1 Thessalonians

Redhill - Hope - Part 102

Sermon Image
Dec. 14, 1997


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[0:00] To the tune Gerontius 150, hymn 31, a form of words, though air soaks hound, can never save a soul.

[0:15] The Holy Ghost must give the wound and make the wounded whole. Though God's election is a truth, small comfort there I see, till I am told by God's own mouth, that he has chosen me.

[0:32] Hymn 31 A wonderful birth to Ecclesiastes, and never save a soul.

[0:53] The world with us must give the world And make the world they proud The lost in action is a dream Smoke of blood and I sing Till I am so high The lost in action That he has chosen me

[1:57] Save as I live The God's deep pain My faith in Jesus Christ Thou wendled me That dwells upon To his hands may God be burned Let the Savior Thou77

[3:10] Thank you.

[3:40] At the strength of the divine For Jesus' strength Thy power of His blood Thy throne is mine Thy Christ is all The good of us And all His people can Since I have prayed

[4:41] He was the one that He has done my quest The best of the King Has done my quest The Savior's blackest And all His people can And all His people can And all His people can And all His people can And all His people can And all His people can And all His people can And all His people can Thank you.

[6:09] Thank you.

[6:39] Thank you. Thank you.

[7:11] Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

[7:49] Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

[8:01] Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

[8:13] Thank you. Thank you. or two things in the earlier part. For our gospel came not unto you in word only, but also in power and in the Holy Ghost and in much assurance.

[8:29] We must surely feel that the apostle Paul felt moved in writing to the church of Thessalonica because he felt in himself an assurance that his letter would be received.

[8:43] Is it not an experience of our own sometimes when we are writing a letter to a godly person and we are moved by the Spirit of God to mention godly things that they who is when they receive the letter will rejoice in the same spirit with which that letter might have been sent.

[9:03] So then we have something of a similar kind in this letter that the apostle wrote to the church Thessalonica. Surely he saw them as they were in Christ Jesus.

[9:19] Paul and Silvanus and Timotheus unto the church of the Thessalonians which is in God the Father and in the Lord Jesus Christ.

[9:32] There can be no reception on one side or the other unless we too are in God the Father and in the Lord Jesus Christ.

[9:44] And unless God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Ghost dwells in us we are reminded that the word of God tells us that Know ye not that your bodies are the temple of the Holy Ghost?

[10:04] But if we turn to the 14th of John we shall find another verse which also tells us that we are indwelt by the Father and the Son.

[10:15] And so we leave these words. Jesus answered and said unto him If he love me if a man love me he will keep my words and my Father will love him and we will come unto him and make our abode with him.

[10:33] He that loveth me not keepeth not my sayings and the word which ye hear is not mine but the Father's which sent me. How wonderful a thought it is almost beyond our reception without the grace of God that God indwells us.

[10:53] Oh blessed be God when we pray in our prayers we do not have to speak loudly because we haven't got to make God here in heaven God dwells in us and so if we desire to pray unto the Father he hears us because he is in he lives lives in us.

[11:14] If we are desiring because of our present necessity to pray unto the Son then we do not have to make a great noise because he is in us and equally so if we desire to speak unto and pray unto the Holy Spirit for his teaching here again he dwelleth in us.

[11:35] This is a great mystery that God dwells in you if you are the people of God and therefore how much communion do we have with the eternal God in our private thinking in the privacy of our daily life?

[11:54] Have we called upon God and felt the need to realize his fatherly love to us today? Have we called upon God realizing the importance and the necessity of our feeling the redemption which is by Christ Jesus assurance assure my conscience of its part in the Redeemer's blood and bear that witness with my heart that I am born of God?

[12:22] And then again of course there is the appeal to the Holy Ghost that he will teach us for when he has come he will lead you into all truth. What a blessing and benefit this is.

[12:35] All these things need to be understood and it is to be feared they are not very often understood by many people but if they are understood we should be living a different spiritual life we shall feel that God is in us and that God walks in us and that we walk in God and that we are in Christ Jesus indeed and in the Father and by the Holy Spirit also according to the support of Scripture.

[13:09] So we say we hear we refer here to the activity of God for our gospel came not unto you in word only but also in power and in the Holy Ghost and in much assurance.

[13:26] It does make a great deal of difference if we feel the proof that the Lord God is with us according to that Scripture which says that where the Spirit of the Lord is there is liberty and if we enjoy the liberty of the Spirit then we know that the Spirit of God is with us and it is a wonderful thing to have liberty to preach the gospel it is also a wonderful thing to have liberty to hear the gospel and as we have liberty to hear the gospel to rejoice in that gospel or has God touched your heart and mine sometimes as we listen to the glorious gospel of Jesus Christ and we have been touched we have been melted and we have brought the experience of such a love to the Lord God the Father the Son and the Holy Ghost and only because we love him because he first loved us and therefore we feel the love of the Father have you felt it the love of the Son to die for you the love of the Holy Ghost in being patient with you in his teaching all these things are to be considered and on the other hand we have this point that we should not overlook ask and you shall receive now you see then sometimes we might hear people bemoaning themselves and and so well I haven't got anything today

[15:08] I'm going to say to you this evening have you asked we ask and receive not because he asked amiss and if you don't ask then how can you expect to receive and then again we are coming to a king large petitions with thee bring for his grace and power such none can ever ask too much I know Satan will sometimes come in and try to suggest you're asking too much now that can never be so we're the people of God they can never ask God for too much too much of his grace too much of his mercy too much of his love too much of his favour may God grant us that grace then to ask that the power of the gospel may be not in word also not unto you in word only but also in power and in the Holy Ghost the word of God the preaching of the gospel the religion of the people of God as I've often mentioned to you is positive some people seem to have a negative religion some people have a religion of doubts and fears but we shall not find that kind of religion mentioned in the scriptures at all so then when the apostle Paul writes to the Thessalonians you can see the positiveness with which he sets before them the truth and as we have read it today has your heart been moved has there been a response a longing desire that this is what

[16:50] I want I want to know that I'm standing on good ground I want to know that I stand on that foundation the only foundation for which is Jesus Christ for no other foundation can lay than that which is laid which is Jesus Christ so then may we feel today yes I'm on the foundation which can never be removed for our gospel came unto us unto you in not in word only for our gospel came not unto you in word only but also in power and in the Holy Ghost I said therefore there are two points here that we may mention and the first one is life it will be a lively word coming to a lively people where you will know that you are living do you hear do you see well if that's so whatever you may feel you are not dead because the dead know not anything so though you may be dispirited sometimes and cast down and seem to be very much put about but let us come to the positive do you see do you hear one thing

[18:13] I know said the good man the blind man one thing I know I can't say a lot of the things I know but one thing I know and it's a good thing if you know one thing because it will show to give you the evidence that you are alive unto God if you didn't know anything and what was it he knew he knew that once he was blind but no he saw and therefore you see he had this positive persuasion in his own soul that God had done something for him you may say well how I don't see very clearly no that doesn't mean to say you're not alive you will remember the case when the Lord took one man out of the town and he he anointed his eyes and he said what do you see he said I see men walking in other words he only saw the outline but he couldn't see the deep point do you see the outline of true religion do you see the outline of the people of

[19:27] God and is it that you want to feel the inside of the people of God what they really feel now you will remember in connection with that man that he went the Lord touched his eyes again and the Lord said what do you see now he said I see clearly I see clearly it may be that some of you might wish to see more clearly well God is able to do it and God is able to do great things some of us would be able to say that yes we do things do see things more clearly than at one time at one time we just seem to see the skeleton we just seem to see the outline but now we see things as they really are and yet only in part for now we see through a glass darkly but then face to face then shall we know even as we are known from our gospel came not unto you in word only but also in power and in the Holy

[20:32] Ghost what was the motive power the motive power was not by the ability of the apostle Paul because the apostle tells us in writing another of his epistles one first epistle to the Corinthians where he says and brethren when I came to you I came not with excellence of speech or of wisdom declaring unto you the testimony of God for I determined not to know anything among you save Jesus Christ and him crucified and I was with you in weakness and in fear and in much trembling and my speech and my preaching was not with enticing words of man's wisdom but in demonstration of the spirit and in power and for what reason that your faith should not stand in the wisdom of men but in the power of God now this is exemplified in the mind of the apostle but he says for our gospel came not unto me unto you in word only and so he would say look not to me don't think

[21:47] I'm the great force in the world that's going to convert the whole world but look beyond me because all I can do is to speak the word only but power belong unto God once have I heard this yea twice says the psalmist that power belong unto God and have we not proved this to be so also so then look how our gospel came not unto you in word only but also in power and in the Holy Ghost and in much assurance it is important for us to notice this word much it's not just assurance but it is in much assurance if I may use an expression which has been related to the covenant of grace it's made fast at both ends and if you can speak about much assurance you see that in your religion in your soul's experience that was fast at the beginning and you can look forward and see it's going to be fast at the end so then then you can speak of much assurance nothing is more uncomfortable nothing is more trying than to be in a place where you're not sure not sure it's so with anything isn't it if you're not sure of yourself you're fearful and perhaps you spend many hours of distress because you're not sure now the people of God will surely desire a true religion which is set before us in our text today that you may be sure now do beware of those people who will tell you that you can't be sure this side of a grave well the word of

[23:41] God speaks differently it does tell us that you can be sure and you can be sure if God opens your eyes as to whether you're on the way to hell or whether you're on the way to heaven you can be sure of both and how many people say well I'm sitting on the fence I hope everything will be alright in the end that's not the hope which the apostle speaks about or the psalmist either we find that when the apostle wrote to the Hebrews he speaks to us in very very wonderful terms 6th chapter we read wherein God willing more abundantly to show unto the heirs of promise the immutability of his counsel confirmed it by an oath that by two immutable things in which it is impossible for God to lie we might have a strong consolation who have fled for refuge to lay hold lay hold and it's when you can put your hand on something and grasp it and realize that there's substance in it that you are fully persuaded that what

[24:56] I'm after what I'm holding is something real so then we might have a strong consolation who have fled for refuge to lay hold upon the hope set before us the beginning of the grace of God in a person's soul is surely in this connection the hope set before us what hope have you in the way of speaking hope resides in the best of every one of God's children hope not hope so but hope a good hope through grace and one of the points concerning this hope that is before us is which hope we have as an anchor of the soul both sure and steadfast and which entereth into that within the veil whither the forerunner is for us entered even Jesus made an high priest forever after the order of Melchizedek and with this hold have you laid hold by the arm of faith and by the movement of hope in your soul on Jesus

[26:07] Christ as your salvation as your redeemer as one that will snatch you as a brand from the burning and set you on that road which leadeth unto life eternal so then and in the Holy Ghost and in much assurance we shall find no comfort unless we do have much assurance we are living in the midst of people who never have much assurance and they seem to be content to go along without much assurance but there will be no consolation and no comfort unless you can feel perhaps not every day but from time to time much assurance yes I know whom I believe and have persuaded that he is able to keep that which I have committed unto him against that day and so that is one aspect of the apostle's own experience yes I know whom I have believed and am persuaded that he is able to keep that which

[27:08] I have believed have we believed and are we persuaded that we have not been deceived now how can we assess the matter when Jesus with his mighty love visits my troubled rest my hopes depart and fears remove and I am completely blessed and at that moment you will feel yes I to the angel endure as sure as the earnest is given more happy but not more secure the glorified spirit in heaven so there is this point then in regard to power the holy ghost and much assurance if it's a little power and it enters into your soul it transforms your mind it makes you to have a lively hope which the apostle Peter speaks about and then you are alive you are alive unto God and your desire to ward

[28:14] God now sometimes we have to look internally to establish certain points now are we alive unto God very often we become alive unto God in the early stages because we see him as one that is mighty and holy and perhaps we are ready to say where that God is I shall ever be but nevertheless God reveals to us some of the great truths of the everlasting gospel and by his power he assures us of our part in the redeemer's blood and bears his witness with our heart that we are born of God so we come to consider even the words that we sung in our opening hymn and notice how this hymn begins this hymn of

[29:15] Gadsworth rejoice and let Christ be thy song for he is thy all in all he leads me my soul safely along in spite of the world sin and thrall we come to the second verse and he says this once I was enveloped in debt my poor mind was burdened with sin and strove hard to make matters straight that I the Lord's favour might win but ah when my soul laboured in vain and only the debt did increase which greatly increased my pain and filled me with shame and disgrace but while I stood trembling with fear the saviour of sinners came in who smiled and said be a good cheer for I surely will save thee from sin I'm Jesus the first and the last my debts have been charged on me the future the present the past and thou shalt forever go free the evidence of the life of

[30:31] God in the soul and this is one important point that we need to consider and that will come to us we shan't in one sense ask for it we may not even think of it and if you look into your religious experience has God done things for you that you never even thought of has given you the spirit of prayer to pray prayers that you never even thought of but it was because the spirit of God was upon you the holy ghost that is and also that the words that he spoke were conveyors of much assurance much assurance let's have a look at one or two texts in the scriptures that convey much assurance I think of one in Matthew 11 which is well known I'm sure to you all and speaks surely of much assurance in the invitation that it gives come unto me all ye that labor and are heavy laden and I will give you rest have you found much assurance have you believed it have you believed that

[31:40] God is speaking truth take my yoke upon you and learn of me for I am meek and lowly and heart and you shall find rest unto your souls for my yoke is easy in my burden is light much assurance no if or but no situation well you've got to prove me first no come unto me a word of command though a word of invitation and how wonderful this is to those that labor and are heavy laden some of you might be in that very spot this evening burden with your sin cast down by reason of the way but here is a word and it's a word that must convey much assurance I can't perish if I go I am resolved to try for if I stay away I know I must forever die come unto me and all ye that labor and are heavy laden I will give you rest you will notice that it's not the invitation to everybody and if you haven't a burden if you are not heavy laden then well this word will mean nothing to you at all but it will if you are heavily laden and if you are burdened with sin and that you may go to appear unto you but will he appear unto you well the first thing that he has to do to you is to give you a make and lowly spirit part of your burden is because of the pride of your heart

[33:19] I remember the first person I baptized in this chapel something like 35 or 6 years ago he it was in my three months period so I was not exactly fully pastor at that time but when he came before the church I was told he said he waited outside for a long time he said I'm not going to tell my experience to those people but suddenly the Lord came to him and he showed that the people of God those that were followers of Jesus Christ they were the people of God and they enjoyed favor and there was a love amongst them which he observed and here he was deliberately staying outside now how many people that are in religious circles who stay outside they say no no I'm not fit enough well by the mercy of

[34:23] God this man's eyes were suddenly opened and as soon as his eyes were opened and he saw the church of God as he perhaps had never seen them before he was so filled with the love of God in his heart that he loved them too and he was ready to come and declare what God had done for his soul so this is an important point for us to consider so then in much assurance have we much assurance when it comes to the mysteries of the way and when we are so troubled what is the right way sometimes you know the Lord has spoken to his dearest children when they've been ever so troubled and stirred up everything seemed to be wrong going in the opposite direction to what they expected and God says this is the way this is the way walking in it turn not to the right hand nor to the left you see

[35:30] I know that word has sometimes been taken by people that have no right to take it and have applied it to things which are they should not have done but speaking to the people of God this is the way walking in it when he turned to the right hand and when he turned to the left now then what is this way obviously the apostle Paul knew it and obviously the Thessalonians knew it and obviously the people of God will know it too and therefore will the 30th of Isaiah therefore will the Lord wait that he may be gracious unto you and therefore will he be exalted that he may have mercy upon you for the Lord is the God of judgment and blessed are they all they that wait for him for the people for the people who shall dwell in Zion and Jerusalem they shall weep no more he will be very gracious unto thee and the voice of thy cry when he shall hear it he will answer thee and notice these words are spoken with much assurance when he will be very gracious unto thee and the voice of thy cry much assurance so do not think that if you come to him and cry and confess yourself a poor ignorant man or woman or child that he will turn away from you the word of God by in much assurance tells you that it will not be so and though the Lord give you the bread of adversity and the water of affliction yet shall not thy teachers be removed into a corner anymore but thine eyes shall see thy teachers and now we come to the words

[37:19] I have mentioned and thine ears shall hear a word behind thee saying now this is the way walking in it when he turned to the right hand and when he turned to the left and what's going to be the outcome we must people very often finish there but that's not the finish we go to the next verse and what do we read you shall defile also the covering of thy graven images of silver and the ornament of thy molten images of gold thou shalt cast them away as a monstrous cloth thou shalt say unto it get thee hence so you see this makes a distinct movement from evil to be followers of that which is good and in the Holy Ghost and in much assurance Satan of course will try to undermine your faith and make all sorts of suggestions and even bring you to and encourage you to make a presumptuous move but if God has fulfilled this to give you of his spirit or a meek and lowly heart then you will certainly find rest for your souls much assurance then if you if you venture well well what kind of assurance is it do you say no I don't venture because

[38:55] I should be presumptuous but the situation demands it I address your attention to the book of Esther and you will remember no doubt the activity of Haman the hater of the Jews and he devised the advised and devised the king to send out an edict to destroy all the Jews and Esther of course was unaware of this not always being informed of what was going on outside but Mordecai as you remember he told her that it was absolutely essential that she fasted fasted now fasting is not always to be restricted or even to be understood as going without food and drink no doubt that would indeed take part but fasting really is to give everything outside of the world you've got your mind fixed on one thing only one thing and that is in Esther's case deliverance how were the

[40:16] Jews going to be delivered under some pressure of Mordecai you'll see there was this agreement that both Mordecai and the people outside and Esther and her attendants would fast and pray and then she said I'll go in unto the king now you see dear friends is it such a case with you that you feel that there's a law against you and if the scepter is not held out to you what will you do because you know in the eastern clime things were very tyrannical and off with your head was not a rare occasion but very often it could be a daily occasion so we find Esther saying I will go in unto the king she hasn't called me for thirty days and how can

[41:17] I go into the king do you think that you are in trouble with your sins and yet you say God hasn't called me to come well what happened to Esther she said I will go unto the king and if I perish I perish now one of the essentials if anybody was to go into the king was an invitation and that invitation was sponsored and made clear by the holding out of the golden scepter and we do read right back in Genesis about the golden scepter a scepter shall rise out of Judah I think it is Judah and so we may come to God even the holy God through the merits of our Lord Jesus Christ but there was a fear in her heart and she wondered she didn't go presumptuously she went into the outer court and maybe some of you this evening are in the outer court and you wonder whether you may venture into the inner court where the king is so then when she comes into the outer court the king sees her oh he sees her and he puts forth the scepter but that means she can go in to where he is well are you in the outer court this evening oh that the lord god himself would work mysterious in him and wonderfully on your behalf what happened well she said and

[43:05] I find that very often the paraphrase of it is much simpler to present two people's minds I can but perish if I go I am resolved to try for if I stand away I know I must forever die is that conclusion that you come to and has that experience come to you in much assurance you know it's not even but about it but you know that if you don't come you'll die if you don't come you'll perish in your sins but if you do come who can tell oh the Ninevites you know who can tell but God will turn and be greatest unto us so that and in the Holy Ghost he did you much assurance coming to the last phrase in this verse as you know what manner of men we were among you for your sake and what manner of men were they among the

[44:07] Thessalonians and do remember the Thessalonians at one time were heathen people they did not know the Lord what kind of people were was Paul still Venus and Demotheus surely they were distinctive by reason of their being shining light shall I say and yet humble shining lights of the temple of the living God as ye know what manner of men we were among you for your sake what a blessing this is what a consideration if when you look at the ministers of God they can you can see and you can feel and you can say that this man has been here for my sake for my sake and sometimes the people of God as they listen to the preaching of the gospel in this chapel or that chapel wherever it may be and the word has come directly directly to them and they have gone out and they felt they come and the preacher has been directed as he did for my sake well this is how it was with the apostles and the ministers of God as they went forth to

[45:21] Thessalonica as ye know what manner of men we were among you for your sake and notice the word ye know ye know it wasn't well you felt a good idea you thought well it must be so but no ye know and this is real religion friends ye know and you must know you want to know that you haven't been deceived and you want to have those concrete persuasion in your own mind that this is God's work and be assured that God's work will have it stamped upon it and be very different from anything else no natural religion will ever be deeply concerned about their sinnership no natural religion will be completely divorced from all hope in themselves they will say no

[46:25] I cannot save myself I thought I could I thought I could by coming to the house of God with regularity by reading the word of God with regularity by listening to one or another yet no no all hope in self I've had to give way to I'm a complete lost and undone sinner so I came to Jesus as I was weary and worn and sad and Jesus what did he do he made my heart glad and it will certainly be a time of rejoicing with me as well as many of you if you heard the Lord Jesus Christ this evening and his voice speaking to you which completely translated you sinner as you were clothed in rags as you were yet you came to Jesus as you were and you had nothing to offer but Jesus made me glad that will be a time never to be forgotten and what did he say that made you glad well he told you the truth and you can hardly believe the truth he says sinner

[47:46] I've laid down my life for thee when I was upon Calvary and I uttered those wonderful words father forgive them for they know not what they do you were in mind I'm Calvary I wasn't even born you were in mind and when I pronounce those wonderful words of our Lord and Savior it is finished finished all the types and shadows of the ceremonial law it is finished all is done all is done what a blessing it is to have a religion wherein everything is dealt with a man that went to a village in England somewhere some years ago now and he was there on a short stay apparently and there were two chapels in the village and he made an inquiry of one of the residents as to what the difference was between the two chapels and the man said well there's only two letters actually two letters oh what does that mean well this chapels says do and that chapels says done now here we have the fullness of the gospel do but you will never be saved by your doings alone but do not confuse this for the fruit of the spirit subsequently to have an accomplished salvation yes to have the words of the Lord being spoken powerfully

[49:28] I've laid down my life for you I've laid it down that I might take it again how wonderful are the words that we read particularly in John's gospel about the love of Jesus Christ to sinners and perhaps you may be even favoured with another substantial word from his very lips as we think of those words in the 17th chapter of John we read such things as these I pray for them I pray not for the world but for them which thou hast given me for they are thine and all mine are thine and thine are mine and I am glorified in them and now I'm no more in the world but these are in the world and I come to thee holy father keep through thine own name those whom thou hast given me that they may be one as we are while

[50:33] I was with them in the world I kept them in thy name those that thou gavest me I have kept and none of them is lost about the word of the son of petition that the scripture might be fulfilled and do remember that these words are in much assurance because I say and now I come to thee and these things I speak in the world that they might have my joy fulfilled in themselves I have given them thy word now what a wonderful blessing this is if God has given you his word a word that cannot be broken a word that is sealed so to speak with a double seal I have given them thy word and the world hath hated them because they are not of the world even as I am not of the world

[51:34] I pray not that thou shouldst take them out of the world but that thou shouldst from the evil now of course very often when our beloved friends are blessed with the world with the favour of God they feel that this world can go but the Lord says no that's not my purpose you've got to know something of my grace you've got to know something of my keeping power you've got to know something in my love to you which doesn't fail when you're overcome by the snares of the world they are not of the world even as I am not of the world sanctify them through thy truth thy word is truth so you may well profit by reading down this 17th chapter of John which is truly the Lord's prayer as he conveys his people into his father's hands and notice every word the

[52:36] Lord speaks every word the father speaks every word the holy ghost speaks must be in much assurance it is the unalterable word of God in Malachi's book we read this I am the Lord I change not therefore ye sons of Jacob are not consumed as ye know what manner of men we were among you for your sake and here is something which is consoling what manner of men we were for your sake not sometimes not sometimes but always now what a blessing if the servants of God are kept and upheld so that they are always the same they desire to be and great grace is sought that they may be so but it is so in much assurance and therefore we're gaining confidence by

[53:39] God's teaching are you being taught of God how will you know it is because if you're taught of God you'll be gaining confidence now I do not mean self confidence but I mean confidence in God we read in let me see the book of Proverbs we read confidence spoken of there the Lord shall be thy confidence and shall not suffer thy foot to be moved though there have we that establishment in the work of the spirit upon us that we have God's confidence the confidence of God and the more that he speaks to you the more certain you feel in your soul yes I to the end you endure I shall not be moved because God will not suffer my foot to be taken though there may be set many stairs for my feet yet nevertheless whatever the

[54:42] Lord may bring about or allow to come into my life yet God mercifully will deliver me so we have in Psalm 124 if it had not been the Lord who was on my side on our side now may Israel say if it had not been the Lord who was on our side when men rose up against us then they had swallowed us up quick that is alive when their wrath was kindled against us then the waters had overwhelmed us the stream had gone over our soul then the proud waters had gone over our soul now that is the background now we hear the fruit and the power of God manifest in the psalmist as he makes this wonderful and glorious declaration to the honour of God blessed is it be the Lord who hath not given us as a prey to their teeth our soul is escaped as a bird out of the snare of the fowlers the snare is broken and we are escaped our help is in the name of the

[55:53] Lord who made heaven and earth may we have indications by the graciousness of God that our religion sends not in word only but also in power in the Holy Ghost and in much assurance Amen We close with hymn 460 to the tune Auburn 734 hymn 460 the gospel is the message of peace we oft by experience have felt it is filled with Emmanuel's grace and sweeps away mountains of guilt oh sweet revelation divine delighted we've heard its contents all through it our

[56:56] Jesus does shine a lover of all his dear saints hymn 460 daughter dondeалист her dije Thank you.

[57:41] Thank you.

[58:11] Thank you. Thank you.

[58:43] Thank you. Thank you.

[59:15] Thank you. Thank you.

[59:47] Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

[60:27] Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen.

[60:41] Amen.