be poured, out from all those, whose names, are not written, in the land, and book of life, whatever angel case, they may be, nevertheless, the foundation of God, stands sure here, having this fear, the Lord, no offender, is, information of the letter, of the scripture, is no evidence, that that professor, has been brought, to walk on this holy ground, you may be, a simple, illiterate club, like myself, and couldn't, repeat many scriptures, but to be brought, and taught, to the holy dose, you know, why this is, the greatest faith, of God, can be said, upon all his people, and as he has chosen, in Christ Jesus, he brings them, to stand on, this parcel of ground, you see, when you are brought here, you will, at the end of the, rejoice in Christ Jesus, that this Christ, loves you, with an everlasting love, and is delivered, for your offenses, and raised, against your justification, and that he looks, upon you, and you look, upon him, in that dying condition, you will understand, his wonderful love, towards you, because he, he loves you, so well, he lays down his life, to receive, if you can tell, now this is a truth, not that he passed over, because God has said, they shall,

[11:49] I mean, they, you have a, what I call, a, a shell-up-paned, person up here, who avoids, all these fundamental things, friend, you know, he's a traitor, to himself, and it's a truth, and never happens, you must be, brought into it, and all God's people, are brought into it, this time, in eternity, my Godly mother, son, those lines, well, they've up, since those lines, as you die, in that, you just, son, dear, dying lamb, and that precious blood, she'll never lose power, but she had her sins, for different when she was fifteen, and she was nearly eight, when she died, so you see, the work was carried on, and it is a wonderful thing, you are brought to the knowledge, of your own soul's salvation, by the remission of your sins, and I will fall upon the house of David, and this is an evidence, that you belong to the house of David, and upon the heavens of Jerusalem, spirit of grace, and salvation, you see, that's really good, in your friends, or everything, in religion, outside of this, is empty notion, because there's no supplication, in a person's prayer, through the dead, or that they might have, a family altar, but here you see, the sanctified work, of the blessed spirit, and what a wonderful, reversing that is, in your life, and mine, when God comes to do this,

[13:08] Christ has no room, in our hearts, by nature, no, that he hasn't, you see, Christ will remain, in your heart, and affection, as a root out, of the dry ground, until you are, taught and fed, by the spirit of God, and the glimpse of Christ, from time to time, before you, he takes you, into the banquet, it is a wonderful mercy, because there is, there is encouragement in it, but there is a full of assurance, within the experience, and when you are drawn to Christ, by the spirit, my friend, and look upon Christ, when your sins are pierced, all have, you have a different understanding, of this wonderful Christ, you see a wonderful beauty, and satisfaction, and you know, you will understand, a little, what your first sin, consisted of, speaks of Adam's, complete ruin, all flesh and blood, in this time state, when the second heaven came, the serpent, suckled, heathed and bruised, to cancel his malicious claim, that is to say, held you, like the lion, like the lion, held a jaw, the lion held, the lamb in his jaw,

[14:11] David, slew, and took Christ, and Satan holds us all, captives, you know, as we come into this world, by that wonderful Christ, who came into this world, to, cancel Satan's, malicious claim, and disappointed, devilish food, you see why, sinner, the lead captain, for the devil, come through, they've got one appetite, they've got no time, from God, his Sabbath, nor religion, but everything, which feeds, of their natural, mind, and God's people, are found among them, from one generation, unto another, nevertheless, and God never goes, back on his word, because, the sons, they're all, dine of mine, and mine are thine, and I'm, glory, I am, and the subject, and they can look, upon me, whom they, have feared, now you are, my friend, it's my sins, that have pierced Christ, we know, they used to tell us, it was the Roman soldiers, that pierced him, and they could have, took the Sunday, to be blessed, but when you are, born of God, you are taught, of God, and he showed you, my friend, plainly, how your sins, and transgressions, have been dealt with, by God himself, as he lays, all your sins, and transgressions, upon you, he loved his son, now that is, salvation by grace, absolutely, and here it is, to the very extent, it is, it is so deep, and vast, that, we cannot really, from righteous feet, of love, until we get to the heaven, and here it is, you see, the rock of God, must, fall somewhere, and we read, in the next chapter, there is, where the way, go to the sword, against my shepherd, against the man, that is my fellow, to smite the shepherd, and the sheep, shall be scattered, and I will lay my hand, upon the little ones, now God's rock, was spent in Christ, if God, would he, be the rock, on you person, or me, you know, it will consume us,

[16:03] Jesus, for only, walking, and coming, to, he didn't come, as to nature, and good there, you see, with both God, and Christ, you see, with his blessings, the divinity, that sustained him, under everything, he passed through, and, when a child, of God, is called, and enlightened, by the Holy Spirit, then they are brought, to see, how God, has laid, all his people, sins, and transgressions, upon his beloved son, who was delivered, of their offenses, and race, again, for their justificate, and such an experience, will encourage you, to love him in return, and Lord, God, in a holy, and righteous law, and never constrained, with a love, God, it strikes the soul, with dread, God, sir, majesty over Christ, he is consuming, fire over Christ, but in his beloved son, is full of pity, and a joy, with power, and to know, your sins forgiven, my friend, is the most, uh, blessed, and divine favor, and a glimpse of that, in a lesser, or a greater measure, will constrain you, to love Jesus in return, you will see a beauty in it, ah, my friend, these things are real, and actually, my experience, is in it, in a nutshell, and it's a wonderful mercy, that, uh, that I can trace, something of this, refinement, in my pathway, where he makes me, manifest that I belong, to the third part, and he still sits within me, the refinement of pure, kind of silver, showing me more and more, that I bear the image, of the devil, and that there's not a strap, of hell in the same thing, and what is it for, what it is that I might, offer unto the Lord, an offering in righteousness, now that offering, is the offering, the beloved son, of the condescended, to offer himself, as a sin offering, for the church, and the condescended, to be delivered, for their offenses, and raised again, for their just, and the resurrection, and here in his life, not that we love God, but they come first, and do you know, what it is to get, a little glimpse of Christ, in your sanctified pathway, their sweet places, you know, and their sweet meditations, sometimes you know, the real underdogs, of blood, and collections, or painful tribulations, as their four old flesh, passes through the buried fire, but you know, with a wonderful mercy, when he graciously draws up, from ourselves, and draws up to his beloved son, and enlightens us, and shows us that, his way is much rougher, and darker, than our, why is it a wonderful thing, you know, to be found, suffering the reproaches, of Christ in your home, or inside from Satan, or in your employment, you can't expect any mercy, from the devil, after you've been passed, from death under life, no,

[18:46] Satan will be your enemy, from that time and onward, by the way, you will be finally, delivered from Satan, and a dreadful parent, of indwelling sin, when your point of time comes, when you must lay down, and die by, you will have this secret, passion with you, and God will renew it, and you see, you cannot live your life, without being brought, into this experience, because you see, it is made so precious, to a child of God, while they enjoy, thank God, he explains to us, the effects, of the absence of Christ, after we've had his love, and presence, you see, we're not only brought, to look upon him, and our sins are pierced, and we are brought, to hate ourselves, and loathe ourselves, because of our doing, but they're not good, and he blesses us, with real repentance, and godly sorrow, the way we are, dissolved by his goodness, and we call to the ground, and we, for the praise, of the mercy stand, though he said here, and they shall mourn, for him, as one mourn, after his only son, you see, the distinction, my friend, is between, a holy ghost, who is injured, and a dead professor, and you know, what it is, to mourn, the absence of Christ, or an absence of God, you know, we have to mourn, sometimes, if you and I, didn't have, at the morning time, we should never, that in the presence, of God, as one said, in thy presence,

[20:12] I am happy Lord, in thy presence, I am secure, but one, he might have, put it in the proper words, where he says, thy shining grace, and cheer, it's done, where I dwell, his paradise, when thou art, ill, and absent, and his cattle, when you know, the word, hell, among our people, and good, than the other professors, well, they say that, that man, he's too forthright, but the himright as well, and if your hell, is up, and this is the absence, of Christ, you've got to fall, ridiculous, you know, I reckon, I've gone through, a lot of hell, in tribulation, in the flesh, but that's not, my worst tribulation, friend, now, I go through, anything, and stuff, all things, for Christ's sake, and his presence, with me, oh, my friend, try it, I've been out to, the presence of Jesus, a bitter, a mortal, for a child of God, you see, that we end after, and passing through, tribulation, when you cannot find, Jesus in the vessel, you can't, part of the storm, and this, explanation here, is perfect, because everything, and the scripture, this, and they can, mourn for him, as long as he's only, started, now, a mother would mourn,

[21:21] Walter, an only son, and a mother, who had 13 children, only lost one, who's here, you know, God, he, he doesn't put things, so complicated, for us, that he can't understand them, it's all in plain English, as we call it, you know, what it is, to mourn and absent, Jesus, in your, or in your home, you may have plenty, of what I call, earthly comfort, actually, I stand in need, of nothing really, in a providential, way, like I used to, 45 years ago, and I used to sweep, the streets of London, there's only one shirt, in the back, and didn't know, where the next level, of bread was coming, but today, I don't pass through that, but I pass through, bodily something, and yet, you see, now, sometimes, in a providential trial, you might enjoy, more Christ, than the best, but there will be seasons, in your soul experience, where you will walk, this area of yourself, and if you don't, walk it out, friends, when you come to die, you will find out, what you thought you had, in your soul experience, will be taken away, you see, these are the things, and the changes, and the evidences, which the poor, the child has gone, them that have no changes, fear not gone, it's like sometimes, where a hymn has been blessed, and you return to it, and you can't get any sweetness, out of it, and Satan says, no, you didn't get that, of Christ at all, but you did, because Satan, can't bring it back to you, it's like application, through the means, of grace, under the word, or in private, in your law, according, you know, where God comes, and my friend, he comes with majesty, and there is a real absence, of darkness, when Jesus is absent, now, not only the piercing, shall they look upon, in that fierce, glorified, crucified condition, where he showed them, that he loved them, so well, he laid down his life, to redeem them, from hell, that they should mourn, and absent Jesus, and I feel,

[23:16] I do a lot of that, in the morning, to enjoy the presence, of God, or sometimes, a child of God, they go into such, deep mourning, for the absence of Christ, they think, they say to themselves, well, I go through anything, I, yes, you will do, sometimes, you know, the spirit, and perfect language, and when they asked her, what is thy, beloved woman, and another beloved, that they serve, charge us, you know, she was anxious, she wasn't enjoying, the presence of God, but she was mourning her, her best beloved, Jesus doesn't change, his mind, to worry, people know, that he doesn't, but you see, there are times, of absence, and sometimes, you know, we do think, we bring about, a separation, and guilt may lie, heavy upon the conscience, nevertheless, there is a throne, of grace to come to, where we may confess, our sins, and find grace, of help, in a time of need, well, if you can find, a child of God, in deep mourning, because they have not, gone with them, and they have to mourn, an absolute goal, they walk, in fellowship, with Christ, because, he knew what he was, to be tempted, and for Satan too, and you will get, plenty of hell, from Satan, and his father in darkness, and the malice of hell, when you are walking, in darkness, well, you can see, what a failed person, you are to be brought, in fellowship, with Christ, in these wonderful things, because of eternal, life in this religion, you know, friends, well, there is no deal, about that, just because, we normally have, that is to say, changes the world, no, people always, they are always, sad, and no spot in them, and it is a wonderful thing, my friend, to be brought here, and not to take, an offense, at what, that a spirit said, where he said, you will open a fountain, of sin and hand, for unclean, and treatments, you know, you would be surprised, the unclean, she got into your heart, and God, a shine, and in you, and the other, he does,

[25:06] I staggered, what he showed me, and I wonder, what he's going to show, in the next day, is the perpetual, chasing, or judging here, it isn't because, you hit him, to have sin, but it's because, the Lord of sin, lives in you, that's what it is, and you see, Pharisees, they get offended, at the word of sin, and unclean, so, if we weren't full of it, our own nature, well, it would now be left, on record things, you know, we don't have to do, the word of God, I don't mind, how many people, reject my preaching, as long as I won't, have the forfeit, that an answer, the word comes, that I've said, before the people, what God has made me, worship, and you see, I should never find, anything else, in my altar, our family, sin and uncleanness, and he said, I will save you, out of all your uncleanness, as that is to say, God, molted my heart, and his blood, keeps cleansing us, from all sin, sin returns, doesn't it, yes, well that's your portion here, that God judging you, and bringing you to the light, that your deeds, might be made, manifest, that they are looked, in God, but the other two, not in this chapter, you know, they never got into that,

[26:13] Jesus doesn't sit, as a refiner, and a furious part, of sin, and a bastard, no, they don't, but a lot of professors, you know, who are bastards, in this world, but you don't sit, as a refiner, nor a purely part of silver, if being a worse, shall never be, in the body, the more you'll bend, and your surgery, once you, or medical attention, to the child of God, sin, as hell, as hell, as hell, as hell, as hell, and all kind, rising up against your mind, nor will Satan, bear to say, thou hast, quite, and stood, the way, not, no, you haven't, you're the very person, that's in the narrow way, because people, who do not walk, this experience, is an evidence, they're not in it themselves, Jesus said, I am the way, the truth, and the light, and speak to, the 50 people, where he says, and they shall, hear the voice behind you saying, this is the way, to walk in, when you turn to the right hand, and turn to the left, you'll surely want to turn there, this pathway, which God dreams you into, there's no excitement, in religion, of the child of God, there is none in Christ, or there is none of us, unappointed in grief, and you say, it's simple and plain, and this way,

[27:26] I brought into this, help, and we really have, in religion in our hearts, as a wonderful person, and the work of Jesus, who's condescended, to come in the fullness of time, to assume man, make you, get without sin, and to be made of a woman, made under the law, to be being, speak upon the curse of the Lord, I never used to think about Christ, I never used to be the dry root, out of the ground, in my own regeneration, and anybody talked to me, I said, he don't address me, I used to get rid of my demons, in the world, you know, I used to love, to all kinds of professors, in my own regeneration, and I knew that, and got religion, and it's not worth, a fact of card, because I knew it was perfect, and I was up with, my godly parents, standing, if we put up, and the godly hand, with the two side up, a good profession, religion, can't judge me, if you got strict parents, you dress up for it, I'm glad I had some strict lunch, nothing to bring me, Frank, yes, and you know, god will be just as strict, in his law, to professors, his names are not written, in the land, what it's like, well you see, this wonderful, love of god, he gives, his people, sins, by smiting, and shatter, and that is, his beloved son, that's where, his rock, that's where, that's where, he rested his love, you see, that's why, he sees, these people, no spot, or even wrinkle, he chose me, he loved his son, and his son, condescended, the kind of fullness of time, to suffer the just, the unjust, the groom, to God, actually, the word ungodly, comes to, every child of God, when we get that out, he thinks, to turn to God, or no God, in due time,

[29:07] Christ came to die, for the ungodly, and it is that, through Christ, in white and that, you and I have been reconciled to God, nothing reconciled us, to God, or not ourselves, not even a reform life, but Jesus does, the Lord, he brings it out, for reconciliation, as Paul said, and if, when we were enemies, we were reconciled, and gone by the death of his son, much more, he was reconciled, who is to save by his son, this is where the church, will be presented, in that last great day, and when those books are over, and when all his thanks, will be gathered, unto it, you know, when he will, when that last, so much, and, mine should be not more, and some of those, their saints, would be on the earth, and there would be chains, in the clinton of the night, and they should be gathered up with him, and live together, and my friends, they will, see that, let it, so I'll know, to him, that done, that washed us, and done, well, now, do you know anything, about the mind, or sometimes,

[30:10] I have to dig deep, you know, with all these, things, as I pass through, and how we do, look back at the time, and the constrain, the show, before the church, and the love of God, constrained us, and, you know, since then, all the changes, have passed through, and sometimes, you go down, so deep, and some go down, deep in others, and you feel, that you can't, lay, claim to anything, well, what you stand in need of, is what Christ said, he might believe, that on the sun, in, I am the resurrection, and the life, in that belief, that on the sun, now, I've got that moment, I have, but anyway, until Christ comes again, and fulfills what he said, because I did, and ye shall have also, you see, in seven nights, he tells us, how he will leave, in God, and afflicted, and poor people, not just in that body, nor circumstances, but in that soul, and other things, will be added to them, according to the sovereign, to the sovereign, but do we know things, anything about it, the Bible, and God's image, you know, there's no, eternal life, in any other experience, did God stand, in the night, and one of the other, know, sometimes,

[31:21] I get to the bedroom here, and I fall into question, all my ministry, and the clearance, of the Lord, coming to me, before he sent me, into the ministry, actually, the Lord, kissed me, into the ministry, because he so overcame, over 28 years ago, and I was sore, and I was working, and I was working, for the American, that his love, was so powerful, that I couldn't, have all, with my natural work, and I asked the Lord, what did it mean, and I said, Lord, if it's of the ministry, I said, make it clear, and he made it clear, for me, because there was a letter, on the mantel, he asked me, to go to preach, and serve yourself, but you know, unbelief in me, the same is in you, my friend, with a call, in the question, every neighbor, and visitation, will be, as you will come back, you're asking, me, the child, and God, in the vineyard, the hospital, the operation, in which, sanctified, and the friend, will say, I hope I say that, you see, if he had the same sleep, with him, he would have, a greater assurance, but he will find, in your pilgrimage, both in race, and in prodigies, that he will try, everything by fire, and that is your mercy, you see, you don't live, for some reason, but the fire, is by every man's work, as what sort of is, and nevertheless, you see, that what the Lord, begins, he carries on, you know, and he will, perform what he said here,

[32:47] I will bring, that a third part, through the fire, and will refine, and the silver is refined, and I will try, and the gold is tried, they shall call on my name, and I will hear, I will say, it is my people, and they shall say, the Lord is my God, well now, does your religion, drive you to God, he's got a picture, professed in, he's a self-destruction, worldly food, as you've got, the religion of Jesus Christ, you will find it, under the most, heavy of strokes, that it will bend you, toward that, the blessed Christ, who is, who is the, friend of sinners, and was said, unto the people, come unto the order, and are heavy laid, and I will, give you the grace, well, may you find that, standard, in your soul, next year, and the lesson, or the greater measure, because if you do, it is an evidence, that you pass, from death unto life, and you will love, the truth, or you will love, the real bread, and I am fully persuaded, that by knowing, in the truth, that though the way, of blood, and thorn, and dark, and yet, to endure, the malice of hell, and Satan, and persecution, and recreation, and the world, or dead relations, we shall at times, find a light, shines upon our pathway, and a word, open in season, very quiet, as one said,

[34:10] Jesus, let I, or a softer word, and I say, to speak, a kind of promise, in which, to lose degree, shall we not break, nor change that, smoking flesh, now, we must, we must hold you, to Christ, not to Moses, Lord, where, to the nine, Lord, God, will never forgive you, your sins, by the Lord, nor, by reforming in the flesh, we are free, forgiven, and justified, and free breath, by and through the person, the work of Christ, and, it can be said, of God's dear people, and is therefore, now no condemnation, but then know, in Christ Jesus, who walks, not after the flesh, but after the spirit, and actually, the more you know, the greater you, and the more, you walk after Christ, you see, if the thing, that is conflict in the flesh, that makes you, come to Christ, the best of all, perceiving, one who understands the body, and understands the soul, and who looks with pity, and compassion, upon his people's, conflict, as one says, he sees the struggle, that prevails, the truth, the power of grace, and see, finally listening, well, they tell you, a bit of pain, they feel, you can tell Christ, everything, you might go to a strip Baptist, and they might not understand you, but, you take it to Christ, or better, he's the best interpreter, and he can make it plain, and that's the best, directed, place,

[35:36] I can direct, group believers, who can't come up, to the stronger new preachers, is to take their religion, to the Lord, and that's what, one of all did, and when she wasn't sure, of her state naturally, she went, and inquired of the Lord, and told her, to make him, and the elders, so, and younger, so grace, will finally, add, to the demeanor, sin of Satan, and God's truth, and where, when it has to work, of grace is done, then my friend, I think, to be to glory, with the Lord, and to be forever, with him, and what a wonderful journey, in complete homes, where his people know, no more, of the way he has, or less than sin.

[36:22] Thank you.